Displaying items by tag: Class 6

New Life in Traditional African Society

  • New life means change/transformation a person goes through in life.
  • New life involves stages in life i.e rites of passage
  • Rites of passage include:-
    1. Birth
    2. Initiation
    3. Marriage
    4. Death.
  1. Birth

    • Marks the beginning of new life after delivery
    • Naming done by the women of the clan.
    • Naming depends on one’s community.
    • Newborn welcomed with gifts and ceremonies.
    • Mother underwent ritual cleansing after delivery.
  2. Initiation

    • Passage from childhood to adulthood.
    • Ceremonies include circumcision, removal of teeth, tattooing e.t.c
    • Bloodshed joins the initiates with the ancestors.
    • Bathing in the river signifies casting/riding off childhood.
    • Initiates kept in isolation period {seclusion} to be taught responsible adult behavior.
    • Gateway to marriage.
  3. Marriage

    • Mainly for having children {seals marriage}
    • Polygamous nature.
    • Choosing of marriage partners done by community.
    • Divorce rare because wife belongs to the community.
    • Married couple takes up new family responsibilities.
  4. Death

    • Joins the dead to the ancestral world.
    • One starts a new life in the spiritual world.
    • The deceased family starts a new life without the deceased.
      Nb:- new life can be experienced when people move to new areas.
      Genesis 12:1-9 Abraham moved from ___________ to _____________ .

New Life in Christianity {2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 4:17 -32}

  1. Starts when Christians believe and accept Jesus in their lives.
  2. Christians are followers of Jesus Christ.
  3. Baptism is a symbol of new life in Christ.
  4. Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit who helps them live a holy life by avoiding evil deeds.
  5. The Holy Spirit helps Christians practice Christian values.
  6. We share new life in Christ by:-
    1. Reading the bible
    2. Singing in choir
    3. _______________
    4. _______________
    5. _______________

How We Give Our Lives to God

  • When we dedicate our lives to God, the Holy Spirit controls our lives
  • We give our lives to God by:
    1. Praying and reading the bible
    2. Praising and worshiping God.
    3. Giving offerings.
    4. Participating in community projects
    5. ___________________
    6. ___________________
    7. ___________________

Genesis 12:1-9
The Call of Abraham

  • Called while at _________ and commanded to move to _______________
  • Abraham agreed because he had a great faith in ________________
  • God promised Abraham:-
    1. Many descendants
    2. Great nation
    3. Blessings
    4. Protection
    5. Land
    6. Son
    7. Great name.

Malachi 3:8-12

  • Tithe – a tenth of one’s income [money or possession]
  • God wants us to give part of our income as a way of giving our lives.

God Sharing With Us a New Life {Titus 3:4-8}
By :-

  1. By giving us Jesus to sane man from sins
  2. Giving us Holy Spirit who is our helper.
  3. Showing mercy, kindness, love and grace.
  4. Promising and giving eternal life.

Christian Sharing With Others{Acts 2:44-47, 4:34-35, 6:1-6}

  • The early Christians lived a common life by:-
    1. Preached together
    2. Prayed together.
    3. ________________
    4. ________________
    5. ________________

Christians share new life by:-

  1. Helping others
  2. Doing good to others
  3. Sharing word of God.
  4. ________________
  5. ________________

How Ancestors Served the Clan {Genesis 1:26-29}

  • Clan- group of people with the same/common ancestor
  • Ancestors served God by?-
    1. Performing special duties i.e. healing, making rain, priestly duties, protection, solving disputes e.t.c.
    2. Protecting the community- warriors
    3. Offering sacrifices- priests
    4. Teaching virtues and values
    5. Keeping custom and cultures.
    6. Settling disputes.
    7. Caring for members of the community
    8. _______________________
    9. _______________________

How Ancestors Shared Their Possession {Matthew 25:33-40}

  • Life was communal- each member was catered for according to needs.
  • The gap between the rich and the poor was minimized.
  • A person’s wealth was measured in term of:-
    1. Number of children
    2. Number of animals
    3. Size of land
    4. Number of wives
      • Cultivated land belonged to the aged.
      • Shared work
      • Welcomed strangers.

Mathew 25:33-40

  • We will be judged according to how we share our possession especially with the needy.
  • We should show concern for the needy.

