Longhorn CRE Activities - Grade 5 Schemes of Work Term 1 2023

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TERM 1 2023

 1  1 CREATION  My purpose: Identifying Talents and Abilities 

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

  1.  Identify God’s purposes for him/her to live meaningfully
  2. Sing songs of appreciation
  3. appreciate his/her talents by participating in various activities for the benefit of self and others 
  1. What is God’s purpose for your life?
  2. Why is it important to know your talents and abilities?
  3. How do you use your talents and abilities? 
  • Learners to brainstorm in small groups, God’s purpose for their lives and why it is important to live a purposeful life
  • Learners sing relevant songs in appreciation of God’s purpose for their lives
  • Learners to read Jeremiah 29:11 and explain the lessons from the text
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 1-5
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 17-19 
  • Written Quizzes
  • Checklists,
  • Oral questions
   2   My purpose: Gods purpose for my life 

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify Gods purpose for his/her life
  2. define the term purpose
  3. appreciate his/her talents by participating in various activities for the benefit of self and others 
  1. What is God’s purpose for your life?
  2. Why is it important to know your talents and abilities?
  3. How do you use your talents and abilities? 
  • Learners in pair read James 1:17 and share about their God given gifts and talents and their uses
  • Learners in turns read Matthew 25:14-30 on the parable of the talents and narrate how different talents were used
  • Learners to discuss in small groups the meaning of talents and abilities 
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 1-5
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 17-19
  • Written Quizzes
  • Checklists,
  • Oral questions
   3   My purpose: Parable of the talents 

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

  1.  identify lessons and values which Christians can apply from the parable of talents in their day-to-day life
  2. watch a video clip on the parable of the Talents 
  3. narrate the parable of the talents for responsible use of his/her talents
  4. appreciate his/her talents by participating in various activities for the benefit of self and others
  1. What is God’s purpose for your life?
  2. Why is it important to know your talents and abilities?
  3. How do you use your talents and abilities?   
  • Learners describe why they should enjoy participating in different activities at home or school and Church
  • Learners to watch a video clip on the parable of the talents and discuss lessons learnt
  • Learners to write on flash card why it is important to know their talents and share in class
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 1-5
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 17-19
  • Written Quizzes
  • Checklists,
  • Oral questions
 2  1   Human beings as co-workers with God – Responsibilities given to human beings by God 

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify responsibilities given to human beings by God
  2. Discuss reasons why human beings were given responsibilities
  3. Develop interest in taking care of God’s creation 
  1. Which responsibilities did God give to Human beings?
  2. Why were human beings given responsibilities?
  3. Why is child labour an abuse of the rights of a child?  
  •  Learners to read Genesis 1:26 and Genesis 2:15 and list responsibilities given to human beings by God
  • Learners to read 1Peter 4:10 and report to class what they have learnt
  • Learners to list tasks they do at home, school and the community
  • Learners to brainstorm on various forms of child labour and the effects
  • Learners discuss on whom to report to if forced into child labour. 
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 6
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 22-23 
  • Aural oral
  • Projects
  • Journals
  • Written Quizzes
  • Checklists
   2   Good stewardship of God’s creation

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

  1. demonstrate good stewardship of God’s creation by taking care of the environment
  2.  Define the term stewardship
  3. Develop interest in taking care of God’s creation 
  1. Which responsibilities did God give to Human beings?
  2. Why were human beings given responsibilities?
  3. Why is child labour an abuse of the rights of a child? 
  • Learners come up with different projects at school e.g. plant trees/ plant vegetables and nurture the projects until they get results/harvest
  • Learners in pairs discuss the meaning of child labour
  • Learners brain storm on the causes of child labour with examples of child labour
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 7
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 24
  • Aural oral
  • Projects
  • Journals
  • Written Quizzes
  • Checklists
   3    My roles at home, school and in church 

