- Which of the following messages is in upper case lettering?
- the floor is slippery.
- open all the doors.
- Wet paint.
- The type of files with pleats are called
- pleated files.
- partitioned files.
- expandable files.
- expanded files.
- Which one of the following indigenous crafts can be made using pinch technique?
- A leather wallet can be made using
- thonging technique.
- tie and dye technique.
- coiling technique.
- folding technique.
- Which of the following items can be woven?
- drum.
- basket
- pot.
- belt.
- When weaving traditional mats, all the following may be needed except
- a cutting tool.
- reeds.
- strips of fibres.
- cellotape.
- A grade 4 learner collected the following items for picture making:
- Pencil
- Black ink
- Drawing paper
- Wax crayons
- Painting brush
- Tooth pick
Which picture making technique was the learner intending to practise?- Crayon etching.
- Memory drawing.
- Still life composition.
- Smudging
- A teacher placed different fruits on the table instrument? as shown below.She then told her class to draw the fruits.This type of drawing is called
- memory drawing.
- imaginative drawing
- still life drawing
- nutritional drawing
- Study the form below.
In the form above, light and dark effects have been shown using- cross hatching
- smudging technique.
- crayon etching technique.
- shading technique.
- All the following materials may be needed for picture making except
- a pencil.
- a ruler.
- an eraser.
- a rubber band.
- Which of the following lines is found in the second verse of the Kenya National Anthem?
- With hearts both strong and true.
- Build this our nation together.
- Fill every heart with thanksgiving.
- Justice be our shield and defender.
- Into how many groups are percussion instruments divided?
- 4
- 3
- 5
- 2
- Tightening the laces of a drum so as to produce the desired sound is called
- hitting.
- tuning
- sounding
- tying
- The type of songs most likely to be sung in the church is
- patriotic songs.
- action songs.
- sacred songs.
- topical songs.
- Sing the song written below.
"Tunawe mikono ooh
Tuvae barakoa aah
Ili tuwe salama katika jamii yetu ooh"
Which type of song is this?- Topical song
- Folk song
- Patritic song
- Lullaby song
- Which of the following is not a percussion
- Bell
- Marimba
- Guitar
- Kayamba
- Below is a diagram showing a descant recorder.
The part labelled P is the- mouth piece
- foot joint.
- head joint.
- middle joint.
- The process of making body movements when responding to music is called
- vibrating.
- shaking.
- performing.
- dancing.
- A folk dance belongs to a certain
- county.
- country.
- community.
- person,
- All wind instruments produce sound when
- blown.
- pressed.
- scrubbed.
- shaken.
- Which industry is responsible for the production of milk in our county?
- Bakery industry.
- Dairy industry.
- Agriculture industry..
- Beverage industry.
- The buying and selling of goods is called
- business.
- marketing.
- job.
- trade.
- Which of the following is not a resource? : .
- Minerals.
- Wildlife.
- Work.
- Forests.
- All the following are economic activities except
- leaming
- fishing.
- trading.
- farming.
- Money was not used in
- modern trade
- barte. trade
- currency trade
- advanced trade
- On the sign board of Majimoto primary school, the words“ Learn to succeed” represent the school
- motto.
- history.
- culture.
- routine.
- In a school set-up, honesty, integrity, discipline, trust and respect are examples of
- vices.
- school virtues.
- core values.
- dangerous habits.
- Which one of the following aspects of culture maintains our good health? The
- way we build our houses.
- traditional foods we eat.
- our traditional ceremonies.
- games and sports we play.
- The pattern of population where by the population is distributed along the road, railway or river is said to be
- scattered.
- sparse.
- nucleated.
- linear.
- Who among the following people do not depend on one another?
- police officer and a robber.
- pupil and the head teacher.
- mechanic and a motorist.
- mother and a vegetable vendor.
- All the following are examples of historic built environments except
- bridges.
- monuments.
- museums.
- forts.
- During rainy seasons in our county,
- roofs are likely to be blown off.
- harvesting takes place.
- animals become healthy.
- we should wear light clothes.
- Rivers are likely to dry up during
- cold seasons.
- windy seasons.
- rainy seasons.
- dry seasons.
- Study the compass directions drawn below.
The direction marked L is- south west.
- north east.
- north west.
- south east.
- Identify the physical feature drawn below.
- Trees.
- Timber.
