Count forward by two
- 2, 5, 7 ______, ______, _______
- 20, 18, 16, ______, _______, _______
- 42 is ________tens ________ones.
- 6 tens and 7 ones = _____________
Number Objects 8 -
- Shade a half of the circle
Add - 14 + 3 =
- 62 + 7 =
- 5 3
+ 4
- 9 3
+ 6
- 2 5
+2 3
- 5 + 2 + 3 =
- 21 + 28 =
Take away - 12 − 4 =
- 35 − 9 =
- 4 5
− 2
- 7 −
= 4
− 5 = 1
Write as additionand
_______ + _______ + _______ = ____________________and
_________ + ________ + ________ = __________________
- The first month of the year is _______________________
- April is the ____________________ month of the year.
Names the lines
(curved, straight)
- 9, 11, 13
- 14, 12, 10
- 4 tens 2 ones
- 67
- Teacher to assess
- 9
- Teacher to assess
- 17
- 69
- 57
- 99
- 48
- 10
- 49
- 8
- 26
- 43
- 3
- 6
- 2 + 2 + 2 = 6
- 3 + 3 + 3 = 9
- January
- Fourth
- Straight
- Curved
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