Computer Science - Grade 7 Curriculum Designs

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No Subject Number of Lessons Per Week
(40 minutes per lesson)
1 English 5
2 Kiswahili/KSL 4
3 Mathematics 5
4 Integrated Science 4
5 Health Education 2
6 Pre-Technical and Pre-Career Education 5
7 Social Studies 3
8 Religious Education (CRE/IRE/HRE) 2
9 Business Studies 3
10 Agriculture 3
11 Life Skills Education 1
12 Physical Education and Sports 2
13 Optional Subject 3
14 Optional Subject 3
  Total 45


Education in Kenya should:

  1.  Foster nationalism and patriotism and promote national unity. Kenya’s people belong to different communities, races and religions, but these differences need not divide them. They must be able to live and interact as Kenyans. It is a paramount duty of education to help young people acquire this sense of nationhood by removing conflicts and promoting positive attitudes of mutual respect which enable them to live together in harmony and foster patriotism in order to make a positive contribution to the life of the nation.
  2.  Promote the social, economic, technological and industrial needs for national development.
    Education should prepare the youth of the country to play an effective and productive role in the life of the nation.
    1.  Social Needs
      Education in Kenya must prepare children for changes in attitudes and relationships which are necessary for the smooth progress of a rapidly developing modern economy. There is bound to be a silent social revolution following in the wake of rapid modernization. Education should assist our youth to adapt to this change.
    2. Economic Needs
      Education in Kenya should produce citizens with the skills, knowledge, expertise and personal qualities that are required to support a growing economy. Kenya is building up a modern and independent economy which is in need of an adequate and relevant domestic workforce.
    3.  Technological and Industrial Needs
      Education in Kenya should provide learners with the necessary skills and attitudes for industrial development. Kenya recognizes the rapid industrial and technological changes taking place, especially in the developed world. We can only be part of this development if our education system is deliberately focused on the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will prepare our young people for these changing global trends.
  3. Promote individual development and self-fulfillment
    Education should provide opportunities for the fullest development of individual talents and personality. It should help children to develop their potential interests and abilities. A vital aspect of individual development is the building of character.
  4. Promote sound moral and religious values.
    Education should provide for the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enhance the acquisition of sound moral values and help children to grow up into self-disciplined, self-reliant and integrated citizens.
  5.  Promote social equality and responsibility.
    Education should promote social equality and foster a sense of social responsibility within an education system which provides equal educational opportunities for all. It should give all children varied and challenging opportunities for collective activities and corporate social service irrespective of gender, ability or geographical environment.
  6. Promote respect for and development of Kenya’s rich and varied cultures.
    Education should instill in the youth of Kenya an understanding of past and present cultures and their valid place in contemporary society. Children should be able to blend the best of traditional values with the changing requirements that must follow rapid development in order to build a stable and modern society.
  7. Promote international consciousness and foster positive attitudes towards other nations.
    Kenya is part of the international community. It is part of the complicated and interdependent network of peoples and nations. Education should therefore lead the youth of the country to accept membership of this international community with all the obligations and responsibilities, rights and benefits that this membership entails.
  8. Promote positive attitudes towards good health and environmental protection.
    Education should inculcate in young people the value of good health in order for them to avoid indulging in activities that will lead to physical or mental ill health. It should foster positive attitudes towards environmental development and conservation. It should lead the youth of Kenya to appreciate the need for a healthy environment.

By the end of Middle School, the learner should be able to:

  1. Apply literacy, numeracy and logical thinking skills for appropriate self-expression.
  2. Communicate effectively, verbally and non-verbally, in diverse contexts.
  3. Demonstrate social skills, spiritual and moral values for peaceful co-existence.
  4. Explore, manipulate, manage and conserve the environment effectively for learning and sustainable development.
  5. Practice relevant hygiene, sanitation and nutrition skills to promote health.
  6. Demonstrate ethical behavior and exhibit good citizenship as a civic responsibility.
  7. Appreciate the country's rich and diverse cultural heritage for harmonious co-existence.
  8. Manage pertinent and contemporary issues in society effectively.
  9. Apply digital literacy skills for communication and learning.


Computer science is the study of computers and algorithmic processes, including their principles, hardware and software designs, applications and their impact on society. This discipline is deeply concerned with how computer systems work, and how they are designed and programmed. Computer science as a subject will equip learners with knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and 21st century skills that are necessary in the attainment of Vision 2030. The curriculum will focus on developing computing skills as well as preparing future experts, engineers and specialists in computer related fields by equipping them with relevant and modern computing competencies through up-to-date technologies and learning experiences. The learning experiences will involve active learner participation conducted through practical and experiential learning activities to develop applicable competencies in computational thinking. The acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes will form a strong foundation for development of computational thinking competencies for learners who wish to specialize in STEM pathway. The curriculum for computer science responds to the demands of the 21st Century and the aspirations captured in the Constitution of Kenya 2010, Kenya Vision 2030 and National ICT policy of Kenya 2016 (revised 2020).


By the end of Junior Secondary School, the learner should be able to:

  1. Apply computer fundamental knowledge and skills in everyday life.
  2. Demonstrate ethical behavior, security and safety when using computers.
  3. Acquire foundational knowledge, skills and positive attitude in computer networks and programming.
  4. Exhibit competency in the use of computers for adapting to a fast-changing technological world.
  5. Develop positive attitude towards the ever-changing computer technology to cope with the needs of the society.
  6. Promote an inquiry-based learning that provokes interest for further education and training in computing disciplines.


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Foundation of Computer Science
1.1 Computer Concepts (3 Lessons)  By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. explain the characteristics of a computer for awareness
  2. use computers to perform daily life activities
  3. outline the stages of processing cycle in a compute
  4. explore the advantages and disadvantages of using computers in data processing
  5. appreciate analysing the application areas of computers.

The learner is guided to:

  • use digital devices to search for and present the definition of the terms; computer, data and information,
  • take turns to list examples of computers (Notebook, desktop, laptop, tablet, PDA (Personal digital assistant), server, iPad, MacBook, smartphone, smartwatch, workstation)
  • in turns discuss the characteristics of a computer,
  • watch a video clip that shows the functions of a computer,
  • use computing device to; perform arithmetic operations such as addition of numbers, search for information on business ideas, draw diagrams, listen for music,
  • draw accurately and label correctly the computer processing cycle,
  • display an illustration that demonstrates a general model of a computer,
  • in groups, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using computers in data processing,
  • share experiences on the application of computers in various areas such as (Education, Business, Banking, Military, Communication, Government, Home, Insurance, Marketing, Healthcare, Engineering Design,
  1. Why do computers have different features?
  2. How do you use computer in real life situation?
Core Competencies: 
  • Communication and collaboration: learner develops speaking skills when using appropriate language to clearly and effectively share experiences on the applications of computers in various areas.
  • Digital literacy: learner interacts with technology when searching for and present the definition of the terms computer, data, processing and information.
  • Unity: learners discuss in groups the advantages and disadvantages of a computer.
  • Responsibility when drawing and labelling the computer processing cycle.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Learner Support programmes: Peer education is enhanced when learners in groups use computing devices to perform arithmetic operations such as addition of numbers.
Link to other subjects:
  • English: learner uses appropriate language to clearly and effectively share experiences on the use of computers in real life situation.
  • Mathematics when using a computing device to perform arithmetic operations such as addition of numbers.
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to explain the characteristics of a computer for awareness Correctly and systematically explains the characteristics of a computer for awareness Correctly explains the characteristics of a computer for awareness Correctly explains some of the characteristics of a computer for
Hardly explains the characteristics of a computer for awareness
Ability to use computers to perform daily life
Appropriately and confidently uses computers to perform
daily life activities
Appropriately uses computers to perform
daily life activities
Uses computers to perform some daily life activities Assisted to use computers to perform some daily life
Ability to outline the stages of processing cycle in a computer Correctly and precisely outlines the stages of processing cycle in a
Correctly outlines the stages of processing cycle in a
Correctly outlines some of the stages of processing cycle in a
Outlines some of the stages of processing cycle in a computer
with assistance
Ability to explore
the advantages and disadvantages of a computer
Appropriately and
confidently explores the advantages and disadvantages of a computer
Explores the
advantages and disadvantages of a computer
Explores some
advantages and disadvantages of a computer
Explores some
advantages and disadvantages of a computer with assistance.
Ability to analyse the application areas of computers Correctly and accurately analyses the application areas of computers Correctly analyses the application areas of computers Correctly analyses some application areas of computers Analyses some application areas of computers with assistance.


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Foundation of Computer Science
1.2 Evolution of Computers

(3 Lessons)
By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. identify evolution stages of computers from first mechanical device to modern electronic digital devices
  2. explain the tasks performed by computers at different evolution stages
  3. distinguish between the difference engine and the analytical engine in relation to computer development
  4. use computer that existed at different evolution stages to perform tasks
  5. appreciate examining the sustained development of computers in respect to contemporary technology.

The learner is guided to:

  • watch a video clip and learn about evolution stages of computers from abacus, mechanical devices electromechanical devices to modern digital computers,
  • listen keenly to a computer resource person when explaining the tasks performed by computers at different evolution stages of computers (mechanical device, abacus, electromechanical modern electronic digital computers),
  • brainstorm the relationship between the difference engine and the analytical engine in relation to computer development,
  • turn to discuss the difference mengine and the analytical engine in relation to computer development,
  • share experiences on the use of computer that existed at different evolution stages,
  • in turns discuss the development of computers in respect to contemporary technology.
  1. What role did the analytical engine play in development of computers?
  2. How do you use computer that existed at different evolution stages to perform tasks?
Core Competencies: 
  • Learning to learn: learner listens keenly and learns from a computer resource person when explaining the tasks performed by computers at every stages in evolution of computers.
  • Communication and collaboration: learner shares experiences on the development of computers in respect to contemporary technology
  • Respect : learner shares experiences on the development of computers in respect to contemporary technology.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Citizenship: learner shares experiences on the use of computer that existed at different evolution stages.
Link to other subjects:
  • Social Studies: learner identifies the evolution stages of computers from the first mechanical device to the modern electronic digital devices
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to identify evolution stages of computers from first mechanical device to modern electronic digital devices Correctly and explicitly identifies evolution stages of computers from first mechanical device to modern electronic digital devices Correctly identifies evolution stages of computers from first mechanical device to modern electronic digital devices Correctly identifies some of the evolution stages of computers from first mechanical device to modern electronic digital devices Attempts to identify evolution stages of computers from first mechanical device to modern electronic digital devices
Ability to explain the tasks performed by computers at different evolution stages Accurately and clearly explains the tasks performed by computers at different evolution stages Accurately explains the tasks performed by computers at different evolution stages Accurately explains some of the tasks performed by computers at different evolution stages Rarely explains the tasks performed by computers at different evolution stages
Ability to distinguish between the difference engine and the analytical engine in relation to computer development Correctly and accurately distinguishes between the difference engine and the analytical engine in relation to computer development Correctly  distinguishes between the difference engine and the analytical engine in relation to computer development Occasionally distinguishes between the difference engine and the analytical engine in relation to computer development Tries to distinguish between the difference engine and the analytical engine in relation to computer development
Ability to use computer that existed at different evolution stages to
perform tasks
Appropriately and confidently uses computer that existed at different evolution stages
to perform tasks
Appropriately uses computer that existed at different evolution stages
to perform tasks
Sometimes uses computer that existed at different evolution stages 
to perform tasks correctly
Assisted to use computer that existed at different evolution stages to
perform tasks
Ability to examine the sustained development of computers in respect to contemporary
Correctly and keenly examines the sustained development of computers in respect to contemporary
Correctly  examines the sustained development of computers in respect to contemporary
Examines some of the sustained development of computers in respect to contemporary
Rarely examines the sustained development of computers in respect to contemporary


