Thursday, 14 April 2022 07:49

Science Questions and Answers - Class 8 End of Term 1 Exams 2022

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  1. Heat is transferred through liquid by
    1. conduction only.
    2. radiation only.
    3. convention only.
    4. convention and radiation.
  2. Which of the following processes occurs when temperature increases?
    1. Evaporation and expansion.
    2. Condensation and contraction,
    3. Melting and contraction.
    4. Freezing and melting.
  3. Sound travel BEST in
    1. air
    2. vaccum
    3. water
    4. metal
  4. The diagram below represents a set up used to demonstrate a certain property of light
    Which one of the following statement is CORRECT about the set up? Light
    1. is refracted at a corner.
    2. travel in a straight line.
    3. is reflected at a corner.
    4. travel in all direction.
  5. The following source of electricity work the same way as dynamo EXCEPT
    1. wind driven turbine.
    2. geothermal generator.
    3. torch batteries.
    4. petrol driven generator.
  6. Digestion of food take place in all of the following parts EXCEPT
    1. oesophagus
    2. small intestine 
    3. stomach 
    4. mouth
  7. The following are changes that occurs during adolescent stage.
    1. Production of sex cells.
    2. Hips broaden.
    3. Enlargement of breasts
    4. Increase in weight and height
      Which changes occurs in BOTH boys and girls?
      1. (ii) and (iv)
      2. (i) and (iv)
      3. (ii) and (iii) 
      4. (i) and (w)
  8. Which one of the following blood vessel carries blood from the heart to the lungs?
    1. Pulmonary artery
    2. Aorta
    3. Venacava
    4. Pulmonary vein
  9. Study the diagram below and answer the question that follow
    When part marked S is pulled down part
    1. N burst.
    2. M allow air to move out
    3. N decrease in size.
    4. R move upward and outward
  10. The following are the functions of placenta. Which one is NOT?
    1. Facilitate transfer of waste products.
    2. Facilitate transfer of food.
    3. Protect the foetus from shock.
    4. Exchange of oxygen and carbondioxide.
  11. Which one of the following is an advantage of zero grazing?
    1. Animals feed on commercial feed only.
    2. Pasture is utilized properly.
    3. Pests and diseases spread easily.
    4. The manure can be easily collected.
  12. Which one of the following is a COMMON characteristic between a newt and a nile perch?
    1. Have scales.
    2. Covered with moist scale.
    3. Lay unfertilized eggs.
    4. Take care of their young ones.
  13. The bird beak drawn below is LIKELY to be found in a
    1. muddy places.
    2. rice farm.
    3. granary
    4. flower garden
  14. Which one of the following pair of animal feed provide animals with energy?
    1. Maize germ and rice husks.
    2. Fish meal and honey
    3. Salt lick and lucerne 
    4. Desmodium and giycine
  15. Which one of the following animal parasite can be controlled by dipping?', 
    1. Tsetsefly
    2. Liverfluke
    3. Tapeworm
    4. Mite 
  16. The soil which has smooth texture has
    1. large particle.
    2. best drainage
    3. best capillarity
    4. alot of humus
  17. The BEST way of conserving soil in steep slope is by
    1. mulching
    2. terracing 
    3. building gabion
    4. planting trees
  18. Which ône of the following type of manure is made of material collected from kitchen left-over and farm waste?
    1. Farmyard manure
    2. Straight manure
    3. Composit manure 
    4. Green manure
  19. The diagram below represent composition of air
    The component of air used in preservation of drinks is represented by letter
    1. R
  20. Which one of the following materials works in the same way as side mirror?
    1. Frosted glass
    2. Skylight
    3. Clean water
    4. Milk
  21. Which is the first step when separating a mixture of salt, sand and iron filling?
    1. Filtering the mixture.
    2. Using a magnet.
    3. Adding water to the mixture.
    4. Decanting the mixture
  22. Which one of the following pair is made of materials that attract magnet?
    1. Office pin and aluminium foil
    2. Copper coin and staples
    3. Steel wool and nails
    4. Hair strand and glass
  23. During a science lesson pupils setup the experiment as shown below to investigate factor that affect sinking and flowing.
    Both material floated because of their
    1. material 
    2. weight 
    3. shape 
    4. size
  24. Which one of the following is a COMMON characteristic between paraffin and ice cubes? 
    1. Have indefinate size. 
    2. Have indefinate mass. 
    3. Have definate volume. 
    4. Expand most on heating.
  25. Pressure in liquids increases with
    1. surface area
    2. volume
    3. height
    4. depth
  26. A plant with flexible stems also have
    1. thin cuticle 
