Health Education - Grade 7 Curriculum Designs

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No Subject Number of Lessons Per Week
(40 minutes per lesson)
1 English 5
2 Kiswahili/KSL 4
3 Mathematics 5
4 Integrated Science 4
5 Health Education 2
6 Pre-Technical and Pre-Career Education 5
7 Social Studies 3
8 Religious Education (CRE/IRE/HRE) 2
9 Business Studies 3
10 Agriculture 3
11 Life Skills Education 1
12 Physical Education and Sports 2
13 Optional Subject 3
14 Optional Subject 3
  Total 45


Education in Kenya should:

  1.  Foster nationalism and patriotism and promote national unity. Kenya’s people belong to different communities, races and religions, but these differences need not divide them. They must be able to live and interact as Kenyans. It is a paramount duty of education to help young people acquire this sense of nationhood by removing conflicts and promoting positive attitudes of mutual respect which enable them to live together in harmony and foster patriotism in order to make a positive contribution to the life of the nation.
  2.  Promote the social, economic, technological and industrial needs for national development.
    Education should prepare the youth of the country to play an effective and productive role in the life of the nation.
    1.  Social Needs
      Education in Kenya must prepare children for changes in attitudes and relationships which are necessary for the smooth progress of a rapidly developing modern economy. There is bound to be a silent social revolution following in the wake of rapid modernization. Education should assist our youth to adapt to this change.
    2. Economic Needs
      Education in Kenya should produce citizens with the skills, knowledge, expertise and personal qualities that are required to support a growing economy. Kenya is building up a modern and independent economy which is in need of an adequate and relevant domestic workforce.
    3.  Technological and Industrial Needs
      Education in Kenya should provide learners with the necessary skills and attitudes for industrial development. Kenya recognizes the rapid industrial and technological changes taking place, especially in the developed world. We can only be part of this development if our education system is deliberately focused on the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will prepare our young people for these changing global trends.
  3. Promote individual development and self-fulfillment
    Education should provide opportunities for the fullest development of individual talents and personality. It should help children to develop their potential interests and abilities. A vital aspect of individual development is the building of character.
  4. Promote sound moral and religious values.
    Education should provide for the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enhance the acquisition of sound moral values and help children to grow up into self-disciplined, self-reliant and integrated citizens.
  5.  Promote social equality and responsibility.
    Education should promote social equality and foster a sense of social responsibility within an education system which provides equal educational opportunities for all. It should give all children varied and challenging opportunities for collective activities and corporate social service irrespective of gender, ability or geographical environment.
  6. Promote respect for and development of Kenya’s rich and varied cultures.
    Education should instill in the youth of Kenya an understanding of past and present cultures and their valid place in contemporary society. Children should be able to blend the best of traditional values with the changing requirements that must follow rapid development in order to build a stable and modern society.
  7. Promote international consciousness and foster positive attitudes towards other nations.
    Kenya is part of the international community. It is part of the complicated and interdependent network of peoples and nations. Education should therefore lead the youth of the country to accept membership of this international community with all the obligations and responsibilities, rights and benefits that this membership entails.
  8. Promote positive attitudes towards good health and environmental protection.
    Education should inculcate in young people the value of good health in order for them to avoid indulging in activities that will lead to physical or mental ill health. It should foster positive attitudes towards environmental development and conservation. It should lead the youth of Kenya to appreciate the need for a healthy environment.

By the end of Middle School, the learner should be able to:

  1. Apply literacy, numeracy and logical thinking skills for appropriate self-expression.
  2. Communicate effectively, verbally and non-verbally, in diverse contexts.
  3. Demonstrate social skills, spiritual and moral values for peaceful co-existence.
  4. Explore, manipulate, manage and conserve the environment effectively for learning and sustainable development.
  5. Practice relevant hygiene, sanitation and nutrition skills to promote health.
  6. Demonstrate ethical behavior and exhibit good citizenship as a civic responsibility.
  7. Appreciate the country's rich and diverse cultural heritage for harmonious co-existence.
  8. Manage pertinent and contemporary issues in society effectively.
  9. Apply digital literacy skills for communication and learning.


The Government of Kenya is committed to the improvement of the health and welfare of its citizens. This is demonstrated through its commitment to implement the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of 2015 in which health is a cross cutting issue. The (SDGs) number (2) two, (3) three and (6) six aimed at addressing zero hunger, good health and wellbeing and clean water and sanitation respectively are a key focus in the curriculum. Several government policy documents such the Kenya Demographic Health Survey (2014), the social pillar of the Vision 2030, the constitution of Kenya 2010, Kenya Mental Health Policy (2015-2030) and the Kenya School Health policy (2018) among others, aim at achieving optimal health status and capacity of all citizens through provision of legal frameworks for ensuring comprehensive health service delivery. The introduction of health education in the curriculum was also highlighted by many respondents as indicated in the Needs Assessment Survey (KICD, 2016). Health education will therefore focus on promoting healthy living practices and preventing diseases and disorders.

The health education curriculum is aimed at equipping learners with information on health and instilling positive attitudes towards the promotion of health and prevention of illnesses to enable them to contribute to and participate in nation building. As a learning area at the junior school level, Health Education covers; health and nutrition, diseases and disorders affecting various body systems, mental and emotional health, drug and substance use, safety and first aid, environmental health and sanitation and human reproductive health. This will help the learners acquire competencies that will enable them deal with daily health issues hence promote health and wellness for self and the community. The learning of Health Education adopts theories such as the constructivist theory of learning where learners will be given opportunities to construct knowledge through discovery, research, personal experiences and exploration. Through inquiry-based learning approaches, learners will be exposed to hands-on learning experiences to enable them practice the principles of good health.


By the end of Junior Secondary school, the learner should be able to:

  1. Adopt healthy eating habits and food safety practices to promote health and wellness for self and others.
  2. Apply the knowledge and principles of prevention and control of diseases and disorders to promote health.
  3. Promote mental and emotional health for wellness.
  4. Apply safety and first aid skills to prevent accidents and handle injuries in the community.
  5. Adopt proper use of medicine and drugs for wellbeing of self and community.
  6. Practice proper waste management to prevent pollution in the environment.
  7. Utilize knowledge on human growth and development to build healthy relationships.
  8. Apply digital literacy in promoting practices that enhance health and wellness.


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Health and Nutrition
Introduction to Health Education (2 lessons)
By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. explain the meaning of health and health education in relation to overall wellbeing
  2. outline the importance of health education for healthy living
  3. identify requirements for various careers in health education
  4. promote health education related activities in the community
  5. embrace health education for the wellness of self and others.
The learner is guided to:
  • brainstorm on the meaning of health and health education
  • discuss the importance of health education and share with peers
  • use digital devices and reference materials to search for information on health education related careers
  • engage in career talks with resource persons on opportunities in health related careers(Public Health Officers, Nutrionists, health promotion officers, doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, psychologists, clinical officers, physio therapists)
  • participate in health education related activities in the school community(hand washing, physical exercises).
  1. Why is Health education important?
  2. How does Health Education promote healthy living?


