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Tuesday, 21 September 2021 07:41

Plants - Class 6 Science Revision Notes

Parts of a Plant

Main parts of a plant are;

  • Roots
  • Stem
  • Leaves


The main reproductive part of a plant is a flower.

Parts of a flower include;

  • Male part
  • Female part

Functions of Different Parts;

Male Parts

  • Anthers; produce pollen grain(male cells)
  • Filament; it supports the anthers

Female Parts

  • Stigma; receives the pollen grains
  • Style; holds the stigma
    Allow the development of pollen tube
  • Ovary; holds the ovules
    Develops in a fruit
  • Ovule; female cell
    Develops into seeds


It is the transfer of pollen grains from the anthers to the
stigma of the same kind

Agents of pollination include;

  • Wind
  • Insects
  • water

Types of Pollination

There are two types;

  • Self pollination-it is the transfer of pollen grains from the anthers to the stigma of the same plant.
  • Cross pollination-it is the transfer of pollen grains from the anthers to the stigma in different plants of the same type.

Characteristics of insect pollinated flowers

  • They have nectar
  • Brightly coloured
  • Have big petals
  • Sticky stigma
  • Small amount of pollen grains

Characteristics of wind pollinated flowers

  • Small in size
  • Dull in colour
  • Powderly pollen grains
  • Produce large amount of pollen grains
  • Loosely attached filaments


It is the change of the seed into a seedling

Conditions necessary for germination

  • Air (oxygen)
  • Moisture(water)
  • Warmth(temperature)

Types of Germination

Epigeal germination; the seed comes out of the soil during germination e.g. Beans
Hypogeal germination; the seed remains in the soil during germination e.g. maize

Parts of a Seed

  • Testa
  • Helum
  • Micropyle
  • Cotyledon
  • Radical
  • Plumule.
Published in Science Class 6 Notes
Tuesday, 21 September 2021 07:32

Health Education - Class 6 Science Revision Notes

Immunisation Schedule

They are diseases that a child is immunised against before
they are 5 years.
Most of the diseases are dangerous if they infect a young child.

Immunizable Diseases

They are diseases that one can be immunised against;

  • Typhoid
  • Yellow fever
  • Meningitis
  • Tuberculosis
  • Measles
  • Tetanus

Hiv and Aids Testing

Reasons of getting tested

  • To overcome fear
  • To stop the spread of HIV
  • To plan your future
  • To start medication early
  • To decide on marriage partner
  • To plan for your family

Pre-test counselling; it is the testing one receives in the VCT centre before being tested.
Post-test counselling; it is the testing one receives in the VCT after being tested

Effects of HIV/AIDS to the Country

  • Reduced agricultural production
  • Poor economy
  • Death of skilled people
  • A lot of money is spent on treatment
  • Congestion in the hospitals

Effects to the Family

  • Sadness in the family
  • Family income is spent on treatment
  • Children may become orphans
  • Children may drop out of school to take care of the sick parents
  • The family may feel discriminated.

Effects of HIV to the Individual

  • Poor health
  • Poor performance
  • Spending of a lot of money
  • Feeling stigmatized
Published in Science Class 6 Notes
Tuesday, 21 September 2021 07:22

Reproductive System - Class 6 Science Revision Notes

Male Reproductive System

Parts of the male reproductive system include

  • Penis
  • Testis
  • Urethra
  • Sperm duct
  • Glands

Female Reproductive System

Parts of the female reproductive include

  • Ovary
  • Oviduct
  • Uterus
  • Cervix
  • Vagina


  • Ovary-produce the ova after every 28 days
  • Oviduct-where fertilisation takes place
  • Uterus-where the foetus develop till maturity
  • Cervix-a ring of muscle that holds the foetus to maturity
  • Testis-they produce sperms
  • Urethra-allow passage of sperm and urine in men

Physical Changes

In both boys and girls

  • Increase in height and weight
  • Hair appear in the armpit and the pubic area
  • Pimples may appear on the face

In boys only

  • The voice breaks
  • They experience wet dreams
  • The chest broadens

Girls only

  • The breasts enlarge
  • Voice become smooth
  • They experience menstrual flow
  • Hips broaden

Emotional Changes

They mainly affect the feelings, they include;

  • Feeling shy
  • Embarrassment of,
  • Their height
  • Enlarged breasts
  • Wet dreams
  • Menstrual flow
  • Get moody very fast
Published in Science Class 6 Notes
Tuesday, 21 September 2021 06:40

The Hope of the World - Class 6 CRE Revision Notes

Our Hope After Primary School

  • Hope is a strong desire or expectation that something will happen or true.
  • People have hopes about different things at different times.
  • Hope gives meaning to life
  • Examples of things one can hope for:-
    1. Getting a good job
    2. Getting married.
    3. Getting children
    4. Joining university.
    5. Start a business and travel across the world.
  • Hopes that are realized in future are called distant hopes.
    • Rights and Privileges of an Adult in Kenya
    • Biblical Approach

Biblical Approach {Romans 8:23-25,28}

  • Paul tells us that the whole of God’s creation expects His salvation. We should
    patiently hope for good things in life.


  1. _________________ should accompany hope in order to have salvation.
  2. A person without hope is called?
  3. The book of Romans was written by?
  4. List FOUR things one can hope for in life.
  5. Which are the two main types of hopes?

Our Hopes for Future Adult Life

  • An adult is a grown up person who in most cases is independent.
  • An adult has to be over 18 years of age according to Kenyan Law.

Rights and Privileges of an Adult in Kenya

  • Acquire a national identification card[ID}
  • Seek employment.
  • Getting married.
  • Running business
  • Joining church ministry
  • ___________________
  • ___________________

Biblical Approach

Psalms 138:7-8

  • God keeps his promises and his love is everlasting.

Jeremiah 29:10-14

  • God knows the pans he has for us.

1 Corinthians 13:9-13

  • God wants us to proper in all ways.
  • Spiritual growth enables us to understand the plans of God.


  1. Having good feelings about good things that will happen to us is called?
  2. Who will receive eternal life?
  3. The greatest hope that a committed Christian should have is?
  4. Who is an adult according to the Kenyan law?
  5. Write the authors of the following books
    1. Psalms __________________
    2. Jeremiah __________________
    3. Corinthians___________________
  6. Name the prophet who prophesied about the new covenant.

How we Overcome Disappointments {1 Corinthians 13:9-13}

  • Disappointment- a feeling of sadness because something has not happened as you
    hoped for.
  • Disappointment happens as a result of broken hopes

Ways of Overcoming Disappointments

  1. Setting achievable goals
  2. Being focused on strengths
  3. Developing a positive attitude towards everything we do.
  4. Being prayerful.
  5. Trusting in God in all our undertakings.
  6. Being hardworking.
  7. Accept situation we cannot change.