- Forest
- Wood.
- The Jewish leader who went to see Jesus at night to know how one can be bom again was
- Nicodemus.
- Samuel.
- Balaam.
- Belshaazar.
- When we repent our sins,
- people start talking about us.
- we become followers of Jesus Christ.
- they are transferred to other sinners.
- we are not accepted in the kingdom of God
- The ten men that Jesus healed were suffering from
- epilepsy.
- ebola.
- leprosy.
- blindness.
- When Jesus raised a widow's son, He demonstrated His power over
- nature.
- diseases.
- the dead.
- death.
- The name of the blind beggar who sat by the road was
- Methibosheth.
- Zacchaeus.
- Bartimaeus.
- Nicodemus.
- You will go abead of the Lord to prepare His road for Him. Who was told these words?
- Zacharia
- John the Baptist
- Pharoah
- Jesus
- Which parable teaches Christians that God is happy when a sinner repents? The
- ten virgins.
- mustard seed.
- lost coin.
- prodigal son.
- Ngano and Mawele are deskmates. One day as Ngano was sharpening his pencil, he accidentally hit Mawele's inkpot and ink soaked Mawele's exercise book. As a Christian, what should Mawele do?
- Pour ink on Ngano's book as well.
- Start a fight to settle the case.
- Cry the whole day.
- Forgive him and tell him to be careful.
- Who among the following portrayed great faith hence was healed?
- Jesus.
- John the Baptist.,
- Bartimaeus.
- Zachaeus.
- When an angel appeared to Zacharia, he was
- burning incense at the altar.
- praying and fasting on the mountain.
- looking after a flock of sheep.
- throwing his net into the lake.
- Who told Zachariah that his wife would give birth to John>
- Jesus.
- An angel.
- The priest.
- Church leaders
- Leave your country, your relatives and your father's home and go to a land I am going to show you. Who said these words?
- Abraham.
- An angel.
- God.
- Jesus.
- People were not happy when Jesus entered Zaccheu's house because he was a
- sinner.
- tax collector.
- short man.
- jew.
- Who among the following used to interpret dreams?
- Pharoah.
- Portiphar's wife.
- Joseph.
- Jacob.
- The angel Balaam's donkey saw on the road carried a
- sword.
- Bible.
- shield.
- dove.
- Suratul Al-Falaq means the
- dawn.
- men.
- help.
- unity
- Which of the following lessons is learnt from surah Al-Masad?
- Allah controls all things.
- Evil people have bad endings.
- Allah is the best cure from magic and other evil
- We seek refuge in Allah from evil whispers, people and jinn.
- How many ayats are there in surah An-Nas?
- 6
- 3
- 4
- 5
- Min sharri ma khalaqa. What does this ayat mean?
- I seek refuge in the Lord of the daybreak.
- And from the evil of darkness when it settles he created
- From the evil of that which he created
- The one who whispers in the heart of mankind
- Lam yalid walam yooladu is an ayat from suratul
- Al-Kawthar.
- Al-Nasr.
- Al-Maun.
- Al-Ikhlas.
- Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was a strong?
- supporter of the poor.
- believer in paganism.
- man.
- worshipper of idols.
- Who among the following was prophets Muhammad's uncle?
- Abu Talib
- Abu Daud
- Abubakr Sidiq
- Al-Abbas
- Which of the following is not a hadith on etiquette on eating?
- Eat from the side of the plate and not from the middle.
- Wash your hands before, when and after eating.
- Do not drop the food.
- Say bismillah and eat what is in front of you
- We should not brush our teeth
- when we wake up.
- after meals.
- when eating.
- before sleeping.
- Which one of the following is not a way of keeping physically fit?
- Playing dice.
- Swimming
- Playing football
- Diving
- Which of the following attributes of Allah means the all seeing?
- Al-Samiu
- Al-Basir
- Al-Malik
- Al Salaam
- Which of the following is referred to as the angel of death?
- Atid
- Raqib
- Israil
- Israfil
- Which one of the following is not among the prophets mentioned in the Qur'an?
- Idris
- Yahya
- Al Yasa
- Jibril settles he created.
- Which among the following is not an example of najasatul mutawasita?
- Vomit
- Dog
- Blood
- Urine suratul
- Which of the following is not a nullifier of wudhu?
- Sijdah
- Passing wind
- Blood
- Fainting

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