Displaying items by tag: Religion


  1. The puppet theatre shown in the following picture is called ______________________.
    1. doorway theater
    2. cinema theatre
    3. display theatre
    4. puppet theatre  
  2. Kneading is important because
    1. it removes air bubbles from the clay
    2. it makes the clay soft
    3. it shapes the clay
    4. it makes modeling easy
  3. The clay item in the picture was made by the _____________________ technique.
    1. coil
    2. pinch
    3. twine
    4. slab
  4. Tonal value is created using _________________________ technilques.
    1. Shading and tinting
    2. Shading
    3. Tinting
    4. None of the above
  5. Lettering used to write a message should have the following qualities except ___________________________.
    1. neat, clear and easy to read
    2. correctly shaped and well-spaced
    3. close together but not touching 
    4. too big and far apart
  6. A decorative method that involves cutting holes on an item to make an attractive design pattern is called ______________________________
    1. piercing
    2. embedding
    3. appliqué
    4. hatching
  7. The following are methods of preparing selected materials for coil and stitch technique. Which is the odd one out?
    1. Shredding
    2. Stripping
    3. Splitting
    4. Colouring
  8. Which paper craft techniques were used to make the flowers in the picture below?
    1. Pleating and twisting
    2. Folding and creasing
    3. Twisting and cutting
    4. Cutting and pasting
  9. ______________________ is the art of creating images on a surface by pressing an object.
    1. Printing
    2. Motif making
    3. Stencil printing
    4. Pattern making
  10. When crayon etching, applying a little soap over the waxed surface is meant to make the black ink or paint ___________________________
    1. clean
    2. smooth
    3. stick
    4. bright
  11. We can make a woven item neat by doing the following except _________________________________.
    1. stitching
    2. binding
    3. tucking and warping the edges
    4. painting
  12. When creating crayon etching, do not work under the hot sun because _________________________________.
    1. it will melt the wax
    2. you will start sweating
    3. it will dry the wax
    4. it will tear your paper when etching
  13. A frame used to hold the warp threads tightly during the weaving process is known as a ______________________________.
    1. weaver
    2. loom
    3. board
    4. dowel 
  14. ______________________________  is a technique used to join two or  more pieces of leather together
    1. Coil and stitch
    2. Applique
    3. Thonging
    4. Cross hatching  
  15. Which one of the following is a fabric decoration method?
    1. Tie and dye
    2. Crayon etching
    3. Smudging
    4. Thonging


  1. Why do participants in an African performance adorn their bodies?
    1. To identify with their communities. 
    2. To maintain the beat.
    3. To help keep their part.
    4. To look colourful for the audience
  2. Who is not a participant of a folk song?
    1. Instrumentalist
    2. Soloist
    3. Dancers
    4. Singers
  3. Which country does not sing East African National Anthem?
    1. Kenya
    2. Uganda
    3. Ethiopia
    4. South Sudan 
  4. SSA are voices sang by ______________________________ 
    1. Two tenors and an alto line.
    2. Soprano and alto line.
    3. Two soprano and two alto lines.
    4. Two soprano lines with an alto line.
  5. You are to perform a song in front of the school. Which of the following will NOT help you bring out the mood of the song? 
    1. Gestures
    2. Facial expressions.
    3. Not pronouncing your words clearly
    4. Good phrasing and breath control
  6. How many quavers are in a minim?
    1. 4
    2. 3
    3. 6
    4. 9
  7. Which of the following is not an element of music? 
    1. Melody
    2. Pitch
    3. Tone
    4. Structure
  8. Name one material that is locally available and can be used for body adornment.
    1. Paint
    2. Charcoal
    3. Water colors.
    4. Make up
  9. Which note represents taa-aa?
    1. A quaver
    2. A crochet
    3. A minim.
    4. A semibreve
  10. The highness or lowness of a musical note is  called ___________________________
    1. Melody
    2. Pitch
    3. Rhythm
    4. Volume


  1. The following statements refer to a certain climatic region in Eastern Africa:
    1. Vegetation is organized into stripes.
    2. Vegetation is influenced by changing altitudes.
    3. Vegetation grows in high relief regions.
      The type of vegetation described above is called _______________________
      1. Mediterranean vegetation
      2. Desert vegetation
      3. Mountain vegetation
      4. Mangrove vegetation
  2. Gold in Tanzania is extracted through. _________________________ and ____________________________
    1. drilling, deep shaft
    2. open cast and quarrying
    3. deep shaft, open cast
    4. quarrying, drilling
  3. Grade 6 Social Studies teacher asked learners at Mosoriot Primary School to name some of the areas in Kenya with high population density. Read what the learners said:
    Kapchai:    Lamu and Hola 
    Mburu:      Murang'a and Bungoma
    Mwende:   Lodwar and Moyale
    Melissa:     Garissa and Maralal
    Who gave the correct answer?
    1. Kapchai
    2. Mburu
    3. Mwende
    4. Melissa
  4. Khaniri was studying towns found in the Northern part of Kenya on the map. Which of the following is found in the furthest North -East?
    1. Nairobi
    2. Garissa
    3. Mandera
    4. Nakuru
  5. Which one of the following explains the meaning of culture?
    1. Number of people in a family
    2. Way of life in different communities
    3. Good behaviours in the society
    4. Age-sets
  6. The traditional government among the Nyamwezi was headed by the ___________________________________.
    1. hereditary chiefs
    2. emperors
    3. hereditary kings
    4. council of elders
  7. In which way were the Buganda and Nyamwezi traditional forms of government similar?
    1. They were both found in Tanzania.
    2. Position of their leader was hereditary
    3. They were both ruled by hereditary kings.
    4. They were both involved in pastoralism.
  8. Which is the main aspect of good governance in the traditional societies?
    1. They both settled disputes among their members.
    2. They promoted wars and raids.
    3. They promoted nepotism.
    4. They promoted mistrust among members.
  9. How has Kenya benefited from the membership of the East African Community? 
    1. It has a big area to administer.
    2. Many Kenyans can now live in South Sudan. 
    3. It has a larger market to export goods. 
    4. It has strengthened cattle rustling.

Study the map of Eastern Africa below then answer questions 35-38.


  1. During the pre-colonial period, the traditional government in the country marked J was headed by __________________________
    1. governor
    2. hereditary kings
    3. council of elders
    4. hereditary chiefs
  2. The lake marked K was formed through a process called ______________________________.
    1. faulting and sinking
    2. volcanic processes
    3. glaciation
    4. downwarping
  3. Explain the process of formation of the mountain marked L.
    1. Faulting and uplifting
    2. Volcanicity
    3. Erosion
    4. Folding
  4. Which one of the following is a characteristic of the region marked M?
    1. Receives high rainfall throughout the year. 
    2. Vegetation is mainly hardwood trees.
    3. Main vegetation is euphorbia and cactus.
    4. It is mainly swampy area.
  5. Who among the following is the senior administrator in a school?
    1. Class teacher
    2. Headteacher
    3. Deputy headteacher
    4. Prefects
  6. In the pre-colonial period, the main function of clans was ____________________________.
    1. protect ancestral land
    2. educate the youths
    3. settle disputes among members
    4. get wives for the youths



