Displaying items by tag: 2023 Opener


  1. Which one of the following is not a living thing?
    1. Stone
    2. Flower
    3. Grass
    4. Cat
  2. All the following are characteristics of a sheep as a living thing except? It
    1. feeds
    2. reproduces
    3. sleeps
    4. moves
  3. Grade four learners went out for a nature walk to study about plants. Which one of the following is not a safety equipment they needed?
    1. Gloves
    2. Eye mask
    3. Googles
    4. Gumboots
  4. The following are ways through which we can care for our teeth. Which one is not?
    1. Visiting a dentist regularly
    2. Brushing our teeth atleast twice a day
    3. Using sharp objects to remove stuck food between our teeth
    4. Eating of hard food such as sugarcane to harden our teeth
  5. The diagram below represents a type of tooth
    The tooth drawn above is used for
    A. biting
    C. tearing
    B. cutting
    D. chewing
  6. The following are sources of water except
    1. rain
    2. dams
    3. jerricans
    4. rivers
  7. Which part of the plant we eat is correctly matched
      Plant    Part we eat  
     A.    Sugarcane   leaves 
     B.  Tomato  seeds 
     C.  Kales  flower
     D.  Yams  roots
  8. ________________________ water is safe for drinking
    1. Boiled
    2. Filtered
    3. Rain
    4. Clean
  9. Giving rise to a young one of the same kind is known as
    1. feeding
    2. responding to changes in the environment
    3. carrying
    4. reproduction
  10. Harmful or poisonous substances that cause pollution are called
    1. germs
    2. pollutants
    3. dust
    4. sand
  11. Which animal is the odd one out among the following?
    1. Cow
    2. Horse
    3. Sheep
    4. Bee

Use the diagram below to answer questions 12-13

  1. The part labelled D is used to
    1. pass out undigested food matter 
    2. digest proteins
    3. absorb water and mineral salts
    4. store food
  2. Water and minerai salts are absorbed in the part labelled
    1. C
    2. A
    3. E
    4. B
  3. Moving air is called
    1. wind
    2. clouds
    3. oxygen
    4. carbon dioxide
  4. The doctor who tends to our teeth is known as
    1. optician
    2. physician
    3. doctor
    4. dentist
  5. The natural place where a living thing lives or grow is called
    1. environment
    2. desert
    3. home
    4. habitat
  6. The diagram below indicates weather
    1. rainy 
    2. sunny
    3. windy
    4. calm
  7. We clean and wash our clothes when the weather is
    1. rainy
    2. wet
    3. sunny
    4. calm
  8. Which of the following devices is not a digital device?
    1. Camera
    2. Television
    3. Phone
    4. Dispenser
  9. The part of a computer drawn below is known as
    1. mouse
    2. monitor
    3. television
    4. C.P.U


  1. From the above illustrations which soil is likely to be Y
    1. loam
    2. clay
    3. sand
    4. silt
  2. The soil that is best for building and construction is labelled
    1. Z
    2. Y
    3. X
    4. none of the above
  3. Which one is not a use of water at the farm
    1. swimming
    2. irrigation
    3. cleaning farm tools
    4. watering animals
  4. When preparing a compost heap, ash is added in order to
    1. introduce bacteria
    2. act as additional food nutrients for bacteria
    3. increase decomposition
    4. act as food for bacteria
  5. Which of the following materials is not an organic material
    1. dry material
    2. decaying matter
    3. vegetable remains 
    4. polythene bag
  6. Which of the animals below is domestic?
    1. Duck
    2. Bat
    3. Hare
    4. Monkey
  7. The diagram below is a farm tool
    It is used when
    1. levelling the ground
    2. digging hard on the ground
    3. slashing
    4. pruning
  8. Which one of the following is a food crop?
    1. Sunflower
    2. Maize
    3. Sisal
    4. Cotton
  9. ________________ season is the best for planting crops
    1. Winter
    2. Summer
    3. Sunny
    4. Rainy
  10. Which animal is said to be harmful to both crops and human beings?
    1. Rodents
    2. Bee
    3. Dug
    4. Hare


  1. Why should the windows be opened after sweeping?
    1. To allow in fresh air into the house
    2. To bring more dust into the house
    3. They are source of beauty to the house
    4. To allow pests to come into the house
  2. Identify the below cleaning material and tool
    1. rags
    2. piece of cloth
    3. brush
    4. mop
  3. A girl has a bow-legged. She is likely to be suffering from
    1. headache
    2. rickets
    3. diarrhoea
    4. malaria
  4. The following are qualifiers of a good play item except
    1. easy to carry
    2. easy to make
    3. dangerous to use
    4. able to last longer
  5. Which of the following is not a benefit of a clean home?
    1. Is free from germs
    2. Promotes good health
    3. Keep pests away
    4. Is full of dangerous things causing accidents
  6. We should observe the following when storing shoes in the below shoe rack except
    1. store your shoes in a clean dry place
    2. place your shoe on the floor while dirty
    3. avoid storing shoes in wire rack
    4. sort shoes by materials they are made of
  7. The following are fuels used at home apart from?
    1. Charcoal
    2. Gas
    3. Firewood
    4. Steam
  8. The following are ways of conserving gas in the below diagram except
    1. regulating the gas when lighting
    2. putting off gas when not in use
    3. using natural light during the day
    4. connecting the gas with leaking pipes
  9. Which of the following is not a use of electricity at home
    1. cooking
    2. heating a room
    3. causing accidents
    4. lighting a room
  10. Shoes are normally made from the following materials except
    1. clay
    2. leather
    3. canvas
    4. plastic


  1.  A sport where players compete using a football is called
    1. soccer
    2. volleyball
    3. handball
    4. netball
  2. Which pass is shown in the below diagram
    A. chest pass
    B. underarm pass
    C. bounce pass
    D. overhead pass
  3. The following are safety measures taken when improvising a soccer ball except
    1. use sharp object carefully
    2. store sharp object in a box
    3. incase of injury tell the teacher immediately
    4. cut other using sharp objects.
  4. Which of the following parts of the foot is not used to play soccer game?
    1. Instep
    2. Knee
    3. Inside of the instep
    4. Outside of the instep
  5. The below equipments is used in which game
    1. soccer
    2. javelin
    3. discuss
    4. rounders
  6. Which is the of the following is not a field event?
    1. Discuss
    2. Javelin
    3. 100m race
    4. Long jump
  7. What is the name of the person who officiates the game shown below?
    1. Referee
    2. Teacher
    3. Driver
    4. Pupils
  8. The points earned when a battling team scores by running around the four post of rounders is called
    1. marks
    2. scores
    3. winnings
    4. rounders
  9. The following are locally available materials that can be used to improve a jump rope except
    1. polythene papers
    2. sisal fibre
    3. stones
    4. old pieces of cloth
  10. How many players play the game of soccer from one team?
    1. 30
    2. 11
    3. 15
    4. 22



  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D
  6. C
  7. D
  8. A
  9. D
  10. B
  11. D
  12. A
  13. C
  14. A
  15. D
  16. D
  17. B
  18. C
  19. D
  20. B


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. A
  5. D
  6. A
  7. B
  8. B
  9. B
  10. A


  1. A
  2. D
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D
  6. B
  7. D
  8. D
  9. C
  10. A


  1. A
  2. B
  3. D
  4. B
  5. D
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. B