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Study the map of Hako area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7

  1. Sawe sub-county of Hako area is sparsely populated mainly due to
    1. poor drainage.
    2. poor dense forests.
    3. dry climatic conditions.
    4. lack of good roads.
  2. What is the direction of Hako town from Sawe market?
    1. West
    2. South West
    3. East
    4. Norh East
  3. What is the approximate length of the tarmac roads in Hako area?
    1. 32 km
    2. 29 km
    3. 22 km
    4. 27 km
  4. Three of the following services are offered in Hako area. Which one is not?
    1. Health services.
    2. Education
    3. Security
    4. Religious services.
  5. Hako area is likely to be administered by a
    1. sub-county commissioner.
    2. county governor.
    3. county commissioner.
    4. chief.
  6. The climate in Hako area is mainly influenced by
    1. relief and altitude.
    2. latitude.
    3. nearness to a large water body. 
    4. human activities.
  7. Which one of the following economic activites is not carried out in Hako arca?
    1. Trade
    2. Crop farming
    3. Mining
    4. Fishing

Use the diagram below to answer question 8.


  1. The weather instrument shown above.is used to measure
    1. barometer.
    2. air pressure
    3. humidity.
    4. rainfall
  2. The Somali, Gabbra, Boran and Oromo are all
    1. Plain Nilotes.
    2. Semites.
    3. Nilo-Saharan speakers.
    4. Eastern Cushites.
  3. The time in town X 75°W is 10:30a.m.
    What time is it in town Y 24°E?
    1. 5:06 p.m
    2. B. 1:54 p.m
    3. 3:54 p.m
    4. 7:06 a.m
  4. Which one of the following pre-historic sites is found in Kenya?
    1. Ngoloba
    2. Omo valley
    3. Hyrax Hill
    4. Olduvai Gorge
  5. Three of the following statements are true about the Nabongo of the Abawanga. Which one is not?
    1. The Nabongo had an army called Olukuyaba.
    2. The Nabongo ruled over a very large chiefdom.
    3. No one was allowed to speak in the presence of the Nabongo.
    4. The position of the Nabongo was hereditary.
  6. Three of the following aspects of our culture should be preserved. Which one should not?
    1. Children inheriting property from their parents.
    2. Customary marriage ceremonies.
    3. Caring for orphans.
    4. Female genital mutilation.
  7. Below are features of a relief region in Kenya:
    (i) It has several shallow lakes.
    (ii) Some areas are very low especially the West of Lake Turkana.
    (iii) It is bordered by steep sides.
    The relief region described above is likely to be the
    1. Plateaus.
    2. Lake Victoria basin.
    3. Coastal plains.
    4. Rift valley.
  8. The most common method of poultry farming employed in most rural areas in Kenya is
    1. Battery - cage system.
    2. Free-range method
    3. Deep litter method.
    4. Use of folds.

Use the diagram below to answer question 16.


  1. Which one of the following mountains was formed as a result of the process shown in the diagram above?
    1. Danakil Alps.
    2. Mt. Ruwenzori
    3. Mt. Ras Dashan.
    4. Aberdare Ranges.

Use the diagram below to answer question 17.


  1. Which one of the following statements is true about the climatic region represented by the graph above?
    1. Most of the rainfall is received in June and July.
    2. There are two distinct dry seasons in the region.
    3. The region is hot and dry in most of the months of the year.
    4. When temperatures are high, rainfall is also high in the region.
  2. Three of the following are responsibilities of children in a family. Which one is not?
    1. Taking care of family property.
    2. Helping parents in carrying out house chores.
    3. Providing food, clothing and shelter for the family.
    4. Going to school to get education.
  3. The most common soils in arid and semi- arid areas in Kenya are
    1. volcanic soils.
    2. loamy soils.
    3. sandy soils.
    4. alluvial soils.
  4. Athi River, Niger delta and Johannesburg regions are densely populated mainly because of
    1. Urbanization.
    2. Climate.
    3. Historical events.
    4. Mining activities.
  5. Urban to rural migration amongst people who are above sixty years and above of age is mainly caused by
    1. overcrowding in towns.
    2. retirement from employment
    3. difficulties in getting settled in urban areas.
    4. availability of jobs in rural areas.
  6. Which one of the following is not a benefit of trade to Kenya's economy?
    1. Promotion of peace and understanding.
    2. Exploitation of citizens by businessmen.
    3. Creation of employment opportunities.
    4. Industrial development.
  7. The council of elders among the Wanyamwezi was called
    1. Njuri Ncheke
    2. Wanyamphala
    3. Ruga ruga
    4. Miruka
  8. Who among the following carly visitors to Eastern Africa signed trade treaties with Britain, France and Germany while in Zanzibar?
    1. Carl Peters
    2. William Mackinnon
    3. Seyyid Said
    4. Vasco da Gama
  9. Jack found one of his classmates drinking beer behind the class eight classroom. The best action for Jack to take is to
    1. join his classmate in drinking, the beer.
    2. run to the nearest police station and report his classmate.
    3. pray for his classmate to stop using drugs.
    4. advice his classmate on the dangers of drinking beer.
  10. Three of the following methods of farming were practised in traditional farming. Which one was not?
    1. Zero grazing
    2. Bush fallowing
    3. Slash-and-burn agriculture
    4. Mixed farming
  11. The main problem faced by beef farmers in Kenya and Tanzania is
    1. shortage of water and pasture.
    2. animal diseases.
    3. attacks by wild animals.
    4. lack of slaughterhouses.
  12. The main factor that undermines peace in government institutions in Kenya is
    1. religious differences.
    2. poverty.
    3. corrupt practices..
    4. tribalism.

Use the map of Kenya shown below to answer questions 29 to 32.


  1. The town marked T is likely to be
    1. Kisumu
    2. Nairobi
    3. Eldoret
    4. Mombasa
  2. The lake marked M is an example of a
    1. fault lake
    2. crater lake
    3. volcanic lake
    4. depression lake
  3. The national reserve marked K is known as
    1. Amboseli
    2. Maasai Mara
    3. Sibiloi
    4. Malka Mari
  4. The neighbouring country marked Z is called
    1. South Sudan
    2. Somalia
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Sudan
  5. The road sign shown below warns drivers that
    1. there are bumps ahead.
    2. the road ahead is slippery.
    3. they should expect a roundabout ahead.
    4. they must not enter through that passage.
  6. The Kenyan coat of arms is a
    1. factor that promotes national unity.
    2. stamp for approving government documents.
    3. symbol of our independence.
    4. national badge or emblem.
  7. Three of the following are conditions that favour the growing of wheat. Which one is not?
    1. Well distributed moderate rainfall.
    2. Well drained fertile soils.
    3. Warm and dry weather especially during the harvesting period.
    4. A very high altitude above 2500 metres above sea level.
  8. Kenya's main mineral export is
    1. gold
    2. soda ash
    3. fluospar
    4. limestone
  9. The following are forest conservation measures except
    1. encouraging research on forestry.
    2. reafforestation.
    3. setting up of presidential commissions.
    4. encouraging deforestation.
  10. Most farmers in Kenya and Tanzania grow maize mainly because
    1. the climate is ideal for maize growing.
    2. the governments of both countries encourage maize growing.
    3. maize is a staple food in most communities.
    4. maize is a source of income for farmers.
  11. The best way of resolving a conflict between two pastoral groups fighting over watering points and grazing land is
    1. dialogue.
    2. commission of enquiry.
    3. litigation.
    4. negotiation,
  12. The following events took place in Kenya before 1963.
    (i) The Kenya African Democratic Union (KADU) was formed.
    (ii) Jomo Kenyatta was released from detention.
    (iii) The second Lancaster House Conference was held.
    (iv) The Kenya African National Union  (KANU) was formed.
    What is the correct order of how the events took place from the first to the last?
    1. (i), (iv), (iii), (ii)
    2. (iv), (i), (ii), (iii)
    3. (ii), (iv), (iii), (i)
    4. (iii), (ii), (i),(iv)
  13. The type of democracy that involves pupils directly choosing their leaders in school is termed as
    1. indirect democracy.
    2. delegative democracy.
    3. participatory democracy.
    4. nominative democracy.
  14. Road transport is the most common used means of transport in Eastern Africa mainly because
    1. it is the safest means of transport in the region.
    2. most people can afford to buy vehicles in the region.
    3. it is the cheapest means of transport in the region.
    4. it is the most developed means of transport in the region.
  15. The government of Kenya encourages the establishment of jua kali industries mainly because they
    1. are cheap to establish.
    2. reduce unemployment in the country.
    3. depend on local resources and local skilled labour.
    4. encourage development of industries.
  16. The main contribution of Mzee Jomo Kenyatta in Kenya was that he
    1. led Kenya to independence.
    2. formulated the Harambee philosophy.
    3. led the maumau in fighting the colonialists.
    4. promoted development in Kenya.
  17. Jane witnessed a pedestrian being hit by a speeding vehicle. The first thing for her to do in giving the injured person first aid is to
    1. carry the person carefully from the accident scene.
    2. call for an ambulance.
    3. ensure that there is no further danger.
    4. stop any bleeding and stabilize the head of the person.
  18. The following are sources of revenue for county governments in Kenya except
    1. sale of business licences.
    2. entertainment taxes.
    3. property rates.
    4. petroleum levy.
  19. The main moral values instilled in children in traditional African societies involved
    1. hardwork and cleanliness.
    2. honesty and love.
    3. obedience and respect.
    4. self-control and humility.
  20. Tourism is important for the economy of Kenya mainly because it
    1. leads to development of infrastructure.
    2. creates jobs for Kenyans.
    3. makes Kenya be known by people from other countries.
    4. earns the country foreign exchange.
  21. Below are characteristics of population structure
    (i) Young people are more than the working population.
    (ii) Females are slightly more than males
    (iii) Life expectancy is below 70 years
    (iv) Population grows at the rate of 0.2%
    (v) Most people live in urban areas
    Which combination of characteristics represent the population structure of Kenya and India
    1. (i), (ii)
    2. (iv), (v)
    3. (i), (iii)
    4. (iii), (iv)
  22. The main type of vegetation in the savannah region of Africa is?
    1. aromatic shrubs and decidous trees
    2. grasses, shrubs and widely spaced trees
    3. cactus and euphorbuia
    4. papyrus reeds and bamboo
  23. Three of the following are true about the constituion of Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. It was progumulated by President Uhuru Kenyatta
    2. It is the highest law in the land.
    3. Its third chapter is about citizenship
    4. It is divided into eighteen elements.
  24.  Which one of the following was not a reason for the formation of the United Nations? To
    1. Help rebuild countries destroyed during the world wars
    2. Find lasting peace in the world.
    3. End the Second World War
    4. Maintain a close relationship between European colonialists and their former colonies.
  25. Mwea Irrigation Scheme gets it's water from
    1. River Perkerra
    2. River Athi and Sabaki
    3. Rivers Thiba and Nyamindi
    4. Rivers Nzoia and Nyando.
  26. Which one of the following is an economic right?
    1. Freedom of worship
    2. Right to life
    3. Right to work
    4. Equality before the law
  27. Which one of the following is not true about horticultural farming in both Kenya and the Netherlands? In both countries.
    1. Most of the land used for horticulture is reclaimed land.
    2. There is cultivation of vegetables, fruits and flowers.
    3. horticultural produce is either exported or consumed locally.
    4. greenhouses are used in farming.
  28. The main function of the Legislature in Kenya is to
    1. interpret the laws in the constituion
    2. Implement government policies
    3. formulate government policies
    4. make and amend laws
  29. The following members are part of the Senate in Kenya except?
    1. sixteeen women members nominated by political parties.
    2. twelve nominated members by political parties
    3. the speaker
    4. two elected youth representatives
  30. In Kenya, one can either become a citizen by 
    1. birth or registration
    2. naturalization or marriage
    3. eduaction or dilpomacy
    4. duality or nomination
  31. The head of the Cabinet in Kenya is the
    1. President
    2. Chief Justice
    3. Attorney General
    4. Head of Public Service
  32. The follwoing are factors that lead to rapid population growth except?
    1. reduced wars among the communities
    2. rising cost of living
    3. favourable climate
    4. early marriages