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

  1. explain the causes of child labour by citing examples for awareness
  2. explain the effects of child labour for protection of self and others
  3.  Appreciate his/her roles by sharing responsibilities with others  activities in the school, home and church, e.g. plant vegetables etc
  1. Which responsibilities did God give to Human beings?
  2. Why were human beings given responsibilities?
  3. Why is child labour an abuse of the rights of a child?
  • Watch a video clip on forms of child labour
  • Learners to list forms of child labour and explain how to discourage child labour
  • Learners to discuss the effects of child labour
  •  Learners to come up with different work related ,
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 7-12 
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 25
  • Aural oral
  • Projects
  • Journals
  • Written Quizzes
  • Checklists
 3  1   The Fall of Human Beings (Adam and Eve)- reasons for the fall of human beings 

By the end of the lesson
the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify reasons for the fall of Human Beings to be responsible for his/her actions
  2. Draw and colour Adam and Eve
  3. appreciate lesson learnt from the fall of human beings by obeying school rules 
  1. What led to the fall of the human beings (Adam and Eve?
  2. Why does God like obedient people?
  • Learners brainstorm in groups about the importance of obeying schools rules
  • Learners read Genesis 3:1- 13 and identify reasons for the fall of human beings according to the text
  • Learners explain why they should remain truthful all the time
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 14-15
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 29-30 
  • Portfolio
  • Profiles
  • Written questions
  • Assessment rubric
   2   Reasons for the fall of human beings 

By the end of the lesson
the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify reasons for the fall of Human Beings to be responsible for his/her actions
  2. Draw and colour Adam and Eve
  3. appreciate lesson learnt from the fall of human beings by obeying school
  1. What led to the fall of the human beings (Adam and Eve?
  2. Why does God like obedient people? 
  • Learners discuss lessons learnt from the fall of human beings (Adam and Eve)
  • Learners brainstorm the benefits of an being obedient person
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 14-15
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 29-30 
  • Portfolio
  • Profiles
  • Written questions
  • Assessment rubric
   3   Lessons learnt from the fall of Human beings 

By the end of the lesson
the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify reasons for the fall of Human Beings to be responsible for his/her actions
  2. explain lessons learnt from the fall of the human beings to live in harmony
  3. appreciate lesson learnt from the fall of human beings by obeying school rules 
  1. What led to the fall of the human beings (Adam and Eve?
  2. Why does God like obedient people? 
  •  Learners discuss lessons learnt from the fall of human beings (Adam and Eve)
  • Learners brainstorm the benefits of an being obedient person
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 15-16
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 31-32 
  • Portfolio
  • Profiles
  • Written questions
  • Assessment rubric
 4  1   The family Unity
– Importance of a family unit

By the end of the lesson the
learner should be able to: 

  1. Identify the importance of family unity for harmonious living
  2.  Discuss the importance of family unit
  3. appreciate family unity by participating in different chores at home 

  1. Why is family unity important?
  2. What can lead to lack of unity in a family?
  3. How can family unity be maintained?
  • Learners to list factors that promote family
    unity and share with the class
  • Learners in small groups to read Psalm 133:1-3
  • Learners discuss challenges they experience at home
  • In pairs, learners to discuss ways in which they overcome the challenges
  • Sing a song that is related to overcoming family challenges
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 17-18
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 33 
  • Portfolio
  • Profiles
  • Written questions
   2   Challenges faced by families in practicing family unity

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

  1. explain challenges faced by families to develop empathy
  2.  define the term family
  3. appreciate family unity by participating in different chores at home 
  1. Why is family unity important?
  2. What can lead to lack of unity in a family?
  3. How can family unity be maintained? 
  • Learners to list factors that promote family unity and share with the class
  • Learners in small groups to read Psalm 133:1-3
  • Learners discuss challenges they experience at home
  • In pairs, learners to discuss ways in which they overcome the challenges
  • Sing a song that is related to overcoming family challenges
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 18-19
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 34  
  • Portfolio
  • Profiles
  • Written questions
   3   Ways of contributing to a happy family