Core Competencies to be developed:
  • Communication and collaboration as learners work in teams and actively participate in group discussions and health education related activities
  • Digital literacy as learners interact with technology as they search for information on health education related careers
  • Self efficacy as learners communicate effectively as they discuss the importance of health education 
  • Unity as learners strive to achieve common goals during group work
  • Respect as they listen to each other’s opinions during group discussions
  • Responsibility as they engage in assigned roles and take part in health education related activities in school.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Personal hygiene as they participate in health education related activities in the school community
Link to other subjects:
  • Computer science as learners use digital devices
  • Languages as they discuss and make presentations
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to outline the importance of health education for healthy living Correctly outlines the importance of health education for healthy living. Outlines the importance of health education for healthy living. Partially outlines the importance of health education for healthy living Attempts to outline the importance of health education for healthy living with assistance
Ability to identify requirements for various careers in
health education
Correctly and critically identifies requirements for various careers in
health education
Correctly  identifies requirements for various careers in
health education
Correctly identifies some requirements for various careers in
health education
Identifies some requirements for various careers
in health education with assistance
Ability to promote health education related activities in the community Creatively promotes health education related activities in the community Promotes health education related activities in the community Promotes some health education related activities in the community Needs guidance to promote some health education related activities in the


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Health and Nutrition

1.2 Health Promotion

(3 lessons)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. explain the meaning of health promotion in relation to healthy living
  2. identify common health concerns in the community for awareness creation
  3. determine ways of promoting wellness in individuals and the community
  4. identify challenges to health promotion in the community
  5. value good governance for sustainable health promotion
The learner is guided to
  • brainstorm on the meaning of health promotion and relate to healthy living
  • share experiences on common health concerns in their community
  • discuss ways of promoting wellness in individuals and the community( healthy diets, use of clean and safe water, plenty of exercise, hygiene practices,enough rest)
  • share challenges hindering health promotion in the community
  1. What is health promotion?
  2. How does health promotion contribute to good health?
Core Competencies to be developed: 
  • Communication and collaboration as learners listen critically to identify challenges to health promotion in the community
  • Creativity and imagination as learners network in creating flyers and talking walls on promotion of wellness for individuals and the community
  • Citizenship as they apply social and civic skills as they create awareness on health
  • Unity as they collaborate with each other and actively participate in various health promotion activities
  • Responsibility as they observe safety precautions during access of various online sites in search for information
  • Respect as they accommodate diverse opinions when performing group tasks
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Child rights as they identify health concerns in the community for health promotion
  • Social cohesion as learners work together in groups during creation of health promotion materials
Link to other subjects:
  • Computer Science as learners use digital devices when presenting information
  • Languages – communication skills will be used during presentations.
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to identify common health concerns in the community for awareness creation Correctly and precisely identifies common health concerns in the
community for awareness creation
Correctly identifies common health concerns in the
community for awareness creation
Correctly identifies some common health concerns in the
community for awareness creation
Needs guidance to identify some common health concerns in the
community for awareness creation
Ability to determine ways of promoting wellness
in individuals and the community
Accurately and creatively determines ways of promoting
wellness in individuals and the community
Accurately determines ways of promoting
wellness in individuals and the community
Accurately determines some ways of promoting
wellness in individuals and the community
Needs assistance to determine some ways of promoting wellness
in individuals and the community
Ability to identify challenges to health
promotion in the community
Correctly and critically identifies
challenges to health promotion in the community and suggests solutions
Correctly identifies challenges to health
promotion in the community
Correctly identifies some challenges to health
promotion in the community
With support identifies some
challenges to health promotion in the community


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Health and Nutrition

Nutrients and their functions in the body

(4 lessons)

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should able to:
  1. differentiate between macro and micro nutrients in relation to nutrition
  2. identify the functions and sources of macro and micro nutrients from the food we eat
  3. describe the signs and symptoms of common macro and micro nutrient deficiencies and disorders
  4. discuss intervention measures for preventing macro and micro nutrient deficiencies
  5. examine the role of water and dietary fibre in promoting health
  6. value plants and animals as sources of nutrients in promoting health.

The learner is guided to:

  • brainstorm on the difference between micro and macro nutrients
  • research on the functions and sources of macro and micro nutrients using print materials and digital devices (micro nutrients- vitamins and minerals).
    (macro nutrients- carbohydrates, proteins, fat and lipids)
  • visit a local market and identify foods that provide micro and macro nutrients and write a report
  • use digital devices, pictures and charts to identify signs of macro and micro nutrients deffiencies and disorders and make presentations in class
  • explore on measures for preventing macro and micro nutrient deficiencies and share their findings with peers 
    research on the health benefits of dietary fibre and water in the body and make notes.
  1. What are the roles of the nutrients in the body?
  2. How do we ensure adequate nutrient intake?
  3. Why do we require water and dietary fibre in the body?


Core Competencies to be developed: 
  • Self-efficacy as learners apply leadership skills during the visit to a local market to identify foods that provide micro and macro nutrients
  • Critical thinking and problem solving as learners explain the different measures for preventing macro and micro nutrients deficiencies.
  • Communication and collaboration as learners use speaking skills in making class presentations on signs and symptoms of macro and micro nutrient deficiency
  • Unity as they appreciate effort of others in group activities as they research on the health benefits of dietary fibre and water in the body
  • Respect as learners take turns and accommodate each other’s views during discussions.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Child rights to good health through provision of proper nutrition
  • Social issues- poverty eradication for prevention of macro and micro nutrients defiencies and disorders
Link to other subjects:
  • Home science -categories of various foods and food nutrients
  • Languages -use of writing skills during report writing
  • Agriculture -sources of food (plant and animal sources)
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to identify the functions and sources of macro and micro-nutrients Correctly and comprehensively identifies the functions and sources of macro
and micro-nutrients
Correctly identifies the functions and sources of macro
and micro-nutrients
Identifies some of the functions and sources of macro
and micro-nutrients
Identifies some of the functions and sources of macro and micro nutrients with assistance
Ability to describe the signs and symptoms of macro and micro-nutrient deficiencies and
Accurately describes the signs and symptoms of macro and micro- nutrient deficiencies and
Describes the signs and symptoms of macro and micro- nutrient deficiencies and
Partially describes the signs and symptoms of macro and micro- nutrient deficiencies and
Requires guidance to describe the signs and symptoms of macro- and-micro nutrient deficiencies
Ability to discuss the intervention measures for preventing macro and micro nutrient deficiencies Correctly and exhaustively discusses the intervention measures for preventing macro and
micro nutrient deficiencies
Correctly discusses the intervention measures for preventing macro and
micro nutrient deficiencies
Discusses the intervention measures for preventing macro and
micro nutrient deficiencies
Discusses intervention measures for preventing macro and micro nutrient deficiencies with assistance
Ability to examine the role of water and dietary fibre in promoting health Correctly examines the role of water and dietary fibre in the body and states their
Correctly examines the role of water and dietary fibre in promoting health Examines the role of water and dietary fibre in promoting health Attempts to examine the role of water and dietary fibre in promoting health


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Human Body Systems

 2.1 Digestive system

(4 lessons)

By the end of the sub- strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. illustrate the major parts of the digestive system in humans
  2. explain the functions of various parts of the human digestive system
  3. identify common conditions and diseases affecting the digestive system and their causes
  4. evaluate ways of preventing common conditions and diseases affecting the human digestive system 
  5. adopt preventive measures for a healthy digestive system
 The learner is guided to:
  • use digital devices and print materials to search for information on parts of the human digestive system and present findings
  • draw and label parts of the human digestive system
  • brainstorm on the functions of various parts of human digestive system and share their findings with peers
  • observe netiquette as they research on common conditions and diseases affecting the human digestive system (acid reflux, ulcers, constipation, round worms)
  • research on the causes of common conditions and diseases affecting the human digestive system and make presentations
  • research on preventive measures for common conditions and diseases affecting the human digestive system and write a report.
  1. How does food move through the digestive tract?
  2. What causes the conditions and diseases of digestive system?
  3. Why do we maintain a healthy digestive system?
Core Competencies to be developed: 
  • Learning to learn as they organize own learning during research on the common conditions and diseases affecting the human digestive system
  • Critical thinking and problem solving as learners adopt preventive measures for common conditions and diseases affecting the human digestive system
  • Communication and collaboration as learners speak clearly during presentations on the causes of common conditions and diseases affecting the human digestive system
  • Unity as they take turns in activities and conversations during group work
  • Patriotism as they serve the community by teaching peers on preventive measures for common conditions and diseases affecting the human digestive system
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Self-awareness as learners gain knowledge about the structure of the digestive system.
Link to other subjects:
  • Integrated science as they learn how the digestive system functions
  • Languages- Functional writing as they write reports
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to illustrate the major parts of the digestive system in humans Correctly illustrates major parts of the digestive system in humans Illustrates major parts of the digestive system in humans Attempts to illustrate some of the major parts of the digestive system in humans With assistance illustrates some parts of the digestive system in humans
Ability to explain the functions of various parts of the human digestive system Correctly and exhaustively explains the functions of various parts of the human digestive system Correctly explains the functions of various parts of the human digestive system Partially explains the functions of various parts of the human digestive system Explains some functions of various parts of the human digestive system with guidance
Ability to identify common conditions and diseases affecting the digestive system
and their causes
Correctly and comprehensively identifies common conditions and diseases affecting the digestive system and their
Correctly identifies common conditions and diseases affecting the digestive system
and their causes
Identifies some common conditions and diseases affecting the digestive system
and their causes
Attempts to identify common conditions and diseases of the human digestive system and their
Ability to evaluate ways of preventing common conditions
and diseases affecting the human digestive system
Accurate evaluates ways of preventing common conditions and diseases
affecting the human digestive system
Evaluates ways of preventing common conditions and
diseases affecting the human digestive system
Attempts to evaluate ways of preventing common conditions
and diseases affecting the human digestive system

Needs support to evaluate ways of preventing common
conditions and diseases affecting the human digestive system.


