MTP (Mountain Top Publishers) Home Science - Grade 5 Schemes of Work Term 1 2023

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Pre-teen/pre- adolescence
(9-12 years):
changes that take place during pre- teen/pre- adolescence.

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1.  Explain the meaning of pre- teen/pre-adolescence.
  2. Watch a video clip on good grooming for pre-teen/pre- adolescence.
  3. Mention changes that take place during pre-teen/pre- adolescence
  4. Appreciate healthy habits in pre-teen/pre-adolescence
  • What are the changes that take place during a pre- teen/pre- adolescence stage?
  • Learners brainstorm on who a pre-teen/pre- adolescence is by using video clips, pictures, charts.
  • In groups learners share experiences on the changes that take place during pre- teen/pre-adolescence through stories.
  • Video clips,
  • pictures,
  • charts,
  • storybook,
  • resource person
  • MTP  Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 1-3
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 3-4
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self- assessment,
  • checklist,
  • portfolio
   2   Pre-teen/pre- adolescence
(9-12 years): Good grooming as a daily habit

By the end of the sub strand, the
learner should be able to;

  1. Practice good grooming as a daily health habit
  2. Discuss aspects of good grooming
  3.  Appreciate healthy habits in pre-teen/pre-adolescence
  • What are the changes that take place during a pre-teen/pre- adolescence stage?
  • Learners to watch a video clip on good grooming for pre-teen/pre-adolescence
  • Learner’s peer teach, role play good grooming
  • Learners to watch a video clip on good grooming for pre-teen/pre-adolescence
  • Video clips,
  • pictures,
  • charts,
  • storybook,
  • resource person
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 4-5
  • MTP Home science Grade 5TG Pg. 4-5
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self- assessment,
  • checklist,
  • portfolio
   3   Pre-teen/pre- adolescence
(9-12 years): Daily physical exercise as a healthy habit

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. Practice daily physical exercise as a daily health habit
  2. Discuss aspects of good exercise
  3. Appreciate healthy habits in pre-teen/pre-adolescence
  • What are the changes that take place during a pre- teen/pre Adolescence stage?
  • In groups learners carry out daily physical exercise as a healthy habit
  • Video clips,
  • pictures,
  • charts,
  • storybook,
  • resource person
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 7
  • MTP Home science Grade 5TG Pg. 7
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self- assessment,
  • checklist,
  • portfolio
 2  1    Pre-teen/pre-
(9-12 years):
healthy habits
for pre-teens

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. State healthy eating habits for a pre-teen/pre- adolescence
  2. Observe safety precautions as pre-teen/pre-adolescence within their environment
  3. Appreciate healthy habits in pre-teen/pre-adolescence
  • What are the changes that take place during a pre- teen/pre- adolescence stage?
  • In groups learners brainstorm on healthy habits during pre- teen/pre-adolescence through experience, sharing stories, resource person, watching video clip
  • Learners discuss safety precautions to observe as pre-teen/pre-adolescence within their environment
  • Video clips,
  • pictures,
  • charts,
  • storybook,
  • resource person
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 8-9
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 7
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self- assessment,
  • checklist,
  • portfolio
   2   Pre-teen/pre- adolescence
(9-12 years): Appreciating
Healthy habits in pre- adolescence

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. State healthy eating habits for a pre-teen/pre- adolescence
  2. Observe safety precautions as pre-teen/pre-adolescence within their environment
  3. Appreciate healthy habits in pre-teen/pre-adolescence
  • What are the changes that take place during a pre- teen/pre adolescence stage?
  • In groups learners brainstorm on healthy
    habits during pre- teen/pre-adolescence through experience, sharing stories, resource person, watching video clip
  • Learners discuss safety precautions to observe as pre-teen/pre-adolescence within their environment
  • Video clips,
  • pictures,
  • charts,
  • storybook,
  • resource person
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 8-9
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 7
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self- assessment,
  • checklist,
  • portfolio
   3   Dressing self: factors to consider when choosing a
cloth for pre- teens

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. Mention factors to consider in the choice of clothes and shoes for pre-teens/pre- adolescence.
  2. State the types of shoes for pre-teens/pre-adolescence.
  3. Explain decent ways to dress Appreciate proper clothing for a pre-teens/pre- adolescent
  • What are the
    dressing needs of


