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Wednesday, 15 September 2021 07:56

Geometry - Class 8 Mathematics Revision Notes


Worked Exercise

  1. Find the value of x in the following.
    MathNotes 8geo1
    X+45+50=1800 (Angles on a straight lines are supplementary i.e. add up to 180º )
    The value of x =85º
  2. Find the sum of angle “a” and angle “b” in the figure below.
    MathNotes 8geo2
    Lines AB and C D are transversals  are Therefore 90+b = 1800
    Co-interior angles - supplementally
    Therefore b=180-90
    B = 90º
    Angle a = 120º - (Corresponding angles)
    Therefore a = 120º
    Sum of a and b
    =120 + 90
    = 210º
  3. Find the size of angle marked A B D in the figure below.
    MathNotes 8geo3
    X+4x+x+30=180º (angles on a straight line are supplementary)
    = 6x+30=180
    6x = 150
    X = 25
    Angle A B D =x + 4X
    But x = 25
    Therefore 25 + (4 x 25)
    = 25 + 100
    = 125º
  4. Draw an equilateral triangle A B C where Line AB = 6cm.
    Draw a circle touching the 3 vertices of the triangle. What is the radius of the circle?
    1. Draw line A B = 6cm
    2. With A as the Centre with the same radius 6cm, mark off an arc above line A B.
    3. With B as the Centre with the same radius 6cm, mark off an arc above line A B to meet the arc in (II) above. Call the point of intersection point C
    4. Join C to A and C to B
    5.  Bisect line A B and B C and let the bisectors meet at point X.
    6. With X as the Centre, draw a circle passing through points A, B and C.
    7. Measure the radius of the circle.
      MathNotes 8geo4
  5. Construct a triangle P Q R in which Q P = 6cm. Q R = 4cm and P R =8cm. Draw a circle that touches the 3 sides of the triangle, measure the radius of the circle.
    1. Draw line Q P 6cm
    2. With Centre Q, make an arc 4cm above line Q P.
    3. With Centre P, make an arc 8cm above line Q P and let the arc meet the one in (II) above. Label the point of intersection as R.
    4. Join R to P and R to Q.
    5. Bisect any two angles and let the bisectors meet at point Y.
    6. With Y as the Centre, draw a circle that touches the 3 sides of the triangle.
      MathNotes 8geo5
      R = 3.5cm
  6. A rectangle measures 6cm by 2½ cm. What is the length of the diagonal?
    MathNotes 8geo6
    AC2 = AB2 + BC2 [ Pythagoras Theorem]
    AC2 = 62 + 2 ½2
    AC2 = 36 + 6.25
    AC2 = 42.25
    AC = √42.25
    = 6.5 or 6 ½
    NB: The Pythagoras theorem states
    H2 =B2 +h2
    h2 = H2 – b2
    b2 = H2 –h2
  7. In the figure below, A B C is a straight line and B C D E is a quadrilateral. Angle CBD = 620 and lines EB = BD = DC. Line EB is parallel to DC.
    MathNotes 8geo7
    What is the size of angle BDE?
    Consider triangle BCD (isosceles triangle)
    Therefore base angles are equal
    CBD = 62º
    BCD = 62º
    Therefore, BDC = 180 – 124 = 56º
    Angle CDB = angle EBD [Alternate triangle]
    Therefore EBD = 56º
    Angle BDE =180 - 56/2
    = 62º
    Therefore, BDE = 62º
  8. Find the size of the largest angle from the following triangle.
    MathNotes 8geo8
    4X – 10 + x – 20 + 3x + 10 = 180 [Angle sum of a triangle]
    8x – 20 = 180
    8x = 200
    X = 25
    4x – 10 = (100 – 10)º
    = 90º largest angle.

