Displaying items by tag: Questions and Answers


Read the conversation below and answer questions 1 - 5


Serian: Naeku, did you hear the loud sound from the power saw yesterday morning?

Naeku: Yes, I did. The sound was very unpleasant. I also heard loud sound from a plane that was landing in the afternoon.

Serian: Where was the loud music that I heard at night coming from?

Naeku: It was from the new music store that was being opened. The loud music was very
irritating. I was unable to sleep.

Serian: There are many activities that cause sound pollution in our locality. We must find ways of protecting ourselves from effects of this pollution.

Naeku: Sure. We must do something about this.

  1. Who heard the loud sound from a plane in the afternoon? 
    1. Naeku 
    2. Serian
    3. Pilot
    4. Co-pilot
  2. Why was Naeku unable to sleep?
    1. There were thieves
    2. There was loud music
    3. There were so many people in the surrounding
    4. There were many activities around
  3. The sounds produced in the learners locality were 
    1. pleasant
    2. Unpleasant
    3. Good
    4. Soothing
  4. What is the opposite of the word 'loud' as used in the conversation?
    1. Soft 
    2. Low 
    3. Pitch
    4. Slow
  5. Sound pollution can be caused by the following except 
    1. When a power saw is in use 
    2. When a gun is fired 
    3. When a plane takes off 
    4. When someone is snoring

Question 6 to 10: Read the passage below and answer questions


One day, the Hare made fun of the slow Tortoise. The Tortoise quietly replied that if the Hare would run a race with him, he would prove that he was not slow. The race bagan and the Hare quickly leaped ahead at a great pace. He was soon so far in front that he decided to have a little sleep.
Plodding steadily on, the Tortoise presently passod straight on. After a time, The Hare awoke and reached on. When he reached the winning post however, he found that the Tortoise had already arrived. Slow but sure wins the race.

  1. Who won the race?
    1. Tortoise 
    2. Hare 
    3. Both
    4. None
  2. The tortoise passed the hare when 
    1. The hare was sleeping 
    2. The hare was resting 
    3. The hare was eating
    4. The hare was running.
  3. What happened when the hare woke up? 
    1. He ran and won
    2. He saw the tortoise
    3. He went back
    4. He continued with the race.
  4. When the race began
    1. The hare slept
    2. The hare won 
    3. The tortoise was leading 
    4. The hare was leading
  5. This story teaches us 
    1. to be proud 
    2. to be slow but sure 
    3. not to sleep 
    4. to do things in a hurry.

Questions 11 to 15: Read the passage below and answer questions that follows


The mobile phone has become closer to us than our closest friends or even our partners. Without a phone, we feel incomplete, Although there are many uses of the mobile phone, the phone also has many disadvantages. We have become very lazy. A phone call is enough to pass a message.
Many people do not care whether they hurt or excite you. They feel they have saved time. We have become too busy even to chat with a friend. A phone is easier for us than visiting the friend.
We also have doctors who consult and treat patients on the phone. If it is right? I do not think so. The results are wrong prescriptions that can lead to prolonged illness or even death. It is through phone messages or calls that many people have suffered the loss of a loved one. Many people have had family break ups due to use of mobile phones. Is it worth the effort to buy and keep a phone?
The crime rate went up immediately the mobile phone was introduced. Many people were able to make quick money from stolen phones. Many pick pockets have also lost their lives while trying to steal mobile phones. Children in school have not been left out. The mobile phone has led many pupils into trouble. Some pupils have been tempted to use phones in the national examinations to pass answers. This has brought the pupils a lot of trouble. Some pupils have already been arrested and their exam results cancelled. This is big loss to the pupils and their parents.

  1. According to the passage, the mobile phone 
    1. is very expensive 
    2. has become very useless
    3. is treated as a close friend
    4. is not treated as a close friend
  2. How has the mobilr telephone made us lazy?
    1. We have to pass a message by going to see the person
    2. It does all the work for us 
    3. Many people use it 
    4. People use it to pass a message
  3. According to the passage, without a phone,                                       
    1. we are complete
    2. we are happy
    3. we feel incomplete
    4. we are incomplete
  4. Why do many people choose to use the telephone? 
    1. It is more expensive
    2. It helps one to meet many people 
    3. It saves time
    4. It helps us meet people
  5. Which is the best title for the passage?
    1. Advantages of telephones
    2. The use of a mobile phone
    3. The mobile phone
    4. Disadvantages of a mboile phone. 

Question 16 to 20: Reading the passage and then fill in the blank spaces numbered 16 - 20 correctly
One day, Tom                  16                       going to school.                  17                       met a stranger                  18                       demanded to greet hi. Tom                  19                       know what to do. He shouted                  20                       for help. 

    1. is
    2. were
    3. are
    4. was
    1. she
    2. Him
    3. He
    4. You
    1. which
    2. who
    3. whom
    4. whose
    1. don't
    2. doesn't
    3. didn't
    4. aren't
    1. slowly
    2. quickly
    3. greedily
    4. loudly 

Question 21 to 22: GRAMMAR
Add a correct question tag. 

  1. She will not come                               
    1. won't she? 
    2. will she? 
    3. can she?
    4. does she? 
  2. We shall pay you a visit                           
    1.  shall we?
    2. will we?
    3. won't we?
    4. shan't we?

For questions 23 to 26. Select the best word to fill the gaps

  1. Short rains have                                        
    1. begin
    2. began 
    3. beginning
    4. begun
  2. Either John or Jane                             the money. 
    1. has
    2. have
    3. having
    4. is
  3. All                            are required to attend the president's meeting.
    1. chief
    2. chieves
    3. chiefs
    4. chiefs
  4. One knife, many                                 
    1. knives
    2. knifes 
    3. Knife
    4. knivies

Identify the adjectives in these sentences 

  1. He owns a big land
    1. a
    2. owns
    3. He
    4. big
  2. The fierce lion attacked us 
    1. Lion
    2. attacked
    3. us
    4. fierce

For question 29 - 30. Complete the collective nouns

  1.                             of musicians.
    1. group
    2. troop
    3. band
    4. team 
  2.                                of directors. 
    1. bored 
    2. bench 
    3. board 
    4. bond


Complete the story below.

When I woke up that morning, the day looked good. I did my preparation very quickly ..................................................................


eng marking scheme


  1. The composition will be assessed according to the following guidelines. 
  2. The maximum mark will be 40 and the minimum mark 01.
    Does the script show that the candidate can communicate accurately, fluently and imaginatively in Englis

Accuracy (16 marks)

  1. Correct tense and agreement of verbs 
  2. Accurate use of vocabulary (4 marks)
  3. Correct spelling (4 marks)
  4. Correct punctuation (4 marks)

Fluency (16 marks)

  1. Correct flow of the story (4 marks) 
  2. Well sequenced sentence and connected paragraphs (4 marks
  3. Correct spelling (4 marks)
  4. Ideas developed in logic sequence (4 marks)

Imagination (8 marks)

  1. Unusual but appropriate use of words (4 marks)
  2. Variety of structure (4 marks)

NB: Please teachers are requested to scrutinize this marking scheme before use, it is worth


Study the map of Loketo area and use it to answer questions 1-7
q1 uygatfda

  1. What is the direction of the pyrethrum farm from the borehole?
    1. South East.
    2. South West
    3. North West.
    4. North East.
  2. The land of Loketo area rises from 
    1. NW to SE.
    2. S.E to N.W
    3. S.W to N.E
    4.  N to S.
  3. Which of the following is NOT an economic activity in Loketo area?
    1. Lumbering. 
    2. Farming.
    3. Mining. 
    4. Fishing,
  4. Describe the settlement pattern in Loketo area? 
    1. Linear. 
    2. Nucleated. 
    3. Clustered. 
    4. Sparse.
  5. What is the climate in the South Eastern part of Loketo area?
    1. Cool and wet. 
    2. Hot and wet. 
    3. Hot and dry.
    4. Cool and dry.
  6. Loketo area is likely to be headed by
    1. Chief.
    2. Senator.
    3. District Officer.
    4. Governor.
  7. The vegetation to the South Eastern part of the map 
    1. forest.
    2. papyrus reed.
    3. scrub and grass. 
    4. woodland.
  8. Which of the following countries was colonized by three European nations?
    1. Somali.
    2. Uganda.
    3. Kenya.
    4. Tanzania.
  9. A barometer measures air pressure in which units?
    1. Milimetre.
    2. knots.
    3. Kilometres.
    4. Millibars.
  10. Members of the society who were initiated almost at the same time were referred to as
    1. agemates. 
    2. agegroup.
    3. age set. 
    4. youth.

Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 11-15
q11 nhgcafrtcda

  1. The MAIN crop grown in the irrigation scheme marked Wis
    1. rice.
    2. cotton.
    3. flowers.
    4. sugarcane.
  2. Three of the following facts are FALSE about the physical feature marked K EXCEPT:
    1. formed through faulting.
    2. formed through volcanicity. 
    3. it has ice on top.
    4. it is a horst.
  3. The MAIN factors that has influenced population distribution in the area marked Zis
    1. climate.
    2. soil.
    3. relief.
    4. vegetation.
  4. The National Park marked T is likely to be
    1. Boni. 
    2. Arawale. 
    3. Malka Mari. 
    4. Sibiloi.
  5. The following language groups followed the route marked Y. Which one DOES NOT? 
    1. Kikuyu.
    2. Mijikenda. 
    3. Aembu. 
    4. Abaluhya.
  6. The following groups belong to the same clan EXCEPT:
    1. father, son, daughter.
    2. father, mother, son.
    3. father, daughter, grandson. 
    4. father, grandfather, son.
  7. Below is a description of a famous traditional leader in Kenya
    1. He was a famous medicineman and prophet.
    2. He was a long distance trader.
    3. Lived in present day Machakos town.
      The leader described above was
      1. Waiyaki wa Hinga.
      2. Nabungo Murnia 
      3. Masaku.
      4. Sakawa.
  8. Who among the following was a missionary?
    1. Rebman.
    2. Vasco da Gama.
    3. John Speke.
    4. Seyyid Said. 
  9. Which of the following mineral is CORRECTLY matched with the place where it is mined?
    1. limestone-Kimwarer.
    2. Flourspar-Bamburi.
    3. Soda ash-Kerio valley.
    4. Diatomite-Kariandusi.
  10. Which of the following is a safe place for pedestrian to cross a busy road in an urban area? 
    1. At a roundabout.
    2. Ona footbridge.
    3. At the traffic lights.
    4. At a sharp bend. 
  11. The road sign shown below instruct motorists to
    q21 hcfartfda
    1. proceed cautiously.
    2. stop at once.
    3. slow down.
    4. increase speed.

Use the diagram below to answer questions 22 and 23
q22 jhvfgtgfada

  1. The part marked B is known as 
    1. rainforest.
    2. rock, snow and ice. 
    3. bamboo.
    4. heath and moorland
  2. In which of the following areas are we LIKELY to get the feature above?
    1. Mombasa. 
    2. Embu. 
    3. Turkana. 
    4. kisumu.
  3. Which combination below gives processing industry only?
    1. tea,glass
    2. Cement, paper. 
    3. Steel, textile. 
    4. Sugar, tea. 
  4. Which is the CHEAPEST way of preserving fish in Kenya? 
    1. Smoking.
    2. Refrigeration 
    3. Sundrying.
    4. Canning.
  5. Below is a description of a certain vegetation in Eastern Africa
    1. The trees are evergreen.
    2. The trees grow tall and close together.
    3. The trees have buttress roots and broad leaves. 
    4. There is little or no undergrowth.
      The vegetation described above is likely to be
      1. Rainforest.
      2. Savanna.
      3. Mountain
      4. Mediterranean.
  6. Which one of the following countries of Eastern Africa lie in the Northern hemisphere?
    1. Djibouti and Somalia 
    2. Uganda and Tanzania
    3. Sudan and Eritrea. 
    4. Kenya and Ethiopia
  7. The school routine is important because
    1. it forces the school community to follow the programme.
    2. it ensures that planned activities run systematically and smoothly. 
    3. the teacher on duty follows the programme. 
    4. the headteacher's work is reduced.
  8. Below are responsibilities of children in the family EXCEPT:
    1. helping in doing house and farm work. 
    2. caring for the family property. 
    3. respecting their parents and the elderly. 
    4. providing the basic needs of a family.
  9. Serengeti, Bilesha and Lotikipi are examples of
    1. highlands. 
    2. plains. 
    3. plateaus.
    4. swamps. 
  10. The walls of the Rift Valley are known as
    1. faults. 
    2. Riftwalls.
    3. escarpments. 
    4. valleys.
  11. When do we celebrate Mashujaa Day? 
    1. 20th October. 
    2. 10th October. 
    3. 1st June.
    4. 12th December. 
  12. Who among the following is elected to represent the constituency? 
    1. Senator. 
    2. MCA 
    3. MP 
    4. Governor
  13. Which of the towns began as a collection centre for agricultural goods?
    1. Nakuru.
    2. Nairobi. 
    3. Kisumu. 
    4. Eldoret.
  14. Below are ways of protecting children from abuse EXCEPT
    1. guiding and counselling children.
    2. denying children time to play. 
    3. respecting all rights of children. 
    4. reporting cases of child abuse to authority.
  15. Which of the following documents must one have in order to vote in a general election? 
    1. A party membership card. 
    2. A voter's card.
    3. National identification card.
    4. A school certificate.
  16. Which of the following combinations of instruments are used to measure characteristics of wind at a weather station? 
    1. Windvane, barometer. 
    2. Windsock, thermometer
    3. Anemometer, windvane.
    4. Windvane, barometer.
  17. Which of the following factors discourages settlement around the Miombo Woodlands in Tanzania? 
    1. Tsetseflies.
    2. Wild animals. 
    3. Government policy. 
    4. Game Park. 
  18. Which of the following is the ODD one out?
    1. Kingfish. 
    2. Mullet. 
    3. Tuna. 
    4. Trout.
  19. The MOST effective way of communicating informations to the majority of Kenyans today is by the use of 
    1. mobile phones. 
    2. radio.
    3. television
  20. newspapers. Which of the following statements gives the BEST description of a map? 
    1. It is a drawing on a piece of paper or chalkboard. 
    2. It is a drawing which has a frame and a title. 
    3. It is a representation of the earth or part of it on a flat surface.
    4. It is a drawing from the government showing the location of an area.
  21. Black cotton soils are suitable for irrigation because:
    1. they are fertile and do not need a manure. 
    2. they are found in flat areas. 
    3. they do not allow water to pass through easily.
    4. they are easy to plough.
  22. which of the following is MAINLY responsible for increased soil erosion in the Mau ranges? 
    1. Deforestation.
    2. Ploughing across the contours.
    3. Planting of the same type of crops for many years.
    4. Keeping of large herds of cattle.
  23. Lawlessness will lead to all the following EXCEPT:
    1. rapid development.
    2. fear.
    3. loss of life and property.
    4. slow development.
  24. Which of the following was MAINLY acquired through apprenticeship in traditional education?
    1. Skills on how to avoid danger.
    2. The history of the community. 
    3. Social values.
    4. Iron-smelting skills.
  25. Zero-grazing is a dairy farming activity MAINLY practised where
    1. farmers do not have enough money to spend. 
    2. farmers are members of co-operative societies.
    3. farms own small pieces of land. 
    4. farmers have many cattle which do not produce milk and meat 
  26. The MOST important reason for protecting forests in Kenya is that forests 
    1. are sources of plants used to produce medicine.
    2. art important sources of fuel wood.
    3. create employment in the sawmills. 
    4. are water catchment areas.
  27. Which one of the following was a role of traditional foms of government? 
    1. Maintaining peace among members of the community 
    2. Allocating land to individual members of the community. 
    3. Building roads in areas where they ruled. 
    4. Conducting marriage ceremonies in the community.
  28. Sharon lost her pen but later found it with her deskmate. The BEST thing for Sharon to do is to 
    1. beat her deskmate. 
    2. report the case to classteacher. 
    3. leave her deskinate alone.
    4. steal a pen from someone. 
  29. Three of the following are members of the County Executive Committee. Which one is NOT? 
    1. The County Governor. 
    2. Members appointed by the county governor. 
    3. The Deputy County Governor. 
    4. The Speaker of the County Assembly.
  30. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about African socialism?
    1. It encourages unity and peaceful co-existence in a country. 
    2. It requires us to respect the rights of other people. 
    3. It allows people to do business and create wealth in corrupt ways.
    4. It emphasizes on equality of all people. 
  31. Which of the following shows a right of people with disabilities? 
    1. Being given equal opportunities to work and earn a living. 
    2. Being given less challenging work. 
    3. eing left alone to take care of themselves since they are just like other people. 
    4. Being expected to do everything at the same speed as other people.
  32. Which one of the following game parks is CORRECTLY matched with the country where it is found?
               Game park          Country
    1. Serengeti            Ethiopia 
    2. Sibiloi                  Tanzania 
    3. Murchison Falls    Kenya
    4. Bwindi                  Uganda