  • In groups learners share experiences on the choice of clothes for pre- teens/pre adolescence.
  • Using digital devices, charts, pictures, learners brainstorm on the types of shoes for pre-teen/pre- adolescence
  • Digital devices,
  • pictures,
  • charts,
  • different types of shoes
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 11-13
  • MTP Home science Grade 5TG Pg. 13
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self- assessment,
  • checklist,
  • portfolio
 3  1   Dressing self: Decent ways to dress during
pre- adolescence

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1.  Identify appropriate clothes and shoes for pre-teens/pre- adolescents
  2. State the factors to consider in the choice of shoes and clothes for pre-teens/ pre- adolescents
  3.  Fashion show different ways to dress for a pre-teen or pre- adolescent
  4. Appreciate proper clothing for a pre-teens/pre- adolescent
  • What are the dressing needs of pre-teens/pre- adolescents?
  • Learners brainstorm on different factors to be considered in the choice of shoes and clothes for pre-teens/pre-adolescence through watching video clips, pictures, (comfort, age, shape)
  • Learners identify appropriate clothes and shoes for pre-teens/pre- adolescents
  • Learners fashion show different ways of dressing for pre-teens/ pre- adolescents
  • Digital devices,
  • pictures,
  • charts,
  • different types of shoes
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 13-15
  • MTP Home science Grade 5TG Pg. 14-15
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self- assessment,
  • checklist,
  • portfolio
   2    Time management: positive leisure activities for healthy living

By the end of the sub strand, the
learner should be able to;

  1. Identify positive leisure
    activities for healthy living
  2. Prepare a plan on how to
    spend time in their daily life
  3. Appreciate the importance of
    time management for
    wellbeing of self and others.
  • How do you spend time at home?
  • In groups learners identify positive leisure activities for healthy living
  • Learners prepare a plan on how to spend time in their daily life
  • NOTE: Teachers to emphasize on the positive effects of media
  • Pictures,
  • storybooks,
  • video clips
  • MTP Home science Grade 5
  • Learners Bk. Pg. 17-19
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 21
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self- assessment,
  • checklist,
  • portfolio
   3   Time management:
effects of time wastage

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. Identify the effects of wasting time in their daily life
  2. Prepare a plan on how to spend time in their daily life
  3. Appreciate the importance of time management for wellbeing of self and others.
  • How do you spend time at home?
  • In groups learners identify effects of time wastage
  • Learners share experience on activities that can lead to time wastage( uncontrolled media influence, disorganization)
  • NOTE: Teachers to emphasize on the positive effects of media
  • Pictures,
  • storybooks,
  • video clips
  • MTP Home science Grade 5
  • Learners Bk. Pg. 20
  • MTP Home science Grade 5TG Pg. 22
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self- assessment,
  • checklist,
  • portfolio
 4 1    Time management: Appreciating
importance of time management

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. Explain the importance of using time well in their daily life
  2.  Name the factors that may lead to time wastage in day- to-day life
  3. Appreciate the importance of
    time management for wellbeing of self and others.
  • How do you spend time at home?
  • Learners prepare a plan on how to spend time in their daily life
  • In groups learners discuss the importance of using time well in daily life.
  • Learners to share experience on how to spend their time well
  •  Pictures,
  • storybooks,
  • video clips
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 20-21
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 22
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self- assessment,
  • checklist,
  • portfolio
  2   Surfaces found
in the home –
surface made from different materials in the home

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. Identify surface made from different materials in the home
  2.  Outline the various procedures used to clean different surfaces in the home for healthy living
  3. Appreciate a clean home to promote healthy living
  • How do you clean surfaces made from different materials at home?
  • In groups learners share experiences on surfaces made from different materials in the home
  • In groups learners discuss procedures for cleaning different surfaces
  • Glass windows or surfaces,
  • plain wood furniture,
  • cemented floor,
  • earthen floors,
  • video clips
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 22
  • MTP Home science Grade 5TG Pg. 27
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self- assessment,
  • checklist,
  • portfolio
  3   Equipment and materials used for cleaning different surface at