  1. Angel Gabriel visited Zechariah while he was working in the temple to give him a special message. However, Zechariah didn't believe that he would get a son. What happened to Zechariah when he didn't believe?
    1. The angel struck him dumb
    2. The angel lifted up his sword
    3. The angel changed his mind
    4. The angel announced the birth of Mary
  2. Jesus Christ shared a special meal with His disciples before He died. The meal was called
    1. The Passover
    2. The First meal
    3. The Last Supper
    4. The disciples' meal
  3. My neighbour takes his time to go to the hospital twice every week to comfort the sick. Which fruit of the Holy Spirit does he have? 
    1. Kindness
    2. Sadness
    3. Pride
    4. Self-control
  4. Christine, Hazel and Judy are in the same class. They like talking and walking together. The three girls form a ________________________
    1. Gossip group
    2. Peer group
    3. Travelling group
    4. Swimming group
  5. Jesus Christ performed the miracle of raising Lazarus from death. He showed ____________________ the family of Lazarus.
    1. Suffering
    2. Empathy
    3. Challenges
    4. Surprise
  6. Which of these children is being subjected to child labour?
    1. Nathan: Washing his father's car
    2. Olive: Working in a coffee plantation
    3. Jeremy: Taking care of his younger brother
    4. Serena: Cooking the evening meal
  7. Jesus Christ told the parable of the hidden. treasure. Which of these values will not help us to see the Kingdom of God? ___________________
    1. Disobedience
    2. Integrity
    3. Respect
    4. Faithfulness
  8. How did Prophet Elisha help the prophet to get the axe head?
    1. He threw a stick into the water
    2. He used a rope
    3. He jumped into the water
    4. He left the axe head in there
  9. The first place where the believers were called Christians was called
    1. Antioch
    2. Babylon
    3. Galatia
    4. Macedonia
  10. The king of Egypt had two dreams which spoke about the future. Which of these things were not seen in his dreams? ___________________
    1. The River Nile
    2.  Seven fat cows
    3. Three cups of wine
    4. Seven healthy ears of corn.




  1. The surah that promises the prophet a river in paradise is ________________________________
    1. Humaza
    2. Kauthar
    3. Naas
    4. Qariah.
  2. How many verses are there in surah Al-Maun?
    1. Three
    2. Five
    3. Seven
    4. Ten
  3. Enemies of the prophet will be cut off in surah ______________________________
    1. Fatiha
    2. Takathur
    3. Fiyl
    4. Kauthar.
  4. The holy Qur'an was revealed in the month of ________________________________
    1. Ramadhan
    2. Muharram
    3. Shawwal
    4. Rajab
  5. Which animals did Allah use to destroy Abraha's army?
    1. Elephants
    2. Camels
    3. Birds
    4. Dogs
  6. A Muslim should make good use of his wealth before he becomes
    1. sick
    2. busy
    3. poor
    4. weak.
  7. We should share what we have with those ______________________-
    1. who have enough
    2. in need
    3. who knows us
    4. who cries for fame
  8. The actions and practices of the prophet (S.A.W) are known as
    1. sunnah
    2. hadith
    3. faradh
    4. hijra
  9. The fourth pillar of Iman is the belief in _______________________
    1. angels
    2. books
    3. Allah
    4. prophets
  10. The attributes of Allah Al-Khaaliq means ____________________________
    1. the creator
    2. the most merciful
    3. the forgiver
    4. the king



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  10. A


  1. Which one of the following is not a picture making technique?
    1. Drawing
    2. Sculpture
    3. Montage
    4. Painting
  2. The way of drawing in which light and dark areas are created using dots is called
    1. Still life drawing
    2. Cross hatching
    3. Crayon etching
    4. Stippling
  3. Pick the odd one out technique in basketry
    1. Twine technique
    2. Coil technique
    3. Stich technique
    4. Pinch technique
  4. Vumilia is a porter in the village. Anjeko visited her for an advice on how to model a box for her teacher to be putting in pencils. Which modeling technique do you think Vumilia taught Anjeko?
    1. Slab technique
    2. Pinching technique
    3. Coil technique
    4. Montage technique

Study the diagram below and answer questions 5-7.


  1. Which of the following is not needed in drawing the object such as the one above?
    1. Still life objects
    2. Ruler
    3. Rubber
    4. Water
  2. Which media would be BEST for creating the thin hatching lines in the drawing.
    1. Crayon
    2. Pencil
    3. Paint brush
    4. Charcoal
  3. Which picture making technique is used in the drawing above?
    1. Cross hatching
    2. Smudging
    3. Crayon etching
    4. Shading
  4. John saw his uncle threading beads of different colours on wrist bands he was making. John asked his uncle the reason he was using beads of different colours. What reason do you think John's uncle gave him?
    1. For tightening
    2. For decoration
    3. For safety
    4. For culture
  5. Nerea likes helping her mother to reproduce various designs by passing paint or ink through a stencil on to fabrics for decorations. What name do we give to the repetitive decorative images Nerea makes on her mother's materials? 
    1. Motifs
    2. Stencils
    3. Designs
    4. Cards

Study the picture below and answer questions 10 and 11.


  1. Which technique is used to produce such decorations?
    1. Stencil printing
    2. Paper craft
    3. Carving
    4. Beading leather craft
  2. Which locally available material can be used to design the image above?
    1. Manila paper
    2. Plastics
    3. Banana fibres
    4. Decorating
  3. What is sand paper used for?
    1. Modeling
    2. Decorating
    3. Smoothening
    4. Carving
  4. During a painting lesson, Nzige mixed yellow and blue colours. Which colour was Nzige looking for?
    1. Green
    2. Purple
    3. Orange
    4. Red
  5. Study the following picture and state the technique used to make it.
    1. Montage
    2. Collage
    3. Carving
    4. Slab
  6. For exhibition purposes, artworks should cover what fraction of the mounted space? 
    1. 1/2
    2. 1/3
    3. 1/4
    4. 3/4


  1. Every Friday, students at Ngei Primary school say these words, 'I pledge my loyalty to ....' What is this called?
    1. National Anthem
    2. Loyalty pledge
    3. Morning prayer
    4. School motto
  2. It is also called an eighth note. It lasts half a beat. Mostly eight notes are joined by the use of tails. What is its name?
    1. Quaver
    2. Semibreve
    3. Minim
    4. Crotchet
  3. What does G6CAST3OS12023Q18 means in music?
    1. minim beats in a bar
    2. 3 quaver beats in a bar
    3. 3 crotchet beats in a bar
    4. 4 crotchet beats in a bar
  4. What do we call a person who trains a choir?
    1. Choirmaster
    2. Soloist
    3. Adjudicator
    4. Accompanist
  5. During music festivals, Patrick noted that there was a man who was looking at the way the choirs performed and gave them marks accordingly. What is the name given to that man according to the music?
    1. Choir master
    2. Adjudicator
    3. Soloist
    4. Accompanist
  6. Singing sol-fa syllables from the highest to lowest the, d-r-m-f-s-l-t-d- is called?
    1. Descending form.
    2. Ascending form.
    3. Descending and ascending form.
    4. Ascending and descending form.
  7. Complete the ladder below.
    1. r
    2. s
    3. f
    4. t
  8. Which of the following is not a note symbol?
  9. Which method was used to create the melody below?
    1. Improvisation
    2. Alteration
    3. Slight variation
    4. Repetition
  10. The last three sol-fa notes are?
    1. m, f, s
    2. l, t, d
    3. r, m, f
    4. d, r, f


  1. Which of the following Eastern Africa countries does not share its border with Kenya?
    1. Tanzania
    2. Sudan
    3. South Sudan
    4. Somalia
  2. Which of the following Eastern Africa countries does equator not cross through?
    1. Uganda
    2. Kenya
    3. Tanzania
    4. Somalia
  3. Which of the following mountains is not a block mountain?
    1. Ruwenzori
    2. Usambara
    3. Danakil
    4. Longonot
  4. Mr Mwene, the Grade Six SST teacher, came to class with the following items that were used long time ago: cooking sticks, bows and arrows, calabashes, clubs, hearths, spoons, stones and skins. What is the collective name for those items? 
    1. Artillery
    2. Weapons
    3. Utensils
    4. Artefacts
  5. Which of the following is an ox-bow lake in Eastern Africa?
    1. Kanyaboli.
    2. Elmentaita
    3. Bogoria
    4. Kyoga

Study the Eastern Africa map below and answer questions 31-34.


