MTP (Mountain Top Publishers)Agriculture Activities - Grade 5 Schemes of Work Term 1 2023

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 1  1 CONSERVING OUR ENVIRONMENT  Soil conservation : soil recovery- observing runoff 

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Give the meaning of soil erosion in the environment
  2. Observe photographs of runoff
  3. Show genuine interest in soil conservation activities and growing of crops
  1. Why do we conserve soil from erosion?
  2. What is the importance of recovering eroded soil? 
  • Learners to tour the school and neighborhood, identify eroded sites and discuss their understanding of soil erosion.
  • Learners to demonstrate runoff using locally available materials 
  •  Pictures
  • Photos
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 1
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 33-34
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
   2    Demonstrating runoff

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Give the meaning of soil erosion in the environment
  2. Demonstrate how runoff takes place using locally available materials
  3. Show genuine interest in
    soil conservation activities and growing of crops


  1. Why do we conserve soil from erosion?
  2. What is the importance of recovering eroded soil?
  • Learners to tour the school and neighborhood, identify eroded sites and discuss their understanding of soil erosion.
  • Learners to demonstrate runoff using locally available materials
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 2
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 34-35 
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
   3    Identifying eroded sites

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Identify sites for erosion deposition by runoff in the community.
  2. Explain the meaning of soil erosion
  3. Show genuine interest in soil conservation activities and growing of crops Why do we conserve soil from erosion?
  1. What is the importance of recovering eroded soil?
  • Learners to discuss and present ideas on how eroded soil could be collected and used for farming purposes.
  • Learners to tour the school and neighborhood, identify and list places where soil is deposited by runoff water. 
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 3
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 36-37 
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
 2  1   Collecting soil from deposition sites

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to  

  1. Identify sites for erosion deposition by runoff in the community.
  2. Collect soil from erosion deposition for farming purposes
  3. Show genuine interest in soil conservation activities and growing of crops
  1. Why do we conserve soil from erosion?
  2. What is the importance of recovering eroded soil?
  • Learners to collect soil from deposition sites using applicable methods. 
  • To recover it from growing crops.
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Digital devices
  • Oral questions
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 4-5
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 38-39
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
   2   Using recovered soil for farming 

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Collect soil from erosion deposition for farming purposes
  2. Demonstrate usefulness of recovered solid for growing of crops
  3. Show genuine interest in soil conservation activities and growing of crops  
  1. Why do we conserve soil from erosion?
  2. What is the importance of recovering eroded soil?
  •  Learners use the recovered soil to grow crops of their choice in school.
  • Learners to collaborate with parents and guardians to recover and use eroded soil from deposition sites to appreciate the importance of conserving soil from erosion. 
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 6-7
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 39-40
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
   3   Soil Improvement – identifying sites with poor soil 

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Identify sites for soil improvement in the school for community.
  2. Explain the difference between organic waste pit and compost heap
  3. Appreciate the importance of soil
  1. What materials should we dump in an organic waste pit?
  2. How can we improve the soil using crop remains?
  3. What is the difference between organic waste pit and compost heap?
  •  Learners to discuss and identify sites in the school and community that have poor soil for crop growth.
  • Learners to plant crop in a residual pit to observe and appreciate soil improvement from accumulated organic wastes.
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 9
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 44
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
 3  1   Constructing an organic waste pit

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Identify locally available materials for making an organic waste pit
  2. Construct organic waste pit for soil improvement.
  3. Appreciate the importance of soil
  1. What materials should we dump in an organic waste pit?
  2. How can we improve the soil using crop remains?
  3. What is the difference between organic waste pit and compost heap? 
  • Learners to construct a pit, a site or a structure for dumping plant residue and food remains and organic kitchen wastes in school. 
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 9-12
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 45-46 
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
   2   Constructin g an organic waste pit 

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Identify sites for soil improvement in the school for community.
  2. Construct organic waste pit for soil improvement.
  3. Appreciate the importance of soil  
  1. What materials should we dump in an organic waste pit?
  2. How can we improve the soil using crop remains?
  3. What is the difference between organic waste pit and compost heap?
  • Learners to construct a pit, a site or a structure for dumping plant residue and food remains and organic kitchen wastes in school.
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 9-12
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 45-46 
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
   3   Growing crop in an organic waste pit   