Use the diagram below to answer questions 54-56
q54 hgfatfda

  1. The type of rainfall shown above is LIKELY to form in 
    1. areas near large water bodies. 
    2. hilly areas. 
    3. swampy areas.
    4. lowland areas.
  2. Which of the following is TRUE about the winds marked P?
    1. They are cool and moist. 
    2. They are warm and dry. 
    3. They are warm and moist. 
    4. They are cool and dry.
  3. The side marked M is called the 
    1. windward side. 
    2. westward side.
    3. east ward side. 
    4. leeward side.
  4. Which one of the following forms of transport is LEAST developed in Eastern Africa?
    1. Air. 
    2. Water.
    3. Road.
    4. Pipeline.
  5. Three of the following are ways by which a person can become a citizen of Kenya EXCEPT:
    1.  registration.
    2. dual citizenship. 
    3. association. 
    4. birth 
  6. Which of these features was formed as a result of downwarping? 
    1. Rift Valley.
    2. .L.Kyoga.
    3. Lorian Swamp.
    4. Mt. Kyoga.
  7. The arm of government that interprets laws in Kenya is called 
    1. Legislature. 
    2. Cabinet.
    3. judiciary. 
    4. Executive.


  1. Which of the following is the MAIN reason why God put Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden? 
    1. To name the animals. 
    2. To protect the serpents. 
    3. Punish them.
    4. Take care of the creation. 
  2. Which of the following punishments was given to Eve?
    1.  Labour pains. 
    2. Eat soil
    3. Soils was cursed. 
    4. Crawl on its belly.
  3. Which one of the following is the MAINLY reason why Moses ran away from Egypt. He
    1. wanted to visit Jethro. 
    2. he had killed an Egyptian.
    3. wanted to establish a new home.
    4. he was commanded by God. 
  4. Who among the following defeated the Midianites with only 300 soldiers?
    1. Jethro. 
    2. Gideon.
    3. Aaron. 
    4. Eli. 
  5. The founding fathers of Israel are Patriachs. Who among the following group are patriachs? 
    1. Moses, David and Samuel.
    2. Abel, Enoch and Noah
    3. Joseph, Jacob, Abraham
    4.  Jacob, Abraham, Saul. 
  6. Who was the first King of Israel?
    1. David. 
    2. Solomon 
    3. Rehoboam. 
    4. Saul. 
  7. King Ahab worshipped a foreign God called
    1. Yaweh. 
    2. Asis. 
    3. Baal. 
    4. Shammah.
  8. Who was the first to be told about the birth of Jesus? 
    1. Wise men.
    2. Herod.
    3. Shepherds.
    4. Pilate.
  9. Who among the following was NOT present during the dedication of baby Jesus in the temple?
    1. Joseph.
    2. Simeon.
    3. Anna. 
    4. Herod.
  10. Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead in the town of
    1. Jerusalem.
    2. Bethany.
    3. Phillipi. 
    4. Nain. 
  11. Who prophesied that Jesus will be bom in Bethlehem?
    1. Isaiah.
    2. Micah. 
    3. Joel. 
    4. Jeremiah. 
  12. Which parable of Jesus teaches how people perceive the word of God. 
    1. Good samaritan. 
    2. Mustard seed.
    3. Sower.
    4. Rich man and Lazarus.
  13. Ananias and Saphira were punished because of 
    1. telling the truth.
    2. telling lies.
    3.  not working.
    4. selling a piece of land.
  14. Who was the first Christian martyr?
    1. Job.
    2. John. 
    3. Peter.
    4. Stephen.
  15. The early Christians confirmed their faith by reciting
    1. The Lords prayer. 
    2. Apostle's creed.
    3. The song of Mary.
    4. The Acts of the Apostles.
  16. The crucification of Jesus took place in the town of 
    1. Jerusalem.
    2. Jericho.
    3. Bethlehem.
    4. Nazareth.
  17.  The two disciples of Jesus on their way to Emmaus recognized that He had risen when he
    1. called their names.
    2. explained the scriptures. 
    3. entered the house with them. 
    4. broke break.
  18. Which of the following is a gift of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Joy.
    2. Faith. 
    3. Love. 
    4. Humility.
  19. "Behold your maid servant. Be it unto me according to your word." Who said these words 
    1. Elizabeth. 
    2. Mary. 
    3. Sarah. 
    4. Naomi.
  20. Which of the following is a statement from the Lord's prayer? 
    1. He rose from the dead. 
    2. The father Almighty. 
    3. Maker of heaven and earth.
    4. As we forgive those who sin against us. 
  21. In the traditional African society worship places were
    1. churches.
    2. temple.
    3. synagogues.
    4. shrines. 
  22. Which of the following shows that traditional African society believed in life after death?
    1. Preserving their dead. 
    2. Burying their dead with food.
    3. Paying tithes.
    4. Eating during funerals
  23. Which of the following is NOT a rite of passage in the traditional African Society?
    1. Birth.
    2. Initiation.
    3. Death. 
    4. Ceremonies.
  24. Stealing causes one of the following which one is it?
    1. Self-control.
    2. Suffering.
    3. Humility.
    4. Obedience.
  25. In the Traditional African society people worked for all of the following EXCEPT:
    1. to build the community. 
    2. to obtain daily needs.
    3. children worked to help their parents.
    4. to earn money. 
  26. Who among the following makes use of the gift of speaking God's message? 
    1. Bright pupil in class. 
    2. A wise judge. 
    3. A person who translate languages.
    4. A priest in church. 
  27. Your deskmate Mary tells you that she is suffering from AIDS. What should you advice him? 
    1. Keep away from other pupils. 
    2. Pray for him. 
    3. Seek medical attention.
    4. Encourage him to work hard. 
  28. Emmaculate your friend does not wash dishes at home, what advice can you give him? 
    1. Be responsible. 
    2. Such work is for small girls.
    3. To move away from her. 
    4. Employ house help. 
  29. Job a std 5 pupil finds out that Jane her classmate is selling cigarettes in the school during break time. What is the best action for him to take?
    1. Tell other members of the class.
    2. Avoid him. 
    3. Advice him to hide always.
    4. Tell him the effects of smoking. 
  30. Missionaries MAINLY came to Africa to:
    1. trade.
    2. spread the gospel. 
    3. introduce modern education. 
    4. stop slave trade.

Marking Scheme

sscre ms


  1. The following animals have common characteristics EXCEPT:
    1. toad.
    2. Newt. 
    3. turtles . 
    4. frog.
  2. Which one of the following factors does NOT affect floating and sinking?
    1. Shape.
    2. Mass. 
    3. Material.
    4. Size.
  3. The diagram below shows the movement of water when boiling.
    q3 utagytfgda
    The process of heat transfer is known as 
    1. convection. 
    2. radiation 
    3. conduction.
    4. condensation.
  4. Bilharzia worms mainly affects the
    1. kidney and bladder. 
    2. bladder and intestine. 
    3. lungs and liver 
    4. intestine and kidney.
  5. std 5 pupils tied a leaf using a transparent polythene bag. Droplets of water were observed the following day. What conclusion did they make? 
    1. Photosynthesis took place. 
    2. Absorption of leaves.
    3. Transportation took place. ·
    4. Transpiration took place.
  6. In which one of the following stages of HIV infection is the virus LEAST likely to spread from one person to another? 
    1. Full blown stage. 
    2. Window stage. 
    3. Asymptomatic stage. 
    4. Symptomatic stage.
  7. A child has the following signs and symptoms. 
    1. Get out of breath. 
    2. Dizziness.
    3. Pale skin.
      The child should be fed on 
      1. yams and cassava. 
      2. kidney and spinach.
      3. carrots and spinach. 
      4. beans and maize.
  8. Heat is important in all the following ways EXCEPT:
    1. cooking. 
    2. warming the house. 
    3. scaring away pests. 
    4. melting ice into water.
  9. Which one of the following crops stores food in the stem? 
    1. Sweet potatoes. 
    2. Sugarcane. 
    3. Carrot. 
    4. Onion.
  10. Class 5 pupils constructed the weather instrument below.
    q10 utfada
    The mistake made during the construction was
    1. using narrow tube. 
    2. labelling of scale. 
    3. using air tight cork. 
    4. colouring the water.
  11. Liquids and gases have 
    1. definite shape. 
    2. definite volume. 
    3. indefinite mass.
    4. definite mass. 
  12. Swimmers itch is a major sign of someone suffering from 
    1. cholera.
    2. malaria. 
    3. bilharzia. 
    4. typhoid. 
  13. Which one of the following materials will occupy the least space? 
    1. 1kg of dry saw dust. 
    2. Ikg of cotton wool. 
    3. Ikg of sand.
    4. None of the above. 
  14. Which one of the following is NOT a special sound?
    1. Abell.
    2. Hooting 
    3. Screaming. 
    4. Fire engine siren.
  15. Which one of the following DOES NOT produce light? 
    1. Moon.
    2. Glowworm.
    3. Sun.
    4. Stars. 
  16. Which of these states of matter remains in the same state on heating? 
    1. Metal rod. 
    2. water.
    3. Cooking gas.
    4. Petrol. 
  17. The following are tuber crops EXCEPT:
    1. arrowroots.
    2. onions.
    3. cassava.
    4. carrot.
  18. Which type of soil erosion can be caused by both wind and water? 
    1. Gulley erosion. 
    2. Rill erosion
    3. Sheet erosion.
    4. Splash erosion. 
  19. Which one of the following is NOT an energy giving food?
    1. Honey.
    2. Ripe banana. 
    3. Bread.
    4. Irish potato. 
  20. Which one of the following vaccines are given to a child at the age of 9 months?
    1. Yellow fever and anti measles. 
    2. Anti measles and DPT. 
    3. DPT and BCG
    4. Anti measles and Anti polio. 
  21. The diagram below shows a type of a grazing method.
    q21 nhfatrfda
    Which statement is CORRECT about the above method? 
    1. The land is divided using electric fence. 
    2. Animals graze on each paddock at a time. 
    3. Animals are commonly fed on hay.
    4. It is commonly used in highly populated areas.
  22. The diagram below shows a set-up used to demonstrate a certain aspect of matter.
    q22 yhrfada
    What was likely to happen after some time? 
    1. The balloon expanded. 
    2. Air gets into the balloon.
    3. Balloon remained the same in size. 
    4. Balloon contracts.
  23. Which one of the following produces fluid in which sperms swim through? 
    1. Sperm duct. 
    2. Testes. 
    3. Urethra.
    4. Glands. 
  24. One of the following is NOT a function of the roots?
    1. Absorption.
    2. Food storage.
    3. Support.
    4. Breathing.
  25. Which of the following vaccines is given through the mouth?
    1. BCG
    2. Anti Polio.
    3. DPT.
    4. Anti measles. 
  26. A bird was seen basking in the sun. It is true to say that:
    1. its body temperature rose. 
    2. its body temperature falls. 
    3. its body temperature rose then drops.
    4. its body temperature remained the same. 
  27. A planet seen late in the evening and early in the morning is LIKELY to be:
    1. Mercury
    2. Venus. 
    3. Mars.
    4. Saturn.
  28. Which one of the following protects a flower during the bud stage? 
    1. Petals.
    2. Sepals.
    3. Stalk.
    4. Stigma.
  29. When water is cooled under extreme temperature it
    1. condenses. 
    2. freezes.
    3. evaporates.
    4. expands. 
  30. "The experiment below was performed by class 4 pupils. The experiment proved that 
    q30 iyg7tg
    1. soil contains water.
    2. soil contains small animals. 
    3. soil contains air.
    4. soil contains humus.
  31. Which of the following vitamins below is CORRECTLY matched with its function?
               Name of vitamin          Function in the body 
    1. Vitamin                        Formation of blood and healthy blood vessels 
    2. Vitamin A                     Proper digestion and healthy working of brain.
    3. Vitamin K                    Control blood clotting.
    4. Vitamin D                    For growth and healthy gums and skin.

