Displaying items by tag: term 1 2022


Study the map and answer the questions that follows

  1. Identify the title of the map above
  2. Name three items named on the map
  3. Name two crops grown in the map
  4. Which game is played in the Moro area?
  5. The religion practised in Moro is
  6. Name three elements of a map
  7. A compass has points
  8. Draw a compass and name the : cardinal points
  9. Our country is called
  10. Name the weather symbols


  1. ____has good plan for me.
  2. What is a gift?
  3. Which gift has God given you?
  4. From the parable of the talent. What lesson can you learn from it?
  5. Name three God's creation
  6. ____and_____were placed in the garden of


  1. Match the words with their meaning
    Al-Kauthar   To your Lord
    Lirabbika   One cut off
    Al-Abtaru   River in Paradise
  2. We should always be_____ to Allah (S.W.T.) for His continued blessings.
  3. Maun has_____ verses
  4. The verses of al-Quraysh are____
  5. Who fed and saved the Qurash from fear?
  6. Write the replies to the Salaamu
    Assalam aleikum warahmatullahi?
  7. Allah has_____beautiful names
  8. Name one Allah creation



  1. Farming history
    1. bridge
    2. quarry (any other)
    1. Maize
    2. tea
  4. Football
  5. Christian
    1. title
    2. scale
    3. compass
    4. frame
  7. 4
  8. ..
  9. Kenya
    1. rainy
    2. windy
  11. sun 


  1. God
  2. something given for free
  3. gift of life
  4. our talents will be taken if we don't use them well
    1. star
    2. moon
    3. sun
  6. Adam, Eve


  1. Lirabbika - To your Lord
    Al-Abtaru - One cut off 
    Al-Kauthar - Rive in Paradise
  2. Grateful/thankful
  3. 7
  4. 4
  5. Ala-Maududi
  6. Wa alaikum assalam
  7. 99
  8. The sun/ the moon/ the planets



  1. Write three physical changes in pre-adolescent in girls
  2. Name three aspect of grooming
  3. Write materials used making different types of shoes
  4. Name the needle work tools
  5. Outline three health practices that you practise at home
  6. Name the best clothes to wear during cold day
  7. Name the food we eat
  8. Write two activities you can do during leisure time


  1. Draw an athletic track (5mks)
  2. Explain what is a sprint start
  3. Write down safely measures to observe when improvising a baton
  4. Look at the picture and answer the questions below
    1. Write the activity played in the picture
    2. Name items in picture B.


  1. A still life is drawing of arrangement of (moving objects, noon moving objects)
  2. Name the items found in first AID kit
  3. Name the materials used when drawing a still life composition
  4. State whether the part shown by the arrow is light or dark
  5. What is painting? (2mks)


  1. Name two things that we need to achieve good sing
  2. What is diction as used in music
  3. Write the importance of songs during national holiday?
  4. Draw musical instrument
  5. Name three colours on the national, flag



    1. Enlargement of breast
    2. Enlargement of hips
    3. Increase of height & weight
    1. personal hygiene
    2. Hare a signatory cologne
    3. Exfoliated
    1. canvas
    2. leather
    3. rubbers
    1. scissors
    2. tape measure
    1. Wash your hands
    2. Drink more water
    3. Exercise with a friend
    1. warm clothes
    2. heavy clothes
    3. rubbers
    1. meat
    2. maize
    1. reading story book
    2. skipping rope


  1. Draw
  2. Method of gaining maximum
  3. Speed as quickly as possible 
    1. exchange of baton
    2. batons
    3. rubbers


  1. Farming history
    1. needle
    2. soap
    3. glove
    1. pencil
    2. rubber
    3. drawing book
    1. dark
    2. light
  5. Action or skills of using paints


    1. Voice
    2. Volume and style
  2. Pronunciation of your vocal expression
    1. show love to ear country
    2. it entertains us
  4. a
    1. white
    2. red
    3. green


  1. Name the digestive system
  2. Write three invertebrate animal
  3. Name two animals that give birth to young ones
  4. The digestion of food start in the____ and ends in the_____
  5. We use___ to brush our teeth
  6. Draw three personal items and name them
  7. Name the sense organ below
  8. Name two external parasites


  1. What is soil conservation?
  2. Name three types of soil
  3. Write down three materials required to make compost manure
  4. List down three uses of water on a farm
  5. The below method of irrigation is called____
  6. Write small animals that clothing crops
  7. Draw a scarecrow (2mks)
  8. Match the animal with it's products
    cow   wool
    goat   egg
    sheep   mohair
    hen   milk
  9. We get water from?



    1. oesophagus
    2. stomach
    3. small intestine
    4. large intestine
    1. earth worm
    2. files
    3. cockroaches (any insect)
    1. cow
    2. dog
    1. mouth
    2. small intestine
  5. brush, water
  6. (any)
    1. eye
    2. ear
    1. bedbugs
    2. ticks (any other)


  1. Soil conservation is practice of using water efficiently to reduce unnecessary water usage
    1. loam
    2. clay
    3. sand
    1. dry grass
    2. ashes (any)
    3. top soil
    1. watering crops
    2. washing tools
    3. mixing chemicals
  5. drip irrigation
    1. Monkey
    2. Squirrel
  8. Cow - milk
    goat - mobair
    sheep - wool
    hen - ege
  9. rain
Tagged under


  1. Soma kwa sauti (alama 10)
    Tulidondoa Mchele ili kuondoa ndume. Saa kumi alfajiri tulikanga wali tuka uchanganya na nyama iliyokaangwa na kuitia masala.
    Hiyo ikawa ni bintani chakula kinachopendwa sana na wenye sherehe. Baadaye wapishi hodari walichanganya wali na mdalashi, iliki, pilipili na manga, bizari pamoja na nyama.
  2. Soma kifungu kisha jibu maswali (alama 8)
    Mpishi ni mtu anayejua kupika. Mtu anayejua kupika ana ujuzi halisi. Mtu huweza kusomea kazi hii hadi chuo kikuu au kujifunza kutoka kwa wajuzi wengine. Wapishi maarufu hupatikana katika hoteli kubwa kubwa na kuna wale hupenda hupishi na hupika vyakula na kuviuza vibandani. Chakula cha asubuhi huita staftahi, cha mchana ni chamcha na chakula cha jioni huitwa chajio. Kiamsha kinywa ni kama chai, mkate, mayai, uji na vingine vingi. Watu wengi hupenda kiamsha kinywa
    1. Mpishi ni nani?
    2. Mtu anaweza kusoma kazi hii hadi____au kujifunza kwa____ wengine
    3. Wapishi maarufu hupatikana wapi?
    4. Taja vyakula vinavyotumika asubuhi
    5. Chakula cha asubuhi huitwa
      ____na kile cha mchana ni
      ____ na cha jioni huitwa
  3. Andika majina ya picha
    1 1
    2 1
  4. Unda maneno ukitumia sauti
    Mfano: S - Soma
    1. f___
    2. v___
    3. s___
    4. z___
  5. Taja miezi mitatu ya mwaka
  6. Jibu salamu na maagano
    1. Alamsiki?
    2. Hujambo?
    3. Salaam aleikum?
  7. Jibu methali
    Akili ni

Andika Insha Kuhusu


    1. Anayejua kupika
    2. chuo kikuu, kutoka kwa
    3. hoteli kubwa kubwa 
    4. mayai
    5. kiamsha kinywa, chamcha, chajio
    1. kengele
    2. sufuria
    3. mwavuli
    4. runinga
    1. faa
    2. vaa
    3. sisi
    4. zizi
    1. Januari
    2. Feburuari
    3. Machi
    1. binuru
    2. sijambo
    3. aleikum salaam
  7. mali


