Monday, 06 September 2021 09:28

Social Studies and CRE - Class 6 End Term 1 Exam 2021 Set 1

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class 6 ET1 SSt Q1
Study the map of Meta Area above and use it to answer questions 1 1o 7.

  1. Meta area is likely to be a,
    1. Location
    2. District
    3. County
    4. Sub-county
  2. River Meta flows from ____________ to ______________.
    1. West to East
    2. East to West
    3. North to South
    4. West to North
  3. What is the climate of the western side of Meta area?
    1. Hot and dry
    2. Cool and dry
    3. Cool and wet
    4. Hot and wet
  4. A thief was caught breaking into a shop in Kusa market. The best action for the people to take was;
    1. take him to the chief office
    2. take him to the police station
    3. beat him to death
    4. take him to church for the prayers
  5. People near Kusa market belong to _______________ religion;
    1. Christianity
    2. Hindu
    3. Islam
    4. Traditional religion
  6. What is the direction of the tea collection center from the post office?
    1. North cast
    2. South west
    3. South east
    4. North west
  7. The main means of transport in Meta area is;
    1. Railway
    2. Water
    3. Road
    4. Air
  8. Which one of the following plateaus in Kenya is referred to as plateau within the plateau?
    1. Nyika
    2. Merti
    3. Uasin Gishu
    4. Yatta
  9. All the rivers drain in lake victoria  except?
    1. R. Kerio
    2. R. Nzoia
    3. R.Yala
    4. R.Mara
  10. The following communities originated from South Sudan. Which one did not?
    1. Maasai
    2. Rendile
    3. Luo
    4. Karamojong
  11. Members of the County Assembly are elected by Kenyans to represent them in their;
    1. counties
    2. constituençies
    3. wards
    4. senates
  12. The fishing method shown in the diagram below is called;
    1. purse seining
    2. trawling
    3. net drifting
    4. basket fishing
  13. Which one of the following lakes in Kenya is not a fresh water lake?
    1. L. Naivasha
    2. L. Baringo
    3. L.Tukana
    4. L.Magadi
  14. The Bantus who had settled at Shungwaya later migrated into Kenya because ot;
    1. overpopulation
    2. attacks by the Oromo
    3. need for farming land
    4. shortage of water
  15. Below are ways of promoting peace in the country except?
    1. tolerating other peoples opinions
    2. obeying the laws of the land
    3. inciting people to strike from work
    4. respecting human rights
  16. A person born in Kenya by Kenyan parents became a Kenya citizen by;
    1. birth
    2. registration
    3. recommendation
    4. adoption
  17. Disagreements in school can be caused by the following except;
    1. fair distribution of learning materials
    2. favoritism of some pupils by teachers
    3. unfair punishment
    4. unclear school rules
  18. The most popular way of sending messages to very many people at the
    1. mobile phone
    2. radio
    3. newspapers
    4. television
  19. Which one of the following is not an element of a map?
    1. scale
    2. compass
    3. size
    4. title
  20. Which one of the following minerals is not correctly matched with its method of mining
    1. sand-open cast
    2. salt evaporation
    3. soda ash - dredging
    4. limestone open cast
  21. Which one of the following was not a traditional method of teaching children;
    1. story telling
    2. imitation
    3. composition writing
    4. proverbs

Use the map of Kenya below to answer the questions that follows

                   class 6 Et1 SSt Q22

  1. The following communities followed the route marked Q except;
    1. Somali
    2. Rendile
    3. Oromo
    4. Maasai
  2. The National reserve marked N is known
    1. Amboseli
    2. Boni
    3. Maasai Mara
    4. Shiba hills
  3. The following islands are found in the lake marked M except;
    1. Mfangano
    2. Rusinga
    3. Mageta
    4. Lamu
  4. Name the plain marked Q
    1. Awara
    2. Bilesha
    3. Lotikipi
    4. Woyamdero
  5. The mineral mined at the area marked P is;
    1. diatomite 
    2. flourspar,
    3. soda ash
    4. salt
  6. Which one of the following communities resisted the imposition of colonial rule in Kenya?.
    1. Ababukusu
    2. Abawanga
    3. Maasai.
    4. Agikuyu
  7. below consist of manufactured industries only?
    class 6 Et1 SSt Q28
  8. The governor and the deputy governor are member of the;
    1. County assembly
    2. National assembly
    3. County of executive communities
    4. National government
  9. The following are methods of conserving wildlife.Which one is not ?
    1. Creating clectronic fences around the parks
    2. Establishing animal orphanages
    3. Banning trade in wild animals products
    4. Encouraging poaching
  10. The following are functions of the IEBC. Which one is not?
    1. To register voters
    2. To nominate candidates
    3. To appoint and train election officers
    4. To conduct civic education
  11. Which one the following is not a method of rearing chicken?
    1. Herding
    2. Free range
    3. Deep litter
    4. Battery system
  12. Which one of the following is not true about traditional agriculture?
    1. Farmers used simple tools
    2. It relied on family labor
    3. Was mainly on large scale
    4. Simple methods of farming were used
  13. The arm of the government responsible for making and amending laws is;
    1. executive
    2. legislature
    3. judiciary
    4. police
  14. Who was the first African to be nominated in the Legco?
    1. Jomo Kenyatta
    2. Harry Thuku
    3. Eliud Mathu
    4. Tom Mboya
  15. The following consist of basic need of a family, Which one is not?
    1. food
    2. money
    3. shelter
    4. clothing
  16. Lawlessness will lead to all the following except;
    1. slow development
    2. fear
    3. loss of life and property
    4. rapid development
  17. The following are facts about a traditional African leader,
    1. led the community in resisting the British rule
    2. administered oath in the shrines
    3. was arrested and deported to Gusii land
      The leader described is
      1. Laibon Lenana
      2. Koitalel Arap Samoei
      3. Mekatilili wa Menza
      4. Nabongo Mumia
  18. The religious leader among the Ameru was called?
    1. Njuri Ncheke
    2. Mugwe
    3. Laibon
    4. Orkoiyot
  19. Use the diagram below to answer questions 40-41.

