The teacher greets the learner. The learner responds. The teacher asks the learner to sit. The teacher says "I am teacher___________ I would like you to tell me about a cow."
- Teacher: How many legs does a cow has?
(Learner responds). - Teacher: What can we get from a cow?
(Learner responds) - Teacher: What does a cow eats?
(Learner responds) - Teacher: Is a cow a wild or domestic animal?
(Learner responds). - Teacher: Peoples who keep cows are called?
(Learner responds)
READING ALOUD (Each word one mark)
The teacher asks the learner to read the following story aloud
Sama had a dream last night. In the dream he was flying up in the air. When he came to school this morning, he whispered something to me. "Jomo, I must fly today" "What!" I asked. When did you become a bird?" "Last night" Sama said. He was very serious.
Fill in the missing sounds
- h___use.
- w___ter
- b__ks
- teach___r
- fl___wer
Write the name of each picture (5 marks)
Word opposite (5 marks) - deep _________________________
- good _________________________
- up _________________________
- above _________________________
- thin _________________________
Write the sentences below in plural. (3 marks)
- This is a boy __________________________________
- My pencil __________________________________
- Blue car. __________________________________
Write words using the sounds. (2 marks)
- b __________________________________
- c __________________________________
Write "a" "an" or "the" to fill in the blanks. (5 marks)
- There is __________________________________ flower on the table.
- Show me __________________________________ elephant.
- __________________________________sun rises in the East.
- This is __________________________________ owl on the roof.
- Do you like __________________________________ apple?
Reading comprehension (5 marks)
Once upon a time, there lived a family of wax bees. The wax bees parents told their wax bee children not to stay under the sun or go near anything hot. They said this could cause an injury However, one of the wax bee children was not obedient. He decided he would go and bask in the sun. His sisters and brothers pleaded with him not to do it. They reminded him that he might get injured. Yet he refused and waited for them to leave the house so that he could go and bask.
- Name one character in this story. __________________________________
- What is the title of the story? __________________________________
- Wax bee children were not ___________________________________
- The wax bee parent told their wax bee children not to stay under the. __________________________________
- What do you think happened to the disobedient wax bee child? __________________________________
SECTION C : Writing skills (5 marks)
Write five sentences about the animal drawn below.
- ________________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
- house
- water
- books
- teacher
- flower
- bee
- flower
- table
- bottle
- book
- shallow
- bad
- down
- below
- fat/thick
- These are boys
- Our pencils
- Blue cars
- bird, book, bottle
- cat, cow
- a
- an
- The
- an
- an
- wax bees
- obedient
- sun
- he got injured
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