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. Identify cleaning materials and tools used for cleaning different surfaces in the home for protection of the surfaces and keep away illnesses.
  2. Outline the various procedures used to clean different surfaces in the home for healthy living
  3. Appreciate a clean home to promote healthy living
  • How do you clean surfaces made from different materials at home?
  • In groups learners share experiences on surfaces made from different materials in the home
  • In groups learners discuss procedures for cleaning different surfaces
  • Glass windows or surfaces,
  • plain wood furniture,
  • cemented floor,
  • earthen floors,
  • video clips
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 23
  • MTP Home science Grade 5TG Pg. 27
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self- assessment,
  • checklist,
  • portfolio
 5 1    Improvising cleaning equipment and materials for =cleaning

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. Improvise cleaning materials and tools for cleaning
    different surfaces at home for healthy living and a day-to- day healthy habit.
  2. Name the equipment’s for cleaning various surfaces
  3. Appreciate a clean home to promote healthy living
  • How do you clean surfaces made from different materials at home?
  • In groups learners identify cleaning materials and tools used for cleaning different surfaces
  • In groups learners make different cleaning materials and tools for cleaning different surfaces
  • Glass windows or surfaces,
  • plain wood furniture,
  • cemented floor,
  • earthen floors,
  • video clips
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 23
  • MTP Home science Grade 5TG Pg. 27
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self- assessment,
  • checklist,
  • portfolio
  2    Different surfaces at home

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. Identify different surfaces found at home
  2. Mention materials used making the different surfaces at home
  3. Appreciate a clean home to promote healthy living
  • How do you clean surfaces made from different materials at home?
  • In groups learners identify cleaning materials and tools used for cleaning different surfaces
  • In groups learners make different cleaning materials and tools for cleaning different surfaces
  • Glass windows or surfaces,
  • plain wood furniture,
  • cemented floor,
  • earthen floors,
  • video clips
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 23-25
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 28
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self- assessment,
  • checklist,
  • portfolio
  3    Cleaning different surfaces in the home

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. Identify cleaning materials and tools used for cleaning different surfaces in the home for protection of the surfaces and keep away illnesses.
  2. Clean the different surfaces found at home
  3. Appreciate a clean home to promote healthy living
  • How do you clean surfaces made from different materials at home?
  • In groups learners identify cleaning materials and tools used for cleaning different surfaces
  • In groups learners make different cleaning materials and tools for cleaning different surfaces
  • Glass windows or surfaces,
  • plain wood furniture,
  • cemented floor,
  • earthen floors,
  • video clips
  • MTP Homescience Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 25-30
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 29-30
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self- assessment,
  • checklist,
  • portfolio
6 1    Practice cleaning
different surfaces

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. Practice cleaning different surfaces at home as a healthy day to day practice
  2. Watch a video clip on cleaning of different surfaces at home
  3. Appreciate a clean home to promote healthy living
  • How do you clean surfaces made from different materials at home?


  • In groups learners’ clean different surfaces available in the school and record in a journal
  • In groups learners practice safety precautions while cleaning different surfaces
  • Glass windows or surfaces,
  • plain wood furniture,
  • cemented floor,
  • earthen floors,
  • video clips
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 30-32
  • MTP Home science Grade 5TG Pg. 31-32
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self- assessment,
  • checklist,
  • portfolio
  2   Safety measures when cleaning different surfaces at home

 By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. Practice cleaning different surfaces at home as a healthy day to day practice
  2. Observe safety measure when cleaning different surfaces at home
  3. Appreciate a clean home to promote healthy living
  • How do you clean surfaces made from different materials at home?


