IRE Activities - Grade 5 Schemes of Work Term 1 2023

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 1  1 QUR’AN

Selected Surah: Al-Kauthar

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Read and memorize the selected surah for spiritual nourishment.
  2. Outline the basic meaning of the selected surah to act as guidance in their daily life.
  3.  Appreciate the Qur’an as the first source of guidance
  1. Why is it important to recite the Qur’an?
  2. What lessons do we learn from the selected surah?
  3. What teachings can Muslims derive from the selected surah?
  4. How can you apply the teachings of the selected surah in your daily life? 
  • Individually/in pairs/ in groups learners are guided to:read the following Hadith on greetings:
  • Learners to listen to teacher/resource person/digital device on the recitation of the selected surah;.
    - Al-Kauthar
  • learners to recite selected surah after listening to the teacher/or the digital devices.
  • re guided to read the selected surah from a digital device/mus-haf/charts.
  • Digital devices, Mus- haf, charts,
  • course books and resource person
  • Portfolio,
  • written assessment,
  • oral assessment
  • anecdotal notes 
  • observation schedule
   2   Selected Surah:

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1.  Read and memorize the selected surah for spiritual nourishment.
  2. Outline the basic meaning of the selected surah to act as guidance in their daily life.
  3. Appreciate the Qur’an as the first source of guidance. 

  1. Why is it important to recite the Qur’an?
  2. What lessons do we learn from the selected surah?
  3. What teachings can Muslims derive from the selected surah?
  4. How can you apply the teachings of the selected surah in your daily life? 
  • Individually/in pairs/ in groups learners are guided to: read the following Hadith on greetings:
  • Learners to listen to the teacher/resource person/digital device on the recitation of the selected surah;.
    - Al-Kauthar
  • Learners to recite the selected surah after listening to the teacher/or the digital devices.
  • Learners in pairs/groups are guided to read the selected surah from a digital device/mus-haf/charts.
  •  Digital devices,
  • Mus- haf,
  • charts,
  • course books and
  • resource person 
  • Portfolio,
  • written assessment,
  • oral assessment
  • anecdotal notes 
  • observation schedule
   3   Selected Surah:

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: 

  1. Outline the basic meaning of the selected surah to act as guidance in their daily life.
  2. Deduce lessons and teachings from the selected surah and apply them in their daily life.
  3. Appreciate the Qur’an as the first source of guidance. 
  1. Why is it important to recite the Qur’an?
  2. What lessons do we learn from the selected surah?
  3. What teachings can Muslims derive from the selected surah?
  4. How can you apply the teachings of the selected surah in your daily life?
  • Learners to practice proper
    pronunciation through listening to digital devices
  • Learners to listen to basic meaning of the selected surah from digital devices and make anecdotal notes
  • in groups learners to discuss the different ways of applying the teachings and lessons learnt from the selected surah
  • Digital devices,
  • Mus-haf,
  • charts,
  • course books 
  • resource person
  •  Portfolio,
  • written assessment,
  • oral assessment
  • anecdotal notes 
  • observation schedule
 2  1   Selected Surah:

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Outline the basic meaning of the selected surah to act as guidance in their daily life.
  2. Deduce lessons and teachings from the selected surah and apply them in their daily life.
  3. Appreciate the Qur’an as the first source of guidance. 
  1. Why is it important to recite the Qur’an?
  2. What lessons do we learn from the selected surah?
  3. What teachings can Muslims derive from the selected surah?
  4. How can you apply the teachings of the selected surah in your daily life? 
  • Learners t practice proper pronunciation through listening to digital devices
  • Learners to listen to basic meaning of the selected surah from digital devices and make anecdotal notes
  • in groups, learners to discuss the different ways of applying the teachings and lessons learnt from the selected surah 
  • Digital devices,
  • Mus- haf,
  • charts,
  • course books 
  • resource person
  • Portfolio,
  • written assessment,
  • oral assessment
  • anecdotal notes
  • observation schedule
   2   Selected Surah: - Al-Maun 

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Read and memorize the selected surah for spiritual nourishment.
  2. Outline the basic meaning of the selected surah to act as guidance in their daily life.
  3. Appreciate the Qur’an as the first source of guidance. 