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Foundation of Computer Science

1.3 Generations of Computers

(3 Lessons)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. identify the generations of computers from first to the latest
  2. describe the characteristics of different computer generations for awareness
  3. apply technologies of different computers generations in daily life situation
  4. match computer generations to their corresponding technologies
  5. appreciates analysing the technological advancement of computers from one to the next generation.

The learner is guided to:

  • search for information on the generations of computers from first to the latest,
  • visit a computer user environment and find out the year of manufacture of the available computers and map them to their appropriate generation.
  • share experiences on the characteristics of each generation of computers,
  • consult a computer technician to discuss technologies used in different generations of computers.
  • use technologies of different computers generations in daily life situation; search information on personal hygiene, prepare personal time
    table, the next generation.
  • take turns to match computer generations to their corresponding technologies,
  • actively participate in a debate on the technological advancement of computers from one to the next generation,
  • use computers of different generation to perform a task and compare their efficiency.
  1. Why are there different generations of computers?
  2. How do you apply different technologies of computers in daily life situation?
Core Competencies: 
  • Self-efficacy: learner uses computers of different generation to perform a given task and compare their efficiency.
  • Creativity and imagination: learner matches computer generations to corresponding technologies.
  • Unity: learner shares experiences on the characteristics of each generation of computers.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Learner Support programmes: Peer Education, is promoted as learners assist one another on how to use computers of different generation to perform a task and compare their efficiency.
Link to other subjects:
  • Integrated Science: learner distinguishes the technologies used in different generations of computers.
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to identify the generations of computers from first to the latest Appropriately and specifically identifies the generations of computers from first to the latest Appropriately identifies the generations of computers from first to the latest Appropriately identifies some of the generations of computers from first to the latest Helped in identifying the generations of computers from first to the latest
Ability to describe the characteristics of different computer generations for awareness Correctly and clearly describes the characteristics of different computer generations for awareness Correctly describes the characteristics of different computer generations for awareness Correctly describes some of the characteristics of different computer generations for awareness Tries to describe the characteristics of different computer generations for awareness
Ability to apply technologies of different computers generations in daily life situation Appropriately and confidently applies technologies of different computers generations in daily life situation Appropriately applies technologies of different computers generations in daily life situation Appropriately applies some of the technologies of different computers generations in daily life situation Assisted to apply technologies of different computers generations in daily life situation.
Ability to match computer generations to their
corresponding technologies
Accurately and intelligently matches computer generations to
their corresponding technologies
Accurately matches computer generations to
their corresponding technologies
Accurately matches some computer generations to
their corresponding technologies
Attempts to match computer generations to their
corresponding technologies
Ability to analyse the technological advancement of computers from one to the next
Correctly and briefly analyses the technological advancement of computers from one to the next generation Correctly analyses the technological advancement of computers from one to the next generation Correctly analyses some technological advancement of computers from one to the next generation Hardly analyses the technological advancement of computers from one to the next generation


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Foundation of Computer Science

1.4 Classification of Computers

(3 Lessons)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. explain the types of computers in a computer user environment
  2. apply appropriate criteria to classify computers
  3. select appropriate types of computers for use in different situations
  4. describe the use of embedded computers in daily life activities
  5. appreciate the use of different types of computers in performing tasks.

The learner is guided to:

  • participate actively in discussing and listing different types of computers in a computer user environment,
  • discuss with the resource person the criteria used to classify computers,
  • take turns to match different types of computers to their respective classes,
  • intelligently assess user computing needs and select appropriate computers for different situations (a user on a fixed budget, a home business user, a gaming enthusiast, a photographer, a home video enthusiast, a distance education user, a human resources manager, an accountant).
  • confidently share experiences on the use of embedded computers (ATM machines, MP3 players, DVD players, Drones, Anti-lock braking system, Airbag control system, Digital watches, Microwaves).
  • in groups, use different types of computers to perform tasks (draw images, write a letter, play games).
  1. How are different types of computers used?
  2. Why do you use embedded computers?
Core Competencies: 
  • Critical thinking and Problem solving: learner intelligently assesses user computing needs and selects appropriate computers for different situations.
  • Communication and collaboration: learner discusses engagingly with the resource person the criteria to use when classifying computers.
  • Peace when taking turns to match different types of computers to their respective classes.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Financial Literacy: learner assesses user computing needs and selects appropriate computers for different situations.
Link to other subjects:
  • Music: learner shares experiences on the use of embedded computers such as MP3 and DVD players. 
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to explain the types of computers in a computer user environment Correctly and systematically explains the types of computers in a computer user
Correctly explains the types of computers in a computer user
Explains correctly some of the types of computers in a computer user
Assisted to explain correctly some of the types of computers in a computer user
Ability to apply appropriate criteria to classify computers  Appropriately and confidently applies appropriate criteria to
classify computers
Applies appropriate criteria to classify computers Sometimes applies appropriate criteria to classify computers Helped in applying appropriate criteria to classify computers
Ability to select appropriate types of computers for
different situations
Exactly and accurately selects appropriate types of computers for different
Selects appropriate type of computes for different
Selects some of the appropriate type of computes for different
Assisted to select appropriate type of computers for
different situations
Ability to describe uses of embedded computers in daily life activities Correctly and concisely describes uses of embedded computers in daily life activities Correctly describes uses of embedded computers in daily life activities Correctly describes some uses of embedded computers in daily life activities Describes uses of embedded computers in daily life activities with assistance
Ability use different types of computers in performing tasks Perfectly and confidently uses different types of
computers in performing tasks
Perfectly uses different types of
computers in performing tasks
Sometimes uses different types of
computers in performing tasks
Helped to use different types of computer in performing tasks


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Foundation of Computer Science
 1.5 Computer user Environment

(3 Lessons)
By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. explain factors to consider when setting up a computer user environment
  2. identify appropriate resources for a computer user environment
  3. observe safety precautions and practices in the computer user environment
  4. appreciate examining emerging trends in computer user environment.
The learner is guided to:
  • watch a video about different computer user environments,
  • brainstorm on the factors to consider when setting up a computer user environment,
  • search for the resources required when setting up a computer user environment and list them,
  • in groups, set rules to follow in a computer user environment,
  • practice observing safety precautions when in the computer user environment,
  • participate actively in setting up a computer user environment.
  • share ideas on emerging trends in computer user environment.
  1. Why do you set up a computer user environment?
  2. How do you take care of a computer?
Core Competencies:
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: learner sets rules to follow in a computer user environment.
  • Creativity and Imagination: learner intelligently sets up a computer user environment.
  • Integrity: learner genuinely identifies appropriate resources for a computer user environment.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Safety education when observing safety precautions and practices in the computer user environment.
Link to other subjects:
  • Life Skills Education when setting up a computer user environment.
  • Health Education when observing safety precautions and practices in the computer user environment.
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to explain factors to consider when setting up a computer user
Correctly and clearly explains factors to consider when setting up a computer user
Correctly explains factors to consider when setting up a computer user
Correctly explains some of the factors to consider when setting up a computer user
 Rarely explains factors to consider when setting up a computer user
Ability to identify resources for a computer user environment   Accurately and explicitly identifies resources for a computer user
Accurately identifies resources for a computer user
Accurately identifies some of the resources for a computer user
Attempts to identify resources for a computer user environment
Ability to observe safety precautions and practices in the computer user environment. Perfectly and confidently observes safety precautions and practices in the computer user
Perfectly observes safety precautions and practices in the computer user
Perfectly observes some safety precautions and practices in the computer user

Tries to observe safety precautions and practices in the computer user environment

Ability to examine emerging trends in computer user environment Creatively and precisely examines emerging trends in computer user
Creatively examines emerging trends in computer user
Creatively examines some of the emerging trends in computer user
Attempts to examine emerging trends in computer user environment


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Foundation of Computer Science
 1.6 Physical Parts of a Computer

(3 Lessons)
By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. identify the physical parts of a computer
  2. explain the functions of the physical parts of a computer
  3. connect the physical parts of a computer for use
  4. utilise physical parts of a computer to minimise wastage
  5. appreciate interacting with physical parts of a computer.
The learner is guided to:
  • visit a computer user environment and observe, identify and then list various physical parts of a computer including the peripheral,
  • take turns to match the physical parts of a computer to their respective functions,
  • in groups connect physical parts of a computer for use,
  • take part in modelling interlinked physical parts of a computer,
  • take turns to talk about reusing or recycling the physical parts of a computer that are in good working condition to minimise wastage
  • in groups interact with physical parts of a computer.
  1. What are the physical parts of a computer?
  2. How do you connect physical parts of a computer?
Core Competencies: 
  • Self-efficacy: learner connects physical parts of a computer appropriately and confidently.
  • Creativity and Imagination: learner takes part in modelling interlinked physical parts of a computer.
  • Responsibility: learner participates actively in connecting physical parts of a computer.
  • Respect: learner takes turn to match the physical parts of a computer to their respective functions.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Environmental Education as learners practice reusing or recycling the physical parts of a computer that are in good working condition. 
Link to other subjects:
  • Visual Arts: learner takes part in modelling interlinked physical parts of a computer.
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to identify the physical parts of a computer Accurately and specifically identifies the physical parts of a
Accurately identifies the physical parts of a
Accurately identifies some of the physical parts of a computer Rarely identifies the physical parts of a computer
Ability to explain the functions of the physical parts of a computer Correctly and systematically explains the functions of the
physical parts of a computer
Correctly explains the functions of the
physical parts of a computer
Correctly explains the some of the functions of the
physical parts of a computer
Hardly explains the functions of the physical parts of a computer
Ability to connect the physical parts of a computer for use Accurately and confidently connects the physical parts of a
computer for use
Accurately connects the physical parts of a computer for use Accurately connects some of the physical parts of a computer for use

