Friday, 09 September 2022 09:01

Social Studies and Religious Education Questions and Answers - Class 7 End Term 2 2022 Set 2

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Use the map of Tira area to answer questions 1-7.

  1. The direction of Eloe market from the hills is;
    1. North West
    2. South West
    3. North East
    4. South East
  2. The main source of water for domestic use in Tita area is
    1. from the hills
    2. rain water
    3. from the swamp
    4. from the lake
  3. The reason why the road around the forest is winding is: 
    1. to avoid disrupting the flow of the river
    2. that the area is hilly 
    3. to shorten the distance
    4. to create space for tea growing
  4. Worshippers in Tita area are likely to attend religion services on;
    1. Sunday
    2. Friday
    3. Thursday
    4. Saturday
  5. The following economic activities are practised in
    Tita area except:
    1. lumbering
    2. mining
    3. farming
    4. tourism
  6. The settlement scheme in South Western part of Tita can be described as;
    1. sparsely populated
    2. densely populated
    3. clustered
    4.  linear
  7. Which one of the following is the MAIN economic importance of the game reserve in Tita Area? 
    1. It keeps endangered animal species
    2. It attracts tourists
    3. It has led to improvement of infrastructure
    4. It has led to development of agricultural activities
  8. Which one of the following groups consists of the Highland Nilotes of Eastern Africa? 
    1. Sebei, Kipsigis, Marakwet
    2. Nandi, Elgeyo, Alur
    3. Iteso, Shilluk, Pokot
    4. Acholi, Waarusha, Tugen
  9. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about the rotation of the earth?
    1. The earth rotates in an anticlockwise direction from West to East
    2. Rotation of the earth causes day and night
    3. It takes the earth 24 hours to complete one rotation.
    4. The earth's rotation causes different seasons
  10. Below is a description of the conditions required or the growth of a certain crop in Africa;
    1. high temperatures of between 20°C -28°C
    2. deep well-drained fertile soils
    3. a warm dry period before harvesting 
    4. hot and wet climate
      The above are conditions that are suitable for the growth of;
      1. coffee
      2. tea
      3. cloves
      4.  bananas
  11. Who among the following early visitors not a trader?
    1. Carl Peters
    2. Seyyid Said
    3. John Speke
    4. William Mackinnon
  12. The following are some African traditional leaders:
    1. Nabongo Mumia
    2. Oloibon Lenana
    3. Karuri wa Gakure
    4. Lewanika of the Lozi
      Which one of the following is a similarity among the above leaders?
      1. They opposed colonial rule in their territories
      2. They led an armed resistance against British colonial rule 
      3. They took the British colonialists as their good friends
      4. They fled from their territories when the British arrived
  13. All the following are ways in which members with special needs in the society can be treated equally as members of the society except;
    1. providing equal opportunities for them
    2. building positive attitudes about them
    3. preventing them from mixing with other people in public
    4. creating a friendly environment for them
  14. According to the constitution, a foreign lady married to a Kenyan man may become a Kenyan citizen if she; 
    1. applies for Kenyan citizenship
    2. obeys the laws of the land
    3. takes good care of her family
    4. lives in Kenya for more than ten years
  15. Below are four communities found in Eastern Africa;
    1. Baganda
    2. Wanyamwezi
    3. Abagusii
    4.  Agikuyu
      Which one of the following statements is pot true about the communities listed above?
      1. They migrated in search of fertile land for cultivation
      2. They belong to the same language group
      3. They used the same route during their migration  to Eastern Africa
      4. They migrated to Eastern Africa from a common origin
  16. Which one of the following mountains was formed as a result of faulting?
    1. Ruwenzori mountains
    2. Mount Meru
    3. Atlas mountains
    4. Cameroon mountains
  17. Which one of tho following prominent African leaders was not part of the founders of the OAU
    1. Haille Selassie
    2. Julius Nyerere
    3. Kwame Nkrumah
    4. Jomo Kenyatta
  18. The diagram below shows the formation of a lake. Which one of the following lakes was formed through the process shown below?
    1. Lake Teleki
    2. Lake Jipe
    3. Lake Kyoga 
    4. Lake Tana
  19. Which one of the following pairs of countries were colonised by Germany during the scramble for Africa?
    1. Algeria and Tunisia 
    2. Mozambique and Malawi
    3. Cameroon and Zimbabwe
    4. Tanganyika and Cameroon
  20. Which one of the following is a manufacturing industry?
    1. Milk factory in Naivasha
    2. The fruit canning industry in Thika
    3. The sugarcane milling in Mumias
    4. The cement factory at Bamburi
  21. Which one of the following groups consists of fresh water lakes in Kenya?
    1. Nakuru, Magadi
    2. Turkana, Baringo
    3. Naivasha, Nakuru
    4. Elementaita, Naivasha
  22. Which one of the following is the BEST way of controlling gulley erosion?
    1. Planting trees
    2. Digging terraces
    3. Constructing gabions
    4. Applying mulches
  23. Which one of the following is the MAIN line of longitude?
    1. The Arctic circle
    2. The Greenwich Meridian
    3. The Tropic of Cancer
    4. The Tropic of Capricorn
  24. Traditional cultural artefacts are preserved in the museums mainly to;
    1. earn foreign exchange
    2. encourage trade
    3. create jobs in the country
    4. help us to learn how people lived in the past
  25. Below are statements describing the vegetation of a certain climatic region,
    1. plants have deep roots 
    2. plants have thick and wary barks
    3. plants have needle-like leaves
      The vegetation described above is found in the;
      1. desert climate
      2. equitorial climate
      3. tropical climate
      4. mediterranean climate
  26. During the pre-colonial period, the Ameru were ruled by, 
    1. a council of elders 
    2. a king
    3. a chief
    4. an emperor
  27. Which one of the following is an economic reason for the scramble for and partition of Africa?
    1. To spread Christianity
    2. Search for market for European industrial goods
    3. As a show of power
    4. To settle surplus population
  28. The problem of road accidents in Kenya can best be solved by;
    1. jailing traffic offenders for life
    2. cancelling driving licences for careless motorists
    3. educating road users on how to use the roads wisely
    4. coming up with very strict traffic laws
  29. Who were the Wanyampahala in the Wanyamwezi chiefdom?
    1. The council of elders
    2. The chiefs
    3. The priests
    4. The mercenary soldiers
  30. Which one of the following countries is NOT a member of SADC?
    1. Lesotho
    2. Congo
    3. Namibia
    4. Angola
  31. Below is a description of a town in Eastern Africa;
    1. it is the headquarter of a continental organization
    2. it was founded and named by one leader as the new flower 
    3. it is the capital city of a country 
    4. it is located in the central part of the country
      The town described above is likely to be;
      1. Addis Ababa
      2. Dodoma
      3. Dar-es-Salaam
      4. Arusha

