- Responding to Christ's Call
- The Meaning of Discipleship
- The Teachings of Jesus Christ on Discipleship
- Abiding In The Vine
- Loving One Another
- Serving One Another And Denying Oneself
- The Place of Wealth in Christian Discipleship
- The Role of Evangelistic And Witnesses

Responding to Christ's Call
The Meaning of Discipleship
- A disciple is a follower of another person’s religious or political teaching.
- Jesus had twelve disciples.
- John the Baptist and the Pharisees also had disciples.
- In Christianity, discipleship is a response to Christ’s call
- The first four disciples of Jesus were :
- Peter and Andrew
- James and John.
- All disciples of Jesus gave up their comfort and worldly possessions to follow him.
- Discipleships call for love and commitment in serving God and others.
- A disciple should have unshakeable faith in Jesus and God.
- Disciples of Jesus are expected to be his witness all over the world.
- Disciples should also be ready to suffer for their faith like Stephen and Paul.
- Name four disciples of Jesus with multiple names.
The Teachings of Jesus Christ on Discipleship
- Jesus taught his disciples to deny themselves so as to follow him.
- He taught them to love their enemies and do good to those who persecute them.
- Jesus taught his followers to forgive and forget.
- Our forgiveness completely depends on our forgiveness.
- God forgives the sins of those who forgive others.
- Disciples must be ready to endure hardships.
- Family obligations should not interfere with the demands of the kingdom.
- Discipleship calls for total commitment on the part of the disciple.
- Jesus was approached by a man in the Samaritan village who wanted to follow him.
- Jesus told him that foxes have holes and birds have nests but the son of man has nowhere to rest his head.
- Mathew 5:44 says ______________________
- The disciple who said ,” can anything good come from Nazareth" was________________
- The disciple who walked with the risen Christ to Emmaus was_______________
Abiding In The Vine
- Christ is the true vine and his followers are the branches.
- His father, our God, is the vinedresser.
- Abiding in the vine is accepting Jesus and obeying his commandments.
- Christians too, should be totally dependent on Jesus the source of life.
- They are also expected to bear fruits of love, patience and service to God and mankind
- Without abiding in Christ, such fruits cannot be produced.
- We should desire to be true disciples of Jesus Christ.
- John 15:7 says __________________________
- Write four qualities of a Christian disciple
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- The most loved disciple of Jesus was
Loving One Another
- To love is to care deeply for someone.
- As disciples of Jesus we are expected to love one another.
- Loving others involves
- Caring for the well being of others
- Sharing with the needy
- Forgiving those who offend us.
- Praying for our enemies.
- Denying oneself comfort for others’ sake
- Suffering for those we love.
- God demonstrate His love by offering his son as a sacrifice for sin
- Apostle Paul taught that love is the greatest thing a disciple can achieve
- Love without good deeds is worthless.
- Apostle John taught that from the beginning God wanted us to love onr another.
- Christians should love one another as a mark of true discipleship.
- All commandments are summed up by __________________
- The first four commandment are about loving __________________
- Love ____________ is the way Jesus summarized the last six commandments.
Serving One Another And Denying Oneself
- Service refers to actions of kindness and love to others.
- Christians should serve all people without discrimination
- They should deny themselves some comfort in order to be of service to others.
- Self denial in an important characteristic of a Christian disciple.
- Jesus taught that his disciples should be ready to endure suffering.
- During the last supper, Jesus washed his disciple’s feet.
- By so doing, Jesus taught humility in service.
- We can serve God through serving our fellow human beings.
- List four New Testament names for Passover.
- Who had denied Jesus the chance to wash his feet?
The Place of Wealth in Christian Discipleship
- Wealth is material possessions such as money, land or property.
- God blesses people to be wealthy.
- Wealthy people should not be proud or arrogant.
- Instead, they should live with humility and thankfulness.
- Wealthy Christians can use their wealth to work for God.
- They can use their wealth to support church programs such as evangelization and outreach.
- They can also support the needy in the communities they live in.
- The bible teaches Christians to ask God to bless them with enough.
- We should share with gladness what God has given us.
- Wealthy people are those who have
- ________________________
- ________________________
- ________________________
- ________________________
- Africans believe that wealth came from ________________________
Misuse of Wealth in Christian Discipleship
- Wealth is said to be misused when it is used in a way that does not glorify God.
- Christians should not in opulence and luxury to draw people’s attention.
- They should not exploit their workers to work for long hours.
- Christian employers should not threaten their employees.
- Wealthy Christians should give tithe to support the work of God.
- Prophet Micah condemned the rich who gave bribes to subvert justice.
- They paid prophets to give favourable revelations.
- The priest interpreted the law for them to favour their interests.
- List two wealthy bible personalities.
- State three things done by the rich condemned by Apostle James.
The Role of Evangelistic And Witnesses
- An evangelist is a person who preaches to person urging them to accept Christ.
- A witness is a person who tells the truth about what he has seen or heard.
- A Christian witness tells others about Christ through their actions.
- we can all be witnesses of Christ if we conduct ourselves according to the teachings of Christ.
- Jesus started the greatest commission on earth
- He sent his disciples to make people of all nations his disciples.
- The early missionaries responded to that call by spreading the gospel to Frica.
- We should appreciate the role of evangelists and witnesses in the church.
- was the apostle of the gentiles.
- Jesus told his disciples to begin their missionary work in to the uttermost parts of the earth.
- Paul made missionary journeys.
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