  1. Which one of the following order of creation is correctly matched?
    1. Day 5 - Sea creatures and birds of the air.
    2. Day 3 - Sun, moon and stars.
    3. Day 2 - Dry land, sea and all kinds of vegetation.
    4. Day 4 - Wild and domestic animals.
  2. According to Genesis story of creation, which one of the following was not a result of disobedience of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden?
    1. Death entered into the world.
    2. Human beings started suffering.
    3. Human beings spread all over the world.
    4. There was enemity between man and the serpent.
  3. Which one of the following is the main reason why Joseph was sold by his brothers? Because
    1. Joseph was a dreamer.
    2. they were jealous of him.
    3. there was famine in Israel.
    4. they needed money to buy food.
  4. Which one of the following statements describes why Abraham is called the father of faith?
    1. He was kind to his nephew Lot.
    2. He was blessed by God.
    3. His name was changed from Abram to Abraham.
    4. He agreed to sacrifice his only son Isaac.
  5. Who among the following people were the sons of Moses?
    1. Gershom and Eliezer
    2. Eliezer and Abinadab
    3. Gershom and Manassch
    4. Manassch and Eliezer
  6. Which one of the following ten commandments given to Moses by God shows that marriage should be honoured?
    1. Do not accuse anyone falsely.
    2. Observe the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
    3. Do not commit murder.
    4. Do not commit adultery.
  7. During the night of Exodus,the Israelites were to observe the following in preparation for the Exodus. Which one was not? They were
    1. to smear blood on their doorposts.
    2. supposed to eat boiled meat.
    3. supposed to eat unleavened bread.
    4. supposed to eat bitter herbs.
  8. Who among the following judges of Israel was led by the Holy Spirit to fight the Midianites. with only three hundred men?
    1. Samson
    2. Gideon
    3. Othniel
    4. Jephthah
  9.  (i) He was the most successful King of Israel.
    (ii) He brought the ark of covenant to Jerusalem.
    (iii) He united all the tribes of Israel.
    (iv) He made Jerusalem the centre of worship.
    Who among the following kings of Israel is described above? King
    1. David
    2. Saul
    3. Solomon
    4. Rehoboam.
  10. The following were miracles performed by Prophet Elisha. Which one was not? He
    1. unpoisoned the poisonous stew.
    2. made an axe head to float on water.
    3. raised the son of the widow of Zarephath.
    4. cursed the forty two boys who jeered him.
  11. Who among the following Prophets prophesied the killing of the baby boys in Bethlehem by King Herod during the birth of Jesus? Prophet
    1. Jeremiah
    2. Isaiah
    3. Micah
    4. Joel
  12. According to Luke 1:26-38, which one of the following is the main reason why Angel Gabriel announced that the child would be called the son of the most High God? Because He would be
    1. born by a virgin.
    2. born from the lineage of David.
    3. conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit.
    4. visited by the three wisemen.
  13. According to the Jewish traditions, how old was Jesus when He was circumcised?
    1. 8 years old
    2. 8 days old
    3. 8 months old
    4. 12 years old
  14. Which one of the following was John the baptist's message to the tax collectors? Not to
    1. accuse anyone falsely.
    2. pretend to be holy than other people.
    3. take anything from anyone forcefully.
    4. collect more than what is legal.
  15. Which one of the following was Jesus response during his temptation when the devil told him. to throw Himself down from the highest point at the temple and Angels would hold him?
    1. Do not put the Lord your God into test.
    2. Man cannot live on bread alone.
    3. Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.
    4. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy.
  16. While He was on earth one of Jesus Ministry was to perform miracles. Who among the following people was his mother-in-law healed by Jesus?
    1. John
    2. James
    3. Peter
    4. Andrew
  17. Which one of the following parables of Jesus teaches Christians on praying without ceasing?
    1. Pharisee and the tax collector.
    2. The widow and the unjust judge.
    3. The unmerciful servant.
    4. The good samaritan.
  18. When Jesus approached the towns of Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives, He sent two of his disciples to a village ahead of them to bring him a colt.
    Mark 11: 1-11. Who among the following disciples did He
    1. John and James
    2. Peter and James
    3. Peter and John
    4. Andrew and John
  19. When Jesus was brought before Pilate during his arrest, He was accused of the following except
    1. claiming to be the Messiah.
    2. misleading the people.
    3. telling people not to pay taxes.
    4. claiming to be the King of Jews.
  20. Jesus told his disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit in the town of
    1. Bethany
    2. Nazareth
    3. Bethlehem
    4. Jerusalem
  21. Which one among the following gifts of the Holy Spirit helps one to believe in the things which you can't see?
    1. Prophecy
    2. Faithfulness
    3. Faith
    4. Speaking in tongues
  22. Which onerof the following is the correct order of the four forms of African existence in African traditional religion?
    1. Unborn > Living dead > Living >Ancestors.
    2. Living > Living dead > Unborn > Ancestors.
    3. Unborn > Living Living dead > Ancestors
    4. Living Unborn > Living dead >Ancestors
  23. During initiation the initiates were isolated from the rest of the community where they were mainly taught to be
    1. Obedient
    2. Courageous
    3. Responsible
    4. Tolerant
  24. According to African traditional communities, which one of the following statements about marriage is not correct?
    1. Marriage among the same clan members was forbidden.
    2. Marriage without a child was considered incomplete.
    3. Monogamy type of marriage was strictly observed.
    4. The main reason of marriage was procreation.
  25. The following are examples of specialists in African traditional communities. Which one was not?
    1. rainmakers
    2. prophets
    3. medicinemen
    4. witches
  26. Ken a class 8 pupil was sent to buy milk by his mother. The shopkeeper gave him more money than he was required to get back as balance. Ken took the money and kept it to himself. Which one of the following Christian values does Ken lack?
    1. Obedience
    2. Tolerance
    3. Honesty
    4. Patience
  27. Churches continue to support education today by doing three of the following activities except
    1. donating money.
    2. providing spiritual guidance.
    3. managing some schools.
    4. setting national examinations.
  28. The following pupils were asked to mention way through which a Christian can best spend their leisure time. Who among them gave a correct answer?
    1. Martha: Visiting a childrens orphanage.
    2. Ruth: Attending bible studies.
    3. Mary: Reading the Bible.
    4. Stella: Reciting memory verses...... -
  29. Three of the following statements explain why certain children get involved in child labour. Which one does not?
    1. Neglect from home.
    2. Death of the parents.
    3. Excess wealth at home.
    4. Poverty in their homes.
  30. Which one of the following was the main work of the early missionaries in Kenya?
    1. Stopping slave trade.
    2. Writing books
    3. Stopping civil wars.
    4. Building schools.



  1. Which one of the following is a pair of chapters in which Allah (S. WT) reminds the prophet (S.A. W) some of the favours He did for him?
    1. Surahs Dhuha and Inshirah.
    2. Surahs Qureish and Maun.
    3. Surahs Lahab and Fiil.
    4. Surahs Kafirun and Kauthar.
  2. The most recommended time to recite Al-Muawidhatein chapters as a supplication is before
    1. sleep
    2. a journey
    3. a comforance.
    4. visiting the sick.
  3. The disbelievers of Makka realised that they could not stop the Prophet (S.A. W) from his Islamic evangelism mission. They thought it wise to approach him and agree with him that they pray to Allah and their idols alternatively. Allah (S.W.T) intervened immediately and stopped such an agreement by revealing Surah 
    1. Al-Qureish
    2. Al-Ikhlas
    3. Al-Kafirun
    4. Al-Masad
  4. This is how the Day of Qiyamah will look like as mentioned in the Surahs Al-Zilzalah and Al-Qariah, Which sign is not mentioned in any of the above mentioned chapters?
    1. People will be spread like moth.
    2. The mountains will be curded like wool.
    3. The earth will reveal peoples secrets.
    4. People will appear with folded faces.
  5. Which Surah is correctly matched with its chapter position in the Holy Qur'an?
    1. Chapter 111 - Surah Ikhlas
    2. Chapter 114 - Surah Nas
    3. Chapter 112 - Surah Falaq
    4. Chapter 113 - Surah Fatiha
  6. The kind of Hadith'in which the sayings of the Prophet (S.A. W) is direct inspiration from Allah (S.W.T) is referred to as
    1. Hadith Qudsi
    2. Hadith Nabawi
    3. Hadith Qaul
    4. Hadith Taqrir
  7. Which one of the following is not a manner of greetings as guided by the Prophet (p.b.u.h)? The
    1. younger to greet the elder.
    2. few to greet the many.
    3. passers-by to greet the seated.
    4. pedestrians to greet the drivers.
  8. What does the Prophet (S.A. W) advice muslims to mind before they take any action?
    1. Be courageous.
    2. Have a second plan.
    3. Be ready to ask for forgiveness.
    4. Be sure of the outcome.
  9. What does Allah (S.W.T) look at in a person who performs any deed according to the teachings of the Prophet (S. A. W)? Allah looks
    1. at the result.
    2. at his body.
    3. at his heart.
    4. your faith..
  10. Which form of faith in Allah is wrongly matched with its meaning?
    1. Ghushuu → The command of Allah
    2. Tawakkul → Reliance on Allah.
    3. Taqwa →The fear of Allah. 
    4. Tawba →The forgiveness from Allah.
  11. Allah (S.W.T) gave the following duties to Angels to perform except one. Which is in the trust of Allah Himself?
    1. Distribution of rainfall.
    2. Distribution of Rizq.
    3. Recording of good and bad deeds.
    4. Removal of souls.
  12. Suhuf was the Holy scripture revealed to Prophet
    1. Musa (A.S)
    2. Daud (A.S)
    3. Ibrahim (A.S)
    4. Nuh (A.S)
  13. The attribute of Allah, that Allah (S.W.T) is the
    1. Protector
    2. Powerful
    3. Trusted
    4. Source of peace
  14. How many Prophets are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an?
    1. 35
    2. 45
    3. 25
    4. 15
  15. Which one of the following is a unit of measure used to determine amount of wealth in the Islamic Sharia?
    1. Nisab
    2. Shibr
    3. Qulatein
    4. Qiratun
  16. Astronauts through their instruments foretold the possibility of an eclipse. They warned people at looking directly to the sun without googles, among other safety measures. Which prayer should muslims prepare to perform?
    1. Tahajjud
    2. Dhuha
    3. Kusuf
    4. Qabliyya
  17. The similarity between Hajj and Umra is that in both the pilgrims one must
    1. stay at Mina.
    2. perform Sa'ay.
    3. stand at Arafa.
    4. drink from Zamzam.
  18. A small girl from Madrassa wrote down the five pillars of Islam in order and wrote as follows


    Which pillars did she interchange in the order?
    1. Saum, Zakat
    2. Salat, Saum
    3. Zakkt, Hajj
    4. Shahada, Salat
  19. Which one of the following statements is true about the Kalimatu Shahada? It must be uttered
    1. before reciting the Qur'an.
    2. before one becomes a muslim.
    3. at the begging of Swalah.
    4. everyday to renew ones faith.
  20. Which one among the following are dates of Ayyamul Tashriq in the Islamic Calendar?
    1. 1st, 2nd 3rd Muharram.
    2. 13th, 14th, 15th every month.
    3. 25th, 27th and 29th Ramadhan.
    4. 11th, 12th and 13th Dhul Hijjah.
  21. The best way a muslim can appreciate the bounties of Allah (S.W.T) is by
    1. visiting the sick.
    2. attending islamic festivals.
    3. making many steps to the mosque.
    4. participating in games.
  22. The early muslim visitors who came along the coast mainly came for
    1. missionary work.
    2. construction of Kenya -Uganda railway.
    3. trade.
    4. intermarriage.
  23. In which of the following places did the prophet (S.A.W) conduct his farewell and holy congregation?
    1. In the field at Aqaba.
    2. On the Mount Uhud.
    3. On the Shaam market.
    4. In the field of Arafa.
  24. Who among the following Prophets of Allah (S.W.T') build a mosque by the help of the Jinns? Prophet
    1. Muhammad
    2. Issa
    3. Ibrahim
    4. Suleiman
  25. The Prophet Muhammad (S.A. W) was too honest to people until eveybody including the enemies of Islam called him by the name
    1. Al-Mustafa
    2. Al-Amin
    3. Aba-Qassim
    4. Imamul Mursaleen
  26. The malpractice in business where some traders add water in milk before selling is known as
    1. Ghush 
    2. Riba
    3. Shirk
    4. Adulteration
  27. Which one of the following is the first battle that muslims fought against the disbelievers?
    1. Siifiin
    2. Uhud
    3. Khandaq
    4. Badr
  28. When should a Tahniq tradition performed to a child?
    1. During the Aqiqah celebration.
    2. On the circumcision day.
    3. Immediately a child is born.
    4. On Eid day.
  29. In which of the following engagements did the Prophet declare the house of Abu Sufyan a safety place to take refuge? During
    1. the battle of apostacy.
    2. the pledge of Aqaba.
    3. fat-hul Makkah.
    4. the Hijra to Madina.
  30. Which of the following things had just happened to Prophet Muhammad (S.A. W) before going on the Isra wal Miiraj trip to Jerusalem and heavens? The Prophet had just
    1. been appointed a Prophet.
    2. lost his wife and uncle.
    3. build his Masjid Nabawi.
    4. migrated to Madina.


  1. A
  2. A
  3. D
  4. D
  5. B
  6. C
  7. C
  8. B
  9. D
  10. A
  11. C
  12. B
  13. D
  14. D
  15. B
  16. A
  17. C
  18. C
  19. C
  20. D
  21. B
  22. B
  23. B
  24. C
  25. D
  26. A
  27. A
  28. C
  29. B
  30. D
  31. B
  32. C
  33. A
  34. D
  35. D
  36. B
  37. D
  38. C
  39. A
  40. B
  41. C
  42. D
  43. B
  44. A
  45. A
  46. D
  47. C
  48. D
  49. C
  50. B
  51. A
  52. D
  53. C
  54. C
  55. A
  56. D
  57. B
  58. A
  59. D
  60. B


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C
  11. A
  12. C
  13. B
  14. D
  15. A
  16. C
  17. B
  18. C
  19. A
  20. D
  21. B
  22. C
  23. C
  24. C
  25. D
  26. C
  27. D
  28. A
  29. C
  30. D


