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Tuesday, 01 November 2022 09:44

Agriculture - Class 8 Social Studies Revision Notes



  • This is the growing of crops and the keeping of animals

Settlers Farming

  • Settlers are the Europeans who came and grabbed fertile land for farming

White Highlands

  • Also known as crown land
  • These are fertile areas that were grabbed from africa ns

African Native Reserves

  • These were the infertile lands
  • Africans were congested in reserves
  • They were agriculturaly less productive
  • Africans provided cheap forced labour in the settlers farm

Settlers Farming Areas

  1. Eastern highlands
    1. Nyeri
    2. Murang’a
    3. Embu
    4. Kiambu
    5. Meru
    6. Thika
    7. Nanyuki
    8. Nyandarua
    9. Laikipia
  2. Western Highlands(Rift Valley)
    1. Kericho
    2. Uasin gishu
    3. Trans nzoia
    4. Sotik
    5. Nakuru
    6. Bomet
  3. Coastal Region
    1. Taita taveta
    2. Kilifi
    3. Voi
    4. Malindi

Features/characteristics Of Settlers Farming

  • Obtained cheap labour from the africans
  • Introduced commercial farming i.e.cash crop farming
  • Introduced new crop farming
  • Practised farming in the cool and wet highlands i.e.the white highlands
  • Practised mixed farming
  • Kept beef cattle in ranches in dry areas
  • Grew sisal and cotton in dry areas.
  • Introduced plantation farming
  • Used machines and fertilizers
  • Practised crop rotation
  • Irrigation farming was done in drier areas.
  • Effects of settlers farming

Positive effects

  • Introduced cash crop/commercial crops e.g.coffee,tea,pyrthrum,etc
  • Introduced mechanised farming
  • Introduced the use of farm inputs e.g.fertilizers and chemicals.
  • Introduced exotic breed cattle
  • Introduced plantation or large scale farming
  • Led to industrialzation
  • Led to development of infrastructure i.e.roads and railways.
  • Led to urbanization e.g kitale and eldoret
  • Introduced cross breeding
  • Led to formation of cooperatives

Negative Effects

  • Africans lost thier land i.e. became squatters
  • Creation of african native reserves
  • Led to forced labour
  • Disrupted the communal land ownership i.e. land tenure system.
  • Africans were over exploited
  • Led to increased racism/racial discrimination
  • Development of the wtite highlands only
  • Introduced payment of taxes to africans

Exotic Breed Cattle

  • Jersey
  • Fresians
  • Guernsey
  • Aryshire

Exotic Beef Cattle

  • Aberdeen angus
  • Hereford
  • Chalorais

Exotic Dual Cattle

  • Sahiwal
  • Indegenous cattle
  • Zebu
  • Boran

Settlement Schemes

  • These were areas set aside by the government tothe landless.
  • Ways of acquiring the settlement schemes
  • Buying land from settlers
  • Reclamation of hostile areas i.e.
  • Spraying areas infested with tsetse flies
  • Irrigating arid and semi-arid areas
  • Draining swamps
  • Forest excision i.e clearing the forest to settle the squatters.
  • Formation of land buying companies.

Reasons For Establishment Of Settlement Schemes

  • To settle the squatters
  • To boost food production
  • To reduce population pressure
  • To ease congestion
  • To improve peoples’ living standards

Distribution Of Settlement Schemes

  • Mwea Irrigation Schemes
  • Ol Kalou Salient Schemes
  • Jomo Kenyatta At Mpeketoni Lamu
  • Bura-galolo Settlement Schemes
  • Island Farms In Central
  • Muguga jet Schemes - Central
  • Ahero - nyanza
  • Lambwe Valley - Nyanza
  • Matunda Settlement
  • Ravine/ Sabatia

Benefits Of Settlement Schemes

  • Landless people have been settled
  • Waste land have been put into use
  • Have created employment
  • Have boosted food production
  • Have united people in the country
  • Have led to development
  • Agricultural export from schemes earn foreign exchange
  • Have reduced population pressure

Problems Facing Settlement Schemes

  • Soil erosion
  • Population pressure
  • Poor means of transport
  • Lack of social amenities
  • Lack of title deeds
  • Sometimes there is ethnic hatred in the schemes
  • Lack of modern equipment
  • Sometimes farmers are unable to repay loans
  • Mismanagement of schemes

Irrigation Schemes

  • Irrigation is growing of crops using water
  • They include;
    1. Mwea irrigation schemes
    2. Perkerra irrigation schemes
    3. Ahero irrigation schemes

Mwea Irrigation Schemes

  • It is in Kirinyaga County
  • It is the oldest in the country
  • It was established in 1954
  • The main reason for establishment was to settle the landless
  • It has black cotton soil
  • This region slopes gently to support flow of water by gravity.
  • Source of water - Water comes from river Thiba and Nyamindi which are tributaries of River Tana
  • Main crop grown
    1. Rice (paddy)

