Friday, 22 April 2022 11:06

Hygiene and Nutrition Homework Activities - CBC Grade 3

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Strand 1 Healthy practice
Sub strand 1.1 Health habits

  1. Name below healthy habits.
    1 qygudyagd
  2. Children your age should sleep for .............................................. hours, (6,8)
  3. We should eat .............................................. meals in a day, (2,3,1)
  4. Dirty feet can be c home for .............................................. (lice, jiggers)
  5. Wearing clean clothes prevents us from .............................................. (parasites, thirst)
  6. Health habits prevents our bodies from ..............................................(growing, sickness)
  7. Which one of these foods should be washed thoroughly before eating .............................................. (mango, ugaii, chapatti)

Sub strand 11.2 Oral Hgqiene

  1.  .............................................. foods are good for our teeth. (hard, soft weaith)
  2. Name two types of food that can make our teeth strong
    1.  ..............................................
    2.  ..............................................
  3. You should brush sour teeth  .............................................. in a day. (3,2,1)
  4.  ..............................................are small holes found in teeth. (cavities, saves)
  5. We should not take too hot or too cold  .............................................. (food. drinks)

Write true or false

  1. Holes on our teeth are called cavities..............................................
  2. A Doctor who treats our teeth is called an optician ..............................................
  3. Babies are born with teeth. ..............................................
  4. Sugary foods are good for our teeth ..............................................
  5. Bad breath is as a result of not cleaning our teeth regularly ..............................................
  6. Name the tooth problem shown below
    11 auyguydgada
  7. Which one of these materials is not required when brushing teeth? .............................................. (toothpaste, toothbrush. soap)
  8. We should avoid .............................................. foods because they spoil our teeth. (sugary, salty, soft)
  9. When brushng teeth, we can use a .............................................. if we do not have a toothbrush. (spoon, chewed stick, pencil)

Sub strand 1.3 Cleaning classroom

  1. Match the items with their uses
    1 1.3 auyfgduyagda
  2. Write two reasons for cleaning a classroom
    1. ..............................................
    2. ..............................................
  3. We arrange our classroom to avoid ..............................................
  4. We can use small pieces of .............................................. to scrub a Sufuria and make it clean. (papers, charcoal, metal)
  5. We should sprinkle little .............................................. on the floor before sweeping to make the dust settle. (ash, water, salt)

Sub strand 1.4 Use of improvised materials

  1. Name three items we can use to clean utensils
    1. ..............................................
    2. ..............................................
    3. ..............................................
  2. The major types of dirt found on utensils are
    1. ..............................................
    2. ..............................................
    3. ..............................................
  3. Ash can be used to .............................................. utensils (rinse, scrub)
  4. A piece of cloth can be used to .............................................. utensils (wash, dry)
  5. Sisal Fibre can be used as .............................................. (soap, sponge)
  6. Oily utensils should be washed in .............................................. and .............................................. water.
  7. Which one of the following materials can be used to clean greasy utensils? .............................................. (wood ash, son, cow dung)
  8. Which one is not an improvised scrubbing .............................................. (sand, charcoal, eggshells, sponge)

Sub strand 1.5 Proper use and storage of medicine

  1. Name three types of medicine
    1. ..............................................
    2. ..............................................
    3. ..............................................
  2. The medicines applied on the skin are called ..............................................
  3. The instruction's given by a doctor on how to take medicine is called the ..............................................  (dosage, prescription)
  4. When we fall sick we go to ..............................................
  5. Name these types of medicine 
    5 agduyad
  6. Interpret the following instructions on dosage; 1 x 3, Before meals  ..............................................
  7. Medicine should be kept out of reach of ..............................................(children, doctor)
  8. The types of medicine that are swallowed or drunk are called ..............................................

Sub strand 1.6 Making water safe for drinking

  1. Draw and colour three containers you use to store water at home 














  2. We fitter water to remove .............................................. and ..............................................
  3. Name three ways people make water dirty 
    1. ..............................................
    2. ..............................................
    3. ..............................................
  4. Clean water is not safe for drinking It may contain ..............................................
  5. We make water safe for drinking by ..............................................
  6. Why do we boil water ..............................................
  7. Is boiled water safe for someone to drink ..............................................
  8. Water that contain impurities is said to be .............................................. 

Sub strand 1.7 Kitchen garden

  1. Nome four crops we can grow in the kitchen garden
    1. .............................................. 
    2. .............................................. 
    3. .............................................. 
    4. .............................................. 
  2. Kitchen garden helps us save .............................................. (money, vegetables)
  3. We can maintain the kitchen garden by doing the following.
    Fill in the blank spaces
    1. Spraying with .............................................. 
    2. Removing unwanted plants. This is called .............................................. 
    3. Adding ..............................................  to make Align ts healthy
    4. Watering plaints regularly using a ..............................................  can
  4. There are different forms of kitchen gardens Name any three
    1. .............................................. 
    2. .............................................. 
    3. .............................................. 
    4. ..............................................
  5. If you don't have a pot at home list two things you can use for kitchen garden
    1. .............................................. 
    2. ..............................................  