  1. Read aloud (15mks)
    They sat at a dining table ready to eat. Even before they could thank God for the food, Hyena had started eating. Hyena served himself a mountain of good. There was not enough for everybody else.
    As they ate he kept talking with his mouth open food particle flew from his mouth to the food of hare's father-in-law. The Hyena did not seem to notice
  2. Read the story and answer the questions (10mks)
    Adija and Kagendo were going to visit their grandmother. They boarded a matatu. The conductor was a shabby dressed young man. He called other passengers loudly when the matatu was full, the driver came.
    He too was shabbily dressed. He smelled of alcohol. Other drivers told him it was not safe to driver. When the conductor got where Adaji was he asked for here fare. She gave him thier fare. By now the matatu was driven dangerously.
    Kangendo told Adija they were taking a risk. They decided to get off at the next stage. It dropped them and sped off later, as they were still on the way, they found the matatu had crashed causing many injuries, they were lucky to get off.

    1. Name the two girls mentioned
    2. The two girls were going to visit their____
    3. The two girls boarded a____
    4. Name two people who are shabby
    5. Who smelled alcohol
    6. Who said they were taking risk
    7. A person who drives a car is called?
  3. Name the pictures
  4. Use the appropriate pronouns to complete these sentences
    1. This book is mine.It belongs to____
    2. That bag is____. It belongs to her.
    3. Ken owns that car. It belongs to____
    4. I bought you a present. This car belongs to____
  5. Fill in the missing words using comparatives
    1. big___biggest
    2. Hot, Hotter,____
    3. Tall____tallest
    4. ____cooler coolest
  6. Use "an, “a”
    1. ____elephant
    2. ____house

TASK 4(10mks)
Write a letter to your mother explaining her on your progress at a new school and ask her to buy you some items.
- Address
- greetings
- reason for writing the letter
- what are your new friends


    1. Adija
    2. grandmother
    3. matatu
    4. conductor
    5. driver
    6. Kagendo 
    7. driver
    8. A persons who are boarding vehicle
    1. window
    2. shoe
    3. jiko
    4. pot
    1. me
    2. her's
    3. him
    4. you
    1. bigger
    2. hottest
    3. taller
    4. cool
    1. an
    2. a
Tagged under


  1. What is the place value of digit 3 in the numbers below? (3mks)
    1. 430 4
    2. 2653 2
    3. 58 23
  2. A member of county assembly donated 5486 books to a certain school. What is the figure in words.
  3. What is the perimeter of the figures
  4. In a farm there are 4678 animals 2626 are female animals. How many male animals were in the farm
  5. Workout
    1. 672
    2. 987
    3. 3561
    4. 4623
      + 288
  6. Write the following numbers in words
    1. 343
    2. 999
    3. 606
  7. Fill in the missing number
  8. What is the next number in the series
    1. 2000,2200,_____,2600, 2800
    2. 900, 1000, 1100,_____,1300
    3. 3, 5,____,9, 11
  9. Arrange the fraction from the smallest to the largest
    1. 1/81/21/41/3,____
    2. 1/91/31/61/81/10,____
  10. Multiply
    x  3
  11. Acarton had 5 packets of pens, each packet had 12 pens. How many pens were there in the carton altogether
  12. Complete the pattern


    1. hundreds
    2. tens
    3. ones
  2. five thousand four hundred and eighty six
    1. 35 cm
    2. 93 cm
    3. 68 cm
  4. 2052
    1. 1398
    2. 1236
    3. 12830
    4. 4911
    1. Three hundred and forty three
    2. Nine hundred and ninety nine
    3. Six hundred and six
    1. 9
    2. 5
    3. 8
    1. 2400
    2. 1200
    3. 7
    1. 1/81/41/31/2
    2. 1/101/91/61/3
  10. 723
  11. 60 pens 


Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne hapo. Jaza kila pengo kwa jawabu lifaalo zaidi.

Bahili hakujua__ 1___ ya ukarimu __ 2 _siku _ 3 _ na ya kumfika. Yeye alikuwa_ 4 watu wanaosadiki kuwa kwa lolote ambalo __5 _mtu yeyote, hawana budi 6. malipo. Watu hawa hujitetea kwa methali isemayo, _ 7__'. Siku hiyo alipoteza nauli yake alipokuwa akirejea nyumbani. Juhudi zake za kuomba msaada hazikufua dafu. Basi __ 8hadi chengoni huku amechoka tiki.

    1. thamani
    2. dhamani
    3. umuhimu
    4. sababu
    1. tangu
    2. hata
    3. wala
    4. hadi
    1. aliofikwa
    2. aliyefikwa
    3. alipofikwa
    4. alivyofikwa
    1. baadhi ya
    2. mithili ya
    3. kati ya
    4. miongoni ya
    1. wanalomtendea
    2. wanamtendea
    3. wamtendealo
    4. wakimtendea
    1. kumtoza
    2. kumtolesha
    3. kumtoesha
    4. kutozwa
    1. Jaza ya hisani ni hisani
    2. Lisilo budi hubidi
    3. Tenda wema nenda zako
    4. Mkono mtupu haurambwi
    1. akaenda joshi
    2. akapiga milundi
    3. akatia mrija
    4. akapiga vijembe

Ni jambo la kusikitisha kuwaona vijana wakiingilia starehe    9     .Jambo hili limechangia _ 10_ kwa maadili katika jamii. __11___vijana hata wanaoingilia uhalifu__12__starehe hizi. Wengine nao huzurura mithili ya    14     wakitafuta wenzao watakaowanunulia vileo.__15___ na hali hii huenda tukakipoteza kizazi cha kesho.

    1. wasiozimudu
    2. wasioimudu
    3. wasizozimudu
    4. wasivyozimudu
    1. kuzorota
    2. kufilisika
    3. kuimarika
    4. kutekelezwa
    1. kuko
    2. iko
    3. раро
    4. wapo
    1. japo
    2. ili
    3. bali
    4. ila
    1. kugharimia
    2. kugharimu
    3. kugharamia
    4. kugharamisha
    1. dira
    2. mwewe
    3. mbwakoko
    4. pakashume
    1. Tukienda
    2. Mkiendelea
    3. Wakiendeleza
    4. Tukiendelea

Kuanzia swali la 16 mpaka 30, jibu kila swali kulingana na maagizo uliyopewa.