Study the diagram below and answer questions 32- 33
q32 jgaytda

  1.  Which type of soil is good for modelling?
    1. S
    2. R
    3. S and T 
  2. When performing which variable should not be the same?
    1. Size of straws. 
    2. Type of soil. 
    3. Time taken.
    4. Size of cotton wool. 
  3. Class 6 pupils collected different flowers from the school compound. Their teacher told them to draw the pistil only. Which of these shows the CORRECT sketch of the pistil?
    q34 hjgvatfrda
  4. Which one of the following is the odd one out?
    1.  Sunflower. 
    2. Coconut. 
    3. Palm.
    4. Sisal.
  5. The food nutrient that helps in growth of muscles is known as 
    1. proteins.
    2. vitamins. 
    3. carbohydrates. 
    4. body building.
  6. Which one of the following diseases CANNOT be easily passed from one person to another?
    1. T.B
    2. Tetanus. 
    3. Malaria.
    4. Measles. 
  7. Which one of the following is NOT a problem related to teeth?
    1. Tooth decay. 
    2. Bleeding gums. 
    3. Deciduous.
    4. Bad smell. 
  8. Removing wool from sheep is called 
    1. curing.
    2. shaving. 
    3. wooling.
    4. shearing.
  9. Std 5 pupils performed the experiment below.
    q40 ujygytds
    What were the pupils investigating? 
    1. The paper moved up and down. 
    2. Convection of heat in air. 
    3. The paper got burnt.
    4. The paper moved up.
  10.  A pupil classified some animals as shown in the chart below.
    q41 vutgtad
    Which animal was NOT classified correctly?
    1. Housefly.
    2. Chameleon. 
    3. Spider.
    4. Lizard.
  11. Which one of the following is NOT a fungal infection? 
    1. Yeast.
    2. Athlete's foot. 
    3. Ringworm. 
    4. Dandruff.
  12. Three of the following are good reasons for using medicines EXCEPT:
    1. to supplement body vitamins and mineral salts. 
    2. to prevent us from diseases. 
    3. to cure us from diseases.
    4. to beat deadline of the expiry date. 
  13. The tiny hole found on a seed which lets in air and water during germination is known as 
    1. hilum.
    2. micropyle.
    3. testa.
    4. cotyledon. 
  14. Which one of the following is NOT a commercial feed? 
    1. Lucerne.
    2. Fish meal. 
    3. Sunflower. 
    4. Salt licks.
  15. Any substance that is taken into the body to maintain good health is called 
    1. food.
    2. nutrient. 
    3. protein.
    4. balanced diet. 
  16. In which of these ways does AIDS affect the body? 
    1. It makes you slim. 
    2. It has no effect for many years. 
    3. You feel tired all the time.
    4. It reduces the body's ability to fight diseases. 
  17. Which one of the following statement is NOT correct? 
    1. The loudness of a sound varies with height
    2.  A whisper is a soft sound. 
    3. The shape of the cars of a rabbit increases the softness of a sound. 
    4. The shape of the ears of a dog amplifies the sound from any source.
  18.  Which one of the following is a source of animal fat?
    1. Butter. 
    2. Margarine. 
    3. Cooking oil.
    4. Soya beans. 
  19. Which one of the following substances will change its states on both heating and cooling? 
    1. Metallic ball. 
    2. Oxygen. 
    3. Wood glue. 
    4. Ice.

Marking Scheme

sc ms


Soma taarifa ifuatayo huku ukijaza pengo kwa neno lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale manne uliyopewa
Takriban _1_ imetupasa kufanya kazi. Tunafanya kazi ili tujimudu maishani. Kazi_2_uti wa_3_wa maisha_4_binadamu. Iwapo binadamu yeyote anataka kuishi maisha_5_ni sharti ajikaze_6_kazini. Ikiwa mitume watukufu walifanya kazi_7_ sisi ambao daraja_8_ni ndogo mbele ya Mwenyezi Mungu. Kazi humpa mtu_9_na vilevile kumwezesha kuikidhi_10_yake. Isitoshe, ataweza kuishi raha mustarehe.

    1. zote 
    2. sote
    3. wote
    4. nyote
    1. ndio
    2. ndilo
    3. ndicho
    4. ndiyo
    1. mgongo
    2. moyo
    3. roho
    4. mkono
    1. wa
    2. la 
    3. ya
    4. cha
    1. njema
    2. mema
    3. jema
    4. vyema
    1. sauni 
    2. kizabuni
    3. kisabuni
    4. kwa sabuni
    1. Ingawa
    2. Sembuze
    3. Licha ya
    4. Seuze
    1. letu
    2. chetu
    3. yetu
    4. wetu
    1. taadhimu
    2. taadhima
    3. tathmini
    4. thamini
    1. jamii
    2. jama
    3. jamani
    4. jamaa

Rehema alifurahi sana kukutana na nyanya yake. Pindi tu akamwamkua "_11__"Naye Nyanyake akaitikia" _12_ mjukuu wangu."Hapo wakaanza kupiga _13_ kuhusu mambo kadha wa_14_ Kulipokuchwa, wakaagana" _15_ ".

    1. Hujambo
    2. Sijambo
    3. Habari
    4. Shikamoo
    1. nzuri
    2. vyema 
    3. marahaba
    4.  salama
    1. gumzo
    2. kasia 
    3. mbinja
    4. stori
    1. kadhaa 
    2. kadha 
    3. kadhia
    4. kadhalika
    1. sabalheri 
    2. masalheri 
    3. macheo
    4. alamsiki 

Kutoka swali la 16-30 chagua jibu lililo sahihi kulingana na maagizo 

  1. Kamilisha sentensi kwa tanakali zifaazo.
    Yusufu alitumbukia majini ............... na kuzama .................
    1. tumbwi, zii
    2. tumbwi, jii
    3. chubwi, zii
    4. chubwi, jii
  2. Tumia 'amba' kwa usahihi katika sentensi ifuatayo.
    "Tafadhali nionyeshe mfereji .............................. nyinyi huteka maji ya kunywa."
    1. ambapo
    2. ambao
    3. ambayo
    4. ambamo
  3. Kamilisha: Penye miti
    1. pana wajenzi. 
    2. kuna misitu.
    3. hapana wajenzi
    4. hakuna watu.
  4. Chagua jibu sahihi.
    1. mmoja mmoja.
    2. moja moja.
    3. mmoja kwa mmoja
    4. kimoja kimoja
  5. Kamau alisema angesafiri ndege.
    1. na 
    2. kwenye 
    3. penye
    4. kwa 
  6. Kifungu kimoja cha shairi huitwa
    1. mshororo. 
    2. ubeti. 
    3. kibwagizo.
    4. mizani.
  7. Msichana yule ana nywele...........................  na pua ............................
    1. mrefu, dogo 
    2. refu/dogo 
    3. ndefu/ndogo
    4. ndevu/ndogo 
  8. Kutokana na kitenzi KUFA, tunapata nomino
    1. mfu. 
    2. maiti.
    3. mkufa.
    4. mfua.
  9. . Kamilisha:
    Unataka nyumba yako ijengwe
    1. vipi
    2. yupi 
    3. ipi
    4. upi 
  10. Akisami inaitwaje?
    1. Thumuni tatu 
    2. Humusi tatu
    3. Tusui tatu. 
    4. Subui tatu.
  11. Kikembe cha simba ni sibli, je kikembe cha nguruwe ni 
    1. kisui. 
    2. kiyoyo.
    3. kinda.
    4. kivinimbi. 
  12. Neno unyasi liko katika ngeli gani?
    1. U-ZI
    2. U-U
    3. I-ZI
    4. A-WA 
  13. Soma, kula, tembea, cheza ni
    1. nomino. 
    2. vielezi.
    3. ngeli.
    4. vitenzi.
  14. Kanusha sentensi hii
    Johana ameandika kisha akalala. 
    1. Johana hakuandika na hakulala. 
    2. Johana hajaandika wala kulala. 
    3. Johana haandiki na halali.
    4. Johana hataandika wala hata lala.
  15.  Andika kwa wingi.
    Ulezi mwema umenisaidia. 
    1. Malezi mema yamemsaidia. 
    2. Ulezi mema yametusaidia. 
    3. Malezi mema yametusaidia. 
    4. Malezi mema yamenisaidia. 

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha uyajibu maswali 31-40
Fatuma aliachwa na mamake akiwa mchanga. Alipofikia umri wa miaka kumi naye babake mpendwa pia aliaga dunia. Kifo cha babake kilimtia sana simanzi.
Fatuma alibaki yatima na hakuwa na budi kuishi na ami yake Maina. Kwa kuwa lisilokuwa na budi hutendwa, Fatuma aliishi na Maina bila wasiwasi. Maisha ya Fatuma yalikuwa mazuri hadi Maina alipochukua jiko. Hapa acha ale mwata kwa huyo mkazaami wake!
Babake Fatuma alipoaga dunia aliacha mali ya kutosha lakini hayakumfaidi mwanawe wa kipekee. Kidosho aliyeolewa aliukatiza upendo baina ya mtu na mpwa wake. Mwanamke huyo alikuwa nduli mkubwa aliyemletea Fatuma madhila makubwa. Kwa hakika kidosho alileta mfarakano katika ukoo huo. Fauka ya hayo Fatuma alijikaza kisabuni na kuendelea kuishi hapo.
Bi. Kidosho alikazana kwa fitina bila kuchoka, kwani kinolewacho hupata."Naye Maina alisalimu amri kwa ua lake la moyo. Kwa ghafla, Maina alimgeuka mpwa wake mithili ya hewa inavyobadilika. Acha Fatuma aone cha mtema kuni. Jambo la kwanza alikatizwa masomo na kuwekwa nyumbani. Alitumwa kama kijakazi. Ungepata fursa ya kumwona ungemwonea huruma. Nguo alizokuwa akivaa zilikuwa nyeusi kama chungu, na uso wake ungedhani ni ule wa kipaka jiko.
Ni kweli kuwa mja akifunga wake wa Maulana u wazi. Haukupita muda mrefu kabla ya habari ya mateso ya Fatuma kusambaa kama moto wa nyasi. Bila ya tatizo lolote habari ilimfikia afisa msimamizi wa watoto katika sehemu hiyo. Fedheha kubwa ilimpata Maina kwani alishtakiwa kwa kumnyima Fatuma haki zake. Alionekana kuwa amevunja kufungu cha sheria ya watoto. Bila ya kusita hakimu alimhukumu Maina kifungu cha miaka sita au faini ya shilingi laki saba. Pia aliamrishwa arudishe urithi wa Fatuma. Fatuma aliambiwa arudi shuleni aendelee na masomo yake.

  1. Fatuma aliishi na
    1. mjomba wake.
    2. kakake baba.
    3. kakake mama.
    4.  dadake mama. 
  2. Ni kweli kusema kuwa
    1. mamake Fatuma alimwachia mali nyingi. 
    2. kidosho alileta mapenzi katika jamii hiyo.
    3. kifo cha babake Fatuma hakikumletea upweke. 
    4. Kidosho ndiye aliyekuwa chanzo cha masaibu ya Fatuma. 
  3. Kulingana na habari mama yake Fatuma alikuwa
    1. ameaga.
    2. ameenda safari.
    3. mzima.
    4. akifanya kazi mbali. 
  4. Mwanamke ni kwa kijakazi kama vile mwamume ni kwa
    1. topasi.
    2. mjakazi.
    3. kitwana.
    4. mzegazega.
  5. "ale mwata” katika habari ina maana ya
    1. kuona ujasiri. 
    2. kupata nafuu. 
    3. kupata ujasiri.
    4. kupata taabu.
  6. Nimethali gani inayowiana na habari hii?
    1. Mtaka cha mvunguni sharti ainame.
    2. Mola hamtupi mja wake.
    3. Usitupe mbachao kwa mswala upitao.
    4. Ukipanda pankwisha utavuna pantosha. 
  7. Kilichomwokoa Fatuma kilikuwa ni
    1. kufanya kazi kwa bidii.
    2. askari waliopiga nduru. 
    3. kuenea kwa habari zake za mateso.
    4. kuacha shule na kukaa nyumbani. 
  8. Maina aliaibika wakati
    1. aliposhtakiwa. 
    2. alipofungwa jela. 
    3. alipoamriwa kurudisha urithi.
    4. alimwoa kidosho. 
  9. Maina alitozwa faini ya shilingi?
    1. 7000
    2. 70,000
    3. 700,000
    4. 7.000.000 
  10. Kichwa mwafaka kwa hadithi hii ni
    1. Mnyonge hana haki.
    2. Meskia hachoki.
    3. Tupuuze haki za watoto.
    4. Ajira ya watoto.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha uyajibu maswali 41-50
Rehema alikuwa mtoto wa tatu katika familia ya Mzee Kazamoyo. Alikuwa mziwanda kwa kuzaliwa na mama penda raha. Nduguze walikuwa Yusufu na Yohana
Hawa walikuwa wavulana watanashati sana. Rehema alikuwa banati mmoja tu miongoni mwa ghulamu wawili. Mzee aliwalea vizuri sana wanawe, kwa heshima na adabu, kwa utu na ubinadamu. Wavulana walikuwa wacheshi kama vinyago. Naye binti alikuwa malaika. Kwa upole na wema, Rehema alikuwa nambari moja. Watu wengi walimpenda na kumheshimu sana. Kweli heshima si utumwa. Lakini Mzee Kazamoyo alikuwa simba.
Mzee Kazamoyo alikuwa mwindaji haramu kwa jina jingine,jangili. Aliwaua wanyama pori kisha akauza nyama kwa wenye hoteli na vilabu vya starehe vya mjini. Kitendo hiki cha kuwaua wanyama, hakikumpendeza Rehema.
“Wanyama lazima walindwe badala ya kuwaua" alisema kimoyomoyo. “Mbona baba anaharibu maliasili? alizidi kuuliza. "Watalii wakija kwetu watawaona wanyama gani? Msichana alisikitika zaidi.
Kusema kweli wanyama wakiwindwa kiholela na kuuwawa ovyo ovyo, hatutakuwa na wanyama pori siku zijazo. Tunapohifadhi mazingira, tunawahifadhi wanyama pia. Siku moja Mzee Kazamoyo alimshika kasuku kwa mtego akaja naye nyumbani. Alitengeneza tundu akamtia kasuku huyo ndani. Tundu lenyewe akalitundika kwenye dari upenuni.
Rehema alikuwa akimwangalia babake kwa makini sana tangu alipokuwa na kasuku mpaka kumfungia kwenye tundu. Hakumwona baba akimpa ndege yule punje ya mchele au mtama.