  1. A
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. B
  6. A
  7. D
  8. D
  9. C
  10. A
  11. B
  12. C
  13. C
  14. C
  15. A
  16. C
  17. B
  18. A
  19. B
  20. D
  21. A
  22. C
  23. D
  24. D
  25. B
  26. A
  27. D
  28. C
  29. C
  30. B
  1. Which one of the following parts of the human body produces sweat?
    1. Sweat duct
    2. Sweat pore
    3. Epidermis
    4. Sweat glands.
  2. The diagram below represents the reproductive system.
    The development of the embryo
    to a foetus takes place in the part labelled
    1. L
    2. M
    3. N
    4. K
  3. Which one of the following physical changes that take place during adolescence happens only in girls?
    1. Increase in height and weight.
    2. Enlargement of hips.
    3. Widening of the chest.
    4. Production of sex cells.
  4. Which one of the following pair of diseases consist of only immunisable diseases?
    1. Typhoid and marasmus.
    2. Malaria and tuberculosis.
    3. Hepatitis B and diptheria
    4. Whooping cough and anacmia.
  5. The following are effects of drug abuse:
    (i) Rape.
    (ii) Addiction.
    (iii) Lack of concentration.
    (iv) Truancy
    (v) Impaired judgement.
    Which one of the following consists only of social effects?
    1. (ii) and (iii)
    2. (iv) and (v)
    3. (v) and (iii)
    4. (i) and (iv)
  6. Which of the following planets is between Jupiter and Uranus?
    1. Mars
    2. Neptune
    3. Saturn
    4. Venus
  7. The main reason of using clay lining in an improved jiko is to
    1. make it more efficient.
    2. prevent wastage of time.
    3. prevent heat loss through radiation.
    4. make it more durable.,
  8. Which one of the following plants is mainly grown to provide threads?
    1. Sugarcane
    2. Mango
    3. Cotton
    4. Sunflower
  9. Which of the following combination consists of only useful fungi?
    1. Penicillium and dandruff
    2. Mushroom and puffball
    3. Yeast and penicillum
    4. Toadstool and moulds
  10. Which of the following parts of a herbivore help them to properly chew food?
    1. Carnassial teeth
    2. Diastema
    3. Long tongue
    4. Horny pad
  11. The percentage of the component of air that is useful in leguminous plants is
    1. 0.03%
    2. 78%
    3. 0.97%
    4. 21%
  12. Which one of the following is true about soil that has best capillarity?
    1. Best for modelling.
    2. Best in construction.
    3. Suitable for growing crops.
    4. It has large particles.
  13. The temperature at which a substance melts is the same temperature at which the substance
    1. contracts
    2. evaporates
    3. freezes
    4. condenses
  14. Which one of the following sources of energy contain only chemical energy?
    1. Biogas and dynamo.
    2. Geothermal and dry cells.
    3. Car battery and solar panels.
    4. Food and charcoal.
  15. The diagram below represents a simple electromagnet.
    Which of the following energy transformations occur in the electromagnet.
    1. Electrical → magnetic → heat
    2. Chemical → electrical → magnetic
    3. Chemical → magnetic →heat.
    4. Electrical → chemical → magnetic
  16. Which of the following groups of food would provide nutrients suitable for a child suffering from anaemia?
    1. Spinach, liver, broccoli
    2. Fish, pork, beans.
    3. Rice, bacon, apple.
    4. Redmeat, groundnuts, millet.
  17. During an activity, pupils had the following liquids in different containers?
    Container A - Milk.
    Container B - Kerosene
    Container C - Water
    Container D - Cooking oil
    They mixed the liquids in containers A, C and D in one container. How many layers were they able to observe?
    1. 1 layer
    2. 3 layers
    3. 4 layers
    4. 2 layers.
  18. Which one of the following statements is not correct-about reproduction in human beings?
    1. Menstrution stops during pregnancy.
    2. The zygote gets implanted in the wall of the uterus
    3. The blood of the mother and foetus do not mix.
    4. Fertilization takes place in the uterus.
  19. Which of the following statement is true about aorta? It carries
    1. deoxygenated blood.
    2. blood to the heart.
    3. blood at low pressure.
    4. blood at a high pressure.
  20. Spring balance is used in measuring
    1. force
    2. mass
    3. length
    4. temperature
  21. Which one of the following is an effect of soil pollution on living things?
    1. Affect soil composition.
    2. Cause death of small animals.
    3. Affect air circulation in the soil.
    4. Lower soil fertility.
  22. In which one of the following activities is renewable energy in use?
    1. Using a thermos flask to keep hot liquids.
    2. Cycling for short distance.
    3. Production of electricity using a solar panel.
    4. Using cars with less fuel consumption.
  23. Which of the following is an effect of HIV and AIDS to the family?
    1. Low standards of living.
    2. Congestion in hospitals.
    3. Low agricultural production.
    4. Increased number of school dropouts.
  24. The following materials can be used to construct a certain weather instrument.
    (i) Water and ink.
    (ii) A basin.
    (iii) Manilla paper.
    (iv) A glass bottle.
    (v) Straw and cork.
    (vi) A wooden stand..
    The weather instrument likely to be constructed is
    1. a windsock
    2. an air thermometer
    3. a windvane
    4. a liquid thermometer.
  25. Which of the following drugs is correctly classified?
       Illegal  Legal
     A.  Alcohol  Bhang
     B.  Mandrax  Heroin
     C.  Tobacco  Alcohol
     D.  Cocaine  Khat
  26. The diagram below represents a set up that can be used to demonstrate a certain aspect of heat energy.
    The aspect that can be demonstrated is
    1. convection in gases.
    2. expansion in liquids.
    3. contraction in liquids.
    4. expansion in gases.
  27. Which one of the following is an advantage of using fertilizer in the farm?
    1. They are bulky to transport.
    2. Have long term effect.
    3. Provide soil with specific nutrient.
    4. Improve ability of the soil to hold water.
  28. Which one of the following components of blood is involved in transportation of heat and digested food?
    1. Plasma
    2. White blood cells.
    3. Platelets.
    4. Red blood cells.
  29. Which one of the following crop pests mainly attack young seedlings in the seedbed?
    1. Stalkborer
    2. Aphids
    3. Cut worm
    4. Weevils
  30. Which of the following is a common characteristic between a crocodile and a platypus? They
    1. have scales.
    2. lay fertilized eggs.
    3. have varying body temperatures.
    4. have external fertilization.
  31. Which is the last step in modelling a solar system?
    1. Putting the name tags.
    2. Pasting manilla paper.
    3. Mounting the planets.
    4. Drawing orbits.
  32. In which one of the following is work made easier by increasing the effort distance?
    1. Flag post
    2. Claw hammer
    3. Wheelbarrow
    4. Staircase
  33. Which one of the following mixtures cannot be separated by use of a magnet?
    1. Staples and maize flour.
    2. Sawdust and office pins.
    3. Steelwool and iron filings.
    4. Razor blades and aluminium foils.
  34. Which one of the following does not pollute water?
    1. Soil erosion.
    2. Oil spillage.
    3. Acid rain.
    4. Human waste.
  35. Which of the following is an adaptation of fish to swimming?
    1. Hollow bones.
    2. Scales pointing backwards.
    3. Webbed feet.
    4. Presence of gills.
  36. Which one of the following practices will help to prevent the spread of Bilharzia?
    1. Boiling water before drinking.
    2. Wearing gumboots when walking in stagnant water. 
    3. Draining stagnant water from around the homestead.
    4. Covering latrines after use.
  37. Which one of the following soil components is least affected when soil in a container is heated?
    1. Air
    2. Organic matter
    3. Mineral particles
    4. Water
  38. Which one of the following processes involve absorption of heat from the surrounding?
    1. Melting and evaporation.
    2. Condensation and evaporation.
    3. Melting and freezing.
    4. Condensation and freezing.
  39. The diagram below represents a set up that can be used to demonstrate a certain property of air.
    Which observation was not likely to be observed during the experiment?
    1. Water rose in the glass jar.
    2. Water rose in the basin.
    3. Carbon dioxide increased in the glass jar.
    4. Candle went off after sometime.
  40. Which of the following methods of preserving food is both modern and traditional?
    1. Smoking.
    2. Salting.
    3. Drying.
    4. Refrigeration.
  41. Which one of the following. methods of soil conservation can be used to control splash erosion?
    1. Planting cover crops. 
    2. Practising contour farming.
    3. Building gabions.
    4. Making terraces.
  42. A card with the word BLOCK written on it was placed in front of a mirror. Which one of the following shows how the word would appear in the mirror? 
  43. Inorder to replace blood lost during birth, a lactating mother should cat food rich in
    1. iron
    2. phosphorous
    3. vitamin D
    4. calcium
  44. Which of the following factors make a plastic bowl to float in water?
    1. Shape
    2. Size
    3. Material.
    4. Mass
  45. The following are some adaptations of plants that grow in dry environment except having
    1. thick cuticle..
    2. broad leaves.
    3. deep roots.
    4. needlike leaves.
  46. Which one of the following is a use of translucent materials?
    1. bathroom window panes.
    2. car windscreens.
    3. mirrors.
    4. toilet walls.
  47. Which of the following is not an electrical appliance used at home?
    1. Radio
    2. Immersion heater
    3. Gas cooker
    4. Iron box
  48. The following are activities carried out when making a simple beam balance:
    (i) Fix the stand and arm to the base.
    (ii) Suspend plank of wood to find the balancing point.
    (iii) Make a base for the balance.
    (iv) Fix the nails on both sides of the plank of wood.
    (v) Suspend tins on arms.
    Which one of the following is the correct order in which the activities are carried out? 
    1. (iii), (i), (ii), (iv), (v)
    2. (ii), (iii), (i), (iv), (v)
    3. (v), (iv), (ii), (i), (iii)
    4. (i), (iii), (ii), (v), (iv)
  49. Which one of the following should be done inorder to move a stationary heavy load?
    1. Make the surface rough.
    2. Use less force.
    3. Apply greater force.
    4. Use equal force.
  50. Heat reaches the fect of a person seated by the side of a fire by
    1. convection and raation.
    2. convection only.
    3. conduction and radiation.
    4. radiation only.


  1. D
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D
  6. C
  7. A
  8. C
  9. C
  10. B
  11. B
  12. A
  13. C
  14. D
  15. B
  16. A
  17. D
  18. D
  19. D
  20. A
  21. B
  22. C
  23. A
  24. B
  25. D
  26. D
  27. C
  28. A
  29. C
  30. B
  31. A
  32. D
  33. C
  34. A
  35. B
  36. B
  37. A
  38. A
  39. B
  40. C
  41. A
  42. C
  43. A
  44. C
  45. B
  46. A
  47. C
  48. A
  49. C
  50. D


Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne hapo.
Jaza pengo kwa kuchagua jawabu lifaalo zaidi.

Ni jambo la ___1____ kumfunza mtoto maadili___2____. Jamii __3____mapema huja___4___ baadaye na matendo ya mtoto huyo. Ndiposa wahenga wakasema___5___ Kitendo cha baadhi ya wazazi kuwaachia walimu jukumu la kuwarekebisha watoto___6__kwani huonyesha ukosefu wa___7____katika malezi. Watoto nao wasiwe___8__, ___9___wakionywa wakubali kubadili mienendo yao.

 1.  dharura  muhali   muhimu   hiari 
 2.  tangu  hadi   angaa   lau 
 3.  wasipomfunza  lisilomfunza   isiomfunza   isipomfunza 
 4.  kuathirika  kuathirirwa   kuathiri   kuathiria 
 5.  kambare mkunje angali mbichi.  mwacha mila ni   mtumwa  asiyesikia la mkuu   huvunjika guu  jaza ya hisani ni   hisani.
 6.  halifai  haifai   hakifai   hakufai 
 7.   ukandamizaji  uwajibikaji  uchangamfu  utulivu
 8.  wali wa daku  wategemea nundu  wenye pupa  sikio la kufa
 9.    :  .  ''  ;


Amani ni hali inayofaa___10___ na kila__11____ humu nchini mwetu. Ukosefu wa usalamahuwa na gharama kubwa___12___ katika taifa lolote lile.__13____ madhara ya ukosefu wa usalama ni kupungua kwa wawekezaji __14_____ wengi wengi wao huhofia kupoteza mali yao.
Uchumi wa nchi nao huzidi__15____.

 10   kudunishwa     kubezwa    kuenziwa  kudhalilishwa
 11  mzalendo     mlowezi    msaliti  mhafidhina
 12  lisilolipika     isiolipika    usiolipika  isiyolipika
 13  Baadhi ya     Kati ya    Mithili ya  Fauka ya
 14  ambayo     ambapo    ambavyo  ambaye
 15  kuchuchumaa     kuimarika    kunawiri  kudidimia

Kuanzia nambari 16 mpaka 30, chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi

  1. Andika usemi wa taarifa wa sentensi ifuatayo:
    "Mtawapeleka ng'ombe machungani kesho," baba alimwambia mwanawe.
    1. Baba alimwambia mwanawe kuwa watawapeleka ng'ombe machungani kesho.
    2. Baba alimwambia mwanawe kuwa angewapeleka ng'ombe machungani siku ambayo ingefuata.
    3. Baba aliwaambia wanawe kwamba wangewapeleka ng'ombe machungani siku ambayo ingefuata.
    4. Baba alimwambia mwanawe kwamba wangewapeleka ng'ombe machungani siku ambayo ingefuata.
  2. Chagua maelezo yaliyo sahihi kati ya haya.
    1. Karadha ni pesa za ziada anazopata mkopeshaji.
    2. Ujira ni malipo anayopewa mfanyakazi mwishoni mwa mwezi.
    3. Bahashishi ni zawadi anayopewa mhudumu kwa huduma njema.
    4. Ridhaa ni malipo anayopewa mtu aliyesababishiwa hasara.
  3. Zipi ni nomino za ngeli ya U-YA 22 pekee
    1. ua, upishi
    2. ugonjwa, wembe
    3. ugali, ubaya
    4. ubele, ulezi
  4. Badili katika hali ya wingi:
    Waraka ulioupokea ulitumwa kutoka kijijini.
    1. Nyaraka ulizozipokea zilitumwa kutoka vijijini.
    2. Nyaraka mlizozipokea zilitumwa kutoka vijijini.
    3. Nyaraka mliyoipokea ilitumwa kutoka vijijini.
    4. Nyaraka walizozipokea zilitumwa · kutoka vijijini.
  5. Konokono ni kwa kombe ilivyo kuku kwa
    1. kizimba
    2. Zeriba
    3. kichuguu
    4. kitala.
  6. Chagua sentensi yenye nomino ya dhahania
    1. Kuimba kuzuri kulimfanya apate tuzo
    2. Huyo anathaminiwa kwa uaminifu wake.
    3. Mazingira yakitunzwa vizuri yatapendeza.
    4. Alishambuliwa na bumba la nyuki akilima.
  7. Neno daktari lina silabi ngapi?
    1. Nne
    2. Saba
    3. Tatu
    4. Sita
  8. Tambulisha sentensi iliyoakifishwa ipasavyo.
    1. Wanafunzi wengi (wale waliofanya mtihani) wamejiunga na shule za Dupili.
    2. Wachezaji walioshiriki walitoka katika nchi mbalimbali; Uhabeshi, Misri, Uganda na Moroko.
    3. Ukifika mjini, "akaniambia,"utafute zilipo afisi za wizara ya elimu.
    4. Watu wengi, wanajua kusoma, na kuandika; humu nchini.
  9. Kutokana na kitenzi vumilia, tunapata nomino;
    1. vumiliana
    2. vumilivu
    3. vumilika
    4. uvumilivu
  10. Unganisha sentensi zifuatazo kwa usahihi:
    Bakari alitoka nje ya darasa. Bakari hakuomba idhini ya mwalimu.
    1. Bakari alitoka nje ya darasa licha ya kuomba idhini ya mwalimu.
    2. Bakari alitoka nje ya darasa fauka ya kuomba idhini ya mwalimu.
    3. Bakari alitoka nje ya darasa minghairi ya kuomba idhini ya mwalimu.
    4. Bakari alitoka nje ya darasa dhidi ya kuomba idhini ya mwalimu.
  11. Tambulisha matumizi ya kiambishi ka katika sentensi.
    Kaka alienda shambani akapalilia mahindi.
    1. kuonyesha kuendelea kwa vitendo.
    2. kuonyesha kufuatana kwa vitendo.
    3. kuonyesha kutegemeana kwa vitendo.
    4. kuonyesha kukamilika kwa vitendo.
  12. Watu wakiagana bila matumaini ya kuonana kwa muda mrefu huambiana je?
    1. Buriani
    2. Makiwa
    3. Ashakum
    4. Inshallah
  13. Chagua methali yenye maana tofauti
    1. Damu ni nzito kuliko maji.
    2. Zimwi likujualo halikuli likakumaliza.
    3. Mla nawe hafi nawe ila mzaliwa nawe.
    4. Akufaaye kwa dhiki ndiye rafiki.
  14. Dungu ni ushindi upatikanao katika mchezo wa mpira. Dungu aidha ni
    1. maziwa ya kwanza ya mnyama baada ya kuzaa.
    2. tunda la mkanju ambalo bado ni bichi.
    3. sehemu anamokaa rubani katika ndege.
    4. angusha chombo cha angani kwa bomu au risasi.
  15. Tegua kitendawili kifuatacho;
    Nzi hatui juu ya damu ya simba.
    1. Maji
    2. Moto
    3. Nyuki
    4. Mbu

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali kuanzia 31 mpaka 40

Enco la Mafuko lilipakana na mbuga ya wanyama ya 'T'unza. Wakazi wengi walikuwa wakulima na wafugaji. Sehemu hiyo ilijaliwa udongo wenye rutuba na mvua ya kutosha msimu baada ya msimu. Mimca ya kila aina ilinawiri na kushiba rangi ya chanikiwiti iliyokoza. Wazee kwa vijana walijawa na siha kutokana na lishe bora. Ukarimu wa wenyeji hawa ulipigiwa mfano karibu na mbali.

Chambilecho wahenga hakuna masika yasiyokuwa na mbu. Licha ya neema iliyoletwa na hali nzuri ya anga, wakazi walikabiliwa na changamoto moja. Wanyamapori walifika kijijini mara kwa mara na kuharibu mazao shambani. Ilibidi wakazi wakeshe mashambani mwao ili kuwinda ndovu, nyani, na viboko waliotoka mbugani kuja kujichumia mashambani humo. Mgogoro huo wa binadamu na wanyamapori haukusababisha uharibifu wa mali tu bali pia majeraha na mauaji ya wakazi. Ilibidi hatua mwafaka zichukuliwe ili kukabiliana na hali ile.

Alasiri moja, Bwana Chifu aliwaita wakazi katika mkutano. Mbiu ya mgambo ilipigwa nao wakazi wakaitikia kwa kauli moja mwito wa kiongozi wao. Yamkini walifahamu fika kuwa mtu hakatai mwito bali aitiwalo. Waliketi chini ya miti iliyokuwa uwanjani wakatega masikio yao ndi.