  1. What is the climatic region marked X?
    1. Savannah
    2. Equatorial
    3. Mountain
    4. Desert and semi-desert
  2. Anyoso was asked the ethnic community that used the route marked Y. Which answer did she give?
    1. Maasai
    2. Abaluhya
    3. Luos
    4. Abasuba
  3. Which vegetation covers the region marked W?
    1. Swamp
    2. Mountain
    3. Savannah
    4. Equatorial
  4. What is the name of the historic built site marked Z?
    1. Bomas of Kenya
    2. Namgongo shrine
    3. Kigali genocide
    4. Meroe
  5. Which ethnic community is correctly matched?
    1. Somali - Nailotes
    2. Hehe Cushites
    3. Banyankole - Bantu
    4. Anuak - Bantus
  6. Baraka was going home from school when she found an old man carrying two five- litres jericans of water. She assisted the old man to carry one. Which value did Baraka promote?
    1. Faithfulness
    2. Respect
    3. Sharing
    4. Love
  7. The following are marine fishing methods except
    1. Purse seining
    2. Trawling
    3. Hook and line
    4. Long lining
  8. Anyiko was studying a map when she noticed that the settlement on the map was centralized at the market place. Which type of settlement pattern was it?
    1. Linear
    2. Nuclear
    3. Scattered
    4. Clustered
  9. What is the main work of prefects in school?
    1. To write noise makers.
    2. To copy class timetable.
    3. To assist teachers in carrying out school routine
    4. To supervise other learners.
  10. Members of the county assembly are elected to represent people living in the
    1. ward
    2. county
    3. constituency
    4. country


  1. Which of the following values cannot be learnt from the eighth commandment?
    1. Fairness
    2. Social justice
    3. Integrity
    4. Greed
  2. Which is the fifth commandment?
    1. Do not steal
    2. Worship no other God but me
    3. Observe the Sabbath and keep it holy
    4. Respect your father and mother so that you may livelong
  3. What did Jesus appoint Simon Peter to do?
    1. To lead the Early Church
    2. To be a king
    3. To be a fisherman
    4. To be a carpenter
  4. Philip and Jenny wanted to be united in marriage. They visited a County Commissioner's Office. There was a government official who helped them to carry out the process. Soon after, they signed the marriage certificate. They had two witnesses. Which type of marriage did Philip and Jenny carry out?
    1. Civil marriage
    2. Cultural marriage 
    3. Traditional marriage
    4. Religious marriage
  5. Which of the following is not a cause of child labour?
    1. Poverty
    2. Death of parents
    3. Wealth
    4. Irresponsible parents
  6. Which Bible story teaches us about determination?
    1. The story of Elisha and how he recovered an axe head
    2. The story of Jacob wrestling with God
    3. The story of baby Moses being rescued by Pharaoh's daughter
    4. The story on the call of Moses
  7. Which one of the following is not a type of marriage?
    1. Nuclear
    2. Christian
    3. Customary
    4. Civil marriage
  8. In the Apostles' Creed, we declare our belief in the Holy Trinity. God exists in three persons. Who among
    belong in the Holy Trinity?
    1. God the Father
    2. God the Son
    3. God the Holy Spirit
    4. The disciples of Jesus
  9. Jesus Christ about persistence through the story of _________________________
    1. The lost sheep
    2. The lost treasure
    3. A friend at midnight
    4. The rich young man
  10. Which punishment was given to Eve after she ate the forbidden fruit? ______________________-
    1. She was told never to eat fruits
    2. She would feel pain when giving birth
    3. She was told to eat dust
    4. She would have to wear leaves


  1. Which one of the following is not true about Zakat?
    1. Zakat cleans the heart of greed
    2. Zakat creates in us fear of Allah
    3. Swalah and Zakat have been mentioned 80 time
    4. Zakat is ibaadah
  2. According to the Sunnah of prophet (P.B.U.H) one can break saum using
    1. sausage
    2. dates
    3. soda
    4. meat
  3. Midnight sunnah prayer is called
    1. swalatul witr
    2. swalatul Tarawih
    3. swalatul dhuha
    4. swalatul Tahajjud
  4. One can show justice to servants by?
    1. Paying them before they work
    2. Paying them as they work
    3. Paying them immediately after work
    4. Paying them on credit
  5. The following are reasons why the Muslims won at Badr. Which one is not?
    1. Prayers to Allah
    2. Slumber
    3. Good planning of the prophet
    4. Rainbow
  6. _____________________________ led the trade caravan to Syria from Makkah.
    1. Hamza
    2. Abu Suffian
    3. Abubaka
    4. Utbah
  7. We can help to reduce evil in the society best by
    1. killing evil people
    2. talking criminals to prison
    3. educating people on haram and halal
    4. forgiving criminal
  8. Believing in qadar is the ______________________ pillar of Islam.
    1. sixth
    2. fifth
    3. fourth
    4. third
  9. Which one of the following angel is incharge if hellfire?
    1. Atid
    2. Malik
    3. Ridwan
    4. Israfil
  10. People who fear Allah are called _______________________
    1. Swahaba
    2. Answar
    3. Auliyaa
    4. Muttaqiin



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  1. C
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  8. A
  9. B
  10. D


Use the following picture to answer questions 1-3.


  1. Which of the following was not needed in drawing the image above?
    1. Ruler
    2. Water
    3. Rubber
    4. Pencil
  2. Which picture making technique was used in the drawing above?
    1. Cross hatching
    2. Still life
    3. Crayon etching
    4. Painting
  3. Which media would be BEST for drawing the image above?
    1. Crayon
    2. Paint brush
    3. Pencil
    4. Chacoal
  4. Jane mixed red and blue. Which colour did she finally get?
    1. Green
    2. Orange
    3. Brown
    4. Purple
  5. What is the meaning of cross hatching in drawing?
    1. Is where lines are used to show darker and lighter parts of a drawing.
    2. Is a drawing where a pencil is the only media used.
    3. Is drawing while using a ruler and a pencil only.
    4. Is when a drawer balances the image to match the size of page.
  6. Nafula was making crayons at home. She assembled the following locally available materials. Which was the odd one out.
    1. Bees wax
    2. Coloured flowers
    3. Straws
    4. ink

Study the following image and answer question 7 and 8.


  1. Which technique was used to create thepicture?
    1. Collage
    2. Colour wheel
    3. Etching
    4. Still life.
  2. Which of the following locally available materials is not likely to be used?
    1. Leaves
    2. Glue
    3. Banana fibre
    4. Grass
  3. Which weaving technique is shown in the picture below?
    1. Plain weaving
    2. Twine weaving
    3. Plaiting
    4. Overlapping
  4. John was listening to an Art and Craft lesson over the radio when he heard the term thonging method. Which topic was being taught?
    1. Weaving
    2. Modeling
    3. Drawing
    4. Leather work
  5. What is pottery?
    1. It is the art of making items from clay. 
    2. It is the art of creating people.
    3. It is the art of preparing clay.
    4. It is the art of decorating clay items.
  6. Choose the odd one out in modelling.
    1. Coiling
    2. Pinching
    3. Handbuilding
    4. Curving
  7. Grade five teacher asked one of her learners the work his father does. The learner answered by saying his father was a sculptor. What do you understand by that? The father makes items from
    1. Clay
    2. reeds
    3. Soft stones
    4. Paint
  8. Mordern marketing strategies include the following except
    1. Online
    2. Radio
    3. Facebook
    4. WhatsApp
  9. Which is not an element of photography?
    1. Lighting
    2. Framing
    3. Shadow
    4. Composition


