- Which of the following parts of a computer is used for selection?
- Monitor
- Mouse
- Cables
- Aaron drew the following device on the white board.
He later asked his classmates to name it. What was their correct answer?- Keyboard
- Printer
- Mouse.
- On which part of a computer do we read what we type?
- Monitor
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- Which among the following substances is a gas?
- Saliva
- Dust
- Stone
- Air
- When we breathe polluted air
- we can develop breathing problems.
- we can suffer from sore eyes.
- our skin can be rashy.
- we can suffer from severe diarrhoea.
- A Grade 4 learner put a coin in a basin of water as shown below.
The coin went down into the water. We can say that the coin is a- solid.
- floater.
- material.
- sinker.
- Below is a type of teeth.
Which of the following statement is true? It- is chisel shaped.
- has cusps and ridges.
- has one root.
- is used for cutting and biting.
- During an experiment, some learners set up an experiment as shown below.
The learners could not reach the right conclusion because- they used two balloons.
- the stand they used was not very firm.
- the balloons they used were too light.
- they inflated both balloons.
- Which among the following levers has the position of the load, effort and fulcrum at the same point as a broom when at work?
- Which of the following pairs of small animals is made up of vertebrates only?
- Millipede, centipede.
- Butterfly, snake
- Snail, lizard
- Chameleon, gecko
- All plants
- make their own food.
- die.
- are green.
- move from place to place.
- In the human digestive system, saliva is produced in the
- small intestines.
- stomach.
- mouth.
- large intestines.
- A fish is like a tortoise in that they both
- have scales.
- breathe by gills.
- use their lung for breathing.
- lay fertilized eggs.
- Mawingu saw a type of cloud with the following characteristics:
- Formed low in the sky.
- Looked mountainous.
- Covered the whole sky.
The type of clouds Mawingu saw was also likely to be- a sign of rain.
- white and feathery.
- a sign of fine weather.
- having flat bottoms.
- Which one of the following is a characteristic of all animals? All animals
- make their own food.
- lay eggs.
- die.
- give birth to live young ones.
- Below is a domestic animal reared in Kenya
Which of the following statements is true about the animal drawn above? It- provides the farmer with quality milk.
- is used to guard our homes.
- gives two food products.
- gives only one food product.
- Which of the following is an example of vegetables?
- We eat the leaves of
- Carrots.
- Onions.
- bean plants.
- maize plants.
- Which of the following is an example of cereals?
- Avocado
- Cucumber
- Spinach
- Rice
- Which of the following farm tools is needed to supply water to seedlings in a nursery bed?
- Mwikali collected the following materials in readiness to prepare compost manure:
- Ash.
- Old rags. manure.
- Kitchen refuse.
- Maize stalks.
- Farmyard
- Broken bottles.
Which pair of materials was not needed?- i, ii
- ii, vi
- ii, v
- iii, vi
- Some learners carried out an experiment like the one below to investigate a property of soil.
Which of the following statements is true about the set up above?- Soil type X is good for modelling.
- W was loam soil.
- For modelling, soil type Y was the best.
- Soil type Y was the best for farming.
- Which one of the following is a tiny seeded crop?
- Sunflower
- Maize
- Pumpkin
- Sugarcane
- Which of the following farm animals offers services only?
- Camel
- Dog
- Pig
- Chicken
- All the following are farm uses of water except
- irrigation.
- watering animals.
- washing farm tools.
- transport.
- All the following foodstuffs can be bought from a general grocery except
- onions.
- milk.
- carrots.
- tomatoes.
- Makali ate ugali and spinach for his lunch. Which of the following would he add to make his meal a balanced diet?
- Avocado
- Chips
- Beans
- Kales
- All the following are protective foods. Which one is not?
- Apples
- Cabbage
- Oranges.
- Meat
- Kitchen utensils that can break easily are said to be
- brittle.
- fragile.
- vulnerable.
- weak.
- Kapano asked some of his friends to name the foods that can be fried
Wanyama: - Meat
Kwamboka: - Mandazi
Mwakazi: - Bread
Husna: - Pork
Who among then was not correct?- Wanyama
- Kwamboka
- Mwakazi
- Husna
- The diagram below shows a source of heat.
The source of heat drawn above uses- firewood.
- petrol.
- paraffin.
- charcoal.
- Machoine's school shoes are made of leather. Which of the following methods can be used to clean them daily?
- Washing
- Soaking
- Painting
- Polishing
- A dustpan is used for
- collecting rubbish.
- removing cobwebs.
- cleaning cemented floors.
- drying earthen floors.
- Which one of the following foodstuffs needs the highest standard of hygiene when preserving?
- Dry maize
- Milk
- Fruits
- Packed rice
- In laundry work, which of the following items is used in airing garments?
- Which of the following sports activities must be practised in a swimming pool?
- Front crawl.
- Back hand throw.
- Passing
- Jumping for height
- Which one of the following may be needed when improvising a ball?
- Iron sheets
- Short wires
- Long nails
- Rubber bands
- Below is a player practising a game.
The player drawn above is practising- chest pass.
- instep pass.
- kneeling overhead throw.
- under arm pass.
- Muli and her sister want to practise bounce pass. Which of the following play materials do they need? A
- ball.
- rope.
- cone.
- beanbag.
- Which of the following items below can be used in batting games?
- The type of roll demonstrated below can be applied in gymnastics.
The roll type above is called- forward roll.
- bear roll.
- backward roll.
- egg roll.
- A floater can be used by a beginner in
- athletics.
- swimming.
- frisbee.
- soccer.
- Choose a pair of harmful drugs used in the community.
- Soda and juice
- Tea and coffee
- Alcohol and cigarette.
- Paraffin and diesel.
- Study the picture below.
The sport activity demonstrated above is called- standing long jump.
- standing start.
- instep pass.
- underhand pass.
- In athletics, the point at which races end is called the
- start point.
- finish point.
- shallow end.
- landing pit.
- Single handed rim catch can be practised in
- football.
- handball.
- batting games.
- frisbee.
- Which one of the following is not an example of track events?
- Relays
- Athletics
- Run through finish
- Crouch surface
- For the improvision of a relay baton, all the following may be needed except a
- piece of wood.
- mass of cotton wool.
- manila paper.
- maize cob
- Which one of the following is not a step in hurdles?
- Take off
- Clearance
- Backstroke
- Flight
- Which one of the following is not expected in a first aid kit?
- Methylated spirit.
- Painkillers.
- A roll of bandage.
- A hammer.

- C
- B
- A
- D
- A
- D
- B
- D
- C
- D
- B
- C
- A
- A
- C
- D
- A
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- D
- C
- D
- D
- A
- B
- D
- B
- C
- D
- B
- C
- A
- D
- A
- B
- C
- A
- D
- C
- A
- B
- A
- B
- C
- A
- B
- D
- D
- B
- C
- D
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