Bwana chifu alianza kwa kuwapa wananchi nafasi ya kueleza shida zao. Walitaja mambo mengi kama vile ukosefu wa maji safi, kuzagaa ovyo kwa mabiwi ya taka na uharibifu uliosababishwa na wanyamapori. Hatimaye Bwana Chifu aliwaomba wapendekeze suluhisho mwafaka kwa masaibu yao. Wengi walisimama kadamnasi na kuongea kwa ukali, "Serikali imezembea! Kwa nini tukiwaua wanyama tunatiwa mbaroni ilhali binadamu akiumia hatua za dharura hazichukuliwi? Tangu lini mnyama akawa na thamani kuliko binadamu? Lazima tulipwe fidia! Fidia!" Hapo umati ulilipuka kwa makofi.

Ni katika hali hiyo ambapo kijana mmoja aliunyosha sana mkono wake. Kwa idhini ya Bwana Chifu, akapewa nafasi ya kueleza hoja zake. "Wakazi wenzangu, ninasikitika kwa masaibu yanayotusibu. Hakika eneo letu limefikwa na changamoto chungu nzima katika siku za hivi karibuni. Hata hivyo, ashakum si matusi, dhiki zetu ni kama mwiba wa kujichoma ambao hauambiwi pole." Hapo alitua kidogo kutazama athari ya maneno kwa hadhira.

Baada ya muda aliendelea, "Hebu tujiulize, mabiwi ya taka tunayolalamikia yanatapakazwa na nani? Ukitokea utovu wa usalama, wahalifu wanatoka wapi? Tena, ni kina nani wanaovunja ua ulioizingira mbuga ili waingize mifugo, kukata kuni na kuchoma makaa kiholela? Majangili wanaowaangamiza ndovu, vifaru,chui na mbogo wanatoka wapi? Tukiweza kuyajibu maswala haya tutakuwa tumepiga hatua kubwa katika kuiondolea mbali dhiki inayotukumba". Kijana alihitimisha kauli yake hadi akatembea taratibu hadi lilipokuwa kundi la vijana wenzake. Umati ulimzindikiza kwa macho kimyakimya kisha makofi, shangwe, vifijo na nderemo zikafuatia...

Maneno ya kijana yalizua mjadala mkali miongoni mwa wakazi. Mwishowe waliafikiana kuchukua hatua zifaazo badala ya kuilalamikia tu serikali. Walielewa kuwa mambo ni kikoa. Halikadhalika, walikubaliana kuwafichua wote walioonyesha mienendo ya kutiliwa shaka miongoni mwao.

Bwana Chifu alijiunga kwa kuchangia ajenda ya siku hiyo kwa uwazi.Alihaidi kuwa ofisi yake isingelegeza kamba katika kuwachukulia hatua wote walioshiriki maovu yaliyotishia kuiangamiza jamii. Hatimaye, umati ulifumukana huku kila mmoja akijiahidi kimoyomoyo kufanya jambo lifaalo,

  1. Kulingana na aya ya kwanza,
    1. Mvua ilinyesha katika eneo la Mafuko wakati wote.
    2. Wakazi wa Mafuko walikuwa wenye bidii, ardhi yao ilikuwa na mbolea ya kutosha.
    3. Kupakana na mbuga ya wanyama kuliwaletea neema wakazi wa Mafuko.
    4. Vijana walipigiwa mfano na watu waliopakana na eneo la Mafuko.
  2. Methali hakuna masika yasiyokuwa na mbu jinsi ilivyotumika ina maana kuwa;
    1. kila inaponyesha mvua kubwa huwa kuna mbu.
    2. hakuna jambo lisilowezekana hata liwe gumu vipi.
    3. hata jambo lionekanalo baya huwa na manufaa yake.
    4. kila jambo zuri huwa na matatizo yake.
  3. Ni maafa yapi yaliyosababishwa na wanyamapori?
    1. Kuharibu mimea na kusababisha vifo.
    2. Kuwajeruhi watu na kuharibu ua wa mbuga.
    3. Kuharibu miti na kusababisha vifo.
    4. Kuwakosesha watu usingizi na kuharibu makazi.
  4. Badala ya kusema, mbiu ya mgambo ilipigwa, mwandishi pia angesema
    1. taarifa ilitumwa.
    2. watu walienda mbio.
    3. tangazo lilitolewa.
    4. mkutano uliitishwa.
  5. Si kweli kusema kuwa;
    1. matatizo yote ya wakazi yalisababishwa na wanyama.
    2. Bwana, Chifu anayajali maslahi ya wakazi wake
    3. wakazi waliendeleza uharibifu wa mazingira.
    4. baadhi ya watu waliofika mkutanoni walijawa uchungu moyoni,
  6. Wakazi wanailaumu serikali kwa.
    1. kuwalinda wanyama
    2. kutosikiliza maoni yao
    3. kuleta mbuga kwenye makazi
    4. kupuuza hasara yao.
  7. Hoja alizotoa kijana katika makala zilionyesha,
    1. upuuzaji wake
    2. ukomavu wake
    3. ujana wake
    4. ukaidi wake
  8. Kijana alianza, maelezo yake kwa kusema ashakum si matusi'; Bila shaka, kauli hii inaonyesha kuwa
    1. anaomba usikivu wa hadhira ile 
    2. anakubaliana na yaliyosemwa na watangulizi wake.
    3. anawaomba wasikilizaji wake. msamaha
    4. anapinga kauli zilizotolewa awali na wenyeji
  9. Chagua maelezo sahihi kulingana na aya ya sita
    1. wakazi walishindwa kuyajibu maswala ya kijana
    2. maafa yaliyowasibu wakazi yalichangiwa na matendo yao.
    3. serikali iliwakabili vikali waliojitafutia malisho mbugani
    4. ilichukua muda mrefu kwa umati kumwelewa kijana.
  10. Mtazamo wa mwandishi wa makala haya kwa jumla ni kuwa;
    1. shida nyingi hutokana na kutoafikiana wananchi na serikali.
    2. wanaopakana na mbuga za wanyama hupitia changamoto nyingi.
    3. wananchi wenyewe kwa kiasi kikubwa huwa na suluhisho la shida
    4. serikali huwa haina suluhisho kwa matatizo ya wananchi.

Soma kifungu hiki kisha ujibu maswali kuanzia nambari 41 mpaka 50

Je, umewahi kuwaza kuhusu umuhimu wa utunzaji wa mazingira? Pengine jibu lako kwa swali hili ni 'ndiyo'. Hata hivyo, nikikuuliza kuhusu mchango wa vijana katika kuyahifadhi mazingira utatatizika kujibu swali hili. Hii ni kwa sababu vijana, hususan watoto wa shule hudhani kwamba shughuli za uhifadhi wa mazingira zinahitajika kuendelezwa na serikali au watu wa makamo.

Ni dhahiri kwamba watoto wa shule wana nafasi bora ya kuyatunza mazingira. Wakiwa shuleni, wanaweza kujihusisha katika shughuli ndogondogo za kuyanadhifisha mazingira yao. Mathalani, wanaweza kukata nyasi, kukusanya na kuchoma taka, kufagia na kupiga deki madarasa yao. Halikadhalika, wanafunzi wanaweza kuanzisha vyama ambavyo vitaendeleza shughuli za kupambana na uharibifu wa mazingira. Hakika wapo wanafunzi ambao, kwa kuelekezwa na walimu walezi, wameanzisha vyama vya walinda mazingira. Wanafunzi hawa hutenga muda wao wa mapumziko kusafisha mazingira si shuleni mwao tu bali pia katika ujirani wa shule. Isitoshe, kwa vile wanafunzi wana ushawishi mkubwa ya hulka kwa wenzao, wanaweza kuwazindua na kuwahamasisha wengine dhidi inayopalilia uharibifu wa mazingira.

Fauka ya hayo, wanafunzi wanaweza kushiriki katika shughuli za upanzi wa miti shuleni na hata katika maeneo mengine. Hili litasaidia katika kuhifadhi misitu na vyanzo vya maji. Kupitia kwa upanzi wa miti, wanafunzi wanashiriki katika juhudi za serikali za kuchangia utoaji wa chakula kwa binadamu na wanyama. Vilevile, upandaji huu wa miti utasaidia kuyafanya mazingira kuwa ya kuvutia kwa wanafunzi na hata wanajamii wengine. Ikumbukwe pia kuwa juhudi za wanafunzi za kupanda miti zitawahakikishia wanyama kama vile tumbili makao.

Juu ya hayo, wanafunzi wanaweza kuanzisha miradi ya kuyatunza mazingira ili kuifaidi jamii. Kwa mfano, wanaweza kupanda vitalu vya miche ambayo watawauzia watu. Pia, ikiwa kuna vijito na vidimbwi shuleni mwao, vinaweza kunadhifishwa na kutumiwa kufugia wanyama wa majini kama vile samaki. Hii ni njia mufti ya jamii kujiinua kiuchumi. Wanafunzi wanaposhiriki katika shughuli hizi hujifunza stadi za kujitegemea maishani. Kadhalika, wanafunzi wawa hawa wana nafasi kubwa ya kuhifadhi wanyama wadogo wa kufuga. Wanaweza kuanzisha chama cha ufugaji wa kuku, bata na hata sungura. Litakuwa jambo la kuchangamsha kumpata kijana mdogo akionea fahari idadi kubwa va yeye na wenzake wamefuga chini ya uelekezi wa mwalimu wao haitakuwa ajabu hata wao katika maonyesho ya kimataifa ya kuwaona wanafunzi hawa wakiwapeleka kilimo!

Manaa kuu kuhusu umuhimu wa kuhifadhi mazingira huhitaji kusambazwa na kurithishwa. Nyimbo na mashairi yanayotungwa na wanafunzi ni nyenzo kuu za kutekeleza hayo. Wanafunzi wanaposhiriki katika tamasha za muziki hubuni nyimbo zinazosifu mbinu chanya za uhifadhi wa mazingira. Nyimbo hizi pia hutumiwa kukashifu wale ambao wanaendeleza uharibifu wa mazingira. Kwa mfano, zipo nyimbo ambazo huonya dhidi ya kuendeleza kilimo kinachochangia katika mmomonyoko wa udongo. Pia, katika hafla hizi, wanafunzi hutumia uigizaji kuonyesha madhara ya uwindaji haramu, uchomaji wa misitu na upandaji wa miti itakayokausha vyanzo vya maji.

Mtoto akibebwa hutazama kisogo cha nina, Nao wanajamii hawana budi kuwa kielelezo chema kwa vijana. Ikiwa watu wazima ndio vigogo wa uharibifu wa mazingira, kwa manufaa yao, juhudi za vijana zitaambulia patupu

  1. Chagua jibu sahihi kulingana na aya ya kwanza.
    1. labda msomaji amearifiwa kuhusu umuhimu wa vijana katika kuyatunza mazingira.
    2. angalabu watoto huwaachia waliokomaa shughuli za watunza mazingira.
    3. huenda msomaji ametafakari kuhusu faida za kuhifadhi mazingira.
    4. kawaida watoto hutarajia walio kwenye uongozi kuhimiza utunzaji mazingira.
  2. Kifungu kimebainisha kwamba,
    1. watoto wanawashinda watu wazima katika utunzaji wa mazingira.
    2. shule zina uwezo mkubwa zaidi wa kuonyesha utunzaji wa mazingira.
    3. madarasa yana mahali kwingi zaidi kwa kuendeleza utunzaji wa mazingira.
    4. wanafunzi wanaweza kushughulikia utunzaji wa mazingira zaidi ya watu wazima.
  3. Kulingana na aya ya pili,
    1. nasaha kutoka kwa marika huwezesha kuondoa mienendo inayochangia kutohifadhiwa kwa mazingira.
    2. uanzishaji wa vyama husaidia kutenga muda wa kunadhifisha maeneo.
    3. maelekezo ya walezi huyawezesha maeneo jirani kuwa safi.
    4. kushiriki kwa walimu kwenye mazingira huimarisha mikakati zaidi ya uzoaji taka.
  4. Chagua mifano ya kukithi miti kwa mujibu wa kifungu
    1. Kuhifadhi msisituni shuleni, kutunza kunakotokea maji
    2. Kujitosheleza kwa chakula, kuimarisha sura ya mandhari
    3. kushirikisha serikali, kutunza wanyama, kustawisha hali ya kuvutiwa kwa wanafunzi.
    4. kuwapa wanafunzi fursa kujihusisha, kuwa na makazi ya wanyama.
  5. Miradi ya kuyatunza mazingira inasaidia,
    1. kupunguza kuchafuliwa kwa vidimbwi shuleni
    2. kuwaelekeza wanafunzi kuhusu uanzishaji wa ukulima.
    3. kuimarishwa kwa akiba ya miti.
    4. kuwashirikisha wanachama katika maonyesho ya kutangazia bidhaa.
  6. Ni dhahiri kwamba shughuli za kuhifadhi mazingira,
    1. huhakikisha ongezeko la wanyama wa majini.
    2. husaidia kuzidishwa kwa shughuli za kutafuta pesa.
    3. huelekea kutoa ushauri kuhusu namna ya kuongeza idadi ya mifugo.
    4. huwapa vijana maarifa ya kuendesha maisha yao hata bila michango ya wengine.
  7. Tungo zinazobuniwa na wanafunzi,
    1. huelezea njia za kubuni mafunzo kuhusu mazingira
    2. huwahimiza wale wanaopendekeza njia nzuri za kutumia ardhi.
    3. huwaonya wale wanaopunguza idadi ya wanyama kwenye mazingira.
    4. hukosoa mitindo mibaya ya matumizi ya ardhi.
  8. Kulingana na aya ya mwisho,
    1. viongozi ndio wanaokwamiza juhudi za kusafisha maeneo.
    2. ubinafsi ndicho kichocheo kikuu cha uharibifu wa mazingira.
    3. wanajamii wanahitaji kuwaonya vijana dhidi ya kufanya mambo kujifaidi.
    4. uelekezaji unatakiwa kuhimizwa ili vijana watende kama
  9. Kisawe cha ''haitakuwa ajabu'' ni?
    1. ibra
    2. kosa.
    3. shida.
    4. nadra
  10. "Mtoto akibebwa hutazama kisogo cha nina", ina maana kuwa,
    1. tabia ya mtu huathiriwa na wanaomzunguka kwao.
    2. mwenendo wa mtu huathiriwa na wanaomshinda madaraka.
    3. hulka ya mtu huathiriwa na wanaofunzwa pamoja.
    4. desturi ya mtu huathiriwa na wanaomtegemea kihali.


Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika insha yako. Endeleza insha ifuatayo kwa maneno yako mwenyewe huku ukiifanya iwe ya kusisimua zaidi.
Mgeni alifika mapema kama ilivyotarajiwa. Kengele ilipigwa ili....


  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. D
  9. D
  10. C
  11. A
  12. D
  13. B
  14. B
  15. D
  16. D
  17. C
  18. D
  19. B
  20. A
  21. B
  22. C
  23. A
  24. D
  25. C
  26. B
  27. A
  28. D
  29. C
  30. B
  31. B
  32. D
  33. A
  34. C
  35. A
  36. D
  37. B
  38. C
  39. B
  40. C
  41. C
  42. B
  43. A
  44. B
  45. B
  46. D
  47. D
  48. B
  49. A
  50. B

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 15. For each blank space, choose the best alternative from the choices given.