  1. During a harambee meeting, the Grade Five class sang some songs in praise of the guest of honour, M.P, and the councilor. What kind of songs did they sing?
    1. Wedding song
    2. National songs
    3. Patriotic songs
    4. Game songs
  2. To make a child go to sleep, a_____________________________________ song is sung.
    1. Chorus
    2. Patriotic
    3. Lullaby
    4. Game song
  3. What is the use of a resonator?
    1. To amplify sound
    2. To hold together all the other parts of the instrument
    3. It is used to hold the instrument
    4. To tune the instrument.
  4. Which of the following is not a wind instrument?
    1. Guitar
    2. Horn
    3. Descant recorder
    4. Flute
  5. What is not an item that can cause accidents during a folk song performance?
    1. Prop
    2. Costumes
    3. Sticks
    4. Wet or slippery stage
  6. What is the name of the note G5CAST3OS12023Q21
    1. Semibreve
    2. Quaver
    3. Minim
    4. Crotchet
  7. ta-aa as _________ value
    1. 1
    2. 1/2
    3. 2
    4. 3
  8. Complete the ladder below.
    1. d, r
    2. r, m
    3. f, s
    4. f, r
  9. What is the name of the note G5CAST3OS12023Q20?
    1. Semibreve
    2. Quaver
    3. Minim
    4. Crotche
  10. What is the note value for a crotchet?
    1. ½
    2. ¼
    3. 1
    4. 1/8


Study the map below and answer question 26 to 30.


  1. What is the direction of the cattle dip from the market?
    1. North
    2. East
    3. South
    4. West
  2. Which of the following physical features is not found on the map?
    1. Valley.
    2. River
    3. Mountain
    4. Plains
  3. Which of the following crops are not grown in Mwembe Area?
    1. Maize
    2. Tea
    3. Coffee
    4. Cotton
  4. Which is the administration unit of Mwembe Area?
    1. Chief
    2. Deputy County Commissioner
    3. Police
    4. Governor
  5. What is the staple food of the people living at Mwembe Area?
    1. Tea
    2. Coffee
    3. Ugali
    4. Milk 
  6. Which on of the following is not an element of a map?
    1. Buildings
    2. Key
    3. Title
    4. Frame
  7. Which country is bordering Kenya to the North?
    1. Somalia
    2. South Sudan
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Sudan
  8. What is the meaning of the following road sign?
    1. Zebra crossing
    2. Children crossing
    3. Hospital
    4. Stop
  9. Study the method of fishing below and state its name.
    1. Purse seining
    2. Trawling
    3. Long lining
    4. Net drifting 
  10. Jemima was leaving school when she realized that it was raining. Which method of communication could she used to tell her grandmother that she would be late going home?
    1. Letter writing
    2. Take a matatu
    3. Use radio
    4. Use mobile phone
  11. Amira was shown the picture below and asked what it was. Which correct answer do you think Amira gave?
    1. Museum
    2. Monument
    3. Cultural centre
    4. artefact

Study the map of Kenya below and answer questions 37-39.


  1. Mr Juma, Grade Five SST teacher, asked his learners which traditional leader was famous in the community marked X? 
    1. Chief Kivoi
    2. Nabongo Mumia
    3. Mekatilili wa Menza
    4. Oloibon
  2. Which mineral is mined at the lake marked Z?
    1. Soda ash
    2. Salt
    3. Flouspar
    4. Diatomite
  3. Which ethnic community lives around Lake marked W?
    1. Mijikenda
    2. Agikuyu
    3. Abaluhya
    4. Turkana
  4. How do people depend on each other during market day?
    1. Education
    2. Trade
    3. Treatment
    4. Ceremony


  1. The story of King Belshazzar helps Christians to realise that _______________________
    1. God does not humble people
    2. A humble person never apologises to his friends
    3. Proud people give good services to the community
    4. Humility helps people relate well with others 
  2. Why do some people worship materials things or practise idolatry?
    1. It makes them powerful
    2. To gain a certain social status in the community
    3. It gives them peace
    4. It makes them happy
  3. God's power helped Samson defeat the______________
    1. Philistines
    2. Galatians
    3. Israelites
    4. Egyptians
  4. Which King of Israel practiced wisdom in their ruling?
    1. David
    2. Saul
    3. Solomon
    4. Ahab
  5. Arrange the pictures below in the right order as featured in the story of the Lost Sheep.
    1. A, B, C
    2. C, A, B
    3. A, C, B
    4. B, C, A
  6. Who among the following people was miraculously rescued from prison?
    1. John
    2. Peter
    3. Paul
    4. James
  7. Before we receive the Holy Communion, we should ask for __________________________
    1. Anointing
    2. Blessings
    3. Forgiveness
    4. Guidance 
  8. Which of the following is a way of obeying rules
    1. Destroying the environment
    2. Saving water
    3. Leaving lights on
    4. Being disorderly in school
  9. Which of the following activities does not show good stewardship?
    1. Planting trees in the community
    2. Polluting rivers in the community
    3. Taking care of domestic animals
    4. Collecting litter from the environment
  10. Which of the following should we not do to overcome temptations?
    1. Read the scriptures
    2. Listen to the voice of temptation
    3. Practise self-control
    4. Pray to God



  1. Which one among the three is not a reason for tayammum?
    1. In availability of the rope to draw water
    2. An enemy is avoid the water
    3. Water is cold
    4. The only water available is for important things e.g drinking
  2. Which swalah does not have baadiyah?
    1. Fajr
    2. Dhuhr
    3. Maghrib
    4. Isha
  3. Complete, Saum is a _________________
    1. weapon
    2. amana
    3. shield
    4. sword
  4. Three of the following statements are true about conditions for saum. Which one is false?
    1. One must be a Muslim
    2. One must be fifteen years and above
    3. One must be healthy and well
    4. One must be mature
  5. __________________________________ was the foster mother of the prophet.
    1. Amina
    2. Fatuma
    3. Halimah
    4. Fauzia
  6. Three of he following statements about Lailatul Qadar. Which one is not
    1. Allah send mercy to his people 
    2. Allah forgives people who pray
    3. Allah accepts dual made by people
    4. Allah punished the enemies of Islam
  7. Aisha was asked to mention obligations to relatives. Which one was wrong?
    1. Help them when they are poor
    2. Point openly their weakness
    3. Give them presents
    4. Visit them time to time
  8. _________________was the Khalifa of Allah on earth.
    1. Idris
    2. Jibril
    3. Adam
    4. Ayub
  9. The main reason why Qabil killed Habil was
    1. competition
    2. jealousy
    3. rudeness
    4. carelessness
  10. Why did the Quraish want to kill the prophet? (p.b.u.h)
    1. He was becoming famous
    2. He was fighting them
    3. He introduced Islam
    4. He had many followers



  1. B
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. A
  6. D
  7. A
  8. B
  9. B
  10. D
  11. A
  12. D
  13. B
  14. B
  15. D


  1. C
  2. C
  3. A
  4. A
  5. B
  6. C
  7. B
  8. B
  9. A
  10. B


  1. D
  2. C
  3. C
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. C
  10. D
  11. B
  12. C
  13. A
  14. D
  15. B


  1. D
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. B
  7. C
  8. B
  9. B
  10. B


  1. C
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. C
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. B
  10. C