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
2.0 Human Body Systems 2.2
Excretory system
(4 lessons)
By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. identify the different excretory organs in the human body
  2. describe the functions of the skin in the body
  3. discuss the causes, signs and symptoms of common skin conditions and diseases
  4. Prevent common conditions and diseases of the skin for healthy living
  5. appreciate the importance of a healthy skin.
The learner is guided to:
  • brainstorm on different excretory organs in the human body (skin, liver, lungs and kidney)
  • research on the functions of the skin and make short notes
  • research on the causes of various conditions and diseases affecting the skin
  • use pictures and print materials to recognize the signs and symptoms of common skin conditions and diseases (boils, fungal infections, scabies, allergic skin conditions).
  • explore on ways of preventing common conditions and diseases of the skin and present to peers
  • practice health initiatives for prevention of common conditions and diseases of the skin. (hygiene of self and personal belongings, hygiene of public places, proper diet among others)
  1. What is the excretory system?
  2. Why do we take care of our skin ?
  3. How do we keep the skin healthy?


Core Competencies to be developed: 
  • Communication and collaboration as learners use writing skills as they make notes on the functions of the skin
  • Citizenship as learners embrace health initiatives for prevention of conditions and diseases of the skin
  • Learning to learn as learners share knowledge learnt on ways of preventing common conditions and diseases of the skin
  • Unity as learners appreciate the effort of others during group tasks
  • Love as they portray a caring attitude during performance of tasks assigned and as they sensitise peers on conditions and diseases of the skin
  • Patriotism as they practice health initiatives for prevention of conditions and diseases of the skin.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Communicable diseases as learners embrace ways of preventing diseases of the skin
Link to other subjects:
  • Computer science as learners do online research
  • Integrated sciences as they study the structure and function of the skin
  • Languages as learners communicate and make short notes.
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to identify different excretory organs in the human body Correctly and exhaustively identifies the different excretory organs in the human
Correctly identifies the different excretory organs in the human
Attempts to identify the excretory organs in the human body

Identifies excretory organs in the human body with guidance


Ability to describe the functions of the skin in the body Accurately describes the functions of the skin in the bod Describes the functions of the skin in the body Partially describes the functions of the skin in the body Needs assistance to describe the functions of the skin in the body
Ability to discuss causes, signs and symptoms of common skin conditions and
Correctly and with clarity is able to discuss causes, signs and symptoms of common skin conditions and
Correctly discusses causes, signs and symptoms of common skin conditions and
Correctly discusses some of the causes, signs and symptoms of common skin conditions and
Attempts to discuss some of the causes, signs and symptoms of common skin conditions and
Ability to prevent common conditions and diseases of the skin for healthy
Correctly prevents common conditions and diseases of the skin for healthy living Prevents common conditions and diseases of the skin for healthy living Attempts to prevent common conditions and diseases of the skin for healthy living Needs guidance to prevent common conditions and diseases of the skin for
healthy living


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Human Body Systems
Circulatory system
(4 lessons)
By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. explain the meaning of the term circulatory system
  2. describe the structure and functions of the heart
  3. analyse causes, signs and symptoms of common conditions and diseases of the circulatory system
  4. determine ways of preventing common conditions and diseases of the circulatory system
  5. appreciate the importance of a healthy circulatory system for normal functioning of the body.

The learner is guided to:

  • brainstorm on the meaning of the term circulatory system
    use digital devices and print materials to search for information on the structure and functions of the circulatory system and make presentations (the heart)
  • participate in talks with a resource person on the causes,signs and symptoms of common conditions and diseases affecting the circulatory system and take notes (heart attack,hypertension, stroke)
  • explore on ways of preventing common conditions and diseases of the circulatory system and report findings
  • adopt healthy practices for prevention of common conditions and diseases of the circulatory system (healthy feeding habits, early diagnosis and treatment of diseases, enough sleep,
    physical exercises) body. 
  • create a daily log on the foods they eat and physical activities they engage in for prevention of conditions and diseases affecting the circulatory system.
  1. How does the human circulatory system work?
  2. Why do you take care of the circulatory system?
Core Competencies to be developed: 
  • Citizenship as learners explore the global trends of circulatory system conditions and diseases and relate to the local trends for informed interventions.
  • Self-efficacy as learners embrace self awareness skills as they adopt healthy practices
  • Learning to learn as they organize own learning to create a daily log on the foods they eat and physical activities they engage in
  • Integrity- self-disciple as learners adopt healthy practices
  • Peace as they display tolerance during physical exercises
  • Respect as they accommodate diverse opinions during discussions
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Effective decision making as they adopt healthy practices for prevention of conditions and diseases affecting the circulatory system
  • Social cohesion as learners work in groups as they search for information
Link to other subjects:
  • Physical education and sports as learners participate in physical activities,
  • Computer Science as learners undertake online searches, download information and make presentations
  • Languages as they communicate, search for meaning of words, and make notes
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to describe the structure and functions of the heart Correctly describes the structure and functions of the heart Describes the structure and functions of the heart Attempts to describe the structure and functions of the
Needs assistance to describe the structure and functions of the
Ability to analyse causes,signs and symptoms of common conditions and diseases of the circulatory system Accurately and comprehensively analyses causes, signs and symptoms of common conditions and diseases of the
circulatory system
Accurately analyses causes, signs and symptoms of common conditions and diseases of the
circulatory system
Analyses some of the causes, signs and symptoms of common conditions and diseases of the
circulatory system
Attempts to analyse causes,signs and symptoms of common conditions and diseases of the circulatory system
Ability to determine ways of preventing common conditions and diseases of the circulatory system Correctly determines ways of preventing common conditions and diseases of the circulatory system Determines ways of preventing common conditions and diseases of the circulatory system Partially determines ways of preventing common conditions and diseases of the circulatory system Needs guidance to determine ways of preventing common conditions and diseases of the circulatory


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Mental and Emotional Health
3.1 Mental