    class 6 Et1 SST Q40
    The above diagram shows the formation of;
    1. orographic rainfall
    2. convectional rainfall
    3. sea breeze
    4. land breeze
  20. Which oné of the following countries in
    Kenya receive the above type of rainfall?
    1. Kisumu
    2. Mombasa
    3. Homa bay
    4. Meru
  21. Magadi town is densely populated mainly because;
    1. it receives high rainfall
    2. mining activities around L. Magadi
    3. good infrastructure
    4. warm climate
  22. Kenya became a republic on;
    1. 20th October 1952
    2. 1st June 1963
    3. 12th December 1964
    4. 12th December 1963
  23. Which weather instrument below is correctly matched with its aspect of weather it is used to measure;
    1. windsock - speed of wind
    2. rainguage - amount of rainfall
    3. themometer - pressure
    4. wind vane - strength of wind
  24. The type of trade where goods are exchanged for other goods is called;
    1. currency trade
    2. goods trade
    3. international trade
    4. barter trade
  25. The most developed means of transport in Kenya is;
    1. road
    2. air
    3. pipeline
    4. railways
  26. Which one of the following communities in Kenya does not belong to central bantus?
    1. Ameru
    2. Akamba
    3. Mijikenda
    4. Agikuyu
  27. Which one of the following is a way of practicing democracy in schools?
    1. Bullying others
    2. Electing club officials
    3. Forcing children to join clubs
    4. Teachers appointing class prefects
  28. Which one of the following trees is an example of planted forest?
    1. Jilore
    2. Aberdare
    3. Mau
    4. Turbo
  29. The famous Kamba leader who was also a long distance trader was called;
    1. Kimnyole
    2. Masaku
    3. Mekatilili
    4. Lenana
  30. Which one of the following is not an age set among the Kalenjin?
    1. Maina
    2. Kipkoimet
    3. Kipng'etich
    4. Kaplalech
  31. Which one of the following is not a hardwood tree?
    1. Mvule
    2. Camphor
    3. Cedar
    4. Elgon teak
  32. The following are tourist attractions in Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. Beautiful people
    2. Sandy beaches
    3. Wildlife
    4. Culture attraction
  33. The best means of transporting oil from Changamwe in Mombasa to Nairobi and other towns is by
    1.  tankers
    2.  pipeline
    3.  railway
    4. air
  34. Sanye and Dahalo are examples of,
    1. Eastern cushites
    2. Southern cushites
    3. Plain nilotes
    4. Coastal bantus
  35. The main problem facing wildlife in Kenya is;
    1. insecurity
    2. pest and diseases
    3. poaching
    4. drought
  36. The most distractive form of soil erosion is;
    1. sheet erosion
    2. gulley erosion
    3. rill erosion
    4. splash erosion
  37. Which one of the following is not a dairy cattle breed?
    1. Aberdeen Angus
    2. Freshian
    3. Guernsey
    4. Jersey
  38. The type of democracy where people elect leaders to make decisions on their behalf is called;
    1. participatory democracy
    2. direct democracy
    3. indirect democracy
    4. pure democracy
  39. The act of showing love to ones country is known as;
    1. citizeship
    2. loyalty
    3. kindness
    4. patriotism


