Study the map of Tugo area and use it to answer questions 1-7
- Kimani wants to construct a house near Toko market. The house is most likely to be made of
- mud
- cowdung
- timber
- stone
- Which one of the following is the main factor that influenced the location of the irrigation scheme in the area
- presence of the market
- presence of the post office
- presence of the town
- presence of police post
- The main economic activity in the area is
- crop farming and trading
- cattle keeping and mining
- crop farming and manufacturing
- mining and trading
- The railway line in the map is most likely to be used to report
- livestock and transport .
- building stones and sisal fibres
- maize and mineral
- livestock and minerals
- The climate of the area covered by the map is most likely to be
- cool and dry
- hot and dry
- hot and wet
- cool and wet
- The people in Tugo area are likely to be
- Christians
- Muslims
- Pagans
- Hindus
- The people of Tugo area mainly communicate through
- fixed telephone lines
- smoke signals
- letters
- emails
- Which of the following factors discourages settlement of people around the miombo woodlands of Tanzania
- the game park
- government policy
- wild animals
- the presence of tsetse flies
- Which one of the following are beef farming areas in Kenya and Tanzania
- Taita and Dar-es-salaam
- Kisumu and Dodoma
- Nyeri and Arusha
- Laikipia and Kongwa
- Which of the following groups comprises of countries of Eastern Africa only
- Uganda, Ethiopia, Egypt
- Djibouti, South Sudan, Rwanda
- Eritrea, Djibouti, Mozambique
- Kenya, Djibouti, Mozambique
- The practice of sub dividing ranches into rotational grazing areas in called
- tethering
- zero grazing
- paddocking
- demacation
- The following African traditional leaders resisted the European except
- Chief Mkwawa
- Lenana
- Mekatilili a Menza
- Koitalel arap Samoei
- Which of the following vegetation type below is found only in coastal areas?
- savannah vegetation
- tropical rainforest vegetation
- papyrus vegetation
- mangrove vegetation
- Which of the following countries was colonized by three European nations?
- Uganda
- Somalia
- Kenya
- Tanzania
- Who among the following is not elected during the parliamentary elections?
- woman representative
- member of national assembly
- speaker
- senator
- Which of the following statements explains the meaning of abuse of drugs?
- it is the selling of drugs to the pupils
- it is the illegal selling of drugs
- it is taking of drugs as instructed
- it is the misuse of drugs
- On which date was the current constitution of Kenya promulgated
- 27th August 2010
- 27th August 2013
- 21st November 2005
- 4th August 2010
- Pupils can practice democracy in a school
- during election of their prefects
- when playing harmonious in the field
- when reciting poems
- when they destroy the school property
- Which one of the following is the responsibility of the government to its citizen?
- building of places of worship
- ensuring that every citizen has a place to live
- providing food to all citizens
- building of major highways
- Which one of the following is not true about the constitution of Kenya?
- Parliament can change it
- It has never been revied
- It is a draft constitution
- It has 18 characters
- Which among the following African leaders was not a collaborators?
- Kabaka Mutesa I
- Oloibon Lenana
- Wayaki wa Hinga
- Koitalel arap Samoei
- Which one of the following has greatly caused lack of peace among the pastoralists
- religious differences
- lack of infrastructure
- cattle rustling
- unemployment
- All the following rivers provide water to the volta project except
- oti
- Gambia
- White volta
- Black volta
- Which of the following types of marriages is officiated by a D.O?
- elopping
- civil
- religious
- customary
- Below is a description of a type of vegetation (
- thick forest
- has different type of trees
- ever green
- has less undergrowth
The type of vegetation described above is- Savannah woodland
- Mountain vegetation
- Tropical rainforest
- Bushes and thickets
Use the diagram below to answer questions 26 to 29.
- The type of rainfall shown above is called
- mountainous
- orographic
- convectional
- frontal
- Which of the following areas is likely to receive this type of rainfall?
- Nyeri
- Wajir
- Machakos
- Lamu
- Which set of crops is mainly grown in the part marked L?