  1. Chagua sentensi iliyotumia kielezi cha kutilia mkazo kwa usahihi.
    1. Wao ni marafiki wa kufa kupona.
    2. Kamau ni rafiki yangu wa toka nitoke.
    3. Tumeuenzi utamaduni wetu tangu asili na jadi.
    4. Waombolezaji walilia kwa shangwe na hoihoi.
  2. Nyuzi ni wingi wa uzi aidha ni
    1. kasi ya mawimbi baharini.
    2. vipimo vya joto.
    3. viwango vya mvua iliyonyesha.
    4. Makadirio ya masafa ardhini.
  3. Tambua sentensi iliyotumia ji ya hali.
    1. Mtoto alijichafua akicheza.
    2. Mwimbaji yule ni maarufu sana. 
    3. Utunzaji wa mazingira ni wajibu wetu sote.
    4. Jigari hilo ni la mjoba wake.
  4. Ukitaka kupima usawa wa ukuta utatumia kifaa kipi?
    1. Timanzi
    2. Patasi.
    3. Jiriwa.
    4. Pimamaji.
  5. ______ ni zao zima la mmea uzaao ndizi. 
    1. Chane 
    2. Mgomba 
    3. Kipeto
    4. Mkungu
  6. Andika wingi wa sentensi ifuatayo:
    Hukujua kuwa angeniuliza swali kama hilo.
    1. Hawakujua kuwa mngewauliza maswali kama hayo.
    2. Hamkujua kuwa wangeniuliza maswali kama hiyo. 
    3. Hamkujua kuwa wangetuuliza maswali kama hayo. 
    4. Hawakujua kuwa mngetuuliza maswali kama hayo. 
  7. Akifisha sentensi ifuatayo.
    Mwalimu aliwauliza mnafanya nini hapa. 
    1. Mwalimu alitaka kujua walichokuwa wakifanya hapo? 
    2. Mwalimu aliwauliza, "Mnafanya nini hapa?" 
    3. Mwalimu aliwauliza, "mnafanya nini hapa?"
    4. Mwalimu aliwauliza, "Mnafanya nini hapo?
  8. Ainisha maneno yaliyoangaziwa katika sentensi ifuatayo. Timu hii ni hodari kuliko ile. 
    1. Kivumishi, kielezi, kiwakilishi. 
    2. Kivumishi, kihusishi, kivumishi. 
    3. Kivumishi, kiunganishi, kielezi.
    4. Kiwakilishi, kihusishi, kivumishi.
  9. Kinyume cha methali:
    Mtoto akililia wembe mpe ni
    1. Mpanda ngazi hushuka.
    2. Mtoto umleavyo ndivyo akuavyo.
    3. Mchagua jembe si mkulima.
    4. Pilipili usiyoila yakuwashiani?
  10. Kati ya vyombo hivi vya muziki, kipi cha asili?
    1. Gitaa.
    2. Fidla.
    3. Tarumbeta.
    4. Siwa.
  11. Mimi ni mvulana. Jina langu ni Tito. Nina dada mmoja anayeitwa Asha. Kila tunapoonana sisi huitana
    1. kaka.
    2. mpwa.
    3. umbu.
    4. mnuna.
  12. Mzigo huu ni nanga ukiubeba kidogo tu unalowa jasho chapachapa. Sentensi hii imetumia tamathali gani za uscmi?
    1. nahau, tashbihi.
    2. Sitiari, tanakali za sauti.
    3. Chuku, milio.
    4. Sitiari, nahau.
  13. Zawadi anayopewa mtu kwa kupata kitu kilichopotea huitwaje?
    1. Fichuo.
    2. Arbuni.
    3. Koto.
    4. Kiangazamacho.
  14. Mkutano ulimalizika wakati wa jua la utosi.Je huu ni wakati gani?
    1. Adhuhuri.
    2. Macheo.
    3. Machweo.
    4. Asubuhi.
  15. Chagua kikundi cha sifa zisizochukua viambishingeli.
    1. imara, halali, dhaifu, laini.
    2. bora, safi, chafu, gani.
    3. tele, refu, embamba, kali.
    4. tajiri, tano, gumu, kadhaa.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 31 – 40
Hivi karibuni, nchi ya Kenya iliingia katika hesabu ya zile nchi ambazo zimewahi kudungwa na mwiba wa vita vya wenyewe kwa wenyewe. Japo vita hivi vilisababishwa na uchaguzi wa mwaka Elfu mbili na saba, vilituonyesha namna tulivyogawanyika katika misingi ya kikabila. Kuna mengi ambayo tunaweza kufanya ili kuuziba ufa huu ambao umetugawanya.
Kwanza tunaweza kuhimiza matumizi ya lugha ya taifa katika nyanja zote za maisha badala ya watu kutumia lugha zao za mama. Vilevile, viongozi waache ukabila na wawe na mtazamo wa kitaifa. Wamechangia sana kuchochea hisia za kikabila badala ya kuwaunganisha Wakenya. Maeneobunge mengine yamegawika katika misingi ya kikabila na hata kupewa majina ya kikabila. Pia inafaa kila Mkenya ahubiri umoja wa kitaifa.
Shule zetu za upili zimekuwa vyungu vya kuchemshia ukabila. Isipokuwa shule za kitaifa ambazo huchukua wanafunzi kutoka maeneo yote nchini, shule za magatuzi almaarufu kaunti na zile za wilaya huchukua asilimia sabini ya wanafunzi kutoka maeneo ya karibu. Hivyo basi utapata mwanafunzi amesomea eneo hilo kutoka shule ya msingi mpaka kidato cha nne. Wanafunzi kama hawa hutumia lugha za mama na kwa hivyo hawachangii katika utaifa. Itafaa vilevile iwapo kutakuwa na ugavi sawa na rasilimali. Ilivyo sasa ni kuwa maeneo mengine yana maendeleo ya hali ya juu na mengine hayana hata chakula. Jambo hili linaleta uhasama wa kimaeneo.
Tunaweza vilevile kuwa na siku ya utamaduni ambapo tuna maonyesho ya kitamaduni. Kwa kuonyesha utamaduni wa kila kabila nchini, tutafurahia tamaduni anuwai tulizo nazo na kuzichukulia kuwa kitegauchumi kuliko kuwa sababu ya vita.
Makundi haramu pia yanaleta ukabila. Wakati wa vita vilivyozuka hapa nchini, kila kabila lilikuwa na kundi lake la kulipigania. Kulikuwa na uhalifu mkubwa uliosababishwa na makundi haya yafaa kupigwa marufuku.
Nafasi za kazi nazo ziwaendee wale waliohitimu na wala si kutolewa kwa misingi ya kikabila. Vilevile, iwapo viongozi watakuwa mifano mizuri watasaidia sana viongozi waache matamshi kama vile, “kabila letu linaonewa," au "Ndugu zangu tunamalizwa.” Iwapo watakuwa na mitazamo ya kitaifa, basi watasaidia sana kuleta mtagusano katika nchi hii.
Wananchi wenyewe waelewe kitu kimoja, kuwa makabila nchini Kenya ni mawili - matajiri na maskini. Kwa mfano, hata baada ya kuwachonganisha Wakenya viongozi wetu huonekana wakila na kucheka pamoja. Sisi wananchi tumebaki na kinyongo lakini wao ni marafiki baada ya kututumia na kupata walichotaka, madaraka.
Vyombo vya habari vinapaswa kuarifa, kuelimisha, kuburudisha na kuyafichua maovu. Hata hivyo, kuzuka kwa idhaa za kikabila kimechangia kuvuruga umoja. Viongozi hutumia vyombo hivi kuhubiri chuki kwa watu wa makabila yao. Mambo ya aina hii hudhoofisha juhudi za kulinganisha taifa.
Hakika, ni vyema tufikirie kuhusu wajibu wetu katika maendeleo yetu binafsi na ya taifa letu. Chombo hakiendi ila kwa kafi. Tukijijenga, taifa zima tutapiga hatua kubwa pia. Badala ya kutumia juhudi zetu kuzozana kwa misingi ya kikabila, ni vyema tushikane mikono ili tusonge mbele pamoja.