  1. Which one of the following is not an element of art?
    1. Colour
    2. Texture
    3. Value
    4. Form
  2. Evelyn decorated her pencil drawn picture on a manila paper by smearing and rubbing. Which picture making technique did she use? 
    1. Crayon etching
    2. Smudging
    3. Colouring
    4. Painting
  3. In a still life drawing, why are some parts of an object not seen at all?
    1. They are in the direction of the source of light
    2. They are overlapped by other objects in the composition
    3. They are too small to be seen
    4. They are black in colour
  4. Why is proportion important when drawing human forms?
    1. To achieve a realistic picture
    2. To create a balanced drawing
    3. To include all features of a human form
    4. To ensure some parts overlap on others
  5. Crayon etching is _____________________________
    1. using crayons to colour hand drawn pictures
    2. making crayons using locally sustainable materials
    3. applying black Indian ink on a surface covered by wax crayons
    4. creating pictures on a crayon waxed surface using a sharp object
  6. The image below was created by shading it while putting different pressures on the medium, such as a pencil or charcoal, against the drawing surface. It is called a ______________________________
    1. colour strip 
    2. gradation strip
    3. painted strip
    4. shaded strip
  7. The picture shows a montage. Which of the following materials cannot be used as a mounting surface when creating it
    1. Stiff paper
    2. Light paper
    3. Cardboard
    4. Carton box
  8. The glue used to paste or mount artworks on a surface can locally be obtained from all of the following except ________________
    1. jacaranda tree
    2. eucalyptus tree
    3. wattle tree
    4. euphorbia tree
  9. Small animals such as buffalos, cattle and camels give us ____________________ for making leather items.
    1. skins
    2. hides
    3. fur
    4. horns
  10. We can obtain weaving materials from the following plants in the locality except _______________________
    1. Sisal plants
    2. Banana plants
    3. Coconut leaves
    4. Wattle trees
  11. The parts labeled A and B are ___________________ and ___________________ respectively 
    1. warps and wefts
    2. twines and strings
    3. strings and fibres
    4. wefts and warps
  12. The following are examples of items that can be made by weaving except ______________
    1. table mats
    2. storage baskets
    3. carrier bags
    4. baby's clothes
  13. What is the name of the process of cutting long, thin straps of leather for binding leather?
    1. Thonging
    2. Stripping
    3. Cutting
    4. Shaping
  14. What is the meaning of the pinch technique of modeling in pottery?
    1. Using slabs to make a pottery item
    2. Using the thumb and fingers to model clay items
    3. Using coils to make a clay item
    4. Making items using clay pebbles
  15. Pots made using the pinch technique can be decorated in the following ways except by ___________________.
    1. stamping
    2. scratching
    3. incising
    4. beading


  1. Which one of the following is a short sound?
    1. taa
    2. ta-te
    3. umbrella
    4. how
  2. Which syllable is higher than fa?
    1. re
    2. mi
    3. so
    4. do
  3. What is pitch?
    1. highness or lowness of sound 
    2. the sequence of notes in music
    3. the fastness or slowness of music
    4. the highness or softness of music
  4. Which one of the following is not a prop?
    1. Drum
    2. Fly whisk
    3. Stick
    4. Shield
  5. The first three sol-fa notes are?
    1. m, f, s
    2. d, r, m
    3. r,m,f
    4. d, r, f
  6. Which one is not an element of dance?
    1. Space
    2. Time
    3. Movements
    4. Energy
  7. Which one below is not an element of music performance?
    1. Dynamics
    2. Articulation
    3. Pitch
    4. Dance
  8. Which sol-fa syllable is represented by the following hand sign?
    1.  re
    2. mi
    3. fa
    4. do
  9. Melodic instruments are types of instruments that
    1. Produce different types of pitch
    2. Can be cleaned
    3. Do not produce different types of pitch
    4. Can be shared
  10. A person who plays a musical instrument is called _______________________
    1. Audience
    2. Instrumentalist
    3. A vocalist
    4. A soloist


  1. North, East, West and South are the main points of a _________________________
    1. Compass
    2. Direction
    3. County
    4. School
  2. Study the map below and answer the questions that follow.
    Mwema Area is to the _______________________ of Pendo Area while Amani is to the ____________________ of pendo Area.
    1. North, South
    2. West, South
    3. South, West
    4. East, North
  3. An area in a country that has its own government is known as _________________ while an administrative unit within a county is called ____________________
    1. Kenya, county
    2. Country, county
    3. County, sub-county
    4. School, children's government
  4. Tom and Jerry were excited to be going to the village to visit their grandparents. They saw the following beautiful things in the county. Which one of them is not a physical feature?
  5. The following wheel shows months during which different seasons are experienced in Manu's county. Study the wheel and answer the questions that follow.
    During which months does Manu's county have the rainy season?
    1. June, July and February
    2. May, June, August and January
    3. November, March, December and April 
    4. September and October
  6. The _____________________ shown below is found in ___________________City County. It reminds us of the famous person in our country.
    1. Cultural centre, Nakuru
    2. Monument, Nairobi
    3. Museum, Mombasa
    4. Monument, Kisumu
  7. Why are the people shown below working together?
    1. To take care of the environment.
    2. To provide security.
    3. To raise money to educate children.
    4. To provide knowledge to the learners.
  8. Which of the following areas is densely populated?
  9. The dots are not arranged in any order. The pattern of population where houses seem to be built without following any order is called______________________.
    1. Linear pattern
    2. Scattered pattern
    3. Clustered pattern
    4. Nucleated pattern
  10. The way of life of different communities is known as culture. Our culture can be seen through the following except.
    1. Food, festivities
    2. Dress, games and sports
    3. Houses, artefacts
    4. Water, bee hives
  11. Bidii Primary School wrote the following short statement about its aims and beliefs.
    Hard work pays
    It has the following importance to the learners except?
    1. Guides the behaviour of learners.
    2. Reminds learners to be good examples to others.
    3. Does not remind learners what to do to perform well.
    4. It encourages positives values such as discipline.
  12. Toliani was given assignment to find out the ways of protecting resources and using them well. He found out the following ways. Which one is not correct?
    1. We should keep our water sources clean.
    2. No planting of new trees when we cut old ones.
    3. We should add manure and plant cover crops.
    4. We should keep wild animals from poachers.
  13. Owiro is a fisherman who lives near Lake Victoria. He sells his fish on wholesale and pays tax to the county government. Which of the following is not importance of such economic activities in the county?
    1. It is a source of food.
    2. Money from tax is used to provide street lighting.
    3. People pollute water.
    4. They provide employment to people in the county.
  14. Which type of trade is carried out in the picture shown below?
    1. Currency trade
    2. Modern trade
    3. Barter trade
    4. Business
  15. After research, Lukayo found out the following right ways of doing trade. Which of them is not true?
    1. Trade is carried with the set laws.
    2. Traders should be honest when trading.
    3. Goods and services of high quality should be provided.
    4. Traders should ask for too much money.