- Tea, cloves, coffee
- coffee, cocoa, tea
- pyrethrum, tea, coffee
- tea, cotton, pyrethrum
- Which economic activity is likely to be carried out in the area marked Z
- mining
- crop farming
- pastoralism
- dairy farming
- The national philosophy harambee was introduced in Kenya by
- Oginga Odinga
- Jomo Kenyatta
- Daniel Moi
- Mwai Kibaki
- Parliamentary proceeding in the national assembly are controlled by the
- President
- Sergent at arms
- Speaker
- clerk of the national assembly
- The characteristics of rivers found within the Rift valley are
- deep and broad
- shallow and narrow
- deep and narrow
- narrow and broad
- Which of the following is an example of a domestic trade?
- trade between Kenya and Europeans countries
- trade between Eastern Africa region and west Africa
- trade that takes place within the borders of a country
- trade between Kenya and Uganda
- Which one of the following is a modern method of preserving fish?
- smoking
- canning
- Salting
- Sun-drying.
- The missionaries established mission station in Africa inorder to
- find sources of river Nile
- introduce new crops
- colonise Africa
- spread Christianity
Use the map of Eastern Africa and answer questions 36 to 39.
- The route marked Y was followed by the
- cushites
- semites
- nilotes
- bantus
- The lake marked X on the map is an example of
- a crater lake
- a lava dammed lake
- an ox-bow lake
- a depressional lake
- The town marked W on the map is likely to be
- Dodora
- Dar-es-salaam
- Tanga
- Mbeya
- The national park marked Z on the map is known as
- Serengeti
- Mara
- Tsavo
- Amboseli
- The use of E-mail as a means of communication is hindered by
- lack of electricity
- lack of knowledge
- high demand of postal charges
- lack of computers
- Which one is not a role of citizens in the electoral process?
- Receiving money from candidates
- Evaluating the performance of the elected leader
- Campaining for the candidates
- Reading the results
- Which of the following gives the meaning of conflict resolution?
- to report to police
- to obey the law
- to re-establish good relation
- to take our enemies to court
- Wiich one of the following trees is not found in a natural forest?
- spruce
- mvule
- oak
- mahogany
- Which of the following minerals is correctly matched with the country where it is mined on a large scale?
- Soda ash - Nigeria
- Gold - Kenya
- Copper - Zainbia
- Oil-Ghana
- When is the sun overhead at the tropics of capricon?
- September
- March
- December
- June
- Marine fishing in Kenya and Tanzania is carried out in
- Indian Ocean
- Lake Turkana
- Lake Tanganyika
- Lake Naivasha
- Three of the following are objectives of IGAD except to
- eradicate poverty
- promote inter tribal ethnicity
- promote food shortage
- establish peace and security in the region
Use the diagram below to answer questions 48 to 49.
- The diagram above is called
- largest
- oasis
- barchan
- seif dune
- In which of the following countries can the feature be found
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- Namibia
- Ghana
- Gabon
- The first European missionary arrived in Kenya in 1844 and established a mission station at
- Rabai
- Tumutumu
- Nairobi
- Mombasa
- Inselbergs are common feature of plateau in central sahara. They are examples of
- block mountains
- volcanic mountains
- residual mountains
- escarpments
- The first African to join the legislative council (legco) in 1944 was
- Moody Awori
- Eliud Mathu
- Jomo Kenyatta
- Harry Thuku
- The regional headquarters of the East African community (EAC) are in
- Dodoma
- Arusha
- Dar-es-salaam
- Nairobi
- Which one of the following does not undermine peace in the society?
- racism
- fairness
- nepotism
- tribalism
- Before the coming of Europeans the Baganda were ruled by
- Batakas
- Hereditary chief
- Council of elders
- Hereditary kings
- Which one of the following is not a fold mountain found in Africa?
- Atlas
- Caperange
- Drakensberg
- Mau ranges
- The stable food for majority of them Ugandans is
- maize
- bananas
- potatoes
- maize and beans
- Kerio valley within the great rift valley is famous for mining of
- limestone
- flourspar
- diamonds
- diatomite
- Which one of the following African countries does the equator pass through?
- Ethiopia
- Tanzania
- South Sudan
- Somalia
- Which one of the following arms of goverment makes laws in Kenya?
- The cabinet
- Judiciary
- Legislature
- Executive
- In the beginning when God created the universe the earth was
- disolate and engulfed
- formless and ancient
- disolate and darkness
- disolate and formless
- Who among the following prophets described the messiah as the prince of peace
- Amos
- Hosea
- Isaiah
- Micah
- In which book of the bible is the story of Noah and the flood found
- Genesis
- Leviticus
- Numbers
- Exodus
- Which one of the following festivals celebrated by the Israelites to remember their release from Egypt?