  1. Katika aya ya pili Mzee Kazamoyo aliwalea wanawe kwa njia ifuatayo isipokuwa?
    1. Kwa taadhima. 
    2. Kwa ukatili.
    3. Kwa utu na ubinadamu.
    4. Kwa adabu. 
  2. Kulingana na habari uliyoisoma Mzee
    Kazamoyo alikuwa akifanya kazi gani? 
    1. Alikuwa akifanya kazi ofisini. 
    2. Alikuwa akiuza ndege aina ya kawaida. 
    3. Alikuwa mkulima hodari.
    4. Alikuwa mwindaji wa wanyama pori. 
  3. Ni kweli kusema kuwa
    1.  Mzee Kazamoyo alikuwa kitinda mimba kwa kuzaliwa. 
    2. Mzee Kazamoyo alikuwa mzalendo halisi ya nchi yake. 
    3. Rehema alikuwa mchapakazi shuleni. 
    4. Rehema ndiye aliyekuwa mtoto wa kwanza katika familia hiyo. 
  4. Neno wanyamapori kama ilivyotumika katika makala haya unaweza pia kuitwa ! 
    1. binadamu.
    2. vimelea.
    3. hayawani.
    4. nyuni. 
  5. Kinyume cha utumwa ni 
    1. uwazi.
    2. undugu. 
    3. ufungwa. .
    4. uhuru.
  6. Mwandishi ametaja Mzee Kazamoyo kuwa simba maanake?
    1. Alikuwa mfalme katika kijiji hicho.
    2. Alikuwa mkali kwa hivyo aliogopwa kwake. 
    3. Ni mzee aliyependa simba.
    4. Aliwinda simba sana. 
  7. Kati ya orodha ifuatayo ni gani ndege pekee?
    1. Chiriku, kasuku, mbayuwayu, njiwa. 
    2. Kasuku, korongo, mjomba, kuku. 
    3. Kasuku, nzige, tandu, mbuni.
    4. Sibli, njiwa, kaka, korongo. 
  8. Kulingana na taarifa ni nini hakikumfurahisha Rehema? 
    1. Maisha yake mwenyewe. 
    2. Hatujaambiwa. 
    3. Kitendo cha babake.
    4. Kitendo chake baadaye. 
  9. Baada ya Mzee Kazamoyo kumnasa ndege aliweka wapi? 
    1. Alihifadhi kwenye ghala. 
    2. Aliweka juu ya nyumba yake huku akaingiza kwenye paa. 
    3. Alimtengengezea nyumba mzuri nje ya nyumba.
    4. Alimwua na kuuza kwa wenye hoteli.
  10. Kichwa mwafaka cha taarifa hii ni
    1. Wanyamapori. 
    2. Kisa cha simba.
    3. Mwindaji hodari wa ndege. 
    4. Mzee Kaza moyo na familia yake.

Marking Scheme

swa ms


Andika insha ya kuvutia kuendeleza maneno uliyopewa.
Tulisikia kelele kwenye barabara iliyopo karibu na shule yetu. Sote tukatoka madarasani mwetu na ........................................


Read the following passage and choose the best answer to fill in the blank spaces.
He remembered vaguely the good old days when_ 1 _his parents were alive. There_2_everything in their house. There was plenty of food and_3__of time to play. Then one_4_, he saw people pouring _5_their house. _6_faces were downcast and they looked very_7_. He tried to catch what they were saying but_8_loud enough for him to hear. When he tried to ask why_9_parents were not at home, someone told him_10_casually that they had been involved in a road accident and were in hospital. Munyaka had no other opportunity to ask questions because that same day, he was _11_away to live with an _12_. Later on, Munyaka was told that both his parents had not survived the accident. His life changed for the _13_ and his caretaker became his tormentor. When his life_14_ unbearable he ran_15_to work in a quarry like other boys.

    1. both
    2. all
    3. every 
    4. each
    1. is
    2. were
    3. was
    4. has
    1. little
    2. alot
    3. a lot
    4. a little
    1. ivening
    2. evining
    3. evening
    4. ivining
    1. onto 
    2. on
    3. into
    4. in
    1. thier
    2. their
    3. there
    4. theirs
    1. sad
    2. saddest
    3. sadly
    4. sadder
    1. non one
    2. everyone
    3. someone
    4. eachone
    1. her
    2. his
    3. their
    4. our
    1. quet
    2. quiet
    3. quit
    4. quite
    1. taked
    2. tooked
    3. took
    4. taken
    1. ancle
    2. uncle
    3. ankle
    4. unkol
    1. best
    2. wordt
    3. worse
    4. dad
    1. came
    2. come
    3. became
    4. become
    1. away
    2. out
    3. off
    4. up

For questions 16-17, choose the correct sentence 

    1. "Will you visit the show?" asked Alila.
    2. Will you visit the show? "Asked Alila."
    3. Will you visit the show?" Asked Alila.
    4. "Will you visit the show?" asked Alila
    1. Many trees grows in the equatorial region.
    2. He asked me to told Noah about it.
    3. She have been sick for a month.
    4. We were bought some food in the afternoon. 

For questions 18-19, arrange the sentences in the correct order.

    1. there was
    2. the shout, "Goal!"
    3. Odipo, our best striker 
    4. within a minute
    5. had a ball
      1. i, ii, iii, iv, v 
      2. iii, v, iv, i, ii 
      3. iii, iv, i, v, ii
      4.  iii, v, iv, ii, i
    1. wanted to know
    2. late for school
    3. why Bellyant
    4. The teacher
    5. always
      1. iv, i, iii, v, ii 
      2. iv, i, iii, ii, v 
      3. iii, iv, i, ii, v
      4. i, ii, iii, iv, v

For questions 20-21, choose the correct order of adjectives

  1. Hazel bought a
    1. red beautiful cotton dress.
    2. red cotton beautiful dress.
    3. beautiful red cotton dress.
    4. beautiful cotton red dress.
  2. He carried his on his back.
    1. heavy black bag
    2. black heavy bag
    3. heavy bag black
    4. black bag heavy

For questions 22-23 choose one sentence whi is the same as the given sentence.

  1. He was milking the cow.
    1. The cow were being milked. 
    2. The cow was milked. 
    3. The cow was being milked.
    4. The cow had been milked. 
  2. Jane sent the letter to his brother.
    1. The letter was being sent by Jane. 
    2. The letter was sent by Jane. 
    3. The letter had been sent by Jane.
    4. The letter is sent by Jane.

For questions 24-25, choose the correct word to fill in the blank spaces in the sentence 

  1. Near Lake Turkana, the children saw a large ..................  of cattles. 
    1. heard 
    2. herd 
    3. had
    4. hard 
  2. Kato wanted to ................ my money. 
    1. still
    2. steel 
    3. steal 
    4. stile 

Read the following passage and answer questions 26-38
When travelling, we meet very many types of passengers. Their actions at times makes the journey very interesting but at times, interacting with some types may make your journey to be so boring and long. But then we have to travel to different destinations. If you never like to meet these passengers, my advice to you, use your own private means of transport.
One type that I have met is the talking or parrot passenger. This passenger gets into the bus, takes only ten minutes and people who are keen enough shall have known everything about him. He tells people where he is heading to, what he is going to do, what he is carrying in his bag, what he took for supper e.t.c. I have no problem with this passenger. After all, he doesn't interfere with other travellers in any way.
The next type is the eating or hyena passenger. The hyena passenger eats. In his/her bag, there is some food staff, call it chapati, termites, roasted maize. Any time the bus stops at a bus station, the eating passenger will even buy more food to eat. What pisses me off mostly is that sometimes they want you to share their food. The worst part of it, when they start experiencing stomach problems and force the driver to stop the bus for them to get out. Oh! That bad air that they leave behind! One time I travelled with one. He was my bus neighbour. At the first stop, he bought bananas and swallowed them. Next he bought boiled eggs, he followed it with roasted maize. At another stage, he swallowed ripe oranges and summarized it with hot tea. I experienced a long day with this man. I had to change my sitting position.
Another type is the sleeping passenger. I think this is the type of passenger I hate most especially if she or he is my neighbour. I don't like people who bother me when I travel. I just need peace. But the sleeping passenger will be your guest whether you like it or not. Turning you into a pillow! I hate it. Let them start snoring, you'll never have peace in you journey especially if your were travelling in the night. The sleeping passengers are also very stubborn.
Have you ever met a quarrelling passenger. The passenger quarrels everybody in the bus. You look her direction, she picks a quarrel with you. This passenger really provokes others. Can even ask you, "Why are you so quiet?" From there a quarrel starts.
Now, meet my best friend in a journey, the quiet passenger. As silent as a grave. You'll never hear his or her voice, will be quiet in the whole journey. This is the best passenger who never bothers others. He'll just give the conductor money then remain silent.
I have never boarded a plane. I wonder if these categories of passengers can be found among those who travel by air. They are very common in road and rail transport especially in public vehicles. Some are common in voyages.

  1. How many types of passengers have been mentioned in the passage?
    1. 5
    2. 4
    3. 6
    4. 7
  2. Who is the parrot passenger?
    1. The eating passenger.
    2. The quarreling passenger. 
    3. The talking passenger. 
    4. The silent passenger.
  3. What is the best advice given to those who don't want to meet such funny passengers?
    1. Ignore them as you travel. 
    2. Travel by air. 
    3. Never travel.
    4. Use a private means of transport. 
  4. The eating passenger can also be described as 
    1. glutton.
    2. brave. 
    3. courageous. 
    4. kind.
  5. What pisses the writer off mostly?
    1. When the eating passenger starts to have stomach problems. 
    2. When the eating passenger wants to share his food. 
    3. When the eating passenger eats a lot of food.
    4. When the eating passenger stops the bus. 
  6. The talking passenger talks a lot. Which one of the following does he not tell people according to the passage? 
    1. His level of education. 
    2. Where he is heading to. 
    3. What he is going to do. 
    4. What is in his bag.
  7. It is true to say that the writer doesn't like 
    1. people who bother him on the journey. 
    2. people who are quiet throughout the journey. 
    3. people who buy food as they travel.
    4. people who sleep a lot during the journey.
  8. Which of the following foods did the eating passenger not buy according to the passage? 
    1. Bananas.
    2. Chips.
    3. Tea.
    4. Oranges. 
  9. Who is hated most by the writer?
    1. The eating passenger. 
    2. The quiet passenger. 
    3. The talking passenger.
    4. The sleeping passenger. 
  10. The sleeping passenger will
    1. want you to share his food. 
    2. turn you into a pillow. 
    3. never give you peace.
    4. snore as he sleeps. 
  11. The writer has never travelled by 
    1. train
    2. bus 
    3. air.
    4. road 
  12. What is a voyage?
    1. Travelling by rail 
    2. Travelling by road. 
    3. Travelling by air.
    4. Sea travel
  13. The best title for this passage is
    1. Transport.
    2. Journeys. 
    3. Travelling. 
    4. Passengers. 

Read the passage below and answer questions 39-50
There once lived a hyena in the forests of Mt. Kilimanjaro, who was very arrogant and selfish. Due to his lack of respect for his elders, he had been chased away from his clan. He now roamed in the vast forests alone.
It happened that the dry season turned out to be a very harsh drought. All the rivers eventually dried up and most of the animals either died or migrated. Because of this the hyena almost died from hunger as he was alone and hunting was so much harder for him.
One day, he was so hungry that he could not walk. He crawled under a shade and lay there, waiting to die. Vultures had already begun flying above him waiting to feed on his carcass. Before he passed on, he asked God to forgive all his sins and grant him another chance to live. He told God that he would be forever grateful if he survived. Just as he had finished his plea, heard had a mooing of a calf.
He mustered his last reserves of energy and crawled to where he heard the sound coming from. There, he saw a calf tethered to a tree. It was most likely that a herder had left it there.
He thought to himself then he started mocking God. He felt that it was he who had searched for food without God's assistance. He told God that if he was one who had provided the calf, then He should try and take it away.
He then came up with a plan. Since the rope was made of leather, he would start by eating the rope, then he would finish by eating the calf.
He jumped on the rope and started chewing. It was rough but he urged himself on, thinking about how he would finish by eating the sweet tender and juicy meat of the calf.
No sooner had he broken the rope than the calf ran away for its life. The hyena remained standing there amazed. He had not even imagined that the calf could escape. He started begging God again to help him saying that he had made a big mistake. He pleaded with God saying he was sorry. This time round, it was too late.

  1. Which one of the following characteristics was NOT found with the hyena? 
    1. Selfishness. 
    2. Obedience.
    3.  Disrespectful. 
    4. Arrogance.
  2. Why was the hyena chased away from is clan?
    1.  He did not respect elders. 
    2. The rivers had dried up. 
    3. He was arrogant.
    4. He was selfish.
  3. Why did hunting become difficult for the hyena?
    1. There was drought.
    2. The rivers dried. 
    3. He was alone in the forest.
    4. He was hungry.
  4. The word vast as used in the passage means:
    1. narrow.
    2. dry.
    3. wide. 
    4. thick.
  5. What do you think happened to the hyena at the end of the story?
    1. The hyena died.
    2. The hyena found food. 
    3. The hyena ate the calf.
    4. God answered the hyena's prayer. 
  6. The remains of a dead animal is called 
    1. food.
    2. carcass.
    3. meat.
    4.  beef.
  7. Apart from the hyena and the calf which other animal is mentioned in the story?
    1. Lion. 
    2. Goat. 
    3. Vulture. 
    4. Dog.
  8. Which one of the following words is NOT an adjective? 
    1. Sweet.
    2. Tender 
    3. Juicy.
    4.  Meat.
  9. Which one of the following reasons made the animals in the story to die and to migrate? 
    1. The river that dried. 
    2. Selfishness of the hyena. 
    3. The drought.
    4. We are not told.
  10. What did the hyena promise God?
    1. He would be grateful. 
    2. He would not be arrogant.
    3. He would not be selfish.
    4. He would be disobedient.
  11. calf moos.
    1. brays.
    2. neighs.
    3. roars.
    4. bleats 
  12. According to the passage, what made the hyena to almost die at first? 
    1. He was alone.
    2. He was too weak to hunt.
    3. Other animals had migrated.
    4. He was selfish.

