Physical Education and Sports - Grade 7 Curriculum Designs

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No Subject Number of Lessons Per Week
(40 minutes per lesson)
1 English 5
2 Kiswahili/KSL 4
3 Mathematics 5
4 Integrated Science 4
5 Health Education 2
6 Pre-Technical and Pre-Career Education 5
7 Social Studies 3
8 Religious Education (CRE/IRE/HRE) 2
9 Business Studies 3
10 Agriculture 3
11 Life Skills Education 1
12 Physical Education and Sports 2
13 Optional Subject 3
14 Optional Subject 3
  Total 45

Education in Kenya should:

  1.  Foster nationalism and patriotism and promote national unity. Kenya’s people belong to different communities, races and religions, but these differences need not divide them. They must be able to live and interact as Kenyans. It is a paramount duty of education to help young people acquire this sense of nationhood by removing conflicts and promoting positive attitudes of mutual respect which enable them to live together in harmony and foster patriotism in order to make a positive contribution to the life of the nation.
  2.  Promote the social, economic, technological and industrial needs for national development.
    Education should prepare the youth of the country to play an effective and productive role in the life of the nation.
    1.  Social Needs
      Education in Kenya must prepare children for changes in attitudes and relationships which are necessary for the smooth progress of a rapidly developing modern economy. There is bound to be a silent social revolution following in the wake of rapid modernization. Education should assist our youth to adapt to this change.
    2. Economic Needs
      Education in Kenya should produce citizens with the skills, knowledge, expertise and personal qualities that are required to support a growing economy. Kenya is building up a modern and independent economy which is in need of an adequate and relevant domestic workforce.
    3.  Technological and Industrial Needs
      Education in Kenya should provide learners with the necessary skills and attitudes for industrial development. Kenya recognizes the rapid industrial and technological changes taking place, especially in the developed world. We can only be part of this development if our education system is deliberately focused on the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will prepare our young people for these changing global trends.
  3. Promote individual development and self-fulfillment
    Education should provide opportunities for the fullest development of individual talents and personality. It should help children to develop their potential interests and abilities. A vital aspect of individual development is the building of character.
  4. Promote sound moral and religious values.
    Education should provide for the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enhance the acquisition of sound moral values and help children to grow up into self-disciplined, self-reliant and integrated citizens.
  5.  Promote social equality and responsibility.
    Education should promote social equality and foster a sense of social responsibility within an education system which provides equal educational opportunities for all. It should give all children varied and challenging opportunities for collective activities and corporate social service irrespective of gender, ability or geographical environment.
  6. Promote respect for and development of Kenya’s rich and varied cultures.
    Education should instill in the youth of Kenya an understanding of past and present cultures and their valid place in contemporary society. Children should be able to blend the best of traditional values with the changing requirements that must follow rapid development in order to build a stable and modern society.
  7. Promote international consciousness and foster positive attitudes towards other nations.
    Kenya is part of the international community. It is part of the complicated and interdependent network of peoples and nations. Education should therefore lead the youth of the country to accept membership of this international community with all the obligations and responsibilities, rights and benefits that this membership entails.
  8. Promote positive attitudes towards good health and environmental protection.
    Education should inculcate in young people the value of good health in order for them to avoid indulging in activities that will lead to physical or mental ill health. It should foster positive attitudes towards environmental development and conservation. It should lead the youth of Kenya to appreciate the need for a healthy environment.

By the end of Middle School, the learner should be able to:

  1. Apply literacy, numeracy and logical thinking skills for appropriate self-expression.
  2. Communicate effectively, verbally and non-verbally, in diverse contexts.
  3. Demonstrate social skills, spiritual and moral values for peaceful co-existence.
  4. Explore, manipulate, manage and conserve the environment effectively for learning and sustainable development.
  5. Practice relevant hygiene, sanitation and nutrition skills to promote health.
  6. Demonstrate ethical behavior and exhibit good citizenship as a civic responsibility.
  7. Appreciate the country's rich and diverse cultural heritage for harmonious co-existence.
  8. Manage pertinent and contemporary issues in society effectively.
  9. Apply digital literacy skills for communication and learning.


Physical Education (PE) is the learning and development of fundamental movement skills and ability to use them safely for active and healthy lifestyles. Sports is any activity that involves physical exertion and skills where an individual participates for recreation or reward. The inclusion of PE and Sports in the curriculum ensures promotion of sports and sports education (The Constitution of Kenya 2010- 4th Schedule). This subject combines both aspects where, PE builds a foundation for identification of sporting talent, which can later be developed and nurtured in the schools’ informal curriculum set-up during games and sports.

Participation in sports encourages the learner to relate positively and engage in movement experiences that promote and support the development of social skills such as values, attitudes and wellbeing. Physical Education and Sports incorporates the experiences and skills gained in upper primary and also introduces new knowledge and skills such as evaluation of the fitness components developed during learning. It also exposes learners to multiple skills in a variety of

games to lay foundation for the Sports pathway in senior school. It fosters competencies and life skills that enable the learner to understand the significance that sport plays in promoting a fair and just society. This is strongly supported by the social constructivist theory of Vygotsky that highlights the fundamental role of social interaction in learning.


By the end of Junior Secondary School, the learner should be able to:

  1. exhibit positive intrapersonal and interpersonal skills of communication during play
  2. perform skills that promote physical fitness and hygiene for a healthy lifestyle
  3. explore natural abilities in sports to nurture talent for personal development.
  4. manage economic resources acquired from use of talents and financial rewards
  5. demonstrate patriotism and nationalism through participation in sports and games
  6. develop skills in sports using technology for enjoyment, perfection and digital citizenship.
  7. conserve resources in the economic and physical environment for sustainability.
  8. apply pertinent and contemporary issues during games and sports.
  9. apply rules and regulations in physical education and sports ethically, for harmonious civic coexistence.
  10. appreciate kenyan culture by participation in games and sports in the community


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific Learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
1.0 Games  1.1 Chest pass in Netball 

(2 Lessons)
By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. explain the execution of chest pass in Netball
  2. perform appropriate grip, release and follow through for chest pass in Netball
  3. execute the chest pass for skill acquisition
  4. appreciate team work in execution of chest pass during collaborative play
The learner is guided to:
  • share the correct way of passing the ball using chest pass
  • demonstrate grip, release and follow through in chest pass
  • use drills to practice passing the ball using the chest pass
  • practice chest pass drills while in motion
  • play a mini netball game while applying the chest pass skill
  1. Why is a chest pass used in a Netball game?

1.2 Dodging and Marking in Netball

(2 Lessons)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. establish the basic stance and body movements for dodging and marking in Netball
  2. perform stance, dodging and marking in Netball for skill acquisition
  3. creatively apply dodging and marking in Netball for skill mastery
  4. critically rate each other’s performance during execution of dodging and marking
  5. appreciate the application of dodging and marking for coordination and enjoyment
 The learner is guided to:
  • observe a video clip of Netball game for analysis of dodging and marking skills
  • demonstrate stance, dodging and marking in Netball
  • use drills to practice the dodging and marking movements with and without a ball
  • use drills to practice the single and double body feigns in Netball and give each other feedback
  • play mini netball game and apply the skills of dodging and marking for enjoyment
  1. What is the importance of basic stance, dodging and marking skills in Netball?
  2. When is the skill of dodging and marking applied in netball.



1.3 Footwork in Netball

(2 Lessons)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. distinguish the different types of landing in Netball
  2. perform landing and pivoting in Netball for skill mastery
  3. critically apply landing and pivoting skills in a mini game
  4. embrace landing and pivoting when playing a mini game
The learner is guided to:
  • demonstrate the single, double landing and pivoting and share feedback
  • use drills to practice single, double landing and pivoting
  • observe the demonstration of the options of landing and pivoting with turning and share feedback
  • practice the options of landing and pivoting through drills
  • play a mini netball game and apply the option of landing and pivoting.
  1. What footwork options does a player have after landing with a ball in a game of Netball?
  2. When does a player combine landing and pivoting skills in Netball?
Core Competencies to be developed:
  • Communication & collaboration: enhance active listening, non-verbal communication and appropriate questioning during sports and play, appreciating others opinions, participating in team play/games
  • Creativity & Imagination: learners execute and apply skills during sports and play, promoting group activities for solving of similar and different tasks during sport and play
  • Self-efficacy: Confidence in taking new challenges and performing a skill or task
  • Critical thinking and problem solving: making decisions during play, strategies and tactics, as learners reason clearly and rationally about what to do when to execute a skill in the lesson or game.
  • Digital literacy: learners manipulate and interact with digital devices.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs)
  • Healthy life style: appreciate sports for wellness and participate in physical activities for fitness
  • Self-awareness, self-esteem and interpersonal relationships during play
  • Safety and security: learn how to work and play together
  • Respect: appreciating rules, self and others during play
  • Responsibility: responsible use of equipment, cleanliness in the play, environment
  • Social justice: fair play, observing rules and regulation during play
  • Unity: joining together in teamwork during lessons
  • Integrity: playing and speaking honestly during play