Assisted to connect the physical parts of a computer for use


Ability to utilize physical parts of a computer to
minimise wastage
Properly and correctly utilise physical parts of a computer to minimize
Properly utilives physical parts of a computer to
minimise wastage 
Properly utilises physical some parts of a computer to
minimise wastage 
Hardly utilises physical parts of a computer to minimise
Ability to interact with physical parts of a computer Appropriately and confidently interacts with physical parts of a
Appropriately  interacts with physical parts of a
Occasionally interacts with physical parts of a computer Attempts to interact with physical parts of a computer


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Foundation of Computer Science
1.7 Hands on skills concepts (6 Lessons) By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. apply the appropriate procedure to start and shut down a computer
  2. explain the functions of the keys in a computer keyboard
  3. categorize the keys in a computer keyboard
  4. use pointing devices to manipulate objects in the computer
  5. appreciate interacting with the keyboard and the pointing devices of a computer.
The learner is guided to:
  • take part in starting and shutting down a computer using appropriate procedure,
  • take turns to locate different keys on the computer keyboards and demonstrate their functions,
  • in groups model or draw different categories of the keys on the computer keyboard
  • take part in manipulating objects in the computer using pointing devices skills,
  • practice different ways of using the computer keyboard; typing a simple text, multiplying numbers, drawing diagrams,
  • practice typing using the home keys on the computer keyboard,
  • in groups, use computer keyboard and pointing devices to; scroll up pages of a document, make corrections in a text document, draw diagrams,
  1. Why are there different keys in a computer keyboard?
  2. How do you use a computer keyboard?
Core Competencies:
  • Digital Literacy: learner uses the computer keyboard and a pointing device to type simple text and manipulate objects on the screen.
  • Learning to learn: learner practices typing using the home keys on the computer keyboard.  
  • Love: learner cheerfully shares experiences on the use of the computer keyboard and pointing devices.
  • Responsibility: learner shuts down a computer appropriately.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Learner Support Programmes: peer education, as learners assist one another on how to use pointing devices to manipulate objects in the computer.
Link to other subjects:
  • Visual Arts: as a learner creatively and correctly models or draws a well labelled computer keyboard showing the categories of the keys
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to apply the appropriate procedure to start and shut down a
Perfectly and confidently applies the appropriate procedure to start and shut down a computer   Perfectly applies the appropriate procedure to start and shut down a computer   Sometimes applies the appropriate procedure to start and shut down a computer Assisted to apply the appropriate procedure to start and shut down a computer
Ability to explain the functions of the keys in a computer keyboard Correctly and systematically explains the functions of the keys in a computer keyboard Correctly explains the functions of the keys in a computer keyboard Correctly explains some of the functions of the keys in a computer keyboard Attempts to explain the functions of the keys in a computer keyboard
Ability to categorize the keys in a computer keyboard Correctly and accurately categorizes the keys in a computer keyboard Correctly categorizes the keys in a computer keyboard Correctly categorizes some of the keys in a computer keyboard

Hardly categorizes the keys in a computer keyboard

Ability to use pointing devices to manipulate objects in the computer Appropriately and confidently uses pointing devices to manipulate objects in the computer Appropriately uses pointing devices to manipulate objects in the computer Appropriately uses some pointing devices to manipulate objects in the computer Makes effort to use pointing devices to manipulate objects in the computer
Ability to interact with the keyboard and pointing devices of a
Appropriately and creatively interacts with the keyboard and pointing devices of a computer Appropriately interacts with the keyboard and pointing devices of a computer Occasionally Appropriately interacts with the keyboard and pointing devices of a computer Attempts to interact with the keyboard and pointing devices of a computer

Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Foundation of Computer Science

1.8 Computer Systems Overview

(3 Lessons)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. identify the components of a computer system in a computer user environment
  2. relate computer system components to their functions
  3. use computer system components to perform tasks
  4. describe the linkage among the components of a computer system
  5. appreciate analysing the importance of computer systems in the society.
 The learner is guided to:
  • search for the meaning of the terms system and computer system, and share the findings with peers,
  • discuss engagingly the components of a computer system (hardware, software, live ware) and list them,
  • take turns to match components of computer system to their functions,
  • in groups use computer system components to perform a task; draw diagrams, search for learning materials,
  • take part in creating an illustration of the linkage among the components of a computer system,
  • shares experiences on the importance of computer systems in the society.
  1. Why do you use computer systems?
  2. How do computer system components interact?
Core Competencies:
  • Learning to Learn: learner confidently shares experiences on the importance of computer systems in the society.
  • Creativity and Imagination: learner creates an illustration of the linkage among the components of a computer system.
  • Peace: learner remains calm when creating an illustration of the linkage among the components of a computer system
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Learner Support programmes as learners take turns in matching components of computer system to their corresponding functions during clubs
Link to other subjects:
  • Visual Arts: learner creates an illustration of the linkage among the components of a computer system.
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to identify the components of a computer system in a computer user environment Accurately and explicitly identifies the components of a computer system in a
computer user environment
Accurately identifies the components of a computer system in a
computer user environment
Accurately identifies some of the components of a computer system in a
computer user environment
Attempts to identify the components of a computer system in a computer user environment
Ability to relate computer system components to their
Correctly and creatively relates computer system components to their
Correctly relates computer system components to their
Correctly relates some computer system components to their
Tries to relate computer system components to their
Ability to use computer system components to perform tasks Appropriately and confidently uses computer system components to perform
Appropriately uses computer system components to perform
Occasionally uses computer system components to perform
Assisted to use computer system components to perform tasks
Ability to describe the linkage among the components of a computer system Accurately and expansively describes the linkage among the components of a
computer system
Accurately describes the linkage among the components of a
computer system
Occasionally describes the linkage among the components of a
computer system
Tries to describe the linkage among the components of a computer system
Ability to analyse the importance of computer systems in the society Accurately and concisely analyses the importance of computer systems in the society Accurately analyses the importance of computer systems in the society Accurately analyses some of the importance of computer systems in the society Rarely analyses the importance of computer systems in the society


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Foundation of Computer Science
 1.9 Computer Hardware Concepts

(3 lessons)
By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. identify categories of hardware in a computer system
  2. relate categories of computer hardware to their functions
  3. select appropriate hardware for different situations
  4. use different elements of computer hardware in performing daily life activities
  5. appreciate examining the role of hardware elements in a computer
 The learner is guided to:
  • visit a computer user environment and list the hardware devices in use,
  • engage actively in a discussion on the categories of computer hardware (input devices, central processing unit, output devices and storage devices),
  • search for the functions of computer hardware and make a presentation,
  • take turns to match categories of hardware to their functions,
  • accurately assess user computing needs and select appropriate computer hardware for different situations,
  • in groups, use different elements of computer hardware to input data, store, and output information.
  1. Why do you categorize computer hardware?
  2. How do you use different elements of computer hardware?
Core Competencies: 
  • Critical Thinking: learner assesses user computing needs and select appropriate hardware for different situations.
  • Communication and collaboration: as learner engages actively in a discussion on the categories of a computer hardware.
  • Integrity: learner appropriately assesses user computing needs and select appropriate computer hardware for different situations.
  • Unity as learners engages actively in a discussion on the categories of a computer hardware.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Financial Literacy: learner assesses user computing needs and select appropriate hardware for different situations.
Link to other subjects:
  • Life Skills Education: learner uses different hardware of a computer to input data, store, and output information.
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to identify categories of
hardware in a computer system
Correctly and predominantly identifies
categories of hardware in a computer system
Correctly identifies
categories of hardware in a computer system
Correctly identifies some 
categories of hardware in a computer system
Attempts to identify categories of
hardware in a computer system
Ability to relate categories of hardware to their
Appropriately and confidently relates categories of hardware to
their functions.
Appropriately  relates categories of hardware to
their functions.
Correctly relates some categories of hardware to their
Hardly relates categories of hardware to their
Ability to select appropriate hardware for
different situations
Appropriately and creatively selects appropriate hardware for
different situations
Selects appropriate hardware for
different situations
 Sometimes  Selects appropriate hardware for
different situations
Has difficulty in selecting appropriate hardware for
different situations
Ability to use different elements of computer hardware in performing daily life activities Appropriately and confidently uses different elements of computer hardware in performing daily life activities Appropriately uses different elements of computer hardware in performing daily life activities Appropriately uses some different elements of computer hardware in performing daily life activities Assisted to use different elements of computer hardware in performing daily life activities
Ability to examine the role of hardware elements in a
Correctly and keenly examines the role of hardware elements in a
Correctly examines the role of hardware elements in a
Correctly examines some of the role of hardware elements in a
Tries to examine the role of hardware elements in a


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Foundation of Computer Science
1.10 Input

(3 Lessons)
By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. identify input devices in a computer system
  2. categorize input devices based on their functionality
  3. select appropriate input devices for different situations
  4. use input devices to perform tasks
  5. appreciate reusing input devices to minimise wastage

The learner is guided to:

  • identify and list input devices available in a computer user environment (barcode scanner, digital camera, keyboard, microphone, optical mouse, touch screen (resistive, capacitive and infra-red), two-dimensional (2d) and three-dimensional (3d) scanners),
  • consult a computer specialist to demonstrate how different categories of input devices operate,
  • match input devices to their respective categories such as, keying devices, pointing devices, scanning devices, voice input devices, touch screen, digitizer, digital cameras and other data capture devices,
  • in turns discuss factors to consider when selecting an input device,
  • assess user computing needs and
    select appropriate input devices for different situations (such as user on a fixed budget, a home user, business user, a gaming enthusiast, a photographer, a distance education user, a human resources manager, an accountant),
  • use available input devices to perform tasks assigned by the facilitator,
  • creatively reuse input devices which are still in good condition to minimise wastage.
  1. Why are
    there input devices in a computer system?
  2. How are input device used?


Core Competencies: 
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: learner assesses user computing needs and selects appropriate input devices for different situations.
  • Communication and Collaboration: learner listens keenly as they discusses on the factors considered when selecting an input device.
  • Responsibility: learner uses available input devices to perform tasks.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Environmental Education is promoted as learners practice reusing input devices which are still in good condition to minimise wastage.