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

  1. Discuss challenges faced by families to develop empathy
  2. explain ways of contributing to a happy family for peaceful coexistence
  3. appreciate family unity by participating in different chores at home 
  1. Why is family unity important?
  2. What can lead to lack of unity in a family?
  3. How can family unity be maintained? 
  • Learners to list factors that promote family unity and share with the class
  • Learners in small groups to read Psalm 133:1-3
  • Learners discuss challenges they experience at home
  • In pairs, learners to discuss ways in which they overcome the challenges
  • Sing a song that is related to overcoming family challenges
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 19-20
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 34-35 
  • Portfolio
  • Profiles
  • Written questions
 5  1  THE BIBLE Different uses of the Holy Bible as a guide 

By the end of the lesson, the
learner should be able;

  1. Explain different uses of Bible as a guide for personal growth
  2. Draw and colour the bible
  3. appreciate the Bible as a guide to promote 
  1. What is the meaning of the Bible as a guide?
  2. Why is the Bible referred to as a guide?
  • Learners brainstorm various ways the Bible guides them in their lives
  • Learners to write summary points how the Bible guides them
  • Learners in turns read Joshua 1;8; 2 Timothy 3:16;Deuteronomy 6:4-8, in  harmoniously living with others small groups
  • Learners to discuss in small groups what they learnt from the three Bible texts 
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 22-23
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 36-37
  • Anecdotal Notes,
  • Aural questions
  • Profiles
  • Authentic tasks
   2   Benefits of using the Holy Bible as a daily guide 

By the end of the lesson, the
learner should be able;

  1. identify the benefits of using the Bible as a daily guide
  2. explain values acquired from using the Bible as a guide
  3. appreciate the Bible as a guide to promote harmoniously living with others 

  1. What is the meaning of the Bible as a guide?
  2. Why is the Bible referred to as a guide?
  •  Learners to write important messages about guidance from the Bible on flash cards
  • Learners find out from their parents and guardians values acquired as a result of using the Bible as a guide and report
  • Learners to sing relevant songs about the Bible as a guide
  • Learners share how the Bible helps them to relate with others in class, at school, at home and neighbours
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 23-25
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 38-39 
  • Anecdotal Notes,
  • Aural questions
  • Profiles
  • Authentic tasks
   3   Bible Stories: Courage- the Story of Peter and John at the Temple 

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to;

  1. Narrate the story of Peter and John at the Temple to understand the importance of courage
  2.  Define the term courage
  3. recognise the importance of courage in making choices for personal development 

  1. What is the meaning of boldness?
  2. Why did Peter and John tell the leaders?
  3. What do like about Peter and John? 
  • Learners in small groups brainstorm on situations when they demonstrated courage
  • Learners in turns to read Acts 4:1-5, 7- 13 and share lessons learnt from the story of Peter and John
  • Learners to watch a video clip on the story of Peter and John
  • Learners to compose a poem on courage
  • Learners to sing a relevant song on courage
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 25-26
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 40-41 
  • Observation Schedules ,
  • Written Quizzes
  • Checklists,
  • Oral questions
 6  1   Bible Stories: Courage – Reasons why Christians should stand firm in their faith 

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to;

  1. watch a video clip of the story of Peter and John
  2. explain reasons why Christian should stand firm in spiritual matters in day to day life
  3. recognise the importance of courage in making choices for personal development 
  1. What is the meaning of boldness?
  2. Why did Peter and John tell the leaders?
  3. What do like about Peter and John? 
  • Learners in small groups brainstorm on situations when they demonstrated courage
  • Learners in turns to read Acts 4:1-5, 7- 13 and share lessons learnt from the
    story of Peter and John
  • Learners to watch a video clip on the story of Peter and John
  • Learners to compose a poem on courage
  • Learners to sing a relevant song on courage
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 27-28
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 41-42
  • Observation Schedules ,
  • Written Quizzes
  • Checklists,
  • Oral questions
   2   Bible Stories: Courage- Good qualities learnt from the story Of Peter and John 