Link to other subjects

  • Health Education: learners engage in physical activity; maintain personal hygiene
  • Languages: communicate throughout learning of different skills
  • Mathematics: learners learn pivoting and compass movement and counting steps as they land and shoot
  • Computer studies: learner manipulates and interacts with digital devices
Assessment Rubric for Netball 
Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meet Expectations  Approaches Expectations  Below Expectations 
Ability to demonstrate knowledge of skill learnt Excellently explains the chest pass skill Correctly explains the chest pass skill Fairly explains the chest pass skill Hardly explains the chest pass skill
Ability to grip ball, release and follow through during chest pass in Netball Proficiently and correctly grips ball, releases and follows through during chest
pass in Netball
Correctly grips ball, releases and follows through during chest
pass in Netball
Fairly grips ball, releases and follows through during chest
pass in Netball
Needs assistance to grip ball, release and follow through during chest pass in Netball
Ability to execute the chest pass skill in Netball Consistently and correctly executes the chest pass skill in
Correctly executes the chest pass skill in
Fairly executes the chest pass skill in
Needs assistance to explain dodging and marking in Netball
Ability to demonstrate knowledge of dodging and marking in
Excellently explains dodging and marking in Netball Correctly explains dodging and marking in Netball Fairly explains dodging and marking in Netball Needs help to execute the chest pass skill in Netball
Ability to perform stance for dodging
and marking in Netball
Consistently and correctly performs
stance for dodging and marking in Netball
Correctly performs
stance for dodging and marking in Netball
Fairly performs stance for dodging
and marking in Netball
Requires assistance in performing stance for
dodging and marking in Netball
Ability to creatively apply dodging and marking in Netball Aptly and correctly applies the skill of dodging and marking in Netball mini games
with excellence
Correctly applies the skill of dodging and marking in Netball mini games Fairly applies the skill of dodging and marking in Netball mini games Needs help in applying the skill of dodging and marking in Netball mini game
Ability to critically rate each other’s performance during execution of dodging
and marking in Netball
Consistently and critically rates other’s performance during execution of dodging and marking in Netball Correctly and critically rates other’s performance during execution of
dodging and marking in Netball
Fairly rates other’s performance during execution of dodging and marking in Netball Needs assistance in rating other’s performance during execution of dodging and marking in Netball
Ability to demonstrate knowledge of different types of landing in Netball Proficiently distinguishes the different types of landing in Netball Correctly distinguishes the different types of landing in Netball Fairly distinguishes the different types of landing in Netball Requires assistance to distinguish the different types of landing in Netball
Ability to perform landing and pivoting techniques in Netball Consistently and correctly performs
landing and pivoting technique in Netball
Correctly performs
landing and pivoting technique in Netball
Fairly performs
landing and pivoting technique in Netball
Needs help to perform landing and pivoting technique in Netball
Ability to critically apply landing and pivoting skills in a mini game Consistently and critically applies landing and pivoting skills in a Netball mini game Correctly and critically applies landing and pivoting skills in a Netball mini game Fairly applies landing and pivoting skills in a Netball mini game Needs assistance to apply landing and pivoting skills in a Netball mini game
Ability to develop values and observe safety in playing mini games Consistently displays exemplary sportsmanship, competencies and observes safety during performance Displays sportsmanship, competencies and observes safety during performance Displays some sportsmanship behavior/values and occasionally adheres to safety precautions Rarely displays sportsmanship behavior/values; and hardly observes safety during performance.


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific Learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experience  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
1.0 Games 

1.4 Passes and reception in Handball

(3 lessons)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. differentiate the passing skills in Handball
  2. utilize the jump, side and flick passes in Handball
  3. tactically apply different passes in Handball for fun and enjoyment
  4. appreciate team effort while executing passes in Handball and observe safety
The learner is guided to:
  • demonstrate the jump, side and flick passes in Handball during play
  • use drills to practice passing the ball using jump, side and flick passes in Handball
  • use the jump, side and flick passes in a mini Handball game while observing fair play
  1. When does a player utilize the different passing skills in a Handball game?
  1.5 Footwork in Handball

(2 lessons)
By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. describe the progression of landing and making steps in handball;
  2. perform landing and stepping for skill development
  3. combine the landing and stepping in Handball
  4. appreciate landing and stepping skills for safety and enjoyment
The learner is guided to:
  • observe recorded video clips on Handball game to appreciate the execution of landing and stepping Handball skills
  • demonstrate the options of landing and stepping and share feedback
  • use drills to practice the options of landing and stepping in Handball
  • apply the options of landing and making steps in a mini Handball 
  1. What footwork options does a player have after landing with a ball in a Handball game?
  2. What is the importance of landing and making steps in Handball?

1.6 Dodging and marking in Handball

(2 Lessons)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. establish the basic stance and body movements for dodging and marking in Handball
  2. perform a combination of the basic stance using single and double feigns
  3. critically rate each other’s performance during execution of dodging and marking skills in Handball
  4. appreciate the application of stance, single and double feigning for coordination and enjoyment
The learner is guided to:
  • demonstrate basic stance and body movements for dodging and marking and share feedback
  • use drills to practice the basic stance and movements for dodging and marking in Handball
  • practice the basic stance and movements for feigning with object
  • play a mini Handball game and apply the basic body movements in dodging and marking
  1. Which basic stance and body movements are used for dodging and marking in a Handball game?
  2. What is the role of dodging and marking in a Handball game?

1.7 Dribbling in Handball

(2 Lessons)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. distinguish between low and high dribbling techniques in Handball
  2. create movement patterns using the low and high dribble techniques in Handball
  3. combine the high and low dribbling techniques in a minor Handball game
  4. appreciate own and others’ efforts during play of Handball for self-efficacy
The learner is guided to:
  • watch a video clip on low and high dribble in Handball
  • demonstrate the low and high dribble techniques in Handball
  • use drills to practice low and high dribble in Handball
  • play a mini Handball game and apply the dribbling techniques in Handball
  1. When is it appropriate to apply the low or high dribbling skills in a game of Handball?

1.8 Shooting in Handball

(3 Lessons)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. distinguish the shots used in Handball
  2. execute the running, jump, dive, lob and falling shots in Handball for skill development
  3. apply relevant shots interchangeably in a minor game while observing sportsmanship behavior
  4. embrace safe execution of different shots in handball for self-efficacy
The learner is guided to:
  • watch and critically analyse a video clip that highlights the features of a running shot, jump shot, dive shot, falling shot and lob shot and share feedback
  • practice different shots interchangeably in single file and over obstacles
  • adopt a shot and play a mini Handball game while observing safety
  1. Which situation is best suited for the application of the different shots in Handball?
Assessment Rubric for Handball 
Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meet Expectations  Approaches Expectations  Below Expectations 
Ability to differentiate the passing skills in Handball Elaborately and correctly differentiates the passing skills in Handball
with excellence
Correctly differentiates the passing skills in Handball Partially differentiates the passing skills in Handball Needs assistance to differentiate the passing skills in Handball
Ability to utilize the jump, side and flick passes in Handball Consistent adherence to instructions while utilizing the jump, side and flick passes in Handball with excellence Adherence to instructions while correctly utilizing the jump, side and flick passes in
Partly adheres to instructions while displaying some ability utilizing the jump, side and flick
passes in Handball
Hardly adheres to instructions while utilizing the jump, side and flick passes in Handball
Ability to tactically apply different passes in Handball for fun and enjoyment in a
game situation
Consistently and tactically applies different passes in Handball with excellence in a game situation Correctly and tactically applies different passes in Handball with excellence in a game situation Incorrectly applies some passes in a Handball game situation

Needs assistance in tactically applying different passes in a Handball game situation

