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nipe map

Study the map of Nipe Area and answer questions 1-7.

  1. The settlement pattern in Nipe area is described as
    1. linear settlement
    2. river settlement
    3. clustered settlement
    4. nuclear settlement
  2. What factor has contributed to the growth of the town?
    1. Hospital
    2. Road junction
    3. Market
    4. Police station
  3. The airstrip in Nipe area is used for transporting
    1. fishermen
    2. wild animals
    3. tourists
    4. chief
  4. What is the direction of the quarry from the game park?
    1. South West
    2. North East
    3. North West
    4. South East
  5. The growing often in the Nipe area is influenced by
    1. drainage
    2. climate
    3. forest
    4. vegetation
  6. The climate experienced in the North Western part of Nipe areas is
    1. cool and wet
    2. cool and dry
    3. hot and wet
    4. hot and dry
  7. Which of the following social services is not provided in Nipe area?
    1. Education
    2. Security
    3. Religion
    4. Health
  8. Raised part of land which have an almost level top surface is referred to as
    1. plateau
    2. highland
    3. range
    4. plain
  9. The factor that mainly influences the vegetation found in an area is
    1. soil
    2. drainage
    3. relief
    4. climate
  10. The following are plateaus found in Africa, which one is correctly matched with the country it is found?
    1. Bie-Angola
    2. Nyika Chad
    3. Fouta Djalon Nigeria
    4. Jos-Guinea
  11. The following are factors that influence the climate of a place except:
    1. latitude
    2. ocean currents
    3. attitude
    4. longitude
  12. In school administration, who takes the idea of writing minutes during the board of management meeting?
    1. Senior teacher
    2. Chair person
    3. Headteacher
    4. Deputy headteacher
  13. Which multi-purpose river project is correctly matched with the country where found?
    1. Seven folks-Chad
    2. Aswan High Dam-Ghana
    3. Kariba Dam-Zambia
    4. Volta River Project - Egypt
  14. The main tourism attraction in Eastern Africa is
    1. warm climate
    2. sandy beaches
    3. historical sites
    4. wildlife
  15. Which of the following factors affect the climate of Northern Kenya?
    1. Relief
    2. Latitudes
    3. Altitudes
    4. Ocean currents
  16. In which order do the four seasons experienced in places far away from the tropical regions occur?
    1. Summer-Spring-Autumn-Winter 
    2. Summer-Winter Autumn-Springs
    3. Summer-Autumn-Winter-Spring 
    4. Summer-Spring-Winter-Autumn
  17. Which one of the following mountains was formed through faulting?
    1. Atlas
    2. Tibesti
    3. Ruwenzori
    4. Elgon

Use the diagram to answer questions 18 and 19.

18 augdad

  1. The part marked C represents
    1. bamboo
    2. savanna
    3. rainforest
    4. health and moorland
  2. The above diagram is mainly influenced by
    1. altitude
    2. latitudes
    3. relief
    4. winds
  3. The diagram below represents an instrument used to measure an element of weather known as
    20 auygdyuad
    1. rainfall 
    2. temperature
    3. wind direction
    4. air pressure
  4. The main reason why Europeans scrambled for colonies in Africa was
    1. to obtain raw materials 
    2. to settle disputes
    3. to stop slave trade
    4. to spread Christianity
  5. The largest swamp in Africa is
    1. Okavango
    2. L. Kyoga
    3. Sudd
    4. Lorian
  6. The most affective way to promote peace in Kenya is by
    1. inequality
    2. practising partisan politics
    3. exercising ethnicity
    4. promoting dialogue
  7. Tanganyika gained independence mainly by
    1. peaceful negotiations:
    2. assistance from OAU
    3. holding demonstrations
    4. use of armed struggle
  8. The main cocoa growing areas is known as cocoa triangle. Which one among the four is not a cocoa triangles?
    1. Accra
    2. Kumasi
    3. Takoran
    4. Marita
  9. There are three forms of marriage. Which one is not?
    1. Come we stay
    2. Civil
    3. Religious
    4. Customary
  10. The following are Kwa speakers except,
    1. Dangoma
    2. Malinke
    3. Akan
    4. Attie
  11. The capital city of Madagascar is
    1. Brazzaville
    2. Gitega
    3. Antananarivo
    4. Cape Town
  12. Aswan High dam is found in
    1. Ghana
    2. Kenya
    3. accra
    4. Egypt
  13. The lakes below are formed through down warping except;
    1. L. Utange
    2. L. Kyoga
    3. L. Kanyaboli
    4. L. Gambi
  14. The most easterly point of Africa mainland is
    1. Ras Bien Sakka
    2. Cape Guardafui
    3. Cape Verde
    4. Cape town

