KLB Form 2 Mathematics Schemes of Work Term 3 2020/2021

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 Compound   inequalities.

 The learner should be able to:

Illustrate compound inequalities on a number line

Give examples of compound statements and illustrate them on a number line. Oral exercise; Written exercise.


Graph papers. 


Pgs. 217-8




Solve simultaneous inequalities and determine the integral values in the requires region

Q/A: Solve each inequality at a time, hence find the common solution/ integral values.

Supervised practice.



Graph papers.


Pgs. 217-8

     3  Graphs of         simple   inequalities Represent inequalities graphically.

Q/A: Review equations of lines and their graphical representation 

Examples & Exercise.

Illustrative charts.


Pgs. 219-223

 4  Inequality from   a  given graph. Find the inequality represented by a graph.

Worked examples;

Exercise and review



Pgs. 219-223

 5  Graphs of compound inequalities.  Represent compound inequality statements graphically

Review simple statements, represent them graphically and obtain the required region;

Worked examples; Written exercise; Exercise review.


Graph papers.



Pgs. 224-228

   6   Inequality statement from graphs.  Determine the statements that are represented graphically.

 Worked examples. Supervised practice. Exercise.       Problem solving

 Graph papers  


Pgs. 224-228

  2        1


Parameters of motion

 Define speed, velocity, distance, displacement and acceleration.         Calculate parameters of motion  Q/A: definitions of terms.            Deduce formulae of definitions.     Worked examples. Exercise.  


Graph papers.

 KLB BK II Pgs. 228-230  
 2 Velocity and acceleration Calculate velocity and acceleration motions Probing questions. Worked examples; Exercise. Graph Papers KLB BK II Pgs. 230-1  
 3 Distance time graphs. Plot and interpret distance time graphs. Probing questions. Worked examples; Exercise. Graph Papers


Pgs. 224-228

 4 Velocity time graphs.

Plot and interpret velocity time graphs. Make inferences from graphs.

Worked examples. Oral exercise; Written exercise; Exercise review.


Graph papers.


Pgs. 224-228

 5   Approaching bodies Solve problems on relative speed of approaching bodies. Worked examples. Exercise.   KLB BK II Pgs. 238 - 240  
 6 Overtaking bodies Solve problems on relative speed of overtaking bodies. Worked examples. Oral exercise; Written exercise; Exercise review.   KLB BK II Pgs. 238 - 240  
 3  1 Bodies moving in opposite directions. Solve problems on relative speed of bodies moving in opposite directions. Worked examples. Oral exercise; Written exercise; Exercise review.   KLB BK II Pgs. 238 - 240  
Frequency distribution table.
Define statistics.  Explain importance of statistics. Draw a frequency distribution table.  Q/A: Given examples of data that need to be organized to give information.    Discuss importance of statistics.        Activity; Shoe size- no of students table. Tabulation of results. Statistical data from real life situations e.g. HIV/AIDS figures. KLB BK II Pgs. 241-2  
 3  Mean Define statistical mean of a set of data. Find median of a given set of data. Worked examples; Supervised practice. Exercise   KBL BK II Pgs. 243- 4  
 4 Mode and Median Define mode and median of a set data. Find median of a given set of data. Arranging data in ascending order and finding the median. Exercise.   KLB BK II Pgs. 244-5  
 5  Median  Find median of a given set of data. Arranging data in ascending order and finding the median. Exercise.   KLB BK II Pgs. 244-7  
 6 Classes of data. Define class and class range.                       Group data into reasonable classes. Group activity - Involve students in identifying suitable class range, and grouping the data.   KLB BK II Pgs. 244-7  
 4  1  Mean of grouped data.  Find mean of grouped data. Examples;  Problem solving   KBL BK II Pgs. 247-252  
 2  Median of grouped data. Find median of grouped data. Worked examples. Exercise   KBL BK II Pgs. 247-252  
 3 Problems on grouped data. Solve problems on grouped data. Problem solving.   KBL BK II Pgs. 247-252  
 4 Bar graphs Represent information in form of bar graphs. Examples; Written exercise and review.  Charts KLB BK II Pgs. 252-3  
 5 Interpreting bar graphs Interpret information represented with bar graphs Examples; Written exercise and review.      
 6 Pictograms Deduce information represented with pictures. Represent information in a pictogram. Oral exercise. Charts

KLB BK II Pgs. 253-


 5  1 Pie-charts Represent comparative information in form of pie charts Q/A: Supervised exercise.      Written exercise.  Pie-charts KLB BK II Pgs. 254-5  
 2 Interpreting pie-charts. Deduce information represented within. Q/A: Supervised exercise.      Written exercise. Pie-charts KLB BK II Pgs. 254-5  
 3  Line graphs. Draw line graphs. Guided activity; Supervised exercise.      
 4  Line graphs. Interpret line graphs Discussion; Assignment Graph papers KLB Bk II  Pgs. 255-6  
 5  Histograms Represent information in a histogram. Q/A Identify class boundaries of the entries.           Draw the histogram of given data. Graph papers. KLB BK II Pgs. 256-8  
 6  Histograms Interpret histograms Discover effect of doubling class size on the frequency. Exercise Graph papers KLB BK II Pgs. 258-9  
 6  1 Frequency polygons. Interpret frequency polygons. Identify mid points of classes. Join the tops of the bars of a histogram; Written exercise. Graph papers KLB BK II Pgs. 258-9  
 2 ANGLE PROPERTIES OF A CIRCLE      Parts of a circle.        Angle subtended by diameter on the circumference.