Ability to describe the progression of landing and making steps in Handball Proficiently describes the progression of landing and making steps in Handball with excellence Correctly describes the progression of landing and making steps in Handball Fairly describes the progression of landing and making steps in Handball Needs help to describe the progression of landing and making steps in Handball
Ability to perform landing and stepping techniques in Handball Skillfully and correctly performs landing and stepping techniques in Handball Correctly performs landing and stepping techniques in Handball Incorrectly performs landing and stepping techniques in Handball Needs assistance to perform landing and stepping techniques in Handball
Ability to combine landing and stepping techniques
in Handball
Consistently and correctly combines landing and stepping techniques in
Correctly combines landing and stepping techniques in
Incorrectly combines some landing and stepping techniques in
Requires assistance to combine landing and stepping techniques
in Handball
Ability to establish the basic stance and body movements for dodging and marking in
Proficiently establishes the basic stance and body movements for dodging and marking in Handball with excellence Correctly establishes the basic stance and body movements for dodging and marking in Handball Fairly establishes the basic stance and body movements for dodging and marking in Handball Needs help to establish the basic stance and body movements for dodging and marking
in Handball
Ability to perform a combination of the basic stance using single and double feigns in Handball Consistently and correctly combines basic stance using single and double feigns in Handball Correctly combines basic stance using single and double feigns in Handball Fairly combines basic stance using single and double feigns in Handball Needs assistance to combine basic stance using single and double feigns in Handball
Ability to critically rate each other’s performance during execution of dodging and
marking in Handball
Excellently and critically rates each other’s performance during execution of dodging and marking in Handball Correctly and critically rates each other’s performance during execution of dodging and marking in Handball Fairly rates each other’s performance during execution of dodging and marking in Handball Requires assistance to rate each other’s performance during execution of dodging and marking in Handball
Ability to distinguish low and high dribbling techniques in
Exceptionally distinguishes low and high dribbling techniques in Handball Correctly distinguishes low and high dribbling techniques in Handball Fairly distinguishes low and high dribbling techniques in Handball Hardly distinguishes low and high dribbling techniques in Handball
Ability to create movement patterns using the low and high dribble techniques in
Consistently creates movement patterns using the low and high dribble techniques in Handball Correctly creates movement patterns using the low and high dribble techniques in Handball Fairly creates some movement patterns using the low and high dribble techniques in
Needs help to create movement patterns using the low and high dribble techniques in
Ability to combine the high and low dribbling techniques in a minor Handball
Creatively and correctly combines the high and low dribbling techniques in a minor Handball
Correctly combines the high and low dribbling techniques in a minor Handball
Fairly combines the low and high dribbling techniques in a minor Handball
Hardly combines the low and high dribbling techniques in a minor Handball
Ability to distinguish the different shots used
in Handball
Excellently distinguishes different shots used in Handball Correctly distinguishes different shots used in Handball Partially distinguishes different shots used in Handball Requires assistance to distinguish different shots used in
Ability to execute the running, jump, dive, lob and falling shots in Handball Proficiently executes the running, jump, dive, lob and falling shots in Handball with excellence Correctly executes the running, jump, dive, lob and falling shots in Handball Fairly executes the running, jump, dive, lob and falling shots in Handball Needs assistance to execute the running, jump, dive, lob and falling shots in
Ability to creatively apply relevant shots interchangeably in a minor Handball game Creatively and consistently applies relevant shots interchangeably in a minor Handball game Creatively and consistently applies relevant shots interchangeably in a minor Handball game Fairly applies relevant shots interchangeably in a minor Handball game Needs help to apply relevant shots interchangeably in a minor Handball game
Ability to develop values and observe safety in playing mini Handball games Consistently exhibits exemplary sportsmanship competencies and observes safety during performance Displays sportsmanship competencies and observes safety during performance Displays some sportsmanship competencies and observes safety during performance Rarely displays sportsmanship behavior/values; and hardly observes safety during performance.


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific Learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experience  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
2.0 Athletics

2.1 Long jump

(2 lessons)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. compare the sequence of the sail, hang and hitch kick techniques in long jump
  2. perform the approach, takeoff, flight and landing sequence of long jump techniques for skill acquisition
  3. adhere to the rules of long jump for sportsmanship and fair play
  4. observe own and others’ safety when performing the long jump
  5. participate in the raking of the sand pit to develop responsibility.
The learner is guided to:
  • watch recorded video clips to familiarize with the sail, hang and hitch kick techniques in long jump
  • demonstrate the sequence of each skill from approach, take-off, flight and landing
  • use drills to practise the approach, take-off, flight and landing to perfect the techniques in long jump
  • clear the area of play before and after performing long jump
  1. What are the differences between the sail, hang and hitch kick techniques in long jump?
  2. What materials do you use to clear the landing area in long jump?
  2.2 Javelin

(2 lessons)
By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. review the importance of safety requirements in Javelin
  2. utilize the grip, carriage, approach run, crossover, release and follow through in the Javelin throw
  3. participate in Javelin throw while adhering to rules for safety
  4. collaborate with others in Javelin throw while
measuring distances
The learner is guided to:
  • research and share with others the importance of safety in Javelin
  • practise the phases in Javelin throw using the correct technique
  • throw Javelin and safely withdraw it
  • measure each other’s distances during Javelin throws
  1. Which safety measures does one need to observe during Javelin throw?
  2. How are distances measured in Javelin?

2.3 Sprint start in athletics

(2 lessons)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. analyse the different positions on starting blocks for sprint starts
  2. perform the bunch, medium and elongated sprint starts for skill mastery
  3. apply suitable starting technique in sprint races for efficient take off
  4. observe rules whenperforming the bunch, medium and elongated sprint start to ensure safety
  5. value self and each other’s choice of sprint start techniques for self-esteem
The learner is guided to:
  • watch video clips on sprint starts using the starting blocks
  • demonstrate different positions for sprint starts on starting blocks
  • use drills to practise the bunch, medium and elongated starts in sprints
  • engage in sprint mini games using the bunch, medium and elongated start.
  1. Why do we have different start techniques in sprints?

2.3 Running in Sprint races

(2 lessons)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. analyse the running phases of reaction time, acceleration and maintaining in sprint races
  2. perform the phases of running, reaction time, acceleration and maintaining in sprint races
  3. combine the start and running techniques for skill acquisition
  4. apply running techniques in sequence in a race for fun and enjoyment
  5. value each other’s effort during mini races for self-efficacy
The learner is guided to:
  • Watch a video clip and observe the phases in a sprint races
  • use drills to practice body alignment for quick reaction time, acceleration and maintaining speed in sprint races
  • participate in mini races that combine reaction time, acceleration and maintaining phases in a sprint race 
  1. When are the different phases of running applied in sprint races?
  2.5 Finishing techniques in Sprint Races

(2 lessons)
By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. compare the different types of finishing techniques in sprint race
  2. perform the run-through, drop-finish and shoulder- shrug techniques for skills development
  3. creatively apply starting, running and finishing techniques in a mini race for fun and enjoyment.
  4. observe rules for own and others’ safety during a sprint race
The learner is guided to:
  • watch a video clip on sprint race and observe the finishing techniques
  • discuss the finishing technique as observed from the video clip
  • practice run through, drop- finish and shoulder-shrug techniques
  • run mini races while emphasizing on the finishing techniques in sprints while observing safety
  1. Why do we have different finishing techniques in sprint races?
  2.6 Baton Change Relay

(2 lessons)
By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. explain the different relay races in Athletics
  2. perform the upsweep and down sweep baton change techniques in the designated zones
  3. observe own and others safety during relays 
  4. value each other’s efforts in the execution of upsweep and down sweep baton change techniques 
The learner is guided to:
  • to watch a video clip on baton changing techniques
  • use drills to practice the upsweep and down sweep baton change techniques on the run in relays
  • record video clips when practising baton change techniques for feedback and analysis.
  1. Why are there different techniques in baton change in relay races?
Core Competencies to be developed:
  • Communication & Collaboration: enhance non-verbal communication when changing batons.
  • Learning to Learn: research, participating in athletics activities.
  • Self-efficacy: confidence in taking new challenges, belief in performing a skill or task.
  • Critical thinking and problem solving: making decisions during play, strategies and tactics.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Healthy life style: appreciate athletics activities for physical fitness.
  • Develop self-awareness: know their strengths and weakness, build their self-esteem and interpersonal relationships as they play games.
  • Social economic issues: safety and security as they learn how to play together safely.
  • Gender: play without discrimination and appreciate each other’s sexuality without bias to intersex persons.
  • Responsibility: responsible use of play areas.
  • Social justice: fair play, observing rules and regulations during sports.
  • Unity: joining together in team work during play.
  • Love: caring for each other as they observe safety and sharing the available equipment.
  • Peace: appreciating and respecting variations in abilities, gender and performance.
  • Integrity: speaking honestly during play as they obey rules and regulations.
Link to other subjects:
  • Mathematics: counting steps, measuring throwing sectors and distances.
  • Computer studies: manipulate and interact with digital devices.
  • Science: identify body parts used in different activities.