Other Crops Grown

  1. Water melon
  2. Sukumawiki
  3. Maize
  4. French beans

Method Of Irrigation

  • Canal irrigation method
  • Canals direct water into the rice field called basins
  • Water flows by gravity

Perkerra irrigation scheme

  • Located in Baringo County
  • Was established in 1954
  • The main reason for establishment was to bring more land under cultivation
  • Water for irrigation comes from River Perkerra

Crops Grown

  1. Seed maize (main crop)
  2. Chillies
  3. Tomatoes
  4. Onions
  5. Watermelons
  6. Pawpaws

Method Of Irrigation

  • Uses furrow irrigation method
  • Involves construction of furrows and ridges
  • Crops grown on the ridges
  • Water directed to the furrows
  • NB; the main reason why irrigation schemes were established was to boost food production.

Contribution Of Irrigation Schemes To The Economy Of Kenya

  • Create employment
  • Source of income
  • Have led to indutrialization
  • Have improved people’s living standards
  • Have led to development of roads
  • Earn Kenya foreign exchange
  • Unproductive land have been put into use
  • Have led to urbanization
  • They are sources of livelihood

Problems Facing Irrigation Schemes

  • Pest and diseases
  • Mismanagement of irrigation schemes
  • Long distances to the market
  • Silting of canals
  • Water shortages
  • High cost of farm inputs e.g.seeds and fertilizers
  • Delayed payment
  • Lack of agricultural extension officers
  • Exhaustion of soil

Horticultural Farming

  • This is the growth of fruits, flowers, and vegetable
  • Viticulture - This is the growth of fruits only
  • Floriculture -This is the growth of vegetable only.it is also called market gardening

Features/characteristics Of Horticulture

  • Practised in areas with fertile soil
  • It is capital intensive
  • It is labour intensive
  • The farms are intensively cultivated
  • Crops are grown in green houses
  • Practised in both small and large scale
  • High quality seeds and fertilizers are used
  • Mainly done for sale
  • Regular spraying is done

Crops Grown In Horticultural Farming

  • Vegetable
  • Spinach
  • Kales
  • French beans
  • Onions
  • Baby corn
  • Cauliflower
  • Tomatoes
  • Cabbages
  • Fruits
  • Bananas
  • Mangoes
  • Apples
  • Avocadoes
  • Paws paws
  • Pineapples
  • Oranges
  • Pears
  • Flowers
  • Roses
  • Orchids
  • Carnations
  • Gladioli

Problems Facing Horticultural Farming To The Economy Of Kenya

  • Delayed payment
  • pest and diseases
  • poor means of transport and communication
  • high transport charges
  • expensive farm inputs
  • bad weather
  • lack of cooperative societies
  • long distance to the market
  • lack of capital
  • lack of refrigeration facilities

Horticultural Farming In Netherlands

  • Netherlands is in Europe
  • also known as Holland
  • it is a lowland
  • it grows flowers,fruits,and vegetable
  • done on reclaimed land called polders
  • they reclaim land using special walls called dykes
    NB they practice farming in polders because the land is scarce
  • They mostly use green/glass houses
  • This helps them to practice horticultural farming throughout the year
  • Netherlands is densely populated and this provides a ready market.

Comparison of horticultural farming in Kenya and Netherlands .

Kenya  Netherlands 
.done on natural land  Done on polders
 grows flowers fruits and vegetable  Grows flowers fruits and vegetable
 few green houses are used  Mostly green houses are used
 lack of capital for expansion  Capital is available for expansion
 little mechanization  Highly mechanised
 skilled labour is inadequate  Great ues of skilled labour is required
 poor means of transport  Well developed transport
 less scientific method used  Uses scientific method of farming
 production is low  Production is high
 farmers are indequately skilled  Farmers are andequately skilled


Fish Farming

  • This is the rearing of fish in ponds or tanks
  • It is also called aquaculture
  • The best soil to construct a fish pond is clay soil
  • Fish kept
    1. trout
    2. tilapia
    3. mudfish

Fish Farming In Kenya

  1. Sagana - Kirinyaga County
  2. Kabaru - Nyeri County
  3. Kibos - Kisumu County
  4. Ljipe - Taita Taveta County
  5. Aruba Dam-taita Taveta
  6. Bamburi - Mombasa County
  7. Borabu - Kisii County
  8. Homa Bay - Homa Bay

