Thursday, 05 October 2023 09:11

Integrated Learning Activities Questions and Answers - Grade 3 Mid Term 3 Exams 2023 Set 1

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  1. The road sign below means
    (stop, get ready, go)
  2. A road which passes in the forest to school is _______________________________
    (unsafe, safe, straight)
  3. Pedestrians should cross a road safely at  _______________________________
    ( zebra crossing, bumps, highway) 
  4. The feature below is a _______________________
    (lake, river, dam)
  5. Name the farm tool below.
    (Fork, ,Rake, Slasher)
  6. The sun sets in the ___________________
    (East, South, North, West)
  7. What is the weather?
    Rainy __________________________
    (windy, stormy, rainy)
  8. Which one is not a wild animal? __________________________________
    (Duck, Monkey, Ostrich) 
  9. Ben wants to carry a sack of maize. He can use a _________________________
    (hen, dog, donkey)
  10. Which colour of our flag means peace? ______________________________
    (Black, Red, white, Green)
  11. The soil with fine particles is ________________________ soi;
    (sandy, loam, clay)
  12. A tap is a source of clean water. True or False?_____________________________
  13. Calvin drank dirty water. He will be ___________________________
    (healthy, sick, dirty)
  14. Shantel carried this item when going to school. The weather is _______________________________.
    ( cloudy, windy, rainy)
  15. ___________________________ is a long period without rainfall.
    (Drought, Flood, Desert)


  1. Julie wets her bed at night. She may be taking ____________________________ before sleeping.
    (rest, sweets, water)
  2. When we don't have toothpaste we can use __________________________
    (wood ash, salt, milk)
  3. __________________________ is an international parasite.
    (Lice, Tapeworm, Housefly)
  4. These items are found in the ________________________________
    1. Bedcover 
    2. sheet
    3. mattress
    4. blanket
      (Kitchen, Batroom, Bedroom)
  5. Draw and colour a matress
  6. Which personal item is used to clean our nose? ______________________________
  7. A bed bug is an external parasite. True or False? ________________________________
  8. ____________________________ is not grown in the kitchen garden.
    (Carrot, Kales, Tea)
  9. Drinking water should be _______________________
    (boiled, cleaned, filtered)
  10. Mosquitoes spread ___________________________
    (Headache, Malaria, Diarrhoea)
  11. Meat, milk and eggs provide us with _______________________________
    (carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins)
  12. A baby is born with _____________________________ teeth.
    ( one, two, no)
  13. Draw and colour a ripe apple.
  14. Julie goes to the toilet many times. She has __________________________
    (Coughs, Headache, Diarrhoea)
  15. A _____________________________ treats our teeth.
    (Optician, dentist)


  1. We use a _______________________ for dribbling. ( rope, ball, hoops )
  2. __________________________ will float on water. (Feathers, Coins, Nails)
  3. This musical instrument is called a _________________________
    Shaker (flute, horn, shaker)
  4. This animal moves by __________________________
    fish 2
    (floating, swimming, crawling)
  5. Name this item. _______________________
    G3ILAMT3S12023Q5  (aeroplane, roller, propeller)
  6. Draw and colour a drum as a musical instrument.
  7. When dribbling the ball, we keep it closer to our body ______________________________
    (legs, body, legs)
  8. When girls sing, their faces look like this.
    The girls are __________________________  (sad, tired, happy)
  9. When we dance, our ____________________________does not move.  (legs, hands, stomach)
  10. Which shape can be used to make a wheel? ___________________________  (Triangle, Oval, Circular)


  1. The birth of Jesus is celebrated on  ______________________________
    ( 25th December, 25th March, 26th December )
  2. Father, ___________________children make a nuclear family.   (cousins, aunts, mother)
  3. Jesus held hand of Jairus ________________________ and said,
    "Talitha Koum."
    (son, widow, daughter)
  4. Jesus hometown was at _____________________________
    (Jericho, Bethlehem, Nazareth)
  5. We should have _________________________ in God. ( faith, hate, riches)
  6. Draw and colour the house of God
  7. Mark, John, __________________________ and Mathew are gospel books.
    (Acts, Genesis, Luke)
  8.  __________________________ was the wife to Adam. (Esther, Eve, Elizabeth)
  9. Old Testament has ___________________________ books. ( 27, 66, 39)
  10. Adam and his wife were sent away from the garden of Eden because they ______________________ God.
    (Loved, disobeyed, hated)


  1. Muslims pray while facing _________________________________ (Qiblah, Moon, Sun)
  2. We attend the Mosque on ___________________________(Friday, Sunday, Saturday)
  3. ____________________________ is the messengers of Allah. (SW)
    (Issah, Mohammad, Musa)
  4. The holy book of Zaboor was given to Nabii ____________________________ (Musa, Muhammad, Dawood)
  5. Muslims fast in the month of ___________________________(Idd-Ul-Fitr, Muharrum, Ramadhan)
  6. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was born in the city of ___________________________     (Madina, Mecca, Athrab)
  7. We take ___________________________ before attending prayers.   (hudhu, food, wine)
  8. ______________________________ is not good  (Prayers, Alcohol, Food)
  9. We pray in the holy place known as the _____________________________ (Mosque, Church, Temple)
  10. Angel _________________________ is in charge of Wahyi.


Task 1 : Environmental activities

  1. Stop
  2. unsafe
  3. zebra crossing
  4. river
  5. rake
  6. West
  7. rainy
  8. Duck
  9. donkey
  10. White
  11. clay
  12. True
  13. sick
  14. rainy
  15. Drought

Task 2: Hygiene and Nutrition

  1. water
  2. salt
  3. Tapeworm
  4. Bedroom
  5. Teacher to assess
  6. Handkerchief
  7. True
  8. Tea
  9. Boiled
  10. Malaria
  11. proteins
  12. no
  13. Teacher to assess
  14. Diarrhoea
  15. Dentist

Task 3: Movement and Creative Activities

  1. ball
  2. Feather
  3. shaker
  4. swimming
  5. propeller
  6. Teacher to assess
  7. legs
  8. happy
  9. stomach
  10. Circular

Task 4: Christian Religious Activity

  1. 25th December
  2. Mother
  3. daughter
  4. Nazareth
  5. faith
  6. Teacher to assess
  7. Luke
  8. Eve
  9. 39
  10. disobeyed


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