- Fill in the missing numbers.
19 21 23 25 - Write in words.
4 - ______________________________
7 - ______________________________
2 - ______________________________ - Take away
10 − 3 = ____________________________
6 − 1 = _____________________________ - Colour the big objects.
- Match the numbers with words.
- Draw objects.
7 stars = _________________________________
4 books = ________________________________ - Put together.
2 + 3 = _________________
4 + 4 = _________________
5 + 2 = __________________ - Complete the sentences.
I have ___________________ fingers.
A cat has _____________________ legs.
There are ________________________ days in a week.
- 18, ,20, 22, 24, 26
- Four, Seven, two
- 7, 5
- Teacher to assess
- 7 - Seven
5 - five
10 = ten
6 - six
2 - two - Teacher to assess
- 5, 8, 7.
- five(5) fingers, four(4) legs, Seven (7) days