Study the map and answer the questions that follows
- Identify the title of the map above
- Name three items named on the map
- Name two crops grown in the map
- Which game is played in the Moro area?
- The religion practised in Moro is
- Name three elements of a map
- A compass has points
- Draw a compass and name the : cardinal points
- Our country is called
- Name the weather symbols
- ____has good plan for me.
- What is a gift?
- Which gift has God given you?
- From the parable of the talent. What lesson can you learn from it?
- Name three God's creation
- ____and_____were placed in the garden of
- Match the words with their meaning
Al-Kauthar To your Lord
Lirabbika One cut off
Al-Abtaru River in Paradise - We should always be_____ to Allah (S.W.T.) for His continued blessings.
- Maun has_____ verses
- The verses of al-Quraysh are____
- Who fed and saved the Qurash from fear?
- Write the replies to the Salaamu
Assalam aleikum warahmatullahi? - Allah has_____beautiful names
- Name one Allah creation

- Farming history
- bridge
- quarry (any other)
- Maize
- tea
- Football
- Christian
- title
- scale
- compass
- frame
- 4
- ..
- Kenya
- rainy
- windy
- sun
- God
- something given for free
- gift of life
- our talents will be taken if we don't use them well
- star
- moon
- sun
- Adam, Eve
- Lirabbika - To your Lord
Al-Abtaru - One cut off
Al-Kauthar - Rive in Paradise - Grateful/thankful
- 7
- 4
- Ala-Maududi
- Wa alaikum assalam
- 99
- The sun/ the moon/ the planets
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