  1. Why is it important to recite the Qur’an?
  2. What lessons do we learn from the selected surah?
  3. What teachings can Muslims derive from the selected surah
  4. How can you apply the teachings of the selected surah in your daily life?
  • Individually/in pairs/ in groups learners are guided to: read the following Hadith on greetings:
  • Learners to listen to teacher/resource person/digital device on the recitation of the selected surah;.
    - Al-Maun
  • Learners to recite the selected surah after listening to the teacher/or the digital devices.
  • Learners in pairs/ groups re guided to read the selected surah from a digital device/mus-haf/charts.
  • Learners practice proper pronunciation through listening to digital devices 
  •  Digital devices,
  • Mus- haf,
  • charts,
  • course books 
  • resource person  
  • Portfolio,
  • written assessment,
  • oral assessment
  • anecdotal notes 
  • observation schedule
   3   Selected Surah: - Al-Maun 

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Read and memorize the selected surah for spiritual nourishment.
  2. Outline the basic meaning of the selected surah to act as guidance in their daily life.
  3. Appreciate the Qur’an as the first source of guidance. 

  1. Why is it important to recite the Qur’an?
  2. What lessons do we learn from the selected surah?
  3. What teachings can Muslims derive from the selected surah?
  4. How can you apply the teachings of the selected surah in your daily life? 
  • Individually/in pairs/ in groups learners are guided to: read the following Hadith on greetings:
  • Learners to listen to basic teacher/resource person/digital device on the recitation of the selected surah;.
    - Al-Maun
  • Learners to recite the selected surah after listening to the teacher/or the digital devices.
  • Learners in pairs/ groups are guided to read the selected surah from a digital device/mus-haf/charts.
  • Learners to practice proper pronunciation through listening to digital devices
  • Digital devices,
  • Mus- haf,
  • charts,
  • course books 
  • resource person  
  • Portfolio,
  • written assessment,
  • oral assessment
  • anecdotal notes and
  • observation schedule
 3  1   Selected Surah: - Al-Maun 

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Outline the basic meaning of the selected surah to act as guidance in their daily life.
  2.  Deduce lessons and teachings from the selected surah and apply them in their daily life.
  3. Appreciate the Qur’an as the first source of guidance. 

  1. Why is it important to recite the Qur’an?
  2. What lessons do we learn from the selected surah?
  3. What teachings can Muslims derive from the selected surah?
  4. How can you apply the teachings of the selected surah in your daily life? 
  • Learners to listen to basic meaning of the selected surah from digital devices and make anecdotal notes
  • in groups /pairs learners to discuss the different ways of applying the teachings and lessons learnt from the selected surah 


  • Digital devices,
  • Mus- haf,
  • charts,
  • course books 
  • resource person  
  • Portfolio,
  • written assessment,
  • oral assessment
  • anecdotal notes 
  • observation schedule
   2   Selected Surah: - Al-Maun 

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Outline the basic meaning of the selected surah to act as guidance in their daily life.
  2. Deduce lessons and teachings from the selected surah and apply them in their daily life.
  3. Appreciate the Qur’an as the first source of guidance. 
  1. Why is it important to recite the Qur’an?
  2. What lessons do we learn from the selected surah?
  3. What teachings can Muslims derive from the selected surah?
  4. How can you apply the teachings of the selected surah in your daily life?
  • Learners to listen to basic meaning of the selected surah from digital devices and make anecdotal notes
  • in groups, learners to discuss the different ways of applying the teachings and lessons learnt from the selected surah 
  • Digital devices,
  • Mus- haf,
  • charts,
  • course books and resource
  • person 
  • Portfolio,
  • written assessment,
  • oral assessment
  • anecdotal notes 
  • observation schedule
   3   Selected Surah: - Al-Quraysh

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Read and memorize the selected surah for spiritual nourishment.
  2.  Outline the basic meaning of the selected surah to act as guidance in their daily life.
  3. Appreciate the Qur’an as the first source of guidance.  