Assessment Rubric for Netball 
Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meet Expectations  Approaches Expectations  Below Expectations 
Ability to demonstrate knowledge when comparing the sequence of the sail, hang and hitch kick techniques in long jump Excellently analyses the sequence of the sail, hang and hitch kick techniques in long jump Correctly analyses the sequence of the sail, hang and hitch kick techniques in long jump Fairly analyses the sequence of the sail, hang and hitch kick techniques in long jump Needs assistance to analyse the sequence of the sail, hang and hitch kick techniques in long jump
Ability to perform the approach, take off, flight and landing sequence of long jump techniques Skillfully and correctly performs the approach, take off, flight and landing sequence of long jump techniques with
Correctly performs the approach, take off, flight and landing sequence of long jump techniques Fairly performs the approach, take off, flight and landing sequence of long jump techniques Hardly performs the approach, take off, flight and landing sequence of long jump techniques
Ability to adhere to instructions and rules while performing the skills learnt in Long Jump Consistent adherence to instructions while performing the skills in Long jump with excellence Adherence to instructions while performing the skills in Long jump with excellence Fairly adheres to instructions while displaying some ability in performing the skills in Long
Needs help to adhere to instructions while trying to perform the skills in Long jump
Assessment Rubric for Athletics-Javelin
Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meet Expectations  Approaches Expectations  Below Expectations 
Review the importance of safety requirements in
Exhaustively reviews the importance of safety requirements i
Correctly reviews the importance of safety requirements in
Fairly reviews the importance of safety requirements in
Needs assistance to review the importance of safety requirements
in Javelin
Ability to utilize the grip, carriage, approach run, crossover, release
and follow through in Javelin throw
Consistently utilizes the grip, carriage, approach run, crossover, release and
follow through in Javelin throw
Correctly utilizes the grip, carriage, approach run, crossover, release and
follow through in Javelin throw
Fairly utilizes the grip, carriage, approach run, crossover, release and
follow through in Javelin throw
Hardly utilizes the grip, carriage, approach run, crossover, release and follow through in the Javelin throw
Ability to participate in Javelin throw while adhering to rules Consistent adherence to rules while participating in Javelin throw Adherence to rules while participating in Javelin throw Fairly adheres to rules while participating in Javelin throw Rarely adheres to rules while participating in Javelin throw
Ability to collaborate with others in Javelin throw while observing safety Consistently collaborates with others and exhibits exemplary sportsmanship while observing safety
during Javelin throw
Collaborates with others and exhibits sportsmanship while observing safety during Javelin throw Fairly collaborates with others and exhibits some sportsmanship while observing safety during Javelin throw Rarely collaborates with others and does not exhibits sportsmanship during Javelin throw and hardly observes safety
during performance.
Assessment Rubric for Athletics-Sprints
Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meet Expectations  Approaches Expectations  Below Expectations 
Ability to analyse the different positions on starting blocks for sprint starts
in athletics
Excellently analyses different positions on starting
blocks for sprint starts in athletics
Correctly analyses different positions on starting blocks for sprint starts in athletics Fairly analyses different positions on starting blocks for sprint starts in athletics Needs assistance to analyse different positions on starting blocks for sprint starts in athletics
Ability to adhere to instructions and perform the bunch, medium and elongated sprint starts Consistent adherence to instructions while performing the bunch, medium and elongated sprint starts with excellence Adherence to instructions while performing the bunch, medium and elongated sprint starts with excellence Fairly adheres to instructions while displaying some ability in performing the bunch, medium
and elongated sprint starts
Hardly adheres to instructions while trying to perform the bunch, medium and elongated sprint starts
Ability to creatively apply suitable starting technique in sprint races Creatively and correctly applies suitable starting technique in sprint
Creatively applies suitable starting technique in sprint
Fairly applies suitable starting technique in sprint
Rarely applies suitable starting technique in sprint races
Ability to observe rules when performing the bunch, medium and
elongated sprint start
Consistent adherence to rules when performing the bunch, medium and elongated
sprint start while observing safety
Adherence to rules when performing the bunch, medium and elongated
sprint start while observing safety
Partially adheres to rules while performing the bunch, medium and
elongated sprint start while observing safety.
Needs assistance in adhering to rules while attempting to perform the bunch,
medium and elongated sprint start rarely observes safety.
Ability to compare the different types of finishing techniques in sprint race Exhaustively compares and distinguishes the different types of finishing techniques in
sprint race
Correctly compares and distinguishes the different types of finishing techniques in
sprint race
Fairly compares and distinguishes the different types of finishing techniques
in sprint race
 Rarely compares nor distinguishes the different types of finishing techniques
in sprint race
Ability to creatively apply starting, running and finishing techniques in mini races Consistently and creatively applies starting, running and finishing techniques in
mini races with excellence
Creatively applies starting, running and finishing techniques in
mini races with excellence 
Fairly applies starting, running and finishing techniques in
mini races with excellence
Needs assistance in applying starting, running and finishing techniques in mini races


Assessment Rubric for Athletics-Baton change Relays
Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meet Expectations  Approaches Expectations  Below Expectations 
Ability to explain the different relay races in athletics Proficiently explains the different relay races in athletics Accurately explains the different relay races in athletics Fairly explains the different relay races in athletics Explains the different relay races in athletics with difficulty
Ability to perform the upsweep and down sweep baton change techniques in the designated zones Excellently and correctly performs the upsweep and down sweep baton change techniques in the designated zones Correctly performs the upsweep and down sweep baton change techniques in the designated zones Fairly performs the upsweep and down sweep baton change techniques in the designated zones Needs assistance to perform the upsweep and down sweep baton change techniques in the designated zones
Ability to develop values and observe safety in relay racing Consistently exhibits exemplary sportsmanship and observes safety during
Displays sportsmanship and observes safety during
Fairly displays sportsmanship and occasionally adheres to safety during relays Rarely displays sportsmanship and hardly observes safety during relays


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific Learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experience  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Physical Fitness and Health

3.1 Pre- exercise assessment of flexibility, balance and coordination

(3 lessons)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. familiarize with the basic tools that evaluate flexibility, balance and coordination
  2. conduct pre-exercise assessment on flexibility, balance and coordination for fitness
  3. create a portfolio of pre-test records of flexibility, balance and coordination for fitness journaling and assessment
  4. display respect while conducting fitness assessment regardless of gender and ability
The learner is guided to:
  • research and identify the basic tools for use in evaluation of flexibility, balance and coordination
  • perform exercises in preparation for the evaluation of flexibility, balance and coordination
  • use the identified basic tools to measure flexibility, balance and coordination
  • use the fitness norms sheet to deduce levels of flexibility, balance and coordination
  1. Why are there different tools to measure fitness components?
  2. How is the fitness portfolio used to assess levels of fitness?
  3.2 Fitness activities for flexibility balance and coordination

(4 lessons) 
By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. describe exercises that promote flexibility, balance and coordination
  2. safely execute exercises that promote flexibility, balance and coordination while ensuring hydration
  3. appreciate the role of flexibility, balance and coordination exercises in prevention of lifestyle diseases
  4. show respect to others while participating in fitness activities for wellness
The learner is guided to:
  • use music to perform fitness exercises
  • practice exercises that promote flexibility balance and coordination while taking water breaks
  • perform flexibility balance and coordination exercises with peers of different abilities, gender, skills and culture
  • use digital devices to record own performance for self- evaluation 
  1. What exercises are recommended for improving flexibility, balance and coordination?
  2. Why is hydration necessary when performing exercises?
  3. How do exercises prevent lifestyle diseases?

3.3 Post exercise assessment of flexibility, balance and coordination

(3 lessons)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. study the basic tools used in pretest evaluation for flexibility, balance and coordination
  2. conduct post exercise assessment on flexibility, balance and coordination using the basic fitness evaluation tools
  3. create a portfolio of post- test records in flexibility, balance and coordination for fitness assessment
  4. show respect for others’ gender and ability when interpreting the fitness assessment results
The learner is guided to:
  • assemble the pretest evaluation tools of flexibility, balance and coordination
  • observe scores initially recorded
  • perform exercises in preparation for the post evaluation of flexibility, balance and coordination • use the identified tools to assess and compare flexibility, balance and coordination scores with the first records
  • use the fitness norms sheet to deduce levels of flexibility, balance and coordination after exercises 
  1. What is the importance of studying pretest tools initially used for fitness test?
  2. How are assessment fitness tools used to determine levels of fitness after exercises?
Core Competencies to be developed:
  • Communication & Collaboration: enhance active listening, and non-verbal communication during exercises, and as they listen attentively to instructions on how to perform various skills.
  • Creativity & Imagination: during execution and application of relevant exercises for fitness.
  • Learning to Learn: learners appreciate information and opinions of peers and reflect on own performance for improvement.
  • Self-efficacy: confidence in taking new challenges, belief in performing a skill or task and provide leadership in fitness programme.
  • Critical thinking and problem solving: learners make decisions during exercise and filling up the fitness evaluation sheets.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Healthy life style: engage in physical exercises for fitness and health
  • Self-awareness, self-esteem and interpersonal relationships: participate in physical fitness exercises
  • Gender issues: plan physical fitness programmes without discrimination or bias to intersex persons
  • Respect: appreciating rules, self and others during exercises
  • Responsibility: responsible use of equipment, cleanliness in the play environment
  • Integrity: honesty as they fill in their scores
  • Love: supporting each other keep up their fitness levels
Link to other subjects:
  • Health education: learn about health nutrition and exercises
  • Languages: communicate to make evaluation reports or records
  • Computer studies: watch video clips to identify exercises for fitness
  • Music: dance to the rhythm during aerobics
  • Science: identify body parts to be targeted when assessing fitness


