Thursday, 28 October 2021 09:38

Presentation and Exhibition - CBC Grade 5 Art and Craft Revision Notes

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Mounting Artwork -window Mounting

  • Artworks are mounted for the following reasons:
    • To make them look better
    • Protect and make them last longer
    • To make them stiff while hanging on a wall
    • To prevent them from bending, wrinkling or creasing.
  • Artworks that can be mounted include drawings, paintings, crayon etching, fabric decoration, mosaic and collage. These types of artwork are referred to as “two dimensional” (2 D) artwork.
  • They are artwork that can be done on a flat surface such as paper, board or cloth.
  • Mounting - is the process of attaching a drawing, photograph or other work art done on paper to a cardboard or other backing by using adhesive.
  • There are surfaces for mounting which include conventional and unconventional surfaces used for mounting 2D artwork. It includes:
    1. Conventional - refers to commonly used surfaces e.g. various papers
    2. Unconventional - surfaces manufactured for a given use but re-use for another purpose e.g. Hessian, plastic, hardboard, soft board or canvas.

Art and Craft RN Fig j

Mounting Artwork

Window mounting using conventional and unconventional surfaces.

Mounting Art Using A Conventional Surface

  1. Identify and select your paper. Ensure the paper is strong to withstand the weight of your artwork.
  2. Select the artwork that they would like to mount.
  3. Use a blade or pair of scissors to trim and cut the edges of the artwork so that they are neat and straight.
  4. Creating the window place artwork on the mounting surfaces and mark at the edges as illustrated.
    Place other marks inside from the first set of marks that you had made. Make sure they are just inside enough not to cover any important part of the artwork as shown.
  5. Draw a margin around the second set of marks that you have made, then cut the margin line you have drawn. This will create a window on the mounting surface. The window should be slightly smaller than the artwork to be mounted.
  6. Flip the mounting surface on the reverse side then apply adhesive along the window space as shown.
  7. Fix the artwork using glue on each mounting surface and press it firmly in place as shown.

Mounting Artwork Using Unconventional Surface Procedure

  1. Identify an old fabric and cartons from the environment. Ensure the fabric is larger than the carton by at least 5 cm on each side by measurement.
  2. Select the artwork that they would like to mount
  3. Use a blade or pair of scissors to trim and cut the edges of the artwork so that they are neat and straight.
  4. Create the window on the carton surface.
  5. Apply glue on their cut-out window and attach it to the fabric as shown.
  6. Draw marks at the four corners and two diagonal lines across the window as shown below. Using scissors, trim off the small square marks at each of the four corners. Cut through the diagonal lines you made using a sharp blade then apply glue on the carton.
  7. Start by folding the outer flaps of the fabric to cover the carton as shown. Then fold the middle pieces fabric over to completely cover the carton.
    Art and Craft Rn Fig k
  8. Apply glue on the created window frame then attach the artwork.

Exhibition Skills - 2d And 3d Artwork Exhibition.

  • To a greater extent and exhibition is a culmination of artwork done over a period of time.
  • To exhibit is to display items so that they are clearly seen by others. The main reason for exhibiting items are to enable people to have a clear view of the items, appreciate and admire them and also to buy the item.

Exhibition Skills

Skills required to exhibit include:

  • Use of space
  • Placement of the artwork
  • Colour and contrast of background
  • Labelling of 2D and 3D artwork.
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