Fish Farming In Japan

  • Japan is in Asia
  • It is the leading producer of fish in the world
  • Done in the sheltered areas along the coast
  • Practised in the four islands
    • Hokkaido
    • Kyoshu
    • Honshu
    • Shikoku
  • it has large market for fish
  • fish are sold through cooperatives
  • fish farming is highly mechanized
  • highly supported by the government
  • fish have high demand
  • fish kept
    • oyster
    • prawns
    • trout eeels

Comparison Of Fish Farming In Kenya And Japan

 Kenya   Japan 
 Fish reared are trout,tilapia and mudfish  Fish reared are oyster, prawns,trout and eels
 Capital is inadequate  Adequate capital
 Few research and training centres  Many modern fisheries and research centres
 Fish kept in fish ponds  Fishing done in the sheltered sea
 Limited/small market  Large market for fish
 Low demand for fish  High demand for fish
 Cooperatives are not developed  Copperatives are well developed
 Not highly supported by the government  Highly supported by the government
 Most fish are consumed locally  Most of the fish are exported

Theories of Human Origin

  1. Mythical Theory
  2. Theory of Creation
  3. Theory of Evolution


  1. Mythical theory

    • It is based on folktales told by various communities on how they originated.
      1. Luo - Claim to be descendants of their ancestor Ramogi who lived on Ramogi hill.
      2. Kalenjin - Claim to be descendants of the first Orkoiyot ( medicine man) called Miot.
      3. Wagiriama - Claim their ancestors lived at a place called Muyeye in Malindi.They dispersed from Muyeye and formed the nine (9) sub tribes as they migrated.
      4. Agikuyu - Claim to have descended from Gikuyuand Mumbi Who lived at Mukurwe wa Nagathanga.
      5. Baganda - Claim to be descendants of Kintu who lived on Mt Elgon.

  2. The Creation Theory

    • It is based on Religious beliefs.
    • It explains that all human beings and other creatures were created by a super natural creator, God among the Christians and Allah among the Muslims.

  3. The Evolution Theory

    • This is a scientific view which explains that human beings developed slowly ( evolved ) from primitive ape – like creature to what they are today. This view was first suggested by a scientist called Charles Darwin.
    • Archaeology is the study of human evolution.
    • To understand the evolution of man archaeologists study:-
      1. Tools
      2. Plants and animal remains (Fossils) of early creatures.

Study of Human Evolution

  • The earliest known human-like creature was called Australopithecus.
  • The period between the timeof Homo habillis and the time of Homo Sapiens is referred to as the stone age because the creatures mainly used stone tools.
  • These creatures practiced the following activities:-
    1. Hunting and fishing.
    2. Gathering roots and wild berries for food.
    3. Painting and making ornaments.

Stone age is divided into three stages:-

  1. Early stoneage.
  2. Middle stone age.
  3. Late stone age.

    Stone age
    Where they were found.
    Homo habilis

    Homo erectus

    Olduvai Gorge.
    Near Lake Turkana.
    Olorgesaille in Kenya
    Hadar in Ethiopia
    North West shores of Lake Turkana
    Isimilia in Tanzania.

    Homo sapiens Ngaloba in Tanzania.
    Eliye springs west of Lake Turkana.
    Bodo in Ethiopia.
    Kanjera in Kenya.
    Omo valley in Ethiopia.

    early man


  • Migration is the movement of people from one place to another.
  • Migration within a country is called Internal migration.
  • Migration from one country to another is known as external migration.

Types of Modern Migration

  • The four main types of Migration taking place in Kenya are:-
    1. Rural – urban migration.
    2. Urban – Rural migration.
    3. Rural – Rural migration
    4. Urban – Urban migration


  1. Rural – Urban migration

    • This is the movement of people from rural areas to urban areas.
      1. Search for employment.
      2. Shortage of farming land in some rural areas.
      3. Opportunity to engage actively in trading activities.
      4. Availability of better recreational facilities and good infrastructure.
  2. Urban – Rural migration

    • This is the movement of people from urban centers to rural centers.
      1. Retirement from employment.
      2. Overcrowding and high cost of living.
      3. Difficulties experienced in towns.
  3. Rural – Rural migration

    • This is the movement of people from one rural area to another.
    • Note: Most rural – rural migrations are permanent especially in cases of movement to settlement schemes.
      1. Resettlement of people displaced by the construction of big dams which form lakes.
      2. Establishment of settlement schemes (irrigation schemes) which attract many people from other densely populated rural areas.
      3. Settlement of landless people by government .
      4. Seasonal migrations by nomadic pastoralists in search of pasture andwater.
      5. Search of employment in large plantations.
      6. Mining activities which may force people to move away from their original homes.
      7. Government actions which may force people to move away from areas where they had settled in order to conserve the environment e.g. Mau water catchment forest.
      8. Political unrest which may cause people to relocate from one place to another (IDPs Internally displaced persons)
      9. Natural disasters e.g Floods which may force people to move temporarily to safer higher grounds.
  4. Urban – Urban migrations

    • This is the movement of people from one urban center to another.
    • Note: These migrations occur in a small scale .
      1. Job transfers from one town to another.
      2. Opportunities for business people to expand their businesses in bigger towns.
      3. Religious pilgrimages which may result in people settling down in the towns they visit.