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Identify sites for soil improvement in the school for community.
  2. Explain ways of improving the soil using crop remains
  3. Demonstrate use of plant remains for soil improvement.  
  1. What materials should we dump in an organic waste pit?
  2. How can we improve the soil using crop remains?
  3. What is the difference between organic waste pit and compost heap?
  • Learners to collaborate with parents and guardians to recover eroded soil and use organic waste pits to improve soil for kitchen gardening.
  • Learners to plant crop in a residual pit to observe and appreciate soil improvement from accumulated organic wastes. 
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 13
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 48-49 
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
4 1   Water conservation- mulching

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1.  Find information on conservation of water in farming practices.
  2.  Define the term mulching
  3. Demonstrate importance of conserving water in farming practices.
  1. What happens when water is not conserved in the soil?
  2. Which farming practices can we use to conserve water in the soil? -  
  • Learners to use devices that have appropriate software to search for information on water conservation.
  • In groups, learners share on the information acquired on water conservation.
  • In groups learners to experiment on mulching
  • Learners to collaborate with their parents and guardians to practice shading, mulching and cover cropping for water conservation.
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Digital device
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 17-18
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 54-55 
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
  2     Shading crops 

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to 

  1. Identify different ways of conserving water in farming practices.
  2. Demonstrate water conservation through shading crops.
  3. Demonstrate importance of conserving water in farming practices.

  1. What happens when water is not conserved in the
  2. Which farming practices can we use to conserve water in the soil? - 
  • In groups, learners practice various ways of conserving water in
    farming within school.
  • Learners to collaborate with their parents and guardians to practice shading, mulching and cover cropping for water conservation.
  • Learners watch video clips and cuttings from magazines on various water conservation practices in farming. (mulching, shading, cover cropping)
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Digital devices 
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 19
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 56-57 • 
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
  3    Shading crops 

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1.  Identify different ways of conserving water in farming practices.
  2. Demonstrate water conservation through shading crops.
  3. Demonstrate importance of conserving water in farming practices.
  1. What happens when water is not conserved in the soil?
  2. Which farming practices can we use to conserve water in the soil?  
  • In groups, learners practice various ways of conserving water in farming within school.
  • Learners to collaborate with their parents and guardians to practice shading, mulching and cover cropping for water conservation.
  • Learners watch video clips and cuttings from magazines on various water conservation practices in farming.
    (mulching, shading, cover cropping)
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 1
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 56-57 
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
5 1    Cover crops 

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Identify different ways of conserving water in farming practices.
  2. Demonstrate water conservation through cover crops
  3. Demonstrate importance of conserving water in farming practices.
  1. What happens when water is not conserved in the soil?
  2. Which farming practices can we use to conserve water in the soil? 
  • In groups, learners practice various ways of conserving water in farming within school.
  • Learners to collaborate with their parents and guardians to practice shading, mulching and cover cropping for water conservation.
  • Learners watch video clips and cuttings from magazines on various water conservation practices in farming.
    (mulching, shading, cover cropping) 
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 20
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 57-58 
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
  2    Cover crops

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Identify different ways of conserving water in farming practices.
  2. Demonstrate water conservation through cover crops
  3. Demonstrate importance of conserving water in farming practices.
  1. What happens when water is not conserved in the soil?
  2. Which farming practices can we use to conserve water in the soil? 
  • In groups, learners practice various ways of conserving water in farming within school.
  • Learners to collaborate with their parents and guardians to practice shading, mulching and cover cropping for water conservation.
  • Learners watch video clips and cuttings from magazines on various water conservation practices in farming. (mulching, shading, cover cropping) 
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 20
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 57-58 
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
  3    Farm visits 

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Identify different ways of conserving water in farming practices.
  2. Practice water conservation within the school compound.
  3. Demonstrate importance of conserving water in farming practices.
  1. What happens when water is not conserved in the soil?
  2. Which farming practices can we use to conserve water in the soil? - 
  • Learners visit neighboring farms to observe how water is conserved in the farm during farming activities.
  • In pairs, learners to brainstorm or share experiences on importance of conserving water and how to conserve water in farming activities.   
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 22
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 59
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
6 1    Compiling photos and pictures on water conservation 