  1. Why is it important to recite the Qur’an?
  2. What lessons do we learn from the selected surah?
  3. What teachings can Muslims derive from the selected surah?
  4. How can you apply the teachings of the selected surah in your daily life?
  • Individually/in pairs/ in groups learners are guided to:read the following Hadith on greetings:
  • Learners to listen to the teacher/resource person/digital device on the recitation of the selected surah;.
    - Al-Quraysh
  • Learners to recite selected surah after listening to the teacher/or the digital devices.
  • In pairs/groups learners are guided to read the selected surah from a digital device/mus-haf/charts.
  • Learners to practice proper pronunciation through listening to digital devices 
  •  Digital devices,
  • Mus- haf,
  • charts,
  • course books 
  • resource person 
  • Portfolio,
  • written assessment,
  • oral assessment
  • anecdotal notes and
  • observation schedule
 4  1   Selected Surah: - Al-Quraysh

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Read and memorize the selected surah for spiritual nourishment.
  2. Outline the basic meaning of the selected surah to act as guidance in their daily life.
  3. Appreciate the Qur’an as the first source of guidance. 

  1. Why is it important to recite the Qur’an?
  2. What lessons do we learn from the selected surah?
  3. What teachings can Muslims derive from the selected surah?
  4. How can you apply the teachings of the selected surah in your daily life? 
  • Individually/in pairs/ in groups learners are guided to:read the following Hadith on greetings:
  • Learners to listen to teacher/resource person/digital device on the recitation of the selected surah;.
    - Al-Quraysh
  • Learners to recite the selected surah after listening to the teacher/or the digital devices.
  • Learners in pairs/groups are guided to read the selected surah from a digital device/mus-haf/charts.
  • Learners to practice proper pronunciation through listening to digital devices 
  • Digital devices,
  • Mus- haf,
  • charts,
  • course books 
  • resource person  
  • Portfolio
  • written assessment,
  • oral assessment
  • anecdotal notes
  • observation schedule
   2   Selected Surah: - Al-Quraysh

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Outline the basic meaning of the selected surah to act 
  2.  Deduce lessons and teachings from the selected surah and apply them in their daily life.
  3. Appreciate the Qur’an as the first source of guidance.  from digital devices and make anecdotal notes

  1. Why is it important to recite the Qur’an
  2. What lessons do we learn from the selected surah?
  3. What teachings can Muslims derive from the selected surah
  4. How can you apply the teachings of the selected surah in your daily life?
  • In groups learners to recite the selected surah severally to enhance memorization
  • Learners to listen to basic meaning of the selected surah as guidance in their daily life. 
  • in groups learners to discuss the different ways of applying the teachings and lessons learnt from the selected surah 
  • Digital devices,
  • Mus- haf,
  • charts,
  • course books 
  • resource person 
  • Portfolio,
  • written assessment,
  • oral assessment
  • anecdotal notes 
  • observation schedule
   3   Selected Surah: - Al-Quraysh

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Outline the basic meaning of the selected surah to act as guidance in their daily life.
  2. Deduce lessons and teachings from the selected surah and apply them in their daily life.
  3. Appreciate the Qur’an as the first source of guidance.  

  1. Why is it important to recite the Qur’an?
  2. What lessons do we learn from the selected surah?
  3. What teachings can Muslims derive from the selected surah?
  4. How can you apply the teachings of the selected surah in your daily life?
  • In groups learners to recite the selected surah severally to enhance memorization
  • Learners to listen to basic meaning of the selected surah from digital devices and make anecdotal notes
  • in groups learners to discuss the different ways of applying the teachings and lessons learnt from the selected surah 
  • Digital devices,
  • Mus- haf,
  • charts,
  • course books 
  • resource person
  • Portfolio,
  • written assessment,
  • oral assessment
  • anecdotal notes and
  • observation schedule
 5  1   Selected Surah: - Al-Fil

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Read and memorize the selected surah for spiritual nourishment.
  2. Outline the basic meaning of the selected surah to act as guidance in their daily life.
  3. Appreciate the Qur’an as the first source of guidance.  