Results of Disappointments

  • Feeling unhappy
  • Feeling discouraged
  • Feeling frustrated.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Loss of appetite.


  1. Disappointment is the _______________________
  2. The leper who said ‘thank you’ was a _____________________
  3. List three things we can do to avoid disappointment
  4. List two results of disappointment to a human being

What the Church Hopes for

  • Church – it refers to a congregation of believers/worshippers.
  •  A person who believes and follows Jesus Christ is called a Christian.
  • Christians hope for:-
    1. The second coming of Jesus
    2. Peace and unity in the world.
    3. Salvation of yet non-believers by Christ.
    4. Good deeds.
    5. Eternal life with Christ.
  • New life in Christ is characterized by
    1. A holy life
    2. Preaching
    3. Teaching the good news.
    4. Singing.
  • Christians can achieve their hopes through:-
    1. Praying to God
    2. Reading the bible
    3. Going to church and worshipping.
    4. Confession that Jesus is our savior.


  1. Name two beliefs for Christians
  2. Disciples of Jesus were first referred to as ‘Christians’ in a town called?
  3. Jesus ascended to heaven from the town of?
  4. Name the helper that Jesus promised His disciples.
  5. Name four things that the church hopes for.

The Wisemen Hope for the King

  • Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea
  • Prophet Micah prophesied that the messiah would be born in Bethlehem
  • Wisemen studied a unique star.
  • The star first led them to Herod’s palace- the then king of Judea.
  • Jesus was the hope of the whole world, so God protected him from being killed by King Herod.
  • The wisemen brought the following to the baby Jesus:-
    1. Gold
    2. Frankincence
    3. Myrrh
  • Jesus was brought up {grew} in Nazareth.


  1. Name three gifts that the Wisemen brought to baby Jesus.
  2. The name Jesus means?
  3. Which King was the ancestor of Jesus?
  4. ______________________ is known to be the city of David.
  5. The Wisemen came from the?
  6. Prophet __________________ foretold the birth of Jesus.
  7. Prophet __________________ prophesied about the killing of babies by Herod soldiers.

A Sure Hope for Human Kind {Mathew 1:18-22, Romans 5:12, John 17:25-26}

  • Mary was a virgin Jewish lady and had an engagement with Joseph- a descendant of David.
  • Mary conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • The message was taken to Mary by Angel Gabriel.
  • Prophet Isaiah refers to the baby as Emmanuel- meaning God with us
  • The gentiles were to put their hopes in him.
  • When Jesus was presented to the temple, a man called Simeon was moved by the Holy Spirit and spoke good about the baby Jesus.


  1. Who was the earthly father of Jesus?
  2. Give four titles used by prophet Isaiah to describe Emmanuel
  3. Who wanted to kill baby Jesus?
  4. The wisemen were guided by a?
  5. Jesus was a revelation and salvation for the __________________ who were not Israelites.
  6. Name 3 occasions Jesus encountered with the gentiles.

Our Ambitions in Life {Micah 6:6-8}

  • An ambition is a determination to be successful in a certain area.
  • Some of the ambitions include
    1. Being a doctor
    2. Being a pilot
    3. Being a teacher
  • Prophet Micah teaches that we should worship God in a just way.
    Just- being fair in the way we treat others
  • God expects us to be:-
    1. Just
    2. Loving and caring to everybody
    3. Humble
    4. Prayerful.


  1. What did Simeon, a man full of the Holy Spirit, foretell about what Jesus would do to the gentiles?
  2. Name three purposes God has for your life

Jesus Christ Hope of Eternal Life

  • Eternal life- life with a beginning but has no end.
  • Eternal life is also called everlasting life
  • Eternal life starts on earth when one repents his/her sins and gets baptized.

The origin of death

  • Adam and eve disobeyed God.
  • The sin of disobedience separated people from God and God pronounced death as one of the punishment on man.

Christians view of death

  • Death does not mark the end of life of a Christian believer.
  • John 3:16 says God sent His son Jesus Christ so that however believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.


  1. Eternal life is also called?
  2. When does eternal Life begin?
  3. Initiation in Christianity is equivalent to _________________ in African Traditional Religion
  4. The tree that man ate from is known as the tree of?
  5. Apart from death, state other punishments God gave to
    1. Snake
    2. Eve
    3. Adam

How Eternal Life is Received

  • Death came by means of a man called Adam and resurrection will come through Jesus Christ.
  • When the body is buried it is immortal or perishable but when raised it is immortal or imperishable.
  • Jesus died and was buried.
  • He rose from the dead after 3 days with a spiritual body.
  • On the last day, the living will receive the spiritual bodies that will join Jesus in the clouds.


  1. State 3 women who were first to see the resurrected Jesus
  2. Jesus resurrected on _________________
  3. _________________ offered a tomb to bury the body of Jesus.
  4. Name the seven deacons

Life After Death {John 14:1-30}

  • In the ATR{ African traditional religion} people believe in life after death, so does Christians.
  • In ATR children are named after the dead as a show of honor
  • The dead are involved in rituals such as circumcision
  • Christians bury the dead and wait for the day of resurrection
  • We should not be afraid of death but respect God and love so as to inherit the kingdom of God.


  1. State the common belief among the ATS and Christians. Both believe in ___________________
  2. What is the significance of bloodshed during circumcision?
  3. Naming children is very important in ATS. Name four ways of naming the children in ATS
  4. “Go wash your face in the pool of Siloam”. Siloam means? ________________ {Luke 9:1-12}
  5. Give the meaning of the following names:
    1. Emmanuel
    2. Isaac
    3. Jacob
    4. Jesus
    5. Rabbi
Published in CRE Class 6 Notes
Monday, 20 September 2021 14:03

The Dignity of Work - Class 6 CRE Revision Notes

What is Work?

  • Work is the use of physical or mental power in order to do or make something.
  • Work is ordained by God.
  • God worked for 6 days and rested on the seventh day.
  • God put man in charge of all creations.
  • God put man in the Garden of Eden and told him to care for it.
  • Paul encourages us to work hard. He says those who do not work should not eat. {2 Thessalonians 3:6-12}

Why do People Work Today

  • To provide for families
  • To earn a living.
  • To relies our set goals.
  • To acquire property.
  • To fulfill the will of God.
  • To help those in need
  • To realize development in the society.
  • ____________________
  • ____________________

Why People Worked in Traditional African Society

  • To feed their families.
  • To become famous.
  • To be seen hardworking.
  • To set good example to children.
  • To be wealthy.
  • To earn respect.
  • Laziness was discouraged.