  1. Ni sahihi kusema kuwa,
    1. Kenya ilijiunga kupigana na mataifa yenye vurugu.
    2. Kenya imehusika tena katika machafuko ya kisiasa.
    3. Kenya imekuwa mojawapo ya nchi zilizoshuhudia machafuko.
    4. Kenya ilikuwa nchi ya kwanza kushuhudia vita vya kikabila.
  2. Vita hivi vinavyozungumziwa,
    1. vilitokea kabla ya uchaguzi mkuu nchini.
    2. vilitokana na tofauti za kikabila zilizojitokeza kisiasa.
    3. vilisababishwa na viongozi wenye maono ya kitaifa.
    4. vilikuwa baina ya makabila makuu na yale madogo.
  3. Umuhimu wa lugha ya kitaifa kulingana na kifungu hiki ni,
    1. kuyaangamiza makabila.
    2. kutambulisha taifa.
    3. kukuza utamaduni.
    4. kuliunganisha taifa.
  4. Shule za upili nazo zimelaumiwa kwa
    1. kutohimiza utangamano wa jamii mbalimbali.
    2. kutoa mafunzo kwa kutumia lugha ya marna.
    3. kupokea wanafunzi kutoka sehemu mbalimbali.
    4. kuwanyima nafasi wanafunzi wa jamii za karibu.
  5. Kuendelea kwa baadhi ya maeneobunge kuliko mengine ni ishara kuwa,
    1. ubaguzi unajitokeza katika ugavi wa rasilimali.
    2. mipaka ya kimaeneo imewekwa kwa misingi va kikabila.
    3. watu wa maeneo haya wana bidii kuliko wenzao.
    4. serikali inazingatia usawa katika ugavi wa rasilimali
  6. Kulingana na aya ya nne,
    1. kuwepo kwa tamaduni mbalimbali kunahujumu umoja wetu.
    2. Maonyesho ya kitamaduni yamechangia ukabila nchini.
    3. tofauti zetu zinaweza kutufaidi badala ya kutugawanya.
    4. kila kabila lina siku ya utamaduni ya kitaifa.
  7. Makundi haramu nchini,
    1. yanasaidia kutetea makabila yao yasinyanyaswe.
    2. mara nyingi hutetea haki za makabila yote.
    3. hayana uhusiano wowote na makundi ya kikabila.
    4. hutekeleza uhalifu kwa visingizio vya kutetea jamii.
  8. Makala haya yameonyesha wazi kuwa,
    1. Viongozi wa kisiasa ni maadui wakubwa.
    2. Viongozi wa kisiasa huwatumia wanyonge kujifaidi.
    3. Nchi hii haina makabila mengi jinsi tunavyofikiria.
    4. Idhaa za kikabila huanzishwa na Wanasiasa nchini.
  9. Methali 'chombo hakiendi ila kwa kafi' ina maana kuwa,
    1. maendeleo hayatapatikana bila watu kuwa na ubinafsi.
    2. juhudi za kuliunganisha taifa nila serikali na viongozi.
    3. taifa haliwezi kuendelea bila mchango wa wananchi.
    4. wananchi hawawezi kuungana bila viongozi wa kisiasa..
  10. Neno mtagusano jinsi lilivyotumika lina maana sawa na,
    1. utangamano.
    2. utengano.
    3. mvurugano.
    4. utamaduni.

Payuka alikuwa kilimilimi hivi kwamba lolote alilonasa kwa yeyote awaye yule, sharti angeliwasilisha na kumtaarifu mwingine. Hakujali lilisemwa na nani au kwa nini. Hata mambo ya faragha ya baraza la wazee angeingilia tu, sijui akiwa mgeni wa nani, kisha angeyasambaza hata kwa vibaka na vigoti. Udukizi wa namna hii ulimpelekea kuwa na rabsha baina yake na wote waliomzunguka. Kila aliyemwona akikaribia alijaribu kuyafunika maneno yake hadi apite. Msemo, “funika kombe mwanaharamu apite," ukawa wamlenga yeye.
Waaidha, alikuwa na ulimi wa upanga. Kungalikuwa na mashindano ya kukaripiana, neno la kwanza la payuka lingalimpiga dafrao mpinzani wake hata ajiuzulu mara moja. Alifikiri maisha ni jukwaa la mashindano na kwake yeye aliyekuwa na upyaro wa msimu ndiye angeshinda. Maneno yake yote yalikuwa mfano wa sumu ya joka kali. Naye kwake, hili lilikuwa na hasara pia. Aliuvaa uso usiofurahi, kila wakati umekunja mapeto, midomo imekunjana na uso umejaa makanyanza kama mzee mwenye umri wa miaka mia moja. Mgeni yeyote aliyemwona na kusikia kuwa alikuwa mtoto ambaye hata ubwabwa haujamtoka shingoni alimaka.
Payuka pia alikuwa mcheza shere. Ukweli ukawa neno lisilo na maana kwake. Hakuiona ahadi kuwa deni kazini angeahidi jambo fulani wala asingelitimiza asilani. Mkutanapo angekupiga chenga kukudanganya. Angekupaka mafuta kwa mgongo wa chupa na uridhikapo na kuenda, angeahirisha utekelezaji wa ahadi yenu hadi mtakapokutana tena. Kwa mtendwa, hii ilikuwa dhihaka iliyokithiri.
Uchokochoko wake ulimfanya awe ndumakuwili. Akimwona yeyote akinawiri angejitokeza kama anayeteremea mno na mwenye kusherehekea pamoja na apataye. Hili lingefanya anayelengwa kumfunulia moyo wake wote na kuuacha wazi kwake amchunguze atakavyo. Maadui wangevutwa kwa ulimi. Kuna walioibwa kutapeliwa, kuhujumiwa kwa mioto au kwa namna yoyote ile, wengine waliuawa kutokana na hila zake kumbe alitafuta jinsi ya kufaidika yeye!
Naye avumaye baharini papa kumbe wengine wapo? Ukiua kwa upanga, kwa upanga pia utakufa. Chokochoko za payuka zikawabughudhi vijana wengi kwa muda mrefu, nao wakampangia njama. Wakaitumia njia ile ile aliyotumia kulipizia kisasi - ulimi mtamu. Walijua kuwa yeye alipenda kuutumia ulimi wake kupata sifa. Wakati huo makachero walikuwa wakichunguza kwa kina vyanzo vya visa mbalimbali vya uhalifu kitongojini humo. Wakajua kumsifu kwa kiasi kidogo tu kungemfanya kujisahau na kuelezea siri zake zote
Licha ya kuutumia kuropoka, ulimi wa Payuka pia ulitumiwa kuchapa maji. Siku ya mtego, vijana hao walijifanya karimu kwelikweli, wakamnunulia kileo. Alipokwishauchapa ugimbi, vijana wakaanza kumsifu Payuka kwa ujanja huku wakiwakashifu watu mbalimbali waliojua kuwa walikwishahasiriwa na afriti huyu. Kusikia sifa zake zainuka, alianza kutokwa na maneno shelabela. Alieleza alivyowashusha wote hao kwajinzi mbalimbali - kuna aliowapangia kuuawa, kuibiwa, kuchomewa nyumba na kadhalika.
Wakati huu wote, kachero mmoja alikwishakaribia akiwa na kiredio cha kunasia sauti. Akishaboboka bobobo, makachero wawili wakajitokeza, wakajitambulisha na kumfahamisha Payuka shughuli zao pale. Alipojaribu kujitetea kiredio kikafunguliwa, akayasikia yote aliyosimulia. Akalevuka palepale, akawaangalia vijana wale majirani ambao sasa walikuwa wakitabasamu. “Twende kituoni!” Makachero wakamwamuru. Waliokuwepo wakajisemea nyoyoni, “Kweli heri kujikwaa dole kuliko kujikwaa ulimi”.