Assessment Rubric for Physical Fitness and Health( Health Related Fitness)
Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meet Expectations  Approaches Expectations  Below Expectations 
Ability to identify basic tools to assess flexibility, balance and coordination Excellently identifies basic tools for assessing flexibility, balance and
Correctly identifies basic tools for assessing flexibility, balance and
Fairly identifies basic tools for assessing flexibility, balance and coordination Needs assistance to identify any basic tools for assessing flexibility, balance
and coordination
Ability to perform exercises to enhance flexibility, balance and coordination and ensures hydration Consistently adheres to instructions while performing fitness exercises with excellence and ensures hydration Adheres to instructions while performing fitness exercises with excellence and ensures hydration Fairly adheres to instructions while displaying some ability in performing the fitness exercises and tries to ensure hydration Hardly adheres to instructions while trying to perform the fitness exercises and rarely ensures hydration
Ability to create a
portfolio of pretest and posttest assessment of fitness journaling
Consistently adheres
to instructions while excellently creating portfolio of pretest and posttest assessment of fitness
to instructions while correctly creating portfolio of pretest and posttest assessment of fitness
Fairly adheres
to instructions while creating portfolio of pretest and posttest assessment of fitness
Rarely adheres to
instructions while creating portfolio of pretest and posttest assessment of fitness
Ability to describe exercises that promote flexibility, balance and coordination Explicitly and exhaustively describes exercises that promote flexibility, balance
and coordination
Correctly describes exercises that promote flexibility, balance
and coordination
Fairly describes exercises that promote flexibility, balance
and coordination
Needs assistance to describe exercises that promote flexibility, balance and coordination
Ability to utilize basic fitness tools before and after exercises to assess flexibility, balance and coordination pre and
post exercises
Consistently and accurately utilizes the assessment tools to check fitness levels before and after a period of fitness
Accurately utilizes the assessment tools to check fitness levels before and after a period of fitness
Fairly utilizes the assessment tools to check fitness levels before and after a period of fitness
Needs assistance in utilizing the assessment tools to check fitness levels before and after a period of fitness
Ability to create a portfolio of post-test fitness assessment records in flexibility, balance and
Creates an excellent portfolio of post-test fitness assessment records in flexibility, balance and
Creates a correct portfolio of post-test fitness assessment records in flexibility, balance and
Fairly creates a portfolio of post-test fitness assessment records in flexibility, balance and
Hardly creates a portfolio of post-test fitness assessment records in flexibility, balance and
Ability to display sportsmanship and observe safety when performing exercises and assessing fitness  Skillfully exhibits exemplary sportsmanship and observes safety observes safety Correctly exhibits sportsmanship and observes safety precautions Fairly exhibits sportsmanship and occasionally observes safety Requires help in displaying sportsmanship and rarely observes safety


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific Learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experience  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
4.0 Career Opportunities in Sports 4.1 Games and sports related Careers 

(3 lessons)
By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. identify careers in games and sports
  2. create linkages and visit relevant sports institutions for familiarization
  3. appreciate career opportunities in games and sports for income generation and healthy lifestyles
The learner is guided to:
  • brainstorm careers in games and sports
  • identifying different institutions offering games and sports
  • collaboratively interact with institutions offering specialized games and sports
  1. Which kind of career opportunities are found in games and sports?
  2. Which sports institutions are found in the community?
  3. How can linkages be created with sports institutions in the community for regular interactions?
  4.2 Use of talent to generate income

(2 lessons)
By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. identify ways of earning income using talents
  2. develop personal management skills and financial discipline from income generated in sports
  3. determine appropriate choice of financial services for management of monetary awards
  4. recognize personal abilities as a source of income generation and success management
The learner is guided to:
  • create a list on sources of income from sports talent
  • discuss the different ways of generating income through talent
  • brainstorm on ways of developing personal and financial discipline  research on how to access financial services, preparing a personal budget, saving and spending
  • research ways of protecting own creativity and share feedback 
  1. How can sports talent be used to generate income?
  2. How can success in sports be contained honorably?
  3. How does one develop personal and financial discipline from sports income?
  4. Which financial services can be used for management of monetary awards?
Core Competencies to be developed:
  • Communication: learners share ideas on different careers available in games and sports.
  • Collaboration: learner actively contributes to group decisions and participates in discussions on sources of income from sports talent and works together as part of a team and recognize and values others’ ideas.
  • Learning to Learn: learners research on how to access financial services and prepare budgets.
  • Creativity and imagination: learners brainstorm on different careers in games and sports.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Poverty eradication: use talent to generate income and manage income generated from sports
  • Gender issues: work together without discrimination
  • Responsibility: maintaining humility after success.
  • Integrity: honesty as they plan how to use talent to make an honest income.
  • Love: support each other and share ideas on how to make profitable ventures.
  • Unity: working together in teams.
Link to other subjects:
  • Language: communicate and discuss different careers in sports.
  • Computer Studies: research on different careers in games and sports.
  • Business studies: plan on budgets, generating income, spending and saving in financial institutions.
Assessment Rubric for Career Opportunities
Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meet Expectations  Approaches Expectations  Below Expectations 
Ability to identify opportunities in games and Sports related careers. Demonstrates exemplary knowledge relating to
career opportunities in games and sports
Demonstrates appropriate knowledge relating to
career opportunities in games and sports
Fairly demonstrates appropriate knowledge, related to
career opportunities in games and Sports
Rarely demonstrates knowledge related to career opportunities in games and Sports
Ability to seek linkages and opportunities for visits to sports institutions Exhibits admirable knowledge on sports institutions and successfully reaches out for linkages Demonstrates appropriate knowledge on sports institutions and successfully reaches out for linkages Demonstrates partial knowledge on sports institutions and attempts to reach out for linkages Hardly demonstrates knowledge, on sports institutions and rarely reaches out for linkages
Ability to discuss ways of earning income through talents or participation in games and sports Demonstrates excellent knowledge when discussing ways of earning income through talents or participation
in games and sports
Demonstrates appropriate knowledge when discussing ways of earning income through talents or participation
in games and sports
Demonstrates partial knowledge when discussing ways of earning income through talents or participation
in games and sports
Scarcely demonstrates knowledge when discussing ways of earning income through talents or participation
in games and sports
Ability to research on appropriate financial services and prepare personal budgets Consistently adheres to instructions while researching on appropriate financial services and preparing personal budgets Adheres to instructions while researching on appropriate financial services and preparing personal budgets Fairly adheres to to instructions while researching on appropriate financial services and preparing personal budgets Need assistance to adhere to to instructions while researching on appropriate financial services and preparing personal budgets
Ability to analyse how to patent own creativity Demonstrates exemplary knowledge when analysing ways of patenting own creativity
in games and sports
Demonstrates appropriate knowledge when analysing ways of patenting own creativity
in games and sports
 Demonstrates partial knowledge when analysing ways of patenting own creativity
in games and sports 
Needs help to demonstrate knowledge when analysing ways of patenting own
creativity in games and sports


The CSL project is based on the strands learned in Games, Athletics and Career opportunities in Sports. Specifically, it deals with learning how to improvise equipment under the sub strands learned in different Games; Athletics; Games and Sports related careers. The project is meant to easily avail resources for play at low or no cost. It provides an opportunity to enhance learning while engaging the school or the larger community.