(3 lessons)
 By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. examine mental health and mental illness in relation to overall body health
  2. explain the importance of mental health for personal wellness
  3. investigate the causes of mental illnesses and disorders in the community
  4. discuss the signs and symptoms of mental illnesses and disorders for proper management
  5. apply preventive measures against mental illnesses and disorders for the wellbeing of self and others
  6. value mental health for personal wellbeing.
The learner is guided to:
  • brainstorm on the meaning of the terms mental health and mental illness
  • research on mental health and mental illness in relation to overall wellbeing
  • search and watch clips on importance of mental health
  • carry out research on causes of mental illnesses and disorders in the community and write a report
  • use digital devices and print materials to search for information on signs and symptoms of mental illnesses and disorders, discuss and make presentations (depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress)
  • adopt ways of promoting positive mental health to prevent and manage mental health disorders (Being active, eating well, staying in touch, asking for help, self- acceptance, quality sleep, spiritual care and support systems).
  1. Why is mental health important for personal wellness?
  2. What are the signs of mental illnesses?
  3. How do we maintain a positive mental wellbeing?
Core Competencies to be developed:
  • Critical thinking and problem solving as they apply research skills during investigation on causes of mental disorders in the community.
  • Citizenship as learners adopt ways of promoting positive mental health to prevent and manage mental health disorders.   
  • Responsibility as they offer leadership and guidance to peers during investigation on the causes of mental illnesses
  • Love as they avoid inflicting pain in others during group tasks hence promoting mental health
  • Social justice as learners accord each other equal opportunities as they participate in assigned tasks
  • Patriotism as they are conscious of their social and moral responsibility in promoting mental health
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Alcohol and substance abuse as a cause of the mental illness
  • Self- awareness and self acceptance for promotion of a positive mental well being
Link to other subjects:
  • Life skills -self-awareness
  • Religious studies -ethical moral standards and spiritual support
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to explain the importance of
mental health for personal wellness
Correctly and exhaustively explains the
importance of mental health for personal wellness
Correctly explains the
importance of mental health for personal wellness 
Attempts to explain the importance of
mental health for personal wellness 
With assistance explains the importance of
mental health for personal wellness.
Ability to investigate the causes of mental illnesses and
disorders in the community
Correctly and critically investigates the causes of mental health disorders in the community and suggests solutions Correctly investigates the causes of mental health disorders in the community and suggests solutions Attempts to investigate the causes of mental health disorders in the community and suggests solutions Needs guidance to investigate the causes of mental health disorders in the community
Ability to discuss signs and symptoms of mental illnesses and disorders for proper
Accurately and comprehensively discusses signs and symptoms of mental illnesses and disorders for proper management Accurately discusses signs and symptoms of mental illnesses and disorders for proper management Discusses some of the signs and symptoms of mental illnesses and disorders for proper management Attempts to discuss signs and symptoms of mental illnesses and disorders for proper management
Ability to apply preventive measures against mental illnesses and disorders for the wellbeing of
self and others
Correctly applies preventive measures against mental illnesses and disorders for the wellbeing of self and others Applies preventive measures against mental illnesses and disorders for the wellbeing of self and others Attempts to apply preventive measures against mental illnesses and disorders for the wellbeing of self and
Applies some preventive measures against mental illnesses and disorders for the wellbeing of self and others with guidance


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Mental and Emotional Health

3.2 Mental Health in the Community

(3 lessons)

By the end of the sub- strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. identify factors affecting mental health in the community
  2. explain psychological factors that affect mental wellbeing
  3. analyse social factors that affect mental wellbeing
  4. outline environmental factors that affect mental well being
  5. adopt lifestyles that minimize mental illnesses and disorders
  6. embrace coping strategies for personal mental wellbeing.
 The learner is guided to:
  • mention factors affecting mental health in the community(poverty, abuse, isolation, trauma, stress, among others)
  • discuss psychological factors that affect mental wellbeing
  • share experiences on social factors affecting mental wellbeing
  • research and compile a list of environmental factors affecting mental well being
  • take part in activities that promote positive mental wellbeing,( guidance and counselling sessions, participating in health clubs, journaling, strengthening of family ties, spiritual support).
  1. What is self image?
  2. Why is our mental wellbeing important?
  3. How do we maintain mental and emotional health?
Core Competencies to be developed: 
  • Self-efficacy as learners apply personal skills as they participate in activities that enhance mental and emotional health
  • Communication and collaboration as learners use speaking skills during discussions on social and psychological factors affecting mental health.
  • Unity as learners take turns and accommodate each other’s views during discussion.
  • Patriotism as they take responsibility in maintaining their mental health
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Critical thinking and problem solving as they adopt strategies for maintaining a positive mental wellbeing
  • Social issues- poverty eradication to reduce social stress and promote mental health
Link to other subjects:
  • Languages- Communication skills as they make class presentations
  • Religious Education- strategies employed for maintaining mental health through spiritual interventions
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to explain the psychological factors that affect mental health Accurately explains the psychological factors that affect mental health Explains the psychological factors that affect mental health Attempts to explain the psychological factors that affect mental health With assistance explains psychological factors that affect mental health
Ability to analyse social factors that affect mental wellbeing Correctly and appropriately analyses social factors that affect mental health Correctly analyses social factors that affect mental health Analyses some of the social factors that affect mental health Attempts to analyse social factors that affect mental health.
Ability to outline environmental
factors that affect
 Accurately outlines environmental factors
that affect mental health
 Outlines environmental factors
that affect mental health
 Outlines some of the environmental factors
that affect mental health
Needs guidance to outline environmental factors that
affect mental health.
Ability to adopt lifestyles that minimize mental illnesses and
Correctly adopts lifestyles that minimize mental illnesses and disorders Adopts lifestyles that minimize mental illnesses and disorders Attempts to adopt lifestyles that minimize mental illnesses and
Needs support to adopt lifestyles that minimize mental illnesses and disorders


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Use of medicine

4.1 Safe use of medicine

(4 lessons)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. distinguish between prescribed and unprescribed medicine in dispensing of medicine
  2. interpret instructions on a prescription for safe use of medicine
  3. examine dangers of using unprescribed medicine on human health
  4. explain common side effects of medicine in the body
  5. discuss the correct use of medicine to maintain its effectiveness in the body
  6. practice proper ways of storing medicine to sustain its efficacy
  7. appreciate the importance of proper use of medicine for disease prevention and management.

The learner is guided to:

  • discuss the difference between prescribed and un prescribed medicine
  • analyse instructions on a prescription sample and present findings to peers
  • research and discuss the dangers of using unprescribed medicine
  • explore the common side effects of medicine using digital devices and print materials and make presentations.(rashes, nausea, fatigue, headaches, fever)
  • listen to a presentation from a resource person on proper use of medicine to sustain its usefulness in health and make notes
  • role play on correct use of medicine
  • demonstrate ways of storing management. different types of medicine to maintain its effectiveness
  1. How do we obtain medicine for use?
  2. What are the dangers of buying medicine over the counter?
  3. Why is it important to use medicine correctly?
Core Competencies to be developed: 
  • Critical thinking and problem solving as learners evaluate and make decisions on proper ways of storing medicine
  • Learning to learn as learners analyse instructions on a prescription sample for correct use of medicine
  • Self-efficacy as learners use effective communication skills as they role play on use of medicine
  • Responsibility as learners observe safety precautions while using medicine
  • Peace as they display tolerance when they differ in opinions during role play
  • Integrity as they display self-discipline in use of medicine to maintain its effectiveness  
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Citizenship -integrity as learners exercise discipline when using drugs
  • HIV and AIDS- Correct use of medicine for management of HIV and AIDS
Link to other subjects:
  • Computer science as they use digital devices to research on the common side effects of medicine
  • Performing Arts as they role play
  • Mathematics as they interpret the prescription
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to interpret instructions on a prescription for safe use of
Correctly and comprehensively interprets instructions on a prescription for safe use
of medicine
Correctly interprets instructions on a prescription for safe use
of medicine
 Attempts to interpret instructions on a prescription for safe use
of medicine
Needs assistance to interpret instructions on a prescription for safe use of medicine
Ability to explain common side effects of medicine in the body Correctly explains common side effects of medicine and peer teach others Explains common side effects of medicine and peer teach others Partially explains common side effects of medicine and peer teach others Needs guidance to explain the common side effects of medicine in the
Ability to discuss the correct use of medicine to maintain its effectiveness in
the body
 Exhaustively and accurately discusses the correct use of medicine to maintain its effectiveness in the body  Accurately discusses the correct use of medicine to maintain its effectiveness in the body  Partially discusses the correct use of medicine to maintain its effectiveness in the body Needs guidance to discuss the correct use of medicine to maintain its effectiveness in the body.
Ability to practice proper ways of storing medicine to sustain its
Correctly practices ways of storing medicine to sustain its efficacy Practices ways of storing medicine to sustain its efficacy Attempts to practice ways of storing medicine to sustain its efficacy Needs support to practice ways of storing medicine to sustain efficacy


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
First Aid and Basic Life Support

5.1 First Aid

(4 lessons)