  •  In groups learners’ clean different surfaces available in the school and record in a journal
  • In groups learners practice safety precautions while cleaning different surfaces
  • Glass windows or surfaces,
  • plain wood furniture,
  • cemented floor,
  • earthen floors,
  • video clips
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 32-33
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 32
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self- assessment,
  • checklist,
  • portfolio
  3    Care of cleaning equipment and material

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. Care for cleaning materials and tools used for cleaning surfaces at home as a day-to- day maintenance
  2. Observe safety measure when handling materials
  3. Appreciate a clean home to promote healthy living
  • How do you clean surfaces made from different materials at home?
  • Learners demonstrate care for the cleaning materials and tools they used for cleaning different surfaces.
  • In groups learners practice safety precautions while cleaning different surfaces
  • Glass windows or surfaces,
  • plain wood furniture,
  • cemented floor,
  • earthen floors,
  • video clips
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 33-34
  • MTP Home science Grade 5TG Pg. 33
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self-assessment,
  • checklist,
  • portfolio
7 1    Appreciating a clean home to promote healthy living

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. Explain the importance of a
    clean home in promoting healthy living
  2. Name some diseases that may come if we do not clean surfaces at home
  3. Develop curiosity towards healthy living by cleaning surfaces in the home
  • How do you clean surfaces made from different materials at home?
  • Learners demonstrate care for the cleaning materials and tools they used for cleaning different surfaces.
  • In groups learners practice safety precautions while cleaning different surfaces
  • Glass windows or surfaces,
  • plain wood furniture,
  • cemented floor,
  • earthen floors,
  • video clips
  • MTP Home science Grade 5Learners Bk. Pg. 34-35
  • MTP Home science Grade 5TG Pg. 33-34
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self-assessment,
  • checklist,
  • portfolio
  2    Common
diseases –
meaning of
communicable diseases for healthy living

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. Explain the meaning of communicable diseases for healthy living.
  2. Name the diseases in their locality
  3. Develop curiosity in preventing common communicable disease
  • What are the causes of
    communicable diseases?
  • How can you prevent communicable diseases in your environment?
  • Learners brain storm on the meaning of communicable diseases.
  • Pictures, charts, posters
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 36
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 38-39
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self- assessment,
  • checklist,
  • portfolio
  3    Common communicable diseases

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. Identify common communicable diseases in the locality for easy identification of diseases outbreaks
  2.  Watch a video clip on communicable diseases
  3. Develop curiosity in
    preventing common communicable disease
  • What are the causes of communicable diseases?
  • How can you prevent communicable diseases in your environment?
  • Learners identify common communicable diseases in the locality as follows:
    • immunisable diseases,
    • skin diseases,
    • diseases transmitted through insect,
    • respiratory diseases.
  • Pictures,
  • charts,
  • posters
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 37-38
  • MTP Home science Grade 5TG Pg. 39
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self- assessment,
  • checklist,
  • portfolio
8 1    Causes of common communicable diseases

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. Identify common communicable diseases in the locality for easy identification of diseases outbreaks
  2. Explain the causes of common communicable diseases as a way of supporting disease eradication
  3. Develop curiosity in preventing common communicable disease
  • What are the causes of communicable diseases?
  • How can you prevent communicable diseases in your environment?
  • Learners identify common communicable diseases in the locality as follows:
    • immunisable diseases,
    • skin diseases,
    • diseases transmitted through insect,
    • respiratory diseases.
  • Pictures,
  • charts,
  • posters
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 38-40
  • MTP Home science Grade 5TG Pg. 39-40
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self- assessment,
  • checklist,
  • portfolio
  2    Causes of common communicable diseases

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. Identify the causes of common communicable diseases as a way of supporting disease eradication
  2. Discuss the signs of communicable diseases
  3. Develop curiosity in preventing common communicable disease
  •  What are the causes of communicable diseases?
  • How can you prevent communicable diseases in your environment?
  • Learners discuss factors that cause common communicable diseases.
  • Learners practice health measures that prevent common communicable diseases from pictures, documentaries, health posters
  • Pictures,
  • charts,
  • posters
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 38-40
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 TG Pg. 39-40
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self-assessment,
  • checklist,
  • portfolio
  3    Health measures that prevent common communicable diseases

 By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. Identify the causes of common communicable diseases as a way of supporting disease eradication
  2. State health measures that prevent common communicable disease
  3. Develop curiosity in preventing common communicable disease
  • What are the causes of communicable diseases?
  • How can you prevent communicable diseases in your environment?
  •  Learners discuss factors that cause common communicable diseases.
  • Learners practice health measures that prevent common communicable diseases from pictures, documentaries, health posters
  • Pictures, charts, posters
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 40-41
  • MTP Home science Grade 5TG Pg. 40-41
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self- assessment,
  • checklist
  • portfolio
9 1   Health measures that prevent common communicable diseases in the locality