By the end of the lesson, the
learner should be able to;

  1. explain reasons why Christian should stand firm in spiritual matters in day to day life
  2. outline good qualities learnt from the story of Peter and John at the temple
  3. recognise the importance of courage in making choices for personal development 
  1.  What is the meaning of boldness?
  2. Why did Peter and John tell the leaders?
  3. What do like about Peter and John? 
  •   Learners in small groups brainstorm on situations when they demonstrated courage
  • Learners in turns to read Acts 4:1-5, 7- 13 and share lessons learnt from the story of Peter and John
  • Learners to watch a video clip on the story of Peter and John
  • Learners to compose a poem on courage
  • Learners to sing a relevant song on courage  
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 29
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 42-43 •
  • Observation Schedules ,
  • Written Quizzes
  • Checklists,
  • Oral questions
   3   Wisdom- the story of King Solomon using wisdom 

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

  1. Explain the story of how King Solomon used wisdom to a solve a dispute
  2. Discuss ways of solving disputes in class
  3. appreciate importance of using wisdom in his/her daily life 
  1. How did Solomon portray wisdom?
  2. What do we learn from the story of Solomon?
  3. Why do we need wisdom in our lives? 
  • Learners discuss how they solve disputes in their class and why this is important
  • Learners to read In turns 1 Kings 3:16-28 and share how King Solomon used wisdom
  • Learners narrate situations/scenarios where they used wisdom to solve a problem
  • Learners to list lessons and values learnt from story of King Solomon
  • Learners read and explain Proverbs 1:7 • 
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 30
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 43-44
  • Observation Schedules ,
  • Written Quizzes
  • Checklists,
  • Oral questions
 7  1   Wisdom- the story of King Solomon using wisdom 

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

  1. Explain the story of how King Solomon used wisdom to a solve a dispute
  2.  Discuss ways of solving disputes in class
  3. appreciate importance of using wisdom in his/her daily life
  1. How did Solomon portray wisdom?
  2. What do we learn from the story of Solomon?
  3. Why do we need wisdom in our lives?
  •  Learners discuss how they solve disputes in their class and why this is important
  • Learners to read In turns 1 Kings 3:16-28 and share how King Solomon used wisdom
  • Learners narrate situations/scenarios where they used wisdom to solve a problem
  • Learners to list lessons and values learnt from story of King Solomon
  • Learners read and explain Proverbs 1:7
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 30
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 43-44 
  • Observation Schedules ,
  • Written Quizzes
  • Checklists,
  • Oral questions
   2   Wisdom- values learnt from the story of King Solomon 

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

  1. watch a video clip on Solomon and the two women
  2. identify values that Christians can learn from the story of King
    Solomon for application in day-to-day life
  3. appreciate importance of using wisdom in his/her daily life 
  1. How did Solomon portray wisdom?
  2. What do we learn from the story of Solomon?
  3. Why do we need wisdom in our lives?  
  •   Learners discuss how they solve disputes in their class and why this is important
  • Learners to read In turns 1 Kings 3:16-28 and share how King Solomon used wisdom
  • Learners to watch a video clip on Solomon and the two women
  • Learners narrate situations/scenarios where they used wisdom to solve a problem
  • Learners to list lessons and values learnt from story of King Solomon
  • Learners read and explain Proverbs 1:7


  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 31-32
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 44-45 
  •  Observation Schedules ,
  • Written Quizzes
  • Checklists,
  • Oral questions
   3   Respect for the Elderly – the story of Noah and his sons 

By the end of the lesson, the
learner should be able to:

  1. Narrate the story of Noah and his sons to develop a harmonious relationship with the elderly
  2. Discuss lessons learnt from the story
  3. Appreciate respect for the elderly at home church and community 
  1. What do you learn about the story of Noah and his sons?
  2. What values can help you respect elderly people, parents, teachers and leaders?
  • Learners to read in turns Genesis 9:18-23
    about Noah and his sons
  • In groups learners to discuss lessons learnt from the story
  • Learners to write the names of Noah’s sons on a paper or using a digital device
  • Learners list the benefits of respecting the elderly 