Use the map below to answer questions 32 to 33.

  1. The Island country marked F is most likely to be;
    1. Comoros
    2. Madagascar
    3. Mauritius
    4. Cape Verde
  2. Which one of the following statements is NOT correct about the ocean current marked E?
    1. It is a cold current
    2. It originates from the South pole 
    3. It has influenced the Namib desert
    4. It causes heavy rainfall to the West African countries
  3. The tributary marked G is known as;
    1. Blue Nile
    2. Albara
    3. White Nile
    4. River Tana
  4. The climate experienced in the shaded region marriage marked H is;
    1. mediterrancan
    2. mountan climate
    3. temperate cliniate
    4. equitorial climate
  5. The most developed means of transport in Africa is;
    1. air transport
    2. railway transport
    3. water transport 
    4. road transport
  6. The Bantus who migrated into South Africa and later fled to Eastern and Central African respectively were;
    1. Ndebelo and Ngoni
    2. Ngoni and Ndebele 
    3. Zulus and Venda
    4. Venda and Zulu
  7. All the following are examples of lowland forests in Kenya except;
    1. Arabuko-Sokoke forests
    2. Mangrove forests
    3. Shimba hills
    4. Mau ranges
  8. Which one of the following has not led to the rapid industrial development of South Africa?
    1. Availability of variety of raw materials
    2. Availability of cheap labour
    3. Availability of sources of energy
    4. Availability of crude oil
  9. Which of the following statements describes direct democracy?
    1. Citizens must agree with what the government decides
    2. All citizens are involved in making decisions
    3. Citizens elect representatives to make decisions for them
    4. All decisions are made by the head of the state
  10. One of the results of the interaction between the Agikuyu and the Maasai during the pre-colonial period is that;
    1. the Agikuyu learnt the skills of crop farming from
    2. the Agikuyu intermarried with the Maasai
    3. Maasai borrowed the art of circumcision from
    4. the Maasai learnt the practise of cattle keeping
  11. Laibon Lenana collaborated with the British because he wanted;
    1. to acquire better breeds of cattle
    2. to be trained as a soldier
    3. to get support against his enemies
    4. his people to get Western education
  12. Who among the following members of the school management ensures that money is used properly?
    1. The sponsor
    2. The treasurer
    3. The chairman
    4. The headteacher
  13. Which of the following types of marriages allows a  man to marry up to four wives? 
    1. Islamic marriage
    2. Hindu marriage 
    3. Christian marriage
    4. Traditional
  14. Which one of the following types of industries has  existed in Kenya since the pre-colonial period? 
    1. Paper making
    2. leather making 
    3.  Fruit canning
    4. Cotton winning
  15. The green colour in the National Flag of Kenya  represents the; 
    1. peace enjoyed by the citizens
    2. rich agricultural land 
    3. beauty of the forest
    4. love for the country
  16. Which one of the following was a characteristic of  African education? 
    1. Songs were used as a method of teaching
    2. Children were allowed to choose what to learn
    3. Children started learning after initiation
    4. Parents avoided teaching their own children
  17. Which of the following activities is likely to weaken national unity in Kenya? 
    1. Amending the constitution 
    2. Employing relatives 
    3. Using a national language 
    4. Pardoning reformed prisoners
  18. Which of the following is a qualification for a person who wishes to be elected as a member of the  National Assembly in Kenya? One must;
    1. be a civil servant 
    2.  be a Kenyan by birth 
    3. be over 35 years of age
    4. be registered as a voter
  19. Jane, a standard 8 pupil was punished by her class teacher for arguing against some schools rules. Which one of the following fundamental freedoms was Jane denied? 
    1. Freedom of expression the Maasai
    2. Freedom of association
    3. Freedom of assembly
    4. Freedom of worship the Agikuyu
  20. Which one of the following is the main reason as to  why Kariba dam was built? from the Agikuyu
    1. To generate hydro-electric power 
    2. To control floods on R. Lambezi 
    3. To create a lake for fishing
    4. To provide water for irrigation
  21. Which one of the following groups of communities lives in West Africa?
    1. Ankole, Nuer, Banyoro 
    2. Zulu, Xhosa, Nyori
    3. Hausa, Soninke, Ashanti 
    4.  Amhara, Bemba, Berbers
  22. Which one of the following statements is true about assimilation used by French in Senegal?
    1. Africans refused to vote in general elections
    2. Africans became citizens of France 
    3. The French were made to learn African language
    4. The French appointed Africans to rule Senegal

