Friday, 22 April 2022 11:13

CRE Homework Activities - CBC Grade 3

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Strand 1: CREATION
Answer all the questions

  1. List the good any bad feelings in the table below 
    good feelings  Bad feelings
  2. We are created in the image anc likeness of ...............................................
  3. Every part of our ............................................... was created by God.
  4. God created all human beings ............................................... and female.
  5. We should have ...............................................thoughts for others. (good, bad)
  6. We should ............................................... God for being our Creator. (hate, thank)
  7. Stealing peoples things is a bad behavior ...............................................(false, true)
  8. God wants us to make the ............................................... choice. (wrong, right)
  9. Is helping our siblings a good choice?...............................................(yes, no)
  10. Write two things that make God happy
    1. ...............................................
    2. ...............................................
  11. Cousins, aunts and uncles are members of the ............................................... family (single, extended)
  12. We should...............................................members of our family. (love, hate)
  13. There should be...............................................among siblings. (unity, dislike)
  14. We should visit our family in the rural area during the holidays...............................................(correct, incorrect)
  15. Look for members of the family in the word search below
    15 auygduya
  16. You call the sister of your father ...............................................
  17. Name two members of the nuclear family
    1. ...............................................
    2. ...............................................
  18. Look at the pictures below. Say whether they show sad or happy faces
    18 a uygauyda  18 b aigduyada
  19. God created the...............................................on the second day.
  20. Our first parents were Adam and ...............................................
  21. Our first parents ...............................................God when they ate the forbidden fruit (obeyed, disobeyed)
  22. Whenever we do not follow the instructions given by God we get ............................................... (punished, beaten)
  23. The first man to be created by God was ............................................... (Noah, Adam) 
  24. God created man from ............................................... (bone, soil) 
  25. In school we should obey our ...............................................
  26. Eve was created from the man's ...............................................(flesh, rib) 
  27. Adam and Eve lived in the garden of ...............................................
  28. Match the family relations in A with the ones in B
    Samuel  Jesse
    Isaac Noah
    David Jacob
    Rueben Elikanah
    Ham Abraham
  29. Joseph the father of Jesus was a ................................................ Coulor the correct picture.
    29 auygduyad  29 b auihiuhad  29 c Aughaghad
  30. Joseph had a ............................................... of many colours (shirt, coat)

Strand 2: The Holy Bible

  1. Those who wrote the Bible were guided by ............................................... (a star, God)
  2. The first four books in the New Testament are called ............................................... (Gospels, law books)
  3. The Old Testament has ...............................................books (27, 39)
  4. The Bible is a book for all................................................ (Christians, Hindus)
  5. The New Testament has...............................................books (27, 30)
  6. The Bible should through our lives (guide, misguide)
  7. The gospel books teach us about............................................... (Jesus Christ, Luke)
  8. The Bible is divided (2, 3)
  9. The second book of the Bible is...............................................(Exodus, matthew) 
  10. The last book of the Bible is...............................................(Revelation, Genesis) 
  11. Colour the picture below
    11 auygfdgada
  12. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were the...............................................Israelites. (fathers, forefathers)
  13. Moses covered his...............................................because he did not want to see God. (head, eyes) 
  14. God told Moses he was standing on...............................................ground.
  15. Moses saw the burning bush at Mount...............................................(Kenya, Sinai)
  16. Draw and colour a big fish








  17. Jonah went to...............................................instead of going to Nineveh (Joppa, Jerusalem) 
  18. God is...............................................with us when we disobey him. (happy, unhappy) 
  19. The people of Nineve were...............................................(evil, good) 
  20. Jonah stayed inside the fish for...............................................days. (4, 3) 
  21. Naaman was a...............................................soldier (Egyptian, Syrian) 
  22. Naaman suffered from a...............................................disease (skin, teeth) 
  23. A little...............................................girl said Naaman would be healed by a prophet. (Israelite, Phillistine)
  24. Naaman washed himself in R................................................(Tigris, Jordan) 
  25. King ...............................................ordered people to worship an idol (David, Nebuchadnezzar)
  26. Name the three man who refused to worship idols
    1. ...............................................
    2. ...............................................
    3. ...............................................
  27. Elisha was a...............................................(king, prophet)
  28. Elisha cursed ............................................... boys (45, 42)
  29. The fourth man in the fire where the three Hebrew boys were put looked like ............................................... (an angel, God)
  30. Who among the following people obeyed God? ............................................... (Adam, Moses)

