Tuesday, 26 April 2022 12:58

IRE Homework Activities - CBC Grade 4

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  1. Which is the first Surah of the Qur'an .............................................................................
  2. What is the other name of Surah fatiha .............................................................................
  3. What is the meaning of Falaq .............................................................................
  4. Who are the Kafirun .............................................................................
  5. Which Surah will you recite when asking for protection from Allah .............................................................................
  6. Fatiha means? .............................................................................
  7. Which is the last Surah to be revealed .............................................................................
  8. Write two lessons you learn from Surah Al -Falaq
    1. .............................................................................
    2. .............................................................................
  9. Ummul Qur'an mean .............................................................................
  10. Write two lessons learnt from surah Al- ikhlas
    1. .............................................................................
    2. .............................................................................
  11. The oneness of Allah (SAW) is known as ....................................................................
    1. Salat 
    2. Taqwa
    3. Tawhid
    4. Ihsaarn
  12. Hijjra from Mecah to Madinah took place in the month of ....................................................................
    1. Dhul-Hikka
    2. Dhul-Qaada
    3. Muharrant
    4. Ramadhan
  13. Which prayer cannot be shortened? ....................................................................
    1. Isha and Fajr
    2. Fajr and Maghrib
    3. Asr and maghrib
    4. Dhuhr and Asr
  14. The Quran was first revealed in the month of ....................................................................
    1. Ramadhan
    2. Rajab
    3. Dhul Hijja
    4. Dhul-Qaulal
  15. Which Surah is not named after time? ....................................................................
    1. Lail
    2. Fajr
    3. Asr
    4. Alaq


  1. What is Hadith ....................................................................
  2. What is Miswaak ....................................................................
  3. We say .................................................................... before eating told  ....................................................................after eating food.
  4. Wastage of food is referred as ..........................................................
  5. Which hand is one suppose to eat with ..........................................................
  6. If you forget to say Bismillah before eating. What should you say when you remember ..........................................................
  7. Write two etiquette on eating as taught by the prophet (S.A W)
    1. ..........................................................
    2. ..........................................................
  8. Name two items you use while brushing your mouth
    1. ..........................................................
    2. ..........................................................
  9. Write a reasons why we brush teeth ..........................................................
  10. Write three Hadith recommended by Islam
    1. ..........................................................
    2. ..........................................................
  11. According to the hadith of the prophet Muslim are like a single? ..........................................................
    1. Unit
    2. Building
    3. Person
    4. Group to animals
  12. Muslims should be ..........................................................
    1. Unkind
    2. Hostile
    3. Kind
    4. Harsh
  13. Which among the following is an Islamic way of eating?
    1. Eat with your left hand
    2. Eat what is far from you
    3. Eat while your mouth is closed
    4. Eating while walking


  1. Ar - rahman means ..........................................................
  2. Allah is most merciful . We say ..........................................................
  3. We ask Allah (S.W.T) to show us his grace and kindness by saying ..........................................................
  4. Al Malik means that Allah is ..........................................................
  5. The beautiful names of Allah (SWT)are called ..........................................................
  6. Allah (SWT) is seeing everything open and hidden is ..........................................................
  7. ..........................................................are creations of Allah from light (Nur)
  8. Who named all creation of Allah ..........................................................
  9. Which Angels failed to bow before prophet Adam after being commanded by Allah ..........................................................
  10. The duty of angel Jibril is ..........................................................
  11. There are two guardian angels name them
    1. ..........................................................
    2. ..........................................................
  12. Which guardian angel recorded good deeds ..........................................................
  13. Which angel is in charge of Rain ..........................................................
  14. Which angel removes the soul of living things by the power of Allah ..........................................................
  15. Which is the second pillar of Iman ..........................................................


  1. Things we do to worship Allah (SWT) are referred as ..........................................................
  2. Twahara is an Arabic word that mean ..........................................................
  3. Thing that makes our bodies and environment impure are ..........................................................
  4. Najasaat are classified according to their ..........................................................
  5. The blood, pus, urine and stool are which type of Najasaatul ..........................................................
  6. The urine of two year old child who is only breast feeding is known as to have which impurity ..........................................................
  7. Heavy najasaat is also known as ..........................................................
  8. Mention two things that bring heavy impurities 
    1. ..........................................................
    2. ..........................................................
  9. Which items are required to clean
    1. Mukhaffafa (light Impurty ) ..........................................................
    2. Mutawassitah (medium Impurity) ..........................................................
    3. Mughalladha(heavy impurity) ..........................................................
  10. How many times is a utensil supposed to be washed is a dog drank from it ..........................................................
  11. Najasaat (Impurities) prevent us to perform ..........................................................
  12. Why must muslim perform wudhu ..........................................................
  13. A muslim must pray how many times a day ..........................................................
  14. Write three conditions for Swalah
    1. ..........................................................
    2. ..........................................................
    3. ..........................................................
  15. There are .......................................................... pillars of swalah and .......................................................... postures.


