Displaying items by tag: clan

The family

  • Is a group of people related by blood, marriage or adoption
  • Is the smallest social unit in society

Types of families

  1. Nuclear family
  2. Extended family
  3. Single parent family
  1. The nuclear family
    • Is made up of father, mother and children
    • Is the most common type of family
  2. Single parent family
    • Is made up of one parent and children
  3. Extended family
    • Is made up of nuclear family and their relatives.
    • Father, mother, children, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces and in-laws.

Needs of family members

  • Needs are essential things that human beings require in order to live comfortably They include;
    1. Basic needs
    2. Secondary needs


  1. Basic Needs

    • Are things or requirements one must have for survival
    • They include;
      1. Food
      2. Shelter
      3. Clothing
      4. Clean water

  2. Secondary Needs

    • Are things that human being may require in order to make their live more comfortable
    • They include;
      1. Medical care
      2. Security and protectioniii.
      3. Property or land
      4. Entertainment
      5. Education
      6. Love

Responsibilities of Family Members

  • Responsibilities are roles or duties one is expected to perform or fulfil

Responsibilities of Parents

  1. Proviing basic needs
  2. Being role models to their children
  3. Moulding good morals in their children
  4. Educating their children
  5. Providing security and protection for the family
  6. Listen to and advise their children
  7. Love, care for and live with their children
  8. Guiding their children on ways of participating in cultural activities

Responsibilities of the Children

  1. Going to school and working hard
  2. Showing good behaviour
  3. Keeping family secrets
  4. Obeying, loving and respecting their parents
  5. Protecting family property
  6. Serving the community using their talents and abilities
  7. Preserving and strengthening positive cultural practises
  8. Helping their parents in doing some household chores
  9. Ensure their family and community live harmoniously

The School

  • A school is a place where pupils go to be taught or to learn
  • A school mainly equips learners with knowledge and skills
  • A school trains individuals to be responsible or useful members of the society We have government and private schools

The School Motto

  • Is a short statement that shows the aims and beliefs of a school
  • It may be written on;
    1. school badge
    2. school signpost
    3. school buses/vehicles
    4. exercise book
  • is developed by the;
    1. teachers
    2. pupils
    3. parents
  • it reminds pupils to work hard at school and to be a shining example to the other school.
  • Its main aim is to motivate learners, teachers and community to work together towards a successful end.

The School Routine

  • Is the programme of activities that have been planned to take place everyday in the school
  • Day schools and boarding schools have different routines
  • A school routine is prepared by the school administration
  • School routine should be as per the guidelines of the ministry of education.
  • A school fourine is clearly indicated on the school timetable

Importances of a school routine

  1. It helps the school to run smoothly
  2. It ensures order and harmony in the school
  3. Helps in bringing up all round pupils
  4. Helps to train pupils to be responsibleHelps in proper time mangement
  5. Helps to strengthen discipline among pupils
  6. Ensures that all activities in the school are allocated time

The clan system

  • A clan is a group of people who have a common ancestor or forefather
  • Clan members are related by blood
  • Clans were founded by males
  • Communities trace their origin through the male ancestor
  • Agikuyu clans bear the names ot the nine daughters of gikuyu and mumbi.
  • A group of clans make an ethnic group or community
  • Members of the same clan are not allowed to marry each other

Functions of a clan

  1. Clan elders settled disputes among clan members
  2. Clan owned land on behalf of its members
  3. Giving a sense of belonging e.g.identity
  4. Setting rules to govern its members
  5. Planning and conducting important ceremonies
  6. Negotiating and paying dowry
  7. Educating the youth
  8. Providing comfort to members during hard times
  9. Safeguarding the values of the clan
  10. Determining religious practises and beliefs of the clan
  11. Protecting its members from external attacks