Use the map of Africa to answer questions 32-34

32 adada

  1. The country marked Q was colonized by
    1. Italians
    2. Germans
    3. British
    4. French
  2. The main economic activity carried out in the region marked V is
    1. farming
    2. mining
    3. fishing
    4. tourism
  3. The physical feature marked F was formed as a result of
    1. volcanicity
    2. folding
    3. faulting
    4. crosion
  4. The following are functions of a town
    1. It is an administrative centre
    2. It is a transport centre
    3. It is a commercial centre
    4. It is the headquarter of East Africa community
      The town described is likely to be
      1. Nairobi
      2. Djibouti
      3. Addis Ababa
      4. Arusha
  5. The following are weather measuring instruments. Which one is correctly matched with the element it measure?
    1. Anemometer-Speed of wind 
    2. Thermometer-Air pressure 
    3. Windvane-Strength of wind 
    4. Barometer-Temperature
  6. Which of the following factors undermine peace in a society?
    1. Corruption
    2. Dialogue
    3. Respect
    4. Tolerance
  7. The following are groups of mountains. Which group consists of block mountains? Mounts
    1. Elgon, Atlas, Pare
    2. Pare, Danakil Alps, Ruwenzori
    3. Atlas, Drakensburg, Cape Ranges
    4. Kenya, Elgon, Longonot
  8. Who of the following traditional leaders is correctly matched with the community it ruled?
    1. Nabongo-Baganda
    2. Orkoiyot-Amaasai
    3. Ntemi-Nyamwezi
    4. Kabaka-Abawanga
  9. Which of the minerals listed below is correctly matched with the method of mining?
    1. Limestone-Evaporation
    2. Salt-Cpen cast
    3. Diatom ite-Scooping
    4. Soda ash-Dredging
  10. Africa continent lies between latitudes .......................... and .......................................
    1. 35°S, 18°N
    2. 54°W, 37°S
    3. 18°W, 54°E
    4. 37°N, 35°S
  11. The best method of solving disputes in the society is
    1. revenging
    2. dialogue
    3. using force
    4. litigation
  12. When the sun is overhead the equator the effect experienced is
    1. the lengths of the day and night are equal
    2. winter and summer are experienced
    3. the length of the day is shorter
    4. the length of the day is longer

Use the diagram below to answer questions 44 and 45.

44 adada

  1.  The raised parts marked X are referred to as
    1. anticlines
    2. escarpments
    3. faults
    4. synclines
  2. The diagram shows the formation of a physical feature called
    1. Inselberg
    2. fold mountain
    3. horst mountain
    4. block mountain
  3. The following are characteristics of a climatic region in Africa;
    1. Experiences hot and dry summers
    2. Rain is experienced due on onshore winds
    3. Most of the rainfall is caused by the Westerly winds
    4. Temperature is between 130C to 240C The climate region is likely to be
      1. Equitorial
      2. warm temperature
      3. Mediterranean
      4. savannah
  4. The following are regional trade blocs. Which one is correctly matched with the headquarter?
    1. AU-Arusha
    2. SADC-Gaborone
    3. COMESA - Abuja
    4. ECOWAS-Lusaka
  5. The following are major pastoral communities in Africa except;
    1. Maasai
    2. Tswana
    3. Turkana
    4. Fulani
  6. The following are the contributions of a traditional leader:
    1. He was a commander in chief
    2. He controlled trade
    3. He settled disputes
    4. He was a religious leader
      The traditional leader described above is
      1. Nemi
      2. Nabongo
      3. Orkolyot
      4. Omwanika
  7. The following are Nilotic speakers in Africa except:
    1. Maasai
    2. Nuer
    3. Turkana
    4. Sandawe
  8. The following are communities in Western Africa:
    1. Hausa
    2. Andarawa
    3. Tuaregs
      The all belong to which language group?
      1. Kwa speakers
      2. Voltaic speakers
      3. Mande speakers
      4. Afro-Asiatic speakers
  9. The following are conditions that favour the growth of a certain crop;
    1. Rainfall between 1500mm-2000mm, per year
    2. High temperature between 270c and 300c
    3. Deep fertile soils
    4. High humidity throughout the year
      The crop is likely to be
      1. cloves
      2. cotton
      3. pyrethrum
      4. sisal
  10. In a civic electoral process, the citizens elect a person to represent an area called
    1. county
    2. ward
    3. constituency
    4. zone
  11. The following are factors that promote peace in a society except;
    1. games and sports
    2. transparency
    3. unemployment
    4. equality
  12. The following is a list of human rights;
    1. Right to free elections
    2. Right to health care
    3. Right to work
    4. Right to marry
      Which combination consists of social rights?
      1. i, iv
      2. i, iii
      3. ii, iv
      4. iii, iv
  13. Who among the following officials is a member of the county executive committee?
    1. Nominated county representative
    2. MCA
    3. Speaker
    4. Deputy governor
  14. Which one of the following is not a form of electronic media in communication?
    1. Magazine
    2. Radio
    3. Television
    4. Internet
  15. The following are prehistoric sites. Which one is found in Sudan?
    1. Meroe
    2. Sango Bay
    3. Olduvai Gorge
    4. Koobi Fora
  16. The govemment officer in charge of a sub-county is called
    1. deputy governor
    2. deputy county commissioner 
    3. county commissioner
    4. assistant county commissioner
  17. The head of the judiciary arm of Kenyan government is the
    1. speaker
    2. chief justice
    3. president
    4. deputy president