Link to other subjects:

  • Integrated Science when categorizing input devices based on their functionality.
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to identify input devices in a computer system Correctly and explicitly identifies
various input devices in a computer system
Correctly identifies
various input devices in a computer system
Correctly a identifies
some of the input devices in a computer system
Tries to identify various input
devices in a computer system
Ability to categorize input devices based on their functionality Accurately and keenly relates input devices to their functions Accurately relates input devices to their functions Accurately relates some input devices to their functions Attempts to relate input devices to their functions
Ability to select input devices for different situations Correctly and confidently selects input devices for
different situations
Correctly selects input devices for
different situations
Correctly selects some input devices for
different situations
Tries to select input devices for different situations
Ability to use input device to perform tasks Appropriately and creatively uses input device to perform tasks Appropriately uses input device to perform tasks Appropriately uses input some device to perform tasks Attempts to use input device to perform tasks
Ability to reuse input devices to minimize wastage Correctly and innovatively reuses
input devices to minimize wastage
Correctly  reuses
input devices to minimize wastage
Correctly reuses some
input devices to minimize wastage
Assisted to reuse input devices to minimise wastage


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Foundation of Computer Science
1.11 Central Processing Unit (CPU)

(4 Lessons)
By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. locate the CPU in a computer system
  2. explain functional elements of the CPU in a computer system
  3. explore different types of processors used in computing devices
  4. use computers with different types of processors to perform tasks
  5. appreciate analysing the role of processors in computers
The learner is guided to:
  • search for the meaning of the term CPU and motherboard,
  • in groups watch a video that shows the location of the CPU in a computer,
  • watch a video simulation of the functional organisation of the CPU,
  • consult a computer specialist to discuss the functional elements of a CPU (arithmetic and logic unit, control unit and the special memory),
  • in turns navigate computer system specifications to determine the type of processor in a computer and list them,
  • use computers with different types of processors to perform tasks; draw diagrams, type words, add numbers,
  • In groups discuss the role of processors in computers
  1. How does a computer system use the CPU?
  2. Why do computers have processors?
Core Competencies: 
  • Self-efficacy: learner independently and confidently navigates through computer system specifications to determine the type of processor.
  • Creativity and imagination: learner creates illustrations showing the functional elements of the CPU and display in the learning environment.
  • Unity as learners work together to achieve a common goal when searching for the technological trends in the development of the CPU.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Life skills as learners navigate through computer system specifications to determine the type of processor.
Link to other subjects:
  • Life Skills Education: learner confidently navigates through computer system specifications to determine the type of processor.
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to locate the CPU in a computer Accurately and creatively
locates the CPU in a computer system
locates the CPU in a computer system
locates the CPU in a computer system
Assisted to locate
the CPU in a computer system
Ability to explain functional elements of CPU in a computer
Correctly and explicitly explains functional units of CPU in a computer
Correctly explains functional units of CPU in a computer
Correctly explains some  functional units of CPU in a computer
Rarely explains functional units of CPU in a computer
Ability to explore different types of processors used in computing devices Appropriately and creatively explores  different types of processors used in computing devices Appropriately explores different types of processors used in computing devices Appropriately explores some types of processors used in computing devices

Assisted to explore different types of processors used in computing devices

Ability to use computers with different types of
processors to perform tasks
Correctly and confidently uses computers with different types of
processors to perform tasks
Correctly uses computers with different types of
processors to perform tasks
Sometimes uses computers with different types of
processors to perform tasks
Assisted to use computers with different types of
processors to perform tasks
Ability to analyse the role of processors in computers Correctly and creatively analyses the role of processors in computers Correctly analyses the role of processors in computers Correctly analyses some role of processors in computers Attempts analyse the role of processors in


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Foundation of Computer Science

1.12 Output Devices

(3 Lessons)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. identify output devices of a computer system
  2. describe the functions of output devices in a computer system
  3. categorize computer output devices based on the output generated
  4. select appropriate output devices for different situations
  5. use output devices to perform daily life activities
  6. appreciate examining the technological trends in the development of output devices.
The learner is guided to:
  • observe and list available output devices in the computer user environment, such as (printers, monitors, speakers, projectors, plotters, actuator),
  • consult a computer specialist to discuss and demonstrate the various functions of output devices,
  • watch a video clip on categories of output devices and a list them,
  • in turns participate in matching output devices into their appropriate categories,
  • in groups, compare hardcopy output and softcopy output outlining their advantages and disadvantages,
  • in turns discuss the factors considered when selecting output device,
  • take turns in selecting appropriate output devices for different situations,
  • share experiences on safe use and care of output devices,
  • in groups perform a task assigned by the facilitator using available output device.
  1. Why are there different output devices?
  2. How do you use output device?
Core Competencies: 
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: learner develops evaluation and decision making skills as they compare softcopy and hardcopy output.
  • Citizenship: learner participates engagingly in a discussion on the factors considered when selecting output device.
  • Responsibility: learner practices safe use and care of output devices.
  • Unity: learner participates engagingly in a discussion on the factors considered when selecting output device.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Safety and security: learner practices safe use and care of output devices.
Link to other subjects:
  • Health Education: learner practices safe use and care of output devices.
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to identify output devices of a computer system Accurately and predominantly identifies output devices of a
computer system
Accurately identifies output devices of a
computer system
Accurately identifies some output devices of a
computer system
Hardly identifies output devices of a computer system
Ability to describe the functions of output devices in a
computer system
Correctly and concisely describes the functions of output devices in a
computer system
Correctly describes the functions of output devices in a
computer system
 Correctly describes some of the functions of output devices in a
computer system 

Tries to describe the functions of output devices of a
computer system

Ability to categorize computer output devices based on the output generated Correctly and keenly categorizes computer output devices based on the output generated Correctly categorizes computer output devices based on the output generated Attempts to categorize computer output devices based on the output generated Has difficulty in categorizing computer output devices based on the
output generated
Ability to select appropriate output devices for different
Predominantly and accurately selects output devices for different
Accurately selects output devices for different
Accurately selects some output devices for different
Attempts to select appropriates output devices for different
Ability to use output devices to perform daily life activities Creatively and confidently uses output devices to perform daily
life activities
Creatively uses output devices to perform daily
life activities
Occasionally uses output devices to perform daily
life activities
Assisted to use output devices to perform daily life
Ability to examine the technological trends in the development of
output devices
Appropriately and precisely examines the technological trends in the development of
output devices
Appropriately examines the technological trends in the development of
output devices
Appropriately examines sometechnological trends in the development of
output devices
Rarely examines the technological trends in the development of output devices


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Foundation of Computer Science

1.13 Ports and Cables

(3 Lessons)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. identify cables and ports in computer systems
  2. explain the types of cables used in computer systems
  3. relate cables to their corresponding ports in computer systems
  4. connect cables to ports in computer systems
  5. appreciate the use of cables and ports in computer systems.
The learner is guided to:
  • search for information on different cables and ports used in computer systems,
  • consult a computer specialist to engage in a discussion on the types of cables and ports used in computer systems,
  • take turns to match ports to their corresponding cables,
  • participate actively in communal activities which deal with reusing or recycling the cables to minimize wastage,
  • consult a computer user to discuss and demonstrate how to use cables and ports appropriately,
  • in groups connect cables to their corresponding ports in computer systems.
  1. Why do computer systems have ports?
  2. How do you use cables?
Core Competencies: 
  • Self-efficacy: learner takes turns to match ports to their corresponding cables.
  • Communication and collaboration: learner consults a computer specialist to engage in a discussion and demonstration on the types of cables and ports used in a computer.
  • Citizenship: learner participates in communal activities which deals with reusing or recycling cables to minimize wastage.
  • Patriotism: learner participates actively in communal activities which deals with reusing or recycling of cables to minimize wastage.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Learner Support programmes: peer education is enhanced as learners in groups discuss and demonstrate how to use cables and ports appropriately during clubs.
Link to other subjects:
  • Integrated Science: learner relates ports to their corresponding cables.
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to identify cables and ports in computer systems Appropriately and accurately identifies cables and ports in computer systems Appropriately identifies cables and ports in computer systems Correctly identifies some cables and ports in computer systems Rarely identifies cables and ports in computer systems
Ability to explain the types of cables used in computer systems Correctly and expansively explains the types of cables used in computer systems Correctly explains the types of cables used in computer systems  Correctly explains some types of cables used in computer systems Hardly explains the types of cables used in computer systems
Ability to relate ports to their
corresponding cables in computer systems
Accurately and keenly relates ports to their
corresponding cables in computer systems
Accurately relates ports to their
corresponding cables in computer systems
Accurately relates some ports to their
corresponding cables in computer systems
Attempts to relate ports to their
corresponding cables in computer systems
Ability to connect cables to ports in computer systems Correctly and confidently connects cables to ports in computer systems Correctly connects cables to ports in computer systems Occasionally connects cables to ports in computer systems Assisted to connects cables to ports in computer systems
Ability to use cables and ports in computer systems Appropriately and creatively uses cables and ports in computer systems Appropriately uses cables and ports in computer systems Sometimes uses cables and ports in computer systems Tries to use cables and ports in computer systems


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Foundation of Computer Science
1.14 Computer Setup

(CSL Project)
By the end of the project the learner should be able to:
  1. identify the problems experienced in the society when setting up a computer
  2. describe different ways of setting up a computer
  3. apply appropriate instructions to set up a computer
  4. set up a computer for use
  5. explore ways to overcome the challenges experienced when setting up a computer
  6. enjoy booting a computer successfully for use.