Reasons Why God wants Us to Work

  • Work is ordained by God.
  • To continue with his work of creation.
  • To emulate Jesus who also worked hard to save man.
  • To make our environment better.
  • To improve our living conditions
  • To spread news about His Kingdom.
  • To serve others through our abilities. {Romans 12:6-8}
  • To be self- reliant
  • __________________________
  • __________________________
  • __________________________

Division of Work at Home

  • Every member in the family has a role to play.
  • Family members share work according to ability, age, type of work and status.
  • Shared work becomes lighter and takes less time.
  • Sharing work promotes unity, love and joy in the family.
  • Sharing work encourages members to avoid laziness
    Colossians 3:23
  • We should work with all our hearts as if we are serving God.
    Thessalonians 3:10:12
  • Paul encourages us to work hard and avoid laziness.
  • Those who do not work should not eat.

Forms of Child Labor { 2 kings 5:2}

  1. A child is any person under the age of 18 years.
  2. Child-labour- using children to do adults’ work.
  3. Child labour includes:-
    • Operating heavy machines
    • Working as house helps.
    • Working at farms and on construction sites.
    • Hawking
    • Carrying heavy loads
    • __________________
    • __________________
    • __________________

Why are Children Engaged in Child Labour?

  1. Poverty
  2. Death of parents
  3. Neglect by guardians and parents
  4. Drug abuse
  5. _____________________
  6. _____________________
  7. _____________________

Effects of Child Labour

  1. Children do not enjoy life- spend most time working.
  2. Children fail to go to school.
  3. Affects the health of children.
  4. Some are paid very little or no pay at all.
  5. Children are exposed to harassment and sexual abuse.
  6. Children engage in irresponsible behaviors
  7. Children develop fear because of mistreatment.
  8. Children are exposed to dangers that can even cause death.

Working in the Community

Community work:-

  1. Building roads
  2. Clearing rubbish
  3. Building dams.
  4. Digging bore holes.

Effects of Community Work {2 Thessalonians 3:6-13}

  • Enhances unity in the community
  • Reduces poverty
  • Improves quality of life in the community.
  • Encourages people to work hard.
    Nb: apostle Paul worked as a tent maker to earn his living.

Working for the Nation {Romans 13:6-8}

Different jobs in Kenya

  • Doctors
  • Technician
  • Policeman
  • Farming
  • Nurses
  • Lawyers
    1. Everyone should work well in order to help our nation.
    2. If people are lazy, poverty will strike our nation hence thieves increase.
    3. Bible encourages us to work hard to support the government by paying taxes.
    4. Paying taxes enables the nation to develop.

Dignity of Manual Work {2 Thessalonians 3:7-8, Acts 18:1-4, Genesis 4:2}

  • Manual work- the work done using our hands.
  • Examples: livestock keeping, digging, clearing, _________________ , ______________ , _______________ , ______________
  • Manual work makes our lives better and helps us to have enough basic needs.
  • Manual work keeps our environment safe.
  • Examples of manual work in the bible:-
    1. Apostle Paul was a tent maker
    2. Cain was a farmer.
    3. Abel was a herdsman
    4. Joseph was a carpenter
    5. ____________________
    6. ____________________
    7. ____________________
    8. ____________________

Attitudes towards Work {Luke 18:9-14}

  1. Should appreciate it because it helps us earn a living.
  2. View work with dignity since through it we are able to provide basic needs.
  3. Work is a service to God and the community.
  4. All work is meant to help man live a comfortable life.
  5. ______________________
  6. ______________________
  7. ______________________

What it Means to Work for God.

  1. We use our talents and abilities to serve God through others.
  2. All work is a way of partnering with God e.g. doctors, teaching e.t.c.
  3. Preachers, pastors, priests and evangelists serve God directly.
  4. Voluntary work requires no pay but is a way of serving God through the needy.
  5. We are encouraged to receive servants of God; Jesus sent his disciples and commanded them not to carry money, food, clothes. Jesus expected people to provide for them.


  1. What is work?
  2. Why did God put man in the Garden of Eden?
  3. State 3 reasons why people worked in traditional communities
  4. Apostle Paul worked as a?
  5. Give two example of child labour
  6. Why is it important for Christians to work together?
  7. The slave girl who foretold the future and was healed by Paul was from?
  8. Whoever does not work should not __________________
  9. Cain worked as a ?
  10. Elisha worked as a _______________ before God called him to be a prophet
Published in CRE Class 6 Notes

God's People come Together

  1. Differences in Class

    • God created male and female.
    • God created us different in:-
      1. Sex
      2. Size
      3. Age
      4. Weight
      5. Talents/abilities
      6. Physical appearances
      7. Academic performance
      8. Denominations
        Psalms 139:13-18
        1. God the sole creator of all of us.
        2. God created us in unique way
        3. We are fearfully and wonderfully created by God.
  2. How Different We are in our Local Community

    1. Ethnicity/tribe – Romans 12:4-10
    2. Races – Galatians 3:28, john 4:7-9
    3. Wealth – Luke 16:19-31, 18:24-25
    4. Poverty – roman 15:26-29
    5. Religion – 1 Corinthians 10;32-33
  3. Accepting the Needy People in the Society

    The needy
    • Orphans
    • Widows
    • The sick
    • The hungry
    • The refugees
    • The disabled
    • The IDP
    • The aged.
      We accept the needy by:
      1. Sharing food, clothing, shelter e.t.c with them
      2. Visiting the sick and the prisoners.
      3. Caring for orphans and widows, displaced, aged e.t.c
      4. Building schools
      5. Paying school fees for the needy.
        Luke 10:27-37
        Love your neighbor [the needy} as you love yourself.
    • Jesus demonstrated love for neighbor by:
      • Healed lepers though they were rejected and considered unclean.
      • Gave the parable of the good Samaritan who helped a Jew.
      • Died for all sinners.
  4. We are all Equally Important before God.

    • We have differences amongst us but we are all equal before God.
    • God made us in his own likeness and image.
    • God gave us power over all creations
    • God wants us to live like brother and sisters{James 2:1-4}
    • We should pray to God for ourselves and others.
    • The rich and poor should be treated in the same way.
  5. The Role of the Church in Uniting People

    The church unites people by:
    1. Sharing the holy communion
    2. Conducting marriage/ wedding ceremonies.
    3. Conducting interdenominational prayers.
    4. Conducting church choirs competitions
    5. Universal bible study.
    6. Common religious instructional materials in schools.
    7. Enhancing working together as Christians{Ecumenism}
      Psalms 133:1-3
      - Teaches Christians to live together in unity and God will bless us.
      James 4:11-12
      - We should respect other people and their religion
      1. List four differences among pupils in class
      2. Name for ethnic communities in Kenya
      3. What lesson do we learn from the story of Lazarus and the rich man?
      4. What is the difference between a tribe and a race?
      5. What happened to the man who was travelling to Jericho from Jerusalem in the parable of
        the Good Samaritan?
      6. Name 3 activities that can unite people in a church
      7. Psalms 139:14 says we are ______________
      8. Jesus healed 10 lepers, only one thanked him. The healed leper who thanked Jesus was a?
      9. The man who was attacked by robbers in the parable of good Samaritan was travelling from
        ______________ to ______________ .
      10. State the greatest commandments according to Jesus.
Published in CRE Class 6 Notes
  1. Meaning Of A Responsible Life