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Identify different ways of conserving water in farming practices.
  2. Store photos on water conservation obtained from digital resources and magazines.
  3. Demonstrate importance of conserving water in farming practices.  
  1. What happens when water is not conserved in the soil?
  2. Which farming practices can we use to conserve water in the soil? -
  • Individual learners to make presentations on photos acquired and stored.
  • Compile and store photos in digital devices or printed copies on methods of water conservation. 
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 22-23
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 59-60 
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
  2   Living better with animals – controlling wild animals in the environment (use of sounds)

in By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Identify measures that can be carried out in the community to live better with wild animals.   
  2. Control small wild animals to the local environment by using sounds
  3. Appreciate the importance
    of living better with wild animals  

  1. What are the measure for wild animal conservation?
  2. What methods are used to control small wild animals?
  • In groups, learners to discuss and share experiences on measures that people in the community can take to live better with wild animals by reducing damages caused by wild animals without killing the wild animals. 
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 26
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 66
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
  3   Using smells 

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Identify measures that can be carried out in the community to live better with wild animals.
  2. Control small wild animals to the local environment by using smells
  3. Appreciate the importance of living better with wild
  1. What are the measure for wild animal conservation?
  2. What methods are used to control small wild animals? 
  • Learners to watch video clips or listen to a resource person on methods of controlling wild animals and importance of living better with wild animals.
  • In groups, learners practice various methods of controlling small wild animals (use of sounds, repellant crops, use of other repellants)  
  •  Pictures
  • Photos
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 27
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 66
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
 7  1    Use of smelling and bitter tasting plants 

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Identify measures that can be carried out in the community to live better with wild animals.
  2. Control small wild animals to the local environment by use of smelling and bitter tasting plants
  3. Appreciate the importance of living better with wild animals
  1. What are the measure for wild animal conservation?
  2. What methods are used to control small wild animals? 
  • Learners to watch video clips or listen to a resource person on methods of controlling wild animals and importance of living better with wild animals.
  • In groups, learners practice various methods of controlling small wild animals (use of sounds, repellant crops, use of other repellants)
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 27-28
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 67
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
   2    Care and safety from wild animals

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Explain how we should care for wild animals
  2. Demonstrate care when relating with wild animals for personal health and safety
  3. Appreciate the importance of living better with wild animals
  1. What are the measure for wild animal conservation?
  2. What methods are used to control small wild animals? 
  • Learners to watch a video on how to safely handle animals to avoid dangers of contracting animal diseases and injuries (physical injuries from animals and avoid diseases such as rabies from animal bites.) 
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 29
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 68-69 
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
   3    Care and safety from wild animals 

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Explain how we should care for wild animals
  2. Demonstrate care when relating with wild animals for personal health and safety
  3. Appreciate the importance of living better with wild animals 


  1. What are the measure for wild animal conservation?
  2. What methods are used to control small wild animals?
  • Learners to watch a video on how to safely handle  animals to avoid dangers of contracting animal diseases and injuries (physical injuries from animals and avoid diseases such as rabies from animal bites.)
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 29
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 68-69 •
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation•
 8  1   Growing climbing fruits plants: identifying climbing fruits 

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Identify various climbing fruits in the environment.
  2. Observe pictures of climbing fruits plants
  3. Appreciate the importance of fruits in promoting good health
  1. What are the planting materials for climbing fruit plants?
  2. Where could you obtain planting materials for climbing fruit plants?
  •  Learners use stimulus material such as media, print and realia to identify various climbing fruits which include but not limited to passion fruits, grapes, kiwi and various types of berries such as raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, goose berries
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 31-32
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 72
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
  2    Planting materials for climbing fruits

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Identify various climbing fruits in the environment.
  2. Identify suitable planting materials for establishing climbing fruits.
  3. Appreciate the importance of fruits in promoting good health
  1. What are the planting materials for climbing fruit plants?
  2. Where could you obtain planting materials for climbing fruit plants? 
  • Learners to discuss suitable planting materials for climbing fruits such as passion fruits, berries, kiwi and grapes.
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 32-33
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 72
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
  3   Collecting planting materials for climbing fruits

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Identify where materials for plating climbing fruits can be obtained in the environment.
  2. Collect suitable planting materials for climbing fruits from the local environment.
  3. Appreciate the importance of fruits in promoting good health What are the planting materials for climbing fruit plants?