Effects of Migration

Effects on urban areas

  1. Unemployment.
  2. Increase in crime.
  3. Increase in Immorality. Eg. - prostitution, HIV / AIDS and STIs
  4. Development of poor housing - slums (shanties)
  5. Competition (strains) for social amenities eg. Hospitals , schools etc.
  6. Overcrowding
  7. Environmental problems e.g. air pollution and water pollution.
  8. Increase in labour supply.

Effects on rural areas:

  1. Reduced pressure on land.
  2. Shortage of labour (negatively affecting agriculture).
  3. Improved economic conditions (reduction in production).
  4. Reversal of roles.
  5. Improved agricultural production (introduction of new farming methods).

Immigration: Is the migration of people from one country into another.
Emigration: Is the migration of people out of a country.

Positive effects of immigration

  1. Foreign investments which offer employment opportunities.

Negative effects of immigration

  1. Influx of people from war-torn countries encourages the movement of illegal arms into the countries which are used by criminals
  2. Refugees in our country affects the environment as they clear forests for firewood.
  3. The foreign cultures of these people end up affecting our cultures negatively.



Settler Farming in Kenya

  • Europeans settler farming was practiced in the white highlands(crown lands)
Region Area covered.
Central highlands  Kiambu, Thika, Murang'a, Nyandarua, Nyeri, Kirinyaga.
Western highlands. Kericho, Bureti, Sotik, Nyamira, Uasin Gishu, Kisii.
Central rift valley Nakuru, Laikipia, Narok, Kajiado, Molo, Naivasha, Koibatek(Eldama Ravine).
Eastern Meru , Konza, Embu, Machakos

NB: The colonial government took away large areas of African land and allocated it to the white settlers.

Europeans settler farming in Kenya.

  • The European settlers farming took African land.
  • They mostly practiced large scale farming.
  • They introduced cash crop farming and new livestock breed.
  • Their farming methods were mechanized: they used commercial fertilizers and applied pesticides to crops.
  • Africans were used as the source of labour on the settlers farms.
  • rotation on their farms and divided ranching area into paddocks which helped.
  • They practiced crop to control grazing.

What the settlers farmers were engaged in?

  1. Mixed farming (growing of crops and keeping of livestocks).
  2. Plantation farming (growing crops in a large scale farm). i.e. sisal, tea, coffee, wheat, maize, pyrethrum, cotton, sugarcane.
  3. Dairy farming, animal kept were: hare ford, Aberdeen angus, chorales, Galloway.
  4. Horticulture.
  5. Fruits grown : oranges, limes, lemons, pineapples.
  6. Vegetables grown:onions, carrots, tomatoes, legumes,cabbages.
  7. Poultry farming-chicken breed kept were; rhode island red, white leghorn light Sussex among others.

Effects of Settler Farming in Kenya

Positive effects Negative effects
  1. Introduction of new crops.
  2. Introduction of new livestock.
  3. Improved infrastructures.
  4. Establishment of processing industries.
  5. Introduction of agricultural co-operatives.
  6. Establishments and growth of towns.
  7. Introduction of cross breeding in animals
  8. Introduction of modern method of farming.
  9. Introduction of use of fertilizers and improved seeds.
  10. Introduction of plantation (large scale) farming.
  1. Loss of fertile lands by the Africans.
  2. High poverty levels among the Africans.
  3. Most Africans become squatters.
  4. Forced labour among the Africans.
  5. Racism; Europeans looked down upon the Africans because of their skin colour.
  6. Congestion of Africans in areas with low productivity.


Settlement Schemes

Areas of settlement include:

Sotik,Endebes,Kaptagat,Matunda,Machakos,Lake,Kenyatta,Molo,Ainamoi Kitobo,Naitiri,Cherengany,Songhor/MuhoroniEldama Ravine,Chepsiri etc

Reasons for the establishment of settlement schemes in Kenya

  1. To settle the landless people.
  2. To ease congestion in the already populated areas.
  3. To make land ownership in Kenya fair.
  4. To encourage people to practice commercial farming in areas that had been occupied by settler farmers.
  5. To increase food production in Kenya.
  6. To speed up land ownership in Kenya.
  7. To open up areas which had not been settled in.