    Understanding who we are in terms of
    1. Our abilities and interest.
    2. Our acceptable and unacceptable characters.
    3. Our feelings and how we relate with others.
    4. Our behaviors and seeking our goals.
  2. Acquiring Self- Awareness/Self-Worth {Reference Primary CRE Pg 72-73}

    This is when we:-
    1. Accept that we are God’s perfect creation
    2. Feel good about ourselves.
    3. Realize that we are important in God’s sight.
    4. Are unique and created for a purpose.
      Memory verse: Isaiah 43:4
      1. List two ways that shows man is a special creature.
      2. State a reason why God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
  3. Identifying Interests and Abilities

    Interest is things we enjoy doing.
    Abilities are things one is able to do well and has interest in them e.g. swimming, dancing,
    ______________,_______________ ,____________ ,______________ e.t.c.
    Some abilities are natural {born with} but we acquire other abilities as we grow up.
    Exodus 35:30
    God gave Bazalel and __________________ the ability and knowledge to design and make to make ________________- a tabernacle.
    Mathew 25:14-30 [parable of 3 servants]
    The master had ________________ servants
    He gave each servant according to ones’ ability.
    One he gave _________________ , to another he gave _______________ and to another he gave ________________.
    The master was happy with the first two BUT condemned the third servant.
    1 Peter 4:10-11
    Saint Peter teaches that the gifts of the Holy Spirit should be used to serve God.
    1. State seven gifts of the holy spirit {spiritual gifts}
    2. Why was the master unhappy with the third servant in the parable of the 3 servants?
    3. According to exodus 35:30-35, Bazalel son of ____________ was given skill and abilities of all
      kinds of crafts, _______________ , ________________ , ____________ , and ______________.
  4. Character Traits Needed For Acceptance By Others

    Character are behavioral patterns
    Characters are grouped into good and bad.
    Good characters are called virtues{acceptable}
    Example: love, kindness, loyalty humility …..
    Bad characters are called vices {not acceptable}. Example: hatred, disrespect, pride….
    1. Explain how one acquires good characters
    2. If you are dishonest, how would you acquire the virtue of honest?
    3. Read Isaiah 43:4 “ I will give up _________________ , then memorize it.
    4. State 5 acceptable behaviors in a school.
  5. Accepting Feelings Of Self-Worth

    We express our feelings of self-worth by:-
    1. Being confident
    2. Telling the truth
    3. Being honest
    4. Accepting change
    5. Sharing feelings
    6. Being ready to face challenges
    7. Appreciating ourselves and others.
      Isaiah 43:4
      God reminds and assures us that he loves us and we are precious to him.
  6. Acquiring Socially Responsible Behavior {SRB}

    These are good acts that make us acceptable to others.
    They are learnt from parents, school and at church
    Taking care of property {home, school, church}
    Living peacefully with others
    Using resources responsibly
    Helping the needy.
    Being kind
    Caring and preserving environment.
    Being courteous while interacting with others.
    Practicing virtues
    We please God when we behave responsibly
    1 Peter 2:1-5
    We are advised to get rid of lying, __________,___________ ,____________ and ____________.
    Ephesians 4:25-32
    We are advised to get rid of all bitterness, _____________ , ____________ , ___________ , __________
    .Instead be kind, ___________ and _______________
    John 15-11-15
    Jesus commands us to love each other just as he loves us.
    Galatians 5:23-26
    We learn to be gentle and have self control
    Colossians 3:20
    It is the duty of children to obey parents for this pleases God
    Romans 13:1-5
    We should obey those in authority because authority comes from God.
    Mathew 5:14-16
    We are the light of the world.
    We should let our good deeds by light to others hence praise God.
    1. In 1 Peter 2:1-5, we are advised to get rid of all - and
    2. We should obey and state authority because?
    3. List down 4 unacceptable character triats.
    4. Ohaliab was chosen by God and given the ability to
  7. Developing Goal Seeking Behavior

    A goal {purpose, aspiration} is the aim or target we set for us.
    Goal can be classified as:
    • Short term- completing primary school
    • Long term – completing high school,-university-getting a career
      Ways to achieve our goals include:-
    • Being creative
    • Avoid harmful activities in our lives.
    • Sharing ideas with others.
    • Being persistent and never loose hope.
    • Accepting criticism positively.
    • Always praying and depending on God for guidance.
      Mathew 25:14-30 {parable of 3 servants}
      We are reminded to be active in using our abilities to release our goals by avoiding laziness.
  8. Developing Life Skills

    Life skills are abilities that help a person to develop positive behavior towards solving everyday problems.
    Life skills help us to develop assertiveness, make decisions, critical thinking, creative thinking and responding skills.
    1. Assertiveness

      Assertiveness is being able to express our opinion strongly and confidently.
      It means saying no when you mean NO and YES when you mean yes.
      It involves:
      1. Standing up for your rights
      2. Refusing gifts and lifts from strangers.
      3. Refusing to accompany friends to unknown places
      4. Insist on working hard to achieve goals.
      5. Refusing to be influenced by other people negatively.
        Being assertive does not mean we become more aggressive and disrespectful to other people.
        Genesis 39:1-12
        Joseph was assertive because he ____________to go to bed with ___________ wife.
        Joseph was assertive because he knew what was right and wrong.
        [Related story: primary CRE pg 87-88]
        Nb: Christians can be assertive by being open and honest and refusing to commit sin.
    2. Decision making

      Ability to make correct choices or judgments about something
      Involves making wise choices which helps us achieve our goals.
      Helps us to resolve conflicts and dilemma.
      Provides the opportunity to choose the best option.
      What important decisions have you made today?
      {Reference to primary CRE 6 pg 91}
      John 11:1-44
      Lazarus and his two sisters[Mary and Martha} lived in Bethany.
      Lazarus got sick.
      Mary and ________________ decided to send for Jesus.
      Jesus delayed for two more days but later made a decision to visit Lazarus’ family.
      Disciples, though they feared, made a decision to go with Jesus.
      Jesus decided to bring Lazarus to life: power to give life.
      Christians should make correct decisions in life particular to follow Jesus.
      We should make decisions that are in line with God’s commandments.
      We should aim at glorifying God with our decisions.
      {Related story: Primary CRE 6 pg 90}
    3. Critical thinking {Luke 11:37-44}

      This is being able to make fair and careful judgments about good and bad qualities of people or something.
      Involves exploring possibilities of doing a task in more than one way.
      Helps us to express our judgments after analyzing a situation.
      Helps us to respect views of other people in achieving our goals.
      Luke 11:37-44
      Jesus was invited to a Pharisee’s house for a meal.
      Jesus did not wash his hands.
      Jesus criticized Pharisees for their hypocrisy by:
      • Washing the outside of their cups and plates while inside was full of violence and evil.
      • Giving tenth of their harvest but neglected justice and love of God.
      • They loved the reserved seats in the synagogues and be greeted with respect.
    4. Developing creative thinking