  1. Chagua jibu lililo sahihi.
    1. Payuka aliyachunguza mambo vizuri kabla ya kuyasambaza.
    2. Wengi walipenda kuzisikiliza chokochoko za Payuka.
    3. Baraza la wazee lilimtumia Payuka kutangaza mambo yake.
    4. Payuka alipenda kuchunguza maneno ili ayasambaze.
  2. Kutokana na hulka ya Payuka,
    1. mara nyingi alivurugana na watu.
    2. alijizolea umaarufu kila mahali.
    3. alipendwa sana na vibaka na vigoli.
    4. alijipata akizungukwa na watu mara nyingi.
  3. 'Neno la kwanza la Payuka lingalimpiga dafrao mpinzani wake hata ajiuzulu mara moja'. Kauli hii imetumia tamathali gani za usemise
    1. sitiari, nahau.
    2. nahau, chuku.
    3. tashihisi, chuku.
    4. tashbihi, kinaya.
  4. Payuka alionekana kuwa mzee kwa sababu ya,
    1. upyoro wake 
    2. kununa mara nyingi. 
    3. kuchukiwa na watu.
    4. maneno mengi aliyojua.
  5. Sifa nyingine ya Payuka iliyojitokeza ni,
    1. kutotimiza ahadi.
    2. kuingiliana na wageni.
    3. kupenda vita.
    4. kuhepa watu wasikutane.
  6. Msemo mwingine wenye maana sawa na, angekupaka mafuta kwa mgongo wa chupa'ni
    1. angekupiga vijembe.
    2. angekuvika kilemba cha ukoka.
    3. angekuonea gere.
    4. angekutia kiwi.
  7. Payuka alijenga uhusiano na wale waliofanikiwa ili,
    1. azijue siri zao na kuwatangazia wengine.
    2. aige nyendo zao na kufanikiwa kama wao.
    3. atangaze siri zao waweze kutiwa mbaroni.
    4. awavute karibu na kupata nafasi ya kuwadhulumu.
  8. Madhara ya ulevi yanayojitokeza katika i kifungu ni,
    1. mtu kushindwa kudhibiti maneno yake.
    2. kunaswa na makachero bila kujitetea ipasavyo.
    3. kutoa siri za wenzetu kwa maadui zao.
    4. kuwafuata hata maadui ili kufaidika.
  9. Payuka hakuweza kujitetea kwa kuwa,
    1. alikuwa mlevi kupindukia.
    2. ushahidi dhidi yake ulikuwa dhahiri.
    3. wenzake walitoa ushahidi dhidi yake.
    4. alishtakiwa kwa mambo ambayo hakuyajua.
  10. Kulingana na kifungu, ni wazo kuwa,
    1. askari walipofika pale walikuja kumchunguza Payuka.
    2. vijana waliomnunulia Payuka pombe walikuwa makachero.
    3. Payuka alikuwa mhusika mkuu kwenye maovu kijijini.
    4. vijana waliomsaliti Payuka walikuwa washirika wake maovuni.


  1. A
  2. D
  3. C
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. B
  8. B
  9. C
  10. A
  11. D
  12. B
  13. A
  14. C
  15. D
  16. C
  17. B
  18. C
  19. A
  20. D
  21. C
  22. B
  23. A
  24. B
  25. D
  26. C
  27. B
  28. D
  29. A
  30. A
  31. C
  32. B
  33. D
  34. A
  35. A
  36. C
  37. D
  38. B
  39. C
  40. A
  41. D
  42. A
  43. C
  44. B
  45. A
  46. D
  47. D
  48. A
  49. B
  50. C


Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 10 15. For each blank space, choose the BEST alternative from the choices given.

As you grow up, you have your 1 set on what you would__2__to be in future. Many say they would wish to be a doctor, pilot, engineer __3__any of these__4__ professions. They forget
that in equal measure, we__5__ nurses, mechanics, carpenters and police officers to keep our country going and get the__6__required from them. If everybody got what they desired to be, __7__ would be a serious imbalance__8__ professionals. You can just__9__ how difficult it would be to get people to do __10__ jobs like road construction, charcoal vending, fishing, watchmen and __11__artisans. It is important for us to understand that__12__single person is important irrespective of __13__ he does in life.
Be focused and ensure you don't get__14__from achieving your dream. Your parents, teachers, relatives and other well-wishers are just there to __15__ you in realising the dream. However, it is you to go for it.

    1. idea
    2. plan
    3. mind
    4. direction
    1. require
    2. wish
    3. need
    4. hope
    1. and
    2. like
    3. as
    4. or
    1. nice
    2. great
    3. attractive
    4. rich
    1. know
    2. need
    3. have
    4. get
    1. services
    2. time
    3. work
    4. salary
    1. their
    2. then
    3. there
    4. this
    1. for
    2. with
    3. at
    4. of
    1. remember
    2. imagine
    3. decide
    4. know
    1. manual
    2. big
    3. heavy
    4. real
    1. likewise
    2. maybe
    3. even
    4. then
    1. each
    2. every
    3. all
    4. one
    1. whoever
    2. whichever
    3. wherever
    4. whatever
    1. attracted
    2. advised
    3. distracted
    4. tired
    1. support
    2. sponsor
    3. check
    4. cheer

For questions 16 and 17. choose the alternative that BEST completes the sentence given.

  1. We go to hospital whenever we fall sick,_______?
    1. isn't it
    2. do we
    3. don't we
    4. couldn't we
  2. Maria has never been to Kitale,
    1. has she 
    2. isn't it 
    3. hasn't she 
    4. is it

For questions 18 and 19, choose the alternative thal BEST completes the sentence given.

  1. He was not only praised for his bravery
    1. yet also rewarded with a cow. 
    2. and also rewarded with a cow.
    3. then also rewarded with a cow. 
    4. but also rewarded with a cow.
  2. The patient was so tired
    1. and he was admitted into the ward immediately.
    2. that he was admitted into the ward immediately.
    3. to be admitted into the ward immediately 
    4. as he was admitted into ward immediately

For questions 20 to 22, choose the sentence that means the SAME AS the underlined one.

  1. Our class teacher hardly comes to school late. 
    1. Our class teacher sometimes comes late. 
    2. Our class teacher never comes to school late. 
    3. Our class teacher usually comes to school late. 
    4. Our class teacher rarely comes to school late
  2. As soon as the players heard the whistle, they walked into the field. 
    1. The players walked into the field immediately they heard the whistle. 
    2. The players walked into the field soon after they heard the whistle. 
    3. The players walked into the field just before they heard the whistle. 
    4. The players walked into the field when they heard the whistle.
  3. I would visit Malindi if I had time.
    1. I will visit Malindi if as soon as I have time. 
    2. I will visit Malindi when I get time. 
    3. I cannot visit Malindi because I don't have time. 
    4. I cannot visit Malindi unless I get time.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 23 to 25.
Four pupils, Teresa, Ben, Regina and Musa were talking about the domestic animals they had at their homes. Ben said he liked cows and goats which they had at home while sheep and goats were in Musa's list, Regina's family kept geese, sheep and pigs while Musa, whose father kept cows and donkeys, said he had his own pigeons too. Teresa kept some rabbits as a hobby but the family kept pigs and sheep. Only Musa's parents did not rear chicken but instead they had some turkeys.