The learner is guided to:

  • visit a computer user environment, discuss engagingly with the users in the community and list the challenges they experience when setting up a computer,
  • keenly search for different ways of setting up a computer,
  • share experiences on precautions to follow when setting up a computer,
  • consult a computer specialist to guide on tools and requirements needed when setting up a computer, and to demonstrate how to setup a computer,
  • intelligently use knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired to setup a computer appropriately,
  • take turns to share the benefits and challenges experienced when setting up a computer,
  • creatively device ways to overcome the challenges experienced when setting up a computer,
  • eagerly enjoy booting a computer successfully for use,
  • participate actively in communal activities which involve setting up computers,
  • consult a computer technician to assist in identification of computers which are not functioning, select the parts which are still in good condition and are suitable to be reused or recycled, and make use of them when setting up a computer.
  • keenly follow the appropriate instructions when setting up a computer:
    1. identify its port and interface cable,
    2. gently and carefully connect the interface cable of each device to the correct port and to the device if it is not already fixed permanently,
    3. connect the computer to the power source and switch it on,
    4. observe boot up information on the screen to see whether power on-self test (POST) displays any error message,
    5. boot a computer successfully to show that it was properly setup,
    6. if the computer is completely new, programs have to be copied or installed on the hard disk.
  1. How do you set up a computer?
  2. Why are safety precautions observed when setting up a computer?
Core Competencies: 
  • Communication and Collaboration: learner actively contributes to group discussions and participates in setting up a computer.
  • Citizenship: learner discusses engagingly with the users in the community and list the challenges they experience when setting up a computer.
  • Creativity and Imagination: learner creatively devices ways to overcome the challenges experienced when setting up a computer. 
  • Unity: learner teams up with others in setting up a computer.
  • Respect: learner recognises the input of every member of the team when connecting the devices to the system unit.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Learner Support programmes is promoted as learners share experiences on precautions to follow when setting up a computer during society and clubs
Link to other subjects:
  • Pre-Technical and Pre-Career Education: learner demonstrates ability to apply appropriate instructions to set up a computer.
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to identify challenges experienced when setting up a
Appropriately and accurately identifies challenges experienced when setting up a
Correctly identifies challenges experienced when setting up a
Correctly identifies some challenges experienced when setting up a
Rarely identifies challenges experienced when setting up a computer
Ability to apply appropriate instructions to set up
a computer
Correctly and confidently applies appropriate instructions to set up a
Appropriate instructions to set up a
Sometimes applies appropriate instructions to set up a
Assisted to apply appropriate instructions to set up
a computer. 
Ability to set up a computer for use Confidently and appropriately sets up a computer for use Appropriately sets up a computer for use Sometimes sets up a computer for use Assisted to set up a computer for use
Ability to explore ways to overcome the challenges
experienced when setting up a computer 
Intelligently and creatively explores ways to overcome the
challenges experienced when setting up a computer 
Creatively explores ways to overcome the challenges
experienced when setting up a computer 
Creatively explores some ways to overcome the challenges
experienced when setting up a computer 
Attempts to explore ways to overcome the challenges
experienced when setting up a computer 
Ability to boot a computer
successfully for use
Keenly and correctly boots a computer
successfully for use
Correctly boots a computer
successfully for use
Sometimes boots a computer
successfully for use
Assisted to boot computer
successfully for use


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Computer and Society
2.1 Physical
Safety of Computers

(2 Lessons)
By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. identify physical threats to computers in a computer user environment
  2. explore ways of mitigating physical threats to computers in a computer user environment
  3. apply appropriate control measures to minimize physical threats to computers in a computer user environment
  4. appreciate using computers in a physically secured computer user environment.
The learner is guided to:
  • engagingly discuss physical threats to computers (theft, natural disasters, hardware failure) in a computer user environment,
  • consult a computer specialist to discuss ways of mitigating physical threats to computers in a computer user environment,
  • participate in using appropriate control measures to minimize physical threats to computers in a computer user environment,
  • in groups use computers in a physically secured user environment.
  1. What physical threats have encountered when using computers?
  2. How do you secure computers from physical threats?
Core Competencies: 
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: learner explores ways of mitigating physical threats to computers in a computer user environment.
  • Responsibility: learner participate in securing computers in a computer user environment.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Safety and security: learner applies physical mitigation measures to secure computers in a computer user environment.
Link to other subjects:
  • Health Education: learner applies physical mitigation measures to secure a computer user environment.
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to identify physical threats to computers in a computer user environment Correctly and specifically identifies physical threats to computers in a computer user
Correctly identifies physical threats to computers in a computer user
Correctly identifies some of the physical threats to computers in a computer user
Tries to identify physical threats to computers in a computer user environment
Ability to explore ways of mitigating physical threats to computers in a computer user environment Appropriately and intelligently explores ways of mitigating physical threats to computers in a
computer user environment
Appropriately explores ways of mitigating physical threats to computers in a
computer user environment
Appropriately explores some ways of mitigating physical threats to computers in a
computer user environment
Hardly explores ways of mitigating physical threats to computers in a computer user environment
Ability to apply appropriate control measures to minimise physical threats to computers in a computer user environment  Correctly and confidently applies appropriate control measures to minimise physical threats to computers in a computer user environment  Correctly  applies appropriate control measures to minimise physical threats to computers in a computer user environment  Correctly  applies appropriate control measures to minimise physical threats to computers in a computer user environment  Assisted to apply control measures to minimise physical threats to computers in a computer user environment 
Ability to use computers in a physically secured computer user environment Appropriately and creatively uses computers in a physically secured
computer user environment
Appropriately uses computers in a physically secured
computer user environment
Sometimes uses computers in a physically secured computer user
environment appropriately
 Rarely uses computers in a physically secured computer user environment


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Computer and Society

2.2 Health and Safety

(2 Lessons)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. identify health complications associated with the use of computers in a computer user environment
  2. apply appropriate techniques to mitigate health complications associated with the use of computers
  3. observe safe use and best practices when using computers
  4. appreciate
organising workstation to minimise health complications when using computers.
The learner is guided to:
  • discuss in groups health complications associated with the use of computers,
  • engagingly discuss techniques to mitigate health complications associated with the use of computers,
  • independently use appropriate techniques to mitigate health complications
  • share experiences on the safety practices to be observed when using computers
  • always observe safety precautions and best practices when using computer,
  • take turns to organise workstation to minimise health complications when using computers.  
  1. Why is your health at risk when using a computer?
  2. How do you minimise health complications associated with the use of computers? 
Core Competencies: 
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: learner explores techniques to mitigate health complications associated with the use of computers.
  • Communication and Collaboration: learner shares experiences on the safety practices to be observed when using a computer.
  • Respect: learner accommodates others opinion when discussing techniques to mitigate health complications associated with the use of computers in a computer user environment.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Health issues: learner observes safe use and best practices when using a computer in a computer user environment.
Link to other subjects:
  • Health Education as learners observe safe use and best practice when using computers in a computer user environment.
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to identify health complications associated with the use of computers in a computer user environment Appropriately and specifically identifies health
complications associated with the use of
computers in a computer user environment
Appropriately identifies health
complications associated with the use of
computers in a computer user environment
Appropriately identifies some of the health
complications associated with the use of
computers in a computer user environment
Tries to identify health complications associated with the use of computers in a computer user environment
Ability to apply appropriate techniques to mitigate health
complications associated with the use of computers
Accurately and confidently
applies appropriate techniques to mitigate
health complications associated with the use of computers
applies appropriate techniques to mitigate
health complications associated with the use of computers
applies some of the appropriate techniques to mitigate
health complications associated with the use of computers
Hardly applies appropriate techniques to mitigate health
complications associated with the use of computers
Ability to observe safe use and best
practices when using computers
Correctly and carefully observes safe use and
best practices when using computers
Correctly observes safe use and
best practices when using computers
Sometimes observes safe use and best
practices when using computers correctly
Rarely observes safe use and best
practices when using computers
Ability to
organise workstation to minimise health complications when using computers
Appropriately and securely
organises workstation to minimise health complications when
using computers
organises workstation to minimise health complications when
using computers
Occasionally organises workstation to minimise health complications when using computers
Assisted to
organise workstation to minimise health complications when using computers


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Computer and Society

2.3 Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)

(2 Lessons)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. identify the symptoms of repetitive strain injury for awareness
  2. explain the causes of repetitive strain injury for consciousness when using a computer
  3. apply appropriate strategies to prevent repetitive strain injury when using a computer
  4. appreciate using computers safely to minimizing the repetitive strain injury.
The learner is guided to:
  • share experiences on common symptoms of repetitive strain injury (upper limb disorders, eye strain, stress and fatigue) for awareness,
  • consult a resource person and ask questions for clarity on the causes of repetitive strain injury,
  • watch a video about the causes of repetitive strain injury and list them,
  • in groups discuss the strategies for preventing repetitive strain injury when using a computer,
  • use the appropriate strategies to prevent repetitive strain injury when using a computer
  • practice observing safe ways when using computers for a longer period.
  1. What are the consequences of prolonged use of a computer?
  2. How does repetitive strain injury affect your health?
Core Competencies: 
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving as a learner asks questions for clarity on the causes of repetitive strain injury.
  • Communication and collaboration as a learner shares experiences on the symptoms of repetitive strain injury.
  • Responsibility as a learner observes safe use and best practices when using a computer for a longer period.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Health issues as a learner observe safe use and best practices when using a computer for a longer period.
Link to other subjects:
  • Health Education as learners observe safe use and best practice when using computers.
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to identify the symptoms of repetitive strain injury for awareness Consciously and appropriately identifies the symptoms of repetitive strain injury for awareness Appropriately identifies the symptoms of repetitive strain injury for awareness Appropriately identifies some of the symptoms of repetitive strain injury for awareness Rarely identifies the symptoms of repetitive strain injury for awareness
Ability to explain the causes of repetitive strain injury for consciousness when
using a computer
Correctly and systematically explains the causes of
repetitive strain injury for consciousness when using a
Correctly explains the causes of
repetitive strain injury for consciousness when using a
Correctly explains some the causes of
repetitive strain injury for consciousness when using a
Hardly explains the causes of repetitive strain injury for consciousness when using a computer
Ability to apply appropriate strategies to prevent repetitive strain
injury when using a computer
Intelligently and frequently applies appropriate strategies to prevent repetitive strain injury
when using a computer
Intelligently applies appropriate strategies to prevent repetitive strain injury
when using a computer
Intelligently applies some of the appropriate strategies to prevent repetitive strain injury
when using a computer
Attempts to apply appropriate strategies to prevent repetitive strain
injury when using a computer
Ability to use computers safely to minimising the repetitive strain
Correctly and confidently uses computers safely to minimising the repetitive strain injury Correctly uses computers safely to minimising the repetitive strain injury Sometimes uses computers safely to minimising the repetitive strain injury Assisted to use computers safely to minimising the repetitive strain


