Tuesday, 08 February 2022 11:38

Integrated Learning Activities Questions and Answers - CBC Grade 3 End Term 3 Exams 2022 Set 1

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Instructions to the learner

  • This paper consists of 7 sections.
  • .Answer all the questions.
  • Show all the working 


  1. ______________________________________ provides security at home. (Dogs, Horses, Cows)
  2. ___________________________________ makes water both clean and safe for use. (Decantation, Filtration, Boiling)

  3. G3 ET3 2022 ILA EQ2   What is shown in the picture? (traffic lights, pedestrian crossing)
  4. Name two sources of heat
    1. ____________________________________________________
    2. ____________________________________________________
    G3 ET3 2022 ILA EQ5 Name the thorny plant. ___________________________________ (acacia, cactus, maize)
  6. Fetching water and washing utensils are ___________________________________ of children.
    (responsibilities, rights, activities)
  7. Cows give us milk and meat. True or False? ________________________________
  8. Draw the animal that give us eggs.
    ACM Q9 rectangle G5 ET3 2022
  9. A stranger is a person you ____________________________________________________________.


  1. ___________________________________________________ is good for our teeth. (Sugarcane, Biscuit)
  2. A comfortable bed should have a ___________________________________________(mattress, cups)

  3. G3 ET3 2022 ILA HNQ3
    The writings on the envelope means you take _________________________ tablets ________________________times a day (2,3 or 3,2)
  4. This is a _________________________________________ (mop, brush, broom)
  5. Name two external parasites.
  6. Draw two personal items.


  7. We boil water to __________________________________ (kill germs, remove dirt)
  8. Name one type of dirt. ________________________________________


  1. The ___________________________ went to visit Baby Jesus. (1 mark) (wisemen, teachers, nurses
  2. The people who wrote the Bible were ___________________________________ by God. (1 mark) (inspired, called)

  3. G3 ET3 2022 ILA RQ3This is a _____________________________ face. (1 mark) (happy, sad, angry)
  4. God created man on the _______________________ day. (1 mark) 
  5. Blind people do not _________________________________ (1 mark)
  6. What does God send us to make crops grow? Circle.
    G3 ET3 2022 ILA RQ6
  7. David killed Goliath using a sling and a  ____________________________ (1 mark) (gun, stone)
  8. We should thank our family members for taking care of us. ___________________________(1 mark) (True or False)
  9. The ________________________ Hebrew men refused to worship an idol.(1 mark) (three, two, five
  10. I am the man who passed by the other side when I saw the person who had been beaten by thieves. Who am I? __________________ (1 mark) (Levite, Samaritan, hotel keeper)

Answer all questions.

  1. Which surahs are recited for protection before sleeping?
    1. _______________________________________
    2. _______________________________________
  2. Name the book given to the prophets below.
    1. Musa (A.S) _______________________________
    2. Daud (A.S) _______________________________
    3. Issa (A.S) ________________________________
    4. Muhammad (P.b.u. h) _______________________________
  3. Swalatul Isha has __________________________ rakaats.
  4. The first posture of swalah is ______________________________
  5. We enter the masjid with the _____________________________ foot.
  6. Complete the dua for leaving the masjid “Allah humma inni as'aluka min _____________________________"


  1. Draw, colour and name one wild animal you know. (1 mark)
    ACM Q9 rectangle G5 ET3 2022
  2. _________________________________is a picture making technique which involves cutting out different pictures from magazines and newspaper and pasting on a surface. (Collage, Montage) (1 mark)
  3. Draw a diagonal line. (1 mark)
    ACM Q9 rectangle G5 ET3 2022
  4. Plasticine is used for _____________________________________ (1 mark)
  5. Name one item used when colouring. _______________________________________(1 mark)


  1. ___________________________ is the highness or lowness of music. (Melody, Pitch) (1 mark)
  2. Draw and name one string instrument. (1 mark)
    ACM Q9 rectangle G5 ET3 2022
  3. What are sacred songs? ________________________________________________ (1 mark)
  4. Name two materials that can be used to make shaker. (1 mark)
  5. Write any type of song.  ______________________________________________ (1 mark)


  1. Name two materials you can use to make a ball.
  2. What is the giri doing? ___________________________________________
    G3 ET3 2022 ILA MQ2
  3. Which part of the body is used for dribbling? __________________________________
  4. Mention two rules one should observe in the swimming pool
  5. Practical activity
    • Punting forward, left and right while observing safety.
      Instructions for the teacher
    • The teacher to provide learners with balls. 
    • Assess the learners in groups of not more than five.
    • Scoring should be done on an individual learner basis.
       Indicator   Exceeds expectations   Meets expectations   Approaches expectations   Below expectations 
       Punting forward, left and right while observing safety        



  1. Dogs
  2. Boiling
  3. traffic lights
  4. electric gas/ jiko/ charcoal burner/ stove/ gas cooker
  5. cactus
  6. responsibilities
  7. true
  8. Teacher to assess
  9. do not know


  1. sugarcane
  2. mattress
  3. 2, 3
  4. broom
  5. jiggers.flea/bedbug/tick/lice
  6. toothbrush, needles
  7. kill germs
  8. greasy/ milky/ starchy dirt


  1. wisemen
  2. inspired
  3. a happy face
  4. sixth day
  5. see
  6. rain
  7. stone
  8. true
  9. three
  10. Levite


  1. Nas, Falaq
    1. Taurat
    2. Zabour
    3. Injeel
    4. Quran
  3. 4/four
  4. Qiyam/ standing posititon
  5. Right
  6. Fadhlika


  1. Teacher to assess
  2. montage
  3. Teacher to assess
  4. modelling
  5. coloured pencils/ crayons


  1. Pitch
  2. Teacher to assess
  3. Songs sang to praise and worship God
  4. tin/ticks/ bottle tops/ wire
  5. sacred, patriotic, folk


  1. papers/newspapers/collection bags/old clothes
  2. running
  3. legs
  4. Do not run alngside the pool/ Always follow the instructions of the lifeguard/ no foods or drinks in the pool
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