  1. Which one of the following was a sin committed by Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden?
    1. Disobeying of God's command
    2. Obeying the snake
    3. Admiring the fruit
    4. Covering themselves
  2. Who among the following people in the Old Testamen was known to as the father of faith?
    1. Job
    2. Joseph
    3. Abraham
    4. Moses
  3. The sign of the covenant made between Noah an God was 
    1. blood
    2. water
    3. a rainbow
    4. a cloud
  4. What was Moses doing when God talked to him from a burning bush?
    1. Looking after Jethro's sheep
    2. Receiving the commandments
    3. Watching an Egyptian and Hebrew fighting.
    4. Praying on Mt. Sinai
  5. Jacob worked for fourteen years at his uncles home so as to have ............................... for a wife.
    1. Hanna
    2. Peninah
    3. Leah
    4. Racheal.
  6. Who among the Old Testament judges is known for his strength?
    1. Samson
    2. Samuel
    3. Gideon
    4. Goliath
  7. What is the main reason why king Solomon regarded as a great king of Israel?
    1. Was a very wise king
    2. He bought the ark is covenant to Jerusalem 
    3. Made Jerusalem a capital city
    4. Married many foreign wives
  8. Who was anointed by Samuel as the first king Israel?
    1. Rehoboam
    2. David
    3. Saul
    4. Solomon
  9. Who among the following prophets called Jesus the prince of peace?
    1. Amos
    2. Isaiah
    3. Jeremiah
    4. Hosea
  10. Who among the following was informed by the angel about the birth of Jesus Christ before he was born?
    1. The shepherds
    2. Joseph
    3. Mary
    4. The Maggi
  11. At what age did Jesus get a chance to attend the Passover feast in Jerusalem?
    1. 33years
    2. 12years
    3. 8years
    4. 8days
  12. Jesus wept when he
    1. walked on water
    2. stood outside Lazarus tomb because of grief 
    3. healed a blind man
    4. changed water into wine
  13. The lame, blind, sick and lepers who went to Jesus for healing needed to have
    1. patience
    2. honesty
    3. money
    4. faith
  14. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are books in the Bible which talk about
    1. the kings of Israel
    2. miracles performed by a different people
    3. the life history of Jesus
    4. the journey to the promised land
  15. Which of the following parables of Jesus teaches about persistence in prayers?
    1. The good Samaritan
    2. The rich fool
    3. The prodigal son
    4. Friend at midnight
  16. Jesus was buried by
    1. Simon and Andrew
    2. Peter and John
    3. Nicodemus and Joseph Arimathea
    4. Peter and James
  17. Jesus taught that those who are humble will
    1. be satisfied fully
    2. receive what God has promised
    3. be called children of God
    4. see God
  18. Which one of the following books of the New Testament is a letter?
    1. Matthew
    2. Timothy
    3. Luke
    4. John
  19. Which of the following is a gift of the Holy spirit?
    1. Patience
    2. Humility
    3. Gentleness
    4. Healing
  20. Which one of the following is a fruit of the Holy spirit?
    1. Wisdom
    2. Preaching
    3. Healing
    4. Joy
  21. Which one of the following activities of leisure is common to both traditional African society and Christianity?
    1. Visiting the needy
    2. Watching films
    3. Attending beer parties
    4. Reading stories
  22. The main virtue expected from the youth after initiation in traditional African communities is
    1. responsibility
    2. obedience
    3. honesty
    4. humility
  23. To show that life is valuable a traditional African communities, expectant mothers
    1. eat all types of food
    2. solve conflicts
    3. are allowed to have enough rest
    4. carry heavy loads
  24. According to Jesus teaching, which one of the following commandments is the greatest? The
    1. do not kill
    2. respect your parents so that your days may be longer
    3. love your God and love your neighbour 
    4. do not commit murder
  25. The Christian event celebrated to mark Christ's victory over death is
    1. Easter
    2. Pentecost
    3. Christmas
    4. Ascension.
  26. Who among the following disciples taught that faith should be accompanied by actions?
    1. James
    2. John
    3. Andrew
    4. Peter
  27. If you find your friend stealing something from the teacher's bag, what should you do as a Christian?
    1. Inform everyone that is a thief
    2. Tell him why stealing is bad
    3. Ask him to pay you for your silence
    4. Call the teacher immediately
  28. Gilbert spent his money on the following projects. Which one of them is the best Christian example on the use of wealth?
    1. Clearing community grazing land to build a shopping centre
    2. Buying a bus for an income
    3. Buying alcohol for the friends
    4. Digging a borehole for the community
  29. Which of the following activities best shows how Christians should spend their leisure time?
    1. Playing games
    2. Visiting the sick
    3. Singing songs
    4. Reading stories
  30. The first missionaries to Kenya were
    1. John Rebman and Ludwig Krapf
    2. Bishop Nzeki and Cardinal Njenga
    3. David Livingstone and Thompstone
    4. John Speke and Baker


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