Displaying items by tag: The Government of Kenya

CONTITUTION is a set of rules or values agreed upon by a people which governs relationships within
the group

The Constitution of Kenya

It is divided into several elements(chapters)

  1. Sovereignity of the people and supremacy of the constitution
  2. The republic
    • A sovereign republic
    • Devolution
    • National and official languages
    • Religion
    • National symbols and national holidays
    • National values and principles of governance
    • culture
  3. citizenship
    • by birth
    • by registration
    • by dual citizenship
  4. the rights and freedoms of individuals (bills of rights)
  5. use and control of land and environment
    • public land
    • communal land
    • private land
  6. leadership and integrity
  7. representation of the people
  8. the legislature
  9. the executive
  10. the judiciary
  11. devolved government
  12. income and use of government money
  13. the public service
  14. the national security
  15. commissions and independent offices
  16. reviewing of the constitution
  17. general guidalines

new constitution shall be implemented after promulgation(official announcement by the president
importances of the constitution of kenya

  1. guides kenyan society on how to live peace
  2. ouline rights and freedom of citizen
  3. guides how the government should be organized
  4. guides how conflicts should be resolved
  5. guides how government should relate with other countries
  6. guides how public land and finances should be handled

Parliamentary Electroral Process in Kenya

  1. dissolution of parliament by parliament
  2. IEBC announces election dates
  3. Nomination of candidates by the political parties
  4. IEBC announces dates for election campaigns
  5. Printing of ballot papers(polling papers) and other election materials
  6. Education of voters
  7. Appointment of election officials
  8. Voting day – takes place at the polling stations. Illiterate voters are assisted by clerks
  9. Counting of the votes presiding officer announces results at polling stations
  10. Complaints concerning the results may make an application in court

Activity state qualification for a candidate for a member of parliament

How one may lose a parliamentary seat

  1. Imprisoned for more than six months
  2. Declared bankrupt by a court of law
  3. If member resigns from the party that sponsored him to parliament
  4. If one commited election offence
  5. If he/she is of unsound mind
  6. If one proved he/she is not a kenyan citizen
  7. If one misses eight consecutive sittings in parliament without informing the speaker
  8. If one is elected the speaker

Role of Citizens in the Electoral Process

  1. Participate in elections
  2. Electing responsible leaders
  3. Ensure leaders do not misuse powers
  4. Ensure leaders make decisions and perform according to the wishes of people
  5. Promoting free and fair elections
  6. Evaluating performance of the leaders

Importances of Participating in Elections

  1. Gives opportunity to elect candidates of their choice
  2. Help to choose type of government
  3. People are given chance to decide on an issue affecting the country
  4. Elect leaders who provide good services
  5. Enable to change our leaders

Responsibility of the Government to its Citizen

  1. Maintaining peace, law and order
  2. Promoting welfare and social services
  3. Encouraging unity
  4. Making laws and enforcing them
  5. Initiating development projects
  6. Maintainance of good relations with other countries
  7. Protecting rights of people
  8. Protecting people against external enemies