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to;
  1. explain the meaning of the term first aid
  2. identify the contents of first aid kit and state their uses
  3. improvise contents of the first aid kit using locally available materials
  4. describe the precautions to observe while offering first aid to an injured person
  5. explain the relationship between respiratory and circulatory system in first aid
  6. demonstrate application of Airway, Breathing and Circulation technique in saving lives
  7. describe methods for safe disposal of used first aid materials
  8. embrace first aid as a measure to save life.
The learner is guided to:
  • brainstorm on the meaning of the term first aid and share their findings with peers
  • list down the contents of first aid kit and their use and share their findings(surgical gloves,scissors, painkillers, bandages,cotton wool, antiseptic solution among others)
  • practice improvising contents of the first aid kit using locally available materials
  • discuss the precautions to observe while offering first aid during injury and make short notes
  • research on the relationship between respiratory and circulatory system in first aid and make presentations in class
  • watch video clips on application of ABC (Airway, Breathing and Circulation) of first aid in saving life and take notes
  • role play the ABC technique using models and reali
  • use digital devices and print material to search on the methods for safe disposal of used first aid materials
  1. What precautions do you observe when giving first aid?
  2. How do you dispose off used first aid materials?
Core Competencies to be developed: 
  • Digital literacy as learners interact with technology to search for information on the precautions to observe when giving first aid
  • Critical thinking and problem solving as learners evaluate and make decisions on first aid items to improvise using locally available materials.
  • Love as learners put the interest of others before their own as they offer first aid to save life
  • Responsibility as they observe safety precautions while offering first aid to an injured person
  • Social justice as they accord each other equal opportunities in sharing responsibilities during improvisation of the contents of the first aid kit
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Environment education as they safely dispose off used first aid materials
  • Social cohesion as learners work together as they role play the ABC of first aid
  • Safety as they discuss the precautions to observe while offering first aid
Link to other subjects:
  • Pre technical and pre career -safety at the work place
  • Languages- writing and speaking skills
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to identify the contents of first
aid kit and state their uses
Correctly and critically identifies the contents of
first aid kit and state their uses
Correctly identifies the contents of
first aid kit and state their uses
Correctly identifies some of  the contents of
first aid kit and state their uses  
Attempts to identify the contents of first
aid kit and state their uses
Ability to improvise contents of the first aid kit using locally
available materials
Correctly and innovatively improvises contents of the first aid kit using locally
available materials
Correctly improvises contents of the first aid kit using locally
available materials
Improvises contents of the first aid kit using locally
available materials
Needs assistance to improvise contents of the first aid kit using locally available
Ability to describe the precautions to observe while offering first aid to an injured person Correctly and comprehensively describes the precautions to observe while offering first aid to an injured
Correctly describes the precautions to observe while offering first aid to an injured
Describes some of the precautions to observe while offering first aid to an injured
Attempts to describe the precautions to observe while offering first aid to an injured person
Ability to demonstrate application of Airway,Breathing and Circulation technique in saving life Correctly and skillfully demonstrates application of Airway,Breathing and Circulation technique in saving life Demonstrates application of Airway,Breathing and Circulation technique in saving life Attempts to demonstrate application of Airway,Breathing and Circulation technique in saving life Needs assistance to demonstrate application of Airway,Breathing and Circulation technique in saving life
Ability to describe methods for safe disposal of used first aid materials Accurately describes methods for safe disposal of used first aid materials and guides
others on the same
Describes methods for safe disposal of used first aid materials and guides
others on the same
Partially describes methods for safe disposal of used first aid materials and guides
others on the same
Requires guidance to describe methods for safe disposal of used first aid materials


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
First aid and basic life support

5.2 First aid for common accidents and injuries

(4 lessons)

By the end of the sub- strand, the learner should be able to;
  1. identify the common types of accidents and injuries in daily life
  2. describe common causes of accidents and injuries in the community
  3. discuss safety precautions to observe for prevention of accidents and injuries
  4. carry out first aid for various accidents and injuries
  5. value prevention of accidents and injuries for healthy

The learner is guided to:

  • buzz on the meaning of accidents and injury in relation to first aid,
  • use digital devices and print materials to research and discuss the common types of accidents and injuries (cuts, burns, scalds, sprains, fractures, falls, drowning, chocking),
  • brainstorm on the common causes of accidents and injuries in daily life and share their experiences with peers
  • discuss safety precautions to observe in order to prevent accidents and injuries in the community.
  • watch video clips and demonstrations on ways of carrying out first aid for various accidents and injuries (cuts, burns, scalds, sprains, fractures, falls, drowning, chocking),
  • dramatize managing minor injuries as they observe safety.
  1. What causes accidents and injuries?
  2. How do you prevent accidents and injuries?
  3. How do you manage injuries?


Core Competencies to be developed: 
  • Communication and collaboration as learners apply team work skills as they research and discuss the common types of accidents and injuries
  • Digital literacy as learners connect using technology as they download and watch video clips on ways of managing minor accidents and injuries
  • Self-efficacy as learners dramatize management of minor injuries as they observe safety
  • Love as they portray a caring attitude during management of injuries
  • Responsibility as they proactively solve problems in preventing accidents and injuries
  • Social justice as they share resources equitably during demonstrations on ways of managing minor accidents and injuries
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Patriotism and good governance as they embrace the practice of preventing accidents and injuries
  • Environmental education as they identify common causes of accidents and injury in the environment
Link to other subjects:
  • Life skills as learners manage accidents and injuries
  • Home science- safety precautions in preventing accidents accidents in the home
  • Pre -Technical and Pre Career- safety at the work place
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to identify the common types of accidents and injuries
in daily life
Correctly and precisely identifies common types of
accidents and injuries
Correctly identifies common types of
accidents and injuries
Identifies some of the common types of
accidents and injuries
Attempts to identify the common types of accidents and injuries
in daily life
Ability to describe common causes of accidents and injuries in the community Correctly and comprehensively describes common causes of accidents
and injuries
Correctly describes common causes of accidents
and injuries
Describes some of the common causes of accidents
and injuries
Attempts to describe some of the common causes of accidents and injuries
Ability to discuss safety precautions to observe for prevention of accidents and injuries Correctly and critically discusses safety precautions to observe for prevention of accidents and injuries Discusses safety precautions to observe for prevention of accidents and injuries Partially discusses safety precautions to observe for prevention of accidents and injuries Discusses safety precautions to observe for prevention of accidents and injuries with assistance
Ability to carry out first aid for various accidents and injuries Accurately and creatively carries out first aid for various accidents and injuries Accurately carries out first aid for various accidents and injuries Carries out first aid for some accidents and injuries Attempts to carry out first aid for some of the accidents and injuries


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 

First Aid and Basic Life Support


First aid for common accidents and injuries
(3 Lessons)
By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. explore common accidents in the community
  2. assess common causes of accidents and injuries in the school community
  3. recommend safety precautions in preventing accidents and injuries in the community
  4. apply first aid skills in management of various injuries within the school community
  5. appreciate prevention of accidents and management of injuries in the community

Learners will be guided to:

  • identify common causes of accidents at school in relation to daily activity and recommend ways of mitigating them.
  • the project will be carried out in three lessons within the school community. Simple questionnaires and resources required will be prepared in advance to guide the research.
  • the target population will be sampled from the school community.
  • a resource person will be sourced in advance.
  • the learners will be assigned roles to take part in during the research.
  • investigate the causes of accidents and injuries in the school by in the community. conducting a survey.
  • distribute the questionnaires to the target population,
  • collect the data
  • tally and analyse the findings Learners in groups to write the Report
  • causes of accidents and injuries will be identified from the findings
  • simple graphs and pie charts will be used to present the findings
  • learners will suggest the safety precautions to observe to reduce the accidents and parental engagement will be recommended for follow up
  • with the help of a teacher or resource person learners propose ways of preventing and managing common accidents in the school
  • demonstrate first aid skills required to manage common accidents in the school (demonstrations/ first aid drills)
  • create posters/ flyers to inform the school community on the common causes of accidents and injuries and their preventive measures Dissemination:
  • distribute flyers on the common causes of accidents and injuries to the community and ways of mitigating the problem
  • initiate / utilize school health clubs/ school assemblies to present the information
  • present the project – the survey findings and recommendations
  1. What are the causes of accidents and injuries in the school community?
  2. How can we manage accidents and injuries in the school community?
  3. What safety precautions do we need to observe to prevent accidents and injuries?
Key Components of CSL developed: Research, Communication, Life skills and Citizenship and leadership
  • Research: The learners will conduct research on causes of common accidents in the school community
  • Communication: The learners will use functional writing to communicate messages on preventive measures of common accidents and injuries
  • Life skills: The learners will apply problem solving skills to identify and address issues causing accidents and injuries in the school community
  • Citizenship and leadership: The learners will embrace values of patriotism and good governance for sustainable social interactions as they demonstrate first aid skills and create awareness on ways of preventing and managing common accidents in the community
Core Competencies to be developed: 
  • Self-efficacy as learners use leadership skills during planning and mobilization of resources to carry out the survey.
  • Creativity and imagination as learners create and distribute promotion materials on ways of preventing common accidents in the community.
  • Communication and collaboration as learners use writing skills as they develop questionnaires and write reports.
  • Digital literacy, as they create with technology, during designing of promotional materials.
  • Unity as learners work together in teams as they carry out the project
  • Patriotism as they serve the community through awareness creation on prevention and management of common accidents and injuries
  • Respect as the learners accommodate diverse opinions during group activities
  • Peace as learners avoid hurting others while managing common accidents and injuries
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Environmental education- Causes of accidents and injury in the environment.
  • Time management as they carry out the project within the time scheduled.
Link to other subjects:
  • Visual Arts as the develop promotion materials.
  • Languages as they communicate during report writing and presentation of reports.
  • Mathematics as they tally findings and present them using graphs.
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to assess common causes of accidents and injuries in the community Correctly assesses common causes of accidents and injuries in the community Assesses common causes of accidents and injuries in the community Partially assesses common causes of accidents and injuries in the community Needs assistance to assess common causes of accidents and injuries in the community
Ability to recommend safety precautions for preventing accidents and injuries in the school community  Correctly recommends safety precautions for preventing accidents and injuries in the school community  Recommends safety precautions for preventing accidents and injuries in the school community  Recommends some safety precautions for preventing accidents and injuries in the school community  Attempts to recommend safety precautions for preventing accidents and injuries in the school community 
Ability to apply first aid skills to manage identified injuries within the school community Correctly and creatively applies first aid skills to manage identified injuries within the school
Correctly applies first aid skills to manage identified injuries within the school
Attempts to apply first aid skills to manage identified injuries within the school
Needs guidance to apply first aid skills to manage identified injuries within the school community
Ability to create posters to inform the community on preventive measures for common accidents and injuries Correctly and innovatively creates posters to inform the community on preventive measures for common accidents
and injuries
Correctly creates posters to inform the community on preventive measures for common accidents
and injuries
Attempts to create posters to inform the community on preventive measures for common accidents and injuries Needs assistance to create posters to inform the community on preventive measures for common accidents and injuries
Ability to speak clearly and effectively as they present the report Speaks with confidence and articulates the ideas demonstrating they are conversant with
the report
Speaks clearly in a logical manner as they present the report Speaks clearly but not in a logical manner as they present the report Needs prompting as they present the report


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
First Aid and Basic Life Support
5.3 Road
safety (2 lessons)
By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to;
  1. discuss the factors that contribute to road accidents in the community
  2. analyse ways of preventing road accidents in the community
  3. interpret road safety signs and signals to promote road safety
  4. practise road safety rules for safe use of the roads
  5. value adherence to road safety rules in saving lives
The learner is guided to:
  • brainstorm on meaning of the following terms (road safety, pedestrian and passenger)
  • watch clips or documentaries on factors that contribute to road accidents in the community
  • explore on ways of preventing road accidents in the community
  • research on road safety signs and signals and study models and charts on common road signs
  • demonstrate application of road safety rules and signs using role play and skits.
  1. What is the purpose of road safety signs and signals?
  2. How do you observe safety when using the road?
  3. Why are there road safety rules?
Core Competencies to be developed: 
  • Communication and collaboration as learners listen to discussions on factors that contribute to road accidents
  • Self-efficacy as learners use personal skills as they demonstrate use of road safety rules and signs
  • Critical thinking and problem solving as learners use evaluation and decision-making skills as they explore on ways of preventing road accidents in the community
  • Responsibility as they observe safety precaution to reduce road accidents
  • Respect as they value human dignity through awareness creation to promote road safety
  • Integrity as they apply laid down procedures to promote road safety
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Child care and protection- observation of road safety rules to reduce road accidents
  • Safety as they observe safety precautions when using the roads
Link to other subjects:
  • Languages as they write and speak fluently
  • Performance Arts as they use role play
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to discuss the factors that contribute to road accidents in the community Correctly and exhaustively discusses the factors that contribute to road accidents in the
Correctly discusses the factors that contribute to road accidents in the
Discusses some of the factors that contribute to road accidents in the
Attempts to discuss the factors that contribute to road accidents in the community
Ability to analyse ways of preventing road accidents  Accurately and critically analyses ways of preventing road accidents in the
Accurately analyses ways of preventing road accidents in the
Partially analyses ways of preventing road accidents in the
Needs guidance to analyse ways of preventing road accidents in the
Ability to interpret road safety signs and signals to promote road
Accurately interprets road safety signs and signals to promote road safety Interprets road safety signs and signals to promote road safety Interprets some of the road safety signs and signals to promote road safety Attempts to interpret road safety signs and signals to promote road safety
Ability to practise road safety rules for safe use of the
Correctly practices road safety rules for safe use of the roads Practices road safety rules for safe use of the
Attempts to practice road safety rules for safe use of the roads Needs guidance to practice road safety rules for safe use of the


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Environmental Health and Sanitation

Environmental Health

(3 lessons)

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. explain the meaning of the term environmental health and sanitation
  2. discuss the importance of environmental health for healthy living
  3. identify environmental factors that affect human health
  4. apply measures to control environmental factors affecting health
  5. appreciate the importance of a healthy environment for promotion of the well- being of self and others.

The learner is guided to:

  • brainstorm on the meaning of the term environmental health and sanitation
  • use digital devices or print materials to search on importance of environmental health and make presentations.
  • investigate environmental factors affecting human health and report their findings
  • participate in activities to control environmental factors affecting human health (planting trees, environmental clean up, sensitization and
  1. Why is environment al health important?
  2. How do you control environment al factors affecting health?
Core Competencies to be developed: 
  • Critical thinking and problem solving as learners participate in activities to control environmental factors affecting health.
  • Digital literacy as learners interact with technology as they search for information on the importance of environmental health
  • Learning to learn as they carry out research and investigations on environmental factors affecting human health.
  • Unity as they collaborate with others during group activities.
  • Responsibility as they actively participate in activities to prevent adverse effects of environmental factors on health
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Patriotism and good governance- as they participate in activities to protect and conserve the environment
Link to other subjects:
  • Home science-Environmental hygiene
  • Languages – Communication skills used during presentations and writing skills
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to discuss the importance of environmental
health for healthy living
Correctly and exhaustively discusses the importance of
environmental health for healthy living
Correctly discusses the importance of
environmental health for healthy living
Attempts to discuss the importance of environmental health for healthy living Discusses the importance of environmental health for healthy living with assistance
Ability to identify environmental factors that affect human health Correctly and critically identifies environmental factors that affect human health Correctly identifies environmental factors that affect human health Identifies some of the environmental factors that affect human health Attempts to identify environmental factors that affect human health
Ability to apply measures to control environmental factors affecting
human health
Accurately and innovatively applies measures to control environmental factors
affecting human health
Accurately applies measures to control environmental factors
affecting human health
Partially applies measures to control environmental factors
affecting human health
Needs support to apply measures to control environmental factors affecting human health


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Environmental Health and Sanitation

Environmental contaminants

(3 lessons)

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. identify types of environmental contaminants that affect human health
  2. outline the effects of environmental contamination on human health
  3. control environmental contamination for disease prevention and control
  4. value an environment free from contamination for healthy living.