Benefits of settlement schemes

  1. Increased food and cash production in the country.
  2. Provision of of land to the landless (squatters)
  3. It has reduced congestion on land that had high population densities.
  4.  It has helped to raise the living standards of the people.
  5. Agricultural exports from various settlement schemes has helped to boost the economy of our country.
  6. It has helped to open up the areas that had not be settled in.

Problems facing settlement schemes in Kenya

  1. Lack of adequate capital to invest in improved farming practices.
  2. Congestion in some parts of the settlement schemes due to population increase.
  3. Reduction in the size of land due to land fragmentation.
  4. People cut down trees to create room for crop growing and settlement (De-forest ration)
  5. Over cultivation in densely populated schemes has led to loss of soil fertility
  6. Poor transport network in the settlement schemes.
  7. Lack of adequate markets for the farm produce.

Irrigation Schemes in Kenya

Irrigation refers to the application water to crops through artificial means in
order to facilitate their growth.

MweaTebere Perkerra
  • Rice (main)
  • French bean
  • Tomatoes
  • Maize
  • Soya beans
  • Vegetables
  • Seed Maize
  • Onions
  • Paw paws
  • Chilies
  • Water melons


Mwea Tebere Irrigation Schemes

  • Established ii 1954. (It is the oldest in the county)
  • Mainly started to settle the landless who lost their lands to the white settlers.
  • Located in Kirinyaga county.
  • It is the largest irrigation scheme in Kenya.
  • Main crop grown is Rice.
  • Sources of water for irrigation are:- River Nyamindi,River Thiba: Both are tributaries of R. Tana.
  • Methods of irrigation used is Basin irrigation which involves flooding the rice plot(rice paddies)
  • Canals are used to direct water from the rivers to the shallow basins
  • Water flows into the basin through gravitational flow.

Perkerra Irrigation Scheme

  • Located in Marigat, Baringo county.
  • Mainly started to put more land under cultivation.
  • Sources of water include:- River Perkera and Lake Baringo
  • Methods of irrigation used isFurrow method.
  • Furrows carry water from main canal to the crops which grow on the ridges
    Sluice gates are used to control or regulate the flow of water into the farm.

Contributions of the scheme to the economy

Mwea Tebere Perkerra
  • Produces 80% of Kenya`s rice
  • Offering employment
  • Has increased food production
  • Has led to improvement of infrastructure and growth of towns egWanguru town.
  • Has raised people`s living standards
  • Income generation
  • Increase in economic activity
  • Creation of employment
  • Led to growth of Marigat town.

Note: Main problem is reduction of water into the plot during the
dry season.

 Problems facing irrigation farming in Kenya

  1. Shortage of water during dry season.
  2. Siltation of the canals which reduces the amount of water that can flow to them.
  3. Late and irregular payments to the farmers from the irrigation board.
  4. Presence of weed.
  5. Some irrigation schemes are affected by floods during rainy seasons in places like Bunyala.
  6. Stagnant water is a health hazard eg. Spread of malariaand bilharzias.
  7. Lack of adequate capital.
  8. Mismanagement of finances and resources.
  9. Some irrigation schemes are far from the market which increases transport costs.
  10. Competition from imported, cheap farm produce.
  11. Presence of crop diseases and pests.

Horticultural Farming

  1. Horticulture - Is the growing of vegetables, fruits and flowers for sale.
  2. Viticulture - Growing of fruits only.
  3. Floriculture - Growing of flowers only.

Horticultural Crops Development Authority (HCDA) is a body established by the government to promote horticulture (market gardening)

The HCDA :-

  1. Advices the farmers.
  2. Provides storage facilities.
  3. Searches for external marks for products.

Crops grown in horticulture farming

Flowers Carnations , roses , lilies , orchids.
Fruits  Oranges, lemons, apricot, paw paws, grapes, limes,
avocados, tangerines, passion fruits, peaches, apples, pears,
plums, loquats, bananas, watermelons, strawberries.
Vegetables Cabbages, spinach, lentils, spruce, sprouts, broccoli, peas,
French beans, cauliflower, carrots, turnips, groundnuts,
tomatoes, cucumber, green peas, chilies, onion, lettuce.

 Contribution of horticultural farming to the economy of Kenya

  1. Earning of foreign exchange.
  2. Creation of employment opportunities.
  3. Farmers earn regular income.
  4. Development of infrastructure.
  5. Availability of food.
  6. Crops provide raw materials for fruit and vegetable canning.
  7. Better use of land.

Problems facing horticultural farming in Kenya

  1. Bad weather.
  2. Poor infrastructure.
  3. High fees charged to farmers who export their farm produce (high tarrifs)
  4. High transport costs.
  5. High cost of farm inputs e.g. fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides.
  6. Lack of storage.
  7. Restrictions by importance
  8. Competition from other producers e.g. Netherlands.
  9. Inadequate capital to purchase farm equipment and inputs.
  10. Lack of co-operatives.
  11. Low export demand
  12. Poor marketing.