  1. ..........................................................is an Arabic word that means good morals
  2. Doing what is right and avoiding wrong doing is good ..........................................................
  3. Which living thing was created by Allah as Khalifa of the earth ..........................................................
  4. Name four plants created by Allah (SWT)
    1. ..........................................................
    2. ..........................................................
    3. ..........................................................
    4. ..........................................................
  5. Write three ways of showing kindness to Allah creatures
    1. ..........................................................
    2. ..........................................................
    3. ..........................................................
  6. Mistreating Allah's creature is ..........................................................
  7. Write three importance's of Allah creature
    1.  ..........................................................
    2. ..........................................................
    3. ..........................................................
  8. Aura is? ..........................................................
  9. Which part of an Islamic woman can be seen after good dressing .......................................................... and ..........................................................
  10. Islamic women wear ..........................................................to cover their head.
  11. A man is forbidden from wearing clothing made of .......................................................... and ..........................................................
  12. When wearing a new clothe one should recite? ..........................................................
  13. Whoever wears clothes of opposite sex is .......................................................... by Allah.
  14. Why is begging discouraged in Islam;
    1. ..........................................................
    2. ..........................................................
    3. ..........................................................
  15. Give two uses of digital devices
    1. ..........................................................
    2. ..........................................................
    3. ..........................................................
  16. List three digital devices
    1. ..........................................................
    2. ..........................................................
    3. ..........................................................


  1. Surah Al-fatiha
  2. Sabaul mathani
  3. Dawn or early morning
  4. The disbelievers
  5. Sural Al-falaq
  6. The opening
  7. Surah An-Nasr
    1. Allah dislikes envy and Jealous
    2. Allah dislikes Witchcraft
    3. Allah protect his people
  9. The mother of Qur'an 
    1. Muslim MUST worship one God
    2. Nothing is comparable to Allah
  11. A
  12. B
  13. A
  14. A
  15. D


  1. Moral teuching of the prophet
  2. Stick used in brushing teeth
  3. Bismillah, Alhamdulillah 
  4. Israaf
  5. Right hand
  6. Bismillah awwalalu wa akhirahu
    1. Mention the name allah before eating
    2. Eat what is directly infront of you
    3. Parise Allah after eating
  8. toothbrush, tooth paste and clean water
  9. Its hygienic it way of purifying our mouth
    1. etiquette of eating
    2. be generous
    3. do exercise
    4. brushing teeth 
  11. C
  12. C

Pillar of Iman

  1. Most gracious
  2. Ar - rahim 
  3. Ar-rahman
  4. The owner of everything
  5. Asmaul Husna
  6. Al- Basir 
  7. Angels
  8. Prophet Adam 
  9. Iblis
  10. Revelation
  11. Raqib and Atid
  12. Angel ragid
  13. Mikail
  14. Israil Belief in angels

Devotional Acts

  1. Devotional act
  2. Purity
  3. Najasaat
  4. Weight
  5. Medium Impurity (matawansitah)
  6. Light impurity
  7. Najasaatul mughaladha
    1. pig and its products
    2. Urine of a dog 
    1. water and soap
    2. Water, sand and soap 
  10. Seven times
  11. Ibadah
  12. To make them clean 
  13. Five times a day
    1. must be a muslim
    2. must be sane
    3. must be mature 
    4. must cover private part . 
  15. fourteen, five

Akhlaq (moral values)

  1. Akhlaq
  2. Virtues
  3. Human being
  4. Mango, tea, maize, banana, orange
    1. Feeding them
    2. watering them
    3. treating
    4. housing them
  6. Halam
    1. carry load for us
    2. we get meat and me from them
    3. attract tourist
    4. Get shoes from their skin
  8. Part of the body that thing must be covered
  9. Face and palm 
  10. Hijab 
  11. Silk and gold 
  12. Dua 
  13. Cursed
    1. bring disrespect
    2. make people lazy
    3. encourage lies
    1. to send messages
    2. to communicate 
  16. Radio Television tablet, Mobile phone, computer.
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