How Christians Share Talent/Skills with Others

  • God given talents include
    1. Singing
    2. Teaching
    3. _________________
    4. _________________
    5. _________________
    6. _________________
  • Talents are special gifts given by God.
  • Skills are learnt and perfected.
  • Christians should use different talents and skills to do the work of God.

How Christians Share Their New Life with Jesus{Mathew 25:33-40}

  • Christians share their new life with Jesus by helping the needy e.g.:-
    1. Visiting prisoners
    2. Feeding the hungry
    3. Clothing the naked.
    4. Caring for the sick and the aged.
    5. Welcoming strangers.
  • When Christians help the needy Jesus assure them of great reward i.e will join Him and rejoice forever in heaven.

Revision questions

  1. Primary CRE 6 pg 26-27, 1-11
  2. Quick reading CRE pg 11-12, 1-10
  3. Spotlight CRE 6 pg 12-15
Published in CRE Class 6 Notes
Monday, 20 September 2021 09:14

Creation - Class 6 CRE Revision Notes


  1. Creation is making something out of nothing
  2. God completed creation work in 6 days
  3. On 6th day he created human beings.

The Creation Of Man

  1. God took soil and molded man from it.
  2. God breathed his breath into Adams nostrils
  3. The trinity took part in creating man. “let us create human beings to resemble us” Genesis 1:26-28
  4. Eve was formed from Adam’s ribs. Created to be a companion to Adam.
  5. Both were special because they were created in the image and likeness of God.
  6. God created them male and female; by this he ordained/blessed marriage.

Man is special because:-

  1. Made in the image and likeness of God.
  2. Can communicate to God on behalf of other creations.
  3. He was given authority over God’s creation
  4. Molded or formed unlike the rest of God’s creation
  5. He was given responsibility to care for God’s creation.
  6. He was to share God’s life by obeying his commands e.g.
    • Have many children
    • Do not eat…

Authority given to man

  1. Control the rest of God’s creation
  2. Use and conserve environment responsibly.
  3. Use God’s creation for food.
  4. _______________________
  5. _______________________ 
  6. _______________________

Fall of Man {Genesis 3}

  • God commanded man to eat fruits from all trees except from the tree of knowledge of good and evil at the middle of the Garden of Eden.
  • God told them that they will die if they ate a fruit from it.
  • They disobeyed and ate.
  • Cause of sin of disobedience
    Serpent>eve> Adam
  • Consequences of sin of disobedience
    1. Adam ____________________
    2. Eve ______________________
    3. Snake ____________________
      Both Adam and eve were chased from the garden of Eden.


  • Sin separates God and man.
  • Qn: What did god do to prevent man from going back to Eden? [refer primary C.R.E 6
    PAGE 1-8

Traditional African Creation Stories

  1. Every community has a traditional story of creation.
  2. Creation stories tell people’s origin.
  3. In all creation stories God is the ultimate creator.
  4. Different communities have different names of God depending on God’s nature and character.
    Qn : name five communities and the name of their God.

Agikuyu Creation Story

  1. God called Ngai {one who distributes}
  2. God’s dwelling place is Mt. Kirinyaga {Mt. Kenya}
  3. First man called ‘gikuyu’ and first woman ‘mumbi’
  4. God blessed them with nine daughters{origin of kikuyu 9 clans}
  5. Gikuyu prayed to God who provided sons to marry the daughters.
  6. God placed Gikuyu and Mumbi at Mukurwe-wa-nyagathanga.

The Bukusu Creation Story{luhya community}

  • God called Were Khakaba {giver of all things}
  • Were created the universe alone in two days.
  • He started by creating his dwelling place- Mt. Elgon.
  • His two assistants were Mukhobe and Muramwa.
  • First man called mwambu and wife Sela. He placed them at Mt. Elgon {Mt. Masaba}

The Nandi Creation Story

  • God called Asis
  • First man and woman from a swollen knee. Knee belonged to a creature which looked like man.
    Qn: can you recall creation stories from any African Community?

Similarities between African Creation Stories and Biblical Creation Stories.