Horticultural farming in Kenya and Netherlands

Most farmers are located near towns Most farms are established on reclaimed land.
Most farms are small scale apart from the flower farms Almost all the horticultural farms are large scale.
Poor means of infrastructure Modernized infrastructure
Kenya is far from European market Netherlands is centrally located in Europe.
Lack of adequate capital to promote horticultural farming Adequate capital to scientifically manage the horticultural farms.
Fertile volcanic soils that are favorable for crop growing. Sandy coastal soils are used as they drain well.
Little mechanization in the farms Highly mechanized farms.
Labor intensive. Capital intensive.
Horticultural technology is relatively new World`s most successful horticultural producing country.

Fishing in Kenya

  • Fishing is the practice of removing or harvesting fish from water.
  • Fishing is a major economic activity for those people living next to rivers , lakes or oceans which have fish.

Major fishing grounds in Kenya
Fishing grounds are places where fish are caught.

Groups of fishing grounds

  1. Inland fishing grounds.
  2. Marine / sea fishing grounds.
Lake Turkana Lamu
L. Baringo Kiunga
L. Victoria Malindi
L. Naivasha Mombasa
L. Jipe Kilifi
L. Chala Ukunda
L. Masinga Shimoni
Kiambere dam Kipini

Inland fishing is also carried out in big rivers such as:-
R. Tana,R.Sondu-Miriu,R. Yala,R.Nzoia,R. Nyando,R.Kuja.

Fish farming is the raring of fish in fish ponds and dams.

Areas where fish farming is carried out.
Sagana,Borabu,Bamburi near Mombasa,Aruba dam,Kiboswa

Types of fish caught

Inland waters Marine waters
  •  Tilapia
  • Nile perch
  • Trout
  • Lung fish
  • Shell fish
  • Cat fish
  • Black bass
  • Mud fish
  • Dagaa (Omena)
  • Salmon
  • Snappers
  •  Kingfish
  • Sardines
  • Tuna
  • Bonito
  • Black Skin
  • Queen fish
  • Mullet
  • Sail fish
  • Parrot fish
  • Sharks
  • Crustaceans eg
    crabs,oysters,shrimps,lo bsters.

 Problems facing fish farming

  1. Presence of predators e.g. snakes, birds, cats.
  2. Insufficient supply of water in ponds especially during the dry season.
  3. Limited market
  4. Presence of unwanted weeds e.g. water hyacinth in L. Victoria.
  5. Lack of adequate funds for most farmers.
  6. Use of traditional methods of harvesting.
  7. Inadequate refrigeration facilities.

Comparison of fish farming between Kenya and Japan

Kenya Japan
Lack of adequate capital. There is adequate capital.
Most farmers use traditional methods of fishing and harvesting. Fish farming is highly mechanized.
Limited market for the fish products There is a large market for fish which encourages the industry
Insufficient supply of water e.g. during the dry season Enough supply of water through out the year.
Fish is mainly consumed locally Fishing is done mainly for export.


Mining is the removal (extraction) of a mineral from where it has naturally been formed.

The main minerals in Kenya include

  1. Soda ash
  2. Gemstones
  3. Diatomite
  4. Flourspar
  5. Sand
  6. Salt
  7. Limestone
  8. Marble
Mineral   Where mined Uses
Method of mining:
Open cast
  • Kimwarer in Kerio Valley.
  • Strengthening steel and aluminum.
  • Making tooth paste.
  • Used in refineries.
  • Making cans, sufurias and cooking pans
  • Making sulphuric acid.
Method of mining
Open cast
  •  Bamburi in Mombasa
  • Athi river
  • Bissil in Kajiado
  • Koru – Kisumu county
  • West pokot
  • Homa hills – Homa bay county
  •  Used in cement making.
  • Lime extracted from Homa hills and Koru are used as animal feed.
Method of mining
Open cast
  • Kariandusi near gilgil.
  • Gicheru on the floor of Nyandarua ranges
  • Making chalk.
  • Lining hot furnaces
  • Act as sound proof material.Making plaster used in hospitals.
  •  Used in dry cleaning clothes.


Method of mining:
Open cast method.

  • Mainly mined at Voi and Mwatate at the Coast.
  • Used mainly in the making of ornaments.