Sub strand 1.8 Care of toilet,latrine and urinals.

  1. Urinals are used by ..............................................  (boys, girls)
  2. Clean toilets keep off  ..............................................   (houseflies, butterflies)
  3. We should clean toilets everyday to prevent .............................................. (germs. pain)
  4. We use a toilet brush,.............................................. and .............................................. to clean a urinal.
  5. Name the following
    5b augduagda
  6. Name the following materials used to clean toilets, latrines and urinal.
    6 augduyad

Sub strand 1.9 Bed Making

  1. Name the bedding materials
    1 1.9 suygduyagda
  2. Making our bed makes our room  ..............................................  (neat, bad)
  3. We use a  ..............................................  to keep off dust from the bed (bed covers, sheet) 
  4. Bedding, materials keeps us  ..............................................  and  ............................................... (warm, cold, comfortable, sweat).
  5.  .............................................. is used to raise me upright while in bed.
  6.  .............................................. is a rectangular soft sponge found on a bed.

Sub strand 2.1 Prevention of parasite in and out of the body

  1. Hygiene means  ..............................................  (cleanliness. bathing)
  2. A  ..............................................  is an animal that lives in or on our bodies.
  3. A person who has been attacked by a parasite is called  .............................................. (host, human, sick)
  4. External parasite sucks  .............................................. 
  5. Parasites that are found inside our bodies are called  ..............................................  parasites.
  6. List two examples of internal parasites 
    1.  .............................................. 
    2.  .............................................. 
  7. List two examples of external parasites
    1.  .............................................. 
    2.  ..............................................
  8. Lice are found on our  .............................................. (feet, hair)
  9. We can use a  .............................................. to cover our mattress and prevent urine from passing through (pillow case, mackintosh)
  10. Name these parasites
    10 auygduygadya
  11. when a person wets their bed during sleep
  12. Write down two things to do after wetting your bed
    1.  ..............................................
    2.  ..............................................
  13. Wetting the bed makes us feel  ..............................................(bad, good)
  14. We should  .............................................. the wet mattress and blankets to avoid bad smell. (wash, air)


  1. Some people do not eat some foods because of their  .............................................. (religion, taste, colour)
  2. Good behaviours during meals is called good  .............................................. manners
  3. A meal that has food from all the food groups is called a (balanced, full)
  4. Name these foodsfound in our communities
    4 aygduyagyda
  5. Write two things we should not do during meals
    1. ..............................................
    2. ..............................................
  6. Name two types of food in each category
    Food that gives us energy Food that builds our body Food that protects us from diseases
  7. Name the parts of the plant we eat on the following
    1. Sugarcane ..............................................
    2. Beans ..............................................
    3. Cassava ..............................................
    4. Carrots ..............................................
    5. Kales ..............................................
  8. Tick the correct column
      Foods from animals  Foods from plants 
    a) Bread
    b) Eggs
    c) Milk
    d) Beef
    e) Rice
  9. Food, rest and .............................................. strong and healthy (exercise, running)
  10. People who are too fat may suffer from diseases like .............................................. (cholera, heart attack)
  11. Same people eat too little food because they are .............................................. (sick, healthy)
  12. Name three foods that can be eaten raw
    1. ..............................................
    2. ..............................................
    3. ..............................................
    4. ..............................................
      Write true or false
  13. Food should be stored in a clean and dry place ..............................................
  14. Cooked food should not be covered ..............................................
  15. Cooked food should not be mixed with uncooked food ..............................................
  16. Damp grains should be dried in the sun ..............................................
  17. Grains should be free from pests ..............................................
  18. Name the following food storage facilities
    18 auygduygadyuga
  19. Food should be stored proper to prevent .............................................. (using, wastage)
  20. After harvesting, grains can be stored in ..............................................
    20 ayguydgauyda

common accidents

  1. Look at the pictures and say what has made the children to fall
    1 agduyagdyghad
  2. Some of the things that can cut us are
    1. ..............................................
    2. ..............................................
    3. ..............................................
  3. When we fall on rough surfaces, our skin get .............................................. (cuts, grazes)
  4. Razor blades can cause .............................................. (falls, cuts)
  5. The first help we get after getting hurt is called .............................................. (first help, first aid)
  6. When blood comes out of the nose, we say we are nose .............................................. (bleeding, running)
  7. When a person faints we should .............................................. their clothing. (tighten. loosen)
  8. We should .............................................. the legs of someone who has fainted (raise, lower)
  9. We should be .............................................. at school to avoid accidents (careless, careful)
  10. We should not throw  .............................................. objects like nails at others. (blunt, sharp)