  1. The following statements are true about what the Bible says on respecting our parents. Which one is not?
    1. It is the right thing to do
    2. It is the first commandment that has a promise
    3. Those that do so will live ling in the land D. It comes as a burden
  2. Which of the following statements best describes a family?
    1. A group of people related by blood and marriage
    2. People that live in the same house
    3. Members of a community that help each other
    4. A group of people that share items
  3. Select from the following books one that is found in the New Testament.
    1. Psalms
    2. Ruth
    3. Esther
    4. Romans
  4. How many books are in the Bible?
    1. 366
    2. 66
    3. 39
    4. 27
  5. Which of the following is not an importance of reading the Bible?
    1. Helps us do what is right
    2. Guides us on how to love God and others
    3. Teaches us how to revenge
    4. Teaches us on how to relate with others
  6. How many times did Balaam beat his donkey before it spoke?
    1. 3
    2. 6
    3. 1
    4. 2
  7. Which angel announced the birth of Jesus Christ?
    1. Micah
    2. Michael
    3. Raphael
    4. Gabriel
  8. God created everything on earth. This shows that God is _____________________
    1. God is good
    2. God is faithful
    3. God is the creator
    4. God is the provider
  9. Karen does not take care of her books. She even forgets some of her books and other personal items at school when she is going home.Which quality does Karen lack?
    1. Trust
    2. Responsibility
    3. Respect
    4. Love
  10. The sister to your mother is your ______________________
    1. Niece
    2. Sister-in-law
    3. Aunt
    4. Sister


  1. ______________________ was the king of Yemen who wanted to destroy the Kaabah.
    1. Fir-aun
    2. Qaarun
    3. Abraha
    4. Nimrud
  2. Complete the hadith: A muslim is a __________________ to another muslim.
    1. friend
    2. brother
    3. family
    4. enemy
  3. Which one of the following act does not indicate kindness?
    1. Beating a black cat
    2. Talking politely
    3. Assisting the needy
    4. Avoid playing loud music
  4. ______________________ is the pillar of Islam.
    1. Zakat
    2. Hajj
    3. Ramadhan
    4. Swalah
  5. Musa cheated in examination by copying from a textbook.Which hadith can be used to teach him on importance of the truth?
    1. Allah loves kindness in everything one does
    2. Allah is gentle and He loves kindness
    3. Tell the truth even if it is bitter
    4. Cursed is he who urinates or pass stool on a pathway
  6. Heavy najis can be removed by ____________________
    1. sprinkling water
    2. washing the affected part to remove smell and colour
    3. washing with warm water and soap
    4. washing seven times, enough to remove the najis
  7. Which of the following is not an example of hadathal akbar?
    1. stool
    2. heidh
    3. nifaas
    4. manii
  8. ______________________ means cleanliness.
    1. Taqwa
    2. Ihsan
    3. Iman
    4. Twahara
  9. Three of the following are reasons for Tayammum except one. Which one is it?
    1. Water is unavailable
    2. Water is harmful to the body
    3. Water is very cold
    4. Water is expensive
  10. It is true to say that
    1. things which spoil wudhu spoil tayammum
    2. Sleeping does not nullify wudhu
    3. Wudhu is washing the whole body
    4. Fainting does not spoil wudhu



  1. A
  2. B
  3. B
  4. D
  5. D
  6. B
  7. B
  8. A
  9. A
  10. D
  11. D
  12. D
  13. A
  14. B
  15. D


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. A
  5. B
  6. C
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. C
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. C
  11. C
  12. B
  13. C
  14. A
  15. D


  1. D
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
  6. A
  7. D
  8. C
  9. B
  10. C


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. A



  1. The following are factors to consider when drawing forms except.
    1. size
    2. balance
    3. proportion
    4. space

Use the following picture to answer questions 2 and 3.

2 afdada

  1. The shading technique shown in the picture is called
    1. stippling
    2. smudging
    3. cross hatching
    4. crayon etching
  2. How can one create dark effect on a form when shading as shown in the picture!
    1. By using many dots
    2. By evenly spacing the dots
    3. By using fewer dots
    4. By not using dots at all
  3. What is imaginative drawing?
    1. Drawing an object you have not seen before
    2. Drawing an object from memory
    3. Drawing an object from observation
    4. Drawing a still life object
  4. What is the other name for tertiary colours?
    1. Intermediate colours
    2. Mixed colours
    3. Compound colours
    4. Complementary colours
  5. How are different tones in a painting created?
    1. Using the same colour of paint uniformly
    2. Varying the shades of paint between dark and light
    3. Applying different types of paint in a drawing
    4. Using different colours to decorate an artwork
  6. One can create a montage composition based on the theme of wild animals for self-expression using pictures obtained from the following sources except
    1. old magazines
    2. newspapers
    3. calendars
    4. new books
  7. Which one of the following is not a factor to consider when making items using the coil technique?
    1. Uniformity of coils
    2. Craftsmanship
    3. Consistent tension
    4. Colour
  8. Large animals such as buffalos, cattle and camels give us ......................... for making leather items.
    1. hair
    2. hides
    3. horns
    4. hooves
  9. Using coloured beads to make an item more colourful and attractive is called
    1. gluing and stitching technique
    2. coil technique
    3. thonging technique
    4. beading technique
  10. Which of the following line patterns is not used to decorate leather items?
    1. Zig zag pattern
    2. Wavy pattern
    3. Straight pattern
    4. Oval pattern
  11. Which one of the following is not a technique used in pottery?
    1. Coil technique
    2. Slab technique
    3. Carving technique
    4. Pinch technique
  12. Clay glue used to stick slabs together is called
    1. grog 
    2. mud
    3. slip
    4. adhesive
  13. Modelled clay items can be decorated by
    1. embedding and piercing 
    2. beading and incising
    3. embossing and embellishing
    4. texturing and smoothing
  14. Which one of the above is correctly matched with the name?
    15 ahgdgada


  1. The moment of silence in music is called
    1. Semibreve.
    2. rest
    3. Sol-fa.
    4. Harmony
  2. What is structure in music?
    1. The highness or lowness of the music.
    2. Put something together.
    3. A series of notes played in an order that is memorable.
    4. The arrangement and order of the sections of the music.
  3. Which notes are found in the scale of C major?
    1. G-A-B-C-D-E-F-G
    2. C-E-F-G-A-B-G-C
    3. C-E-F-G-A-B-F-C
    4. C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C
  4. The following are instruments matched with the community it originates from. Which one is not correct?
          Instrument        Community
    1. Wandindi            Kikuyu
    2. Adeudeu            Kisii
    3. Orutu                 Luo
    4. Shiriri                 Luhya
  5. Which of the following has a note symbol?
    20 auygdada
  6. What is an Art song?
    1. A song normally played during an art lesson.
    2. A Western song usually written for one voice with piano accompaniment.
    3. Sacred composition intended for worship.
    4. A song sung when looking at a piece of Art.
  7. What is the rest symbol for a dotted minim?
    22 atfdada
  8. What is the name of the following note d
    1. Minim
    2. Semibreve
    3. Dotted minim
    4. Quaver
  9. Which of the following is a rest symbol?
    24 afdada
  10. Controlling your breath during singing of a phrase in music is called
    1. .Articulation
    2. Phrasing
    3. Singing
    4. Punctuation


  1. The following are landlocked countries.
    Which one is not correct?
    1. Burundi
    2. Ethiopia
    3. Uganda
    4. Kenya

Study the map below and answer the questions 27 and 28.

27 agfdgada

  1. Describe the position of Djibouti in relation to the neighbouring countries.
    1. It neighbours Ethiopia to the West and Eritrea to the North.
    2. It neighbours Indian Ocean to the East. 
    3. It neighbours Uganda to the South.
    4. It neighbours Sudan to the East. 
  2. Describe the position of Somalia in relation to the neighbouring water body
    1. Neighbours Ethiopia to the West and Eritrea to the North.
    2. Neighbours Indian Ocean to the East. 
    3. Neighbours Lake Victoria to the South. 
    4. Neighbours River Nile to the East. 
  3. Kitharimo was asked to state the differences between the latitudes and longitudes. He wrote the following information. Which one is not correct?
    1. Longitudes run from North to South. 
    2. Latitudes run from West to East. 
    3. Longitudes influence time. 
    4. Latitudes do not influence time.
  4. Study the map below and describe the position of Eastern Africa longitudes and latitudes.
    30 aygdada
    1. Latitudes 23° N and 12° S, longitudes 22° E and 51° E.
    2. Latitudes 13° N and 12° E, longitudes 12o E and 41° E.
    3. Latitudes 33° N and 42° E, longitudes 32° E and 61° E.
    4. Latitudes 13° N and 22° E, longitudes 12o E and 51° E.
  5. The following are ways of supporting unity of Eastern Africa. Which one is not true?
    1. Supporting the East African Community 
    2. Singing patriotic songs about EAC. 
    3. Speaking Kiswahili.
    4. Closing borders.
  6. Munyaka listed the following reasons why some lakes in the Rift Valley are salty. Which one is not correct?
    1. They do not have an outlet.
    2. They experience high rate of evaporation.
    3. They do not evaporate.
    4. They have salty underlying rocks.