  1. Who among the four pupils had the MOST animals at their home?
    1. Teresa 
    2. Musa 
    3. Ben
    4. Regina
  2. The LEAST preferred animal among the children is 
    1. goats 
    2. pigs 
    3. cows 
    4. donkeys
  3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? 
    1. Chickens and sheep had the same number of preference. 
    2. All the children had chicken at home. 
    3. Sheep was the only animal preferred by the highest number of pupils. 
    4. Regina and Teresa had the same type of animals at their homes.

Read the following passage and answer questions 26 to 38..
When Siro's goat disappeared, he looked for it for almost the entire evening. He had tied it close to his home and although he was sure it had not snapped the rope, it was not there and there was no trace of the rope too. He was about to give up hope when the stillness of the night enabled him hear the muffled noise of a goat in distress. He keenly listened again. He moved stealthily, following paths and crossing fences and hedges and was relieved to find it. It was tied in the thicket behind Lima's home with the same rope. He simply untied it, removed the plastic container that had been put round the mouth to contain the sound level and led it home. He was sure he knew who the thief was.
Two weeks later, his ncighbour, Kalua, lost his goat in the same circumstance. As Kalua searched from home to home, checking if his goat could have strayed there, he got no positive response. Then, he decided to check at Siro's home and this is how he got a companion. As the pair walked towards the thicket near Lima's home, they heard a sound Siro claimed was familiar to him. They were not equally surprised as their discussion had been along that line. They bumped into the goat, tied at almost the same spot, with the mouth covered in the same fashion. Not interested in making accusations that could not be substantiated but just end up straining relationships in the village, they took the goat away. I lowever, they had a plan in mind on how to stop the thief once and for all.
It took over three weeks then a repeat of the same occurred. When Siro got the information, he rushed to Kalua's home and together with Sule, the man whose goat had just disappeared, they decided to execute the plan they had at hand in darkness. Each of them was armed with a weapon. in case the thicfappeared and showed any sign of defiance or became violent. They knew whom they expected to confront, knew his home and even the path he was likely to follow when coming for the goat. Ilowever, they had no idea of when he would come but they were determined to wait, however long it took.
The wait was long and tiring and had they been together, they would have given up, taken the goat and planned to catch the thief another day. It was just that none of them wanted to be the one to ask the others if they could leave. They were already dristing in and out of sleep when they heard the rustling of Icaves. Something' was coming and his cough made it clear that it was a human being. The moon was up so they could make out the shape of a tall man with a big hat. On one hand, he had a club and as he cautiously made his way, his walking style was unmistakable. The person approaching was not Lima but Walo, the watchman of the school behind the hedge where they were.
Walo went to where the goat was tied, coughed again then untied it. Little did he know that three men were silently moving towards him and already, he was at the centre with no chance of escape. Then, Siro, who was the nearest to where he was, coughed. Walo's club dropped to the ground, just as Siro shouted he surrenders by raising his hands or get killed. Due to shock, scar or both, he obliged and the men cut part of the rope with which the goat had been tied, used it to tic his hands at the back and walked him to his workplace to begin the second phase of waiting. They would wait for daybreak to make a report about the thief to the head teacher and the chief.

  1. Why was Siro sure the lost goat had not snapped the rope? 
    1. The goat could not have been that strong. 
    2. He was sure the rope had not become very weak 
    3. He did not see any evidence to confirm it. 
    4. He had been lying it at the same spot for a long time.
  2. The muffled noise Siro heard can be BEST described as 
    1. croak 
    2. low 
    3. bray
    4. bleat
  3. What do you think was the plastic container used for on the goat? 
    1. To ensure the owner does not trace it. 
    2. So that the noise does not bother the neighbours 
    3. To make it produce a peculiar sound than usual. 
    4. To prevent insects from entering its mouth.
  4. What made Siro be sure of who the thief was? The 
    1. way the goat was tied. 
    2. location where the goat was found. 
    3. use of the plastic container. 
    4. distance the goat had been moved.
  5. Kalua looked for the goat from home to home because 
    1. he believed Siro would definitely offer him the solution. 
    2. goats usually go to homes where other goats are. 
    3. thieves were known to keep stolen goats in their homes. 
    4. he was not sure of where it could have gone to
  6. By saying Siro and Kalua bumped into the goat, the writer means
    1. they got the goat when they least expected. 
    2. it was already growing too dark to see clearly. 
    3. the goat was tied loosely in the thicket. 
    4. the two of them were equally in ahurry. 
  7. Why do you think was the second stolen goxat tied at almost the same spot as previous ones? 
    1. To enable the owner get it with case. 
    2. That was the safest hiding place for stolen goats. 
    3. Its location was convenient to the thic. 
    4. It was the thickest thicket in the locality
  8. Kalua and Siro could not substantiate their allegations because 
    1. they had not seen the thicistealing. 
    2. they were not the village elders. 
    3. they wanted to remain friendly to the thief 
    4. there was no proof as to whom the geau belonged to
  9. According to the three men who planned in catch the thief, they knew the thief was 
    1. Kalua 
    2. Lima 
    3. Siro 
    4. Walo
  10. Why were Siro, Kalua and Sule drifting in and out of sleep? 
    1. The goat was still making a lot of noise.
    2. They were suddenly growing hungry and bored. 
    3. They were regretting why they decided to catch the thief. 
    4. The wait for the thief was taking too long.
  11. The MAIN reason why Walo did not expect to be caught is that 
    1. he was a watchman and could easily defend himself. 
    2. he was never suspected to be the thief. 
    3. the goat was still at the spot where he had left it.
    4. he always waited till late in the night.
  12.  What made Walo's club to drop when Siro coughed?
    1. The cough brought him to some reality. 
    2. He had not carried it well. 
    3. The goat knocked it down accidentally. 
    4. He was in a hurry to use it.
  13. In the end, we learn that
    1. a report was made to the chief and the head teacher. 
    2. the three men and the suspect went to the school the school
    3. stealing of the goats in the village stopped. 
    4. Sule took back his goat.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 39 to 50
Owning a home is great. It is security but should it really be your financial goal? Some financial experts actually recommend that renting a house is better than struggling to buy one. A home is not an investment because it doesn't pay you every month. In fact, you have to pay for your home every month. An investment is not a good deal if you are paying in and no cash flow is coming out. Your capital is tied up, you can't access it. Instead, it's even better you invest in yourself, developing your skills and focusing on growing your income first.
When you rent, you have a set amount that you pay every month that you can easily budget for. The advantage of renting is that it also allows you to live without that debt. You may think that you are only paying rent but you are also buying something else: time. Time to think through exactly what you want for the long-term in terms of owning a house, time to save and time to shop around for a house and location that will be worth your time and not end up costing more than you had planned for it. It also allows you move when necessary, something to consider if you want to cast your net wider in terms of finances. While renting, you also don't have to worry about cost like security. These are the landlord's problems.
Most of the time, investing in housing is a good idea but buying into the idea that it will always give you a profit could leave you disappointed. A little investigation into the state of housing in several markets both here in Kenya and even abroad is very important. The price of houses recently fell by 1.8 % in the first half of the year.
We have all heard the running joke of the man who owns a Prado but parks it outside a rented house. Is he a fool not to have bought a house? What this belief fails to acknowledge is opportunity cost, which is the cost of a missed opportunity. Being stuck in a ‘matatu’ that has refused to be filled with passengers to leave or one that stops every five hundred metres can cost you a lot of time. You could end up missing what was supposed to be yours in terms of a doctor's appointment, an interview, a job, money and even status. Who can respect a person who can't keep time?
The few coins you save when use a ‘matatu' may end up being a drop in the ocean in comparison to what you could have gained during the time you lost. When you use our car, you can also use it as an extra source of income if you can use it to ferry people to work or even put it to work. It may also come in handy during emergencies and may make more financial sense if you have a family.
Remember, we usually pay more for quality. However, be careful! At times, we just pay more for brand names rather than the quality of the item. This happens more in medicine where most people do not buy generics while their composition is exactly the same as the original drugs.