  1. Why is it important to recite the Qur’an?
  2. What lessons do we learn from the selected surah?
  3. What teachings can Muslims derive from the selected surah?
  4. How can you apply the teachings of the selected surah in your daily life?
  • Individually/in pairs/ in groups learners are guided to:read the following Hadith on greetings:
  • Learners to listen to the teacher/resource person/digital device on the recitation of the selected surah;.
    - Al-Fil
  • Learners to recite the selected surah after listening to the teacher/or the digital devices.
  • Learners in pairs/groups are guided to read the selected surah from a digital device/mus-haf/charts. 
  • Digital devices,
  • Mus- haf,
  • charts,
  • course books 
  • resource person 
  • Portfolio,
  • written assessment,
  • oral assessment
  • anecdotal notes and
  • observation schedule
   2   Selected Surah: - Al-Fil

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Read and memorize the selected surah for spiritual nourishment.
  2. Outline the basic meaning of the selected surah to act as guidance in their daily life.
  3. Appreciate the Qur’an as the first source of guidance. 


  1. Why is it important to recite the Qur’an?
  2. What lessons do we learn from the selected surah?
  3. What teachings can Muslims derive from the selected surah?
  4. How can you apply the teachings of the selected surah in your daily life?
  • Individually/in pairs/ in groups learners are guided to: read the following Hadith on greetings:
  • Learners to listen to teacher/resource person/digital device on the recitation of the selected surah;.
    - Al-Fil
  • Learners to recite the selected surah after listening to the teacher/or the digital devices.
  • Leaners in pairs/groups are guided to read the selected surah from a digital device/mus-haf/charts.
  • Digital devices,
  • course books  
  • Portfolio
  • written assessment
  • oral assessment
  • anecdotal notes and
  • observation schedule
   3   Selected Surah: - Al-Fil 

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Outline the basic meaning of the selected surah to act as guidance in their daily life.
  2. Deduce lessons and teachings from the selected surah and apply them in their daily life.
  3. Appreciate the Qur’an as the first source of guidance.

  1. Why is it important to recite the Qur’an?
  2. What lessons do we learn from the selected surah?
  3. What teachings can Muslims derive from the selected surah?
  4. How can you apply the teachings of the selected surah in your daily life? 
  • Learners to practice proper pronunciation through listening to digital devices
  • in groups learners to recite the selected surah severally to enhance memorization
  • Learners to listen to basic meaning of the selected surah from digital devices and make anecdotal notes
  • in groups learners to discuss the different ways of applying the teachings and lessons learnt from the selected surah 
  • Digital devices,
  • Mus- haf,
  • charts,
  • course books 
  • resource person  
  • Portfolio,
  • written assessment,
  • oral assessment
  • anecdotal notes and
  • observation schedule
 6  1    Selected Surah: - Al-Fil 

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Outline the basic meaning of the selected surah to act as guidance in their daily life.
  2. Deduce lessons and teachings from the selected surah and apply them in their daily life.
  3. Appreciate the Qur’an as the first source of guidance. 

  1. Why is it important to recite the Qur’an?
  2. What lessons do we learn from the selected surah?
  3. What teachings can Muslims derive from the selected surah?
  4. How can you apply the teachings of the selected surah in your daily life? 
  • Learners to practice proper pronunciation through listening to digital devices
  • in groups learners to recite the selected surah severally to enhance memorization
  • Learners to listen to basic meaning of the selected surah from digital devices and make anecdotal notes
  • in groups , learners to discuss the different ways of applying the teachings and lessons learnt from the selected surah 
  • Digital devices,
  • Mus- haf,
  • charts,
  • course books and
  • resource person • 
  • Portfolio, 
  • written assessment,
  • oral assessment
  • anecdotal notes and
  • observation schedule
   2  2 HADITH 

 Hadith on good behaviour 

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify examples of good behaviour from the selected Hadith on character building.
  2. discuss the significance of the selected Hadith in shaping the character of a Muslim
  3. Appreciate the teachings of the Hadith by applying them in day to day life.
  1. Why should we behave well?
  2. What actions show
    that you fear Allah? 
  • Individually/in pairs/ in groups learners are guided to: read the following Hadith on greetings:
  • Learners read from chart/digital devices the Hadith on good behaviour:
  • Fear Allah wherever you are and follow up a bad deed with a good deed, it will wipe it out.
  • And behave well towards other people.” (AlTirmidhi).
  • In pairs, learners identify good behaviour mentioned in the Hadith and present in plenary observation schedule, portfolio
  • Charts & course books, digital
  • devices, resource persons
  • written assessment,
  • oral assessment,