      Study the feature follow and answer question 33.
      33 aytdada
  7. What is the name of the main physical feature formed through the process shown above?
    1. Block mountain
    2. Tarn lake
    3. Volcano mountain
    4. Rift Valley
  8. Eastern Africa has only two lakes that are formed through down warping. Which of the following is true!
    1. Magadi and Albert 
    2. Lake Tana and Kivu
    3. Lake Victoria and Kyoga
    4. Lake Rukwa and Eyasi
  9. Maggie researched on ways in which desert and semi desert climate influence human activities. She listed the following activities. Which of them is not correct?
    1. Tourism
    2. Poor human settlement 
    3. Pastoralism
    4. Paper manufacturing.
  10. Study the diagram below and answer question that follows.
    36 agfdgada
    Which type of vegetation is shown above!
    1. Swamp vegetation
    2. Savannah vegetation
    3. Equatorial vegetation 
    4. Mountain vegetation
  11. Kathomi listed the following historical buildings that are found in Eastern Africa. Which one is not correct?
    1. Kabaka Royal Palace
    2. St Mary's Cathedral- Rubanga
    3. Early Christian Church-Ethiopia
    4. Meroe pyramids
  12. Which of the following communities are Western Bantus?
    1. Abaluhya, Abasuba
    2. Wataita, Pokomo
    3. Agikuyu,Ameru
    4. Mijikenda, Aembu
  13. How does HIV/AIDS influence population distribution?
    1. It increases population in a given area.
    2. It lowers population in a given area.
    3. It reduces dependence ratio.
    4. It increases fertility rate.
  14. Muthoni visits her grandparents during holiday. She assists them in doing household chores. Which aspect of traditional culture does she promote!
    1. Traditional foods.
    2. Upholding moral values.
    3. Use of elders to settle disputes.
    4. Respect for human life and taking care of the old. 


  1. Philip and Jenny wanted to be united in marriage. They visited a County Commissioner's Office. There was a government official who helped them to carry out the process. Soon after, they signed the marriage certificate. They had two witnesses. Which type of marriage did Philip and Jenny carry out?
    1. Civil marriage
    2. Cultural marriage
    3. Traditional marriage
    4. Religious marriage
  2. Which one of the following children needs to develop a better talent?
    Alison says, 'My talent is drawing.
    Jackson says, Muent is playing chess!
    Miranda says, My talent is sleeping!
    Derek says, 'My talent is drawing pictures!
    1. Alison
    2. Derek
    3. Jackson
    4. Miranda
  3. What do we learn from the King's daughter who rescued Moses?
    1. A family should not take care of their children
    2. We should put small babies in the river
    3. God always protects people from danger
    4. Our elder sisters should bully us
  4. Which of the following shows qualities of a false god?
    1. He answers prayers
    2. He is a provider
    3. He is powerful
    4. He does not listen to our prayers
  5. Which was the original language used to write the Bible?
    1. English
    2. Kiswahili
    3. Hebrew
    4. Greek
  6. Which of these is not a value taught by the King Pharaoh's daughter act of rescuing baby Moses?
    1. Hatred
    2. Compassion
    3. Kindness
    4. Responsibility
  7. Which of these skills is not gained from the Ten Commandments?
    1. Assertiveness
    2. Self-control
    3. Irresponsibility
    4. Decision making
  8. How many prophets of Baal were at the contest on mount Caramel?
    1. 300
    2. 450
    3. 200
    4. 100
  9. God's power helped Samson to defeat
    1. The Philistines
    2. The Galatians
    3. The Israelites
    4. The Egyptians
  10. King Belshazzar helps Christians to realise that
    1. God does not bless humble people
    2. A humble person never apologises to his friends
    3. Proud people give good services to the community 
    4. Humility helps people to relate well with others


  1. The sunnah prayer said before fardh prayers are known as
    1. Baadiya
    2. Witr
    3. Qabliya
    4. Dhuha
  2. The angel of Allah who's responsible for revelation (Wahyi) is
    1. Mikael
    2. Izrael
    3. Israfeel
    4. Jibril
  3. Which one of the following prophets of Allah (SWT) was given the Injeel
    1. Issa
    2. Musa
    3. Daud
    4. Mohammed
  4. Taqwa means
    1. Praising Allah
    2. Enjoying good
    3. Fear of Allah
    4. Reliance on Allah
  5. The belief in the last day is one of the pillars of
    1. Islam
    2. Iman
    3. Ihsan
    4. Salat
  6. Which was the first battle fought by Muslims?
    1. Badr
    2. Uhud
    3. Khandaq
    4. Hunain
  7. When a Muslim sneezes it is good for him or her to say
    1. Subhanallah
    2. Yarahamkallah
    3. Alahamdulillah
    4. Yabii
  8. How did the prophet (SAW) treat the Prisoners of war?
    1. Harshly
    2. Roughly
    3. Kindly
    4. Carelessly
  9. The first rite performed for a newborn baby is
    1. Aqiqah
    2. Adhan
    3. Naming
    4. Circumcision
  10. According to the hadith of the prophet (PBUH) a sign of a hypocrite is
    1. Betraying of trust
    2. Having doubts in Allah (SWT) 
    3. Performing acts of worship 
    4. Neglecting swala


creative arts



  1. Which one of the following is not an element of art?
    1. Line
    2. Texture
    3. Colour
    4. Form
  2. The shading technique used in the picture below is called _____________________
    1. crayon etching
    2. stippling technique
    3. smudging technique
    4. cross hatching
  3. Which one of the following is not required when making crayons from locally available materials?
    1. Bee wax
    2. Moulding paper
    3. Colour pigments
    4. Water paints 
  4. The following materials can be used to scratch off ink or paint in crayon etching except a ______________
    1. nail
    2. toothpick
    3. pointed pen
    4. soft cloth
  5. _________________________is the process of using paint or ink to make a picture.
    1. Weaving
    2. Stitching
    3. Colouring
    4. Painting
  6. Which one of the following is not suitable textured material for making a collage artwork?
    1. Sand grains
    2. Grass cuttings
    3. Small sized leaves
    4. Broken glass
  7. When making a collage artwork, adhesives are used for _________________________.
    1. decoration
    2. mounting
    3. sticking or pasting 
    4. colouring 
  8. Mixing yellow and blue colours in equal proportion results in _____________ colour. 
    1. purple
    2. green
    3. yellow
    4. orange
  9. Which one of the following statements is not true?
    1. Mixing two primary colours results in a secondary colour
    2. We mix primary and secondary colours to create a tertiary colour
    3. There are four primary colours
    4. Mixing red and orange creates a red- orange colour
  10. Which one of the following is a source of natural fibres used in weaving?
    1. Banana fibres
    2. Polythene fibres
    3. Old clothes
    4. Acrylic fibres
  11. Interlacing a set of vertical threads (warps) with horizontal threads (wefts) is called _______________
    1. painting
    2. Weaving
    3. drawing
    4. basketry
  12. Alpha made a pencil case from recycled leather. Which would be the best way for him to decorate it?
    1. Beading 
    2. Painting
    3. Weaving
    4. Carving
  13. Which tool is required to make holes on leather to enable a person join different pieces with thongs?
    1. Leather punch
    2. Pliers
    3. Carving knife
    4. Adze
  14. Which of the following is not a way in which stiff weaving materials can be prepared for weaving?
    1. Stripping
    2. Cutting
    3. Shredding
    4. Coiling
  15. The following picture shows the ______________________technique in pottery.
    1. slab
    2. coil
    3. pinch
    4. modelling