Marking Scheme

eng ms


Below is a beginning of a composition. Complete it in your own words making it as interesting as possible.
That was a special Sunday in my life for I would attend my sister's wedding ceremony.



  1. The composition will be assessed according to the following guidelines.
    • The maximum mark will be 40 and the minimum mark 01
    • Does the script show that the candidate can communicate accurately, fluently and imaginatively in English?

Accuracy (16 Marks)

  1. Correct tenses and agreement of verbs (4 marks) 
  2. Accurate use of vocabulary (4 marks)
  3. Following a sequence (4 marks)
  4. Correct punctuation (4 marks)

Fluency (16 marks)

  1. Words in the correct order (4 marks)
  2. Sentence connecting and paragraph (4 marks)
  3. Correct spelling (4 marks) .
  4. Ideas developed in logical sequence(4 marks)

Imagination (8 marks)

  1.  Unusual but appropriate use of words and phrases (4 marks) 
  2. Variety of structure (4 marks)

N.B: Please, teachers are requested to scrutinize this marking scheme before use, it is worth.


  1. Write eight million eight hundred and eighty, eight thousand eight hundred and eighty eight.
    1. 8,888,808
    2. 8,880,888 
    3. 8,888,880
    4. 8,888,888
  2. What is the place value of digit 6 in the number 7318.106 
    1. Thousandths. 
    2. Ones. 
    3. Thousand.
    4. Hundredths.
  3. Find the sum of 10 and √100
    1. 200
    2. 1000
    3. 110
    4. 150
  4. Round off 978432 to the nearest thousand
    1. 979000
    2. 978400 
    3. 979432
    4. 978000
  5. Which one of the following numbers is divisible by 8?
    1. 11236
    2. 5218
    3. 69960
    4. 41326
  6. What is the difference between the LCM and GCD of 12, 18 and 24?
    1. 24
    2. 6
    3. 18
    4. 66
  7. Subtract: 121/2 from 161/3
    1. 35/6
    2. 45/6
    3. 22/6
    4. 35/8
  8. In a class of 60 pupils, 900 exercise books were given to be shared equally. How many books did each child receive? 
    1. 54000
    2. 15 
    3. 150
    4. 960
  9. Find the missing numbers in the magic square.
    q9 iyguayda
    1. a=11, b=8 
    2. a=9,-10
    3. a=8, b=11
    4. a=12, b=7 
  10. What is the area of the shaded part in the figure below?
    q10 iukyjgaytfgda
    1. 126m2
    2. 52m2 
    3. 178m2
    4. 74m2
  11. What is the value of z in
    6Z - 3 + 2z =29
    1. 4
    2. 8
    3. 31/4
    4. 32
  12. What is the circumference of the figure below?
    q12 jtfatfda
    1. 66m
    2. 132m
    3. 1272m
    4. 1386m 
  13. Which statement is true?
    1. 1.33 > 13.3
    2. 3/4>0.75 
    3. 1m < 100cm
    4. 2 weeks > 48hours 
  14. Express 1.24 as a percentage
    1. 124%
    2. 0.124% 
    3. 1.24%
    4. 12.4% 
  15. The area of a square field is 256m2. Find its perimeter. 
    1. 16m
    2. 64m 
    3. 1024m
    4. 512m 
  16. What is the value of 1242/3 +51/2
    1. 210/33
    2. 661/3 
    3. 181/6 
    4. 71/6 
  17. The scale of a drawing is 1cm represents 10m. Find the actual lengths represented by 12cm 
    1. 1200m
    2. 12000m 
    3. 12m
    4. 120m 
  18. Convert 0.16 into fraction in its simplest form.
    1. 16/100
    2. 4/25
    3. 8/50
    4. 16/1000
  19. Calculate the measure of angle marked a?
    q19 niygauyda
    1. 102°
    2. 90° 
    3. 112°
    4. 92° 20.
  20. Work out:
    0.032 ÷ 0.8 
    1. 0.4
    2. 4
    3. 0.04
    4. 0.004 21.
  21. Simplify:
    2(5y + 7x) + 3(27-4x)
    1. 16y - 2x
    2. 7y + 3x 
    3. 7y-3x
    4. 16y + 2x 
  22. Nyanguta bought the following items from a shop
    21/2 kg of rice for sh. 320.00
    3 loaves of bread @sh. 50.00
    2 packets of milk @sh. 55.00
    If she paid using sh. two-sh. 500 note. How much balance did he get?
    1. Sh. 420
    2. Sh. 580
    3. sh. 20
    4. Sh. 422
  23. Onyango left home for school at 7.05 a.m. She took 50 minutes to reach school. At what time did she reach school?
    1. 7.50 a.m
    2. 8.55 a.m
    3. 7.55 a.m
    4. 7.55 p.m
  24. Find the reciprocal of 10 
    1. 1/10
    2. 100
    3. 5
    4. 10/1
  25. What is the compliment of 20 
    1. 92°
    2. 88°
    3. 178°
    4. 188°
  26. Arrange the following fraction in descending order.
    3/5, 2/3, 1/2, 3/4 
    1. 1/2,2/5,2/3,3/4 
    2.  3/4,2/3,3/5,1/2
    3.  3/4,2/3,3/5,1/2
    4.  3/4,3/5,2/3,1/2
  27. What is the next number in the sequence.
    144, 169, 196, ................
    1. 225
    2. 256 
    3. 325
    4. 221
  28. Find the value of x in the following
    1/5x - 3 = 9
    1. 60
    2. 12 
    3. 30
    4. 20 
  29. Find the sum of prime numbers between 30 and 40 
    1. 68
    2. 31 
    3. 140
    4. 107
  30. What do you get when you divide the square of 12 by the square root of 64?
    1. 18
    2. 21/4 
    3. 51/3
    4. 76 
  31. The area of a triangular plot is 300m2. If the base is 40m, what is the height?
    1. 20
    2. 15 
    3. 40
    4. 7.5 
  32. Find the size of angle x
    1. 50°
    2. 100°
    3. 180°
    4. 110°
  33. Jane's average score in five tests was 55 marks. She scored 45 marks in the first four subjects. How many marks did she score the fifth test?
    1. 85
    2. 95
    3. 40 
    4. 110
  34. What is (21/3)2 
    1. 21/3
    2. 51/3
    3. 41/6
    4. 54/9
  35. Subtract 6578596 from 9500624
    1. 2922028
    2. 3922028 
    3. 2932128
    4. 2932028 
  36. What is the quotient of 29512 and 68
    1. 4034
    2. 4304
    3. 434
    4. 4340 
  37. Add:
    0.23 + 4.021 + 116.3 
    1. 120.551
    2. 119.551 
    3. 121.651 
    4. 120.651 
  38. What is the volume of the cuboid below.
    q38 uyygautygda
    1. 24m3
    2. 48m3
    3. 6m3
    4. 13m3
  39. What is the area of triangle below.
    q39 iuaygtydea
    1. 48m2
    2. 36m2
    3. 72m2
    4. 64m2
  40.  What is the value of
    q40 iuygayt
    1. 22/3
    2. 52/6
    3. 31/3
    4. 21/3
  41. Otieno earns sh. 9000 per month. If he spends 65% of this and saves the rest, how much money does he save? 
    1. Sh. 3150 
    2. Sh.9035 
    3. Sh. 9065
    4. Sh. 250
  42. Work out. 9.003 x 10
    1. 900.3
    2. 90.03
    3. 9003 .
    4. 0.9003 
  43. Talia has a rectangular piece of land measuring 724m long by 230m wide. What was the perimeter of her land in metres. 
    1. 1908
    2.  964
    3. 494
    4. 988 
  44. How many packets can be obtained from 24kg of sugar.
    1. 6
    2. 96 
    3. 28
    4. 24%
  45. Which of the given fractions is equivalent to 3/5?
    1. 9/15
    2. 4/10
    3. 12/15
    4. 9/10
  46. By using the digits 8, 6, 5,4,9 make the largest number possible.
    1. 96548
    2. 45689
    3. 89654
    4. 98654
      Use the graph below to answer questions 47-49 The graph shows farmers sales of milk in a week.
      q47 uyguys
  47. In which day did she sell the highest number of litres? 
    1. Friday.
    2. Tuesday. 
    3. Monday.
    4. Thursday.
  48. What was the sum of the sales on Tuesday and Wednesday?
    1. 55
    2. 15
    3. 70
    4. 65
  49. What was his sales for the whole week? 
    1. 250
    2. 190 
    3. 200
    4. 180
  50.  What is the next shape in the pattern?
    q50 iyguygd

Marking Scheme

 maths ms


Study the map of Mawe area and use it to answer questions 1-7.
q1 hfctfacda

  1. The general direction of flows of River Kai is towards 
    1. North West 
    2. South East 
    3. North East 
    4. South West
  2. Mawe area is administred by a 
    1. County commissioner 
    2. Sub country commissioner 
    3. Governor 
    4. County representative
  3. Population distribution at Mawe area has been influenced by 
    1. transport and communication 
    2. drainage 
    3. economic activities 
    4. presence of security
  4. Which one of the following services is offered in Mawe area?
    1. Health
    2. Recreation 
    3. Theatre
    4. Education
  5. Which one of the following industries is likely to be found in Mawe area? 
    1. Manufacturing industry 
    2. Processing industry 
    3. Service industry 
    4. Assembling industry
  6. The main economic activity in mawe area is 
    1. fishing
    2. trading 
    3. mining
    4. maize growing
  7. Which religion is practised in mawe area 
    1. Hinduism
    2. Islamic 
    3. Christianity 
    4. Traditionalism
  8. Which one of the following is a negative impact of rapid population growth on resources?
    1. Increased labour force 
    2. Improved health care
    3. Pressure on the existing social service
    4. Availability of employment opportunities
  9. The council of elder among the Ameru that handles difficult cases was 
    1. Kiama
    2. Njuri Ncheke
    3. Nkomango
    4. Njuri impere
  10. The following is a description of a certain type of vegetation 
    1. tall and evergreen trees
    2. trees have straight trunks and buttress roots
    3. Forests have very little undergrowth
      Which vegetation type is described above
      1. Savannah vegetation
      2. Equatorial vegetation
      3. Swamp vegetation
      4. Mediterranean vegetation
  11. Which one of the following is a service industry?
    1. Textile industry
    2. Ginnery
    3. Dry cleaning
    4. Posho niill
  12. The following countries are crossed by Trans saharan highway except?
    1. Nigeria
    2. Algeria .
    3. Niger
    4. Mali