Although the CSL can start at the beginning of the term, it can continue during informal and non-formal sessions to ensure learners keep acquiring knowledge on improvisation to produce equipment for use in all PE and sports lessons. The CSL project endeavors to address the problem of inadequate or expensive sports equipment by stimulating creativity for improvisation and environmental conservation through the use of recyclable materials in the community

Strand  Sub Strand  Specific Learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experience  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Community Service Learning Project
Improvisation of Sports Equipment
(5 Lessons)
By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. identify the PE and sports equipment to improvise for the CSL project
  2. plan for the CSL project in the school or community
  3. improvise sports equipment using recyclable environmentally friendly materials while observing safety and cleanliness
  4. appreciate the use of recyclable materials for making equipment for PE and Sports

The learner is guided to:-

  • use a simple questionnaire to conduct needs assessment on the sports equipment inventory gaps and recyclable materials in the environment
  • sensitize the school community using posters, clubs, parade on the importance of improvisation of sports equipment using recyclable and environmentally friendly materials
  • collaboratively collect the recyclable environmentally friendly materials within the environment
  • design sample sports equipment to be made using recyclable environmentally friendly materials
  • inclusively, participate on equipment improvisation while
    observing safety and
    environmental cleanliness and conservation
  • showcase the project work in an exhibition to the school community for learning, assessment and marketing
  • reflectively evaluate the project on what worked, what did not work, benefits of the project to the school and community and problem (s) solved
  • present the project report and include it in the portfolio for learning and assessment
  • use the improvised materials during PE and sports lessons
  1. What sports equipment can you improvise for use in the school community?
  2. What are the recyclable environmentally friendly materials that can be used to improvise sports equipment?
  3. Which CSL skills are developed in this project?


Core Competencies to be developed:
  • Communication and Collaboration: learners interact with each other and sensitize the school on importance of recycling and keeping the environment clean.
  • Creativity and imagination: learners choose what to improvise and select materials for improvisation.
  • Self- efficacy: learners show confidence in taking up new challenges in coming up with improvised sporting equipment and portray self-belief in making improvised sports equipment.
  • Citizenship: learners demonstrate environmental consciousness and collaboratively improvise PE and sports equipment.
  • Learning to learn: learners use questionnaires to conduct needs assessment.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Self-awareness and self-esteem: develop interpersonal relationships in the process of improvising relevant equipment.
  • Human sexuality: improvise items that relate to different gender without bias to intersex persons.
  • Disaster risk reduction: sustainably use materials from the environment during improvisation of age appropriate materials.
  • Safety and security as they take care of each other when planning and handling materials during improvisation.
  • Poverty eradication as they show case their products.
  • Environmental sustainability as they develop improvised items and observe environmental conservation skills.
  • Love and respect: learners learn to share available resources while creating materials.
  • Responsibility: learners learn to use and care for equipment and facilities improvised. They should also complete the undertaken project.
  • Integrity: fair play and honesty as learners participate in making the improvised items.
  • Social justice: as learners participate together in doing the project and showcase their projects to the community.
Link to other subjects:
  • Language: communicate and write reports.
  • Social studies: areas dealing with environmental preservation.


  1. Has the project enabled learners to acquire a deeper understanding of the concept of material improvisation and interacting with the community to source for recyclable materials?
  2. Has the involvement of the community led to a better relationship between the school and the community?
  3. Was there value addition in learning in terms of competencies and values gained?
Assessment Rubric for Netball 
Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meet Expectations  Approaches Expectations  Below Expectations 
Ability to identify the gaps and equipment to improvise as a CSL activity Demonstrates excellent knowledge in identifying gaps and required PE and sports equipment to be improvised from
recyclable materials in the community
Demonstrates appropriate knowledge in identifying gaps and required PE and sports equipment to be improvised from
recyclable materials in the community
Partially identifies gaps and required PE and sports equipment to be improvised from recyclable materials in the community Needs help in identifying gaps and required PE and sports equipment to be improvised from recyclable materials in the community
Ability to collaboratively plan for the CSL project Demonstrates exemplary collaborative skills in planning for the equipment to be improvised in the project Demonstrates appropriate collaborative skills in planning for the equipment to be improvised in the project Fairly demonstrates appropriate collaborative skills in planning for the equipment to be improvised in the project Rarely demonstrates collaborative skills in planning for the equipment to be improvised in the project
Ability to improvise sports equipment using recyclable environmental
friendly materials 
Creatively and correctly improvises sports equipment using recyclable environmental friendly materials Correctly improvises sports equipment using recyclable environmental friendly materials Fairly improvises sports equipment using recyclable environmental friendly materials Needs assistance in improvising sports equipment using recyclable environmental friendly materials


Learners must cover at least ONE of these areas: This will depend on what was covered in previous grade, interest and resources available
6.0 Hockey
7.0 Kabaddi
8.0 Swimming


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific Learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experience  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
6.0 Hockey

6.1 Hockey: Equipment, grip and stance

(2 Lessons)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. identify the equipment used in the Hockey game
  2. describe the sections of a Hockey pitch for familiarization
  3. perform the body stance and the grip of the hockey stick for skill acquisition
  4. appreciate the Hockey game for fun and enjoyment
The learner is guided to:
  • watch a video clip on court layout and present an own illustration of the layout for discussion
  • discuss equipment used in Hockey
  • demonstrate the stance and grip of a hockey stick
  • practice the stance and grip in Hockey
  1. Which equipment is used in the game of Hockey?
  2. Which are the sections of a Hockey pitch?
  3. What is the role of body stance and grip of hockey stick done?

6.2 Passing skills in Hockey

(4 Lessons)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. identify the parts of the Hockey stick that make contact with the ball
  2. perform passing using the forward and reverse of the Hockey stick for skill acquisition
  3. observe the rules when passing the ball for safety and fair play
  4. appreciate the use of protective equipment while playing Hockey for safety

The learner is guided to:

  • watch video clips and observe the part of a hockey stick used for passing
  • demonstrate the forward and reverse stick passes and share feedback
  • use drills to practice forward and reverse stick passes
  • play a mini passing game in Hockey
  • Use protective gear for safety during play
  1. When is the forward and reverse stick pass used in Hockey?
  2. What is the role of the forward and reverse stick passing techniques in playing Hockey?
  3. Why is it necessary to observe rules when passing a ball in Hockey game?

6.3 Hitting skills in Hockey

(2 Lessons)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. explain the steps of hitting a Hockey ball
  2. execute hitting the ball in Hockey for skill acquisition
  3. observe the rules when hitting the ball for safety and fair play
  4. recognize the use of protective equipment when playing Hockey for safety
The learner is guided to:
  • discuss the hitting technique in Hockey
  • demonstrate hitting and share feed back
  • play a mini game in Hockey and use protective gear for safety
  1. What is the role of different steps when a hockey ball is being hit?
  2. What are the safety precautions to consider when hitting a hockey ball?
  6.4 Stopping skills in Hockey

(2 lessons)
By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. explain the steps in stopping a hockey ball for control
  2. stop the ball using the forward and reverse stick for skill development
  3. critically employ the forward and reverse stick in stopping the ball in Hockey
  4. value own and others efforts while playing the game for harmony and self-efficacy

The learner is guided to:

  • discuss the steps for stopping techniques in Hockey
  • demonstrate the forward and reverse stick
    stopping techniques in Hockey and give feedback
  • use drill to practice ball stopping in Hockey while observing rules for safety
  • play a conditioned
    hockey game for fun and enjoyment  