  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 32-33
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 45-46 
  • Observation Schedules ,
  • Written Quizzes
  • Checklists,
  • Oral questions
 8  1   Respect for the Elderly- ways of showing respect to the Elderly 

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

  1. Explain the importance of respecting the elderly and those in authority
  2.  describe various ways of showing respect to the elderly for responsible living
  3. Appreciate respect for the elderly at home church and
  1. What do you learn about the story of Noah and his sons?
  2. What values can help you respect elderly people, parents, teachers and leaders? 
  • Learners role play how to show respect to the elderly in public places
  • Learners to compose a poem about respect for the elderly in the society
  • Learners explains the importance of respecting the elderly and those in authority 
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 33-34
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 47-48 •
  • Observation Schedules ,
  • Written Quizzes
  • Checklists,
  • Oral questions
   2   God Loves Humility- the story of a hand writes on the wall 

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to;

  1. Explain the story of a hand writes on the wall for spiritual nourishment
  2. Role the story of the hand writes on the wall
  3. emulate Daniel’s example by being faithful to God and truthful to one another
  1. Why did the writing appear on the wall?
  2. Why was the King punished?
  3. What was Daniel’s interpretation of the writings on the wall?
  • Learners brainstorm meaning of pride and why it is not good
  • Learners to share about some of the vessels used in their churches
  • Leaners to read Daniel 5:1-13; 25-28 in turns and explain meaning of the writing
    on the wall
  • Learners to list the holy vessels mentioned in the story


  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 35
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 48-49 • 
  • Observation Schedules ,
  • Written Quizzes
  • Checklists,
  • Oral questions
   3   God Loves Humility – skills and values demonstrated by Daniel

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to;

  1.  Identify the skills and values demonstrated by Daniel as he explained the meaning of a hand writes on the wall
  2. State the reason why the King was punished
  3. emulate Daniel’s example by being faithful to God and truthful to one another 
  1. Why did the writing appear on the wall?
  2. Why was the King punished?
  3. What was Daniel’s interpretation of the writings on the wall?
  • Learners brainstorm meaning of pride and why it is not good
  • Learners to share about some of the vessels used in their churches
  • Leaners to read Daniel 5:1-13; 25-28 in turns and explain meaning of the writing on the wall
  • Learners to list the holy vessels mentioned in the story  


  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 36
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 49-50
  • Observation Schedules ,
  • Written Quizzes
  • Checklists,
  • Oral questions
 9  1   God Loves Humility – Benefits of Humility to Christians 

By the end of the lesson, the
learner should be able to;

  1. Mention the disadvantages of Pride
  2. describe with examples from the story the benefits of humility as Christians
  3. emulate Daniel’s example by being faithful to God and truthful to one another 
  1. Why did the writing appear on the wall?
  2. Why was the King punished?
  3. What was Daniel’s interpretation of the writings on the wall? 
  • learners to watch a video clip on the story and explain what they have learnt from the story
  • Learners to outline qualities portrayed by Daniel in the story
  • Learners debate on the disadvantages of pride
  • Leaners to list ways in which they can show excellence in whatever they asked to do at home, school and church
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 37
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 50-51
  • Observation Schedules ,
  • Written Quizzes
  • Checklists,
  • Oral questions
   2   Worship of True God – the contest at Mount Carmel 

By the end of the lesson,
the learner should be able to;

  1. Narrate the contest at Mt.
    Carmel by Prophet Elijah
  2. Watch a video clip on Elijah and Baal Gods
  3. Appreciate the role played by Elijah 
  1. How did Elijah perform
    the Contest?
  2. How did Elijah demonstrate God's power during the contest at Mount Carmel?
  3. Why did Elijah condemn social injustice?
  • Learners brainstorms reasons why people worship material things than God
  • Learners in turns to read1 Kings 18:26-39 and narrate the contest at Mount Carmel by Prophet Elijah
  • Leaners to watch a video clip on Elijah and Baal gods and explain what happened in the contest
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices Charts, poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 38
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 51-52
 • Observation Schedules ,
• Written Quizzes
• Checklists,
• Oral questions
   3   Worship of True God - the contest at Mount Carmel