Method of mining:
Open cast (quarrying)

  • Athi River.
  • Kerio Valley
  • Used to decorate flours and walls of the building.
  • Shores of Lake Magadi.
  • Ngomeni
  • Fundisa near Malindi.
  • Adding flavor to food
  • It is a food preservative
  • Soap making
  • Glass making


Contribution of minerals to the economy of Kenya

  1. Mineral exports earn Kenya foreign exchange.
  2. Mining is a source of employment to many people.
  3. It has led to the growth of towns e.g. Magadi.
  4. It has led to the establishment of industries that use minerals as their raw materials.
  5. Availability of minerals saves the country`s foreign exchange that could have been used to import them.
  6. Mining has led to the development of social services like schools , hospitals and sports facilities in the mining areas.
  7. Mining is a source of revenue to the government since the mining companies pay taxes to the government.
  8. It has led to the development of transport links of infrastructure.
  9. Mining has led to the improvement of the standards of living of people working in the mines and mineral – related industries.

Effects of mining on the environment

  1. Pollution of the environment.
  2. Land degradation.
  3. Destruction of vegetation during the mining process.
  4. Clearing of vegetation during mining leads to soil erosion.
  5. Open pits filled with water are a health hazards to people and animals.
  6. Release of harmful gases in the air may result to global warming.
  7. Walls of mines sometimes collapse and cause accidents to miners.


  • Forestry is the practice of establishing forests and caring for trees.
  • It also involves paper harvesting and good use of trees.

Types of Forests in Kenya

There are two main types of forests found in Kenya. These are:

  1. Natural forests.
  2. Planted forests.


  1. Natural forests

    This are forests which have grown on their own.
    They are divided as follows:
    1. Highland rain forests.
      • They grow in the high rainfall areas e.g.Slopes of mountains, Hills and highlands
        Kakamega,Nyambane,Ndare,Kaimosi,Mt.Kenya,Timboroa,Nyandarua,Mau, Malava,Mt.Marsabit,Ngong hills,Mt. Elgon,Ndaragwa.
    2. Lowland rain forest.
      • Found in high rainfall areas of the coast.
        Witu,Jilore,Gongeni,Boni,Arabuko – Sokoke
    3. Mangrove forest
      • They grow in salty waters of the Indian ocean.
      • They grow along the coast in: Kwale,Kilifi,Lamu,Malindi

  2. Planted forest

    • They have been established through efforts of human beings.
    • They are found in high rainfall areas where afforestration programs are being carried out.
    • These forests are found in the following areas:
      1. Slopes of Mt. Kenya around Meru and Embu.
      2. Cherengani hills
      3. Limuru
      4. Elburgon
      5. Timboroa
      6. Molo
      7. Turbo
      8. Slopes of Mt Elgon
      9.  Lari
      10. Njabini
      11. Kaptagat
      12. Londiani
      13. Moi`s bridge
      14. Nandi hills

Types of trees found in planted and natural forests

Natural forest Planted forest
  • Mvule
  • Camphor
  • Elgon teak
  • Mahogany
  • Meru Oak
  • Cypress
  • Cedar
  • Eucalyptus
  • Pine
  • They are mainly hardwood
  • They grow in natural forests
  • They take long to mature
  • They are mainly softwood
  • They mature quickly
  • They have straight trunks.

Problems Facing Forests in Kenya

  1. Attacks by pests and diseases which affects their rate of growth.
  2. Outbreaks of fires especially during the dry season.
  3. Deforestration due to increased demand for land for farming and settlement.
  4.  Increased demand for forest product e.g. timber and pulp.
  5. Need for charcoal and firewood.
  6. Poor reafforestration programs.

Effects of Deforestration in Kenya

Deforestration is the cutting down of forest trees faster than they are replaced
through reafforestration.

  1. Deforestration affects the sources of water leading to reduced water supply.
  2. Cutting down of trees leads to spread of the desert.
  3. Reduction in forest production.
  4. Increase soil erosion.
  5. Loss of the species
  6. Rural communities are affected since some of them use forest products for their survival.
  7. Change in climate.

Forest Conservation Measures in Kenya

Forest conservation is the careful harvesting and good use of trees found in
the forest.

Conservation measures includes:

  1. Establishment of tree nurseries.
  2. Gazzetement of forest reserves by the government to protect the forests.
  3. Organizing and supporting tree planting activities (afforestration).
  4. Encouragement by the government for the public to undertake replanting activities.
  5. Discouraging the use of charcoal.
  6. Growing of trees alongside crops in the farm (Agro-forestry).
  7. Informing the public on the importance of trees and the and the need to plant more trees on their farms (awareness campaigns).
  8. Establishment of environmental clubs in schools.
  9. Banning tree activities.

Wildlife and Tourism

Wildlife refers to plants , birds and animals in their natural environment. (habitat).
Tourism is the travelling to other places of interest for pleasure.

Importance of wildlife

  1. Earns the country foreign exchange from tourists who visit the country.
  2. Creates jobs for many people who work in game parks, game researves ,and tourist hotels.
  3. Leads to economic growth of the areas they are found.
  4. Promotes development of local industries e.g. stone and wood curving which are mainly bought by tourists.
  5. Wildlife is an important national heritage.

