- Family, Love and Marriage
- Types of Families
- Marriage
- Essential Needs of A Family
- Obstacles To A Good Marriage
- Traditional African View on Love And Marriage
- Christian Teaching On Love and Marriage

Family, Love and Marriage
Types of Families
- A family is a group of people who are related by:-
- Blood
- Marriage
- Adoption.
- There are two types of families namely :-
- Nuclear family
- Extended family.
- A nuclear family is made up of:-
- Father
- Mother
- Children
- An extended family is made up of:
- The nuclear family
- Other relatives.
- A Christian nuclear is complete even without children
- Family members should love and respect one another.
- God established families and wants them to stay united.
- Name members of the extended family other than the nuclear family
- _________________________
- _________________________
- _________________________
- _________________________
- _________________________
- _________________________
- List two complete biblical families.
Factors Considered When Choosing A Marriage Partner
- Marriage is a legally recognized union between a man and a woman.
- The legal union between marriage partners makes them one
- There are various factors considered when choosing a marriage partner.
- These factors include :-
- Maturity
- Self-discipline
- Good character
- Respect
- Family background
- Hard work
- When choosing a marriage partner, one should not consider :
- Physical beauty
- Wealth
- Sexual demands
- Factors when choosing whom to marry are considered during courtship
- The bible teaches that a sensible wife is only given by God.
- Joseph was engaged to Mary and married her according to God’s law.
- List two types of families
- List three thing that join family members.
Benefits of A Christian Marriage
- A Christian marriage has many benefits
- The couple is given guidance and counseling.
- Marriage partners are taught about their responsibilities in advance
- A Christian wedding is conducted in public and has many witnesses
- The wedding gives one a sense of belonging when it is conducted in his/her church.
- Prayers said during a Christian wedding bestow blessings on the couple
- Wedding rings are an outward mark of a Christian marriage.
- Marriage certificate given during a Christian wedding makes it legal.
- Christian marriages are recognized by God and the state.
- A Christian marriage is monogamous and gives one a sense of security.
- The bible teaches that whoever God has put together
- List three Christians virtues that bind marriage partners
- _______________________
- _______________________
- _______________________
Factors to Consider When Getting Married
- Marriage is voluntary and binding for a man and a woman to become one.
- It is a lifelong commitment that should be entered in sobriety.
- There are several factors one should consider when getting married.
- These factors include
- Religious background.
- Likes and interest
- Age of a partner
- Family background.
- Level of education
- Economic background
- Abraham organized for his son Isaac to get a good wife.
- Abraham servant prayed before choosing Rebecca for Isaac.
- Christians should pray for God’s guidance when choosing a marriage partner.
- Match the following bible personalities with their wives
- Amram _______________________
- Aquila _______________________
- Nabal _______________________
- Mahlon _______________________
- Dowry is_______________________
Essential Needs of A Family
- A family has member who have essential needs
- The essential needs of a family can be classified as
- Physical needs
- Social needs
- Spiritual needs
- Physical needs include food, water, shelter and clothing.
- Social needs of a family include:-
- Security
- Love
- Acceptance
- Self esteem
- The need for God stands above every other need of a family.
- Family members need to live with hope and assurance of eternal life.
- Jesus taught that human beings cannot live on bread alone.
- Just as we need food for physical growth, we need the gospel for spiritual well-being.
- Give examples of the following
- Basic need
- Secondary need
- Tertiary need
- The word essential means
Obstacles To A Good Marriage
- There are many factors that may lead to failure in a marriage
- Some of the factors include
- Unfaithfulness
- Childlessness
- Communication breakdown
- Mistrust
- Different likes and interest
- Poverty
- Interference from the extended family.
- Alcoholism and drug abuse
- Un- forgiveness and intolerance
- Failure to pay dowry.
- Marriage partners should strive to overcome all obstacles.
- God values the institution of marriage
- No one should separate those whom God has put together,
- Partners who have marriage problems should go for ___________ and ___________
- The first marriage was ordained by ___________ in ___________
- List three factors considered when choosing a marriage partner
- ___________
- ___________
- ___________
Traditional African View on Love And Marriage
- Africans traditionally valued and respected the marriage institution
- Marriage was an obligation and every African was expected to marry.
- African marriage was mainly for child-bearing or procreation.
- An African family was not complete without children.
- Africans valued chastity and sex before marriage was considered immoral.
- African marriage extended kinship bands; one got more relatives.
- An African marriage raised the status of a couple.
- Polygamous unions were encouraged in African marriage eradicating adultery and prostitution
- Polygamy also raised the status of the first wife and the husband.
- The bible teaches that riches can be inherited but a sensible wife comes from the Lord.
- State three reasons why children were valued in African communities
- Dowry is also known as
Christian Teaching On Love and Marriage
- A Christian marriage is highly valued.
- The marriage unit forms the foundation of a strong nation
- Among the Christian teaching on marriage are:-
- Marriage was established by God
- Courtship should be pure and mature
- Fornication is not allowed
- Procreation should be within marriage
- Love and fitfulness are the cornerstones of marriage.
- The wife should submit to the husband.
- The bible teaches that God ordained marriage from the very beginning.
- Celibacy is a gift from God but it is not for all people.
- Apostle taught that marriage partners should honour their roles towards each other.
- Windows and widowers can remarry to avoid temptations.
- Define courtship
- List two types of sexual immorality.
- Husbands should love their wives just as
Qualities of A Good Parent
- A good parent provides the basic needs of his or her family.
- Such parent advises children concerning good conduct and character.
- Z good parent provides both formal and non-formal education.
- Good parents provide security and protection for their families.
- Children should get love and attention from their parents.
- Parents should give directions to their children in all matters especially about God.
- The bible teaches that children are a gift from God.
- Family members should always be committed to the family cause.
- Jesus admonished his disciples for barring children from him.
- He said “let the children come to me”
- List three biblical parents and their children
- Mathew 19:14 says
Qualities of A Good Child
- A good child takes the initiative to help in family duties
- Such a child offers encouragement to his or her parents.3. A good child provides physical protection for the family where need be.
- An obedient child is a role model to the rest of the family.
- He/she can be relied on to provide for the family when the parents are away
- A good child accepts and takes correction positively when wrong
- Above all, a good child is God fearing
- The bible teaches that children have a chriatian duty to obey their parents.
- Those who obey their parents have a promised of a long and prosperous life.
- We should desire to honour and obey our parents.
- State two types of families
- Define a family
- The words, “let the children come to me” were said by _____________
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