Stand 3: The Early life of Jesus Christ

  1. The wisemen were guided by the...............................................(star, sun)
  2. ...............................................was the king when Jesus was born. (Solomon, Herod)
  3. After birth Jesus was laid in a...............................................(bed, manger)
  4. The wisemen came from the............................................... (east, west)
  5. Jesus was born in ...............................................(Nazareth, Bethlehem)
  6. We read about the birth of Jesus in the ...............................................(New testament, Old testament)
  7. ............................................... and ...............................................were the parents of Jesus
  8. Jesus and his parents lived in ............................................... (Nazareth, Bethlehem)
  9. Jesus grew up and became ............................................... (weak, strong)
  10. Jesus Christ was full of ...............................................(wisdom, dishonesty) 
  11. We should be ............................................... of our home. (proud, sad)
  12. God's blessings were upon Jesus ............................................... (true, false)
  13. The town of Nazareth was in  ............................................... (Galilee, Judea) 
  14. The parents of Jesus ...............................................  the law of God (obeyed, disobeyed).
  15. The injured man was going to  ............................................... (Jerusalem, Jericho)
  16. The Good Samaritan took the injured man to a  ............................................... (hospital, hotel) 
  17. Who did not behave like a neighbour to the injured man in the story of the Good Samaritan ............................................... (priest, Samaritan) 
  18. We should be  ...............................................  to the needy. (kind, unkind)
  19. Lake Galilee was also called Lake  ...............................................  (Victoria, Tiberias) 
  20. A large crowd followed Jesus because they saw him perform  ...............................................  (magic, miracles) 
  21. Jesus asked  ...............................................  where they would buy food to feed the people (Andrew, phillip)
  22.  ...............................................  was the brother of Simon Peter. (Andrew, Phillip)
  23. Jesus fed  ...............................................  people. (5000, 3000) 
  24. After feeding the people they collected  ............................................... baskets of left overs (10, 12)
  25. We should keep the environment  ...............................................  (dirty, clean) 
  26. The little boy had ...............................................  loaves of bread and  ...............................................  fish.
  27.  ............................................... sank in water because of lack of faith. (Peter, John) 
  28. Jesus went up a hill alone to  ...............................................  (rest, Pray) 
  29. Jesus Christ walked on  ............................................... 
  30. The disciples were afraid because they thought that Jesus was a  ............................................... (demon, ghost)

Strand 4: Christian Values

  1.  ............................................... is telling the truth (honesty, dishonesty)
  2. The story of Anannias teaches us to be  ...............................................  (kind, truthful)
  3. Annanias lied to  ...............................................  (Jesus, Holy Spirit) 
  4. Annanias had a wife called  ...............................................  (Saphira, Sarah) 
  5. Annanias body was buried by same ............................................... (young men, old men)
  6.  ............................................... told Annanias that he had lied to God. (Peter, Paul)
  7. Annanias ............................................... with his wife to hide some of the money. (disagreed, agreed)
  8. We thank God through ............................................... (praising, playing) 
  9. We should thank God because His love lasts ............................................... (sometime, forever) 
  10. We should thank God for creating our enemies  ............................................... (true, false)
  11. Jesus told Peter he should forgive ...............................................times
  12. The King  ............................................... the servant who owed him a lot of money. (forgave, punished)
  13. The person who could not pay the servant was put in  ...............................................  (a sack, jail)
  14. When we wrong others we should ask for  ...............................................
  15. You cannot ............................................... a person who talks bad about others. (forgive, trust) 
  16. When we talk about others God is happy  ............................................... (true, false) 
  17. We should always trust in ............................................... (God, Satan) 
  18. A stranger is someone we  ............................................... 
  19. To have a duty to do something is called  ............................................... (irresponsibility, responsibility) 
  20. We should clean every part of our body  ............................................... (true, false)

Read this story
Two pupils in grade 3 are unhappy with one another. Peter took Kamene's pen. Kamene refused to forgive him because he had not asked for it. Peter said he was sorry but Kamene refused to listen to him. They are no longer speaking to each other

  1. Peter asked for  ............................................... (forgiveness, wisdom) 
  2. What did Kamene do to Peter?  ............................................... 
  3. This story teaches teaches us to  ............................................... 
  4. Name two Christian values
    1.  ...............................................
    2.  ...............................................
  5.  We thank God through ............................................... (fighting, praying) 
  6. We should not forgive those who wrong us. ............................................... (correct, incorrect)
  7. We should not expect P__YM_NT when we do work at home
  8. We should think about other people's INT_R_ST
  9. We should trust all the people with our secrets  ...............................................  (yes, no)
  10. The King put the unforgiving servant in a cave until he paid his money  ...............................................  (true, false)

This is the Lord's Prayer. Fill the gaps
Our Father in___1___ may Your ___2___name be honoured. May Your__3__come. May Your __4__ be done on __5__ as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily __6__ and forgive us our __7___ as we forgive those who lead us not int__9___but_ _10__ us from ___11___

