Displaying items by tag: kepsea


Read the following conversation and then answer questions 1 to 5
Mambo: Hello Lenchiro. Where are you going? It is still break time.
Lenchiro: Hello Mambo. I am taking this book back to the library. I was just finishing the last page. It is one of the most interesting story books I have ever read.
Mambo: What was the book all about? 
Lenchiro: It was about a boy, Kodawa, who was addicted to drugs and substance abuse. The boy dropped out of school and joined the bad boys in town.
Mambo: Oh my! Why did poor Kodawa decide to do that?
Lenchiro:  It was because his new friends in town persuaded him to do so. They also threatened to chase him from their group if he refused to comply.
Mambo: I also think that idleness contributes to indulgence in drugs and substance abuse. The boys must have been idle.
Lenchiro: Exactly. But the good thing  is that Kodawa was taken back to their village, Mchangabaridi, where he reformed and resumed school.
Mambo: Wow! Thank God he did.

  1. Mambo and Lenchiro met
    1. in the evening. 
    2. in their classroom. 
    3. at break time. 
    4. in the school library.
  2. Lenchiro said that the book he finished reading 
    1. was more interesting than any other he had read before. 
    2. was as interesting as the others he had read before. 
    3. equally boring like the rest he had ยท read before. 
    4. more boring than the ones he had read before.
  3. Who was the main character in the book Lenchiro read last? 
    1. Lenchiro himself. 
    2. Mambo
    3. Kodawa's friend
    4. Kodawa
  4. According to this conversation why do some young people abuse drugs and substance? They
    1. are idle. 
    2. want to be recognized 
    3. don't like school. 
    4. like being high.
  5. Finally, the good thing about Kodawa was that he 
    1. finished school. 
    2. reformed. 
    3. joined some boys in town. 
    4. started abusing drugs and substance

Read the passage and then answer questions 6 to 2.
A journey by train is interesting as well as educative. Such a very important event happened in Samira's life. Last week she went on her first train journey. She travelled with her family to Voi where her uncle lived. They left home at dawn and went to the SGR terminus. After purchasing a ticket, they got into the train. Suddenly, the train blew its whistle and started the journey. It seemed to Samira that the trees, houses and stations all went hurriedly back to Nairobi. She was very excited. She really enjoyed her first journey.

  1. With whom did Samira travel to Voi?
    1. classmates. 
    2. teachers. 
    3. friends. 
    4. family.
  2. How many times had Samira travelled by train before?
    1. She had never 
    2. Thrice 
    3. Twice
    4. Once
  3. What did they do at the SGR terminus before getting into the train? They 
    1. closed all the windows.
    2. purchased a ticket
    3. saw trees moving backwards. :
    4. enjoyed their journey.
  4. Where was Samira's family living?
    1. In Voi.
    2. At the SGR terminus.
    3. In Nairobi.
    4. We are not told.

Read the passage and then answer questions 10 to 12.
Technology refers to the use of tools, machines, materials, techniques and sources of power to make work easier and more productive While Science is more concerned with how and why things happen, technology deals with making things happen.Technology has brought about efficiency and quality in the manufacturing sector. Technological advancement has reduced the risk involved in manufacturing enterprises.  A lot of improvement has been seen in health facilities. Technology therefore should be here to stay.

  1. The passage says that technology has
    1. brought tools and machines.
    2. made work easier.
    3. killed manufacturing industries.
    4. increased death rates.
  2. The writer says that Science is concerned with 
    1. how and why things happen. 
    2. making things happen. 
    3. making work easier.
    4. improving human life.
  3. According to the passage, a lot of improvement has been seen in 
    1. agriculture sector.
    2. production of goods
    3. health facilities. .
    4. some school in the country.

Read the passage and then answer questions 13 to 15.
Wild animals live in the forest. Some of them are kept in national parks and game reserves. There are very many types of wild animals. Some are big, some are small. Some small animals include the hare and the squirrel. Some big animals include the elephant and the buffalo. The animal with the longest neck is called giraffe. It gets its food from the top of most trees. Cheetah is the fastest animal. It runs faster than any other animal. Wild animals must be protected because our country gets money through them.

  1. According to this passage, one of the small wild animals is the
    1. elephant.
    2. squirrel.
    3. buffalo.
    4. rabbit.
  2. How does the giraffe's long neck help it? To 
    1. see distant enemies. 
    2. hide its head. 
    3. get its food. 
    4. run very fast.
  3. The fastest animal is the 
    1. elephant.
    2. giraffe
    3. squirrel.
    4. cheetah.

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 16 to 20, For each blank space, select the best alternative from the choices given.
Industrialisation means _16_ things for people to buy. These things are always made or manufactured in large buldings called _17_ Such industries are flour, cloth and soap industries. Here are three names you should _18_ : raw materials, products and labourers. A _19_ is used for making a thing. The thing which is made is called the product. Therefore, cloth is the product of the raw material called _20_

    1. making
    2. bringing
    3. using
    4. selling
    1. godowns
    2. factories
    3. stores
    4. museums
    1. forget
    2. write
    3. see
    4. remember
    1. material
    2. tool
    3. raw material
    4. machine
    1. cotton
    2. papers
    3. leaves
    4. polythene

For questions 21 to 23, choose the past tense of the given sentences.

  1. I am flying a kite.
    1. I was flying a kite.
    2. We are flying kites.
    3. We were flying kites.
    4. I was flying kites.
  2. The animals are grazing. The
    1. animal was grazing.
    2. animal is grazing.
    3. animals will graze
    4. animals were grazing
  3. Our teacher is running. Our
    1. teacher will run.
    2. teacher runs.
    3. teacher was running.
    4. teachers were running.

In questions 24 to 26, select the correctly punctuated sentences.

    1. nairobi is the capital city of kenya
    2. John and Ashley will go to the market
    3. richard said that he plays tennis
    4. Moreen and Kimani went to Nakuru.
    1. Who knows how to ride a bicycle.
    2. Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania are neighbouring countries
    3. the doctor did not come in good  time.
    4. They were playing in the rain
    1. there are twenty six letters in the alphabet.
    2. Donkeys and sheep are domestic animals 
    3. They replied to our letter in good time. 
    4. july is the coldest month of the year 

For questions 27 to 30, complete the sentences with the correct adverbs. 

  1. The man drives his van
    1. slowest. 
    2. slowly. 
    3. slower.
    4. slowness.
  2. The game ranger walked very
    1. caring.
    2. careless. 
    3. careful.
    4. carefully.
  3. Grade four learners were singing 
    1. happily. 
    2. happy.
    3. happier.
    4. happiest.
  4. Amunga waited for his guardian
    1. patience
    2. patient.
    3. patiently.
    4. patients.


  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. A
  8. B
  9. C
  10. B
  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D
  6. A
  7. B
  8. D
  9. C
  1. B
  2. D
  3. C
  4. D
  5. B
  6. C
  7. B
  8. D
  9. A