      This is being able to develop new ideas and methods especially when tackling a problem.
      Involves imagining, improvising and coming up with new things.
      Helps us to respect the views of other people.
      Luke 20-19-26
      Teachers of law wanted to trap and arrest Jesus.
      The spies asked Jesus whether it was right to pay taxes.
      Jesus was creative, he did not answer yes or no
      Jesus asked for a _ coin and asked them whose face appeared on the coin.
      Jesus concluded by saying “pay to ________________what belongs to ___________and to God
      what _____________ to God”.
      {Related story: primary CRE 6 pg 96-97}
    5. How to listen and respond

      To listen is to concentrate on hearing something by paying attention.
      To respond is to act in response to something.
      Involves our attentiveness, patience and acting obediently.
      John 3:1-21
      Jesus and Nicodemus had a discussion.
      They listened and responded to each other.
      Nicodemus wondered how he could be born again.
      Jesus responded to him by explaining to him how to be born again.
      Jesus was a good listener; he listened and responded to Nicodemus.
      Nb: we should listen and respond to the word of God.
      {Related story: primary CRE 6 pg 98-100
Published in CRE Class 6 Notes

Physical Environment

  • The physical environment is what is found around us

The Countries of Eastern Africa

  • Eastern africa is the region located in the eastern region of africa.
  • It is made up of eleven independent countries namel
    1. Sudan
    2. Ethiopia
    3. Tanzania
    4. Somalia
    5. South Sudan
    6. Kenya
    7. Uganda
    8. Eritrea
    9. Burundi
    10. Rwanda
    11. Djibouti
  • Sudan is the largest country in eastern africa
  • South Sudan became independent in JULY 2011
  • Djibouti is the smallest country in Eastern Africa
  • Countries without a coastline are called landlocked e.g
    • B - Burundi
    • U - uganda
    • R - rwanda
    • E - ethiopia
    • S – south sudan

Position And Size of The Countries of Eastern Africa

  • Eastern africa lies within latitudes 22 ºN AND 12 ºS and between longitudes 22 ºE and 51 ºE/52 ºE.
    Sudan  1.886 million km²
    Ethiopia  1.104 million km²
    Tanzania  945,087 km²
    Somalia  637,657 km²
    South sudan  644,329 km²


     580,367 km²
    Uganda  241,037 km²
    Eritrea  117,600 km²
    Burundi  27,834 km²
    Rwanda  26,338 km²
    Djibouti  23,200 km²

Latitudes And Longitudes


  • These are imaginary lines that runs from west to east
  • They are also called parallels
  • The main line of latitude is equator at 0º
  • Equator divides the earth into two equal halves called hemisphere.

Characteristics of latitudes

  1. They are parallel
  2. They are of different lengths
  3. They affect climate
  4. They are measured in degrees from the equator
  5. They are 180 lines of latitudes in total

Other important lines of latitudes are;

  1. The tropic of cancer 231/2 ̊ N
  2. The artic circle 66 ½ ̊ N
  3. The tropic of capricorn 231/2 S
  4. The antartic circle 661/2 ̊ S


  • These are imaginary lines that run from north pole to south pole of the earth
  • They are also called meridians or horizontals
  • Main line of longitude is greenwich meridian at 0 ̊
  •  Greenwich meridian is also called prime meridian
  • Prime meridian passes through the greenwich town in london and accra in ghana

Characteristics of longitudes

  1. They run from north to south
  2. They are not parallel
  3. They meet at the polesthey affect time
  4. They are of the same length
  5. They are measured in degrees east por west of prime meridian
  6. They are 360 ̊ lines of longitudes in total.

Use of latitude and longitudes to locate places

  • They are used to give positions of places on the earth’s surface
  • Latitudes locates a place either to the north or south
  • Longitudes locates a place either to the west or east

Map interpretation

  • A map is a representation of the whole or part of the earth’s surface
  • Is a drawing on a flat surface to represent information on the real ground
  • Map interpretation is the process of giving meaning to the features shown on a map
  • To interpret/understand the map, we must study the main elements namely;frame , key, compass, scale and title
  1. Frame - It shows the border line of the area covered by the map
  2. Title - It is also called the heading of a map .It shows the name of the area covered by the map
  3. Key - It contains the symbol and their meaning. It is the main element of a map
  4. Scale - Is the relationship between distances on a map and the actual distances on the ground. Is normally presented as a straight line that is divided into several equal divisions
  5. Compass directions - They are used to tell the direction of an object from another on a map

Interpreting human activities

  • Human activities include
    1. Keeping livestock
    2. Crop farming
    3. Mining
    4. Trade
    5. Forestry
    6. Tourism
    7. Transpotation
    8. Lumbering

      Economic activity Evidence
      Dairy farming Creameries, dairy farms, cattle dip 
      Beef farming Ranches, slaughter houses
      Cash crop Tea, coffee,pyrethrum, sisal, cotton
      Mining Quarry, murram pits, mining company
      Trade Markets, shops,towns, urban centers
      Lumbering Saw mills
      Tourism Game parks/reserves, museum,tourist resorts
      Forestry Forests
      Fishing Fish ponds,fishing villages, fish traps, fish processing
      Transportation Roads,railways,airstrips


Interpreting drainage features

  • These include rivers,lakes, oceans, dams, boreholes, swamps
  • Permanent rivers are shown by a continous blue line
  • Seasonal rivers are shown by an identend/broken, blue line.
  • Blue colour is used to show waterbodies

Interpreting settlement

  • These are people living areas
  • They are shown by the use of small black dots
  • Settlement patterns include;
  • Linear settlement along thr roads, railway lines and rivers
  • Nucleted/clustered settlement where people settle at one point in the map

Interpreting administration in the area

  • Administrative features include boundaries for location, divisions, districts, county,constituency and world boundaries.presence of offices e.g.chiefs camp, district officer’s offices, disrict commissioner’s office, county commissioner’s office, county governor’s office.