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 13 ro 16.
q13 jgvtyfgss

  1. The relief feature marked B was formed through 
    1. folding
    2. faulting and uplifting
    3. volcanicity
    4. denudation 
  2. The multi purpose project marked C was mainly constructed to 
    1. controi floods 
    2. provide water for irrigation
    3. provide cheap power
    4.  establish fishing grounds 
  3. Three of the following statements are true about the climatic region marked Y. Which one is not?
    1. Rainfall is experienced mainly during winter
    2. Rainfall is accompanied by lighting and thunderstorms
    3. The hottest months in the year are march and september
    4. The type of rainfall received is mainly convectional
  4. The lake formed E was formed through 
    1. faulting
    2. downwarping
    3. erosion
    4. deposition
  5. Which one of the following early visitors was a trader? 
    1. Vasco da Gama 
    2. David livingstone 
    3. Henry Morton stanley
    4. William Mackinnon
  6. The following communities Collaborated with European colonial rule except
    1. wiándinka 
    2. Lozi
    3. obawanga 
    4. Maasai
  7. Which one of the following is the main tourist attraction in Egypt?
    1. Willlife
    2. Historical sites 
    3. Sand beaches 
    4. Cultural activities 
  8. The main reason for the establishment of East African community was to 
    1. reduce trade barriers
    2. improve transport in the area 
    3. wide a markets for goods produced
    4. introduce a common currency 
  9. The weather instrument drawn below is used to measure
    q21 jvygvfts
    1. amount of rainfall 
    2. hotness or coldness of a place 
    3. air pressure
    4. strength of wind 
  10. Which one of the following plain nilotes are found in Uganda?
    1. Karamajong, Iteso, Jie 
    2. Toposa, Murle, Azande 
    3. Maasai Burji, Samburu
    4. Nandi, Iteso, Sabaot 
  11. The main cause of accident in most Kenya roads is
    1. driving unroadworthy vehicles 
    2. overloading vehicles 
    3. negligence of road user
    4. following traffic rule 
  12. Which one of the following is the cheapest methods of preserving fish
    1. canning
    2. sun drying
    3. salting
    4. refrigeration
  13. Which one of the following is economic right? 
    1. Right to vote 
    2. Right to privacy
    3. Right to food
    4. Right to be paid well 
  14. The act of taking over the responsibilities and property of a deceased person is called 
    1. a will
    2. succession 
    3. administration 
    4. acquisition
  15. The following are ways of demonstrating patriotism in Kenya except 
    1. payment of taxes
    2. conserving environment
    3. promoting human rights
    4. engaging in corruption
  16. The main problem facing tourism in Africa is
    1. poor marketing strategies
    2. political instability
    3. insecurity
    4. similarity of tourist attraction 
  17. Below is a description of a certain early visitor
    1. was both a missionary and explorer
    2. sent by royal geographical society
    3. did his missionary work in central Africa
    4. fought against slave trade The early described above as
      1. Henry Morton Stanley 
      2. Dr David Livingstone 
      3. Johannes Rebman
      4. John Krapt
  18. Which one of the following fish is caught a marine fishing grounds? 
    1. Mackerel 
    2. Salmon 
    3. Trout
    4. Black bass 
  19. The following factors limit peace in the society. Which one is not? 
    1. Bad leadership 
    2. Political differencof human rights
    3. leadership
    4. Transpareney 
  20. The dispersal point of the River Lake nilotes was at 
    1. Mt Elgon 
    2. Shungwaya
    3. Pukungu Pakwach
    4. Southern Sudan 
  21. The time at town W 40°E is 9.00 a.m. What is the time at town Y 13°W? 
    1. 11:32am
    2. 5:28am 
    3. 7:12am
    4. 10:48am
  22. . The main pastoral community in West Africa is the 
    1. Fulani
    2. Tuaregs 
    3. Tswana
    4. Maasai 
  23. The road sign below indicates
    q35 ytft6rftrfs
    1. drive with caution 
    2. bumps ahead
    3. road junction
    4. give way
  24. Which one of the following is a way the communities may contribute to school development? 
    1. Promote the culture of the communities 
    2. Guides pupils to obey laws of the land
    3. Offer labour to the school
    4. Help learners discover their talents 
  25. The earliest inhabitants in central Africa is 
    1. Bantus
    2. Bambuti
    3. Boers
    4. Arabs 
  26. The main problem facing forestry in the Democratic republic of Congo is 
    1. Forest fires 
    2. Poor harvesting techniques 
    3. Human encroachment
    4. Pest and diseases 
  27. The following countries are crossed by the equator except 
    1. Gabon
    2. Uganda 
    3. Dr Congo
    4. Cameroon
  28. Forests in Africa are mainly influenced by 
    1. drainage
    2. rainfall 
    3. soil fertility 
    4. altitude 
  29. The type of wind found at the side marked A are
    q41 khauygda
    1. cool and wet 
    2. hot and dry 
    3. cool and dry
    4. warm and moist 
  30. The above rainfall is experienced in the following areas except 
    1. Musoma
    2. Kitale
    3. Embu
    4. Arusha
  31. Which one of the following lakes were formed through erosion? 
    1. Wum, Nyos, Paradise 
    2. Tana, Catherine, Tana 
    3. Teleki, Maghra, Gallery 
    4. Kivu, Magadi, Jipe
  32. The main cause of soil erosion at the . Northern part of Kenya is 
    1. deforestation 
    2. overstocking 
    3. heavy rainfall 
    4. mono cropping
  33. Which one of the following minerals is correctly matched with the end product
    1. Flourspar - electric wires 
    2. Soda ash-cement 
    3. Datomite - filters
    4. Limestone - salt 
  34. Which one of the following aspect of culture can be preserved? 
    1. Polygamy
    2. Witch craft 
    3. Polygamy 
    4. Tradition medicine
  35. Which one of the following factors should be considered first before establishing dairy farming? 
    1. The climatic conditions 
    2. The accesibility of the area 
    3. Availability of land
    4. The type of diseases that may attack the cattle 
  36. The main problem facing multi purpose project in Africa is 
    1. prolonged drought 
    2. siltation of the dams 
    3. displacement of people
    4. occurrence of diseases 
  37. The person incharge of election at the county level is 
    1. National returning officer 
    2. Presiding officer
    3. Polling clerk
    4. Returning officer 
  38. The highest court in Kenya is headed by the
    1. judges
    2. attorney general 
    3. chief justice 
    4. chief registrar
  39. The traditional parliament of Swaziland is 
    1. Libandia
    2. Liqoqo 
    3. Tinkhudla
    4. Ngwenyama 
  40. The best form of communication used in mass media 
    1. television 
    2. radio
    3. newspaper 
    4. magazine
  41. In traditional African society education was passed through the following ways except
    1. use of proverbs 
    2. imitation 
    3. writing
    4. apprenticeship
  42. The headquarters of old Ghana kingdom was located at
    1. Wagadu
    2. Bissandugu 
    3. Kumbi saleh
    4. Walafa
  43. Who among the following represent the county in the national assembly? 
    1. Women Representative 
    2. County representative 
    3. Governor 
    4. Speaker
  44. Below are description of a certain prominent le der 
    1. uholished ownership of Waves
    2. founder member of OAU 
    3. introduced new constitution in his country
      The leader described above is likely to be
      1. Julius Nyereere 
      2. Haile Selassie 
      3. Gamal Abdel Nasser
      4. Leopold Senghor 
  45. Most people in Africa prefer transporting goods using road mainly because 
    1. cheap to construct 
    2. faster than other forms of transport
    3. it is the most spread
    4. it is the cheapest 
  46. The following are ways through which Seyyid said used to increase volumes of trade in Eastern African coast except 
    1. Signing treaties 
    2. sending or trade caravans 
    3. inviting money lenders
    4. becoming the Sultan
  47. Which one of the following forms of democracy is practised in Kenya? 
    1. Representative 
    2. Nominational 
    3. Liberal
    4. Participatory
  48. In school staff meeting minutes are written by
    1. Senior teacher 
    2. Deputy headteacher 
    3. Head teacher
    4. Chairperson


  1. According to the Bible story of creation, which one of the following is not a reason why God created a woman? To
    1. be a companion to the man
    2. work for man
    3. be a helper to the man
    4. have children with the man
  2. When Abraham was called by God he was living in
    1. Sinai
    2. Bethel
    3. Haran
    4. Damascus
  3. Which one of the following is the main reason why Moses left midian for Egypt?
    1. He wanted to establish a new home
    2. He was commanded by God
    3. He wanted to talk to the Pharaah of Egypt
    4. He wanted to visit the Israelites in Egypt
  4. The main reason why Noah built an ark was to make him be able to
    1. fulfill God's wish
    2. worship God there
    3. keep the animal
    4. hide his family
  5. Which one of the following was a practise of Israelites during Passover feast?
    1. Drinking wine
    2. Eating unleavened bread
    3. Eating boiled meat
    4. Reciting the ten commandment
  6. Who among the following made a wrong choice?
    1. Moses
    2. Joseph
    3. Abraham
    4. Ananiah
  7. Which one of the following is not a value taught in the sermon on the mount?
    1. Poverty
    2. Humility
    3. Injustice
    4. Purity
  8. "Do not commit murder" Exodus 20:13.Two of the following people broke this commandment, who were they
    1. Abel and Enoch
    2. Noah and Solomon Isaac a
    3. nd Naboth
    4. Cain and David
  9. The parable of Jesus which teaches us about the growth of the kingdom of heaven is
    1. the sower
    2. the mustard seed
    3. the good samaritan
    4. the lost son
  10. Three of the following are gifts of the Holy spirit. Which one is not?
    1. Wisdom
    2. Healing
    3. Peace
    4. Faith
  11. Which one of the following is true about Jesus teaching on prayer?
    1. Prayer should be loud
    2. Do not use many meaningless words
    3. Pray while standing in street corners When
    4. you pray close your eyes
  12. Which one of the following events in the life of Jesus showed that He respected the tradition of the jews. When He
    1. talked to the samaritan woman at the well
    2. attended the passover feast at the age of twelve years
    3. was tempted by the devil
    4. fed the five thousand people
  13. Which of the following is the meaning of being spiritually poor?
    1. Not having wealth
    2. Being a beggar
    3. Being dependent on God
    4. being very poor and not able to give offerings
  14. Special gifts that God has given different people are called
    1. blessings
    2. presents
    3. talents
    4. prizes
  15. The parable of the good samaritan teaches Christians that they should
    1. travel in groups
    2. help those in difficulties
    3. avoid accidents
    4. avoid lonely paths
  16. Which one of the following happened on the day Jesus died?
    1. There was a voice from heaven
    2. Moses and Elijah appeared
    3. There was an earthquake
    4. Angels sang
  17. "Remember me, Jesus when you come asking (Luke 23:42) who said these words? The
    1. Roman thief
    2. Repentant thief
    3. Simon of Cyrene
    4. Simon Peter
  18. Who among the following people died because of cheating the apostles?
    1. Stephen
    2. Ananias
    3. Cornelius
    4. Philip 79.
  19. traditional African practice which is also found in christianity is
    1. offering sacrifices to God
    2. naming children after ancestors
    3. praying to God for our needs
    4. preaching the Bible during worship
  20. Which one of the following statements from the Apostle's creed teaches that Jesus is the son of God?
    1. Descended into hell
    2. Suffered under pontius pilate
    3. Conceived by the Holy Spirit
    4. Crucified died and was buried
  21. In which one of the following towns was David bom?
    1. Bethlehem
    2. Jerusalem
    3. Bethany
    4. Jericho
  22. Which one of these is a secular value?
    1. Popularity
    2. Mercy
    3. Charity
    4. Forgiveness
  23. When people were wealthy in traditional African societies the main explanation given was that they were
    1. blessed by God
    2. hardworking
    3. generous
    4. wise
  24. Below are class seven pupils who among them uses talcats well according to the Biblical teachings?
    1. June - sings in the church choir
    2. Fridah-reads many story books
    3. Dorcas - wrtes good poems
    4. Jane - write good composition
  25. Which one of the following activities by Christians is an example of the gifts of the Holy spirit?
    1. Reading the Bible
    2. Collecting offerings
    3. Cleaning the church
    4. Singing in th choir
  26. A class six teacher has asked the pupils to weed garden. John is not willing to do it because he fells it is manual work. As a Christian what is best advice to give him
    1. ask other pupils to help him
    2. transfer to another school
    3. do the work quickly
    4. do the work as well as he can
  27. Mark your deskmate hides his Christian religious education textbook from you. As a christian what action would you take
    1. stop talking to him
    2. report him to the teacher
    3. teach him about sharing
    4. move away from the desk
  28. Mary is a rich lady who has poor neighbours as a Christian the best advice to give her is that she should
    1. give jobs to the needy
    2. give them food
    3. donate her money to the church
    4. keep her money in a safe place
  29. You have noticed that your friend Philip has been going out of school during class time and you would like him to stop. As a christian you should
    1. go and tell his parents about it
    2. show him why it is important to respect school rules
    3. threaten to end your relationship with him
    4. report the matter to the class prefect
  30. Mary your schoolmate has joined a group of youths who smoke cigarettes. What would be the best thing for you to do
    1. report her to the class teacher
    2. advise her to transfer to another school
    3. avoid any contact with her
    4. tell her to stop the friendship

Marking Scheme

cre ms


  1. You have been given this question paper and a separate answer sheet. The question paper contains 50 questions. 
  2. Make sure that you have written on the answer sheet.


  1. Which of the following is not a way in which plants depend on animals? 
    1. Decomposition 
    2. Pollination 
    3. Support
    4. Manure
  2. Alice was walking near an air strip she noticed a wind sock pointing towards North. Which direction was the wind blowing from? 
    1. South
    2. North 
    3. West
    4. East
  3. Which of the following type of teeth is not part of milk teeth? 
    1. Premolar 
    2. Canine
    3. Incisor
    4. Molars
  4. Which of the following is not an example of rotational grazing? 
    1. Strip grazing
    2. Herding
    3. Paddocking 
    4. Tethering
  5. Roughage in a diet helps in: 
    1. constipation 
    2. absorption of digested food 
    3. removing digested matter 
    4. emptying bowls
  6. Digestion of food ends in the;
    1. large intestines 
    2. ileum 
    3. rectum
    4. anus
  7. Which of the following food preservation methods are both modern and tradition? 
    1. Drying and use of low temperature 
    2. Drying and salting 
    3. Canning and refrigeration 
    4. Proper storage and drying
  8.  Which of the following is a health effect drug abuse? 
    1. Hallucination 
    2. Truancy 
    3. Accidents 
    4. Rape
  9. All the following are signs of ill health in livestock except 
    1. rough coat
    2. coughing
    3. dry muzzle 
    4. glossy coat 
  10. Which of the following is not an insectivorous plant? 
    1. Butterworts 
    2. Sundew
    3. Water lily 
    4. Cobra lily 
  11. Which one of the following materials is opaque?
    1. Mirror
    2. Kerosene
    3. Skylight
    4. Oiled paper 
  12. All the following are factors that increase soil erosion except
    1. ploughing along contours 
    2. slope
    3. human activities
    4. amount of rainfall 
  13. Std five pupils set up the experiment below. 
    q13 hjvartfda
    What observation was made from the experiment above? 
    1. Water level raised in the container 
    2. Water level dropped in the straw
    3. Bubbles were seen in water 
    4. Bottle broke
  14. Three of the following are properties of crops used to prepare green manure. Which one is not?
    1. quick decay 
    2. slow growth
    3. leafy crops
    4. high nitrogen content 
  15. Which of the following plants can give us oil?
    1. Cocoa
    2. Maize
    3. Coffee
    4. Yams
  16. Maize, rice and wheat are examples of: 
    1. cereals
    2. tubers 
    3. legume
    4. vegetables
  17. Which part of a maize seed forms the embryo? 
    1. Endosperm and cotyledon 
    2. Testa and plumule 
    3. Scar and endosperm
    4. Plumule and radicle
  18. The experiment below was used by std 4 pupils. Where they put soil and water in bottle, shook it left it to settle down
    q18 iuygauygda
    What caused the arrangement of the layers shown above?
    1. type of soil 
    2. humus 
    3. density
    4. mass
  19. Drenching is a method of controlling livestock parasites. Which parasite below can not be controlled by drenching? 
    1. tick
    2. liverfluke
    3. tapeworms
    4. roundworms 
  20. Which one of the following processes require loss of heat to the environment?
    1. Freezing
    2. Evaporation
    3. Melting
    4. Boiling
  21. The experiment below was set up by std 4 pupils
    q21 jhgvaytfda
    Which one of the following materials was not needed for the experiment above?
    1. a nail
    2. clay 
    3. tin lid
    4. tin can 
  22. All the following are organic fertilizers except one. Which one is it? 
    1. Farmyard manure 
    2. Muriate of potash 
    3. Green manure
    4. Organic mulches 
  23. The chart below shows classification of plants
    q23 hagfrtda
    Name the plants named M, N and R
                   M              N                     R
    1. Maize      toad stool       beans
    2. onion       algae              mushrooms
    3. cypress      yeast             moulds 
    4. sugarcane   cactus         pine
  24. Which one of the following group contains the foods that promotes body immunity? 
    1. Eggs, milk, beans 
    2. Maize, wheat, rice 
    3. Yams, sugarcane, omena
    4. Lemon, cabbage, carrot
  25. What happens to a lizard when it busk in the sun? 
    1. Its temperature rises 
    2. Its body temperature remain constants 
    3. Its body temperature drops 
    4. It expands
  26. "Which method of rotational grazing is practiced only with few number of animals?
    1. Strip grazing 
    2. Paddocking
    3. Tethering
    4. Zero grazing 
  27. Std 5 pupils classified animals as shown below.
    q27 ugaytgda 
    Which animals were wrongly classified? 
    1. Seal, newt
    2. Bat, salamander 
    3. Bat, seal 
    4. Seal, salamander
  28. Which one of the following is not part of the non-living environment? 
    1. Plants.
    2. Soil 
    3. Water
    4. Air 
  29. All the following are ways of maintaining simple tools, which one is not? 
    1. Sharpening 
    2. Cleaning after use 
    3. Oiling and greasing 
    4. Fiting handle with insulators
  30. When constructing a beam balance the hole you make for the pivot should be: 
    1. very wide 
    2. very small 
    3. at the balancing point
    4. on the base 
  31. Magnetic force is measured in:
    1. beam balance 
    2. spring balance 
    3. kilograms 
    4. newtons
  32. Which statement below is true about all medicines? 
    1. All medicines are drugs 
    2. All medicines cause stimulation 
    3. All medicine cure diseases
    4. All medicines are made from plants 
  33. Which one of the following is formed when ova fuses with sperm? 
    1. Ovary
    2. Zygote 
    3. Embryo
    4. Sex cell 
  34. Which one of the following is not a myth about HIV and AIDS?
    1. AIDS is a curse from God 
    2. Witchcraft can cure AIDS
    3. AIDS has no vaccine
    4. Mosquito can transmit HIV 
  35. Tick feeds by; 
    1. chewing
    2. sucking
    3. butting
    4. nibbing 
  36. The experiment below was used by std 6
    q36 utguyatgda
    What conclusion can be made from the set up?
    1. Candle produce heat and light
    2. Light can be reflected
    3. Light can be refracted
    4. Light travel in a straight line
  37. Which one of the following statement is not true about one kg of salt and one kg of feathers? 
    1. lkg of feather has more volume than 1 kg of salt
    2. They have equal masses 
    3. Ikg of salt has more mass than 1kg of feathers 
    4. They have different volumes but equal masses
  38. The following are signs of certain illnesses
    1. fever 
    2. pain in joints
    3. blood in stool and urine 
    4. pain in the chest
    5. fatigue and dizziness
      Which symptoms above are for malaria?
      1. ii and iii
      2. i and ii
      3. ii and iv
      4. i and v 
  39. When breathing in air is warmed by: 
    1. mucus
    2. hour
    3. blood capillaries
    4. lungs 
  40. The diagram below shows the human heart
    q40 iiyga uyd
    Which heart chamber marked above gets poison last when a snake bite you?
    1. M
    2. R
    3. N
    4. O
  41. What is the role of finger like projections in the human digestive system
    1. produce digestive juice 
    2. increase the surface area for food digestion
    3. store undigested food
    4. facilitate absorption of digested food 
  42. BCG is administered at the age of: 
    1. at birth
    2. 6 weeks 
    3. 9 months
    4. 14 weeks 
  43. Which one of the following is not a source of current electricity? 
    1. Batteries
    2. Bicycle dynamo
    3. Dam
    4. Generator
  44. Std 5 pupils set up the experiment below to investigate heat transfer.
    q44 jgatyfgda
    After some minute pin fell, what made the wax to melt?
    1. conduction
    2. radiation
    3. convection
    4. evaporation
  45. Digestion of oils takes place in the:
    1. duodenum 
    2. small intestines
    3. mouth
    4. stomach 
  46. Which one of the following is not a function of plasma
    1. Transport digested food
    2. Transports carbon dioxide
    3. transport oxygen
    4. transport heat in the body
  47. Which method of separating mixture leads to recovery of one substance only? 
    1. Evaporation 
    2. Filtering
    3. Picking
    4. use of magnet
  48. Which one of the following is not a good conductor of electricity? 
    1. Copper
    2. Graphite 
    3. Carbon rod 
    4. Glassrod
  49. The following are safety precaution against lightnening. Which one is not? 
    1. Fiting lightening arrester on building 
    2. Avoid walking on pools of water 
    3. Wear rubber soled shoes
    4. Avoid inserting objects in sockets
  50. The two gases in the air that makes 99% when combined are 
    1. oxygen and carbon dioxide 
    2. Nitrogen and oxygen
    3. Nitrogen and carbondioxide 
    4. oxygen and innert gases