Consumer Education

  1. Draw 3 types of containers where food is piackdd
    1. ..............................................
    2. ..............................................
    3. ..............................................
  2. Food that is put in a packet is called .............................................. food (packet, packaged)
  3. The .............................................. number tells us when the food was made among others. (expiry, batch)
  4. The date the food was made is the .............................................. date (expiry, manufacturing)

Name these pictures where we buy food

4 ayugdaygda


Sub-Strand 1.1

    1. Playing 
    2. Sleeping 
    3. Eating hard food 
    4. Drinking water
    5. Bathing
    6. Visiting the doctor 
  2. 3
  3. Jiggers 
  4. Parasites
  5. Sickness
  6. Mango 

Sub-Strand 1.2

  1. Hard 
    1. Carrots 
    2. Milk
  3. 2
  4. Cavities
  5. Drinks
  6. True
  7. False
  8. False 
  9. False 
  10. True 
    1. Cavity 
    2. Bleeding gum 
    3. Mouth sores 
  12. Soap 
  13. Sugary 
  14. Chewed stick

Sub-Strand 1.3 

  1. Matching
    1. To remove dirt and dust 
    2. To make the class look neat and beautiful 
    3. To avoid getting sick
  3. Accidents 
  4. Charcoal 
  5. Water

Sub-Strand 1.4 

    1. Sponge
    2. Soap
    3. Steel wire
    1. Milky
    2. Greasy/Oily 
    3. Starchy
  3. Scrub
  4. Dry
  5. Sponge
  6. Warm, soapy
  7. Wood ash
  8. Sponge

Sub-Strand 1.5 

    1. Capsules
    2. Tablets
    3. Syrup
  2. Ointment
  3. Prescription
  4. Hospital
    1. Syrup
    2. Tablets 
    3. Ointment 
    4. Capsules
  6. Take one tablet three times in a day
  7. Children
  8. Internal

Sub-Strand 1.6 

  1. Drawing 
  2. Dirt, mud 
    1. Throwing dirty things in water 
    2. Washing clothes near or in the water source
    3. Allowing animals to drink from the water source
  4. Germs
  5. Boiling 
  6. To kill germs
  7. Yes
  8. Dirty

Sub-strand 1.7

    1. Kales
    2. Tomatoes
    3. Cabbage
    4. Kunde/ Onions 
  2. Money
    1. Chemicals
    2. Weeding 
    3. Manure 
    4. Water 
    1. bags / sacks 
    2. boxes /basins 
    3. pot 
    4. Small plots
  5. sack, bag, boxes, pot, basin

Sub-strand 1.8

  1. Boys
  2. Houseflies
  3. Germs 
  4. Water, soap
    1. toilet 
    2. Urinal 
    3. Latrine
    1. Broom 
    2. Brush 
    3. Disinfectant 
    4. Basin

Sub-Strand 1.9 

    1. Pillow
    2. Mattress
    3. Duvet /Blanket
    4. Bed sheet
  2. Neat
  3. Bedcovers
  4. Comfortable 
  5. Pillow 
  6. Mattress

Strand 2.0 

  1. Cleanliness 
  2. Parasite 
  3. Host 
  4. Blood 
  5. Internal
    1. Round worms
    2. Liver Fluke
    1. Flea
    2. Tick
  8. Hair
  9. Mackintosh
    1. Flea
    2. Mosquito 
    3. Lice
    4. Tick 
  11. Bed wetting
    1. Washing dirty bedding
    2. Airing beddings 
    3. bathing daily
  13. Bad
  14. Wash

Strand 3 

  1. Religion
  2. Table
  3. Balanced
    1. Kales
    2. Sweet potatoes
    3. Carrot 
    4. Putato 
    5. Maize 
    6. Beans 
    7. Fish
    8. Eggs
    1. Talk with food in our mouth
    2. Do not eat with mouth open
    1. Food that gives us energy 
      1. Ugali
      2. Chapatti 
      3. Rice
    2. Food that builds our body
      1. Meat
      2. Fish 
      3. Chicken
    3. Food that protects us from diseases
      1. Banana 
      2. Kales
      3. Cabbage 
    1. Stems
    2. Seeds 
    3. Leaves 
    4. Roots
    5. Roots
  8. Food from animals - Eggs, milk, weet
    Food from plants - Bread, rice 
  9. Exercise 
  10. Heart attack 
  11. Sick
    1. Carrots
    2. Tomatoes
    3. Ripe bananas
    4. Oranges 
  13. True
  14. False 
  15. True 
  16. True 
  17. True
    1. Cupboard
    2. Fridge
    3. Tins/Food containers
    4. Shelve
    5. Sack
    6. Rack 
  19. Wastage 
  20. A granary

Common accidents

    1. fall in a pit
    2. Slippery floor
    3. Fall from a tree 
  2. Razor blade
  3. Grazes
  4. Cuts
  5. First aid
  6. Bleeding
  7. Loosen
  8. Raise
  9. Careful
  10. Sharp
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Read 6527 times Last modified on Thursday, 17 November 2022 11:11