By the end of the lesson,
the learner should be able to;

  1.  Narrate the contest at Mt.
    Carmel by Prophet Elijah
  2. Watch a video clip on Elijah and Baal Gods
  3. Appreciate the role played by Elijah  
  1. How did Elijah perform the Contest?
  2. How did Elijah demonstrate God's power during the contest at Mount Carmel?
  3. Why did Elijah condemn social injustice?
  • Learners brainstorms reasons why people worship material things than God
  • Learners in turns to read1 Kings 18:26-39 and narrate the contest at Mount Carmel by Prophet Elijah
  • Leaners to watch a video clip on Elijah and Baal gods and explain what happened in the contest
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 38
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 51-52 
  • Observation Schedules ,
  • Written Quizzes
  • Checklists,
  • Oral questions
 10  1   Worship of True God- Difference between True God and False God 

By the end of the lesson,
the learner should be able to;

  1. State the reason why Elijah condemned social injustice
  2. distinguish between true God and false gods as outlined in the story
  3. Appreciate the role played by Elijah 
  1. How did Elijah perform the Contest?
  2. How did Elijah demonstrate God's power during the contest at Mount Carmel?
  3. Why did Elijah condemn social injustice? 
  • Learners to outline the difference between the true God and false gods
  • Learners explain values learn from the Contest at Mount Carmel
  • Learners discuss why Elijah defended the worship of true God
  • Learners explain why it is good to stand for the truth
  • Learners brainstorm things Elijah would condemn in the modern Society  
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 39-40
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 52-54 
  • Observation Schedules ,
  • Written Quizzes
  • Checklists,
  • Oral questions
   2   Gods Protection- How God used Pharaoh’s daughter to rescue and protect Moses

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to;

  1. Narrate the story of how God used the Pharaoh’s daughter to rescue and protect Moses
  2. Identify the lessons learnt from the story
  3. Appreciate the importance of helping those in need
  1. What do you learn from the story of Moses’ birth?
  2. How did the king’s daughter rescue Moses?
  3. What do you like about Pharaoh’s daughter? 
  • Learners brainstorm why children should be taken care of
  • Learners read Exodus 2:1-10 in turns and narrate the story in the class
  • Learners watch a video clip on Moses being rescued by Pharaoh’s daughter (Exodus 2:5-6) and mention what they have seen
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 41-42
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 55-56 
  • Observation Schedules ,
  • Written Quizzes
  • Checklists,
  • Oral questions
   3   Gods Protection- How God used Pharaoh’s daughter to 

By the end of the lesson the
learner should be able to;

  1. Narrate the story of how God used the Pharaoh’s  daughter to rescue and protect Moses
  2. Identify the lessons learnt from the story
  3. Appreciate the importance of helping those in need Moses?


  1. What do you learn
    from the story of Moses’ birth?
  2. How did the king’s daughter rescue
  3. What do you like about Pharaoh’s daughter? 
  • Learners brainstorm why children should be taken care of
  • Learners read Exodus 2:1-10 in turns and narrate the story in the class 
  • Learners watch a video clip on Moses being rescued by Pharaoh’s daughter (Exodus 2:5-6) and mention what they have seen 
  • Good News Bible,
  • Flash cards,
  • Pictures,
  • Songs,
  • Digital devices
  • Charts,
  • poems
  • Longhorn CRE act. Learners Bk. Pg. 41-42
  • Longhorn CRE act. TG. Pg. 55-56 
  • Observation Schedules ,
  • Written Quizzes
  • Checklists,

Oral questions



Read 540 times Last modified on Thursday, 17 November 2022 07:29

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