Marking scheme

sci ms


  1. Umepewa kijikaratasi hiki cha maswali na karatasi ya majibu. Kijikatatasi hiki kina naswali 50. 
  2. Katika karatasi ya majibu hakikisha umeandika:
    1. Jina lako
    2. Jina la shule yako


Kamilisha kifungu hiki kw akujaza nafasi kwa kuchagua kiteuzi kifaacho.
Hati nadhifu ni hati safi. Ni mwandiko _1__ na matatizo_2_. Herufi___3_ hutakiwa kuwa sawa, kuna herufi za kuweka vitone; ni__4_vitone hivyo viwepo. Kama ni herufi_5____kukunjwa chini au jau ya msitari_6__kukunjwa. Baadhi ya herufi huwa na vistari juu, kwa__7_ vistari hivyo hupaswa kuwekwa. Mwandiko unatakiwa uwe__8_wastani __9__ mkubwa sana _10_mdogo sana, usomeke vilivyo. Haifai kuka__11___ au kufutafuta kazi iliyoandikwa. Mwandiko12_unavutia na_13__machoni hata kabla ya mtu kukisoma
__14__kilichoandikwa. Jifunze kuandika_ 15_ 

    1. isiyo
    2. yasiyo 
    3. usio
    4. usiwo
    1. lolote
    2. zozote
    3. yoyote
    4. yeyote
    1. yote
    2. zote
    3. wote
    4. lote
    1. nzuri
    2. vizuri
    3. uzuri
    4. zuri 
    1. za
    2. ya
    3. kwa
    4. kunafaa
    1. linafaa
    2. zinafaa
    3. tunafaa
    4. hilo
    1. hapo 
    2. hiyo
    3. hivyo
    4. kwa
    1. ya
    2. wa
    3. na
    4. isiwe
    1. kusiwe
    2. zisiwe
    3. usiwe 
    4. tena
    1. pengine 
    2. zaidi
    3. au
    4. katakata
    1. takata
    2. kutakasa
    3. takataka
    4. nzuri
    1. zuri
    2. mizuri
    3. mzuri 
    4. kupendeza
    1. kupendwa
    2. kupendesa
    3. kupendea
    4. hiki
    1. hilo 
    2. kile
    3. hiyo
    4. mzuri
    1. bora
    2. viema
    3. vyema
    4. ta

Tegua kitendawili hii:.

  1. Ndege wengi baharini
    1. jua
    2. nyota
    3. gari
    4. meza 
  2. Umbo hili utaliitaje?
    17 ujggu
    1. tufe
    2. maraba
    3. mche
    4. mstatili
  3. Tunasema biwi la simanzi, pia tunasema .................... la moshi. 
    1. wingu
    2. mtungo 
    3. mvuke
    4.  mkuroro
  4. Katika kamusi, neno la tatu litakuwa lipi?
    1. landa
    2. lafudhi
    3. lahani
    4. laiki
  5. Mchele, mawele na wimbi ni nafaka ilhali ng'ombe, mbuzi, kondoo na nguruwe ni
    1. hombwe
    2. ombwe
    3. hongwe
    4. howa
  6. Shuka ni teremka. Shuka pia ni:
    1. kifaa cha kukatia hasa miti 
    2. kitambaa kinachotandikwa kitandani
    3. ndege mkubwa mwenye mbawa za kahawia
    4. mnazi mchanga unaochomoza
  7. Katika uwakifishaji, sauti (') huitwaje? 
    1. kituo
    2. kipumuo
    3. king'ongo 
    4. hisi 
  8. Majina haya ni ya ngeli gani? Maji, mafuta, maisha, manukato
    1. YA-YA
    2. U-ZI
    3. U-YA
    4. MA-MA
  9. Gari la majangili liliegeshwa....................njia.
    1. kando mwa 
    2. kando ya
    3. kando kwa
    4. kando na
  10. Nahau, piga mafarba haina maana ya
    1. kumzandiki mtu
    2. kumlaghai mtu
    3. kumghilibu mtu
    4. kumsema mtu
  11. Mshororo wa tatu katika shairi la tarbia huitwa
    1. mloto
    2. mleo
    3. tathlitha
    4. utao
  12. Wachezaji wanane kwa tisa ndio huitwa
    1. thumuni tisa
    2. tusui nane
    3. thumuni nane
    4. themanini na tisa .
  13. Kanusha sentensi hii
    Akinipiga nitalia
    1. kama hatanipiga sitalia
    2. asiponipiga nitalia
    3. akinipiga sitalia
    4. asiponipiga sitalia 
  14. Ni nomino ipi isiyostahiki katika orodha ifuatayo? 
    1. mtu
    2. mvulana 
    3. daktari
    4. juma 
  15. Kutokana na kitenzi "andika" hatupati nomino
    1. mwandishi
    2. kuandikika 
    3. uandishi
    4. mwandiko

Soma kifungu kifuqtacho kisha ujibu maswali kutoka 31 hadi 40.
Dalili za mvua ni mawingu. Baada ya kiangazi cha miezi tandatu, hatimaye mawingu yalitana angani. Wakulima walijawa na furaha kwa tumaini la kupata afueni ya mazao. Kila mtu alionekana shambani akiwa na jembe mkononi kwa kwamini kuwa achanikaye kwenye mpini hafi njaa.
Hatimaye jioni moja, kiza kiligubika nchi ikawa kama chumba kilichozimwa taa. Kwa ghafla mimweko na mingurumo ya radi ilisikika na kufuatwa na matone mazito yaliyosikika kwenye mapaa ya nyumba kijijini. Watu waliimba nyimbo za kumshukuru. Jalali kwa kuwajaalia mvua pamoja na kutoa dua za kushukuru.
Usiku ule mvua ilinyesha kwa makeke na upepo uliangusha miti na hata kubomoa nyumba zilizokuwa hafifu. Vifijo, hoi na nderemo viligeuka kuwa kwikwi za vilio kwa kupoteza mali na makao.
Mvua iliendelea kunyesha kidindia, siku zikaunda majuma ambayo hayakuchelewa kukomaa na a miezi. Kama kwamba Mungu alifungulia biluli akasahau, mvua ilinyesha kwa miezi takribani
la kupungua. Si wahenga walisema kuwa hakuna kapa isiyokuwa na usubi? Mito ilifurika, barabara zikaharibika, mashamba yakageuka kuwa vinamasoi huku watu wengi wakikosa makao.
Hewaa! Baada ya kisa mkasa. Ati hakuna msiba usiokuwa na mwenziwe. Katika hali ya sitaifahamu, mvua ilisababisha mlipuko wa maradhi mbalimbali. Wenye kipindupindu walitibiwa huku waliokuwa na homa ya matumbo wakipewa ushauri na walioumwa na mbu wakishughulikiwa kunako zahanati za muda. Hali hii haikukoma hata baada ya miezi minane mvua ilipopusa.
Si wenye ndimi za kihenga waliamba kuwa aisifuye mvua imemnyea?

  1. Kiangazi cha miezi tandatu ndicho kipi?
    1. Miezi ya kutanda kwa mawingu 
    2. Miezi sita 
    3. Miezi ya kutanda mvua
    4. Miezi saba 
  2. Mvua inayozungumziwa iliwapa nini wakulima?
    1. ukosefu wa sehemu za kujisetiri 
    2. wasiwasi wa kupoteza makao yao 
    3. wahaka kuhusu mafuriko
    4.  tumaini na afueni ya mazao
  3. Mbona mwandishi anamithilisha dunia na chumba kilichozimwa taa? 
    1. ilivyokuwa anga baada ya mawingu kutanda 
    2. ilivyokuwa hali baada ya umeme kupotea
    3. baada ya upepo mkali kuzizima taa vyumbani
    4.  baada ya vyumba kukosa mwangaza 
  4. Kwa mujibu wa aya ya pili, ni kipi kilichokuwa cha mwisho?
    1. Matone ya mvua 
    2. mingurumo ya radi
    3. mimweko ya umeme
    4. giza kufunika nchi 
  5. Iliponyesha mvua usiku wa kwanza, watu walifanya yote ila
    1. kushukuru 
    2. kukashifu
    3. kupiga dua 
    4. kushangilia
  6. Mvua inayonyesha kidindia ndiyo inayonyesha vipi?
    1. kwa wingi 
    2. bila kukoma 
    3. bila baridi
    4. na upepo mkali 
  7. Mvua inayosemwa ilinyesha kwa muda gani?
    1. Thuluthi mbili za mwaka 
    2. Thumni mbili za mwaka
    3. Robo tatu za maka
    4. Sudusi tatu za mwaka 
  8. Kwa mujibu wa aya ya nne, ni mambo mangapi ambayo yalitokea? 
    1. Matatu
    2. Manne 
    3. Matano
    4.  Mengi
  9.  Kulingana na kifungu maradhi yaliyozuka hayakuwa pamoja na? 
    1. Malaria . 
    2. Kichocho 
    3. Waba
    4. Homa ya matumbo 
  10. Kipe kifungu hiki kichwa mwafaka
    1. Maji ni uhai 
    2. Na ije baa iondoke baa 
    3. Hakuna kapa isiyokuwa na usubi
    4. Aisifuye mvua imemnyea

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali kutoka 41 hadi 50.
Kungutu aliugud maradhi mabaya kwa muda mrefu. Alikonda sana. Hakuwa na nguvu za kutafuta chakula. Njaa ilimuuma si haba. Hakujua jinsi ya kutafuta chakula kwani ubongo wake haungefikiria vizuri.
Nyumbani kwake kulikuwa na nyasi nyingi sana ndefu. Huko kulijaa panzi lakini kunguru nangeweza kuwadona kwa sababu walitoroka. Panzi walimcheka kunguru mnyonge kwalkwa!kwa! kunguru alipokuwa akitembea siku moja aliwaona panzi wawili wakipigana kufa na kupona. Baadaye waliaga dunia, baada ya kuumizana na kupata majeraha mabaya sana.
Kunguru alitoka pahali alikuwa na kuwadona. Aliwala, walikuwa watamu ajabu. Alijaribu kutafuta panzi wengine waliokuwa wamekufa kwa sababu hakushiba. Hakufanikiwa hata kidogo.
Aliamua kuwachochea panzi, alitumia panzi moja mlafi kwa kumdanganya ati alikulia nyasi mbovu ilk Ji wengine walikuwa nyasi nzuri. Panzi mlafi alienda na akaanza kutoa fujo kwa panzi wengine. Vita vilizuka baina ya panzi. Kunguru alikuwa mbali akicheka na kusema, "Wajinga ndio waliwao."
Panzi wengi walikufa sana kutokana na vita vile, karibu wamalizane. Kunguru alizidi kuchochea panzi kuuana aijifanya rafiki aliyekuwa na hofu zaidi. Baada ya panzi wengi kufa, waliamua kumaliza vita ili wasimalizane. Baada ya vita, kunguru alionekana akiwala mizogo wa panzi waliokufa kwa furaha sana. Panzi walipoona hivyo walijua kunguru ni mwongo.