Study the diagram below and use it to answer question 54

  1. The diagram above illustrates the formation of;
    1. relief rainfall
    2. a land breeze
    3. a sea breeze
    4. convectional rainfall
  2. Which of the following pairs of lakes indicates fresh water lakes only?
    1. L. Magadi and L. Tanganyika
    2. L. Kyoga and L. Victoria
    3. L. Bogoria and L. Nakuru
    4. L. Naivasha and L. Elementatita
  3. The road sign below tells the motorists;
    1. to give way 
    2. there is no way 
    3. the road is closed
    4. they cannot enter
  4. The political party that led Ghana to independence in 1957 was;
    1. Convention People's Party
    2. Muslims Liberation Party 
    3. Northern Front Movement Party
    4. United Gold Coast Convection
  5. Which one of the following African countries did NOT use armed struggle during their fight for independence?
    1. Mozambique
    2. Zimbabwe
    3. Kenya
    4. Ghana
  6. Who is the most senior officer in the judiciary?
    1. President
    2. Chairman
    3. Attorney General
    4. Chief Justice
  7. The major reason why people moved from one place to another in the past was;
    1. spirit of adventure
    2. diseases and pests
    3. war and raids
    4. search for pasture


  1. Which one of the following was create on day of creation?
    1. Firmament
    2. Vegetation
    3. Birds
    4. Wild animals
  2. Who among the following people was not a son of Noah?
    1. Ham
    2. Seth
    3. Shem
    4. Japheth
  3. Moses' father-in-law lived in the land of;
    1. Canaan
    2. Haran
    3. Egypt
    4. Midian
  4. The main reason why the Isrealites celebrated the
    Passover in Egypt was to remember;
    1. the day they crossed the Red Sea
    2. the death of the Egyptians first borns
    3. their journey in the wilderness
    4.  their deliverance from slavery
  5. Which one of the following commandments teaches about respect for other people's property?
    1. Do not steal
    2. Do not accuse anyone falsely
    3. Do not commit adultery
    4. Do not commit murder
  6. King David broke all the following commandments except;
    1. do not commit murder
    2. do not commit adultery
    3. do not covet
    4. do not worship other god
  7. The son of the Shunamite woman was brought back to life by;
    1. Elijah
    2. Elisha
    3. Peter
    4. Jesus
  8. The prophet of God who was thrown into the den of lions also;
    1. was stoned to death
    2. ate wild honey and locusts
    3. prophesied that Jesus would be born in Israel
    4. read and interpreted the written script on the wall
  9. The prophet who ate scrolls and confessed that it was as sweet as honey was;
    1. Daniel
    2. Ezekiel
    3. Isaiah
    4. Jeremiah
  10. When Jesus was born, the first people to visit Him were;
    1. the shepherds
    2. the wise men
    3. Annah and Simeon
    4. the soldiers
  11. How did John the Baptist prepare the way for the long awaited Messiah?
    1. Preaching to the people to change their ways of life
    2. By constructing clear roads
    3. By baptizing Jesus Christ
    4. By dying for the sake of Jesus Christ
  12. "... This is my own dear son with whom I am pleased with, listen to Him." These words were said during;
    1. thc crucifixion of Jesus
    2. the temptations of Jesus
    3. transfiguration of Jesus
    4. the baptism of Jesus
  13. "......courage my son! Your sins are forgiven." (Matthew 9:2) Jesus said these words when He;
    1. forgave the repentant thief
    2. resurrected Lazarus
    3. healed the man possessed with demons
    4. healed the paralysed man
  14. The following books of the Bible are classified as  prophetic books except;
    1. Nehemiah
    2. Daniel
    3. John
    4. Revelation
  15. When Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane pray, He was accompanied by;
    1. Peter, Philip and Thomas
    2. James, Peter and John
    3. John, peter and Andrew 
    4. James, Matthew and peter
  16. "......... take and eat it.” He said, "this is my body.” (Matthew 26:26). Jesus said these words when He;
    1. multiplied fish and bread