Physical Features

  • Are things that occur naturally on the earth’s surface
  • They include:
    • Mountains
    • Valleys
    • Plateaus
    • Ocean
    • Seas
    • Gorges
    • Plains
    • Lakes
    • Rivers
    • Swamps
    • Hills, rangers

Relief Physical Features


Mountains Location Mountains​ Location
Mt.kenya KENYA Jabel-marra SUDAN
Mt.longonot KENYA  Nubadarfur SUDAN
Mt.marsabit  KENYA Jebel Kissu SUDAN
m.kulal KENYA Ras dashan ETHIOPIA
Menengai crater KENYA  Mt.meru TANZANIA
Mt.margaret KENYA Guna ETHIOPIA
Mt.kilimanjaro TANZANIA Pare mts TANZANIA
Danakil alps ETHIOPIA Ngorongoro crater TANZANIA
Moroto UGANDA Ruwenzori UGANDA
Elgon UGANDA mfumbiro UGANDA



  • Plateaus are the largest relief features in Eastern Africa

Country Plateau
KENYA  Uasin gishu, Laikipia, Nyika, Lerochi, Merti, Kinangop
SUDAN  Jabel abyad, Teiga plateau
 TANZANIA Fipa, Central tanzania, Lesongonoi, makonde


  • Are low lying areas of almost flat land
Country Plain
TANZANIA Serengeti, maasai
KENYA Lotikipi, awara, kano, Kaputei, loita, Budalangi,kapiti
UGANDA Luwero, Nakasongola, Bilesha
SOMALIA Bilesha, Sarar, Haded



  • A lake is a water body that is surrounded by land
  • A hollow/depression filled with water
  • We have
    1. Fresh water lakes
    2. Salty water lakes
  • Lake victoria is the largest lake in Eastern Africa and second in the world
  • Lake Tanganyika is the longest lake in Eastern Africa and second deepest in the world
  • Lakes may either be natural or man-made lake.
Country Lake
ETHIOPIA  Chamo, Abaya, Steffanie, Shala
KENYA Turkana, Baringo, Bogoria, Nakuru, Elementaita, Naivasha,Magadi, Jipe, Chala, Kenyatta
UGANDA  Albert, Edward, Bunyonyi, Bisini, George, Kyoga, Kivu, mutanda
RWANDA ruhondo
TANZANIA Natron, Manyara, eyasi, Rukwa, Malawi, tanganyika



  • A river is a continuous channel of flowing water
  • We have permanent and seasonal rivers
  • River Nile is the longest river in eastern africa
  • Some rivers drain their water into;indian ocean, lake victoria, other lakes, mediterranean sea
Country River
KENYA Turkwel, Kerio, Suguta, Ewaso nyiro N,Ewaso nyiro S, Nzoia, Yala, Nyando, Mara,  Migori, Athi, tana

Pangani, Wami, Rufiji, Matandu, Malagarasi

SOMALIA Shibeli, juba



  • A swamp is an area covered with soft mud and some vegetation
  • Vegetation found in swamps is papyrus reeds
Country Swamp
KENYA  Lorian, Lotagipi, Yala
TANZANIA Kilombero, Malagarasi


Sudd swamp, Bahr-el-ghazal
UGANDA kyoga


Formation of mountains

  • Eastern africa has two types of mountains namely
    • Block mountains
    •  Volcanic mountains

Formation of Block mountains

  • They are also called hurst mountains
  • They were formed through faulting and uplifting process
  • Faults are lines of weakness. Faults were developed as a result of forces acting on the layers of the earth.
  • The forces involved are tensional and compressional forces
  • The middle block was pushed upward by underground forces
  • The underground forces are called upthrust force


Draw the diagram on pg 16 our lives today bk 6

Examples of block mountains

  • D – Danakil alps in ethiopia
  • A – aberdare ranges in kenya
  • M – mau ranges in kenya
  • P – pare mountains in tanzania
  • U – usambara mountains in tanzania
  • R – ruwenzoris mountains in DRC/uganda

Formation of volcanic mountains

  • They are also called volcanoes
  • They are formed through the process of volcanicity/eruption
  • Eruption is when the hot molten material underground is forced out by great pressure
  • The hot molten material is called magma
  • When magma gets to the surface is called lava
  • The magma gets out through a main pipe called vent
  • The opening at the top of a volcanic mountain is called a crater
  • Most mountains in eastern africa are volcaning mountains
  • There are three types of volcanoes namely;
    • Active
    • Dormant
    • Extinct

Examples of volcanic mountains in eastern africa

Country Volcanic Mountain
TANZANIA Kilmanjaro, Meru, Ngorongoro, Lool malsin
RWANDA/DRC nyiragongo
KENYA Elgon, Longonot, Menengai crater, Marsabit, Suswa, Kulal
UGANDA Muhavura, mfumbiro
ETHIOPIA Ras dashan
SUDAN Jabel el mara


Formation of the Rift Valley

  • Was formed through the faulting process
  • Formed by either tensional or compressional forces
  • When two parallel faults developed the tensional forces pullsthe rocks apart
  • The middle block between the faults sink
  • The steep sides of a rift valley are called escarpments
  • Features found on the floor of the firt valley include
    • Volcanic mountains
    • Rivers
    • Fault lakes


Draw diagram on pg 18 our lives today bk 6

Formation of Lakes

  • Lakes are huge depressions on the earth’s surface that have filled with water.
  • Lakes were formed in different ways namely
    • Earth processes
    • Volcanic processes
    • Erosion processes
    • River action
    • Human made lakes

Earth Movement Processes

  1. Fault lakes
  2. Downwraping lakes


  1. Fault lakes
    • They are also called rift valley lakes
    • They were formed through faulting and sinking process
    • They are usually long and have steep side
    • They are usually deep
    • They are found on the floor of the rift valley
    • They include chala, abaya, chamo, stephanie, turkana, baringo, bogoria, nakuru, elemeitaita, naivasha, magdi, natron, eyasi, manyara, rukwa, malawi, tanganyika, kivu, edward,albert.
  2. Downwarping lakes
    • Are also called depression lakes
    • They are usually shallow
    • Formed when parts of the earth warped downwards and the sorrounding areas warped upwards They include
      • Vi – victoria
      • Ba - bangweull
      • Cha - chad
      • Kyo - kyoga

Volcanic Processes

  1. Crater lakes
  2. Lava-dammed lakes


  1. Crater lakes
    • They are formed when water collects in a volcanic crater
    • They include l.chad, jipe, paradise, shala, kalwe, nyungu,ngozi.
  2. Lava-dammed lakes
    • They are formed when lava flow blocks a river valley
    • They include;l.tana, bunyonyi, kivu, mutanda, ruhondo

Erosion process

  • They are formed when a moving ice on high mountains erodes the sides of the mountain thus creating depression. Depressions created are called tarns/corriel/cotque
  • These lakes are also called glacial lakes
  • They include lakes on mountains
Mt Kenya Gallery tarn, Hanging tarn, Teleki tarn, Nanyuki tarn, Michelson tarn  
Ruwenzori mts Speke tarn, Catherine tarn

River Action

  • They are also called deposition lakes or ox-bow lakes
  • They are formed in the old stages of a river
  • At the stage rivers form numerous mmeanders
  • Due to continued erosion and deposition the water cuts off the meander
  • They include;
    • Kanyaboli along r.yala
    • Utange along r.rufiji
    • Bilisia along r.tana
    • Shakababo along r.tana
    • Gambi along r. Tana