Time, Speed and Temperature

Worked Exercise

  1. An airplane took 4½ hours to fly from Cairo to Zambia. If it landed in Nairobi at Nairobi at 0215 h on Saturday, when did it take off from Cairo?
    1. Friday 2145 h
    2. Saturday 2245h 
    3. Friday 2245h
    4. Saturday 2145 h
      The time the aeroplane took from midnight to 0215h of Saturday = 2h 15min
      The difference (4h 30min – 2h 15min) is the time the aero plane took on Friday night.
      Time on Friday night
        h         min
        4         30
      - 2         15
        2         15
      = 2h 15min before midnight
      Time of takeoff from Cairo
      h      min
      24     00
      - 2     15
      21     45 on Friday
      The correct answer is A (Friday 2145 h)
  2. A train let Mombasa on Monday at 2125 h and took sixteen and half hours to reach
    Kisauni. When did the train reach Kisumu?
    1. Tuesday 1.55 a.m
    2. Tuesday 1.55 p.m
    3. Wednesday 1.55 p.m
    4. Monday 1:55 a.m
      Monday: from 2125h to midnight = 2400h - 2125h
      = 2h 35min
      Tuesday: Number of hours traveled from midnight
      = 16h 30min - 2h 35 min
      = 13h 55min
      The train arrived at Kisumu on Tuesday at 1355h
      This is the same as 1.55p.m
      The correct answer is B (Tuesday 1.55pm)
  3. A meeting started at quarter to noon. If the meeting lasted for 2 h 35min, what time in 24-h clock system did the meeting end?
    1. 1320h 
    2. 1420h
    3. 1310h
    4. 1410h
      The meeting started at 11.45
      Add the meeting time
         h       min
        11       45
      + 2       35  
        14      20  
      The meeting ended at 1420h
      The correct answer is B (1420 h)
  4. A wall clock gains 3 seconds every one hour. The clock was set correct at 1pm on Tuesday. What time was it showing at 1pm on Friday on the following week?
    The number of days from Tuesday 1 pm to Friday 1pm the following week = 10days.
    Number of hours = (24 x 10) = 240 hrs.
    The clock gains 3 seconds after every hour in ten days.
    240 x 3 = 720 seconds
    Min = 720/60 = 12 min
    Hence it will show 1 p.m. + 12 min = 1.12 pm
    In 24 h clock system
    = 1312h
    The correct answer is B (1312h)
  5. A cyclist traveled from Nairobi to Nyeri for 4h 30min at a speed of 80km/h. He drove back to Nairobi taking 4 hours. What is his speed, in km/h?
    1. 90
    2. 72
    3. 80
    4. 100
      Distance = speed x time
      = 80 x 4½
      = 360 km
      From Nyeri - Nairobi distance = 360km
      Time taken = 4hrs
      Therefore speed = Distance/Time
      = 90km/h
      The correct answer is A (90km/hr)
  6. A motorist crosses a bridge at a speed of 25m/s. What is his speed in km/hr?
    1. 80
    2. 90
    3. 60
    4. 30
      When working out this kind of question we use a relationship,
      If 10 m/s = 36 km/h
      25m/s = ?
      = ( x 36) km/h
      = 90 km/h
      The correct answer is B (90km/h)
  7. The distance between Mombasa and Mtito Andei is 290km. A bus left Mombasa at 1035h and traveled to Mtito Andei at a speed of 50km/h. At what time did it arrive at Mtito Andei?
    1. 1623h
    2. 1523h
    3. 1423h
    4. 1723h
      Time = Distance/Speed
      = 290/50
      = 5 4/5hours or 5h 48min
      Arrival time = Departure time = Time taken + Time taken
       h       min
      10      35
       +5     48
      16      23
      The arrival time 1623 h
      The correct answer is A (1623h)
  8. Kamau drove from town M to town N a distance of 150 km. He started at 9.30 am and arrived at town N at 11.00 am. He stayed in town for one hour and 50 minutes. He drove back reaching town M at 2.30pm. Calculate Kamau’s average speed for the whole journey.
    1. 90km/h
    2. 100km/h
    3. 60km/h
    4. 150 km/h
      Total distance from M to N and back
      = 150 x 2
      = 300 km
      Total time taken
      From 9.30 - 11.00 = 1 h 30 min
      Time spent in town
      = 1 h 50 min
      Time taken from N to M
      = 1430h – 1250h
      = 1h 40min
      Total time = 5 hours
      Average speed = Total distance/Total time taken
      The correct answer is C (60km/h)
  9. The temperature of an object was 20º C below the freezing point. It was warmed until there was a rise of 40º in temperature. What is the reading in the thermometer?
    1. 60 Cº
    2. 40Cº
    3. 20Cº
    4. 20Cº
      Below freezing point means; - 20
      Rose by 40º
      Therefore - 20º + 40 = 20 C
      The correct answer is C (20º C)
Wednesday, 15 September 2021 07:02