  1. God is the creator of the universe.
  2. God created everything in an orderly way.
  3. Man is God’s special creature.
  4. God at first created male and female.
  5. The first man and woman became first parents.
  6. ___________________________
  7. ___________________________
  8. ___________________________

How We Respond to God’s Creation

God’s creation shows God’s power, greatness and love towards man

  1. Caring for God’s creation
  2. Caring for the environment.
  3. Respect God’s creation
  4. Value and give equal importance to all God’s creation.
  5. Preserve God’s creation
  6. ___________________
  7. ___________________
  8. ___________________

Topical questions

  1. Quick reading std 6 pg 4-5, 1-10
  2. Spotlight CRE 6 pg 4-6
  3. Primary CRE 6 pg 8-9
Published in CRE Class 6 Notes
Thursday, 16 September 2021 06:44

Insha - Class 7 Kiswahili Revision Notes

Insha ya Masimulizi

Insha hii huwa na hisi mbili: furaha na huzuni

Vinaweza visa vya kubuni au halisi

Mtahiniwa aweza kutahiniwa mara tatu

Mwanzo wa handithi – dokezo
Huhitajika aendeleze

Mtahiniwa lazima aane insha na atamatishe kwa kutumia kimalizio hicho

Huzuni au Tanzia

Visawe vya huzuni ni masikitiko, majonzi, jitimai, buka, chonda na msiba

Hivi ni visa vinanyoleta majonzi, huzuni, simanzi, sikitiko au jitimai

  • Mikondo
  • Ujambazi/unyang’anyi/uporaji/wizi
  • Utekajinyara
  • Ujangili
  • Wizi wa mifugo
  • Ulaghai
  • Magendo
  • Ugomvi wa kijamii
  • Uvamizi na watu katili
  • Migomo

Misamiati na mapambo

  • Mayowe – ukemi, usiahi, mayowe
  • Wasiwasi- jekejeke, jakamoyo, kiherehere
  • Kufa – kata kamba, enda ahera, jongomeo
  • Hasira – pandwa na mori, kuwa na tumbo joto, kama zaibaki kwenye kipimajoto
  • Nilinyapianyapia/nilinyatianyatia nyatunyatu
  • Joho la kiwewe lilinivaa
  • Nilichana mbuga/nilitifua vumbi ili kuyaokoa maish -
  • Moyo ulinidwikadwika/ulinipapa kama ngoma za mahepe
  • Malaika yalinisimama wima
  • Tulisikia sauti zilizotweta kama
  • Sikuyaamini macho nilipoona
  • Nilipiga usiahi ambao ungewafufua wafu
  • Ulimi uliniganda kinywani
  • Nililia kwa kite na imani lakini kilio si dawa
  • Nilitoka shoti kama
  • Ngeu ilimtiririka kama
  • Milio ya risasi ilitamalaki kwenye anga
  • Parafujo za miguu ziliregea
  • Macho yalinitoka pima kama
  • Nilitetemeka kama unyasi nyikanu
  • Kijasho chembamba kikaanza kunitoka


  • Mbwa hafi maji akiona ukoko
  • Damu ni nzito kuliko maji
  • Tama mbele mauti nyuma
  • Unjanja wa nyani huishia jagwani
  • Siku za mwizi ni arubaini
  • Pwagu hupata pwaguzi


  • Juhudi ziligonga mwaba
  • Maisha yalianza kuingia ufa
  • Jaribu kwa udi na uvumba
  • Sijui alipandwa na pepo gani
  • Mambo yalimwendea tege/upogo upogo
  • Alitoka na michirizi ya damu
  • Alipigwa kitutu/kipopo


  • Alifunzwa na ulimwengu usiokuwa na huruma
  • Huruma zake ziligeuka kama umande
  • Alilia kilio cha kite na shake bila kufahamu kilio si dawa
  • Alivamiwa vaa bin vu


  • Haambiliki hasemezeki
  • Hana hanani
  • Hazindishi hapunguzi
  • Hapiki hapakui
  • Jando wala togo

Insha ya Mikasa

Mikasa ni matukio yaletayo maafa, masaibu na matatizo kwa watu

  • Msiba
  • Balaa
  • Zani
  • Baa
  • Maafa
  • Janga
  • Belua

Mifano ya mikasa

  • Moto
  • Wizi
  • Ajali barabarani
  • Ugaidi
  • Ubakaji
  • Utekaji nyara
  • Zilizala
  • Kuza maji
  • Maporomoko ya ardhi
  • Mlipuko wa bomu
  • Ukame
  • Kabobo

Jinsi yakujadili

  • Eleza mahali pa mkasa
  • Jinsi tukio lilivyotukia
  • Wakati
  • Msaada uliotoa
  • Maafa/hasara
  • Utafiti
  • Changamoto
  • Mkasa wa moto




