Tuesday, 26 April 2022 12:58

Art and Craft Homework Activities - CBC Grade 4

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Exercise 1
Week one Wednesday

  1. Which methods can be used to decorate modeled clay articles? ..................................................................
  2. The technique of Picture making which involver cutting and pasting different pictures together to make a pictorial composition is called drawing ..................................................................
  3. Drawing objects when looking at them is referred to as ..................................................................
  4. The smearing of colour onto a surface is called ..................................................................
  5. What material can we use to create different tones in drawing?
    1. ..................................................................
    2. ..................................................................
    3. ..................................................................
    4. ..................................................................
  6. Use a pencil to colour the following
    1 augduya
  7. The change of tone from either dark to light or from light to dark is called ..................................................................(toning, gradation, smudging)
  8. Name four examples of dry media that can be used to create a value gradation strip 
    1. ..................................................................
    2. ..................................................................
    3. ..................................................................
    4. ..................................................................
  9. Name three materials which are used to shade using smudge technique
    1. ..................................................................
    2. ..................................................................
    3. ..................................................................
  10. The areas that appear dark are those parts hidden from ..................................................................
  11. Draw and colour or shade the following from a memory 






     A jug with half full of water  A goat eating grass
  12. Which colour is used to show the following
    1. plants ..................................................................
    2. Night ..................................................................
    3. Blood ..................................................................
    4. Water ..................................................................
    5. Sun ..................................................................

Exercise 2
Week Two Wednesday

  1. Create a tonal variation strip in the boxes below by shading using a pencil
  2. Use smudging technique to show dark and light area in the still life composition shown below
    2 quygdyugada
  3. Drawing objects when looking at them is called ..................................................................
    (drawing from memory, drawing from observation, drawing from imagination)
  4. Which one of the materials below is not needed when drawing a still life composition? ..................................................................
    (pencil, paint brush, drawing book, rubber)

Exercise 3
Crayon Etching

  1. Write any 4 materials used for crayon etching
    1. ..................................................................
    2. ..................................................................
    3. ..................................................................
    4. ..................................................................
  2. The best colour of the ink/ paint to use in crayon etching should be ..................................................................(white, black, red)
  3. Why is soap used when applying the paint over the crayon rubbings?..................................................................
  4. Write two tools that you can use for scratching the paint during crayon etching
    1. ..................................................................
    2. ..................................................................
  5.  Make a good pictorial composition of your choice in the space provided below using crayon etching technique.






Exercise 4
Week four Wednesday

  1. The picture making technique that involves cutting and pasting different pictures together to make one pictorial composition is known as ..................................................................
  2. Write four materials required when creating a pictorial composition
    1. ..................................................................
    2. ..................................................................
    3. ..................................................................
    4. ..................................................................
  3. Write the use of the following items when creating a montage pictorial composition
      Item  Use in montage work                       
    3 aiyduad   
    b  4 sigfuysfs  
  4. Activity
    Collect old magazines, books, newspapers and calendars. Cut out pictures of the different foods you like and create a montage composition in a manila piece of paper.

Exercise 5
Week Five Wednesday

  1. What is painting? ..................................................................
    Name there tripes of surfaces on which painting can be done
  2. ..................................................................
  3. ..................................................................
  4. ..................................................................
  5. .................................................................. is a long and narrow piece of paper (brush, strip, cover)
  6. The lightness or darkness of a colour on an object is called Tonal ..................................................................(level, value, amount)
  7. When you add black to another colour, the colour becomes ..................................................................(light, darker, brighter)
  8. Adding white to another colour makes that colour to become ..................................................................


Exercise 1

  1. Embedding, incising, engraving
  2. Montage
  3. Drawing from observation
  4. Painting
    1. crayons
    2. Pencils
    3. charcoal
    4. Pastels
  6. Drawing
  7. Toning 
    1. pastels
    2. crayons
    3. charcoal
    4. pencil
    1. Charcoal
    2. Pencil
    3. Crayons 
  10. Light
  11. Drawing
    1. Green
    2. Black
    3. Red
    4. Blue
    5. Orange

Exercise 2

  1. colouring
  2. Drawing
  3. Drawing from observation
  4. Paint brush

Exercise 3

    1. Wax Crayons
    2. black Indian ink/paint
    3. Scratching tools - toothpick, nail
    4. Paper
  2. Black
  3. To make the paint stick on the surface 
    1. Toothpick
    2. Nail

Exercise 4

  1. Montage
    1. Pencil
    2. Paper
    3. Rubber
    4. Sharpener
  3. Glue - sticking
    Scissors - cutting

Exercise 5

  1. is the art of making a picture by using paint
  2. Paper 
  3. Wooden surface
  4. Cardboard
  5. Surip
  6. Value
  7. Danar
  8. Lighter
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