Hadith on good behaviour

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify examples of good behaviour from the selected Hadith on character building.
  2. discuss the significance of the selected Hadith in shaping the character of a Muslim
  3. Appreciate the teachings of the Hadith by applying them in day to day life.
  1. Why should we behave well?
  2. What actions show that you fear Allah?
  • Individually/in pairs/ in groups learners are guided to: read the following Hadith on greetings:
  • Learners to read from chart/digital devices
    the Hadith on good behaviour:
    Fear Allah wherever you are and follow up a bad deed with a good deed, it will wipe it out.
    And behave well towards other people.” (AlTirmidhi).
  • In pairs learners identify good behaviour mentioned in the Hadith and present in plenary observation schedule, portfolio
  •  Charts & course books,
  • digital devices,
  • resource persons


  • written assessment,
  • oral assessment,
  • chart/digital devices
 7  1   Hadith on good behaviour 

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify examples of good behaviour from the selected Hadith on character building.
  2. discuss the significance of the selected Hadith in shaping the character of a Muslim
  3. Appreciate the teachings of the Hadith by applying them in day to day life.   
  1. Why should we behave well?
  2. What actions show that you fear Allah?
  • Individually/in pairs/ in groups learners are guided to: read the following Hadith on greetings:
  • Learner read from chart/digital devices the Hadith on good behaviour:
  • In pairs learners identify good behaviour mentioned in the Hadith and present in plenary
  • Learners are guided to discuss the teachings and relevance of the Hadith in their daily life. observation schedule, portfolio
  • Learners role play the behaviour mentioned in the Hadith.
  • Charts & course books,
  • digital devices,
  • resource persons
  • written assessment,
  • oral assessment,
   2    Hadith on Greeting 

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1.  Explain the importance of Islamic greetings in the life of a Muslim.
  2. Practice Islamic greetings so as to promote love and unity in the society.
  3.  Appreciate the use of Islamic greetings in bringing harmony in the society. 
  1.  Why should a Muslim use Islamic greetings?
  •  Individually/in pairs/ in groups learners are guided to:read the following Hadith on greetings:“…. Shall I inform you of something which, if you do, you will love one another? Promote greetings (salaam) amongst yourselves.” (Muslim)
  • Watch and listen to the islamic greetings from digital devices 
  • Charts & course books,
  • digital devices,
  • resource persons 
  • written assessment,
  • oral assessment,
  • observation schedule,
  • portfolio
   3   Hadith on Greeting 

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Explain the importance of Islamic greetings in the life of a Muslim.
  2. Practice Islamic greetings so as to promote love and unity in the society.
  3. Appreciate the use of Islamic greetings in bringing harmony in the society. 
  1. Why should a Muslim use Islamic greetings? 
  • Individually/in pairs/ in groups learners are guided to:read the following Hadith on greetings:“…. Shall I inform you of something which, if you do, you will love one another? Promote greetings (salaam) amongst yourselves.” (Muslim)
  • Watch and listen to the islamic greetings from digital devices
  •  Charts & course books,
  • digital devices,
  • resource persons 
  • written assessment,
  • oral assessment,
  • observation schedule,
  • portfolio
 8  1   Hadith on Greeting 

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Explain the importance of Islamic greetings in the life of a Muslim.
  2. Practice Islamic greetings so as to promote love and unity in the society.
  3. Appreciate the use of Islamic greetings in bringing harmony in the
  1. Why should a Muslim use Islamic greetings? 
  • Demonstrate islamic greetings.
  • Discuss the importance of
  • Islamic greetings in the life of a Muslim and make summary notes.
  • Search online and sing Qasida on Islamic greetings
  • Charts & course books,
  • digital devices,
  • resource persons 
  • written assessment,
  • oral assessment,
  • observation schedule,
  • portfolio
   2   Hadith on knowledge

