Monday, 07 February 2022 13:54

Social Studies & R.E Questions and Answers - Grade 5 End of Term 3 Exams Set 2

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  1. ________________________________ is the people's way of life.  (1mk)
  2. Complete the hierarchy of school administration below. (3mks)
      SST Q2 G5 ET3 2022
  3. Write the origin of the following language groups (3mks)
               Language group               Origin
    1. Nilotes                    _______________________
    2. Cushites                 _______________________
    3. Bantu                      _______________________
  4. What do you call the growing of crops and rearing of animals _______________________________________ (1mk)
  5. List three resources found in Kenya. (3mks) 
    1. __________________________________________
    2. __________________________________________
    3. __________________________________________
  6. Define the following terms (2mks)
    1. Densely populated areas _________________________________________________
    2. Sparsely populated areas _________________________________________________
  7. _____________________________ is the weather condition of a place that is recorded for a long period of time. (1mk)
  8. Name the following physical features.    (3mks)
      SST Q8a G5 ET3 2022   ___________________________
      SST Q8b G5 ET3 2022      ____________________________
      SST Q8c G5 ET3 2022____________________________
      (Total 30 marks)
  9. Draw a compass and indicate eight points (8mks)

  10. Name the neighbours of Kenya to the   (4mks)
    1. South  __________________________________
    2. North  __________________________________
    3. East ___________________________________
    4. West ___________________________________
  11. Study the following pictures and write man-made or natural environment (4mks)
      SST Q11a G5 ET3 2022____________________________
      SST Q11b G5 ET3 2022_____________________________
      SST Q11c G5 ET3 2022___________________________
      SST Q11d G5 ET3 2022________________________________
  12. My school is in _______________________________ county. (1mk)


  1. Grade five learners at Jipe Moyo Academy were told to arrange the following events that took place during the baptism of Jesus in order from the first one to the last (4mks) a
    1. Holy spirit came down in form of a dove.
    2. Heaven opened
    3. A voice was heard from heaven saying "This is my dear with whom I am pleased"
    4. Jesus was baptised
      How do you think they wrote the events?
      1. ____________________________________
      2. ____________________________________
      3. ____________________________________
      4. ____________________________________
  2. Jesus fed _____________________________ people with seven loaves of bread and a few fish (1mk)
  3. What was the name of Moses' father in-law? (1mk)__________________________________
  4. God used _________________________________to rescue baby Moses and keep him free from danger (1m)
  5. Use the words in the box to complete the paragraph.(5mks)
     diligently, courageous, honest, faithfully, Daniel 
    ________________________served king Belshazzar ___________________________. He was ____________________since he did not fear to tell the king God's message. Daniel was an ___________________________ servant of God. We should work    _____________________________ to serve God.
  6. List three sons of Noah (3mks)
    1. ________________________________________
    2. ________________________________________
    3. ________________________________________
  7. Write true or false after the statements. (5mks)
    1. Adam and Eve were placed in the garden of Gethsemane by God _______________________________________
    2. God told Adam and Eve not to eat the fruits of the tree of knowledge ______________________________________
    3. The snake tricked Adam ____________________________________
    4. Adam and Eve disobeyed God. _________________________________________
      (Total 20marks)


  1. The surah of the Qur'an that warns those who neglect prayers is _________________________________________
  2. The act of relying and trusting in Allah is known as ___________________________________
  3. The prayer place for the Hindus is ________________________________
  4. The fifth pillar of Iman is the belief in the _______________________________
  5. The attribute of Allah Al-Aalim means _________________________________
  6. The angels who record our deeds are _______________________ and ________________________________
  7. They are neither male nor female. Who are they? _____________________________________
  8. How many prophets are mentioned in the Qur'an? _____________________________________
  9. The last prophet of Allah to be sent to the world was ____________________________________
  10. The 4 o'clock fardh salat is ________________________________
  11. The foster mother of the prophet was ________________________________
  12.  Mention one quality of prophet Muhammad _____________________________________
  13. The pillar of Islam that encourages sharing is  ____________________________________
  14. All prophets were sent to the world by ___________________________________
  15. The prophet of Allah who constructed an ark was _____________________________________
    Match the following
  16. Haji                        fasting
  17. Zakat                     pilgrimage
  18. Saum                     prayer
  19. Shahada                alms 
  20. Salat                     declaration/ Creed
    (20 marks)



  1. culture
  2. deputy head teacher
    senior teacher
    other teachers
    1. Southern Sudan
    2. Southern Ethiopia
    3. Congo forest
  4. Farming
  5. minerals, animals. land, water, vegetation
    1. areas with very many peope living together
    2. areas with few people living together
  7. Climate
    1. picture of mountain
    2. picture of an island
    3. picture of river
    SST Ans9 G5 ET3 2022
    1. Tanzania 
    2. Ethiopia
    3. Somalia
    4. Uganda
    1. man-made
    2. natural
    3. man-made
    4. natural
  12. mark according to your county


    1. Jesus was baptised
    2. Heaven opened
    3. Holy spirit came down in form of a dove.
    4. A voice was heard from heaven saying "This is my dear with whom I am pleased"
  2. 4,000
  3. Jethro
  4. Pharaoh's daughter
  5. Daniel, faithfully, courageous, honest, diligently
    1. Ham
    2. Shem
    3. Japheth
    1. false
    2. true
    3. false
    4. true


  1. maun
  2. tawakkul
  3. temple
  4. day of judgement
  5. the all-knowing
  6. raqid, atid
  7. angels
  8. twenty five/25
  9. Muhammad
  10. Asr
  11. Halima
  12. honest truthful, trustworthy etc
  13. zakat
  14. Allah/God
  15. Nuh(A.S)
  16. Haji - pilgrimage
  17. Zakat - Alms
  18. Saum - fasting
  19. Shahada - Declaration
  20. Salat - Prayer
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