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. State health measures that prevent common communicable disease
  2. Practice health measures to prevent common communicable diseases in their locality
  3. Develop curiosity in preventing common communicable disease
  •  What are the causes of communicable diseases?
  • How can you prevent communicable diseases in your environment?
  • Learners discuss factors that cause common communicable diseases.
  • Learners practice health measures that prevent common communicable diseases from pictures, documentaries, health posters
  • In groups, learners use the pictures, documentaries and health posters to guide discussion on healthy measures to prevent communicable diseases
  •  Pictures,
  • charts,
  • posters
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 42-43
  • MTP Home science Grade 5TG Pg. 41-42
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self- assessment,
  • checklist,
  • portfolio
  2    Appreciating the importance of preventing communicable diseases in the locality

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

  1. Explain ways of preventing common communicable diseases
  2. Practice health measures to prevent common communicable diseases in their locality
  3. Appreciate importance of preventing common communicable diseases in the locality.
  •  What are the causes of communicable diseases?
  • How can you prevent communicable diseases in your environment?
  • Learners discuss factors that cause common communicable diseases.
  • Learners practice health measures that prevent common communicable diseases from pictures, documentaries, health posters
  • In groups, learners use the pictures, documentaries and health posters to guide discussion on healthy measures to prevent communicable diseases
  • Pictures,
  • charts,
  • posters
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 43-45
  • MTP Home science Grade 5TG Pg. 43
  • Demonstration
  • tests,
  • observations,
  • self- assessment,
  • checklist,
  • portfolio
Awareness: the importance of advertisement to

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Define the term advertisement as used by consumers
  2. Explain the importance of advertisement to a consumer
    Appreciate role of advertisement in daily life.
  • Where does a consumer get information?
  • How do you use information from an advertisement?
  • In groups, learners brainstorm and gather information on the meaning of advertisement using digital devices, print materials, media, video clips and present their findings in class.
  • In pairs or groups, learners discuss types of media used for advertisement (TV, radio, newspapers, social media, poster, billboards, notice boards, word of mouth)
  • Digital devices
  • Print materials
  • Video clips
  • Demonstration
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 46-47
  • MTP Home science Grade 5TG Pg. 48
  • Checklist
  • test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration Self-assessment 
10 1    Types of media used in advertisement as way of instilling product awareness to the consumers

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Define the term advertisement
  2. Identify types of media used in advertisement as a way of instilling product awareness to the consumers.
  3. Appreciate role of advertisement in daily life.
  • Where does a consumer get information?
  • How do you use information from an advertisement?
  •  In pairs or groups, learners discuss the importance of advertisement to a consumer in day to day life.
  • Learners brainstorm on information from an advert after watching a video clip. Listening to radio, observing various advertisements from different sources.
  • In groups, learners discuss the importance of advertisement.
  • Digital devices
  • Print materials
  • Video clips
  • Demonstration
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 47-49
  • MTP Home science Grade 5TG Pg. 49
  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration Self-assessment
  2   Safety precautions to observe when using information from an advertisement

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Highlight safety precautions to observe when using information from an advertisement as a responsibility for the consumer.
  2. Create an advertisement for an item used in daily life
  3. Appreciate role of advertisement in daily life.
  • Where does a consumer get information?
  • How do you use information from an advertisement?
  • Learners discuss on safety precautions to observe when using information from an advert after watching a video clip, listening to radio, observing adverts from print media, charts and pictures (good and bad advertisements)
  • In groups, learners create an advertisement for an item used in daily life.
  • In groups, learners share experiences on use of information given on a given advertisement through role playing, demonstration.
  • Skit
  • Digital devices
  • Print materials
  • Video clips
  • Demonstration
  • MTP Home science Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 49-52
  • MTP Home science Grade 5TG Pg. 49-51
  • Checklist test
  • Observations
  • Critiques
  • Demonstration Self-assessment
  3         ASSESSMENT


Read 483 times Last modified on Wednesday, 16 November 2022 08:45

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