- Write domestic or wild. (4mks)
- Giraffe - _______________________
- Goat - _______________________
- Cow - _______________________
- Snake - _______________________
- How is the weather? Name the weather symbols. (4mks)
_________________ ________________ _________________ ____________________ - Learners in Mako Bora School wore the following clothes. How was the weather on each day of the week? (3mks)
- Monday T-shirts and shorts
_______________________ - Tuesday Boots and gumboots.
_______________________ - Wednesday - Jackets, scarf and sweaters.
(rainy, sunny, windy)
- Monday T-shirts and shorts
- How do people you know transport water? _______________________ (1mk)
- Name one source of water in our homes. _______________________ (1mk)
- We store water so that we can _______________________ it later. (pour, wash, use) (1mk)
- Match soil with the way it looks like and feels. (3mks)
Clay: Medium particles, good for farming.
Loam: Rough with large particles.
Sand: Small particles, wet and sticky. - Which part of the following plants do we eat? (3mks)
- Tomato - _______________________
- Sweet potatoes - _______________________
- Kales - _______________________
(roots, fruits, stems, leaves, flowers)
- Tick three good health habits. (3mks)
- Sleeping the whole day.
- Taking breakfast.
- Playing with our schoolmates.
- Showering daily.
- Sleeping the whole day.
- Draw and name two materials we use while showering. (2mks)
- I brush _______________________ times everyday. (1 mk)
(0, 2, 4) - If I do not have a toothbrush, I can make a _______________________ (1mk)
(paste, chewed stick, toothbrush) - How many meals do you take in a day? _______________________ (1mk)
- When do you wash your hands? (1mks) _______________________
- Tick two correct answers about people who smoke. (2 mks)
- They smell cigarette smoke.
- They smile alot.
- They may have stained teeth.
- They are always happy.
- They smell cigarette smoke.
- Match house items with rooms. (3mks)
- Jiko Bedroom
- Television. Kitchen
- Bed Livingroom
- Draw and colour the following breakfast foods. (2mks)
Orange - Why do you take breakfast? (1mk) _______________________
- Name two items you will need to clean your utensils. (2mks)
- _______________________
- _______________________
- We prepare, cook and serve food in _______________________ (1mk)
(pots, knives, utensils)
- God created everything in _______________________ days. (1mk)
- For how many days did God rest? _______________________ (1mk)
- Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of_______________________ (1mk)
(Farm, Eden, Fruits) - Complete: I am _______________________ and _______________________ made. (2mks).
(fully, fearfully, wildly, wonderfully) - God created the heavenly bodies on the _______________________day. (2mks)
(first, fifth, fourth) - Draw and colour the following heavenly bodies (2mks)
- The parents of Samuel were (2mks)
- ______________________________
- ______________________________
- Samuel stayed in the Temple with a Priest called _________________________ (1mk).
- The Bible has ___________________________ books in total. (1mk)
- Who were the 2 sons of Noah? (2mks)
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- I talk to God through ___________________________ (1mk)
(prayer, singing, playing)
SECTION 1: ORAL (10 mks)
Teacher invites pupils one by one. Welcome the pupil on a seat and introduces himself or herself. Teacher informs the pupil that there are a few thing he or she would like to know from the pupil.
Teacher: Please inform me the following.
- In Swalah you must first recite Surah ___________________________
- On which day do we go for Jum'a prayers? ___________________________
- How many pillars do Islam have? ___________________________
- Assalaam Aleikum ? (Answer) ___________________________
- When do we say "Bismillah"? ___________________________
Write the verse that follows this one.
- Qul huwa llahu Ahad. ___________________________
(Allahu Akbar, Allahu Swamad, Allahu Ahad) - Read the surah.
Qul auudhu birabbil Falaq. Min sharri maa Khalaq wamin sharri ghasigin Idhaa wakaba. Wamin sharri nafaathaati fil ukadi. Wa min sharri haasidin idhaa hasad. We should recite this surah at the time of ___________________________
(sleep, eating, travelling) - Believe in Allah. Believe in Angles. Believe in Holybooks. Believe in Prophets.
These are pillars of ___________________________
(Ihsaan, Islam, Iman) - Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) was born in the year of ___________________________
(Camel, Elephant, Birds) - Ash-hadu anlaa ilaaha illallah Wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu warasuulullah
These are words of ___________________________ .
(Shahada, Tashahhud, Salaam)
- wild
- domestic
- domestic
- wild
- Calm, Windy, Sunny, Rainy
- Sunny
- Rainy
- Windy
- Pipes
- Rain, dams
- Use
- Clay - small particles, wet and sticky
Loam - Medium particles good for farming - Sand - Rough with large particles
- Fruit
- roots
- leaves
- Teacher to assess
- Teacher to assess
- 2
- chewed stick
- 3
- When they are dirty
- Teacher to assess
- Jiko - kitchen
- Television - Living room
- Bed - bedroom
- Teacher to assess
- Bread and milk
- Soap, water
- utensils
- 7
- 1
- Eden
- fearfully and wonderfully
- fourth
- Teacher to assess
- Hannah. Elkanah
- Eli
- 66 Books
- Ham, shem, Japheth
- Prayer
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