The learner is guided to:

  • discuss types of environmental contaminants that affect human health, and make presentations (biological contaminants, chemical contaminants, gases and heavy metals)
  • research and discuss the effects of exposure to environmental contamination on human health.
  • expore on ways of preventing and controlling
    environmental contamination
  1. How is the environment contaminated?
  2. How does environmental contamination affect our health?
Core Competencies to be developed: 
  • Critical thinking and problem solving as learners interpret and infer on the effects of exposure to environmental contamination on human health
  • Citizenship as learners use socio cultural sensitivity and awareness skills in addressing environmental contamination
  • Respect as learners appreciate others as they carryout tasks assigned
  • Integrity as they use resources sparingly to reduce environmental contamination
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Patriotism and good governance as they participate in community activities on prevention and control of environmental contamination
  • Communicable and chronic diseases resulting from environmental contamination
  • Environmental education- Environmental conservation and protection
Link to other subjects:
  • Languages -Vocabulary and Communication skills
  • Pre-technical and pre-career - safe disposal of industrial wastes
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to identify types of environmental contaminants that
affect human health
Correctly identifies types of environmental contaminants that affect on human health Identifies types of environmental contaminants that affect on human health  Partially identifies types of environmental contaminants that affect on human health Identifies some of the environmental contaminants that affect human health
with assistance
Ability to outline the effects of environmental contamination on
human health
Correctly and exhaustively outlines the effects of environmental contamination on human
Correctly outlines the effects of environmental contamination on human
Outlines some of the effects of environmental contamination on human
Attempts to outline the effects of environmental contamination on
human health
Ability to control environmental contamination for disease prevention and control Accurately controls environmental contamination for disease prevention and control Controls environmental contamination for disease prevention and control Attempts to control environmental contamination for disease prevention and control Needs guidance to control environmental contamination for disease prevention
and control


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Environmental Health and Sanitation
6.3 Infection Prevention and Control
(4 lessons)
By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. explain the meaning of infection prevention and control for health promotion
  2. outline personal protective equipment used for infection prevention
  3. make personal protective equipment using locally available materials
  4. illustrate correct use of personal protective equipment for infection prevention and control
  5. differentiate cleaning and disinfection of equipment and surfaces for infection control
  6. apply infection prevention and control measures for promotion of health
  7. value infection prevention and control for healthy life

 The learner is guided to:

  • brainstorm on the meaning of infection prevention and control
  • use digital devices and reference materials to search for information on commonly used personal protective equipment
  • improvise personal protective equipment using locally available resources
  • demonstrate proper use of personal protective equipment (face masks, gloves, gumboots, gowns, goggles, face shield, head gear)
  • watch a video clip or demonstration on the process of cleaning and disinfecting equipment and surfaces
  • practice different measures for infection prevention and control
    (use of protective gear, respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette, hand hygiene, cleaning and disinfection of equipment and surfaces, safe handling and
    disposal of wastes)
  1. How do we prevent and control infection?
  2. What is the difference between cleaning and disinfection?
Core Competencies to be developed: 
  • Self-efficacy as learners use personal skills while practicing different measures for infection prevention and control
  • Creativity and imagination as learners improvise protective gear using locally available materials
  • Citizenship as learners apply global awareness skills as they practice different measures for infection prevention and control
  • Responsibility as learners observe safety precautions as they make protective equipment
  • Unity as they collaborate with others during class activities
  • Integrity as learners utilize resources well as they practice different measures for infection prevention and control
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Patriotism as they practice measures to prevent and control infections in the community
  • Communicable and chronic diseases as they make use of personal protective equipment for prevention and control of communicable diseases
  • Environmental education.- Environmental hygiene and sanitation as they clean and disinfect equipment and surfaces
Link to other subjects:
  • Home science -as they practice hand hygiene and cleaning and disinfection of surfaces and equipment
  • Languages- Communication skills during class discussions and presentations
  • Mathematics – use of correct proportions of disinfectants and cleaning materials
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to outline personal protective equipment used for infection prevention Correctly outlines personal protective equipment used for infection prevention Outlines personal protective equipment used for infection prevention Partially outlines personal protective equipment used for infection prevention Needs assistance to outline personal protective equipment used for infection
Ability to make personal protective equipment using locally available materials Correctly and innovatively makes personal protective equipment using locally available
Correctly makes personal protective equipment using locally available
Makes some personal protective equipment using locally available
Attempts to make personal protective equipment using locally available materials
Ability to illustrate correct use of personal protective equipment for infection prevention
and control
Accurately illustrates correct use of personal protective equipment for infection prevention and control Illustrates correct use of personal protective equipment for infection prevention and control Attempts to illustrate correct use of personal protective equipment for infection prevention and control Needs guidance to illustrate correct use of personal protective equipment for infection prevention
and control
Ability to apply infection prevention and control
measures for promotion of health
Correctly and critically applies infection prevention and control
measures for promotion of health
Correctly applies infection prevention and control
measures for promotion of health
Applies some of the infection prevention and control
measures for promotion of health
Attempts to apply infection prevention and control measures
for promotion of health


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Human Reproductive Health
7.1 Pubertal growth and development
(3 lessons)
By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. identify changes occurring in boys and girls at puberty
  2. discuss personal hygiene needs during puberty
  3. apply measures for management of menstrual hygiene for personal health.
  4. identify myths and misconceptions on menstrual experience in the community
  5. outline stages of identifying intersex persons for intervention
  6. appreciate puberty as a stage in personal growth

and development

The learner is guided to:

  • discuss and classify changes occurring in boys and girls at puberty and present in class (physical, emotional and social changes)
  • make online research for information on personal hygiene needs associated with onset of puberty and discuss in class
  • discuss measures for managing menstrual hygiene for personal health
  • explore on myths and misconception on menstrual experience within their community and share with peers
  • with the aid of a resource person research and discuss stages of
    identifying intersex persons (at birth, puberty and adulthood)
  1. What changes occur in boys and girls at puberty?
  2. Which are the personal hygiene needs associated with puberty?
Core Competencies to be developed: 
  • Communication and collaboration as learners listen keenly to discussions on measures for managing menstrual hygiene for personal health
  • Critical thinking and problem solving as learners intrepret and infer on myths and misconception about menstrual experience in the community
  • Self-efficacy as learners communicate effectively while discussing changes occurring in boys and girls at puberty
  • Love as they portray a caring attitude and support each other as they undergo pubertal changes
  • Responsibility as they observe personal hygiene needs during puberty
  • Social justice as they foster fairness and justice among themselves as they perform group activities
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Personal Hygiene- personal hygiene needs associated with onset of puberty
  • Human sexuality- myths and misconceptions associated with menstrual experience in different communities
  • Environmental education- proper disposal and management of waste
Link to other subjects:
  • Home science- Personal Hygiene
  • Integrated sciences- Human reproductive system
  • Life skills -self-awareness and identity crisis during puberty
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to identify changes occurring in boys and girls at puberty Correctly identifies changes occurring in boys and girls at puberty Identifies changes occurring in boys and girls at puberty Identifies some of the changes occurring in boys and girls at puberty Attempts to identify changes occurring in boys and girls at puberty
Ability to discuss personal hygiene needs during
Correctly and exhaustively discusses personal hygiene needs
during puberty
Correctly discusses personal hygiene needs
during puberty
Partially discusses personal hygiene needs
during puberty
With support discusses personal hygiene needs
during puberty
Ability to apply measures for
management of menstrual hygiene
Correctly applies measures for
management of menstrual hygiene and guides peers
Applies measures for
management of menstrual hygiene and guides peers
Attempts to apply measures for
management of menstrual hygiene
Needs assistance to apply measures for
management of menstrual hygiene
Ability to identify myths and misconceptions on menstrual
Correctly and critically identifies myths and misconceptions on menstrual experience Correctly identifies myths and misconceptions on menstrual experience Attempts to identify myths and misconceptions on menstrual experience Needs guidance to identify myths and misconceptions on menstrual