  1. Some financial experts recommend that renting is better than buying a house because 
    1. it is cheaper to pay rent.
    2. the landlords are easier to handle. 
    3. the rent charged on houses is reducing. 
    4. buying a home does not pay back the owner.
  2. According to the passage, an investment should 
    1. pay back more than what was invested. 
    2. have security for the investor. 
    3. give back some amount in form of profil. 
    4. make the investor feel great.
  3. What does the writer mean by saying a renter also buys time? 
    1. He decides whether buying a house is worth it or not. 
    2. Considers if buying a house is actually better than renting. 
    3. Investing in yourself instead of buying a house. 
    4. He prepares to the buy a house at the right time and place.
  4. If you decide to buy a house in a hurry,
    1. renting could turn out to be equally good. 
    2. you may regret if the location and amount do not suit you 
    3. you are likely to have more money shortly. 
    4. he house could end up being of poor quality
  5. One of the advantages of renting a house is that 
    1. the rent reduction will always favour you.
    2. the increase in number of houses lowers the rent.
    3. you can change location when you need
    4. rentals are usually located in urban areas.
  6. Why is security considered to be the landlord's problem? 
    1. Tenants are mobile. 
    2. Landlords charge very high rent. 
    3. Security is usually got locally. 
    4. It is not as essential as owning a house.
  7. What should one think about when buying a house? 
    1. It will make you great instantly. 
    2. It is not likely to make you rich. 
    3. You will definitely go a class higher in life.
    4. Your security then becomes guaranteed.
  8. What many people do not know about owning a house is that
    1. houses keep increasing in number, 
    2. it is the most worthless investment. 
    3. cars and houses are owned by the rich.
    4. is not meant to improve financial status.
  9. The price of houses recently fell by 1.8% because
    1. probably more people are building their own. 
    2. quantity of houses being built have gone down.
    3. it is no longer an attractive investment. 
    4. the cost of building materials has gone up.
  10. The man who owns a Prado but parks it outside a rented house 
    1. could just be a fool. 
    2. knows well about opportunity cost. 
    3. cares less about opportunity cost.
    4. loves the car more than the house.
  11. The expression a drop in the ocean is used in the second last paragraph means 
    1. too little to make a difference. 
    2. almost enough for the intended purpose. 
    3. can build up to become something big. 
    4. what everyone can easily get.
  12. When buying an item, we should
    1. compare it with other related items.
    2. rely on others who have brought the same items. 
    3. be aware some manufacturers simply trick customers.
    4. be keener on the quality of the product.


