Displaying items by tag: Physical Education


  1. Name the food we eat to make our body healthy (3mks)
    1. ........................................................
    2. ........................................................
    3. ........................................................
    4. ........................................................
  2. Draw and name three personal items (3mks)
    1. rectangle ahuda
    2. rectangle ahuda
    3. rectangle ahuda
  3. Name three basic needs (3mks)
    1. ........................................................
    2. ........................................................
    3. ........................................................
  4. Name the items used to clean the house (3mks)
    1. kifagio
    2. bin ayda
    3. kerchief auygdad
    4. omo aghda
  5. Name the play items (2mks)
    draft ahdad


  1. Draw an athletic track showing the starting point of 100m and 200m race (5mks)
    rectangle ahuda
  2. Name the play items (4mks)
    1. ball aujhgda
    2. weird ball aiudhya
  3. Name two commands in athletic? (2mks)
    1. ........................................................
    2. ........................................................
  4. List four materials used to improve a ball (4mks)
    1. ........................................................
    2. ........................................................
    3. ........................................................
    4. ........................................................
  5. Write down two safety measures when improvising a ball
    1. ........................................................
    2. ........................................................
  6. Name three games played in your locality
    1. ........................................................
    2. ........................................................
  7. Name the parts used to pass a ball
    leg ball aidga
    1. ........................................................
    2. ........................................................
  8. We throw the ball using the ........................................................


  1. Complete the following patterns
    1. aaaa ugda........................................................
    2. bbb yuafuda........................................................
    3. hhhh ayigdad........................................................


    1. meat
    2. fruits 
    3. eggs (any other)
    4. chapati
    1. foods
    2. shelter
    3. clothes
    1. broom
    2. dust bin 
    3. rag 
    4. soap
    5. draft


    1. ball
    2. marble
    1. on your marks
    2. go
    1. old pieces of clothes
    2. plastic bags
    3. rubber bands (any other)
    4. strings
    1. avoid sharp objects
    2. do not use hard objects of stones 
    1. football
    2. handball 
  7. outside step, inside step
  8. hands


  1. Draw and colour two runners exchanging a relay baton  (1mk)
    ACM Q9 rectangle G5 ET3 2022
  2. Use the diagram below to answer questions that folllow
                PHE Q2 G5 ET3 2022
    1. The above facility is used when playing a  __________________________________ event calles ______________________ (2 marks)
    2. Name the parts labelled (3mks)
      1. ______________________________________
      2. ______________________________________
      3. ______________________________________
  3. List two rope skippikg skill  (2 marks)
    1. ___________________________________________
    2. ___________________________________________
  4. Write down two importance of sliding when playing softball     (2mks)
    1. _________________________________________________
    2. _________________________________________________
  5. What do you call the players that play the game of rounders?  (2mks) _______________________ and _____________________
  6. List three basic equipment that are used in volleyball. (3mks)
    1.  __________________________________________________
    2. ___________________________________________________
    3. ___________________________________________________
  7. Each team in the game of Kabaddi has ___________________________________________  players at the start of the game (1mk)
  8. Name the following equipment used in tag rugby game    (3mks)
    PHE Q2 G5 ET3 2022
  9. There are ____________________________ _______phases used when performing standing discus technique. (3, 4, 6) (1mk)


  1. Picture of children exchanging a relay button
    1. field, long jump
    2. A-runway
      B - take off board
      C - Landing pit
  3. Straddle, straddle cross, skier, heel, taps
  4. prevent injury, avoid a tag, make a diversion, because it is the quickest way to the base
  5. fielders and battlers
  6. net, ball, posts
    1. training cones
    2. tag belt
    3. rugby ball
  8. 4


  1. Write two reasons why we cook food.
    1. _____________________________________
    2. ______________________________________
  2. Factors to consider when buying a button for a garment.
    1. _____________________________________
    2. _____________________________________
  3. To break the mucus in a handkerchief when washing we soak it in _____________________ water.
  4. The process of washing, ironing and storing clothes is called  _________________ work.
  5. Write health measures that prevent common cummunicable diseases.
    1. ________________________________
    2. ________________________________
  6. List three physical changes that take place in both boys and girls during pre-teen stage.
    1. ________________________________
    2. ________________________________
  7. State three healthy eating habits practised by pre-teens.
    1. _________________________________________
    2. _________________________________________
  8. Write the importance of dressing well by pre-teens.
    1. _____________________________________
    2. _____________________________________
  9. State three types of media used in advertisement.
    1. _____________________________________
    2. _____________________________________
  10. Name two diseases that can be caused by lack of exercise.
    1. _______________________________________
    2. _______________________________________
  11. Write two causes of communicable diseases.
    1. _______________________________________
    2. _______________________________________


  1. Rounders game is played between how many teams? ________________________
  2. Name four safety measures to observe when throwing, catching and stamping when playing rounders.
    1. _______________________________________
    2. _______________________________________
    3. _______________________________________
    4. _______________________________________
  3. State two types of throwing skills in rounders.
    1. ________________________________________
    2. ________________________________________
  4. Write three importances of sliding in soft ball.
    1. ________________________________________
    2. ________________________________________
    3. ________________________________________
  5. Name four soft ball equipment.
    1. ________________________________________
    2. ________________________________________
    3. ________________________________________
    4. ________________________________________
  6. Draw the following. Softball bat
    Grade 5 End Term 2 HSc Set 1 Q6



    • Make it soft
    • have good taste
    • Make it easy to digest
    • To last longer
    • Kill germs
    • Make it easy to chew/eat
    • Shape of button
    • Colour of garments
    • Colour of button
  3. Slaty
  4. laundry
    1. Unblocking drainage systems
    2. Clearing bushes
    3. Proper use of toilets/latrine/urinal
    4. Washing hands
    • Increase in weight and height
    • pubic hair grows
    • Pimples appear
    • Eating healthy foods
    • Eating a balanced diet
    • Avoid suagry foods
    • Eat right amount of food
    • One feels uncomfortable
    • Confidence
    • One looks smart
    • people respect a well dressed persoon
    1. Radio
    2. Television
    3. Mobile Device
    4. Window display
    • Heart disease
    • Obesity
    1. Viruses
    2. Fungi
    3. bacteria
    4. parasites

Physical Education

  1. Two
    1. Remove dangerous objects from the ground.
    2. Do not throw the ball dangerously to your partner
    3. Avoid colliding with an opponent of team mate
    1. Over arm throwing
    2. Under arm throwing
    1. To prevent injury.
    2. To avoid a tag
    3. To make a diversion
    4. Sliding is the quickest way to the base
    1. Battling helment
    2. Uniform
    3. leg guard
    4. Chest protector
    5. Fielding gloves
    6. Bat