  1. Where could you obtain planting materials for climbing fruit plants? - 
  • In groups, learners to suggest where planting materials for climbing fruits could be obtained.
  • With help of the parents or guardians, learners to collect suitable planting materials for climbing fruits
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 34
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 73-74 
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
9 1   Collecting planting materials for climbing fruits 

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Identify where materials for plating climbing fruits can be obtained in the environment.
  2. Collect suitable planting materials for climbing fruits from the local environment.
  3. Appreciate the importance of fruits in promoting
    good health

  1. What are the planting materials for climbing fruit
  2. Where could you obtain planting materials for climbing fruit plants?
  •  In groups, learners to suggest where planting materials for climbing
    fruits could be obtained.
  • With help of the parents or guardians, learners to collect suitable planting materials for climbing fruits
  •  Pictures
  • Photos
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 34
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 73-74
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
  2   Planting- raising climbing fruits from seeds 

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Prepare planting materials for establishing climbing fruits In the school or at home
  2. Establish planting materials for climbing fruits on suitable site.
  3. Raise climbing fruit seedlings from seeds
  4. Appreciate the importance
    of fruits in promoting good health  
  1. How can we prepare planting materials for climbing fruit plants?
  2. How are climbing fruit plants established?
  • In groups, learners to prepare suitable planting materials for climbing fruit plants such as to various varieties of passion fruits, grapes, kiwi and berries.
  • Learners to plant the selected planting materials on suitably prepared site. The site could be on the ground or appropriate container on a plot or along the fence  
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • seeds
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 34-36
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 75
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
  3   Planting- raising climbing fruits from seeds 

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Prepare planting materials for establishing climbing fruits In the school or at home
  2.  Establish planting materials for climbing fruits on suitable site.
  3. Raise climbing fruit seedlings from seeds
  4. Appreciate the importance of fruits in promoting good health
  1. How can we prepare planting materials for climbing fruit plants?
  2. How are climbing fruit plants established? 
  •  In groups, learners to prepare suitable planting materials for climbing fruit plants such as to various varieties of passion fruits, grapes, kiwi and berries.
  • Learners to plant the selected planting materials on suitably prepared site. The site could be on the ground or appropriate container on a plot or along the fence  
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • seeds
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 34-36
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 75
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
10 1   Planting- raising climbing fruits from seeds

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Prepare planting materials for establishing climbing fruits In the school or at home
  2. Establish planting materials for climbing fruits on suitable site.
  1. How can we prepare planting materials for climbing fruit plants?
  2. How are climbing fruit plants established? 
  • In groups, learners to prepare suitable planting materials for climbing fruit plants such as to various varieties of passion fruits, grapes, kiwi and berries.
  • Learners to plant the selected planting materials on suitably 
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • seeds
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 34-36 
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
  2   Planting- raising climbing fruits from cuttings 

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1. Prepare planting materials for establishing climbing fruits In the school or at home
  2. Establish planting materials for climbing fruits on suitable site.
  3. Raise climbing fruit seedlings from cuttings
  4. Appreciate the importance of fruits in promoting good health
  1. How can we prepare planting materials for climbing fruit plants?
  2. How are climbing fruit plants established? 


  • In groups, learners to prepare suitable planting materials for climbing fruit plants such as to various varieties of passion fruits, grapes, kiwi and berries.
  • Learners to plant the selected planting materials on suitably prepared site. The site could be on the ground or appropriate container on a plot or along the fence 
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • cuttings
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 36-37
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 76-77 
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 75
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
  3   Planting- raising climbing fruits from cuttings 

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to

  1.  Prepare planting materials for establishing climbing fruits In the school or at home
  2. Establish planting materials for climbing fruits on suitable site.
  3. Raise climbing fruit seedlings from cuttings
  4. Appreciate the importance of fruits in promoting good health
  1. How can we prepare planting materials for climbing fruit plants?
  2. How are climbing fruit plants established?
  • In groups, learners to prepare suitable planting materials for climbing fruit plants such as to various varieties of passion fruits, grapes, kiwi and berries.
  • Learners to plant the selected planting materials on suitably prepared site. The site could be on the ground or appropriate container on a plot or along the fence 


  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • cuttings
  • Digital devices
  • Video clips
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 Leaners Bk. Pg. 36-37
  • MTP Agriculture Grade 5 TG. Pg. 76-77
  • Oral questions
  • Written quizzes
  • Observation
Read 451 times Last modified on Wednesday, 16 November 2022 11:31

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