  1. We should say the Lord's prayer ...............................................(always, sometimes)
  2. Jesus Christ showed His ............................................... how to pray. (disciples, parents) 
  3. We should say the Lord's prayer ............................................... (in the church, anywhere)
  4. The disciples were told not leave ............................................... until they receive the Holy Spirit (Jerusalem, Bethel)
  5. Jesus promised His disciples ............................................... (a gift, The Holy Spirit)
  6. The disciples spoke in ............................................... (Hebrew, other languages)
  7. The Holy Spirit came in form of a strong ............................................... (force, wind)
  8. Write down three fruits of the Holy Spirit
    1. ...............................................
    2. ...............................................
    3. ...............................................
  9. When the Holy Spirit came the followers of Jesus saw tongues of ............................................... (smoke, fire) 
  10. The............................................... of God is a light for my path. (word. angel) 
  11. We should ............................................... the Bible everyday so that it can guide us. (carry, read)
  12. Jesus raised the daughter of ............................................... (Jairus, Martha) 
  13. We should show ............................................... to God during prayer (Disrespect, respect) 
  14. Prayer is a way of ............................................... with God (communicating, working)
  15. The prayer that Jesus taught His disciples is called the ............................................... prayer (our Father, Lord's)
  16. When praying we should ask God not to bring us to ...............................................testing. (hard, big) 
  17. We ask God to give us our daily ...............................................(jobs, bread) 
  18. The Holy Spirit is our...............................................(helper, friend)
  19. Draw a tree on the following fruits of the Holy Spirit
    Love Joy Peace Patience 



  1.         Good feeling         
    1. Happiness
    2. Joy
      Bad feeling
    3. Envy
    4. Angel
    5. Jealousy
  2. God
  3. Body
  4. Male
  5. Good
  6. Thank
  7. True
  8. Right
  9. Yes
    1. Helping people in need
    2. Loving other people 
  11. Extended 
  12. Love 
  13. Unity 
  15. Crossword 
  16. Aunt
    1. Father
    2. Mother
    3. Children 
  18. Sad, sad
  19. Sky 
  20. Even 
  21. Disobeyed 
  22. Punished 
  23. Adam 
  24. Soil 
  25. Teachers 
  26. Rib 
  27. Eden
  28. Samuel - Elikanah
    Isaac - Abraham
    David - Jesse
    Rueben - Jacob
    Ham Noah 
  29. Carpenter
  30. Coat


  1. God
  2. Gospels
  3. 39
  4. Christians
  5. 27
  6. Guide
  7. Jesus Christ
  8. 2
  9. Exodus
  10. Revelation
  11. Colouring 
  12. Forefathers 
  13. Eyes 
  14. Holy 
  15. Sinai 
  16. Drawing 
  17. Joppa 
  18. Unhappy 
  19. evil 
  20. Three 
  21. Syrian 
  22. Skin
  23. Israelite
  24. Jordan 
  25. Nebuchadnezzar
    1. Shadrack
    2. Meshack
    3. Abednego
  27. Prophet 
  28. 42 
  29. An angel
  30. Moses


  1. Star
  2. Herod 
  3. Manger
  4. East 
  5. Bethlehem 
  6. New Testamen 
  7. Mary, Joseph
  8. Nazareth
  9. Strong 
  10. Wisdom
  11. Proud.
  12. True
  13. Galilee 
  14. Obeyed
  15. Jericho 
  16. Hotel
  17. Priest
  18. Kind
  19. Tiberias 
  20. Miracles 
  21. Philip 
  22. Andrew 
  23. 5000 
  24. 12 
  25. Clean 
  26. Five/two 
  27. Peter 
  28. pray 
  29. Water 
  30. Ghost


  1. Honesty 
  2. Truthful 
  3. Holy Spirit 
  4. Saphira 
  5. Young men 
  6. Peter 
  7. Agreed 
  8. Praising 
  9. Forever 
  10. TRUE 
  11. Seventy seven 
  12. Forgave 
  13. Jail 
  14. Forgiveness 
  15. Trust 
  16. True 
  17. God 
  18. Do not know 
  19. Responsibility 
  20. True 
  21. Forgiveness 
  22. She refused to forgive him 
  23. Forgive those who wrong us
    1. Trust
    2. Forgiveness
    3. Sharing 
  25. Praying 
  26. Incorrect
  27. Payment
  29. NO 
  30. FALSE


  1. Heaven
  2. Name
  3. Kingdom
  4. Will
  5. Earth
  6. Bread
  7. The wrongs
  8. Wrong us 
  9. Temptation 
  10. Deliver 
  11. Evil 
  12. Always 
  13. Disciples 
  14. Anywhere
  15. Jerusalem
  16. The Holy Spirit 
  17. Other languages 
  18. Wind 
    1. Love
    2. Joy
    3. Peace
    4. Patience 
    5. Kindness
    6. Goodness 
    7. Faithfulness
    8. Humility
    9. Self-control
  20. Fire 
  21. Word 
  22. Read 
  23. Jairus 
  24. Respect 
  25. Communicating 
  26. Lords 
  27. Hard
  28. Bread 
  29. Helper
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Read 9588 times Last modified on Wednesday, 04 January 2023 08:19