We started going to school because either we were told by our parents or our ___1___ brothers and sisters had made us want to go even before we became of the right___2___. The thought of___3___school uniform and being away from home for some hours of the day too could have__4____ us and made us look forward to attending school__5____ I'm sure for majority of us, it was short-lived. This is because school life proved to be___6_____ different from what we were__7___ to at home.

To start with, in some homes, fighting was not condemned and whoever was___8___ was usually praised. At school, this was against the school rules and if one was found to be fighting others consistently, he could be___9___ from school casily. Next, at home, the___10___was more relaxed and one could even eat at any time of the day upon their___11___ while school programmes are usually__12___. This discourages new and young learners from liking school. Behaviour at school is set and all learners are___13___ to obey the rules. This is__14___ at the end of the first few weeks, a big positive change is___15___ on the learners who attend school.

              A              B            C              D 
 1.    bigger    older       elder       younger 
 2.    size     age       height       weight 
 3.    having      owning       wearing       putting on 
 4.    excited     shocked       frightened        pleased 
 5     this     and       so       but 
 6.     somehow      never      completely       just 
 7.     asked      taught     shown     used
 8.    beaten      stronger     liked      braver
 9.    suspended     punished      expelled    chased
10.      time     rule     routine    work
11.    think     hope    appetite    wish
12.    rigid     short     tight    less
13.    intended     expected    prepared    suspended
14.    how     when    while    why
15.    made     put     noted     taught 


For questions 16 and 17, choose the correct alternative to fill in the blank space in each of the sentences.

  1. The boy lay down and soon dozed _____ as he was very exhausted.
    1. on
    2. off
    3. over
    4. down
  2. He confessed that he had just made ______ the story so it wasn't true.
    1. out
    2. over
    3. off
    4. up

For questions 18 to 20, choose the word that means the opposite of the underlined word.

  1. Many butchers use very sharp knives to cut meat.
    1. old
    2. short
    3. blunt
    4. rusty
  2. He is unlikely to reach home before dark.
    1. probable
    2. impossible
    3. unlikely
    4. possible
  3. Children are warned not to talk to their elders in a hostile manner.
    1. angry
    2. pleasant
    3. warm
    4. friendly

For questions 21 to 23, select the alternative that means the same as the given sentence.

  1. "We are starting our examinations tomorrow," Ken said.
    1. Ken said that they are starting their examinations tomorrow.
    2. Ken said that they were starting their examinations the next day.
    3. Ken said that we are starting our examinations the following day.
    4. Ken said that they are starting their examinations the next day
  2. John wished he had not shouted at the old man.
    1. John regretted shouting at the old man.
    2. John hoped he had not shouted at the old man.
    3. John said he did not like shouting at the old man.
    4. John decided not to shout at the old man.
  3. No sooner had the bus stopped than the driver switched off the engine.
    1. The driver switched off the engine when the bus stopped.
    2. The bus stopped when the driver switched off the engine.
    3. The driver switched off the engine after the bus had stopped.
    4. The driver switched off the engine immediately the bus stopped.

For questions 24 and 25, select the alternative that best completes the sentence.

  1. Titus chose to run home______ there was still a lot of time
    1. because
    2. though
    3. while
    4. when
  2.  The chief was very______ with Abdul for stealing from his neighbours.
    1.  annoyed
    2. disturbed
    3. sorry
    4. shocked

Read the passage below and then answer questions 26 to 38.

For some time, the villagers had lived under great fear. Raiders had almost taken control of all the village activities. Women who were notorious for leaving the market at dusk realised they had to change and so as the sun sank below the horizon, trade at the markets also got concluded. No one walked in darkness and whoever did would not feel at case until they reached their destination. However, no one had been
warned against this.

We had come from a long journey. We had covered hills and valleys and our feet were sore but we could not afford to stop. As the sun started going down, our moods changed. We hastened our steps but it was no use. We had left late and would not arrive home before ten o'clock, however fast we walked. No one talked, not even Ken, who always found fun in everything, including his own misery.
Some paths were rocky and narrow and so we had to walk in a single file. We avoided this as much as we could, though, because hardly any of us liked being in the rear. We heard crickets and frogs, dogs and jackals and occasionally hyenas. The sound that were dreaded most, however, was that of screaming men and women because we knew what it would signify.

We were beginning to relax for two reasons. The village was not that far anymore and the arcas known to be dangerous were already behind us. Then, heard a sound, too strange for any us to attribute to any known creature. It could neither be a human being nor a bull; we all froze on our tracks as if that was the safest thing to do. I must have stopped breathing temporarily and my knees felt so weak that had I been alone, maybe, I would have collapsed. By instinct, we found ourselves darting into the bushes along the path and going flat on the ground.

Then, we heard more of the strange sounds and for some time, we believed we had come face to face with the ruthless raiser, for the first time. I could distinctly hear the voice of a man, talking in a low murmur; but the other sounds were so muffled up that either due to fear, inexperience or both, I was completely unable to identify.

A shadow figure started coming towards us. From a distance, I could see it struggling drunkenly but the voice was too strong. Fearing for the worst, the whole party jumped from their hiding places, running and screaming in all directions. My throat felt too dry to utter a squawk and waited to die there. The 'thing' kept coming towards me and I closed my eyes. Then, I heard another sound-the type I could not mistake for anything else. It was the bleating of a ram.

The man walked past me, struggling with the ram. It's like it had strayed away and he was leading it home and I identified the man as Mike, my own uncle!

  1. Why are the women in the first paragraph described as notorious?
    1. They did not seem to follow the new village time lines.
    2. They were never afraid of the raiders as the men.
    3. They sold more of their items at night than day.
    4. They associated with the raiders who terrorised the villagers.
  2. What do you think made business be concluded at the market before darkness?
    1. The men had warned all the villagers against trade at night.
    2. The women were no longer doing business within the accepted times.
    3. Women were getting attacked at the market places at night.
    4. There was fear caused by lawlessness in the village.
  3. The writer and his party were travelling late because
    1. they were tired and scared of raiders.
    2. their departure had not started as expected.
    3. they were too many walking along a narrow path.
    4. their feet were aching due to long period of walking.
  4. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
    1. Unavoidable circumstances made some people to walk in darkness.
    2. All the villagers stopped walking in darkness.
    3. The more the writer and his party walked, the slower they became.
    4. The party walked in a single file throughout the journey.
  5. The sounds made by the animals. mentioned in the third paragraph are used as
    1. signs that the travellers never felt lonely.
    2. a confirmation that the raiders were soon attacking
    3. signals that instilled fear into the writer and his party
    4. an indication that travellers were not afraid at all.
  6. The main reason why the writer expected to hear sounds of screaming men and women is
    1. people rarely walked at night those days.
    2. attacks from raiders had become common.
    3. there were too many dangerous wild animals in the area.
    4. they were approaching homes of people.
  7. When the travellers heard the strange sound
    1. none of them could tell which animal had made it.
    2. it was too strange to bother them.
    3. they were sure the raiders were close to them.
    4. they were confused because of being exhausted.
  8. The word 'froze' has been underlined in the passage. It suggests that the writer
    1. was feeling very cold.
    2. decided neither to talk nor walk anymore.
    3. identified the dangerous animal.
    4. was extremely frightened.
  9. Had the writer done what the other members of the party did when the shadowy figure approached them
    1. They could all have reached home safely.
    2. The villagers could have come out to save them:
    3. Probably they could never have identified the creature.
    4. The writer's uncle could never have blamed them.
  10. Why do you think the shadowy figure seemed struggling drunkenly?
    1. The person could have been drunk.
    2. It was the ram making movement difficult in darkness.
    3. He was scared of the raiders who could appear anytime.
    4. The person too was very scared.
  11. The writer closed his eyes as the 'thing' kept going towards him because
    1. he feared that the worst would soon befall him.
    2. there was nothing to see anymore.
    3. his party had abandoned him in the bush.
    4. he wanted to see the 'thing' clearly.
  12. Which of the four words below would best describe how the writer felt upon identifying what had made them panic?
    1. Desperate.
    2. Shocked.
    3. Disgusted
    4. Relieved.
  13. In the end,
    1. The writer and the party reached home safely.
    2. Only the writer had information none of the party had.
    3. The writer's uncle blamed him for behaving cowardly.
    4. The writer vowed never to walk in darkness again.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 39 to 50.

The word 'justice' is usually associated with courts of law. We might say that justice has been done when a man's innocence or guilt has been proven beyond doubt. Justice is part of the complex machinery of the law. Those who seek it undertake an arduous journey and can never be sure that they will find it. Judges, however wise or eminent, are human and can make mistakes.

There are rare instances when justice almost ceases to be an abstract conception. Reward or punishment is meted out quite independent of human interference. At such times, justice acts like a living force. When we use a phrase like 'it serves him right,' we are, in part admitting that a certain set of circumstances has enabled justice to act of its own accord.

When a thief was caught on the premises of a large fur store one morning, the shop assistants must have found it impossible to resist the temptation to say it serves him right.' The shop was an old-fashioned one with many large, dormant fireplaces and tall, narrow chimneys. Towards midday, a girl heard a muffled cry coming from behind one of the walls. As the cry was repeated several times, she ran to tell the. manager who promptly rang up the fire-brigade. The cry had certainly come from one of the chimneys, but as there were so many of them, the firemen could not be certain which one it was. They located the right chimney by tapping on the walls and listening for the man's cries. After chipping through a wall which was eighteen inches thick, they found that a man had been trapped in the chimney. As it was extremely narrow, the man was unable to move, but the firemen were eventually able to free him by cutting a huge hole in the wall. The sorry-looking, blackened figure that emerged, at once admitted that he had tried to break into the shop during the night but had got stuck in the chimney. He had been there for nearly ten hours. Justice had been done even before the man was handed over to the police.

  1. Which of the following is true according to the paragraph?
    Justice is........
    1. normally connected to the local courts of law.
    2. when a man is found guilty.
    3. when a man is found innocent
    4. normally connected to the courts of law,
  2. Those who seek justice
    1. undertake the journey with doubt.
    2. undertake a short and easy journey.
    3. are never sure of finding it.
    4. are sure of finding it.
  3. The word eminent as used in the passage means
    1. famous
    2. indolent
    3. notorious
    4. uncivilised
  4. According to the passage, judges are
    1. human and are not bound to make mistakes.
    2. human and are bound to make mistakes.
    3. wise and take a long time.
    4. wise and always take a short cuts.
  5. Which of the following words can correctly be used to replace 'ceases' as used in the passage?
    1. Disappear
    2. Commences
    3. Stops
    4. Eludes
  6. When was a thief caught on the premises of a large fur store?
    1. At sunset
    2. Almost at dawn
    3. At midnight
    4. At midday
  7. Which of the following best describes the kind of shop in the passage? An old-fashioned
    1. with one large fire place.
    2. with used fire places.
    3. ,disused fireplaces and a narrow chimney.
    4. ,many large not used fire places and tall narrow chimney.
  8. A girl heard a muffled cry from
    1. behind many walls
    2. tall-narrow chimneys
    3. behind a wall
    4. a large disused fire place
  9. How did the firemen locate the right chimney?
    1. Tapping the walls and becoming deaf to the cries.
    2. Tapping the walls and listening to the man's cries.
    3. Listening to the man's crics.
    4. Tapping the walls and crying loudly.
  10. Which of the following best explains why the man was trapped? The chimney
    1. was very narrow making the man not move.
    2. was extremely wide enabling him not to move.
    3. had fire that scared off the man to move.
    4. was narrow while the man was stout.
  11. How did the firemen rescue the man? Cutting a
    1. deep hole in the wall
    2. tiny hole in the wall
    3. medium hole in the wall
    4. large hole in the wall.
  12. The best summary for this passage would be: Justice
    1. is only found in the courts of law.
    2. does not exist today.
    3. can be done without human beings around.
    4. must be done with human beings around.


You have 40 minutes to write your composition. Below is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words, making it as interesting as you can.
Everybody was happy that morning. The final day of education in primary school had finally come. So, when the bell was rung............

                                                                                MARKING SCHEME

  1. C
  2. B
  3. C
  4. A
  5. D
  6. C
  7. D
  8. B
  9. A
  10. C
  11. D
  12. A
  13. B
  14. D
  15. C
  16. B
  17. D
  18. C
  19. A
  20. D
  21. B
  22. A
  23. D
  24. B
  25. A
  26. A
  27. D
  28. B
  29. A
  30. C
  31. B
  32. A
  33. D
  34. C
  35. B
  36. A
  37. D
  38. B
  39. D
  40. C
  41. A
  42. B
  43. C
  44. B
  45. D
  46. C
  47. B
  48. A
  49. D
  50. C
  1. Write thirty six million thirty six thousand and thirty six thousand and thirty six.
    1. 36 036 306
    2. 36 306 306
    3. 36 306 .036
    4. 36 036 036
  2. What is 269.8999 rounded off to the nearest thousandth?
    1. 269.899
    2. 269.900
    3. 269.000
    4. 270.000
  3. Which of the following inequality statements is correct?
    1. 004 = 40%
    2. 2/5 > 40%
    3. ¾ = 65%
    4. 0.01 < 10%
  4. What is the total value of digit 4 in the number 387.2847?
    1. Hyundreth
    2. Thousandth
    3. 4/1000
    4. 4/100
  5. The perimeter of a square is 224m. What is twice the area?
    1. 3136m2
    2. 448m2
    3. 1244m2
    4. 6272cm2
  6. What is the value of
    4(52 − 32) + 9 x 4
             √36 ÷ 2
    1. 331/3
    2. 25
    3. 100
    4. 5 5/9
  7. What is the value of 
    2/5 of (3/5 − 3/8) + 2/5 x 3/4
    1. 117/100
    2. 16/25
    3. 217/50
    4. 117/50
  8. Which of the following is the next number in the sequence?
    1, 2, 6, 15, 31
    1. 56
    2. 53
    3. 61
    4. 59
  9. What is the value of 
    62 − 4(35 − 24) ?
        12 ÷4
    1. 4
    2. 3
    3. 24
    4. 6
  10. A family consumes 6-500ml packets of milk daily. low many litres did they consume from 13 January to 11* April of the year 2022?
    1. 26.1litres
    2. 261litres
    3. 267 litres
    4. 258 litres
  11. What is the sum of the square ol 4½ and the square root of 181/16?
    1. 95/16
    2. 81/4
    3. 13/16
  12. Construct a triangle PQR such that line PQ = 6.5cm, PR = 7.5cm and angle PQR = 69°. From point R drop a perpendicular to meet line PQ at X.

