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Friday, 25 March 2022 09:56

Peace - Grade 4 CRE Revision Notes


  • Peace refers to the harmony between people.
  • Is a situation where there is no war or disagreement
  • When there is no peace people 
  •  It is important for people to live in ______________ with one another.
  • We should be at ______________with God, others and ______________
  • Jesus Christ came to make peace between ______________ and ______________
  • List sown six benefits of peace.

The Expression Of Peace In Traditional African Communities. {John 14:27}

  • Peace was highly appreciated in the African traditional society.
  • In the absence of peace people fight and quarrel.
  • Ways of expressing peace in traditional African societies :-
    1. Pouring libation
    2. Shaking hands
    3. Sharing a meal
    4. Offering sacrifices
    5. Naming schildren after ancestors.
    6. Using elders in solving quarrels.
    7. Holding meetings after a conflict.

Teachings of Jesus Christ On Peace {John 14:1-3, 20:19}

  • When we quarrel or fight we should make peace.
  • Jesus teaches us not to be worried, upset or afraid.
  • We should believe in God and in Jesus Christ.
  • Jesus is the source of peace.
  • He is the prince of peace.
  • The Holy Spirit gives us power to overcome fear.


    1. Jesus taught his disciple not to be
    2. Fear takes away
    3. In john 20:19 why were disciples behind locked doors?

Being At Peace With God {Psalms 29:11, Romans 5:1, Colossians 1:20, 2 Thessalonians 3:16}

  • We should desire to be at peace with God.
  • We experience peace in God when we believe in him.
  • We have peace with God through
  • God brought peace in the world through the death of
  • Psalms 29:1, God is the source of and people with
  • List down 6 ways of being at peace with God.

Being At Peace With Oneself {Luke 18:9-13}

  • We feel guilty when we wrong others
  • We are ot at peace when we wrong others.
  • We should promote peace within ourselves by:-
    1. Accepting we are sinners.
    2. Ask God for forgiveness.
    3. Being humble
    4. Believing in ourselves.
    5. Being prayerful.
  • We should not be boastful or proud.
  • In Luke 18:9-13 ______________ humbled himself before God and prayed for his sins to be forgiven
    6. ______________ was praising himself before God.

Being At Peace with Others.

Matthew 5:19, Romans 12:8, 2 Corinthians 13:11, Ephesians 2:14-15

  • We must be at peace wit others for us to live happily.
  • We should be at peace with our:-
    1. Classmates
    2. Neighbors
    3. Family members
    4. Teachers
    5.  Members of society
    6. Parents
  • In Romans 12:8 we should do everything possible to live at with everybody.
  • Matthew 5:9 peacemakers would be called of God.
  • 2 Corinthians 13:11, we should strive for perfection, agree and live at
  • The death of Jesus Christ unites people and brings peace.

Agencies That Work For Peace {Romans 12:18}

  • Peace is very important in the society.
  • Peace enables us to go on well with our normal duties.
  • Agencies of peace are organizations that help bring peace
  • They include:-
    1. The Kenya defense forces- KDF
    2. The police
    3. The church
    4. Parents and teachers.
    5. Elders
    6. The African union- AU
    7. The united nations – UN
  • In Romans 12:18, we are told to live in peace with
  • List down 5 people who helps us to live in pace in the community.

The Birth Of The Prince Of Peace

Peace at home {Ephesians 4:31-32}

  • Ways of expressing peace at home:-
    1. Worshiping together
    2. Obeying parents
    3. Showing respect to one another.
    4. Using polite words.
    5. Forgiving each other.
    6. Avoiding being angry.
  • Peace at home brings ______________, ______________, and ______________
  • List down 5 things that disrupt pace according to Ephesians 4:31-32
  • The bible encourages us to be:-

The Promise Of The Prince Of Peace

Isaiah 7:14, 9:6, Micah 5:2, Mathew 1:18-23, 2:1-11, john 14:27

  • God promised through prophet Isaiah and Micah messiah would be born
  • Isaiah promised that messiah would be born of a woman.
  • Prophet Isaiah promised that messiah would be called Immanuel
  • Immanuel means ______________
  • According to Isaiah 9:6 he would be
    • The wonderful counselor.
    • Mighty God
    • Prince of peace
  • Prophet ______________ promised messiah would be born in Bethlehem
  • According to Micah, messiah would also be ______________. Micah 5:2

    1. Messiah means ______________
    2. Prophet Micah said Jesus would be born in the town of ______________
    3. ______________ prophesied about the birth of prince of peace.
    4. ______________ announced about the birth of Jesus.

The Birth of The Prince Of Peace {Luke 2:1-14}

  • Jesus was born at the time of emperor ______________
  • Jesus was born In the town of ______________
  • Joseph and Mary had gone to be ______________ in Bethlehem.
  • Baby Jesus was laid in a ______________ because there was no room.
  • ______________ told shepherds the good news of the birth of Jesus.
  • A great army of ______________ appeared singing praise to God.
  • ______________ were the first people to visit baby Jesus.
  • ______________ was the home town of Jesus Christ.
  • Mary concaved a child through the power of the ______________.
  • ______________ was a relative of Mary and was six months pregnant.
Published in CBC Grade 4 CRE Notes

Law, Peace and Conflict Resolution

Conflict – is a disagreement or quarrels between two or more people

Causes of Conflicts

  1. Unequal distribution of resources
  2. Poverty
  3. Inequality before the law
  4. Discrimination
  5. Lack of involvement in decision making
  6. Intolerance
  7. Religious differences
  8. Unpopular policies
  9. Oppression

Ways of Resolving Conflicts

  1. Negotiations
  2. Dialogue
  3. Mediation- used by ODM and PNU after 2007 elections
  4. Judicial settlement
  5. Arbitration
  6. Enquiry
  7. Conciliation