  1. Kunguru alikonda kwa nini .
    1. aliugua muda mrefu 
    2. hakutaka kula 
    3. hakuwa na hamu ya kula
    4. hakukuwa na panzi 
  2. Kwa nini kunguru hakujua jinsi ya kupata chakula? 
    1. Aliatafuta panzi 
    2. Alikuwa peke yake
    3. Ubongo wake haungefikiria vizuri
    4.  Panzi hawakufa
  3. Kwa nini kunguru alitamani kuwala panzi wengine
    1. Panzi walikufa zaidi 
    2. Ni watamu sana
    3. Hakushiba
    4. Ili awe na nguvu 
  4. Kunguru alipowatafuta panzi wengine
    1. hakuwapata 
    2. aliwapata 
    3. alichoka
    4. walitoroka
  5. Kisawe cha neno maradhi ni 
    1. ugonjwa
    2. afya 
    3. njaa
    4. unyonge
  6. Kusema vita vilizuka ni kusema kwamba
    1. vita viliendelea 
    2. vita vilianza
    3. vita vilikoma
    4. vita vilimalizwa 
  7. Mnyama akiaga huitwa mzoga, je binadamu akiaga huitwa? 
    1. Mzoga
    2. Mtu 
    3. Maiti
    4. Jeneza 
  8. Kunguru alitumia mbinu gani kupata chakula? 
    1. Kutafuta panzi waliokufa
    2. Alichochea vita kwa panzi 
    3. Alienda hospitalini
    4. Aliwinda panzi na akala nyasi
  9. Panzi waliamua kumaliza vita wakati gani?
    1. Walipochoka kupiga 
    2. kunguru alipowacheka 
    3. walipouana sana .
    4. walipojua ulikuwa uwongo wa kunguru
  10. Kichwa kifaacho habari hii ni
    1. vita vya panzi furaha ya kunguru 
    2. Uongo wa kunguru 
    3. panzi watamu 
    4. kunguru mgonjwa


swa ms


Endeleza insha hii:
Asubuhi hiyo siku ya jumatatu tulipokuwa gwarideni, mwalimu mkuu.....................................................


The composition will be assessed according to the following general guidelines.

  • The maximuin mark will be 40 and the minimum mark 01.
  • Does the script show that the candidate can communicate accurately, fluently and imaginatively in English?

Accurency (16 marks)

  1. Correct tenses and agreement of verbs (4 marks)
  2. Accurate use of vocabulary (4 marks) 
  3. Following a sequence (4 marks)
  4. Correct punctuation (4 marks)

Fluency (16 marks)

  1. Words in correct order (4 marks)
  2. Sentence connection and paragraphs (4 marks)
  3. Correct spellings (4 marks)
  4. Ideas developed in logic sequence (4 marks)

Imagination (8 marks)

  1. Unusual but appropriate use of words and phrases (4 marks) 
  2. Variety of structure (4 marks)
    NB: Please, teachers are requested to scrutinize this marking scheme before use, its worthy.


  1. You have been given this question paper and a separate answer sheet. The question paper contains 50 questions.
  2. Make sure that you have written on the answer sheet.
    (i) Your name (ii) Name of your school


Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1-75. For blank spaces choose the best alternative from the choices given
"Where is the rest of the change?"__1__Tony's mother."___2_to the shops this minute 3 bring my money. I often_ 4_ whether you _5_learn
at school." Tony 7 back to the shops feeling upset and confused. He was the_8_ pupil in his class and his teacher was very proud_9_ him,__10 his mother was always finding 11 with him. It was not his his fault that they did not 12 real money at school. He was _13_ good at counting with stones and bottle-tops. He__14__they_15_ learn about those things that his mother wanted him to know. He really did not like to annoy her. 

    1. screamed
    2. ordered
    3. asked
    4. said
    1. Return
    2. Ran
    3. Shuffle
    4. Return back
    1. as well
    2. too
    3. or
    4. and
    1. wondered
    2. wonder
    3. wander
    4. wandered 
    1. never
    2. ever
    3. least
    4. did
    1. anything
    2. something
    3. any thing
    4. some thing
    1. strolled
    2. skipped
    3. run
    4. ran
    1. most good
    2. better
    3. best
    4. more better
    1. in
    2. with
    3. to
    4. of
    1. yet
    2. since
    3. moreover
    4. lest 
    1. error
    2. mistake
    3. fault
    4. issues
    1. hand
    2. handle
    3. catch
    4. touch
    1. quite
    2. so
    3. too
    4. such
    1. prefferred
    2. wished
    3. hoped
    4. thought
    1. will
    2. should
    3. can
    4. could

For questions 16 - 18, choose the correct alternative to fill the blank spaces.

  1. Kitty wore a ....................jacket.
    1. tight, black, silken 
    2. silken, tight, black 
    3. black, silken, tight
    4.  black, tight, silken 
  2. I cannot remember anything ....................was said in the seminar. 
    1. what
    2. which 
    3. that
    4. who
  3. .........................she cooked chapati, I was sweeping the compound too.
    1. since
    2. while 
    3. when
    4. if

For questions 19 to 20, choose the correct question tag. 

  1. Kindly assist me carry this bag.
    1. won't you .
    2. is it 
    3. will you
    4. can you 
  2. I am the heaviest boy in class, 
    1. am I not
    2. amn't I 
    3. aren't I
    4. isn't it

For question 21 to 23, choose the best phrasal verb to fill in the blank space.

  1. The fire fighters fought hard and long to..............................the raging fire.
    1. put out
    2. put off 
    3. put on
    4. put in 
  2. He was asked to............................... the sweater as it was too hot. 
    1. put out
    2. take out 
    3. back out
    4. take off
  3. By failing to buy me the bicycle, he simple went ................................his word. 
    1. back on
    2. back in
    3. back out
    4. back off

For questions 24 and 25, choose the opposite of the underlined word.

  1. The meeting commences at noon today
    1. starts
    2. ends
    3. begins
    4. continues
  2. Dave the butcher sold me some tender meat.
    1. strong
    2. rugh
    3. tough
    4. hard

Read the passage below to answer questions 26-38
It had been a rather long day. As Tim walked from away the hum of machines, a wry smile played at the corner of his mouth. It was the end of the month, and he had overheard his colleagues saying that their paycheques were ready. Going to the bank had become one of his most treasured moments, and he usually saved his best smile for the bank tellers when they pushed him a wad of notes across the counter.
Working for Regency Printers was not a bed of roses, and as Tim found his way out of the Design Department, a twinge of worry crossed his mind. His net salary had consistently failed to satisfy his family's growing needs. His debts were piling up, and meeting his basic requirements was a nightmare. But he was glad he was able to meet his three children's educational needs. Although his wife kept nagging him for a better life, Tim's priority was his children's needs.
Twenty minutes later, he was queuing at the bank, ATM card in hand. Tim calculated how much rent he would pay, and just like last month, the landlord would have to do with half the rent. His wife would demand a third of the salary for her monthly beauty treatment. Tim shuddered to think what would happen if he were to pay fees for his children in primary school.
"Everybody down!" It was a blood-curdling, authoritative voice.
Like tens of other clients, Tim hit the floor fast, sending his card flying from his hand. Suddenly, gunshots rent the air as four masked men, three of them toting rifles, took control of the banking hall. All were heavily built and towered over everyone else. Their dark coats fluttered as they pointed their guns from the bank workers to clients, their evil eyes taking in everything at once.
"You raise your head and I'll blast it oftl" one of the robbers shouted. As he walked between the people lying on the floor, he stepped on some fingers with his heavy boots. Everybody lay face-down, and an eerie silence filled the air.
Tim could remember seeing a security vehicle outside the bank and concluded that the robbers had either come for that loot, or were using the van for their daring mission. Please God, don't let them take my card, he thought, as the heavy boots trudged out of the bank, mission accomplished. Suddenly, there were confused noises as people got up.

  1.  According to paragraph one, it is clear that
    1. Tim was happiest at the end of the month
    2. Tim would give some bankers some of his money
    3. Tim had had an easy at work
    4. Tim's colleagues were paid before him
  2. Working for Regency was not a bed of roses means that
    1. It was not a flower farm
    2. It was not fragrant at all 
    3. It was not easy
    4. It was not too difficult 
  3. Why did Tim seem worried as he left the design department 
    1. It was endinonth 
    2. He was very tired 
    3. His colleagues seemed happier
    4. He was thinking about his meagre salary
  4. Tim's financial problems included all the following except 
    1. many debts
    2. children's educational needs
    3. meeting basic family requirements
    4. meeting his wife's expectations
  5. His wife kept nagging him means that
    1. She kept pleading
    2. She kept complaining
    3. She kept fighting
    4. She kept shouting 
  6. During the previous month,
    1. Tim paid the full rent
    2. Tim used half his salary for rent
    3. Tim paid half the rent
    4. Tim did not pay any rent
  7. Tim's landlord would normally refer to him as
    1. his client
    2. his landlady 
    3. his customer
    4. his tenant
  8. It is clear in paragraph three that
    1. Tims wife paid for the children's education
    2. Tim's children were yet to join school 
    3. Tim's children were in secondary school
    4. Tim did not pay school fees for his children 
  9. When the robbers struck, Tim
    1. had not withdrawn any money
    2. had withdrawn some money 
    3. was on his way home
    4. was outside the banking hall
  10. The bank robbers, according to the passage
    1. were all huge men
    2. were all armed with rifles
    3. were not all marked
    4. all shot in the air
  11. How many clients were in the bank?
    1. ten people
    2. about ten people 
    3. many but less than a hundred
    4. over a hundred people
  12. The robbers mission was accomplished
    1. with a lot of confusion 
    2. in record time 
    3. after taking Tim's card
    4. with death and destruction
  13. What would be the best title for the passage
    1. Tim's salary 
    2. A harrowing experience 
    3. Regency printers
    4. Tim and his colleagues

Read the passage below and answer questions 39-50
Africa is billed as the last frontier in feeding the world. But even with its vast fertile lands, massive rivers and amenable climate, it is a food-deficient continent as opposed to a rich food exporter. Africa has gained the dubious reputation of a drought and hunger-stricken continent. Meteorologists regularly issue warnings that the climatic conditions for farming will become harsher, hence poorer harvests. That begs the question of our true standing in the looming severe food insecurity.
The once-predictable seasons are changing and the future of food security in Kenya is bleak.
The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (Igad) recently reported that Kenya is experiencing its worst drought in 38 years. The rainfall deficit would plunge the country into a crisis that could see food insecurity and malnutrition undermine the economy.
Officially, more than 10 million Kenyans are food-insecure, with a majority often relying on relief. Also, the majority of the population has no access to food in the right amounts and quality. Households incur huge food bills due to the increasing food prices, fuelling inflation.
Agriculture is the engine of economic growth and a valuable source of income for most Kenyans. USAID reports that about 75 per cent of Kenyans derive all or part of their livelihoods from the sector, accounting for 18 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP).
Sadly, the sector is shunned by financial institutions. Farmers are traditionally hugely underserved by most financial institutions, given the perceived risk associated with the business. Bank loans have strenuous conditions, locking the majority out of the credit system and forcing them to
funding a mode of starting a business without external help or capital. However, in the past decade, agriculture has seen an increased interest in boosting its productivity as public and private sector institutions recognise the sector as a promising investment that addresses a national challenge.

  1. According to paragraph one. It's true to say that 
    1. Africa should be producing enough food to feed the world
    2. Africa is the only place in the world with food 
    3. Africa is a rich food exporter
    4. Africa's climate is harsh
  2. Three of the following are true about Africa except 
    1. the land is quite productive
    2. There are immense rivers 
    3. It is a food-rich continent
    4. The climate is responsive 
    5. Paragraph three states that
  3. Kenya faces serious challenges on food security in future
    1. Kenya's food security is rosy 
    2. Kenya's food security will improve in future
    3. Kenya's food security will be predictable
  4. Kenya's rainfall deficit will have the following outcomes
    1. food insecurity 
    2. food insecurity and malnutrition 
    3. Insecurity and proper nutrition
    4. food security and proper nutrition
  5. After how long did Kenya experience its worst drought 
    1. about a century ago
    2. about half a century ago
    3. about two decades ago 
    4. about four decades ago
  6. How many Kenyans are food insecure according to the passage 
    1. ten million Kenyans
    2. . more than five million Kenyans
    3.  less than ten million Kenyans
    4. at least ten million Kenyans
  7. For Kenya to do well economically, it has to
    1. buy more food abroad 
    2. improve and support agriculture
    3. ask Kenyans to eat less
    4. use less money in buying food 
  8. According to USAID reports
    1. a minority of Kenyans depend on Agriculture 
    2. only 18 per cent of Kenyans do not depend on Agriculture
    3. majority of Kenyans are dependent on Agriculture
    4. only 25 per cent of Kenyans are dependent on Agriculture 
  9. The word shunned as used in the passage means 
    1. avoided
    2. assisted 
    3. supported
    4. aided
  10. Financial institutions
    1. offer many loans to farmers
    2. . think it's too risky to offer farmers loans
    3. offer no loans at all to farmers
    4. offer flexible credit terms to farmers
  11. The national challenge mentioned in the last paragraph is 
    1. lack of credit from banks 
    2. food insecurity
    3.  population growth
    4. climate change
  12. The best title for this passage would be
    1. Effect of famine 
    2. Financial institutions 
    3. Improving agriculture to spur economic growth
    4. Small scale farmers


eng ms


Write a compositon with the following heading. Make you story as interesting as you can.
A Wedding I Attended


The composition will be assessed according to the following general guidelines.

  • The maximuin mark will be 40 and the minimum mark 01.
  • Does the script show that the candidate can communicate accurately, fluently and imaginatively in English?

Accurency (16 marks)

  1. Correct tenses and agreement of verbs (4 marks)
  2. Accurate use of vocabulary (4 marks) 
  3. Following a sequence (4 marks)
  4. Correct punctuation (4 marks)

Fluency (16 marks)

  1. Words in correct order (4 marks)
  2. Sentence connection and paragraphs (4 marks)
  3. Correct spellings (4 marks)
  4. Ideas developed in logic sequence (4 marks)

Imagination (8 marks)

  1. Unusual but appropriate use of words and phrases (4 marks) 
  2. Variety of structure (4 marks)
    NB: Please, teachers are requested to scrutinize this marking scheme before use, its worthy.
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