Money - Class 8 Mathematics Revision Notes


Worked Exercise

  1. Mutiso paid sh.330 for an item after the shopkeeper gave him a 12% discount. What was the marked price of the radio?
    1. sh300
    2. sh369.60
    3. sh375
    4. sh350
      Marked price = 100%
      Discount = 12%
      S.P = 100% - 12%
      = 88%
      If 88 % = 330
      100% = ?
      100 x 300/88 = Sh375
      The correct answer is C (375)
  2. Olang’ borrowed sh.54000 from a bank which charged interest at the rate of 18% p.a. He repaid the whole loan after 8 months .How much did he pay back?
    1. sh6480
    2. sh60, 480
    3. sh14580
    4. sh77760
      I = PRT/100
      = 54000 x 18 x 8/100 x 12
      = sh6480
      Amount = P + I
      = (54,000 + 6,480) shillings
      = Ksh 60, 480
      The correct answer is B
  3. The cash price of a microwave is sh. 18000. The hire purchase price of the microwave is 20% more than the cash price. Bernice bought it on hire purchase terms by paying 40% of the hire purchase price as the deposit and the balance equal monthly installments of sh1620. How many installments did she pay?
    1. 12
    2. 10
    3. 9
    4. 8
      Let the cash price be 100%
      Hire purchase = 100% + 20%
      = 120% of the cash price
      = 120/100 x 1800
      = sh.21, 600
      Deposit = 40% of HPP
      = 40/100 x 21,600
      = sh.8, 640
      HPP = D + MI
      I = HPP - D/MI
      = 21600 – 8640/1620
    5. = 8 Months
      The correct answer is D (8)
  4. Salim deposited sh25000 in a bank which paid compound interest at the rate of 10% per annum. If he withdraws all his money after years, how much interest did his money gain?
    1. sh5250
    2. sh2500
    3. sh1375
    4. sh387
      Interest for year 1
      I = PRT/100
      = 25000 x 10 x 1/100
      = Sh2500
      Amount = 25000 + 2500
      = 27,500
      Interest for 2nd year
      I = PRT/100
      = 27,500 x 10 x ½/100
      = Sh13775
      Total interest (2,500 + 1,375)
      = Sh3875
      The correct answer is D (Sh 3875)
  5. Kamaru bought bananas in groups of 20 at sh20 per group. He grouped them into smaller groups of 5 bananas each and sold them at sh10 per group. What percentage profit did he make?
    1. 40%
    2. 50% 
    3. 60 %
    4. 70%
      For every 20 bananas = sh 25
      One group produces 4 smaller groups of 5 bananas each
      S. P = 4x 10
      = sh40
      B.P price = sh25
      Profit = 40 – 25
      = sh15
      % profit = P/BP x 100
      = 60%
      The correct answer is C (60).
  6. A shopkeeper bought 3 trays of eggs at sh 150 per tray. On the way to the shop, he realized 20% of the eggs were broken. He sold the rest at sh 72 per dozen. How much loss did he make?
    1. sh450
    2. sh432
    3. sh18 
    4. sh28
      B.P for 3 trays = 3 x 150
      = sh450
      Number of eggs = 3 x 30
      = 90 eggs
      20% eggs broke = 20/100 x 90
      = 18 eggs broken
      Therefore remained = (90 - 18) eggs
      = 72 eggs
      1 dozen = 12 eggs
                 ? = 72 eggs
      = 6 dozens
      1 dozen = sh.72
      6 dozens = ?
      Loss = B.P – S.P
      = 450 - 432
      The correct answer is C (sh18)
  7. A Salesperson earns a basic salary of sh7500 per month. He is also paid a 5% commission on all sales above sh30, 000. In a certain month his total earnings were sh.14250. What was his total sales for that month?
    1. sh135000
    2. sh285000
    3. sh165000
    4. sh315000
      Commission = sh14250 – sh7500
      = sh6750
      5% = sh6750
      100% = ?
      = 100/5 x 6750
      = Sh. 135,000
      Total sales = (135,000 + 30,000)
      = sh165000
      The correct answer is C (sh 165,000)
  8. Shiku bought the following items from a shop
    6kg of sugar @ sh45
    ½ of tea for sh90
    3 kg of rice @ sh30
    2kg of fat @ sh70
    If she used one thousand shillings to pay for the items, what balance did she receive
    1. sh410
    2. sh455
    3. sh590
    4. sh765
      Shiku’s Bill
      Item Sh ct
      6kg sugar @ sh45 270 00
      ½ kg tea for sh90  90  00
      3kg rice @ sh30