  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. D
  9. B
  10. A
  11. C
  12. B
  13. D
  14. C
  15. A
  16. C
  17. A
  18. D
  19. B
  20. D
  21. A
  22. C
  23. B
  24. D
  25. A
  26. C
  27. D
  28. A
  29. B
  30. D
  31. A
  32. C
  33. A
  34. B
  35. D
  36. C
  37. A
  38. B
  39. D
  40. C
  41. D
  42. B
  43. C
  44. A
  45. B
  46. D
  47. C
  48. B
  49. A
  50. D
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  1. Which of the following is ten million ten thousand and ten?
    1. 10 010 100 
    2. 10 010 010 
    3. 10 100 010 
    4. 10 001 010
  2. What is the 299.995 rounded off to the nearest two decimal places? 
    1. 299.99 
    2. 299.98 
    3. 300.00
    4. 300
  3. How many days are there between 5th February and 4th April of a leap year? 
    1. 58 
    2. 59 
    3. 60
    4. 61
  4. What is the place value of digit 9 in sum of 428 657 and 368 725? 
    1. Hundred of thousand 
    2. Thousand 
    3. Ten of thousand 
    4. Millions
  5. What is the value of 62 +42 +3 (2+4)?
                                           2 x 7
    1. 14 
    2. 70 
    3. 5
  6. Chebet bought the following items from a shop
    2-2 litre bottles of cooking oil @ 120 per litre
    3kg sugar @ sh. 105
    45kg rice @ sh. 80 5 rolls of tissues for sh. 100
    If she paid using 2 - 1000 shilling note, how much balance did she get? 
    1. Sh.1 255 
    2. Sh.1 655 
    3. Sh.745 
    4. Sh.345
  7. The triangle ABC below is drawn to scale.
    What is the size of angle ACB? 
    1. 550 
    2. 72° 
    3. 108 
    4. 125°
  8. What is the sum of the square of 1% and the square root of 2%? % 
    1. 3% 
    2. 4% 
    3. 24
  9. What is the next number in the sequence? 1, 4, 9, 16, 
    1. 36
    2. 24 
    3. 25 
    4. 27
  10. What is the simplified form of
    3(2x + 3y) + 2(4x + 5y)
    1. 14x + 19 
    2. 12.x + 8y 
    3. 19x + 14y 
    4. 16x + 19y
  11. The table below shows arrival and departure timetable for the train from towns A, B, C and D.
    Town Arrival Departure
    9.15am 9.30am
    C 11.25 am 11.35am
    How long did it take the train to travel from town B to town D? 
    1. 4hrs 5 min 
    2. 3hrs 5min 
    3. 4hrs 55min
    4. 3hrs 55min
  12. The area of a square plot of land was 625m?.
    What was twice its perimeter? 
    1. 100m 
    2. 25m
    3. 200m 
    4. 50m
  13. Construct a triangle ABC such that line AB-4cm, BC-5cm and angle BAC = 90°. Draw a circle touching the points ABC.
    What is the radius of the circle? 
    1. 10cm 
    2. 5cm 
    3. 4cm
    4. 6cm
  14. What is the value of
    12/5 ÷ 11/5 + 2½ of 1/3
    1. 2
    2. 11/6
    3. 71/6
    4. 83/6
  15. Salat bought a generator for sh.20 400 after getting a 15% discount. What was the marked price of the generator?
    1. Sh.3060 
    2. Sh.23 460
    3. Sh.17 340 
    4. Sh.24 000
  16. Three streetlights light at an interval of 6min, 8min and 12min. If they all started at 8.00am. At what time did they light again?
    1. 8.36am 
    2. 9.00am 
    3. 8.48am 
    4. 8.24am
  17. A cylindrical container with a radius of 28cm contain water to a height of 50cm. How many litres of water does it hold? 
    1. 123.21 
    2. 12321 
    3. 12321 
    4. 1232001
  18. The fractions 2/3, ¾, 3/8 and 2/5 are to be arranged in order from the smallest to the largest. What is the correct order? 
    1. ¾,2/32/5 , 3/8
    2. 2/33/2/5 ,¾
    3. 3/2/5 ,2/3
    4. 2/5 ,¾, 2/33/8
  19. Which of the following characteristics of quadrilaterals is both for rhombus and square?
    1. Has one pair of parallel lines
    2. Diagonals are equal 
    3. All the angles are right angle. 
    4. Diagonal bisect at right angle.
  20. The table below shows the number of pupils who joined class eight in Kahutha location.
    Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
    No. of pupils 386 425 369 438  398
    Which two consecutive years was the number highest? 
    1. 2019 and 2020 
    2. 2017 and 2018 
    3. 2017 and 2019 
    4. 2016 and 2018
  21. What is 74296 divided by 37?
    1. 2008 
    2. 208 
    3. 28
    4. 280
  22. What is the value of t in the equation
    3/5(10x+15)-10 = 20 ? 
    1. 3% 
    2. 242 
  23. The diagram below shows a net of a solid.
    When folded which solid will be formed
    1. Triangular pyramid 
    2. Triangular prism
    3. Square pyramid 
    4. Square prism
  24. A company hired 18 men to do a job in 24 days. How long did it take if 6 men did not turn up? 
    1. 18 days 
    2. 24 days 
    3. 36 days 
    4. 48 days
  25. Which of the following sets of measurements will form a right angled triangle? 
    1. 5cm, 7cm, 9cm 
    2. 8cm, 15cm, 19cm 
    3. 5cm, 12cm, 13cm 
    4. 10cm, 12cm, 15cm
  26. The mass of an empty pick up is 0.9 tonnes. The pick up was loaded with 20 bales of maize flour each with 12-2kg packed. It is also loaded with 20-50kg bags of rice. What is the mass of the loaded pickup in kg? 
    1. 1480kg 
    2. 1380kg
    3. 1480.9kg 
    4. 2380kg
  27. Ochieng bought a cow at sh.24 000. He later sold it making 18% profit. What was the selling price?
    1. Sh.4 320 
    2. Sh.27 320 
    3. Sh.28 320 
    4. Sh.26 480
  28. Jamal deposited sh.120 000 in a commercial bank that charged simple interest at the rate of 8 percent per annum. How much interest did the money earn after two years? 
    1. Sh.139 200 
    2. Sh.19 200 
    3. Sh.9 600 
    4. Sh.129 600
  29. A public rally was attended by 380 men. The number of women was thrice that of men but half that of children. How many people attended the rally? 
    1. 1 140 
    2. 3 800 
    3. 1 520 
    4. 3 420
  30. The marked price of a TV is sh.24 000. The hire purchase price is 25% more than the marked price. Wambua bought it on hire purchase paying a deposit of sh. 12 000 and the rest in 12 equal monthly instalment. How much is each instalment? 
    1. Sh.1 500 
    2. Sh.2000 
    3. Sh.2 500 
    4. Sh. 1 800
  31. The diagram below shows an isosceles triangle.
    If the perimeter is 36cm what is the area of the triangle? 
    1. 120cm 
    2. 130cm
    3. 60cm
    4. 65cm
  32. Parsaloi read 2/5 of a book on Monday and 1/7 on Tuesday and the rest on Wednesday. What fraction of the book did he read on Wednesday?
    1. 16/35
    2. 8/35
    3. 19/35
    4. 17/35
  33. What is the value of 0.72 + 0.6 - 0.12 ?
    1. 0.572
    2. 5.72
    3. 0.286 
    4. 28.6
  34. A saleslady earn a basic salary of sh. 15 000. She is also paid 5% commission on all the sales she makes in a month. How much money did she earn in a month she sold good worth sh. 250 000? 
    1. Sh.27 500 
    2. Sh.12 500 
    3. Sh.15 000 
    4. Sh.20 000
  35. A road in a map is drawn to scale 1: 500 000. What is the actual length of the road which is drawn to scale of 6cm? 
    1. 0.3km 
    2. 3km 
    3. 30km 
    4. 300km
  36. Three girls Nancy, Nelly and Nimo contributed a total of sh.325 to buy a gift for their friends. Nancy contributed sh.30 more than Nelly. Nimo contributed sh.25 more than Nancy. If Nancy contributed sh.m, which of the following equation will be used to find the amount Nancy contributed? 
    1. 3m + 55 - 325 
    2. 3m - 5 = 325 
    3. 3m-25 = 325 
    4. 3m + 30 = 325
  37. In a school there were 840 pupils last year. This year the numbedincreased by 25% What is the new population? 
    1. 210 
    2. 1150 
    3. 950 
    4. 1050
  38. The length of a rectangular plotis 240m and the width 160nt. What is the area of the plot in hectares?
    1. 38 400 
    2. 3 840 
    3. 38.4 
    4. 3.84
  39. The mean age of seven pupils is 12. If the age of the first 6 is 8, 10, 11, 18, 16, 8, what is the age of the seventh pupil? 
    1. 12 
    2. 13 
    3. 16 
    4. 10
  40. A motorist covered a distance of 144km in two hours. What was his speed in m/s?
    1. 20m/s 
    2. 40m/s 
    3. 25m/s 
    4. 30m/s
  41. What is the surface area of an open tank of diameter 1.4m and a height of 1.2m in mo? 
    1. 5.28m2
    2. 3.08m2
    3. 6.82m2
    4. 8.36m2
  42. A watch loses 30 second every hour. If it was set right on Monday 8.30am, at what time did it shows on Tuesday 8.30am?! 
    1. 8.18am 
    2. 8.24am 
    3. 8.42am 
    4. 8.36am
  43. The ratio of boys to girls in a school is 3:4 if there are 120 less boys than girls, how many pupils are there in that school? 
    1. 360 
    2. 480 
    3. 840
    4. 660
  44. A rectangular tank measures 0.5m by 0.6m by 0.8m. How many litres of water does it hold when half full? 
    1. 0.24 
    2. 0.12 
    3. 120 
    4. 240
  45. The table below shows how Wangira scored in an exam.
    Subject Math Eng Kis Sci SST
    Score out 39 30 36 42 33
    If this information was put on a pie chart, what angle would represent Maths? 
    1. 96° 
    2. 78° 
    3. 84 
    4. 60°
  46. The table below shows the charges of sending money order.
    Value of order Commission
    Upto 1000 54
    1001 - 2500  86
    2501 - 5000  124
    5001 - 10000 182
    10001 - 20000 246
    Mugambi sent two money orders one worth sh.12 000 and the other worth sh. 7 500. How much money did he pay at the post office? 
    1. Sh.428 
    2. Sh.19 928 
    3. Sh.438 
    4. Sh.20 350
  47. What is the value of 2ab - b
    if a=2 and 6 = 6?
    1. 24 
    2. 18 
    3. 12..
  48. The figure below shows a quarter a circle cut out of square.
    What is the area of the shaded part? 
    1. 616cm 
    2. 784cm 
    3. 168cm 
    4. 154cm
  49. What is 65% as a ratio in its simplest form?
    1. 26:50 
    2. 13:20 
    3. 65:100 
    4. 13:100
  50. The graph below shows the journey taken by Ouma from town P to town Q. A fer covering 60km he rested for one hour then resumed the journey.
    What was his speed after he rest?
    1. 248km/h 
    2. 48km/h 
    3. 36km/h 
    4. 60km/h


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. D
  6. C
  7. B
  8. B
  9. C
  10. A
  11. D
  12. C
  13. B
  14. A
  15. D
  16. D
  17. A
  18. C
  19. D
  20. A
  21. A
  22. A
  23. B
  24. C
  25. C
  26. D
  27. C
  28. B
  29. B
  30. A
  31. C
  32. A
  33. D
  34. A
  35. C
  36. B
  37. D
  38. D
  39. B
  40. A
  41. C
  42. A
  43. C
  44. C
  45. B
  46. B
  47. A
  48. C
  49. B
  50. C