  1. What is the importance of the steps used in stopping a hockey ball during play?
  2. Why should the hockey stick remain down while attempting to stop the ball?
Core Competencies to be developed:
  • Self-efficacy: while confidently performing skills in hockey.
  • Critically thinking: while applying the skills in a mini game.
  • Digital literacy: manipulate and interact with digital devices.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Health lifestyle: build on fitness generated from playing the game.
  • Social economic issues: disaster risk reduction- avoiding using the sticks and ball as weapons and only for purposes of play.
  • Safety and security wear protective gear while playing Hockey.
  • Gender issues: play with each other without discrimination.
  • Responsibility while taking care of equipment
  • Respect for each other while using the hockey equipment
  • Love when players are concerned about their safety and that of others
  • Social justice for emphasis on fair play and observance of rules
Link to other subjects:
  • Computer studies for digital literacy
  • Languages for communication both verbally and non-verbally
  • Health education as they take care of their hygiene when sharing equipment and protective gear
Assessment Rubric for Hockey. Equipment and Passing Skill
Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meet Expectations  Approaches Expectations  Below Expectations 
Ability to identify equipment and describe the Hockey pitch Exhaustively and correctly identifies equipment and describes the Hockey
pitch with excellence
Correctly identifies equipment and describes the Hockey pitch Fairly identifies equipment and describes the Hockey pitch Needs help to identify equipment and describes the Hockey pitch with difficulty
Ability to demonstrate the body stance and stick grip in Hockey Demonstrates body stance and stick grip
in Hockey with excellence
Demonstrates body stance and stick grip in Hockey correctly Fairly demonstrates body stance and stick grip in Hockey Hardly demonstrates body stance and stick grip in Hockey
Ability to identify the parts of the Hockey stick that makes contact with the ball Consistently and correctly identifies the parts of the Hockey
stick that makes contact with the ball
Correctly identifies the parts of the Hockey
stick that makes contact with the ball
Fairly identifies the parts of the Hockey
stick that makes contact with the ball
Seldom identifies the parts of the Hockey stick that make contact with the ball
Ability to perform passing Hockey ball using the forward and
reverse of the stick
Performs passing Hockey ball using the forward and reverse
of the stick with excellence
Performs passing Hockey ball using the forward and reverse
of the stick correctly
Fairly performs passing Hockey ball using the forward and reverse
of the stick correctly
Needs assistance to perform passing Hockey ball using the
forward and reverse of the stick
Ability to adhere to rules when passing the ball Consistently adheres to rules when passing the ball while observing safety and fair play Adheres to rules when passing the ball while observing safety and fair play Fairly adheres to rules when passing the ball while observing safety and fair play Hardly adheres to rules when passing the ball while observing safety and fair play
Assessment Rubric for Hockey- Hitting and Stopping Skill    
Indicators Exceeds expectations  Meets expectations  Approaches expectations  Below expectations 
Ability to explain the steps of hitting a hockey ball Skillfully and correctly explains the steps of hitting a hockey ball Correctly explains the steps of hitting a hockey ball Partially explains the steps of hitting a hockey ball Needs assistance to explain the steps of hitting a hockey ball
Ability to execute hitting a ball in
Executes hitting a hockey ball with excellence Executes hitting a hockey ball correctly Fairly executes hitting a hockey ball Needs help to execute hitting a hockey ball
Ability to adhere to rules when hitting a hockey ball Consistently adheres to rules when hitting a hockey ball while observing safety and fair
Adheres to rules when hitting a hockey ball while observing safety and fair
Fairly adheres to rules when hitting a hockey ball while observing safety and fair
Scarcely adheres to rules when hitting a hockey ball while observing safety and fair
Ability to explain the steps in stopping a hockey
Proficiently explains the steps of stopping a hockey ball Correctly explains the steps of stopping a hockey ball Fairly explains the steps of stopping a hockey ball Needs help to explain the steps of stopping a hockey ball
Ability to stop the ball using the forward and reverse stick Skillfully and correctly stops the ball using the forward and reverse stick with excellence while
observing safety 
Correctly stops the ball using the forward and reverse stick with excellence while
observing safety 
Fairly stops the ball using the forward and reverse stick with excellence while
observing safety 
Requires assistance to stop the ball using the forward and reverse stick with excellence while
observing safety 
Ability to critically employ the forward and reverse stick in stopping the
hockey ball
Critically and consistently employs the forward and reverse stick in stopping the hockey ball Critically and correctly employs the forward and reverse stick in stopping the hockey ball Fairly employs the forward and reverse stick in stopping the hockey ball Hardly employs the forward and reverse stick in stopping the hockey ball


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific Learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experience  Key Inquiry Question(s) 

7.1 Defensive positioning and entry skill

(2 lessons)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  • describe team positioning for defensive play in Kabaddi
  • evaluate the entry technique used to start the Kabaddi game
  • perform the defensive positioning and raiders entry during Kabaddi game
  • apply the rules governing entry and positioning in Kabaddi
  • appreciate own and other’s effort when playing Kabaddi for enjoyment and self- efficacy
The learner is guided to:
  • discuss team positioning formation
  • discuss the entry technique in Kabaddi
  • demonstrate entry and defensive positions in Kabaddi
  • use drills to practice the different entry and defensive positions
  • play Kabaddi while observing the positioning strategies
  1. What is the role of defensive team position during start of the game?
  2. What is the importance of the rules that govern entry and positioning in Kabaddi?



7. 2 Defensive skills

(4 lessons)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. distinguish between the block and chain tackle in kabaddi
  2. perform the block and chain tackles techniques in Kabaddi while observing safety
  3. Creatively employ the block and chain tackle in Kabaddi
  4. appreciate the use of block and chain tackles in Kabaddi
The learner is guided to:-
  • watch a video clip and observe the execution of block and chain tackle
  • demonstrate the block and chain tackles
  • use drills to practise the block and chain tackles
  • play mini Kabaddi game while observing rules for safety
  1. What is the importance of the block and chain tackles in Kabaddi?
  2. When is it suitable to apply either strategy of block or chain tackle in a Kabaddi game?

7.3 Attacking skills

(4 lessons)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. differentiate the attacking skills of hand touch and squat thrust in Kabaddi
  2. perform different types of hand touches and squat thrusts employed by raiders when attacking in Kabaddi
  3. critically employ the different attacking skills in Kabaddi while observing rules and regulations
  4. value own and others’ efforts while playing Kabaddi for self confidence 
The learner is guided to:
  • brainstorm on hand touches and squat thrust in kabaddi
  • demonstrate hand touches and squat thrust in kabaddi
  • use drills to practise the hand touches and squat thrust
  • play mini Kabaddi game while observing safety
  1. What is the role of the attacking skills of hand touch and squat thrust in Kabaddi?
  2. How are the different attacking skills of hand touch and squat thrust used in Kabaddi?
  3. Which safety precautions need to be observed when playing Kabaddi?
Core Competencies to be developed:
  • Communication and collaboration: while practising and interacting with each other in learning the skills.
  • Self-efficacy: while confidently performing skills of kabaddi.
  • Critical thinking: while deciding the skill to apply in mini game.
  • Digital literacy: while manipulating and interacting with digital devices.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Health Related Issues: develop fitness when participating in kabaddi and as a recreation and leisure game
  • Negotiation skills: as they strategize on best attack and defensive skills to use during play
  • Safety and security: as they play games and observe rules
    Gender issues: as they opt to play separately as boys and girls due to the contact nature of the game
  • Responsibility as they maintain their roles in a team
  • Respect for self and each other while playing the game
  • Love when players are concerned about their safety and that of others
  • Social justice for emphasis on fair play and observing rules
  • Integrity playing and speaking honestly during play
Link to other subjects:
  • Sciences as they identify body parts used in skills’ execution
  • Computer studies as they watch video clips
  • Languages as they communicate verbally and non-verbally during play
  • Religious studies: as they choose fair play that encourages application of values


Assessment Rubric for Kabaddi-Defensive Positioning and Skills
Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meet Expectations  Approaches Expectations  Below Expectations 
Ability to describe team positions for defensive play in Kabaddi Excellently describes team positions for defensive play in Kabaddi Correctly describes team positions for defensive play in Kabaddi Fairly describes team positions for defensive play in Kabaddi Needs help to describe team positions for defensive play in
Ability to evaluate techniques used to start Kabaddi Proficiently evaluates techniques used to start Kabaddi Correctly evaluates techniques used to start Kabaddi Fairly evaluates techniques used to start Kabaddi Needs assistance to evaluate techniques used to start Kabaddi
Ability to perform the defensive positioning and raiders entry in
Performs the defensive positioning and raiders entry in Kabaddi with excellence Correctly performs the defensive positioning and raiders entry in
Fairly performs the defensive positioning and raiders entry in
Rarely performs the defensive positioning and raiders entry in
Ability to apply the rules governing entry and positioning in
Skillfully and correctly applies the rules governing entry and positioning in Kabaddi Correctly applies the rules governing entry and positioning in Kabaddi Partly applies the rules governing entry and positioning in Kabaddi Does not apply the rules governing entry and positioning in Kabaddi
Ability to distinguish between block and
chain tackles in Kabaddi
Consistently and correctly distinguishes between block and tackle
techniques in Kabaddi with excellence
Correctly distinguishes between block and tackle
techniques in Kabaddi
Partly distinguishes between block and tackle
techniques in Kabaddi

Needs assistance to distinguish between block and tackle
techniques in Kabaddi

Ability to perform the block and chain tackles techniques in Kabaddi Excellently performs the block and chain tackles techniques in Kabaddi while observing safety Correctly performs the block and chain tackles techniques in Kabaddi while observing safety Fairly performs the block and chain tackles techniques in Kabaddi while observing some safety precautions. Hardly performs the block and chain tackles techniques in Kabaddi while observing safety
Ability to creatively employ the block and chain tackle in
Consistently and creatively employs the block and chain tackle in Kabaddi Correctly and creatively employs the block and chain tackle in Kabaddi Fairly employs the block and chain tackle in Kabaddi   Needs help to creatively employ the block and chain tackle in Kabaddi
Assessment Rubric for Kabaddi-Attacking Skills
Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meet Expectations  Approaches Expectations  Below Expectations 
Ability to differentiate the attacking skills of hand touch and squat thrust in Kabaddi Distinctly and correctly differentiates attacking skills of hand touch and squat thrust in Kabaddi
with excellence
Correctly differentiates attacking skills of hand touch and squat thrust in Kabaddi Fairly differentiates attacking skills of hand touch and squat thrust in Kabaddi