      2kg fat @ sh70   140  00
      Total  590  00
      Total expenditure = sh590
      Balance = sh1000 – sh590
      The correct answer is = sh410 (A)
  9. Maranga paid sh4, 400 for a bicycle after he was given a 12% discount. James bought the same item from a different shop and was given a 15%. How much more than James did Maranga pay for the bicycle?
    1. sh250
    2. sh300
    3. sh750
    4. sh150
      Maranga B.P = 100% - 12%
      = 88%
      4400/88 x 100 = sh5000
      James B.P = 100% - 15%
      = 85%
      85 x 100/4400 = sh4,250
      How much more? = (5000-4250) shillings
      = sh750
      The correct answer is C (750)
  10. The table below shows postal charges for sending letters;
    Mass of letter Sh ct
    Up to 20g  25  00
    Over 20g up to 50g  30 00 
    Over 50g up to 100g  35  00
    Over 100g up to 250g  50  00
    Over 250g up to 500g  85  00
    Over 500g up to 1kg  135  00
    Over 1kg up to 2kg  190  00

    Namu posted two letters each weighing 95g and another one weighing 450g. How much did he pay at the post office?
    1. sh120
    2. sh135
    3. sh155
    4. sh240
      Two letters
      95g → Sh35.00
      95g → Sh35 .00
      Another 450g → Sh85.00
      The correct answer is C (sh155)