    2. fewer stomata 
    3. shallow roots
    4. needlike leaves
  27. The diagram below shows parts of the flower
    Pollen tube develop in part labelled
    1. M
    2. R
    3. S
    4. X
  28. Which one of the following pairs consists of plants that are green and non flowering?
    1. Bracket tree and algae
    2. Cedar and fern
    3. Mushroom and moss 
    4. Cypress and onions
  29. Which of the following is a sign of unhealthy crops? 
    1. Robust growth 
    2. Leafy branches 
    3. Streaked leaves 
    4. Reduced yield
  30. Study the food chain below and answer the question
    Grass → grasshopper frog→ snake
    The MOST abundant organisms is represented by 
    1. grass 
    2. frog 
    3. snake 
    4. grasshopper
  31. In which one of the following activities is water NOT used sparingly?
    1. Repairing leaking pipe. 
    2. Closing taps when not in use. 
    3. Using basin when bathing.
    4. Construction of dam
  32. Which one of the following will NOT pollute soil? 
    1. Oil spillage 
    2. Overstocking 
    3. Rotting vegetable 
    4. Excess fertilizers
  33. MOST fungi depend on other plants for
    1. support
    2. habitat
    3. shade
    4. oxygen
  34. During a science lesson, pupils collected the following material.
    1. A glass bottie
    2. Water
    3. A container
    4. Ink
    5. Manilla paper
      Which weather instrument were pupils LIKELY to make?
      1. Liquid thermometer
      2. Raingauge
      3. Windvane
      4. Air thermometer
  35. Which one of the planets is between Mars and Saturn?
    1. Jupiter
    2. Earth
    3. Neptune
    4. Uranus
  36. Thick and feathery clouds also
    1. are dark in colour.
    2. cover the whole sky.
    3. have flat base,
    4. are low in the sky.
  37. Which one of the following pairs consist of health effects of drug abuse?
    1. Trauncy and addiction.
    2. Impaired judgement and marital conflicts.
    3. School dropout and loss of consciousness. ....
    4. Addiction and lack of concentration.
  38. The following are signs of a certain sexually transmitted infections.
    1. Sore throat..
    2. Painless chancre
    3. Skin rashes
    4. Lead to madness
      The infection is LIKELY to be
      1. syphilis
      2. gonorrhoea
      3. chancroid
      4. genital herpes
  39. Which one of the following ways of campaign against HIV and AIDS is the MOST effective? Use of
    1. newspapers 
    2. radio 
    3. billboard
    4. wedding ceremonies
  40. Which one of the following diseases is NOT immunizable but communicable?
    1. Tuberculosis
    2. Measles
    3. Typhoid
    4. Malaria
  41. The following are effects of HIV and AIDS to the family EXCEPT
    1. loss of income.
    2. school drop out.
    3. embarrassment
    4. increase number of orphan.
  42. Which one of the following is a recommended way of storing medicine?
    1. Taking medicine according to doctor's prescription.. 
    2. Completing the dosage.
    3. Labelling all the medicine
    4. Checking expiry date when buying medicine.
  43. A child had the following signs
    1. Wasted muscles.
    2. Alert eyes.
    3. Visible bones.
    4. Crying alot.
      In order to control the above disease, the child should be given food rich in
      1. protein
      2. all nutrients
      3. iron 
      4. mineral salts
  44. Which one is NOT a traditional method of preserving food?
    1. Canning
    2. Use of honey
    3. Drying
    4. Smoking
  45. Which one of the following lists consist of food rich in protein? 
    1. Milk, banana, soya beans B. 
    2. Fish, wheat, irish potatoes C. 
    3. Rice, ugali, yams D. 
    4. Coconut, peas, termites
  46. Which one of the following is a sign of cholera?
    1. Persistent cough
    2. Dehydration
    3. Skin rashes
    4. Pain in the joints.
  47. Which one of the following is an industrial use of water?
    1. Rearing fish
    2. Irrigation
    3. Making fountain
    4. Surfing
  48. The diagram below represents a lever in use
    The iever illustrated above works in the same way as a
    1. wheel barrow
    2. craw bar
    3. spade
    4. bottle opener
  49. Metallic tools are MAINLY oiled and greased inorder to
    1. reduce friction.
    2. prevent theft.
    3. make work easier.
    4. prevent rusting.
  50. Which one of the following is measured using a spring balance?
    1. Weight
    2. Mass 
    3. Length
    4. inertia


  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
  6. A
  7. B
  8. A
  9. D
  10. C
  11. D
  12. C
  13. D
  14. A
  15. D
  16. B
  17. B
  18. C
  19. A
  20. D
  21. B
  22. C
  23. A
  24. C
  25. D
  26. C
  27. D
  28. B
  29. C
  30. A
  31. D
  32. C
  33. B
  34. D
  35. A
  36. C
  37. D
  38. A
  39. B
  40. D
  41. B
  42. C
  43. B
  44. A
  45. D
  46. B
  47. C
  48. B
  49. D
  50. A
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