  1. According to Genesis stories of creation why was man chased in the garden of Eden?
    1. He taked to the serpent
    2. He disobeyed God
    3. He needed a farm to work on
    4. He chose to live outside the garden
  2. The sign of covenant between Noah and God is,
    1. circumcision
    2. lightening
    3. the rainbow
    4. thunder
  3. The eldest son of Jacob was
    1. Benjamin
    2. Reuben
    3. Joseph
    4. Moses
  4. Who was the father of John the Baptist?
    1. Elikana
    2. Zecharia
    3. Joseph
    4. Moses
  5. Abraham was told to go and sacrifice Isaac on Mt;
    1. Ararat
    2. Sinai
    3. Moriah
    4. Carmel
  6. God appeared to Moses,
    1. in a cloud
    2. in lightening
    3. in a burning bush
    4. in a loud voice
  7. Which prophet annointed the first King of Israel?
    1. Elijah
    2. Elisha
    3. Nathan
    4. Samuel
  8. King David annoyed God when he:
    1. committed adultery
    2. built a big temple
    3. killed Goliath
    4. worshiped idols
  9. The new covenant was to be written
    1. in the Bible
    2. in people's hearts
    3. on a scroll
    4. on the walls
  10. The greatest commandment according to Jesus is:
    1. do not steal
    2. love the lord your God
    3. do not commit dultery
    4. worship no other god but me
  11. _______________________ referred to Jesus as the lamb of God
    1. Bartimaeus
    2. John he Baptist
    3. Isaiah
    4. Jeremiah
  12. Who were the two people who were in the temple during the dedication of Jesus;
    1. Prophetess Anna and Simeon
    2. Elijah and Moses
    3. Herod and Pilate
    4. Mary and Martha
  13. Which one of the following miracles was perfomed by Jesus at Bethany?
    1. Raising Lazarus
    2. Raising Tabitha
    3. Raising Jairus' daughter
    4. Raising a widows son
  14. The parable of the good Samaritan teaches us to:
    1. forgive others
    2. help the needy
    3. obey God's word
    4. avoid temptation
  15. Happy are those who mourn for;
    1. they will see God
    2. God will be merciful to them
    3. God will comfort them
    4. God willl satisfy them fully.
  16. Who among the following people was healed from blindness?
    1. Lazarus
    2. Bartimeaus
    3. Centurion's servant
    4. Jairus' daughter
  17. Jesus ascended to heaven at a place called:
    1. Jericho
    2. Bethany
    3. Nazareth
    4. Jerusalem
  18. We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on:
    1. Easter Monday
    2. Easter sunday
    3. Good Friday
    4. Sabbath day
  19. We are not true witnesses of Christ if we:
    1. help the needy
    2. live holy lives
    3. obey God's commandments
    4. accuse others falsely
  20. According to the apostle's creed, Jesus will come again as a:
    1. judge
    2. saviour
    3. king
    4. friend
  21. The Holy Spirit descended on the apostles on the day of:
    1. Pentecost
    2. Passover
    3. Easter
    4. Good Friday
  22. Who raised Tabitha?
    1. Peter
    2. Paul
    3. Jesus
    4. John
  23. Which one of the following is not one of the books on the Bible?
    1. David
    2. Kings
    3. Samuel
    4. Job
  24. In Traditional African Societies, which one of the following roles was carried out by boys?
    1. Cooking
    2. Fetching water
    3. Cleaning
    4. Herding
  25. We should have responsible sexual behaviour because;
    1. we can be punished
    2. our bodies are temples of God
    3. it cannot cause death
    4. we are not ready to become parents
  26. Christians should take care of plants and animals because;
    1. we eat them
    2. it is the law of the land
    3. they attract tourists
    4. they are God's creation
  27. Rich christians should help the community by;
    1. throwing parties to celebrate
    2. buying people new clothes
    3. helping the needy
    4. visiting new places
  28. We should all respect leaders because;
    1. they are rich
    2. they are famous
    3. they can punish us
    4. they are chosen by God
  29. The believers in Christ were first called christians at a place called;
    1. Jerusalem
    2. Rome
    3. Antioch
    4. Canaan
  30. Who among the following made poor choices?
    1. Abraham
    2. Ananias
    3. Ruth
    4. Matthew


  1. A
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. B
  7. C
  8. D
  9. A
  10. B
  11. C
  12. C
  13. D
  14. B
  15. C
  16. A
  17. A
  18. B
  19. C
  20. A
  21. C
  22. D
  23. B
  24. D
  25. C
  26. B
  27. A
  28. B
  29. C
  30. D
  31. B
  32. A
  33. C
  34. B
  35. C
  36. B
  37. D
  38. C
  39. B
  40. A
  41. D
  42. B
  43. C
  44. B
  45. D
  46. A
  47. C
  48. B
  49. D
  50. B
  51. C
  52. C
  53. A
  54. B
  55. B
  56. C
  57. B
  58. A
  59. C
  60. D


  1. B
  2. C
  3. B
  4. B
  5. C
  6. C
  7. D
  8. A
  9. B
  10. B
  11. B
  12. A
  13. A
  14. B
  15. C
  16. B
  17. B
  18. A
  19. D
  20. A
  21. A
  22. A
  23. A
  24. D
  25. B
  26. D
  27. C
  28. D
  29. C
  30. B
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Read 3496 times Last modified on Thursday, 07 July 2022 12:50