- What is six million three hundred and eight thousand four hundred and sixty eight in symbols?
- 6308468
- 6380468
- 6308468
- 6387468
- How many groups of fifties are there in the total value of digit 8 in the number 689 732?
- 80000
- 1600
- 800
- 16000
- What is 54.76832 rounded off to the nearest thousandths?
- 54.769
- 54.768
- 54.770
- 54.7680
- Jane expressed 0.16 as a percentage. What answer did she get?
- 0.61%
- 160%
- 1.6%
- 16%
- Convert 51/6, into a mixed number
- 81/2
- 63/8
- 83/6
- 82/3
- A tailor made a mat which was in the shape of a square. The length of the mat was 1m 20cm. Find the perimeter of the mat.
- 2m 40cm
- 1m 20cm
- 14m 400cm
- 4m 80cm
- The following are equivalent fractions. Which digit is missing 4/
= 28/49
- 49
- 7
- 32
- 343
- Estimate the product of the following numbers by first rounding off each one of them to the nearest 100.
384 x 51- 19 600
- 30 000
- 40 000
- 19584
- The distance from Saumu's home to school is 1km 150m. She walks to school and goes back home daily. What distance does she cover from Tuesday to Friday?
- 4km 600m
- 5km 750m
- 9km 200m
- 11km 500m
- Find the area of the figure below
- 240cm2
- 3200cm2
- 4000cm2
- 4800cm2
- The rectangle below has a perimeter of 46m. The length is 15m. What is the width?
- 30m
- 16m
- 8m
- 3m
- The area of a square garden is 4096m2. Calculate its perimeter
- 256m
- 1024m
- 128m
- 64m
- What is the total value of digit 8 in the number 986425?
- 80000
- 8000
- 800
- 8
- A bag weighs 102kg. How many tonnes will 120 such bags weigh?
- 12240
- 122.4
- 12.24
- 1.224
- Work out; 2 x 18 + 7 =
- 252
- 50
- 43
- 27
- Work out; Sh Cts
325 40
- 150 80
- sh 175 60 cts
- Sh 174 60 cts
- Sh 175 20cts
- Sh 476 20cts
- Round off 5612 to the nearest tens.
- 5612
- 5600
- 5610
- 5700
- Arrange the fractions 3/4 , 7/11 , 5/6 and from the largest to the smallest.
- 5/6 , 3/4 , 7/11
- 3/4 , 7/11 , 5/6
- 7/11 , 3/4 , 5/6
- 7/11 , 5/6 , 3/4
- A section of a road is 14km 23m long. Part of the road 8km 30m long was tarmacked. What section of the road remained untarmacked?
- 6km 13m
- 5km 93m
- 5km 993m
- 5km 9993m
- Find the area of the figure below
- 37m2
- 70m2
- 120m2
- 80m2
- The mass of three students was 37.34kg, 45.01kg and 52.26kg. What is the average mass of the three students?
- 134.61kg
- 44.87kg
- 403.83kg
- 67.305kg
- Work out; 0.87 +23.876 + 12 =
- 35.746
- 36.746
- 35.646
- 36.646
- Convert 456 metres into kilometres.
- 45600km
- 456000km
- 0.456km
- 4.508km
- A tank had 2/3 litres of water. 3/5, litres were used for cleaning farm tools. How many litres of water remained in the tank?
- 2/25 L
- 1/15 L
- 23/45 L
- 2/5 L
- What is the least number that can be divided by both 28 or 12 without a remainder?
- 48
- 4
- 84
- 36
- What are the first three common divisors of 12 and 16?
- 1, 2, 4
- 12, 16, 24
- 12, 24, 32
- 16, 32, 48
- What is the name of the angle drawn below?
- Right angle
- Acute angle
- Reflex angle
- Obtuse angle
- Amos had 50 marbles. He gave Ann 26 marbles. Calculate the percentage of the marbles that he remained with?
- 48%
- 52%
- 24%
- 62%
- Jael a grade five pupil worked out the value of X in the equation below. Which answer did she get if she worked it out correctly? 4x + 2 = 10
- 3
- 8
- 2
- 12
- Find the square root of 71/9
- 4/9
- 35/9
- 5046/81
- 22/3
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