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Track Events

Bunch Start


  • Also known as the bullet start.
  • In this start the knee of the rear leg is opposite the toe of the leading leg.
  • The hands are placed shoulder width apart behind the starting line.

Safety Instructions

  • Use your lane and stick to it
  • Wear appropriate PHE attire during activity.
  • Follow teacher’s instructions
  • Warm up adequately before participating in an activity

Warm Up Activities

  1. Running on the spot
    • Learning points for running on the spot
    • Lift your right arm and left foot at the same time
    • Raise your knee
    • At the same time, move your right arm and your left arm forward and up
    • Switch to the opposite foot quickly
    • Start slowly as you increase speed
    • Continue the these movements
  2. Rabbit hops
    • Stand with feet shoulder width apart
    • Keep your hands held at the chest
    • Take off with both feet and land with both feet.

Cool Down Activities

  • Slow match
    • Stand feet shoulder width apart
    • Arms bent at the elbows
    • Bing your right elbow forward at the same time as you bring your left knee up.
    • Repeat on the opposite side and keep alternating sides until there is rhythm.
    • Perform the activity very slowly.

Learning Points For The Bunch Start

  • On your command, On your marks, Go to the starting line on crouch position.
    • Place the legs such that the toes of the rear foot are approximately in line the heel of the front foot.
    • Place both feet behind the starting line
    • Place the arms straight shoulders width apart with fingers spread behind the line and thumb turned away.
    • Keep the head in line with the body, eyes focused ahead down on the lane.
    • On the set command, go in ready position with the whole body and raise the hips just above the shoulders.
    • On the command go, press hard against the ground for a forward push as you accelerate down the lane.

Drop Finish Technique

02 drop finish

  • It is a method of finishing.
  • The athlete bends, pushes both arms backwards and steps to the finishing line.
  • They touch the tape with chest
    1.  Approach the finishing line at full speed.
    2. Focus ahead.
    3. On finishing a step to the finishing line, bend and push both arms backwards and touch the finishing line with your chest first.

Safety Instructions

  • Ensure proper spacing during drills and practise
  •  Wear appropriate PHE attire during activity.
  •  Follow teacher’s instructions during practise
  • Warm up adequately before participating in an activity

Warm Up Activities

  1. Plucking partners tall
    • Each person tucks a tail into the back of their short or trousers
    • Run afer a partner and try to pluck their tail while keeping yours safe.
    • Play a game for one minute and change partners.
  2. Squat jumps
    • Start in squat positon with your arms by your side
    • Swing your arms towards the sky and jump.
    • Land gently on the balls of the feet into a squat positon and repeat the activity
    • Perform the activity for one minute
  3. Latteral rabbit jumps
    • Make small jumps side by side like you are jumping over something.
    • Keep your legs as close as possible
    • Swing your arms to help you jump.

Cool Down Activities

  1. Curling and stretching
    •  Lie on the right side of the body.
    •  Fold your leg and pull them towards the chest.
    • slowly stretch your hands and feet.
    • Repeat the activity times.
  2. Slow dance
    • Stand freely.
    • Dance in a slow motion for 0 seconds
    • Rest for 5 seconds and repeat

Learning Points To Perform The Drop Finish Technique

  • Approach the finishing line at full speed.
  • Focus ahead.
  • On reaching a step to the finishing line, bend and push both arms backwards and touch the finishing line with your chest frst.

Shoulder Shrug Technique

03 shoulder shrug

  •  It is a method of finishing a race.
  • The athlete in his last stride bends one shoulder so that his chest is turned sideways as it touches the tape or crosses the finish line.

Safety Instructions

  • Ensure proper spacing during drills and practise
  • Wear appropriate PHE attire during activity.
  •  Follow teacher’s instructions during practise
  • Warm up adequately before participating in an activity

Warm Up Activities

  • High knees
    • Jog in place, bringing your knees high up as you can
  • Arm rotation
    • Stretch out both arms to the shoulder level. Rotate them in forward and backward.
  • Cross Jacks
    • Stand with the feet shoulder width apart.
    • extend out the arms straight on either sides with palms facing down.
    • Jump and cross the right arm over the lef arm and foot over lef.
    • Jump with the legs to the sides and open your arms, then cross with theopposite arm and foot.

Cool Down Activities

  • Copy me
    • Take turns to demonstrate your favourite stretch
    • The others to copy the demonstration. Do it slowly.
  • Slow skip
    • Skip for a distance of 2 metres
    • reduce the skipping distance and skipping speed slowly untl uou are in one place. Start marching slowly at the point and then stop

Learning Points To Perform The Shoulder Shrug Technique

  • Approach the finishing line at full speed.
  • Focus ahead
  • On your last stride to the finishing line, bend one shoulder so that the chest is turned sideways as it touches the tape or as it crosses the finishing line.

Non Visual Baton Exchange Down Sweep Method In Relays

The Non Visual Baton Exchange Method

  • This is where the outgoing runner receives the baton without seeing it being placed onto the hand.
  • The hand that receives that baton carries it without bringing it to other hand.

Learning Point For The Non Visual Baton Exchange Method

The Incoming Runner

  • Run at a speed within your lane
  • Reach the runner hho is receiving the baton at full speed.
  • extend the hand carrying the baton and pass it onto the hand of the receiver in a downward movement

The Outgoing Runner

04 outgoing runner

  • extend the receiving hand behind, at the hip level, while focusing head and accelerating down the lane.
  • The palm faces up and a hide angle is formed betheen the thumb and the rest of the fingers.
  • After the baton is placed on the receiving hand, hold it tight.

Safety Instructions

  • Ensure proper spacing during drills and practise
  • Wear appropriate PHE attire during activity.
  • Follow teacher’s instructions during practise
  • Do not throw the baton to one another.
  • Warm up adequately before participating in an activity

Warm Up Activities

  • Pluck partners tail
    • In pairs take turns to run afer each other aaemptng to pluck a tail tied at the back.
  • walking knees hugs
    • Make steps and raise the knee up holding it with both arms and pulling towards your chest.
  • Cycling in the air
    • Lie on your back. Raise your legs and more them as if riding a bicycle

Cool Down Activities

  1.  toe touch
    • Reach up and touch down the sky for 20 seconds. Change and reach down to touch the toes for 20 seconds.
  2. clumb the stair case
    • Pretend to be climbing a stair case. Stretch your knees and arms.
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