    What is the size of angle PRX?
    1. 29°
    2. 61°
    3. 151°
    4. 126°
  13. Kibet had sh 1000 note. He wanted to change into denominations of sh 500, sh 200, sh 100 and sh 50. How many notes did he get?
    1. 5
    2. 4
    3. 7
    4. 6
  14. Osman deposited sh.300 000 in a commercial bank that paid simple interest at 6% per annum. How much was the amount in his account after 18 months?
    1. Sh. 327 000
    2. Sh. 27 000
    3. Sh. 18 000
    4. Sh 318 000
  15. John left Mumias for Busia at 10:36 am. He drove at a speed of 90km/hr for a distance of 60km. At what time did he get to Busia?
    1. 11:26am
    2. 11:16am
    3. 10:56am
    4. 12:16pm
  16. A rectangular water tank measures 3.2m by 2.4m by 1.8m high when full of water. After 3 days the level of water dropped by 60cm. How many litres remained in the tank?
    1. 13 824ltrs
    2. 4 608ltrs
    3. 9 216/trs
    4. 5 400ltrs
  17. What is the value of x in the equation
    x −1 + 3x + 7 = 6
       2           8
    1. 73/7
    2. 52
    3. 45
    4. 63/7
  18. A Kigali bound bus left Nairobi on Monday 8:30pm. The journey was to take 2¼ days. On reaching Busia border, the bus delayed for 3hrs. At what day and time did the bus get to Kigali?
    1. Thursday 2:30am
    2. Wednesday 2:30am
    3. Thursday 5:30 am
    4. Wednesday 5:30am
  19. Janet made a loss of 12% for selling 23. The line AB below is a part of a an item at sh.17 600. How much would she have sold to make a 25% profit?
    1. Sh.20 000
    2. Sh.25 000
    3. Sh.22 000
    4. Sh.26 500
  20. What is the value of 2x(y − z)
                                        y + z
    if x = 4, y = 3x and z = ½y
    1. 22/3
    2. 11/3
  21. Kim spent of his salary on fees, of the remainder on rent and the rest on savings. If the savings was sh.7 500 how much did he spend on rent?
    1. Sh.11 250
    2. Sh.33 750
    3. Sh.3 750
    4. Sh.22 500
  22. The following are characteristics of a certain quadrilateral:
    (i) One pair of parallel lines.
    (ii) Diagonals are not equal.
    (iii) Interior angles add upto 360°.
    The quadrilateral described above is a
    1. Trapezium
    2. Rectangle
    3. Rhombus
    4. Parallelogram
  23. The line AB below is a part of arhombus ABCD where angle BAD = 120°. From point C drop a perpendicular to meet line AB at X.
    What is the length of line AB?
    1. 7cm
    2. 4.9cm
    3. 2.5cm
    4. 3.1cm
  24. During a prayer rally in Nyayo stadium, a total of 5 700 children were in attendance. The number of women was 2/3 that of children but 500 less than that of men. How many people attended the prayer rally altogether?
    1. 3 800
    2. 10 000
    3. 13 800
    4. 4 300
  25. The table below shows a fare chart in shillings for a bus from a certain route.
    Three adults and four children travelled from town A to town E via town C. On reaching town C, one more adult and two children joined the passengers. How much money did they pay altogether if the children paid half of the fare?
    1. Sh.2 200
    2. Sh.2 250
    3. Sh.2 240
    4. Sh.1 400
  26. A clock loses ten seconds every hour. If it was set right on Monday 8:00am, what time did it show the following Monday at the same time?
    1. 8:28am
    2. 7:32am
    3. 8:28pm
    4. 7:32pm
  27. Wagalla paid sh.30 400 for an item after getting a 5% discount on the marked price. How much less would he have paid had he been given a 10% discount?
    1. Sh.1 600
    2. Sh.3 200
    3. Sh.28 800
    4. Sh.33 600
  28. The mass of an empty carton is 0.8kg. The carton is filled up with 24-500g tins of cooking fat. A pickup whose mass when empty is 1.2 tonnes is packed with 80 such cartons. What is the total mass of the loaded pickup in kgs?
    1. 1024 kg
    2. 2224kg
    3. 960kg
    4. 2160kg
  29. Which of the following set of measurements cannot be used to form a right angled triangle?
    1. 4.5cm, 6cm, 72cm
    2. 1.2m by 1.3m by 1.5m
    3. 0.5m, 1.2m, 1.3m
    4. 0.8m, 1.5m, 1.7m
  30. The mass of ice was −20°C. It was heated for five minutes and the new temperature was 45°C. What was the rate of temperature rise in celsius per minute?
    1. 13°C per min
    2. 9°C per min
    3. 8°C per min
    4. 11°C per min
  31. A water tank measures 60cm by 50cm by 40cm. The tank is open at the top. What is the area the of internal surface area?
    1. 14 800cm2
    2. 12 000cm2
    3. 11 800cm2 
    4. 12 400cm2
  32. Three boys Ben, Bett and Tom contributed sh.1 200 to buy a ball. Tom contributed twice as much as both Bett and Ben. Bett contributed sh.200 more than Ben. If Ben contributed sh.x, which of the following equations can be used to get the amount contributed by Tom?
    1. 3x + 200 = 1 200
    2. 3x + 300 = 1 200
    3. 6x + 600 = 1 200
    4. 5x + 600 = 1 200
  33. Karen and Sylvia shared some money in the ratio 3:5. If Sylvia got sh.3 900 more than Karen, how much money were they sharing?
    A. Sh.9 750
    B. Sh.10 400
    C. Sh.5 850
    D. Sh.15 600
  34. A sales agent earns a basic salary of sh.18 500. She is also paid 9% commission on all the sales she makes above sh.50 000. In one month she earned sh.68 900. How much was her sales that month?
    1. Sh.560 000
    2. Sh.520 000
    3. Sh.24 701
    4. Sh.610 000
  35. What is the difference of the LCM and HCF of 12,16, and 24?
    1. 48
    2. 4
    3. 52
    4. 44
  36. Below is a solid net.
    What is the correct number of faces, edges and vertices?
             F    E    V
    1.   9    5    6
    2.   5    9    6
    3.   6    5    9
    4.   9    6    5
  37. In an election, four candidates got votes as follows:
    Third candidate got 0.23
    Second candidate got 0.27.
    First candidate got 0.42.
    Fourth candidate got the rest which were 6400 votes. How many more votes did the winning candidate get than the second candidate?
    1. 80 000
    2. 33.600
    3. 18.400
    4. 12 000
  38. James scored the following in a test.
     Subject   Maths   Eng   Sci   Kiswa 
     Score      80     90     60      70 
    If this information was put on a pie chart, what angle would represent the difference between Maths and Science?
    1. 24°
    2. 72°
    3. 96°
    4. 108°
  39. Onyango travelled from Nyando to Machakos a distance of 432km in four hours. He drove back taking 6hrs. What was the average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 72 km/h
    2. 108 km/h
    3. 862/5 km/h
    4. 96 km/h
  40. The diagram below shows a piece of land
    What is its perimeter?
    1. 198m
    2. 231m
    3. 330m
    4. 99m
  41. The cash price of a generator is sh.240 000. The hire purchase price is 25% more than the cash price. Hassan paid a deposit and the rest in 15 equal monthly instalments of sh.17 600. How much was the deposit?
    1. Sh.24 000
    2. Sh.36 000
    3. Sh.64 000
    4. Sh.46 000
  42. A group of 54 men can take 72 days, to complete a certain job. How many more days would it take if 18 men failed to turn up?
    1. 108
    2. 48
    3. 18
    4. 36
  43. What is the simplest form of
         3(2x + 4y) + 2(3x + 2y),?
                   2(4y + 6x)
    1. 4y + 2x
      2x + 4y
    2. 2y + 3x
      3x + 2y
    3. 4y + 3x
      2y + 3x
    4. 3x + 2y
      4x + 3y
  44. The fractions 3/7, 2/3,4/9 and 8/11  are to be arranged from the smallest to the largest. Which of the following is the correct order?
    1. 8/11, 3/7, 2/3, 4/9
    2. 2/3, 3/7, 4/9, 8/11
    3. 3/7, 4/9, 2/3, 8/11
    4. 8/11, 2/3, 4/9, 3/7
  45. The number of pupils enrolling in a school in a subcounty increased to 4800 in this year. If it was a 20% increase from last year, how many pupils enrolled last year?
    1. 5760
    2. 4200
    3. 4000
    4. 5600
  46. Leah's piece of land is drawn to scale 1:20000. If it measures 5cm by 3cm on the map, what is its actual area in hectares?
    1. 0.6
    2. 60
    3. 600
    4. 6000
  47. The figure below shows a right angled traingle joined to a semi circle.
    What is the area of te figure above?
    1. 5026 cm2
    2. 1925 cm2
    3. 3101 cm2
    4. 1176 cm2
  48. 48. A wheel of diameter 56cm made 4000 revolutions. What distance in km did it cover?
    1. 704km
    2. 7.04km
    3. 352km
    4. 3.52km
  49. 49. Cynthia bought the following items from the shop:
    3kg sugar @ Sh. 230
    32kg of rice @ Sh. 100
    6-500ml packets of milk @60 per packet. 3 litres of cooking oil for Sh. 540.
    3 bars of bathing soap for Sh.240
    If she paid using 3- 1000 shilling notes, how much balance did she get?
    1. Sh. 2180
    2. Sh. 820
    3. Sh. 340
    4. Sh. 260
  50. In the figure below line FL is parallel to line GJ. Angles KIJ = 62 and IHG = 54°
    What is the size of angle EFK?
    1. 126°
    2. 64°
    3. 116°
    4. 118°


  1. D
  2. B
  3. D
  4. C
  5. A
  6. A
  7. B
  8. A
  9. D
  10. C
  11. A
  12. A
  13. D
  14. A
  15. B
  16. C
  17. D
  18. C
  19. B
  20. A
  21. D
  22. A
  23. B
  24. C
  25. B
  26. B
  27. A
  28. B
  29. B
  30. A
  31. C
  32. C
  33. D
  34. D
  35. B
  36. D
  37. D
  38. A
  39. C
  40. C
  41. B
  42. D
  43. C
  44. C
  45. C
  46. B
  47. C
  48. B
  49. B
  50. C



  1. Pamela mixed water and clay to make a semi- liquid mixture. What are the two ways that she can be using in making pottery items?
    1. Joining slabs and decorating.
    2. Cutting and scouring.
    3. Trimming and bending.
    4. Piercing and embedding
  2. Identify the carving equipment below.
    1. Knife
    2. Brush
    3. Adze
    4. Chopper
  3. Grade six learners mixed the colours below.
    Blue + Yellow = 
    Which colour did they get?
    1. Green
    2. Violet
    3. Orange 
    4. Purple
  4. Stiff weaving materials can be prepared by the following methods except:-
    1. Splitting
    2. Soaking
    3. Breaking
    4. Placing over heat
  5. A _____ weave is created by interlacing one weft over one warp across a wooven material.
    1. twine
    2. Olain
    3. roung
    4. twisted
  6. Whuch type of puppet is shown below?
    1. marionette
    2. cat puppet
    3. Still life composition
    4. Rod puppet
  7. The following are information on a book jacket except:-
    1. Title of the book
    2.  Author of the book
    3. Illustrations
    4. Price of the book
  8. A piece of artwork made by sticking various
    1. Montage
    2. Collage
    3. Mosaic
    4. Still life composition.
  9. Identify the techniques used to make the paper craft item below.
    1. Curling and scouring
    2. Twisting and pleating
    3. Cutting and curling
    4. Cutting and pasting
  10. Which one of the following is NOT a technique of preparing materials for basketry?
    1. Taring
    2. Modelling
    3. Plaiting
    4. Dyeing


  1. Which one of the following instruments can be used in an art song?
    1. A horn
    2. A piano
    3. A drum
    4. A ring
  2. Which one of the following cannot be observed in a folk song performance?
    1. Facial expression
    2. Diction
    3. Harmony
    4. Gestures
  3. The musical instrument below is played by:-
    1. bowing
    2. plucking
    3. blowing
    4. shaking
  4. _______ is the speed at which music is perfomed
    1. pitch
    2. rhythm
    3. tempo
    4. melody
  5. Which musical note below is a minim?
  6. The correct french rhythm for the musical notes below is:-
    1. Ta-te             taa           taa            taa
    2. Taa - aa        taa             ta - te
    3. Taa taa         ta - te        taa - aa
    4. Taa taa          taa aa        ta - te
  7. Lucia, Loita and Lulu per formed a traditional folk dance. This dance is called:-
    1. choir
    2. duet
    3. trio
    4. solo
  8. The paintings that the performers do on their bodies are called body:-
    1. adornments
    2. costumes
    3. ornaments
    4. ululations
  9. The term "diminuendo" directs singers to become:
    1. gradually soft
    2. very soft
    3. fast and lively
    4. gradually loud
  10. Which one is the lowest note in the Sol-fa ladder below?
    d     r   m   f    s    l     t     d
    1. doh'
    2. soh
    3. lah
    4. doh



  1. What is the direction of Lake Somu from the saw mill?
    1. North West
    2. South East
    3. North East
    4. South West
  2. What is the approximate length of the murram road?
    1. 6km
    2. 4.0km
    3. 2.5km
    4. 5km
  3. The climate of southern part of Boro Area is likely to be:-
    1. Cool and wet
    2. Hot and wet
    3. Hot and dry
    4. Cool and dry
  4. The following economic activitity is NOT carried out in Boro Area. Which one?
    1. Lumbering
    2. Trading
    3. Crop farming
    4. Dairy farming
  5. People in Boro Area are mainly:-
    1. Christians
    2. Hindus
    3. Pagans
    4. Traditionalists
  6. Lake Kyoga in Uganda was formed through:-
    1. Volcanicity
    2. Faulting
    3. Downwarping
    4. Erosion and deposition
  7. The following are characteristics of a certain climatic condition.
    i) High humidity.
    ii) No distinct season.
    iii.) High rainfall all year round.
    Which climate is described above?
    1. Equatorial
    2. Tropical
    3. Desert
    4. Mountain
  8. Which of the following communities belong to the cushites?
    1. Tigream, Falasha, Arabs
    2. Alur, Njemps, Hutus, Hehe.
    3. Iraqw, Burungi, Dahalo, Galla.
    4. Dinka, Annuak, Nuer, Shilluk.
      Use the diagram below to answer questions  29-30.
  9. The forces marked Q are:-
    1. upthrust
    2. compressional
    3. tensional
    4. faulting
  10. Which one of the following mountains was NOT formed through the above process?
    1. Mt. Lomngonot
    2. Mt. Pare
    3. Mt. Usambara
    4. Mt. Ruwenzori.
  11. The follwoing countries neighbor Ethiopia except:-
    1. Eritrea
    2. Somalia
    3. Uganda
    4. South Sudan
  12. Which one of the following is not a challenge facing beef farming in Eastern Africa?
    1. Drought
    2. Lack of market
    3. Parasites and diseases
    4. Lack of veterinary services
  13. Which method of fishing is shown below?
    1. Trawling
    2. Purse seining
    3. Long lining
    4. Net drifting
  14. Which one is NOT an economic right?
    1. Right to own property
    2. Right to equality
    3. Right to work
    4. Right to fair wages and equal.
  15. The following are responsibilities of a Kenyan citizen. Which one is a value?
    1. Paying taxes
    2. Owning property
    3. Obeying the laws
    4. Conserving the environment
  16. Which one of the following is a negative effect of high population density in Eastern Africa?
    1. Land fragmentation.
    2. Cheap labour
    3. Increased tax collection
    4. Attraction of investors
  17. Below are modern means of communications.
    Which one is a print media?
    1. Internet
    2. Radio
    3. Television
    4. Journal
      Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 38-39.
  18. Which mineral is likely to be mined at H?
    1. Diatomite
    2. Flourspar
    3. Limestone
    4. Soda ash
  19. The country marked M has its headquarters at:-
    1. Ramicial
    2. Dodoma
    3. Khartoum
    4. Mogadishu
  20. Which of the following rivers marked 1, 2, 3 and 4 represents river Omo?
    1. 4
    2. 3
    3. 2
    4. 1