    2. shared a meal with His disciples in
    3. changed water into wine
    4. fed the five thousand men
  17. Who among the following offered to bury the body  of Jesus after His death?
    1. Simon of Cyrene
    2. Mary Magdalene 
    3. Nicodemus
    4. Joseph of Arimathea
  18. The main reason why Stephen the leader of the deacons faced his death was because he;
    1. did not pay taxes
    2. healed on the Sabbath
    3. refused to deny Jesus
    4. baptised the Gentiles
  19. The book that outlines the activities of the apostles
    1. Luke
    2. John
    3. Matthew
    4. Acts
  20. Which one of the following beliefs about God is found in both traditional beliefs and Christianity?
    1. God has a son
    2. God is three in one
    3. God is the creator
    4. God will send his son on earth
  21. The two early believers who lied to the Holy Spirit and died were;
    1. Anania and Saphira
    2. Stephen and Paul
    3. Aquila and Priscilla
    4. Judas and Nicodemus
  22. The work of priests in Traditional African Society was
    1. make herbal medicine
    2. read the scriptures
    3. offer sacrifices
    4. declare war against enemies
  23. Which one of the following is a rite of passage in Traditional African Society?
    1. Baptism
    2. Confirmation
    3. Wedding
    4. Death
  24. The main value taught to children in African Traditional Societies was; 
    1. obedience
    2. responsibility
    3. honesty
    4. humility
  25. The following are effects of bad relationships in the family except
    1. living a pleasant life
    2. family breakages 
    3. drug abuse
    4. disrespect among the members 
  26. Christians can use their leisure time best by;
    1. practising in the choir
    2. visiting and helping the needy
    3. preaching the gospel,
    4. building their houses
  27. In African Traditional Societies, people worshipped their God in;
    1. churches
    2. caves
    3. mountains
    4. shrines
  28. Njeri has been hiding during CRE lessons because she hates the CRE teacher. The best advice you can give to her is to;
    1. tell her to transfer to another school
    2. continue hiding until the teacher transfers
    3. tell her the advantages of forgiveness and attending classes
    4. continue with the habit because it is her own choice
  29. Your deskmate, Anita, has dropped from school because she wants to work in her father's shop. How best can you help her?
    1. Ask her to give you her books
    2. Report her to the chief of the area
    3. Tell her to be giving you money
    4. Tell her the advantages of completing education
  30. Shirleen, a std 7 girl, has been given some work by her mother to do after completing her homework. She is not happy because she wanted to go and play with her friend. What is the best action you can take as a Christian?
    1. Ask her to tell her mother that she wants to go and play
    2. Assist her in the work given 
    3. Tell her to continue with her plans and leave the  work
    4. Tell her to be obedient to her mother

Marking Scheme

  1. C
  2. D
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. D
  10. C
  11. C
  12. C
  13. C
  14. A
  15. C
  16. A
  17. D
  18. A
  19. D
  20. D
  21. B
  22. C
  23. B
  24. D
  25. A
  26. A
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  28. C
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  30. D
  31. A
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  40. B
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  53. B
  54. B
  55. B
  56. D
  57. A
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  59. D
  60. B


  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. D
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. D
  9. B
  10. A
  11. A
  12. C
  13. D
  14. C
  15. B
  16. B
  17. D
  18. C
  19. D
  20. C
  21. A
  22. C
  23. D
  24. A
  25. A
  26. B
  27. D
  28. C
  29. D
  30. D
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Read 2916 times Last modified on Friday, 09 September 2022 11:59

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