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Computer And Society

2.4 Data Safety in Computers

(2 Lessons)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. explain threats to data stored in a computer
  2. identify the control measures for securing data in a computer
  3. apply the control measures to secure data in a computer
  4. appreciate the use best practices to secure data in a computer.
The learner is guided to:
  • brainstorm on the meaning of the terms data safety, data privacy, and data threats,
  • consult a computer specialist to discuss data threats and their control measures,
  • in groups watch a video on control measures for securing data in a computer,
  • in turns discuss ways of securing data stored in a computer (use of passwords, backup, anti-viruses, user access level, user logs),
  • practice using best practices to secure data in a computer.
  1. How is data in a computer exposed to threats?
  2. Why do you secure data in a computer?
Core Competencies: 
  • Communication and Collaboration: learner discusses ways of securing data stored in a computer.
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: learner intelligently applies the control measures to secure data in a computer.
  • Peace: learner calmly watches a video on control measures for securing data in a computer.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Safety and Security: learner uses data safety measures to secure data in a computer.
Link to other subjects:
  • Life Skills Education as a leaner uses appropriate data safety measures to secure data in a computer.
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to explain threats to data stored in a computer Correctly and clearly explains threats to data stored in a computer Correctly explains threats to data stored in a computer Correctly explains some of the threats to data stored in a computer Rarely explains threats to data stored in a computer
Ability to identify the control measures for securing data in a computer Appropriately and creatively identifies the control measures for securing data in a
Appropriately identifies the control measures for securing data in a
Appropriately  identifies some control measures for securing data in a
Hardly identifies the control measures for securing data in a computer
Ability to apply the control measures to
secure data in a computer
Correctly and confidently applies the control
measures to secure data in a computer
Correctly applies the control
measures to secure data in a computer
Sometimes applies the control
measures to secure data in a computer
Attempts to apply the control measures to
secure data in a computer
Ability to use the best safety practices to secure data in a
Appropriately and creatively uses best practices to secure data
in a computer
Correctly uses the best practices to secure data in a
Sometimes uses the best practices to secure data in a
Assisted to use best practices to secure data in a computer


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Computer and Society

2.5 Online
Safety Concepts

(3 Lessons)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. explain online threats to a computer user
  2. identify online safety measures to observe when using a computer
  3. apply online safety measures when using a computer
  4. appreciate examining the importance of online safety when using a computer.

The learner is guided to:

  • brainstorm on the meaning of the terms online safety, and online safety risks,
  • take turns to share the online threats experienced when using a computer,
  • consult a computer specialist to discuss online threats (such as cyber bullying, phishing, online fraud, friend requests from unknown people) to a computer user,
  • watch a video on safety measures to observe when online (not sharing pictures, location, securing profiles),
  • engagingly discuss with a resource person how to solve online safety issues (cyber bullying, phishing, online fraud, friend requests from unknown
  • always practice observing online safety measures when using a computer,
  • share experiences about the importance of online safety when using a computer.
  1. What data do you share when online?
  2. How do you protect yourself from cyber bulling?
Core Competencies: 
  • Communication and collaboration: learner take turns to share the online threats experienced when using a computer
  • Learning to learn: learner shares experiences about online safety.
  • Responsibility: learner applies safety measures when online.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Security issues: learner applies safety measures when online.
Link to other subjects:
  • Life Skills Education: learner always practice observing online safety measures when using a computer.
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to explain online threats to a computer user Correctly and expansively explains online threats to a computer user Correctly explains online threats to a computer user Correctly explains some of the online threats to a computer user  Rarely explains online threats to a computer user
Ability to identify online safety
measures to observe when using a computer
Appropriately and creatively
identifies online safety measures to observe when using a computer.
identifies online safety measures to observe when using a computer.
identifies online safety measures to observe when using a computer.
identifies online safety measures to observe when using a computer.
Ability to apply online safety measures when using a computer Appropriately and confidently
applies online safety measures when using a
applies online safety measures when using a
applies online safety measures when using a
Assisted to apply online safety measures when using a computer
Ability to examine the importance of online safety when using a computer Correctly and keenly examines the importance of online safety when using a computer Correctly examines the importance of online safety when using a computer Correctly examines some of the importance of online safety when using a computer Rarely examines the importance of online safety when using a computer


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
2.0 Computer and Society

2.6 Online
Identity Safety

(3 Lessons)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. analyse the characteristics of personal data for protection from online identity theft
  2. describe techniques that protect personal data from online disclosure
  3. apply appropriate methods to protect personal data from online disclosure
  4. adhere to rules associated with online etiquette when interacting with computers
  5. appreciate the use of computers responsibly to safeguard digital footprint.

The learner is guided to:

  • share the online identity threats experienced when using a computer,
  • engagingly discuss the characteristics of personal and sensitive data (personal name, address, family details, images, date of birth, a photograph in school uniform, medical history),
  • take turns to share ideas and illustrations on how to keep personal and sensitive data from public when online,
  • consult a resource person to discuss the use of social media including knowing how to block and report unwanted users,
  • discuss awareness of potential dangers of meeting an online contact face to face,
  • Take turns to elaborate on rules associated with online etiquette
    (avoid distribution of inappropriate  images, avoid use of inappropriate language, respecting confidentiality of personal data of other people),
  • share experiences on responsible use of computers when online to safeguard digital footprint.
  1. Why do you post personal information online?
  2. How is online identity theft protected?
Core Competencies: 
  • Communication and collaboration when taking turns to elaborate on rules associated with online etiquette.
  • Learning to learn when sharing experiences on responsible use of computers to safeguard digital footprint.
  • Integrity: learner uses computers responsibly to safeguard digital footprint.
  • Respect when taking turns to elaborate on rules associated with online etiquette.
  • Love as a learner share experiences on responsible use of computers to safeguard digital footprint.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Safety issues: learner shares experiences about online identity safety.
Link to other subjects:
  • Social Studies as a learner shares experiences on responsible use of computers to safeguard digital footprint.
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to analyse the characteristics of personal and
sensitive data for protection from online identity theft
Correctly and concisely analyses the characteristics of
personal and sensitive data for protection from online identity theft
Correctly analyses the characteristics of
personal and sensitive data for protection from online identity theft
Correctly analyses some of the characteristics of
personal and sensitive data for protection from online identity theft
Hardly analyses the characteristics of personal and
sensitive data for protection from online identity theft
Ability to describe the techniques of protecting personal data from online disclosure Systematically and briefly
describes the techniques of protecting personal data from online
describes the techniques of protecting personal data from online
describes some of the techniques of protecting personal data from online
Rarely describes the techniques of protecting personal data from online disclosure
Ability to apply appropriate methods to protect personal data from online
Correctly and confidently applies appropriate methods to protect personal data
from online disclosure
Correctly applies appropriate methods to protect personal data
from online disclosure
Occasionally applies appropriate methods to protect personal data
from online disclosure
Attempts to apply appropriate methods to protect personal data from online
Ability to adhere to rules associated with online etiquette when interacting with computers Cautiously and correctly adheres to rules associated with online etiquette when
interacting with computers
Correctly adheres to rules associated with online etiquette when interacting with computers Correctly adheres to some  rules associated with online etiquette when interacting with computers Tries to adhere to rules associated with online etiquette when interacting with computers
Ability to use computers responsibly when online to safeguard digital footprint Appropriately and confidently
uses computers responsibly when online to safeguard digital
uses computers responsibly when online to safeguard digital
uses computers responsibly when online to safeguard digital
Rarely uses computers responsibly when online to safeguard digital footprint


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Computer Networks
3.1 Computer Network Concepts
(3 Lessons)
By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. relate computer networks to available types of networks
  2. use locally available materials to model computer networks
  3. explain the benefits of computer networks in the society
  4. identify the challenges of computer networks in the society
  5. appreciate examining the purpose of computer networks in the society.
The learner is guided to:
  • watch a video clip simulating a computer network,
  • brainstorm the definition of the term network and computer network,
  • share ideas on available networks in the society such as road network and then relate them to computer networks,
  • in groups use locally available materials to model computer networks,
  • debate on the benefits of computer networks in the society,
  • share experiences on the challenges of computer networks in the society,
  • in turns discuss the purpose of computer networks in the society.
  1. Why do you use computer networks?
  2. How do you form computer networks?
Core Competencies:
  • Self-efficacy: learner shares ideas on available networks in the society.
  • Creativity and Imagination: learner creatively and innovatively uses locally available materials to model a computer network.
  • Effective communication: learner debates on the benefits of computer networks in the society.
  • Respect: learner accommodates others ideas on available networks in the society.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Life skills: learner debates on the benefits of computer networks in the society.
Link to other subjects:
  • Visual Arts: learner uses locally available materials to model computer networks.
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to relate computer networks to available types of networks Correctly and intelligently relates computer networks to available types of
Correctly relates computer networks to available types of
Sometimes relates computer networks to available types of
Rarely relates computer networks to available types of
Ability to use locally available materials to model computer networks Creatively and innovatively uses locally available materials to model
computer networks
Creatively uses locally available materials to model
computer networks
Sometimes uses locally available materials to model
computer networks
Assisted to use locally available materials to model computer
Ability to explain the benefits of computer networks in the society Correctly and clearly explains benefits of computer networks in the society Correctly explains the benefits of computer networks in the society Correctly explains some of the benefits of computer networks in the society Hardly explains the benefits of computer networks in the society
Ability to identify the challenges of computer networks in the society Appropriately and concisely identifies challenges of computer networks in society Appropriately identifies challenges of computer networks in society Appropriately identifies some challenges of computer networks in society Hardly identifies the challenges of computer
networks in the society
Ability to examine the purpose of computer networks in the society Correctly and keenly examines purpose of computer networks in the society Correctly examines purpose of computer networks in the society Correctly examines some purpose of computer networks in the society Rarely examines the purpose of computer networks in the


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Computer Networks
3.2 Connecting to Computer Network
(3 Lessons)
By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
a) identify available computer networks in the immediate environment
b) connect to the available computer networks in the immediate environment
c) use the available computer network in the immediate environment
d) appreciate sharing resources through computer networks in the immediate environment.
The learner is guided to:
• visit a computer user environment and list the type of available computer network (wireless or cabled networks),
• watch a video clip simulating how to connect to available computer network in the immediate environment (wireless or cabled network),
• in groups, connect to a computer network in the immediate environment,
• use digital devices such a phones, tablets, computers to share a data files, photos with peers through computer networks in the immediate
 1. Why do you connect to a computer network?
2. What is the purpose of connecting to a computer network?
Core Competencies: 
  • Digital literacy: learner connects to a computer network in the immediate environment.
  • Self-efficacy: learner connects to and uses computer networks in the immediate environment to share resources with peers.
  • Unity: learner shares resources with peers through computer networks in the immediate environment.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Life skills: learner connects to and uses available computer networks in the immediate environment to share resources with peers.
Link to other subjects:
  • Social studies as a learner uses digital devices such as phones, tablets, computers to share a data files, photos with peers through computer networks in the immediate environment
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to identify available computer networks in the immediate environment Correctly and intelligently identifies available computer networks in the immediate environment Correctly identifies available computer networks in the immediate environment Correctly identifies some of the available computer networks in the immediate environment Rarely identifies available computer networks in the immediate environment
Ability to connect to the available computer networks in the immediate environment Correctly and confidently connects to the available computer networks in the immediate environment Correctly connects to the available computer networks in the immediate environment Sometimes connects to the available computer networks in the immediate environment Assisted to connect to the available computer networks in the immediate environment
Ability to use the available computer network in the
immediate environment
Consciously and creatively uses the available computer
network in the immediate environment
Creatively uses the available computer
network in the immediate environment
Occasionally uses the available computer
network in the immediate environment
Hardly uses the available computer network in the
immediate environment
Ability to share resources through computer networks in the immediate environment Appropriately and intelligently shares resources through computer networks in
the immediate environment
Appropriately shares resources through computer networks in
the immediate environment
Appropriately shares some  resources through computer networks in
the immediate environment
Attempts to shares resources through computer networks in the immediate environment