Identify an arc, chord, segments of a circle.       Deduce angle subtended by diameter on the circumference.

Q/A discussion; Measure angle subtended by diameter on the circumference. Geometrical set KLB BK II Pgs. 264-6  
 3 Angle subtended by a chord on the circumference and at circle center. Deduce relation between angle subtended by a chord on the circumference and a circle center. Geometrical construction; Discuss inferences. Written exercise. Geometrical set KLB BK II Pgs. 266-8  
 4 Angles in the same segment. Deduce that angles in the same segment subtended by same chord are equal. Geometrical construction; Discuss inferences. Written exercise. Geometrical set KLB BK II Pgs. 273-7  
 5 Angles in different segments. Deduce properties for angles in different segments subtended by same chord. Geometrical construction; Discuss inferences. Written exercise. Geometrical set. KLB BK II Pgs. 273-7  
 6  Cyclic quadrilaterals Infer angle of properties of cyclic quadrilaterals. Geometrical construction;  Make inferences. Written exercise. Exercise review. Geometrical set. KLB BK II Pgs. 278-9  
  7  1  Further cyclic quadrilaterals. Apply angle properties of cyclic quadrilaterals in problem solving. Worked examples; Written examples; Exercise review. Geometrical set.

KLB BK II Pgs. 279-283


VECTORS    Definition of a vector.        Definition of a scalar.

Define a vector. Define a scalar. Identify vector notation Discussion: quantities that have both size and direction. Exposition: vector definition and notation   KLB BK II Pgs. 284-5  
 3 Equivalent vectors. Define magnitude of a vector.  Identify equivalent vectors.   Represent equivalent vectors diagrammatically From a wire cube, students identify equivalent vectors and those that are not equivalent. Oral exercise. Wire cube KLB BK II Pgs. 285-6  
 4 Addition of vectors

Define displacement. Identify initial and final points.      Add two vectors. Add two vectors with directions reversed.

Worked examples; Oral exercise. Graph papers. Square boards. Geometrical instruments. KLB BK II Pgs. 286-9  
 5,6           C.A.T & MID-TERM BREAK        
 8       1 Product of positive scalar and a vector Obtain Product of positive scalar and a vector Illustrative examples; Oral exercise Graph papers. Square boards. Geometrical instruments. KLB BK II Pgs. 286-9  
 2 Negative scalar multiplication of a vector. Define a zero vector.        Multiply a vector by a negative scalar Q/A: Review equivalent vectors. Illustrative examples. Oral exercise. examples and exercise. Graph papers. Square boards. Geometrical instruments. KLB BK II Pgs. 289-290  
 3  Fractional scalars.  Multiply a vector by a positive or negative fraction. Review multiplication of a vector by a positive scalar. Deduce magnitude and direction of the new vector.     Work out examples. Illustrative chart  KLB BK II Pg. 290   Pg. 291  
 4  Column vectors  Represent vectors as column vectors.  Examples. Exercise  Square board Square papers  KLB BK II Pgs. 290-1  
 5  Sum of two column vectors  Find the vector sum of two vectors in column form.  Q/A review displacement; Discuss vertical and horizontal displacement of a vector; leading to definition of a column vector; Oral exercise; Written exercise.  Square grid/ illustrative chart.  KLB BK II Pgs. 296-8  
 6  Sum of several column vectors  Find vector sum of several vectors  Add up vectors diagrammatically. Examples. Exercise.    KLB BK II Pgs. 296-8  
   9       1  The position vector.  Define a position vector. Adding two position vectors.  Problem solving    KLB BK II Pgs. 296-8  
 2  Adding position vectors.  Add several position vectors  Q/A: Review vector addition. exposition: Definition of position vector. Examples; Supervised practice  Square board Square papers


Pgs. 298-9

 3  Vector magnitude. Find the magnitude of a vector with positive displacement. Problem solving; Exercise review.   KLB BK II Pgs. 299-301  
 4 Vector magnitude. Find the magnitude of a vector with negative displacement. Q/A review horizontal and vertical displacement of a vector. Deduce magnitude of a vector.    Examples; Exercise. Square board Square papers KLB BK II Pgs. 301-2  
 5 Midpoint of a vector  Find the co-ordinates of midpoint of  a vector. Examples,    Written exercises;  Exercise review. Square board Square papers KLB BK II Pgs. 301-2  
 6 Co-ordinates of points on a vector Find the co-ordinates of a point on a vector. Examples,    Written exercises;  Exercise review. Square board Square papers KLB BK II Pgs. 302-3  
 10      1 Translation matrix, T. Define a translation matrix. Identify translation matrices. Guided discovery; Oral exercise      
 2 Translation of a point Illustrate a translation of a vector.          Obtain the image of a point under a translation vector T

Q/A: Dividing a vector in a given ratio.           Worked examples. exercise

Geo-board graph papers KLB BK II Pgs. 302-3  
 3 Translation of a figure Obtain the image of a figure under a translation vector T Use a practical situation to introduce a translation.  Worked examples. Exercise Geo-board graph papers KLB BK II Pgs. 304-6  
 4 Translation Obtain the object given the image and the translation matrix. Worked examples. Exercise.    Problem solving. Geo-board graph papers KLB BK II Pgs. 304-6  
 5,6 Problem solving on translations Solve problems involving translation matrices.        



                                         MIXED  EXERCISES  
12,13                         END OF TERM THREE EXAMINATIONS       
Read 2873 times Last modified on Tuesday, 18 May 2021 13:59

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