 By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Read the Hadith as a source of reference in seeking knowledge.
  2. explain the importance of seeking knowledge for the benefit of this world and the Hereafter
  3. Appreciate the teachings of the Hadith by working hard in school.
  1. What can you do to improve your performance in school?
  2. Why is it important toseek knowledge in Islam?
  3. What challenges may hinder one from acquiring education?
  4. What can you do to help the society acquire education?
  • In pairs/groups learners are guided to:
    Read from a chart/digital devices the following Hadith on knowledge:
  • Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim.” (Al-Tirmidhi).
  • Search online the importance of seeking knowledge and present it in class
  • Discuss ways of improving academic performance in school.
  • Role play the importance of seeking knowledge in the Muslim society portfolio
  • Charts & course books,
  • digital devices
  • resource persons 
  • written assessment,
  • oral assessment,
  • observation schedule,
   3   Hadith on knowledge 

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1.  Read the Hadith as a source of reference in seeking knowledge.
  2. explain the importance of seeking knowledge for the benefit of this world and the Hereafter
  3. Appreciate the teachings of the Hadith by working hard in school.
  1. What can you do to improve your performance in school?
  2. Why is it important to seek knowledge in Islam?
  3. What challenges may hinder one from acquiring education?
  4. What can you do to help the society acquire education? 
  • In pairs/groups learners are guided to:
    read from a chart/digital devices the following Hadith on knowledge: Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim.” (Al-Tirmidhi).
    search online the importance of seeking knowledge and present it in class
  • show ways of improving academic performance in school.
  • play the importance of seeking knowledge in the Muslim society 
  • Charts & course books,
  • digital devices,
  • resource persons 
  • written assessment,
  • oral assessment,
  • observation schedule,
  • portfolio
 9  1    Hadith on knowledge 

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Read the Hadith as a source of reference in seeking knowledge.
  2. explain the importance of seeking knowledge for the benefit of this world and the Hereafter
  3. Appreciate the teachings of the Hadith by working hard in school.

  1. What can you do to improve your performance in school?
  2. Why is it important to seek knowledge in Islam?
  3. What challenges may hinder one from acquiring education?
  4. What can you doto help the society acquire education?
  • In pairs/groups learners are guided to:
    Read from a chart/digital devices the following Hadith on knowledge:
  • Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim.” (Al-Tirmidhi).
  • Search online the importance of seeking knowledge and present it in class
  • Discuss ways of improving academic performance in school.
  • play the importance of seeking knowledge in the Muslim society
  • Charts & course books,
  • digital devices,
  • resource persons 
  •  written assessment,
  • oral assessment,
  • observation schedule ,
  • portfolio
   2   Hadith on responsible living 

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Outline five issues that mankind should account for according to the Hadith.
  2. Describe the lessons learnt from the Hadith for character building.
  3. Appreciate the teachings of the Hadith by living responsibly.
  1. How can the youth live responsibly?
  2. How do Muslims earn their wealth?
  3. How do Muslims spend their wealth?
  4. How can knowledge be used to benefit others? 
  • In pairs/small groups, learners are guided to: Read from a chart/digital devices the Hadith on responsible living:
    “The son of Adam will not be dismissed from Allah on the Day of Resurrection until he is questioned about five issues: his life and how he lived it, his youth and how he used it, his wealth and how he earned and spent it, and how he acted on his knowledge.” (Al-Tirmithi) 
  • Charts & course books,
  • digital devices,
  • resource persons 
  • written assessment,
  • oral assessment,
  • observation schedule,
  • portfolio
   3   Hadith on responsible living 

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1.  Outline five issues that mankind should account for according to the Hadith.
  2. Describe the lessons learnt from the Hadith for character building.
  3. Appreciate the teachings of the Hadith by living responsibly. 
  1. How can the youth live responsibly?
  2. How do Muslims earn their wealth?
  3. How do Muslims spend their wealth?
  4. How can knowledge be used to benefit others? 
  • In pairs/small groups, learners are guided to: Read from a chart/digital devices the Hadith on responsible living:
    “The son of Adam will not be dismissed from Allah on the Day of Resurrection until he is questioned about five issues: his life and how he lived it, his youth and how he used it, his wealth and how he earned and spent it, and how he acted on his knowledge.” (Al-Tirmithi) 
  • Charts & course books,
  • digital devices,
  • resource persons
  • written assessment,
  • oral assessment,
  • observation schedule,
  • portfolio
Read 403 times Last modified on Thursday, 17 November 2022 09:53

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