- Easter
- Pentecost
- Passover
- Clabernacles
- Which is the sixth commandment from God given to the Israelites through Moses?
- do not steal
- do not commit adultery
- do commit murder
- do not accuse anyone falsely
- Which one of the following commandments teaches about respect for marriages?
- do not commit murder
- do not steal
- do not cominit adultery
- do not accuse anyone falsely
- During the night of Exodus the Israelites were expected to observe the following rules except one. Which one
- eat while standing
- eat bitter herbs
- renain while standing
- eat leavened bread
- All the following are acceptable character traits except
- generous
- hardworking
- humbles
- selfish
- Which one of the following prophet of Israel healed Naaman of leprosy?
- Ahab
- Elijah
- Elisha
- Saul
- The main reason as to why Jesus died on the cross was
- so that we may have eternal life
- to please the jews
- to pay for Adam's sins
- to prove that he was the son of God
- Gideon was called by God to deliver the Israelites from?
- Midianites
- Amalekits
- Philistines
- Moabites
- Which value is not required during the breaking of bread?
- selfishness
- humility
- love
- unity
- Which one of the following is not an achievement of king David?
- Composing psalms
- Killing Goliath
- Building the temple
- capturing Jerusalem from Jebusites
- Which of the following is not a fruit of the Holy spirit?
- Patience
- Joy
- Gentleness
- Faith
- Who among the following people was called by God when still young
- Nathan
- Jeremiah
- John
- Moses
- The blind people use a machine called
- white cane
- computer
- phone
- braille
- The main lesson Christians learn from the announcements of the births of John and Jesus is that they should
- be ready to do God's work
- be huinble before God
- be faithful
- trust in God's power
- Happy are those who know they are spiritually poor
- God will then weath
- They will receive what God has promised
- The kingdom of heaven belong to them
- They will see God
- When Jesus was presented to the temple to be dedicated which religious practices was carried out to Mary
- dedication
- purification
- anointing
- naming
- Which one of the following are good Christian values?
- loves, forgiveness and sharing
- singing, stealing and kindness
- humility, revenging and fasting
- pride, purtiy, coveting
- Which one of the following parables teaches Christians to show compassion to the needy?
- The rich
- The last son
- The rich man and Lazarus
- The good Samaritan
- Who among the following people lacked the value of honesty?
- Mary magdalene and Ruth
- Simon Peter and Andrew
- Abraham and Sarah
- Ananias and Sapphira
- Jesus accompanied his parent at the age of 12 years to Jerusalem in order to
- celebrate the pentecost
- be dedicated
- attend the passover festival
- attend wedding at Cana of Galilee
- In which one of the following ways did David help King Saul anytime he was tormented by an evil spirit
- killing enemies
- singing psalms
- playing the harp
- carving weapons
- Jesus was able to overcome the temptations in the wilderness mainly because
- He was filled with the Holy Spirit
- I had fasted for forty days
- He had been baptised
- He had read the scriptures
- Who among the following people used their God given talents to serve God
- David and Saul
- Oholiab and Bezalel
- Ohaliab and Samson
- Beizebel and Josah
- Which one of the following statements is a teaching of Jesus from the sermon on the
- love God with all your heart
- let the children come to me
- happy are the pure in heart
- you must be bom again
- What reward did God promise those who work for peace
- God will call them his children
- They will see God
- God will satisfy them fully
- God will be merciful to them
- Jesus asked his disciples to pray at the mount of olives because he wanted them to
- stay awake
- save him from His enemies
- Go with him to the pilate
- avoid falling into temptations
- Who among the following disciples baptised the Ethiopian Eunuch
- John
- Peter
- James
- Philip

- D
- C
- D
- B
- C
- C
- C
- D
- D
- B
- C
- B
- D
- B
- C
- A
- D
- A
- D
- B
- D
- C
- B
- B
- C
- B
- A
- C
- C
- B
- C
- B
- D
- B
- D
- A
- D
- C
- A
- D
- D
- C
- A
- C
- D
- A
- C
- C
- B
- A
- C
- B
- B
- B
- D
- D
- B
- B
- D
- C
- B
- C
- A
- C
- C
- C
- D
- D
- C
- A
- A
- A
- C
- D
- B
- D
- D
- C
- B
- A
- D
- D
- C
- C
- A
- B
- C
- A
- D
- D
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