Volume, Capacity and Mass

Worked Exercises

  1. A Jerry can contains 5 litres of juice. This juice is used to fill 3 containers each of radius 7 cm and height of 10cm. How many milliliters of juice are left in the jerry can?
    1. 38
    2. 480 
    3. 400
    4. 420
      Volume of container: = Πr2 h
      =22/7 x 7 x 7 x 10
      = 1540 cm3
      Volume of 3 such containers
      = (1540x3) cm3
      = 4620 cm3
      Volume of juice in jerry can = (5 x 1000)
      = 5000cm3
      Volume of juice left = (5000-4620) cm3
      = 380 cm3
      = 380 ml
      The correct answer is A (380ml)
  2. The diagram below represents a solid whose dimensions are shown.
    MathNotes 5vol1
    What is the volume in cm3?
    1. .30000
    2. 300000
    3. 3000
    4. 3000000
      Volume = Area of the Cross-section x length
      Volume of the top = (20 x 10 x 150)
      = 30,000cm3
      Volume of the bottom = 60 x 30 x150
      = 270,000cm3
      Whole solid = top + bottom
      = 30,000 + 270,000
      = 300,000cm3
      The correct answer is B (300 000)
  3. In the month of October, a farmer delivered 48750kg of maize to a miller. In November the amount of maize delivered was 1850kg more than that of October. The amount delivered in December was 2450kg less than that of November. What was the total mass, in tonnes, was delivered by the farmer in the 3 months?
    1. 145.65
    2. 147.5
    3. 152.4
    4. 150.55
      October = 48750 kg
      November = (48750+1850) kg
      = 50,600 kg
      December = 50,600-2,450) kg
      = 48,150 kg
      Total mass = 48750+50600 +48150
      = (147500/1000) tonnes
      = 147.5 tonnes.
      The correct answer is B (147.5)
  4. A rectangular tank measures 1.2m by 80cm by 50cm. water is poured into the tank to a height of 15cm. How many more liters of water are needed to fill the tank?
    1. 144
    2. 14.4
    3. 33.6
    4. 336
      Capacity of the tank = 120 x 80 x 50
      = 480,000cm3
      Convert to litres = 480,000/1000
      = 480litres
      Volume of the water poured = 120 x 80 x 50
      = 144000cm3
      Convert to litres = 144000/1000
      = 144 litres
      Volume of water needed = 480 – 144 = 366litres.
      The correct answer is D (366)
  5. The diagram below represents a solid triangular prism.
    MathNotes 5vol2
    What is the volume in cm3?
    1. 2400
    2. 2000
    3. 5200
    4. 576
      Apply Pythagorean relation in triangle ABC
      BC =√262 -102
      = 24cm
      Volume = Area of the Cross section x length
      = ½ x 24 x 10x 20
      = 2400cm3
      The correct answer is A (2400cm3)
  6. A cylindrical tank has a radius of 2m and a height of 1.5m. The tank was filled with water to a depth of 0.5M. What is the volume of water in the tank, in litres? (П = 3.14)
    1. 6280
    2. 628 
    3. 9240
    4. 18840
      Volume = П r 2h
      = 3.14 x 2 x 2 x 0.5
      = 6.28 m3
      In litres = (6.28 x1000) litres
      = 6280 litres
      The correct answer A (6280)
  7. When processed, 7kg of coffee beans produce 1kg of processed coffee. Processed coffee is then packed in 50kg bags. A farmer delivered 5.6 tonnes of coffee berries in one month. How many bags were obtained?
    1. 12
    2. 16
    3. 40
    4. 20
      Mass of coffee berries = 5.6tonnes
      = 5.6x1000
      = 5600kg
      Mass obtained = 5600/7
      = 800kg
      Number of bags = 800 ÷ 50
      = 16 bags
      The correct answer is B (16)
  8. A rectangular container whose base measures 40cm by 60cm has 30 liters of water when full. Find the height of the container in cm.
    1. 0125
    2. 1.25
    3. 12.5
    4. 125
      V = base area x height
      Height = volume/base area
      Volume = 30 litres
      = 30x1000
      = 30,000cm3
      Height = 30,000/2400
      = 12.5cm
      The correct answer is C (12.5)
  9. A shopkeeper had 43 litres sand 5 litres and 5 dl of paraffin. He packed all the paraffin in 7.5 dl-containers. How many containers did he fill?
    1. 58
    2. 5.8
    3. 6
    4. 60
      Convert decilitres into litres
      1 dl =1/10 litres
      5 dl =5/10 litres
      7.5 dl =7.5/10 litres = 0.75 litres
      Hence 43 litres 5dl = 43.5 litres
      No of containers = 43.5/0.75 = 58 containers
      The correct answer is 58 (A)
  10. The figure below shows a cylindrical solid of diameter 28cm and length 20 cm. A square hole of side 1.5 cm has been removed. What is the volume of the material in the solid, in 3cm3?
    1. 12320
    2. 4500
    3. 8400
    4. 7820
      MathNotes 5vol3
      Volume of solid = volume of a cylinder - volume of the square hole
      = ( x 14 x 14x 20) - (15 x 15 x 20)
      = 12320 - 4500
      = 7,820 cm3
      The correct answer is D (7,820cm3)
Tuesday, 14 September 2021 13:10

Numbers - Class 8 Mathematics Revision Notes

In this section you will need the following hints to solve the exercises:

  • Place value of whole numbers
  • Total value of whole numbers
  • Multiplication of whole numbers/tables
  • LCM and GCD

Worked Exercise

  1. What is four million seventy thousand and five hundred and thirty three?
    1. 4,070,353
    2. 4,070,533
    3. 4,007,533
    4. 4,700,533

      Using the place value table, the question can be solved as follows:





       4  0  7  0  5  3  3
      The correct answer is B (4070533)
  2. What is the square root of 7 9/16
    1. 7 ¾
    2. 2 ¾ 
    3. 1 3/8
    4. 21/16
      Step 1: Change the mixed fraction to improper Find the square root of both numerator and denominator.
      Step 2: Find the square root of both numerator and denominator
      = √121
      Step 3: Change the improper fraction to mixed fraction
      = 2¾
      The correct answer is B
  3. What is 25% as a fraction?
    1. 1/5
    2. ¾
    3. ½
    4. ¼
      Step1: Express the percentage with 100 as a denominator.
      Step 2: Simplify
      =¼  correct answer is D
  4. What is the value of of 1/3 of(½ + 1/9) ÷1/6
    1. 11/324
    2. 1/99
    3. 12/9
    4. 4/11
      Step1: Using the order of operation, BODMAS, solve the brackets first.
      1/2 + 1/9 = 11/18
      Step 2: Open brackets and calculate ‘of ‘
      =1/3 of (11/18) ÷ 1/6
      =1/3 x (11/18) ÷ 1/6
      =11/54 ÷ 1/6
      Step3: Calculate the division part
      =11/54 ÷ 1/6
      =11/54 x 6/1(multiply by the reciprocal of 1/6)
      Step 4: Change the improper fraction to mixed fraction.
      = 1 2/9
      The correct answer is C.
  5. The price of radio is Sh1800. The price was reduced by 15% during an auction. How much is the price after the reduction?
    1. Sh270
    2. Sh2070
    3. sh1530
    4. sh1785
      Marked price = Sh1800
      Percentage decrease = 15%
      New price
      85% of Sh1800 (100% - 15%)
      = 85 x 1800/100
      = Sh1, 530
      The correct answer is Sh 1530 (C)
  6. In a certain year a tea factory produced 2500 tonnes of tea leaves. The following year the tonnes increased to 4000. What is the percentage increase?
    1. 160%
    2. 62½ %
    3. 60%
    4. 37½ %
      First year = 2500 tonnes
      Second year = 4000 tonnes
      Increase = 1500 tonnes (4000-2500)
      % Increase = Increase x 100/Original
      MathNotes 3nmbs1
      = 60%
      The correct answer is C (60%)
  7. What is the next number in the sequence below.
    6, 10, 19, 35, …..
  8. 60
  9. 84 
  10. 71
  11. 51
    MathNotes 3nmbs2
    The next difference is 5² = 25
    The next number is 35 + 25 = 60
    The correct answer is A (60)

General Geometric Shapes


MathNotes 2pogs 1

  • All sides are equal
  • Opposite sides are parallel
  • Each interior angle is a right angle (90º)
  • The interior angles total up to 360º
  • Diagonals bisect each other at right angles.
  • Diagonals measure the same length and bisect interior angles.


MathNotes 2pogs 2


  • Each interior angle is 90º and they all add up to 360º
  • Diagonals are equal
  • Diagonals bisect each other but NOT at right angles


MathNotes 2pogs 3

  • Opposite sides are equal and parallel
  • Opposite angles are equal
  • Diagonals bisect each other
  • Diagonals are not equal
  • Adjacent angles are supplementary (add up to 180º)


MathNotes 2pogs 4 

  • All sides are equal
  • Opposite sides are parallel
  • Opposite angles are equal
  • Diagonals bisect each other at 90º
  • Diagonals bisect the interior angles


MathNotes 2pogs 5

  • The sum of the interior angles is 360º
  • Has a pair of parallel lines which are not of the same length
  • Has a perpendicular height joining the two parallel lines

Right-angled Triangle (Pythagorean relationship)

MathNotes 2pogs 6


  • H2 = b2 + h2
  • b2 = H2 – h2
  • H2 = H2 - b2
    Examples of relationships
    Base Height Hypotenuse
     3  4  5
     6  8  10
     5  12  13
     7  24  25
     8  15  17
     9  40  41

Properties of Triangles and Parallel Lines


Exterior angles & interior angles
MathNotes 2pogs 9

  • Angles x, y, and z are exterior angles while a, b, and c are interior angles.
  • Exterior angles add up to 360º while interior angles add up to 180º.
  • Angles x, a; b, z; and c, y; are adjacent to each other and they add up to 180º (supplementary angles)

Parallel Lines and Transversal

MathNotes 2pogs 10

  1. Angles at a point e.g. a + b+ c + d = 360º
  2. Vertically opposite e.g. a/d, b/c, f/g, e/h. They are equal
  3. Corresponding angles e.g. b/f, a/e, c/g, d/h. They are equal
  4. Alternate angles e.g. c/f, d/e are always equal.
  5. Co-interior angles e.g. c/e, d/f, are always equal.
  6. Co-interior/allied angles e.g. c/e, d/f are formed by parallel lines. They are supplementary.

Speed, Distance and Time

The formulae related to speed, distance and time can be derived from the following triangle.

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