  1. From the book of Exodus 31:3, who was given the skills and abilities to produce artistic work?
    1. Moses
    2. Jethro
    3. Bezalel
    4. Samson
  2. Which set contains the books of the New Testament?
    1. Judges, Luke, Joshua, Mathew
    2. Ruth, Luke, Mathew, Ezra
    3. Mathew, Luke, Romans, Colossians
    4. Exodus, Leviticus, John, Hosea
  3. Who was the author of Genesis as a book in the Old Testament?
    1. Paul
    2. Moses
    3. Abraham
    4. David
  4. Two sisters of Lazarus lived in the town of:-
    1. Bethany
    2. Bethlehem
    3. Jericho
    4. Jerusalem
  5. King Solomon was able to solve the problems of his people because of his:-
    1. honesty
    2. wisdom
    3. integrity
    4. responsibility
  6. In the book of Luke 3:9-4, John the Baptist gave the following instructions. "Be contented with your salary." He was talking to:-
    1. The soldiers
    2. The pharasees
    3. The rich
    4. The tax collectors
  7. The most loved disciple of Jesus was:-
    1. John
    2. Mathew
    3. Peter
    4. Luke
  8. Why did God create Eve?
    1. To be Adam's competitor.
    2. To be Adam's servant.
    3. To be Adam's slave
    4. To be Adam's companion.
  9. Which one of the following teachings is NOT found in the Apostle Creed?
    1. Faith
    2. Eternal hope
    3. God is powerful
    4. Jesus son of Joseph
  10. Who among the following prophets recovered the axe - head from water?
    1. Prophet Elijah
    2. Prophet Jeremiah
    3. Prophet Elisha
    4. Prophet Hosea


  1. Which one of the following Surahs means the night of power?
    1. Qadar
    2. Badr
    3. Dhuha
    4. Inshirrah
  2. Maryamm a grade 6 learner from Dahuma Educational Centre was asked to name two surahs that have equal numbers of rakaa. Which pain did she mention if she got them correct?
    1. Inshirrah and Kanthar
    2. Fatiha and Humazah
    3. Inshirrah and At-liin
    4. Dhuha and Zilzallah
  3. The Surah that mentions the Qiyammah and judgement is:-
    1. Zilzallah
    2. An-Nasr
    3. Maun
    4. Fatiha
  4. Which one of the following is the mother of all Surahs in the Holy Quran:-
    1. Fatiha
    2. Dhuha
    3. Quirish
    4. Bayyinah
  5. "Allah (sw) does not sleep or slumber." The surah with the above statement is:-
    1. Bayyinah
    2. Swamad
    3. Maun
    4. Firaun
  6.  Worship Allah as if you see him for if you don't see him He................. complete the hadith
    1. see you
    2. does not see you
    3. ignores you
    4. will deny you thereafter
  7. According to the teaching of the prophet (PBUH) a muslim is a brother to:-
    1. a christian
    2. a neighbour
    3. any person
    4. a muslim
  8. All holy angels were created from:-
    1. blood clot
    2. dust
    3. water
    4. Nuhr
  9. Which one of the foloowing is the third pillar of Iman
    1. Qadar
    2. Allah
    3. Angels
    4. Holy Books
  10. Immediately after the Ramadhan muslims begin to
    1. Idd-ul-Fitr
    2. Idd-ul-adhaa
    3. Aqiqah
    4. Second Ramadhan



  1. A
  2. A
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. D
  7. D
  8. B
  9. B
  10. B


  1. C
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. D
  6. C
  7. C
  8. A
  9. A
  10. A


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. A
  8. C
  9. C
  10. A
  11. C
  12. B
  13. A
  14. B
  15. D
  16. A
  17. D
  18. D
  19. D
  20. A


  1. C
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. A
  8. D
  9. D
  10. C


  1. A
  2. C
  3. A
  4. A
  5. C
  6. A
  7. D
  8. D
  9. D
  10. A


  1. The clouds which have regular shapes also:-
    1.  brings heavy rainfall.
    2. covers the whole sky.
    3. appears at high altitude.
    4. dark grey in colour.
  2. Which set of animals below are reptiles?
    1. Toad, lizard, snake, geco.
    2. Crocodile, chameleon, salamander.
    3. Tortoise, lizard, turtle, snake.
    4. Newt, salamander, frog, toad.
  3. Which one will turn a red litmus paper blue?
    1. Lemon
    2. vinegar
    3. water
    4. wood ash
  4. The tooth drawn below is likely to be used for:-
    1. Crushing
    2. Piercing
    3. Cutting
    4. Grinding
  5. Tura threw a ball up in the air. He saw the ball falling down on its own. This was due to:-
    1. mass of the ball
    2. force of friction
    3. force of gravity
    4. force of inertia
  6. Which digital device is shown below?
    1. Laptop
    2. Tablet
    3. Smartphone
    4. Desktop
  7. Who among the follwoing people is a universal donor?
    1. Kelly     -     group AB
    2. Korir     -     group B
    3. Lewis    -     group O
    4. Peter     -     group A
  8. The chart below shows heat transfer in matter.
    Which process represents condensation?
    1. S
    2. P
    3. R
    4. Q
  9. Which part is incorrectly matched with its function?
    1. Spermduct - transports sperms from
    2. Urethra - passage of urine and sperms
    3. Testis - produces sperms.
    4. Fallopian tube - ovulation occurs there.
  10. Which pair of the following invertebrates have similar characteristics?
    1. centipede and mite.
    2. mite and spider
    3. bees and millipede
    4. tick and mosquito
  11. Which percentage of the air is used to extiguish fire?
    1. 0.03%
    2. 0.97%
    3. 21%
    4. 78%
  12. Where are nutrients absorbed in the human digestive system?
    1. colon
    2. oesophaguss
    3. mouth
    4. illeum
  13. Which type of bone is shown below?
    1. limb bone
    2. back bone
    3. skeleton
    4. ribcage
  14. The part of a computer where text and images are displayed is the:-
    1. scanner
    2. cable
    3. monitor
    4. C.P.U
  15. A patient had the following signs and symptoms.
    i. Persistent cough.
    ii. Pain in the chest.
    iii. Loss of weight,
    iv. High fever.
    The above patient had:-
    1. Pneumonia
    2. Tuberculosis
    3. Corona Virus Disease
    4. Bilharzia
  16. Grade six learners performed the activity below:-
    What were they investigating?
    1. Air has shape
    2. Air has mass
    3. Air has volume
    4. Air occupies space
  17. Identify the blood vessel below
    1. Vein 
    2. Capillary
    3. aorta
    4. heart
  18. Which one of the following simple machines is an example of a slope?
    1. pliers
    2. see saw
    3. ladder
    4. flag post
  19. Transparent materials cannot be used to make:-
    1. windscreens
    2. spectacles
    3. mirrors
    4. picture frames
  20. Which one is not an internal parasite?
    1. roundworm
    2. pinworm
    3. hookworm
    4. ringworm


  1. Identify the type of soil erosion below:-
    1. splash erosion
    2. rill erosion
    3. sheet erosion
    4. gulley erosion
  2. A rabbit is mainly kept for its:-
    1. meat
    2. wool
    3. mohair
    4. milk
  3. The practice of growing a crop that covers the soil to reduce evaporation of water is known as:-
    1. shading
    2. mulching
    3. cover cropping
    4. monocropping
  4. Identify the crop pest drawn below;
    1. monkey
    2. mole
    3. mongoose
    4. squirrel
  5. Which one is not an indigenous food crop?
    1. millet
    2. maize
    3. pumpkin
    4. yam
  6. A farmer removed excess tomato seedlings from a nursery bed. This practice is called:-
    1. Training
    2. Gapping
    3. Thinning
    4. Hardening off
  7. Ndekni grew a certain crop from vines. Which crop did he grow?
    1. grapes
    2. pumpkin
    3. carrots
    4. sugarcane
  8. A rabbit is sheltered in a:-
    1. stable
    2. hutch
    3. sty
    4. shed
  9. Three of the following are legumes except:-
    1. soya beans
    2. peanuts
    3. green grams
    4. sorghum
  10. Which farm tool is shown below?
    1. rake
    2. mattock
    3. shovel
    4. fork jembe


  1. The thread that runs horizontally in a weaving frame is known as:-
    1. weft
    2. yarn
    3. warp
    4. fibre
  2. Which of the following is an example of an accessory?
    1. Eye liner
    2. Lip gloss
    3. Nail polish
    4. Scarf
  3. The following are foods rich in iron except:-
    1. milk
    2. liver
    3. beetroot
    4. green leafy vegetables
  4. What does this symbol mean?
    1. Do not iron
    2. Use warm water
    3. Use cold water
    4. Do not bleach
  5. Which of the following steps in laundering clothes comes first?
    1. sorting
    2. rinsing
    3. soaking
    4. mending
  6. Dagaa fish can be preserved by:-
    1. freezing
    2. frying
    3. salting
    4. sun drying
  7. The strong salt solution that is used to preserve meat is known as:-
    1. Biltong
    2. Blavour
    3. Balt
    4. Brine
  8. The following are important factors to consider when planning family meals.
    Which one is NOT?
    1. Age
    2. Cost of food
    3. Variety
    4. Sweetness
  9. Identify the sewing method below.
    1. Satin stitch
    2. Loop stitch
    3. Hemming stitch
    4. Chain stitch
  10. The main reason for budgeting in a family is
    1. To avoid impulse buying
    2. To ensure wise buying
    3. To make savings
    4. To estimate and meet family needs.


  1. During the baton exchange, how many runners are involved?
    1. Two
    2. Four
    3. Six
    4. Eight
  2. What is the approximate weight for a shot put for learners aged 9 - 12 years old?
    1. 2.72kg
    2. 3.5kg
    3. 10kg
    4. 0.75kg
  3. The bib below is used in netball. What does it mean?
    1. West Attack
    2. Wasted Allowance
    3. Wing attack
    4. Wing Allowance
  4. The game of handball has a team of _______players.
    1. Eleven
    2. Nine
    3. Seven
    4. Six
  5. During a relay race, a group of learners used the following equipment. Which one is it?
    1. Baton
    2. Javelin
    3. Hurdle
    4. Rope
  6. Which skill is used to pass the ball as shown below?
    1. Underarm save
    2. Volleying
    3. Single hand dig
    4. Overarm save
  7. Grade six learners carried out the following skills.
    i. Forward running
    ii. Pivoting
    iii. Shuttle running.
    iv. High knee running
    The above fitness skills are called:-
    1. Agility
    2. Reaction time
    3. power
    4. balance
  8. Which one is NOT a gat of rugby equipment?
    1. Tag belt
    2. Rugby ball
    3. Rugby helmet
    4. Training cones
  9. A______ is a stetching or tearing ligaments.
    1. Fracture
    2. pop
    3. Sprain
    4. Compression
  10. The second stage in Javelin throw is known as:-
    1. Carriage
    2. Release
    3. Stance
    4. Recovery



  1. C
  2. C
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
  6. A
  7. C
  8. C
  9. D
  10. B
  11. A
  12. D
  13. A
  14. C
  15. B
  16. D
  17. A
  18. C
  19. C
  20. B


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. B
  9. D
  10. D


  1. B
  2. D
  3. A
  4. B
  5. D
  6. D
  7. D
  8. D
  9. B
  10. D


  1. A
  2. A
  3. C
  4. C
  5. A
  6. D
  7. D
  8. C
  9. C
  10. C

Soma mazungumzo haya kisha ujibu swali 1 hadi 5


Tumbo: Ami siku ___1____  sana sijakuona! Nimefurahi sana kukuona leo. U hali gani?
Ami Tambo: Njema Tumbo. Mpwa wangu Tumbo, nimefurahi sana kukuona. Karibu sana hapa nyumbani.
Tumbo: Pole ami naona umelifunga goti __2____ kwa bendeji. Kuna nini?
Ami Tumbo: Nilikuwa nikiteremka ___3___ uwanjani. Niliteguka ___4____ kuanguka. Palikuwa na jiwe pale nikaliangukia likagusa goti langu. Damu ilitiririka ___5___. Nilihisi uchungu.

      A    B    C    D 
 1.  mingi  kingi  nyingi  mengi
 2.  lako  yako  chako  pako
 3.  kule  pale  uko  yake
 4.  kwa  la  badala  na
 5.  kidogo  mdogo  ndogo  midogo

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 6 hadi 9

Mjomba wangu na aila yake wanaishi karibu na msikiti. Wakati mwingi hunialika kwake, Mimi hufurahi kukutana na wakoi wangu. Wakoi wangu pia wananipenda mno. Sisi huhusiana kama ndugu wa toka nitoke. Nyumbani kwa mjomba kuna sebule, jiko, vyumba vya kulala na msala. Msalani hutumika kwenda haja ndogo na haja kubwa.

Mara yangu ya kwanza kumuona shehe ilikuwa nikiwa kwa mjomba. Shehe alikuwa anaelekea msikitini. Shehe huyo alimsalimu mjomba, "salaam aleikum!" "Aleikum salaam," mjomba alimjibu. Mwadhini alikuwa anaendelea na kutangaza kuwa wakati wa kusali ulikuwa umefika. Wengi wa waumini walioelekea msikitini walikuwa wanaume na wavulana.

Kanzu walizovaa waumini hao ziliwasitiri vyema.

  1. Mjomba na familia yake wanaishi karibu na nini?
    1. shuleni
    2. kanisani
    3. msikitini
    4. barabarani
  2. Nyumba ya mjomba ilikuwa:-
    1. kubwa
    2. ndogo
    3. mbali
    4. ya nyasi
  3. Eleza maana ya shehe
    1. Immam
    2. Kiongozi chini ya Imam
    3. Mola
    4. madrasa
      ya imam
  4. Kinyume cha neno "mjomba" ni:-
    1. Shangazi
    2. Ami
    3. Babu
    4. Nyanya

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu swali 10 hadi 13

Ugonjwa hatari wa Korona ni ugonjwa wa kuambukizwa ambao ni hatari. Ugonjwa huu umeleta maafa mengi na kusababisha wengi kuipungia dunia mkono wa buriani. Kuna njia mbalimbali za kujikinga kutokana na ugonjwa wa Korona. Njia mojawapo ni kuvaa maksi. Tunashauriwa kuvaa maksi safi na inavyostahili. Pia, maksi ivuliwe kwa njia inayofaa na kuanikwa. Ni bora pia kupigwa pasi inapokauka.

Mtu anaweza kujikinga dhidi ya ugonjwa wa Korona kwa kunawa mikono kwa sabuni na maji safi mara kwa mara. Sabuni huua virusi kutokana na maradhi ya Korona. Wataalamu wanahimiza watu kila uchao kukaa umbali wa mita moja na nusu au zaidi hasa wakati wa
mkurupuko wa ugonjwa huu.

