Displaying items by tag: Term 2 opener exams 2023


  1. Which one of the following parts of the skin produces sweat?
    1. Sweat glands
    2. Sweat pores
    3. Sweat ducts
    4. Oil glands
  2. The following are stages of reproduction in human beings:
    1. Birth
    2. Ovulation 
    3. Fertilization
    4. Implantation
      Give the correct order of the stages from the first to the last.
      1. i, ii, iv, iii
      2. ii, iii, iv, i
      3. ii, iv, iii, i
      4. iv, ii, iii, i
  3. Which one of the following characteristics is not found in a cactus plant?
    1. Deep and widespread roots.
    2. Sunken stomata.
    3. Thin needle like leaves.
    4. Floating flowers.
  4. During pregnancy, food nutrients pass from the mother to the foetus. Which one of the following correctly shows this process?
    1. Mother's blood → placenta → umbilical cord → foetus.
    2. Foetus → placenta → umbilical cord → mother's blood.
    3. Mother's blood → umbilical cord → placenta → foetus.
    4. Mother's blood → foetus → placenta  →  umbilical cord
  5. The insturment drawn below can be used to
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    1. measure the force acting on an object.
    2. compare masses of different objects.
    3. balance different objects.
    4. measure the quantity of matter contained in a substance.
  6. Which one of the following animals is correctly matched to its products?
           Animal      Products
    1. Sheep      mutton, wool,mohair
    2. Cattle       dairy, beef, bacon
    3. Goat        mohair, dairy,mutton
    4. Pig           pork, milk,bacon
  7. Which of the following is not true about the nose?
    1. Has hair to trap dust.
    2. Absorbs part of the air into the body.
    3. It is an entrance of air into the body.
    4. Has a moist lining of mucus to trap dust.
  8. Which of the following is not an immunizable disease?
    1. Bilharzia
    2. Typhoid
    3. Hepatitis
    4. Polio
  9. Three of the following are tuber crops. Which one is not?
    1. Carrots
    2. Onions
    3. Cassava
    4. Arrowroots
  10. The diagram below represents the jaw of a certain herbivore.
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    What is the importance of the part marked L to the herbivore?
    1. Prevent grass from getting stuck between the teeth. 
    2. Allows turning of vegetation for proper chewing.
    3. Holds food tightly against incisors when cutting it.
    4. To replace worn out teeth due to constant grinding.
  11. Which one of the following pairs consists only of animals with moist skin?
    1. Duck and turtle
    2. Frog and duck
    3. Duck and newt
    4. Toad and salamander
  12. Which one of the following factors is responsible for water logging in soil?
    1. The amount of air in it.
    2. Presence of small animals in it.
    3. Its colour.
    4. The size of the soil particles.
  13. Which one of the following foods is not a source of roughages?
    1. Fruits
    2. Meat
    3. Stem tubers
    4. Whole grains
  14. Which one of the following small animals cannot be found living in soil?
    1. Chameleon 
    2. Beetle
    3. Earthworm
    4. Ant
  15. The type of soil erosion drawn below can be controlled by
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    1. construction of cut off drains.
    2. planting cover crops.
    3. building check dams
    4. making terraces
  16. A certain pupil grouped algae, conifers, mosses and fern together. Which one of the following reasons was best for this grouping? They are
    1. flowering plants.
    2. non-green plants.
    3. green non-flowering plants.
    4. non-flowering plants.
  17. The following are functions of parts of a plant: 
    1. Storage of food.
    2. Transports water to the leaves. 
    3. Manufacturing of food for the plant.
    4. Absorption of water and mineral salts.
      Which function is performed by roots, stems and leaves in different plants?
      1. ii
      2. iii
      3. iv
      4. i
  18. Which one of the following works on the fact that matter expards on heating?
    1. Raingauge
    2. Air thermometer
    3. Windvane
    4. Windsock
  19. Frosted glass is an example of ...........................materials.
    1. opaque
    2. transparent;
    3. transparent and translucer.t
    4. translucent
  20. During convection in liquids,
    1. warm water from the top moves down because it is lighter.
    2. cold water from the top goes up because it is heavier.
    3. warm water from the bottom of the sufuria moves up because it is lighter.
    4. heat is spread in all liquids.
  21. Which of the following is not an effect of HIV and AIDS to the family?
    1. Shame
    2. Sadness
    3. Financial problems
    4. Social stigma
  22. The diagram below shows a method of water conservation
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    The method of water conservation shown above is
    1. re-using.
    2. using water sparingly.
    3. drip irrigation.
    4. recycling.
  23. Which one of the following is incorrect of myths and misconceptions of HIV/AIDS? 
    1. People with HIV/AIDS are thin.
    2. School girls can cure AIDS.
    3. AIDS has no cure.