Human-made lakes

  • They are also called artificial lakes
  • They are formed when a huge wall is built across rivers
  • Water collects behind the wall forming a big artificial lake
  • They include;
    • Masinga along r.tana
    • Kiambere along r.tana
    • Kamburu along r.tana
    • Gitaru along r.tana
    • Merowe along r.tana
    • Nalubaale along r.tana

Exercise: Test yourself on pg 20-21 our lives today bk 6

Relief Regions of Eastern Africa

  • Relief refers to how high or low an area is from the sea level
  • Relief regions are areas where physical features have been grouped according to their height above sea level
  • astern africa is divided into five relief regions namely.
    • The coastal plains and lowlands
    • The plateaus
    •  The highlands and mountains
    • The rift valley
    • The lake victoria basin

The coastal plains and lowlands

  • Are low-lying strips of land that border
    • The red sea
    • The gulf of aden
    •  The indian ocean
  • They lie between 0 – 200m a.s.l
  • They are narrow toeards the south
  • They are wide towards the north, Widest part in somalia

The plateaus

  • They lie between the coastal plains and the highlands
  • They lie between 300m-2080m a.s.l
  • Are the largest relief regions
  • We have
    • Low lying plateau
    • High lying plateau

Low lying plateaus

  • They lie between 400m-1000m a.s.l.
  • They are immediately after the coastal plains
  • This region is also known as the nyika plateau

High lying plateau

  • They lie between 1000m-2000m a.s.l.
  • Small scattered hills that have resisted erosion are found near inselbergs

Highlands and mountains

  • They generally lie above 2000m a.s.l.
  • Highlands are densely populated due t
    • Fertile soils
    • Favourable climate
  • Mt. Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain at 5895m
  • Examples of highlands are;
    • Western highlands of uganda
    • Ethiopian highlands
    • Kenyan highlands
    • North-eastern highlands of tanzania

The Rift Valley

  • It was formed through faulting and sinking process
  • A valley is a low lying area between two raised grounds
  • Begins in jordan in the middle east and ends at beira in mozambique
  • In eastern africa the valley is divided into;
    • Ethiopian rift valley
    •  Eastern rift valley
    • Western rift valley

Ethiopian rift valley

  • Starts from the red sea and evtends down to l.turkana
  • Runs through ethiopia to kenya

Eastern rift valley

  • Runs from L.Turkana through Kenya down to Tanzania then North of L.Malawi

Western rift valley

  • Runs from north of L.Malawi Tanzania,Uganda,DRC border to L.Albert Lake

Victoria Basin

  • It lies between the eastern and western section of the rift valley.
  • Was formed through downwarping process
  • It lies between 1000m-1500m a.s.l
  • Is the source of river nile
  • Is densely populated due to
    • Fertile soil
    • Favourable climate i.e.adequate rainfall

Exercise on pg 23-24 our lives today bk 6

Monday, 20 September 2021 12:17

Christians Supporting people with Special Needs

People with Special Needs

  1. The blind {visually impaired}
  2. The lame or crippled {physically impaired}
  3. The deaf {hearing impaired}
  4. The mentally handicapped.
  5. The behaviorally and emotionally disturbed.
  6. Those with communication disorders{mute or dumb}
  7. The orphans
  8. The poor
  9. The street children
  10. People living with HIV/AIDS
  11. The refugees.
  12. The sick
  1. Visually impaired {blind}

    • Challenge – cannot see or read.
    • Require assistance when walking.
    • Use Braille to read.
    • Causes – old age, accidents, sickness, born blind
      John 9:1-12
    • Jesus encounter with a man born blind.
    • Disciples asked the cause of his blindness.
    • Jesus said- sins never caused blindness. Born that way for God’s power to be seen at work.
    • Jesus healed him by:-
      1. Spitting on the ground.
      2. Made mud
      3. Rubbed it on his eyes.
      4. Sent him to wash his face at the pool of Siloam.
    • As Christian we should help the blind enjoy life like normal people.
  2. The Physically Impaired

    • Challenge – cannot walk without help
    • Discrimination at work places.
    • Difficulties at work
    • Causes:- accidents, sickness, born that way.
      Acts 3:1-10
    • Peter and john met a lame man at the Beautiful Gate of Jerusalem temple.
    • The crippled man asked them for money {silver or gold}
    • Peter told him that they did not have money but we will give you what we have.
    • He told him to walk in the name of Jesus and he got healed.
      Mark 2:1-12
    • Jesus healed a paralyzed man lowered from the roof.
    • He was healed because of the faith of those who brought him.
    • Jesus forgave him his sins and told him to rise up take his mat and go home.
    • Jesus healed him to show that he had power to forgive sins.
    • Christians help the lame to enjoy life.
  3. The Hearing Impaired {The Deaf}

    • Challenge- cannot hear.
    • Difficulties in communication
    • Causes: accidents, loud sounds, being born, mishandling ears.
      Mark 7:31-35, 37
    • Jesus healed a deaf man by placing his fingers in the ears.
    • Jesus said “Ephphatha”- meaning open-up.
    • Christians should be concerned with people who are deaf.
  4. Mentally Handicapped

    • Challenge- mental sickness
    • Causes: evil spirits {witchcraft}, sickness{brain damage
      Matthew 8:28-34
    • Jesus met with a man possessed by demons.
    • The man lived among the tombs.
    • The demons begged Jesus not to destroy them.
    • Jesus ordered them to leave the man {mob] and entered a herd of pigs.
    • The owner of the pigs forced Jesus to leave their territory.
    • Jesus probed he has power over evil spirits.
    • Christians should help the mentally sick by:-
      1. Providing daily needs
      2. Taking them to special schools
      3. ____________________
  5. Behaviorally And Emotionally Disturbed.

    • These are people who act abnormally e.g.:-
      Isolate themselves, cry with reason, ever absent minded, staring at nothing for a long time e.t.c.
    • Causes: stress, loss of a loved one, overworking, fear e.t.c
    • This condition can be overcome by:
      1. Trusting in God and pray over all experiences.
      2. Seek assistance from experts.
      3. Participate in sports and games.
  6. The Dumb {Mute}

    • Challenge- can’t speak/talk, can’t express themselves verbally
    • Use gestures/signs
    • Many people can’t understand sign language.
      Mathew 9:22-33
    • Jesus healed a man who could not talk for he had a demon.
    • He ordered the demon to leave the man and he spoke
  7. The Orphans

    • Orphans are children whose parents are dead.
    • Challenge: lack of parental love and guidance
    • If young they lack food, clothing, and shelter e.t.c.
      Deuteronomy 26:12
    • Moses gave instruction on use of a tenth of their produce Should be given to Levites, the foreigners, fatherless and windows.
      James 1;27
    • True religion is taking care of orphans and widows.
  8. The Poor

    • These people lack enough basic needs
      Psalms 41:1
    • King David stresses that those concerned with the poor are blessed and God will deliver them in times of trouble.
  9. People living with HIV/AIDS

    • These people are infected with HIV/AIDS
    • HIV/AIDS is transmitted mainly through sex.
    • Christians should care for them and help them lead a normal life.
  10. Street Children

    • These are children who are homeless and live in towns streets.
    • Problems they face – lack of food, shelter, clothes, medical care e.t.c, sexual harassment.
    • Causes: parental negligence, poverty, harassment at home e.t.c.
    • Christians should be concerned with the street children by providing basic needs, taking them to rehabilitation centers
  11. Refugees {Mathew 2:13-15, 19-23}

    • These are people who have freed their countries because of war, insecurity
    • Challenges : lack of shelter, food, clothing, peace e.t.c
    • Christians should help refugees by:-
      1. Providing basic needs.
      2. Helping them join refugees organizations e.g. UNHCR.