Tourists attraction in Kenya and Switzerland

Similarities between Kenya and Switzerland

  1. Both countries have beautiful sceneries.
  2. Both countries have a rich cultural heritage which is a major tourist attraction.
  3. Both have good accommodation facilities for the tourists e.g. hotels.
  4. Both countries enjoy relative peace.
  5. Both countries have game parks.

Differences between Kenya and Switzerland

  1. Wildlife is the main tourist attraction in Kenya while Beautiful scenery is the main tourist attraction in Switzerland.
  2. Tourists are attracted by the warm climate ion Kenya while in Switzerland tourists are attracted by the summer and winter seasons.
  3. Transport and communication is highly developed in Switzerland and thus attracts tourists. In Kenya, The transport and communication is NOT highly developed.


An industry is a place where raw materials are changed from one form to another ,processed and assembled.

Types of industries

  1. Processing industries.
  2. Manufacturing industry
  3. Assembly industries
  4. Service industries.


  1. Processing industries
    • They are also called primary industries.
    • Involved in the first stage of changing raw materials from one form to another.
    • Examples in Kenya : Maize, milk, fish processing etc.
  2. Manufacturing industries
    • They are also known as Secondary industries.
    • They use raw materials to make final products.
    • Examples:
      1. Sugar from a processing industry taken to another factory to make sweets, bread or soft drinks.
      2. Steel rolling milk
      3. Glass making industry
      4. Insecticide industry
      5. Medicine making
      6. Cement factories
      7. Textile industry
      8. Shoe factories
      9. Oil refineries.
  3. Assembly industries
    • They are also known as secondary industry.
    • They put together parts that have been produced elsewhere to make new products.
    • Examples include:-
      1. Vehicles
      2. Radios
      3. Bicycles
      4. Televisions etc.
  4. Service industry
    • They are also known as tertiary industries.
    • They provide services that other people and other industries need.
    • Examples includes:
      1. Transport and communication.
      2. Banking
      3. Insurance
      4. Repair work
      5. Printing etc.

Factors Influencing Location of Industries

  1. Availability of raw materials.
  2. Availability of capital(money to start a business).
  3. Availability of good means of transport and communication.
  4. Availability of power (electricity).
  5. Availability of regular water supply.
  6. Availability of ready market.
  7. Government policy of location of industry.
  8. Availability of land.
  9. Personal consideration.
  10. Security.
  11. Presence of other industries.

Jua Kali Industries

  • These industries are also known as cottage or fabrication industries
  • It involves making simple items in the open air or under simple shade.
  • They use scrap metals to fabricate different types of cheap products.
  •  Items made include:
    1. Jikos
    2. Jembes
    3. Pans
    4.  Wheelbarrows.
    5. Boxes etc.

Reasons for establishment for Juakali industries in Kenya

  1. To create self employment opportunities.
  2. Products from Jua kali industries are cheap as compared to those made in manufacturing industries.
  3. The sale of the jua kali products earns the people income
    Jua kali industries require little space to house workers.
  4. Some Jua kali industries do not require electricity.
  5. ua kali industries help in cleaning up the environment as they use heap of scrap metals.

Benefits of Jua kali industries

  1. Creation of employment opportunities.
  2. Use of waste iron materials helps in recycling wastes.
  3. They produce many goods that are widely used in homes and schools.
  4. Jua kali products are cheap and long lasting.
  5. Jua kali helps in improving the living standards of people working in the Jua kali industry (sector)
  6. Jua kali is foreign exchange earner.
  7. The use of recycled materials helps in controlling environmental pollution.
  8. Jua kali reduces rural – urban migration as youths in the rural areas get employment in their rural areas.

Problems Facing Jua Kali Industries

  1. Inadequate space: This leads to interruption of their work.
  2. Competition from manufactured goods.
  3. Inadequate capital (cash to start and maintain the business)
  4. High cost of raw materials.
  5. Poor working conditions.
  6. Inadequate supply of water and electricity.
  7. Limited market for the products.

Contribution of Industries to The Economy of Kenya

  1. Creation of jobs(employment opportunities)
  2. Earning of income by the people.
  3. Earning of foreign exchange.
    Making use of local resources(raw materials)
  4. Saving on foreign exchange.
  5. Making it possible to have increased trade locally and with other countries.
  6. Promotion of agriculture due to increased demand of raw materials.
  7. Availability of goods.
  8. Growth of urban centers.
  9. Development of infrastructure e.g. roads.
  10. Increased skills by the people employed in industries.
  11. Encourages countries to join regional blocks.This enhances internationalrelations.
  12. Self sufficiency.