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Computer Networks
3.3 Internet
(4 Lessons)
By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. describe the internet as a resource that runs on a global network of computers
  2. explain benefits and challenges of internet in the immediate environment
  3. explore ways of overcoming challenges of internet in the immediate environment
  4. identify basic requirements for internet connectivity
  5. connect to the internet to search for a topical issue
  6. appreciate the use of internet as a computer network resource

The learner is guided to:

  • search for the meaning of the term internet and present to peers,
  • debate on the benefits and challenges of the internet,
  • in groups, discuss ways of overcoming challenges of the internet in the immediate environment,
  • discuss the basic requirements for internet connectivity (Internet Service Provider (ISP), Internet software, communication media, communication device),
  • share experiences on interaction with the internet and list the services available,
  • in turns select service available in the internet and use it to search for a relevant topical internet as a computer network resource. issue,
  • use the internet to search for a topical issue.
  1. Why do you use internet?
  2. How do you connect to internet?
Core Competencies: 
  • Citizenship: learner connects and shares ideas worldwide through the internet.
  • Digital literacy: learner accesses internet and searches for a relevant topical issue.
  • Respect: learner accommodate others’ views when debating on the benefits and challenges of internet.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Peer Education: learner shares experience on the use of the internet to search for a topical issue.
Link to other subjects:
  • Social studies: learner connects to and uses the internet to search for a relevant topical issue.
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to describe the internet as a resource that runs on a global network
of computers
Correctly and concisely describes the internet as a resource that runs on a global network of
Correctly describes the internet as a resource that runs on a global network of
Sometimes describes the internet as a resource that runs on a global network of
Tries to describe the internet as a resource that runs on a global network
of computers
Ability to explain benefits and challenges of internet in the immediate
Appropriately and comprehensively explains benefits and challenges of internet in the immediate environment Appropriately explains benefits and challenges of internet in the immediate environment Appropriately explains some of the benefits and challenges of internet in the immediate environment Hardly explains benefits and challenges of internet in the immediate
Ability to identify basic requirements
for internet connectivity
Correctly and explicitly identifies basic
requirements for internet connectivity
Correctly identifies basic
requirements for internet connectivity
Correctly identifies some of the basic
requirements for internet connectivity
Rarely identifies basic requirements
for internet connectivity
Ability to explore ways of overcoming challenges of internet in the
immediate environment
Creatively and intelligently explores ways of overcoming challenges of internet in the immediate environment Creatively explores ways of overcoming challenges of internet in the immediate environment Creatively explores some of the ways of overcoming challenges of internet in the immediate environment Attempts to explore ways of overcoming challenges of internet in the
immediate environment
Ability to connect the internet to
search for a topical issue
Correctly and creatively connects the internet to search for a topical issue Correctly connects the internet to search for a topical issue Sometimes connects the internet to search for a topical issue Assisted to connect the internet to
search for a topical issue
Ability to use the internet as a computer network
Appropriately and intelligently uses the internet as a computer
network resource
Appropriately uses the internet as a computer
network resource
Sometimes uses the internet as a computer
network resource
Hardly uses the internet as a computer network


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
Computer Networks

3.4 World
Wide Web (WWW)

(5 Lessons)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. explain the importance of WWW as used in computer networks
  2. identify the features of a web browser
  3. describe the components of a uniform resource locator (URL) used to access resources in the internet
  4. use a web browser to locate resources in the WWW
  5. appreciate the use of WWW as a repository of information.

The learner is guided to:

  • use available learning resources to search for the meaning of the terms World Wide Web (WWW), web browsers, uniform resource locator (URL),
  • in turns discuss examples of web browsers (explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Netscape, Opera, Safari)
  • launch and navigate a web browser to identify its features,
  • take turns to write URL format: protocol://hostname/other information
  • participate in giving examples of URL
  • type a web resource Uniform Resource Locator (URL), and discuss its components,
  • take turns to demonstrate how web browsers work,
  • practice using a web browser to locate relevant internet resources.
  1. How do you access internet resources?
  2. Why do you use a web browser ?
Core Competencies: 
  • Learning to learn: learner wisely uses the acquired knowledge, skills and attitude to search for relevant resources using a web browser.
  • Digital Literacy: learner develops connecting skill when using a web browser to search for and share information.
  • Peace : learner take turns to demonstrate how web browsers work
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Citizenship: learner connects to the rest of the world through WWW.
Link to other subjects:
  • Life Skills Education: learner uses a web browser to search for relevant topical issues.
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to explain the importance of WWW as used in computer networks Appropriately and clearly explains the importance of WWW as used in computer networks Appropriately explains the importance of WWW as used in computer networks Appropriately explains the importance of WWW as used in computer networks Attempts to explain the importance of WWW as used in computer networks
Ability to identify the features of a web browser Correctly and explicitly identifies the features of a web browser Correctly identifies the features of a web browser Correctly identifies some features of a web browser Rarely identifies the features of a web browser
Ability to describe the components of a URL Correctly and concisely describes the components of a URL Correctly describes the components of a URL Correctly describes some of  the components of a URL Attempts to describe the components of a
Ability to use a web browser to locate resources in the
Appropriately and confidently uses a web browser to locate
resources in the WWW
Appropriately uses a web browser to locate resources in
the WWW
Sometimes uses a web browser to locate resources in
the WWW
Rarely uses a web browser to locate resources in the
Ability to the use WWW as a repository of
Correctly and creatively uses the WWW as a repository of information Correctly uses the WWW as a repository of information Sometimes uses the WWW as a repository of information Hardly uses the WWW as a repository of information


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
4.0 Computer Programming

4.1 Computer Program- ming Concepts

(3 Lessons)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. explain the importance of programming as used in computing
  2. identify areas where computer programs are used in daily life
  3. launch and interact with a computer program for awareness
  4. appreciate using computer programs in performing daily life activities.
The learner is guided to:
  • use available learning resources to search for the meaning of the term programming and programs,
  • in groups discuss the importance of computer programs,
  • take turns to discuss areas where computer programs are used in daily life and list them,
  • share ideas on the use of programming in daily life activities,
  • in groups, start and interact with a computer program accessory such as, a computer game, calculator, paint, snipping tool, media player and note notepad,
  • share experience on performing daily life activities (playing computer games, listening to music, performing mathematical operations, drawing objects, type text) using available computer programs accessories.
  1. Why do computers have programs?
  2. How do you use computer programs?
Core Competencies: 
  • Learning to Learn: learner launch and interact with a computer program for exposure to programming.
  • Communication and collaboration: learner engagingly shares ideas on the use of programming in daily life activities.
  • Unity: learner shares ideas on the use of programming in daily life.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Self-esteem: learner launches and interacts with computer programs.
Link to other subjects:
  • Integrated Science: learner interacts with computer programs.
  • Visual Arts: learner plays computer games and draws objects using computer program accessories.
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to explain the importance of programming as used in computing Appropriately and systematically explains the importance of programming as used in
Appropriately  explains the importance of programming as used in
Appropriately explains some of the importance of programming as used in
Tries to explain the importance of programming as used in computing
Ability to identify areas where computer programs are used in
daily life
Correctly and explicitly identifies areas where computer programs are
used in daily life
Correctly identifies areas where computer programs are
used in daily life
Correctly identifies some areas where computer programs are
used in daily life
Attempts to identify areas where computer programs
are used in daily life
Ability to launch and interact with a computer program for exposure to programming Appropriately and confidently launches and interacts with a computer program for exposure to
Appropriately launches and interacts with a computer program for exposure to
Occasionally launches and interacts with a computer program for exposure to
Assisted to launch and interact with a computer program for exposure to programming
Ability to use computer programs to perform daily life activities Intelligently and confidently uses computer programs to perform daily life
Confidently uses computer programs to perform daily life
Sometimes uses computer programs to perform daily life
Hardly uses computer programs to perform daily life activities


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
4.0 Computer Programming

4.2 Visual
Program ming Concepts

(3 Lessons)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. identify types of visual programming applications for use
  2. explain the procedure of launching a visual programming application
  3. launch a visual programming application in a computer
  4. appreciate navigating a visual programming application interface.
The learner is guided to:
  • use available resources to search for the meaning of the term visual programming,
  • discuss and list examples of visual programming applications used in computer programming,
  • in groups discuss the procedure of launching a visual programming application,
  • consult a computer specialist to demonstrate how to launch visual programming applications used in computer programming,
  • in groups, launch a visual programming application such as Microsoft MakeCode, Scratch,, Sprite box,
  • share experiences on navigating the visual programming application interface with peers.
  1. Why do you use visual programming applications?
  2. How do you launch visual programming application?
Core Competencies: 
  • Self-efficacy: learner navigates a visual programming application interface.
  • Learning to learn: learner launches and interacts with a visual programming application.
  • Peace: learner calmly shares experiences on navigating the visual programming application interface with peers.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Peer Education: learner consults a computer specialist to demonstrate how to launch visual programming applications used in computer programming.
Link to other subjects:
  • Pre-Career and Pre-Technical Education as learners follow instructions when launching visual programming applications used in computer programming
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to identify types of visual programming
applications for use
Appropriately and exactly identifies types of visual programming applications
for use
Appropriately  identifies types of visual programming applications
for use
Occasionally identifies types of visual programming applications
for use
Rarely identifies types of visual programming
applications for use
Ability to explain the procedure of launching a visual programming
Correctly and clearly explains the procedure of launching a visual programming application Correctly explains the procedure of launching a visual programming application Sometimes explains the procedure of launching a visual programming application Tries to explain the procedure of launching a visual programming
Ability to launch a visual programming application in a
Correctly and perfectly launches a visual programming application
in a computer
Correctly launches a visual programming application
in a computer
Sometimes launches a visual programming application
in a computer
Hardly launches a visual programming application in a
Ability to navigate a visual programming application interface Appropriately and confidently navigates a visual programming
application interface
Appropriately navigates a visual programming
application interface
Attempts to navigate a visual programming application interface Has difficulty in navigating a visual programming
application interface


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
4.0 Computer Programming

4.3 Visual
Programming Features

(12 Lessons)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. explore features of a visual programming application
  2. relate the features of a visual programming application to their function
  3. describe terminologies used in a visual programming application
  4. use the features of a visual programming application to create a sequence of instructions to perform a task
  5. appreciate the application of the features of a visual programming application to create a sequence of instructions.