How Christians Support People with Special Needs.

  1. Building special schools for them
    • Thika school for blind sponsored by ______________
    • Mumias school for deaf and dumb- catholic church
    • __________________
    • __________________
    • __________________
  2. Providing necessary equipments for challenged people.
  3. Building houses for orphans, refugees
  4. Training people on how to be self reliant
  5. ____________________
  6. ____________________
  7. _____________________
  8. _____________________

Why Christians should Care for People with Special Needs {James 2:14-17}

  • It is our Christian duty to do so {James 2:14-17}
  • It is our responsibility to continue with the work of Jesus
  • By doing so, it is a demonstration of faith with actions
  • ____________________
  • ____________________


  1. Primary CRE 6 pg 70-71
  2. Quick reading CRE 6 pg 23
  3. Spotlight CRE 6 pg 37-38
Published in CRE Class 6 Notes
Monday, 20 September 2021 11:38

Breaking the Bread - Class 6 CRE Revision Notes

Importance Of Sharing A Meal {Luke 19:1-10}

  • People share meals on many occasions’ e.g. parties, ____________,___________ and __________.
  • Sharing of meals is important because:-
    1. Brings people together.
    2. Promotes sense of belonging and harmony.
    3. Promotes unity in the family
    4. It is a sign of love, generosity, friendship and care.

Luke 19:1-1

  • Jesus shared a meal with a tax collector called _______________
  •  Zacheaus lived in the town of _________________
  • He climbed on a ______________ tree in order to _________________ because he was ______________
  • People grumbled why Jesus shared a meal with ____________________
  • Zachaeus agreed to change his life after sharing a meal with Jesus.
  • We should share with others irrespective of their reputation.

The Meaning Of Passover

  • The last meal then Israelites celebrated in Egypt before they left.
  • It is called Passover because the angel of death passed over Israelites homes and spared them.
  • Israelites:
    1. Slaughtered a one year old lamb
    2. Roast its meat whole
    3. Broke none of its bone.
    4. Ate all meat
    5. Ate it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.
    6. Ate while standing.
    7. Eaten only by circumcised me.
      • Marked the begging of new life for Israelites
      • Was taught from one generation to another and celebrated annually.


  1. Why did the Israelites celebrate Passover feast each year?
  2. What did they eat during the feast?
    • We should depend on God’s power and protection during challenging situations.

What Jesus said and did during the last supper

 What Jesus did    What he said 
Took a cup of wine and gave
Take this and share among


Question: which was the most disturbing statement Jesus said during the Last Supper?

Symbols Jesus used

  1. Unleavened bread- Jesus’ body {Holy Communion}
  2. Wine – Jesus’ blood.

Why We Remember Death and Resurrection Of Jesus {Luke 24:1-9, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26}

  • It gives Christians hope for eternal life.
  • It reminds us of God’s love.
  • It strengthens our faith.
  • It assures forgiveness of sins.
  • His death is final and most perfect sacrifice for our sins.
  • It confirms God’s promises are true.

Luke 24:1-9

  1. On which day did the women visit the tomb of Jesus?
  2. Who were these women:
  3. Why did they visit the tomb of Jesus?
  4. Which 3 strange things did they encounter with in the tomb?
  5. Resurrection of Jesus gives Christians __________________.

How the Communion is Shared

  • Christians celebrate the Holy Communion to remember the death and resurrection of  Jesus.
  • The shared bread represents the body of Jesus and the wine the blood of Jesus..
  • Christians show unity when celebrating Holy Communion.
  • Christians proclaim death and resurrection of Jesus until He comes again.

Acts 2:42-27
Early believer lived in unity by:-

  1. Fellowshipping together.
  2. Praying together.
  3. Sharing meals.
  4. Sharing possession with each other.
  5. Sharing Holy Communion.

John 6:1-14

  1. Jesus demonstrated pity and kindness.
  2. Jesus asked ___________________ where to get food from. But ___________discovered a___________ with and ____________________.
  3. Jesus blessed it,_______________ and fed the multitude and _______________ baskets remained.

Getting Ready For the Second Coming of Jesus Christ 2 peter 3:10-15

  • Christians should get ready for the second coming of Jesus for there will be no warning.
  • We should prepare ourselves by:-
    1. Living pure and holy lives.
    2. Repenting and asking God for forgiveness
    3. Living prayerful lives.
    4. Obeying God’s commandments.
    5. Believing and accepting Jesus in our lives.
    6. ________________
    7. ________________
    8. ________________

2 peter 3:10-15

  1. Jesus will come unexpectedly.
  2. Jesus will come as a thief
  3. Qn:state the events of that day ________________

Meaning Of Repentance and Forgiveness {Luke 15:11-32}

  • Repentance- act of feeling sorry of wrong doings.
  • Forgiveness – willingness to pardon those who wrong us.
  • God always forgives us:-
    1. When we are truly sorry of our wrongs.
    2. When we forgive those who wrong us.
  • Repentance and forgiveness strengthens our relationship with God.
    1. - Jesus taught repentance and forgiveness using the parable of the prodigal son
      - Sinners- lost son
      - God- loving father.

Celebrating Breaking of Bread {1 Corinthians 11:23-32}

  • Breaking of bread is also called :-
    1. Lord’s supper
    2. Lord’s table
    3. The holy communion
    4. The Eucharist
    5. The holy mass.
  • Christians by celebrating the holy communion obey Jesus command “do this in remembrance of me”
  • Christians remember death and resurrection of Jesus.
  • Before breaking bread one should repent sins.

Values Required During the Breaking of Bread

  • Humility
  • Love
  • Happiness
  • Sharing
  • Thankfulness
  • Caring
  • Patience
  • Tolerance

By celebrating the Holy Communion Christians demonstrate unity, togetherness, love, humility, joy, appreciation and giving.

Revision questions

Primary CRE 6 pg 43-44
2. Quick reading CRE pg 16-17
3. Spotlight CRE 6 pg 21-24

Published in CRE Class 6 Notes
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