  1. Which of the following is not an element of folk dance?
    1. Body adornment
    2. Ornaments
    3. Costumes
    4. Message
  2. Who are considered participants in a folk dance?
    1. Soloist
    2. Dancers
    3. Audience
    4. Instrumentalist
  3. How do people express themselves when singing?
    1. By sleeping
    2. By whistling
    3. By using facial expressions
    4. By singing
  4. Which one is an importance of a folk song?
    1. They cause problems.
    2. They bring people together
    3. They make people sad
    4. They do not communicate the culture
  5. Which one is not an example of an African wind instrument?
    1. Abu
    2. Coro
    3. Trumpet
    4. Bungó
  6. How many holes does the instrument below have? 
    1. 7
    2. 6
    3. 3
    4. 8
  7. Which one is not part of a wind instrument?
    1. Pitch holes
    2. Strings
    3. Mouth piece
    4. Neck
  8. What is the name of the note Screenshot 2023 04 25 at 14.06.27?
    1. Semibreve
    2. Quaver
    3. Minim
    4. Crotchet
  9. What is the rest symbol for a minim 
  10. What is the note value for a crotchet? 
    1. 1/2 
    2. 1/4 
    3. 1
    4. 1/8


  1. Map interpretation means giving ______________________ to the features and symbols used on a map.
    1. meaning
    2. elements
    3. reading
    4. interpretation
  2. Communication is represented on a map by use of ________________________.
    1. Quarry
    2. Telephone mast
    3. Police post
    4. Market
  3. Kenya is surrounded by neighbouring countries. It is surrounded by Uganda to the ___________________.
    1. East
    2. West
    3. North
    4. South
  4. Who represents Kenya in other countries to promote good relations?
    1. Member of Parliament
    2. President
    3. Ambassador
    4. Cabinet secretary
  5. Which drainage feature is labelled X on the map below?
    1. Lake Turkana
    2. Lotikipi swamp
    3. Lake Bogoria
    4. Lake Magadi
  6. The people of Kwale, Taita and Taita areas receive rainfall of not above 1000mm per annum. Name the climatic region that covers these regions.
    1. Desert climate
    2. Tropical climate
    3. Mountain climate
    4. Modified equatorial climate
  7. The historical building shown below is located in _________________.
    1. Nairobi
    2. Mombasa
    3. Nakuru
    4. Meru
  8. Nilotes are believed to have originated from ____________while Bantus originated from ____________
    1. Ethiopia, Kenya 
    2. Horn of Africa
    3. Barh-el-Ghazal, Congo forest
    4. Somalia, Sudan
  9. Chalbi desert is _________________populated.
    1. sparsely
    2. densely
    3. nucleated
    4. clustered
  10. The following are methods of instruction used in African traditional education except.
    1. Stories and narratives
    2. Apprenticeship
    3. Ceremonies
    4. Vising the sick
  11. Barry has been elected in school as the president. Which of the following is not one of his duties to perform?
    1. Provide feedback to the administration concerning student affairs.
    2. He is a role model to other learners.
    3. Does not link learners with administration.
    4. Supervises school activities.
  12. Identify the duty that the teacher is performing as shown below.
    1. Teaching learners.
    2. Preparing a school time table.
    3. Admitting new learners.
    4. Recording minutes of the staff meeting.
  13. Most of the desks in Tusome Primary School need to be repaired. Who is in charge of repair and maintenance of school property?
    1. Senior teacher 
    2. Head teacher
    3. School clerk 
    4. Class teacher
  14. Children are expected to portray the following values except
    1. Hard work
    2. Honesty
    3. Disrespect
    4. Patience
  15. Marriage ceremonies help communities to bring ___________________.
    1. Knowledge
    2. Peace and unity
    3. Bride prize
    4. Favouritism


  1. Who were the first people to be created by God?
    1. Abraham and Sarah
    2. Adam and Eve
    3. Moses and Miriam
    4. Jacob and Leah
  2. Which sin did the first human beings commit?
    1. Adultery
    2. Disobedience
    3. Murder
    4. Stealing
  3. Which of the following activities promotes family unity?
    1. Praying together
    2. Burdening one person with house chores.
    3. Holding grudges when conflicts occur
    4. Not correcting one another when we are wrong
  4. Which of these values can we use to nurture our talents and abilities?
    1. Laziness
    2. Fear
    3. Honesty
    4. Irresponsibility
  5. Which of the following is a way of obeying rules
    1. Destroying the environment
    2. Saving water
    3. Leaving lights on
    4. Being disorderly in school.
  6. Which of the following activities does not show good stewardship?
    1. Planting trees in the community
    2. Polluting rivers in the community
    3. Taking care of domestic animals
    4. Collecting litter from the environment
  7. Which of these values is not taught by the parable of the talents?
    1. Loyalty
    2. Disobedience
    3. Respect
    4. Responsibility
  8. Which one of the following is not true about  a Christian marriage?
    1. Bride price is paid
    2. It is for company
    3. It is permanent
    4. Divorce is allowed
  9. Which of these values can we learn from the fall of human beings?
    1. Laziness
    2. Fear
    3. Obedience
    4. Irresponsibility
  10. Which of the following is not a cause of child labour?
    1. Poverty
    2. Death of parent or guardian
    3. Wealth
    4. Irresponsible parents


  1. Iddul-fitr comes after the month of __________________________
    1. Ramadhan
    2. Shawwal
    3. Rajab
    4. Muharram
  2. Urine of a baby who is less than two years is __________________.
    1. Muhaffafah
    2. Mughalladhah
    3. Mutawasit
    4. Hadath
  3. Allah (SWT) created us so that we may ______________________.
    1. Become rich
    2. Enjoy life
    3. Worship Him
    4. Obey parents
  4. Astaghfirullah' is said when a msuslim
    1. Sneezes loudly
    2. Wakes from sleep
    3. Visits the toilet
    4. Ask for forgiveness
  5. The journey of the prophet (OPBUH) to Madinah was called ___________________
    1. Miraj
    2. B.Hijra
    3. ls-ra
    4. Muhajirun
  6. Which of the following is common among Muslims?
    1. Food
    2. Quran
    3. Colour
    4. Names
  7. One of the follwoing words is not in suratul Takathur. Which one?
    1. Faumuhu
    2. Naiim
    3. Maqaabir
    4. Al-yaqiin
  8. The old name for Madina is
    1. Misr
    2. Sham
    3. Makkah
    4. Yathrib
  9. Fasting is like a ________________
    1. Sword
    2. Spear
    3. Shield
    4. Prayer
  10. The night of power is called 
    1. Lailatul Miraj
    2. Lailatul Qadr
    3. Lailatul Noor
    4. Lailatul Isra



  1. C
  2. D
  3. D
  4. D
  5. D
  6. D
  7. C
  8. B
  9. C
  10. A
  11. B
  12. A
  13. A
  14. D
  15. B


  1. D
  2. C
  3. C
  4. B
  5. C
  6. A
  7. B
  8. A
  9. D
  10. B


  1. A
  2. B
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. B
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. D
  11. C
  12. A
  13. B
  14. C
  15. B


  1. B
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. B
  7. B
  8. D
  9. C
  10. C


  1. C
  2. D
  3. B
  4. D
  5. B
  6. A
  7. A
  8. A
  9. B
  10. D