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Human Reproductive Health
Reproductive Health
(3 lessons)
By the end of the sub- strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. discuss importance of reproductive health in the community
  2. explain practices that enhance reproductive health
  3. explain practices that adversely affect reproductive health
  4. identify myths and misconceptions about reproductive health in the community
  5. embrace positive reproductive health practices for a healthy community.
 The learner is guided to:
  • brainstorm on importance of reproductive health to the community
  • research on practices that enhance reproductive health and share their findings
  • watch a documentary on practices that are harmful to reproductive health
  • research using digital and print materials research on practices that affect reproductive health(early marriages and female genital mutilation among others)
  • discuss with a resource person on effects of harmful practices on reproductive health (sexually transmitted infections, excessive bleeding, fistula)
  • brainstorm to distinguish facts from misconceptions associated with culture on reproductive health and share with peers
  1. What is reproductive health?
  2. How is reproductive health affected by cultural practices?
Core Competencies to be developed: 
  • Citizenship as learners exercise sensitivity and awareness campaigns using verses, poems and songs towards individual rights for sustainable reproductive health
  • Self-efficacy as learners demonstrate leadership skills as they take part in campaigns towards individual rights for sustainable reproductive health
  • Digital literacy as learners interact with technology as they research on practices that enhance reproductive health 
  • Peace as they respect diversity and ethical cultural practices
  • Patriotism as they conduct sensitization and awareness campaigns towards individual rights for sustainable reproductive health
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Child care and protection- as they initiate campaigns on reproductive health.
  • HIV and AIDS- prevention of HIV and AID infections by embracing positive reproductive health practices.
  • Gender- as they discuss importance of reproductive health in the community.
  • Human Sexuality- as they discuss effects of harmful practices on health
Link to other subjects:
  • Performing and visual Arts as they carry out sensitivity and awareness campaigns using verses, poems and songs towards individual rights for sustainable reproductive health
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to discuss the importance of reproductive health in the community. Correctly and exhastively discusses the importance of reproductive health in
the community
Correctly discusses the importance of reproductive health in
the community
Attempts to discuss the importance of reproductive health in the community With assistance, discusses importance of reproductive health in the community
Ability to explain the practices that adversely affect reproductive health. Accurately and critically explains the practices that adversely affect
reproductive health
Explains the practices that adversely affect
reproductive health
Explains some of the practices that adversely affect reproductive health Attempts to explain practices that adversely affect reproductive health
Ability to identify the myths and misconceptions about reproductive health in the
Correctly identifies the myths and misconceptions about reproductive health in the community Identifies the myths and misconceptions about reproductive health in the community Partially identifies the myths and misconceptions about reproductive health in the community With assistance, identifies myths and misconceptions about reproductive health in the community


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
1.0 Health and Nutrition 1.1
Introduction to Health Education (2 lessons)
  • Written assignment.
  • Observation of learning activities
  • Oral assessment
Digital resources, reference materials, charts, realia, hand washing materials and equipment, resource person Learners engage in career talks with a resource person on career opportunities in Health education

Learners participate in health education related activities in the school community
1.2 Health promotion
  • Oral assessment
  • Observation of learning activities
  • Peer assessment
Digital resources, manilla papers, charts, posters, marker pens, reference materials Learners create health promotion materials for to wellness of individuals and community (talking wall, charts, flyers, posters,
counselling cards)
1.3 Nutrients and their functions in the body
  • Written tests
  • Graded observation of group work activities
  • Project portfolio on pictures of different types of foods and the nutrients they provide .
Digital resources, reference materials, realia, pictures, charts  Learners design promotion materials with messages on importance of proper nutrition in the community
and display them as talking walls
2.0 Human Body Systems 2.1 Digestive system
  • Written assignment
  • Graded observation of group discussions
  • Oral assessment
Digital resources, reference materials, charts, models

Learners take part in debates and clubs to peer teach others on prevention measures for common conditions and diseases of the human digestive system

Learners practice health initiatives for prevention of common conditions and diseases of the skin


Learners to create a daily log on the foods they eat and physical activities they engage in

2.2 Excretory system
  • Written tests
  • Graded observation of group work activities
  • Portfolios
Video clips/ documentaries, charts, pictures, photos, reference materials, digital devices
2.3 Circulatory system
  • Written tests
  • Graded observation of group work activities
  • Self and peer assessment
Digital materials, models, pictures, charts, reference books, manilla papers, assorted marker pns
3.0 Mental And Emotional Health 3.1 Mental health
  • Written assignment
  • Oral assessment
  • Projects
 Resource person, digital devices, video clips, print reference materials,

 Learners to participate in debates, health clubs or online collaborative forums to discuss on how to improve mental health in the community

Learners carry out a simple survey to investigate causes of mental illness in the community

Learners take part in activities that promote positive mental wellbeing such as guidance and counselling sessions, participating in health clubs
and journaling,

  3.2 Mental health in the Community
  • Written assignment
  • Oral assessment
  • Graded observation of learner group discussions
Resource person, Print materials and digital resources, digital devices
4.0 Use Of Medicine 4.1 Safe use of medicine
  • Graded observation of learner demonstrations on safe use of medicine
  • Use of checklists
  • Written tests
Resource person, digital devices, video clips, print reference materials, realia, sample prescriptions, pictures, photos Learners role play on correct use of medicine
5.0 First Aid And Basic Life Support 5.1 First Aid
  • Graded observation of learner demonstrations
  • Written test
  • Projects
Realia, pictures, digital resources, print materials, reference books, charts, Resource person, models Learners role play the ABC technique using models
5.2 First Aid
  • Written assignment
  • Graded observation of learner demonstrations
  • Oral assessment
Resource person, digital devices, video clips, print reference materials, models, realia Learners dramatize managing minor injuries as they observe safety

Learners to create posters/ flyers to inform the school community on the common causes of accidents and injuries
5.3 Road safety
  • Written assignment
  • Oral assessment
  • Portfolios
  • Checklists
Pictures, charts, posters, digital resources, print materials, reference books, video clips, models, digital devices

Learners create awareness on road safety signs and precautions to observe when using the roads using clubs and debates

Learners demonstrate application of road safety rules and signs using role
play and skits

6.0 Environmental Health And Sanitation 6.1
Environmental Health
  • Graded observation of group work activities
  • Written test
  • Oral assessment
Resource person, digital devices, video clips, print reference materials, realia, tree seedlings, posters, pictures, cleaning materials and equipment Learners participate in activities to prevent environmental factors affecting human health(planting trees, environmental clean up,sensitization and advocasy).
Use debates and clubs to sensitize peers on prevention of environmental factors
affecting health
Environmental contaminants
  • Written assignment
  • Oral assessment
  • Self and peer assessment
Digital resources, reference materials, realia, pictures, charts, photos

Learners use debates and clubs to sensitize peers on measures for prevention and control of environmental contamination

6.3 Infection Prevention and Control
  • Graded observation of learner demonstrations
  • Written assignment
  • Oral assessment
  • projects
Realia, Pictures, charts, posters, digital resources, print materials, reference books, video clips, digital devices, resource person, cleaning equipment and disinfecting materials Learners improvise personal protective gear using locally available resources
Learners carryout cleaning and disinfecting of equipment and surfaces
7.0 Human Reproductive Health 7.1 Pubertal growth and development
  • Written tests
  • Oral assessment
  • Peer assessment
video clips, digital devices, resource person, pictures, charts, digital and print reference materials Learners use health clubs and debates to sensitize peers on personal hygiene needs associated with onset of puberty
7.2 Reproductive Health
  • Graded observation of group discussions
  • Written test
  • Oral assessment
Video clips/Documentaries, digital devices, reference books, posters, charts Learners initiate campaigns among peers using verses, poems and songs for promotion of positive reproductive health practices
Read 639 times Last modified on Wednesday, 11 January 2023 09:13

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