Hardly differentiates attacking skills of hand touch and squat thrust in Kabaddi

Ability to perform different types of hand touches and squat thrusts employed when attacking in Kabaddi Excellently performs different types of hand touches and squat thrusts employed when attacking while observing safety Correctly performs different types of hand touches and squat thrusts employed when attacking while observing safety Fairly performs different types of hand touches and squat thrusts employed when attacking while observing some safety precautions eeds help to perform different types of hand touches and squat thrusts employed when attacking in Kabaddi and rarely observes
Ability to critically employ the different attacking skills in Kabaddi while observing rules and
Consistently and critically employs the different attacking skills in Kabaddi while observing rules and
Critically employs the different attacking skills in Kabaddi while observing rules and
Fairly employs the different attacking skills in Kabaddi while observing rules and
Rarely employs the different attacking skills in Kabaddi while observing rules and


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific Learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experience  Key Inquiry Question(s) 

8.1 Water Orientation

(3 Lessons)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. establish the levels of water confidence for learning progression
  2. creatively float and balance in water for orientation
  3. observe rules and regulations of swimming for safety
  4. appreciate water games for fun and enjoyment while ensuring safety
The learner is guided to:
  • safely make entry and exit into the swimming pool with ease
  • demonstrate buoyancy and floating in water while building confidence
  • practice buoyancy and floating in water
  • play water games while applying basic rules in and out of the swimming pool
  1. In which ways does one gain water confidence in swimming?
  2. Which rules and regulations need to be observed in water and within the pool area?
  8.2 Front Crawl

(4 lessons)
By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. describe the flutter kicks, arm action and breathing in Front crawl
  2. perform the flutter kick, arm action and breathing techniques for skill acquisition
  3. creatively combine the leg kick, arm pulls action and breathing in Front crawl
  4. appreciate own and others efforts during swimming while observing safety 
The learner is guided to:
  • Watch a video clip on Front crawl technique
  • discuss the techniques of flutter kicks, arm action and breathing in Front crawl
  • demonstrate flutter kicks, arm action and breathing in Front crawl
  • collaboratively practice drills in Front crawl
  1. What is the role of the different components of Front crawl?
  2. What is the importance of combining the Front crawl techniques in swimming?

8.3 Back stroke in swimming

(3 lessons)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. describe the body position for performing Back stroke
  2. describe flutter kicks, arm action and breathing in Back stroke
  3. perform the flutter kick, arm action and breathing techniques for skill acquisition
  4. creatively combine the flutter kick, arm action and breathing for self-efficacy
  5. appreciate own and others efforts during back stroke while observing safety
The learner is guided to:
  • watch a video clip on Back stroke technique and observe the execution of the skill
  • discuss supine body position and the techniques of flutter kicks, arm action and breathing during Back stroke
  • demonstrate flutter kicks, arm action and breathing while in supine position and share feedback
  • practise drills for breathing, flutter kicks and arm action in back stroke
  • engage in water games for fun and enjoyment
  1. What is the role of body position in swimming using Backstroke technique?


Core Competencies to be developed:
  • Communication and collaboration: as they practice water skills and play water games.
  • Digital literacy: as they watch video clips on different strokes.
  • Self-efficacy: as they build water confidence and perform different swimming strokes.
  • Critical thinking and problem solving: as they manage their breathing while practicing different strokes.
  • Learning to learn as they come up with other ways of improving learnt skills and peer evaluation.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Health Related Issues: lifestyle diseases that are kept at bay by fitness during swimming.
  • Water survival skills, negotiations and self-awareness.
  • Human sexuality and gender: appreciating anatomical difference among themselves while in swimming attire.
  • Social economic issues: (disaster risk reduction by caring for each other around the pool.
  • Safety and security: observe pool rules in and around the pool.
  • Sustainable development: proper use of pool and its water environs.
  • Responsibility: practice caution and safety around the pool.
  • Respect for self and others as they learn the skills.
  • Love and caring for each other as they appreciate each other space, challenges and abilities.
  • Unity as they work collaboratively and obey rules.
Link to other subjects:
  • Health education by observing hygiene and cleanliness in the pool.
  • Religious education –loving each other and observing values.
  • Computer studies – as they use digital literacy to manipulate and interact with digital devices.
  • Languages as they communicate and collaborate while swimming.
  • Science as they observe water buoyance and Archimedes’ principle of floatation.


Assessment Rubric for Swimming: Water Orientation and Front Crawl
Indicators Exceeds Expectations Meet Expectations  Approaches Expectations  Below Expectations 
Ability to establish and demonstrate water confidence and buoyancy Consistent adherence to instructions while performing floating and balancing in
water with excellence
Adherence to instructions while performing floating and balancing in
Fairly adheres to instructions while performing floating and balancing in
Hardly adheres to instructions while performing floating and balancing in
Ability to creatively float and balance in water Consistently and creatively float and balance in water Creatively float and balance in water Fairly float and balance in water Needs assistance to float and balance in water
Ability to observe rules and regulations during swimming Proficiently adheres to instructions and
rules while observing safety
Adherence to instructions and rules
while observing safety
Partly adheres to instructions and rules
while occasionally observing safety
Needs help to adhere to instructions and
rules and hardly observes safety
Ability to describe flutter kick, arm action and breathing techniques in Front crawl Consistently and correctly describes flutter kick, arm action and breathing techniques in Front
Correctly describes flutter kick, arm action and breathing techniques in Front
Fairly describes flutter kick, arm action and breathing techniques in Front
Hardly able to describe flutter kick, arm action and breathing techniques in Front crawl
Ability to perform the flutter kick, arm action and breathing
techniques in Front crawl
Performs the flutter kick, arm action and breathing techniques
in Front crawl with excellence
Performs the flutter kick, arm action and breathing techniques
in Front crawl correctly
Fairly performs the flutter kick, arm action and breathing
techniques in Front crawl
Needs help to perform the flutter kick, arm action and breathing
techniques in Front crawl
Ability to creatively combine the techniques in Front crawl Consistently and correctly displays exemplary combination of techniques in Front
Correctly displays exemplary combination of techniques in Front
Displays fair performance of techniques in Front crawl Hardly able to perform techniques in Front crawl
Assessment Rubric for Swimming: Backstroke    
Indicators Exceeds expectations Meets expectation Approaches Expectations Below Expectations
Ability to describe the body position in performance of Back stroke Excellently describes body position in performance of Back stroke Correctly describes body position in performance of Back stroke Fairly describes body position in performance of Back stroke Needs assistance to describe body position in
performance of Back stroke
Ability to describe flutter kicks, arm action and breathing in Back stroke Exhaustively and explicitly describe flutter kicks, arm
action and breathing in Back stroke
Explicitly describe flutter kicks, arm
action and breathing in Back stroke
Fairly describes flutter kicks, arm
action and breathing in Back stroke
Needs help to describe flutter kicks, arm action and
breathing in Back stroke
Ability to perform the flutter kick arm action and breathing techniques in Back
Performs the flutter kick, arm action and breathing techniques in Back crawl with
Performs the flutter kick, arm action and breathing techniques in Back crawl
Fairly performs the flutter kick, arm action and breathing techniques in Back crawl
Seldom performs the flutter kick, arm action and breathing techniques in Back
Ability to creatively combine the flutter kick, arm action and breathing in Back crawl  Consistently and correctly displays exemplary combination of techniques in Back
Correctly displays exemplary combination of techniques in Back
Fairly combines techniques in the performance of Back crawl Needs assistance to perform techniques in Back crawl


Strand  Suggested Resources  Suggested Assessment  Suggested Non-Formal Activities to Support Learning
Games Open places or marked fields ICT devices
Netball balls Handball balls Whistle
Oral questions practical Observation checklist Written tests Read on Netball and Handball from the internet and other sources
Participate in ball games competitions in and out of
Athletics Open places or marked fields ICT devices, whistle
Long jump runway and landing area, tape measure Javelin
Relay batons
Oral questions practical Observation checklist Written tests Read on Athletics
Watch Athletics championships on television
Participate in Athletics competitions
Physical Fitness and Health Open places Fitness test form Music system Whistle
Fitness evaluation tools
Oral questions practical Portfolio Written tests Participation in school games and sports teams
Career Opportunities in Sports Books Newspapers ICT devices
Sports Institutions
Oral questions Written tests Portfolio Attending training sessions of various school teams to talk to various officials in the teams
Community Service 
Learning Project
Easily available materials in the environment
Oral questions Reports Campaigns on use of easily available materials to improvise sports equipment

Hockey- hockey equipment, Open places or marked field, ICT devices, whistle

Kabaddi – Open places or marked field, ICT devices, whistle

Swimming - Swimming pool, floaters, ICT devices,

Oral questions Written tests practical  Reading on skills in Hockey, Kabaddi and Swimming Watching Hockey, Kabaddi and Swimming competitions on Television


Read 574 times Last modified on Thursday, 12 January 2023 08:29

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