  1. Ni kweli kusema kuwa:-
    1. Korona huambukizwa
    2. Korona haiui
    3. Korona huleta mema
    4. Korona si ugonjwa
  2. Ni jukumu la nani kuangamiza Korona?
    1. kila mtu
    2. madaktari
    3. walezi
    4. serikali
  3. Ukitaka kuzuia ugonjwa wa Korona si lazima:-
    1. Kuvaa maksi
    2. Kupata chanjo
    3. Kukaa mbali
    4. Kuhamia kwingine
  4. Ugonjwa wa Korona unapatikana kupitia:-
    1. maji
    2. vumbi
    3. hewa
    4. mbu

Soma kifungu kifuatacho. Kina nafasi 14 hadi 18. Umepewa majibu manne hapo.
Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa.

Watoto majirani walikuwa na urafiki ___14___ dhati. Urafiki __15___uliwafanya kushiriki ___16__ mbalimbali kila walipopata nafasi.
Siku moja walimwona mtu wasiyemjua. Mtu __17___ alitabasamu alipowakaribia. Aliwaita ati awape ___18___. Werevu wao uliwaepusha kutekwa nyara. Mtu huyo hakuwa na nia njema.

               A           B            C             D 
 14.  wa  ya  cha  la
 15.  yao  wao   lao   yanu 
 16.  micheso  mchezo  michezo  machezo
 17.  huyu  hawa  yule  huyo
 18.  sawadi  peremende  zawadi  kipindi

Kutoka swali 19 hadi 30, chagua jibu sahihi kulingana na maagizo uliyopewa.

  1. Tambua neno lililopigiwa mstari.
    Kamene na zawadi walitembea haraka.
    1. kitenzi
    2. kielezi
    3. kiulizi
    4. kiwakilishi
    5. </ol start=20>
  2. Umbo hili ni:-
    1. Duara
    2. Kopa
    3. Mche
    4. Hiram
  3. Chagua sentensi sahihi.
    1. Vipepeo sita wamepaa.
    2. Vipepeo wasita wamepaa.
    3. Vipepeo visita vimepaa.
    4. Vipepeo sita vimepaa.
  4. Jibu la Sabalkheri ni:-
    1. masalkheri
    2. Buriani
    3. Aherii
    4. Asante
  5. "Kifaru" ni mnyama wa pori. Neno "kifaru" liko katika ngeli gani?
    1. KI - VI
    2. A - WA
    3. LI - YA
    4. U - U
  6. Andika sentensi hii kwa hali ya wingi
    Taa inawaka vizuri
    1. Taa zinawaka vizuri
    2. Mataa zinawaka vizuri.
    3. Taa yamewaka vizuri.
    4. Taa inawaka vizuri.
  7. Maana ya Istiari ''yeye ni njiwa'' ni:-
    1. Yeye ni mdogo.
    2. Yeye ni ndege.
    3. Yeye ni mpole.
    4. Yeye ni mkorofi.
  8. Nguo _____ ilianikwa baada ya kufuliwa.
    1. mzuri
    2. zuri
    3. nzuri
    4. mazuri

Chagua jibu sahihi ili kukamilisha sentensi.

  1. ______ amevali viatu vilivyopigwa rangi
    1. Kile
    2. Wale
    3. Huyu
    4. Mle
  2. Andika kinyume cha sentensi ifuatayo.
    Dobi alianika nguo alizofua.
    1. Dobi alianua nguo alizofua.
    2. Dobi alianikwa nguo alizofua.
    3. Dobi hakuanika nguo alizofua.
    4. Dobi alianua nguo
  3. Kamiilisha methali ifwatayo
    Bidii ni _____
    1. nguvu
    2. upepo
    3. jua
    4. mawingu
  4. Tumia -pi kwa ufasaha
    Chungu ______ kilinunuliwa sokoni jana?
    1. yupi
    2. kipi
    3. vipi
    4. lipi


Andika insha murwa kuhusu;



  1. C
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C
  6. C
  7. B
  8. D
  9. C
  10. C
  11. A
  12. B
  13. A
  14. B
  15. C
  16. A
  17. A
  18. C
  19. D
  20. D
  21. B
  22. A
  23. B
  24. C
  25. C
  26. D
  27. C
  28. C
  29. D
  30. B

Read the conversation below and then answer questions 1 to 5
June: Good morning sir? My name is June Moraa. Lenox: Hello June. It is good to meet you. Am Lenox Osuji.
June: Nice to meet you too. Mr. Osuji, should I call you Mister or Doctor Osuji?
Lenox: I don't mind either. Your mother said you wanted to know more about the work of a veterinary doctor.
June: Yes I do. But, I thought you are called an animal doctor.
Lenox: Oh, yeah, People in our occupation go by several titles such as animal doctor, veterinary doctor, veterinaria or just Vet.
June: I see. I didn't know all that.
Lenox: Now, June tell me what made you interested to know more about the work of a vet.
June: Well, last term, we visited a farm near Kapsabet. We saw many types of domestic animals such as cattle, goats, horses, sheep, chicken and even dogs. The animals appeared clear and healthy. The farm mananger told us that they have a veterinary doctor to help take
care of the animals. I thought that sounded like exciting work.
Lenox: Yes, it is. But it requires training and "practice". You see just like human beings, animals get sick and when they do, they need care so that they "get back on their feet"

  1. How many people are mentioned in the conversation above?
    1. Two
    2. Three
    3. Four
    4. One
  2. The "practice" has been underlined in the conversation. It is likely to be used as:-
    1. verb
    2. adjective
    3. adverb
    4. noun
  3. Which one of the following domestic animals cannot be described a livestock?
    1. Turkey
    2. Ostrich
    3. Duck
    4. Cock
  4. The expression, "get back on their feet" can also mean:-
    1. to recover
    2. to die
    3. to be treated
    4. to look healthy
  5. Mr. Osuji is likely to be a:-
    1. trained medical doctor
    2. a medical pet
    3. a veterinary doctor
    4. trained farm manager

Read the passage below answer questions 6 to 9
Sabina and Bosibori are great friends. One day, they travelled to Suneka to visit their friend Moraa. When they arrived, they found her father was very busy in his carpentry workshop. He made furniture out of wood and sell them in the nearby Nyamira town.

On that particular day, he was repairing a table that belonged to Evans Ombura, the Arca "Chief". He was very happy to see his daughter's friends. He let them watch him repair the furniture. On their way home, the three friends bought bananas and oranges which they carried home to be cooked. They were happy to be together.

  1. How many people are mentioned in the above story? 
    1. Four
    2. Three
    3. Five
    4. Two
  2. According to the passage, Moraa and his father lives in a administrative unit called:-
    1. ward
    2. location
    3. market
    4. county
  3. What is the plural form of the word chief as used in the passage
    1. chieves.
    2. chief
    3. chiefes
    4. chiefs
  4. The following items can be made and repaired in Ombura's workshop except:-
    1. stool
    2. wardrobe
    3. laptop
    4. sofa set

Read the passage below and then answer questions 10 - 13

Online trade is very popular today. Online trade is where sellers and buyers meet on the internet. Their transactions are done through the internet. Online trade has both retailers and wholesalers. It is possible to import and export goods online. The buyer can pay for goods using different currencies. For example, a Kenyan buyer can pay for goods bought from Qatar using the dollar. It is safe to pay for goods and services online because banks offer secure servces for transfering funds and making payments all over the world. However, it is important that the buyer and the seller are careful.

As they sang, it is better to be safe than to be sorry.

  1. Which statement is true about online trade?
    1. Buyers and sellers meet.
    2. Buyers and sellers use their local currencies.
    3. Buyers and sellers must be very careful.
    4. Buyers and sellers are only allowed to use dollars.
  2. Goods bought from Qatar to our country are classified as:-
    1.  Imports
    2. goods
    3. exports
    4. online goods
  3. Who are wholesellers?
    1. people who take part in online trade.
    2. people who buy goods in bulk for sale.
    3. people who buy expensive goods from Qatar.
    4. people who buy goods for direct consumption.
  4. Which one of the following offers secure services for transfering funds and making payments all over the world?
    1. banks
    2. Online trade
    3. Retailers
    4. Wholesellers

Fill in the blank spaces numbered 14 - 18 with the best alternative from the choices given.
Kasula ____14____in the outskirts of Nairobi city. It is not his wish to be___15____He is an___16___ and ___17___ no one to take care of___18__.

        A       B        C        D 
 14.  leaves  lives  lived  is living
 15.  their  the  there  them
 16.  orphan  orphanage  idol  honest
 17.  had  have  has  is
 18.  her  his  him  them


For questions 19 to 30, answer according to instructions.
Complete the question tags.

  1. Peris will be travelling to France next week,_______?
    1. will she
    2. willn't she
    3. wouldn't she
    4. won't she
  2. Shut that door immediately once you get in,______?
    1. shall you
    2. can't you
    3. shan't you
    4. will you

Change the words in the brackets into abstract nouns.

  1. Our neighbour treated us with______( kind)
    1. kindly
    2. kindness
    3. kindest
    4. kind
  2. The new priest in our church has alot of_____(humble)
    1. humility
    2. humbleness
    3. humble
    4. kind

Give one word for the following;

  1. Forks, Knives, Spoons
    1. utensils
    2. crockery
    3. cutlery
    4. fuels
  2. Father, Mother, Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents
    1. community
    2. society
    3. relatives
    4. clan
  3. He finished the race ________ he was limping.
    1. for
    2. nor
    3. although
    4. because
  4. Is Mount Kenya ______ than mount Elgon?
    1. high
    2. highest
    3. more high
    4. higher

Change the sentence in plural form.

  1. The child was taken by that woman.
    1. The childs were taken by that women.
    2. The children were taken by those women.
    3. The children were taken by these women.
    4. The children were taken by those woman.
  2. Just add ______ ginger to the tea.
    1. a bunch of
    2. a pack of
    3. a pinch of
    4. a grain of

Choose the alternative that means the same as the underlined sentence.

  1. She drunk some milk.
    1. Some milk was drank.
    2. Some milk is being drunk.
    3. Some milk is drunk.
    4. Some milk was drunk.
  2. Which word is correctly spelt?
    1. desparate
    2. Surprise
    3. accomodate
    4. begginning

COMPOSITION Time: 40 Minutes

Complete the following composition. Ensure that you use two proverbs in your composition.

That morning, we all assembled outside the office ready to board the bus. We were all bubbling with excitement as today was a special day............................................


    1. C
    2. D
    3. B
    4. A
    5. C
    6. C
    7. B
    8. D
    9. C
    10. C
    11. A
    12. B
    13. A
    14. B
    15. C
    16. A
    17. A
    18. C
    19. D
    20. D
    21. B
    22. A
    23. B
    24. C
    25. C
    26. D
    27. C
    28. C
    29. D
    30. B
  1. Mong' are imported four hundred and eighty six thousand and thirty nine computers in one year. What is this in symbols?
    1. 4860039
    2. 486039
    3. 48639
    4. 4086039
  2. What is the difference of the total value of digit 9 and 5 in the number 8940567?
    1. 900 000
    2. 900 500
    3. 899 500
    4. 909 500
  3. Work out:- 48 + 2 x 90 ÷ 9 – 20
    1. 480
    2. 68
    3. 48
    4. 28
  4. What is the reciprocal of 3/8?
    1. 31/8
    2. 22/3
    3. 21/8
    4. 15/8
  5. Add: 11/5 +  21/3
    1. 38/15
    2. 21/15
    3. 31/7
  6. What is the smallest five digit number that can be formed from 8, 6, 9, 2 and 3?
    1. 23869
    2. 98632
    3. 29368
    4. 23689
  7. What is the missing number in the sequence below?
    72, 68, _____,60, 56
    1. 64
    2. 66
    3. 62
    4. 63
  8. What is 0.75 expressed as a percentage?
    1. 0.75%
    2. 7.5%
    3. 7500%
    4. 75%
  9. An athlete went round the figure below three times. (II = 22/7,)
    What distance did he cover?
    1. 88m
    2. 112m
    3. 176m
    4. 528m
  10. Work out: 41/4 − 22/3 =
    1. 11/12
    2. 7/12
    3. 27/12
    4. 15/12
  11. What is the L.C.M of 10, 15 and 45?
    1. 5
    2. 45
    3. 60
    4. 90
  12. Divide: 78026 ÷ 13 =
    1. 6002
    2. 602
    3. 62
    4. 60002
  13. Calculate the area of the figure below
    1. 156cm2
    2. 60cm2
    3. 78cm2
    4. 30cm2
  14. A trader bought 12 tonnes of sugar. He packed it in 500g packets. How many packets did he obtain?
    1. 24000
    2. 2400
    3. 240
    4. 24
  15. What is the size of the angle PQR in the figure below?
    1. 115°
    2. 105°
    3. 85°
    4. 65°.
  16. What is the sum of: 15 tonnes 470kg and 23 tonnes 950kg?
    1. 39t 520kg 
    2. 39t 420kg
    3. 38t 520kg
    4. 38t 1420kg
  17. Kemboi bought a radio for sh. 3500. He later sold it for sh. 2700. How much loss did he get?
    1. sh. 4200
    2. sh. 6200
    3. sh. 800
    4. sh.1800
  18. What is the size of angle x in the figure below?
    1. 57°
    2. 63°
    3. 123°
    4. 67°
  19. Identify the 3-D object below
    1. Triangular prism
    2. Rectangular pyramid
    3. Triangular pyramid
    4. Rectangular prism
  20. Simplify the inequality below
    Y _ 3 > 9
    1. y < 6
    2. y > 24
    3. y <6
    4. y < 12
  21.  Round off 87291 to the nearest thousands.
    1. 88000
    2. 87300
    3. 87000
    4. 90000
  22. What is the value of;  (7)2?
    1. 14/18
    2. 49/54
    3. 77/99
    4. 49/81
  23. What is the place value of digit 3 in the number 8.7639?
    1. Tens
    2. Thousandths
    3. Hundredths
    4. Tenths
  24. What is the volume of the cuboid below?
    1. 843 cm3
    2. 96 cm2
    3. 96cm3
    4. 15cm3
  25. A water tank carries 12000cm3 when full. What is this capacity in litres?
    1. 1.2
    2. 12
    3. 120
    4. 1200
  26. A bus left Mombasa for Kisumu 6hrs 15minutes after midnight. What time is it in 24 hour clock system?
    1. 6:15pm
    2. 1815hrs
    3. 0615hrs
    4. 18:15am
  27. Lenox bought 8¼-kg of mutton. He cooked 45/6-kg for his guests. How many kilograms did he remain with?
    1. 35/12 kg
    2. 45/12 kg
    3. 37/12 kg
    4. 47/12 kg
  28. Work out:-
    99285 + 476291
    1. 575576
    2. 585576
    3. 574576
    4. 5755
  29. What is the sum of even numbers between 60 and 70?
    1. 130
    2. 390
    3. 260
    4. 420
  30. The graph below shows the amount of milk sold by a dairy farmer in one week,
    How many litres of milk did the farmer collect in the week?
    1. 1475
    2. 1275
    3. 1475
    4. 1375


  1. B
  2. C
  3. C
  4. B
  5. A
  6. D
  7. A
  8. D
  9. D
  10. A
  11. D
  12. A
  13. D
  14. A
  15. C
  16. B
  17. C
  18. A
  19. C
  20. B
  21. C
  22. D
  23. B
  24. C
  25. B
  26. C
  27. A
  28. A
  29. C
  30. D
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