The learner is guided to:

  • in groups discuss the features of a visual programming application
  • discuss the functions of the features of a visual programming application
  • match the functions of the features of a visual programming application to their functions
  • in turns discuss and demonstrate the use of visual programming terms (reserved words, syntax, variables, input output statements, control structures, variable declarations).
  • in groups, create a sequence of actions using the features of a visual programming application (animations, sound)
  • share experience on the use of the features of a visual
    programming application
  1. Why is visual programming popular in introducing computer programming?
  2. How do you use visual programming application features?
Core Competencies: 
  • Learning to Learn: learners shares experience on the use of the features of a visual programming application.
  • Creativity and Imagination: learner creates animations and sounds using the features of a visual programming application.
  • Unity: learner discusses the features of the visual programming application with peers.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Peer Learning: learner uses features of visual programming application to create animations and sound.
Link to other subjects:
  • Pre Technical and Pre Career Education: learner uses the features of visual programming applications to creates animations and sounds.
Assessment Rubric
Indicators Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to explore features of a visual programming application Correctly and confidently explores features of a visual programming
Correctly explores features of a visual programming
Correctly explores some features of a visual programming
Rarely explores features of a visual programming application
Ability to relate the features of a visual
programming application to their function
Appropriately relates the features of a visual
programming application to their function
Appropriately relates the features of a visual
programming application to their function
Appropriately relates some of the features of a visual
programming application to their function
Relate the features of a visual programming
application to their function with assistance
Ability to describe terminologies used in a visual programming application Appropriately and clearly describes terminologies used in a visual programming application Appropriately describes terminologies used in a visual programming application Appropriately describes some terminologies used in a visual programming application Attempts to describe terminologies used in a visual programming application
Ability to use the features of a visual programming application to create a sequence of instructions to perform a task Creatively and correctly uses the features of a visual programming application to create a sequence of
instructions to perform a task
Correctly uses the features of a visual programming application to create a sequence of
instructions to perform a task
Correctly uses some features of a visual programming application to create a sequence of
instructions to perform a task
Assisted to use the features of a visual programming application to create a sequence of instructions to perform a task
Ability to apply the features of a visual programming application to create a sequence of instructions Appropriately and confidently applies sequence of instructions to create the features of a visual programming
Appropriately applies the features of a visual programming application to create a sequence of
Applies some of the features of a visual programming application to create a sequence of instructions Assisted to apply the features of a visual programming application to create a sequence of instructions


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific learning Outcomes  Suggested learning Experiences  Key Inquiry Question(s) 
1.0Foundation of Computer Science   1.1 Computer Concepts (3 Lessons) Rating scales, rubrics,
questionnaires, projects,
journals, portfolios, oral
questions, aural questions,
interview schedules,
learner’s profile, written
tests, anecdotal records,
observation schedules,
Digital devices,
reference materials,
computer hardware,
manilla papers,
Internet, video, audio
clips, models,
Assist members in
the community on
how to apply
computers in
various areas such
as (Education,
Business, Banking,
Government, Home,
Engineering Design,
1.2 Evolution of computers Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written tests, anecdotal records, observation schedules, checklists Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools,
compute software (OS,
Utility software and
Application programs),
computer hardware,
manilla papers,
Internet,video, audio
Discuss the development of computers in respect
to contemporary
technology during
1.3 Generations of computers Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written tests, anecdotal records, observation schedules, checklists Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, visual programming tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manilla papers, Internet,video,
audio clips,
Educate community members on how to use technologies of different computers generations in daily life situation; search information on personal hygiene, prepare personal time table,
1.4 Classification of computers Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written
tests, anecdotal records, observation schedules, checklists
Digital devices, reference materials, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware,
manilla papers, Internet, video
Demonstrate how to use embedded computers (ATM machines, MP3 players, DVD players, Drones,
Anti-lock braking system, Airbag control system, Digital watches, Microwaves) during school clubs
1.5 Computer user environment Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written tests, anecdotal records, observation schedules, checklists reference materials, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manilla papers, Internet,video, adaptable locally available materials,
models, checklists
Sensitize social gatherings how to observe safety precautions when in the computer user environment
1.6 Physical parts of a computer Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written tests, anecdotal records, observation schedules,
Digital devices, reference materials, computer hardware, manilla papers, Internet,video, audio clips, adaptable locally available materials, models, checklists Educate community members how to connect physical parts of a computer
1.7 Hands on skills Rating scales, rubrics,questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written tests, anecdotal records, observation schedules, checklists  Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manilla papers, Internet,video, audio
clips, checklists 
Participate in a competition that involves the use of computer keyboard in different ways; typing a simple text, multiplying numbers, drawing diagrams,
1.8 Computer Systems overview Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written tests, anecdotal records, observation schedules,
Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manilla papers,
Debate on the importance of computer systems in the society during clubs
1.9 Hardware concepts Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written
tests, anecdotal records, observation schedules, checklists
Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, computer hardware, manilla papers,

Sensitize community membes on the uses of computer hardware


1.10 Input devices Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written
tests, anecdotal records, observation schedules, checklists
Digital devices, reference materials, computer hardware, manilla papers, Internet,video, audio clips, Deliberate on the factors to consider when selecting an input device with different forums
1.11Central Processing Unit (CPU) Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written
tests, anecdotal records, observation schedules, checklists
Digital devices, reference materials, computer hardware, manilla papers, Internet,video, audio clips, Join asocial media group and share a video simulation of the functional organisation of the CPU
1.12 Output devices Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written
tests, anecdotal records, observation schedules, checklists
Digital devices, reference materials, computer hardware, manilla papers, Internet,video, audio clips, adaptable locally
available materials,
During social gatherings share ideas on how to assess user computing needs and select
appropriate input devices for different
1.13 Ports and Cables Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written
tests, anecdotal records, observation schedules, checklists
Digital devices, reference materials, computer hardware, manilla papers, Internet,video, audio clips, adaptable locally available materials, models, checklists Demonstrate to community members how to connect cablesto their respective ports
1.14 Computer Setup (CSL Project) Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written
tests, anecdotal records, observation schedules, checklists
Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, visual programming tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manilla papers, Internet,video, audio clips, adaptable locally available materials, models,
Educate community members on how to setup computers
2.0 Computer and Society 2.1 Physical Safety of Computers Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written tests, anecdotal records,
observation schedules, checklists  
Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, visual programming tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manilla papers, Internet,video, audio clips, adaptable locally available materials, models,
Demonstrate in a  community forum how to
organise workstation to minimise health complications when using computers
2.2 Health and Safety Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written tests, anecdotal records,
observation schedules, checklists  
Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, visual programming tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manilla papers, Internet,video, audio clips, adaptable locally available
materials, models, checklists
Participate actively in communal activities which educates the society on health and safety of computer use
2.3 Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written tests, anecdotal records,
observation schedules, checklists  
Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, visual programming tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manilla papers, Internet,video, audio clips, adaptable locally available
materials, models, checklists
Join social media group that shares information on the appropriate strategies of preventing repetitive strain injury when using a computer
2.4 Data Safety in Computers Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written tests, anecdotal records,
observation schedules, checklists  
Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, visual programming tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manilla papers, Internet,video, audio clips, adaptable locally available
materials, models, checklists

Share in a social media forum the best practices of keeping data safely in a computer


2.5 Online Safety Concepts Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written tests, anecdotal records,
observation schedules, checklists  
Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, visual programming tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manilla papers, Internet,video, audio clips, adaptable locally available
materials, models, checklists
Discuss in a forum safety measures to observe when online (not sharing, pictures, location, securing profiles)
2.6 Online Identity Safety Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written tests, anecdotal records,
observation schedules, checklists  
Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, visual programming tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manilla papers, Internet,video, audio clips, adaptable locally available
materials, models, checklists
Sensitize community members on how to keep personal and sensitive data safety when online,
3.0 Computer Networks 3.1 Computer Network Concepts Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written tests, anecdotal records, observation schedules, checklists Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, visual programming tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manilla papers, Internet,video, audio clips, adaptable locally available
materials, models, checklists
Sensitise community members the on benefits of computer networks in the society
3.2 Connecting to Computer Network Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written tests, anecdotal records, observation schedules, checklists Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, visual programming tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manilla papers, Internet,video, audio clips, adaptable locally available
materials, models, checklists
Demonstrate to social gatherings how to connect to computer network. Visit a community data center and
assist in connecting computers to available networks.
3.3 Internet Concepts Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written tests, anecdotal records, observation schedules, checklists Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, visual programming tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manilla papers, Internet,video, audio clips, adaptable locally available
materials, models, checklists
Debate on the uses of internet during clubs
3.4 World Wide Web (WWW) Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written tests, anecdotal records, observation schedules, checklists Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, visual programming tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manilla papers, Internet,video, audio clips, adaptable locally available
materials, models, checklists
Demonstrate how web browsers work to congregations of
community members
4.0 Computer Programming 4.1 Computer Programming Concepts Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written tests, anecdotal records, observation schedules, checklists Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, visual programming tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manilla papers, Internet,video, audio clips, adaptable locally available
materials, models, checklists
Share experience with the community members on how to perform daily life activities (playing computer games, listening to music, performing mathematical operations, drawing objects, type text) using available computer program
4.2 Visual Programming Concepts Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written tests, anecdotal records, observation schedules, checklists Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, visual programming tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manilla papers, Internet,video, audio clips, adaptable locally available
materials, models, checklists
Demonstrate how to
navigate the visual programming application interface to peers.
4.3 Visual Programming Features Rating scales, rubrics, questionnaires, projects, journals, portfolios, oral questions, aural questions, interview schedules, learner’s profile, written tests, anecdotal records, observation schedules, checklists Digital devices, reference materials, productivity tools, visual programming tools, compute software (OS, Utility software and Application programs), computer hardware, manilla papers, Internet,video, audio clips, adaptable locally available
materials, models, checklists

Create a sequence of actions using the features of a visual programming application (animations, sound) and share with peers


Read 1237 times Last modified on Tuesday, 10 January 2023 13:36

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