    4. AIDS has a cure.
  24. All the following ensures a rain gauge functions effectively except
    1. a narrow measuring jar.
    2. placing it outside the weather house.
    3. placing it in a non-sheltered area.
    4. using a thick funnel
  25. When investigating drainage, the soil that gives out the first drop of water
    1. has poor drainage. 
    2. is good for farming.
    3. has fine texture.
    4. cannot form ribbons.
  26. Which one of the following does not pollute water?
    1. Oil spillage
    2. Aerosols
    3. Farm chemicals
    4. Run-off water
  27. Which statement about matter is not true?
    1. All matter expands when heated.
    2. Expansion in solids is not great.
    3. Liquids expand more than solids.
    4. Solids expand more than gases.
  28. The soil that floods easily does not
    1. crack when dry.
    2. have loose particles.
    3. have fine particles.
    4. make long ribbons.
  29. The following are reasons for proper storage of tools except
    1. to make them last longer. 
    2. for easy repair.
    3. to avoid theft.
    4. to avoid accidents.
  30. A pupil in Grade 4 placed a bottle top in a basin with water and it floated. He then crushed the bottle top and placed it in basin. It sank as shown below.
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    What factor that affects floating and sinking was being investigated?
    1. Material
    2. Shape
    3. Size
    4. Weight
  31. Which one of the following is not true about water collected from a borehole?
    1. Forms scum with soap.
    2. Forms milky appearance with soap.
    3. Lathers easily with soap.
    4. Has mineral salts.
  32. The main purpose of coating food with honey is to
    1. prevent air and bacteria from reaching the food.
    2. keep away insects and dust.
    3. keep it at low temperature.
    4. add flavour.
  33. Which one of the following is wrongly matched with its unit of measure?
    1. Mass - tonnes.
    2. Friction - newtons.
    3. Gravity - newtons.
    4. Weight - Kilograms.
  34.  Which one of the following is not a method of conserving the environment?
    1. Constructing dams
    2. Terracing
    3. Planting trees
    4. Killing wild animals that destroy our crops.
  35. Which one of the following crop pests is both a field and a storage pest?
    1. Cutworms
    2. Weevils
    3. Aphids
    4. Stalkborers
  36. Which two major components of the environment do living things depend on directly?
    1. Air and water
    2. Animals and air
    3. Plants and animals
    4. Soil and plants
  37. In a food chain, bacteria and fungi are classified as
    1. producers.
    2. primary consumers.
    3. decomposers.
    4. tertiary consumers.
  38. All the following are livestock parasites except
    1. tapeworms.
    2. ringworms.
    3. roundworms.
    4. hookworms.
  39. The diagram below represents a periscope.
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    Which of the letters C, D, E and F represent the position of the image as seen by the observer?
    1. C
    2. D
    3. E
    4. F
  40. Which one of the following is not part of a beam balance?
    1. A pivot
    2. An arm
    3. A base
    4. Two hanging stones
  41. Which of the following is not part of the digestive system?
    1. Trachea
    2. Mouth
    3. Stomach
    4. Rectum
  42. The diagram below represents a set up that was used to demonstrate a certain aspect of matter
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    The aspect being demonstrated was
    1. convection in water.
    2. conduction in different solids.
    3. expansion in solids and liquids.
    4. conduction in water.
  43. Three of the following materials sink in water. Which one does not? A 
    1. long wire
    2. small stone
    3. maize cob
    4. small piece of wire
  44. What is the effect of cutting the stigma in a flower?
    1. Fertilisation does not take place.
    2. Ovules form
    3. Ovaries do not produce ovules
    4. Fruits form
  45. Study the solar system below.
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    What is planet P and Q respectively?
    1. Saturn and Neptune
    2. Jupiter and Uranus
    3. Uranus and Jupiter
    4. Mars and Neptune
  46. Which animals below are wrongly matched?
    Vertebrates  Invertebrates
    Spider crab
    Tilapia dog
    Sunbird worm


    1. Spider and dog 
    2. Tilapia and crab
    3. Sunbird and tick
    4. Snake and tick
  47. Weight is defined as
    1. the amount of space occupied by a substance.
    2. mass per unit volume.
    3. the gravitational pull of an object.
    4. the quantity of matter in a substance.
  48. Which one of the following is not a means of water transport?
    1. Ferry
    2. Ship
    3. Boats
    4. Skiing
  49. HIV cannot be transmitted through the following fluids except
    1. tears.
    2. urine.
    3. breast milk.
    4. mucus.
  50. Grade 4 pupils spread soil on a flat surface as shown below.
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    What were they trying to investigate?
    1. Water in soil
    2. Air in soil
    3. Living organisms in soil
    4. Mineral particles in soil


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