  • Ndimi za moto
  • Jiko lililolipuka laweza kuwa gesi, umeme , mbomba la mafuta.tangi la mafuta
  • Mavundo ya moshi yalifuka
  • Mashungi ya moto
  • Cheche za moto
  • Moto ulitatarika an kurindima
  • Upepo ulivuma kwa ghamidha na ghadhabu
  • Matagaa na mapogoo mabichi
  • Kujitoma ndani ya nyumba kama mwehu
  • Nahodha hodari haogopi mawimbi
  • Moto ulifakamia majengo kama nzige wavamiavyo shamaba la mihogo
  • Wengine walichomeka kiwango cha kutotambulikavilio vilinywewa na kuwapwetea
  • Nilifadhaika kwa fadhaa na wahaka
  • Kichwa kilinizunguka kama tiara
  • Vilio vya ving’ora vya makarandinga na ambulensi vilitanda na kuhinikiza hewa
  • Uma uliuputa moto na kuwaokoa manusura
  • Tulitoa huduma za kwanza
  • Wengi walisali/kufanya dua zisizoeleweka

Msamiati mwingine

  • Nilibaki kinywa wazi
  • Machozi ya majonzi yalinilengalenga
  • Machozi yalinienda njia mbilimbili
  • Lia kwikwikwi
  • Nilifikiri macho yangu yalikuwa yakinchezea shere
  • Choka hoi bin tiki
  • Fafanua kinaga ubaga
  • Pigwa na butwaa
  • Nilibung’aa na kuduwaa waa
  • Ponea chupuchupu


  • Alipovunja ungo alianza kuwa na mienendo benibeni
  • Mambo yalimwendea upogo/tenge/msobemsobe
  • Alitokwa ma michirizi ya damu ______________ baada ya kupigwa kipopo/kitutu
  • Kijasho chembamba kilianza kumtoka
  • Aliondoka kichwa kifuani kama kondoo /shikwa na zabaiki ya uso, tayarini/haya/soni
  • Uzuri wake ulimteka bakunja akawa haoni hasikii
  • Akasahau penye urembo ndipo penye ulimbo
  • Aliyatemea mawaidha/nasaha mate
  • Alikuwa hayawani kwenye ngozi ya binadamu
  • Ama kweli _____________
  • Dekeza/engaenga kama yai
  • Alifunzwa na ulimwengu usiokuwa na huruma
  • Huruma zake ziligeuka kama umande
  • Alilia kilio cha kite na shaka bila kufahamu kuwa kilio si dawa
  • Alikuwa ndumakuwili kikulacho ki nguono mwako
  • Husuda/wivu zilimzidi hadi akakosa utulivu
  • Alivamiwa ghafla bin vuu


  • Maji hufuata mkondo
  • Bendera ikipepea sana huraruka
  • Mpiga ngumi ukuta huumia mwenyewe
  • Mpiga mbizi kwenye nchi kavuhuchunue usoni
  • Pwagu hupata pwaguzi
  • Mchimba kisima huingia mwenyewe
  • Vyote ving’aavyo si dhahabu
  • Vyote viowevu si maji
  • Njia ya mhini na mhiniwa ni moja


  • Haambiliki hasemezeki
  • Hana hanani
  • Hazidishi hapunguzi
  • Hapiki hapakui
  • Jando wala togo
  • Vihusishi
  • Lahaula!
  • Yarabi!
  • masalaale!
  • Lo!
  • Lakwata!
  • Usaindizi
  • Walitupiga njeki
  • Niliwatupia upondo
  • Niliwapa mkono
  • Tulisaidiana kama kiko na dagali, maiti na jeneza


  • Hakika, hakuna msiba usiokuwa na mwenziwe
  • Daima dawamu sitalisahau tukio hilo
  • Matukio hayo hayatafutika kutoka tafakirini mwangu
  • Ninapokumbuka kisa hicho, machozi hunitiririka njia mbilimbili

Hisia za Furaha

Furaha hutokana na

  • Sherehe – harusi
  • Mwakampya
  • Kuzaliwa kwa motto
  • Sikukuu ya krismasi
  • Sikukuu ya pasaka
  • Mahafali – sherehe za kufuzu
  • Siku ya tuzo/harambee
  • Kutembelewa na wageni
  • Sherehe za kitaifa
  • Sherehe za asili

Msamiati na mapambo

  • Maua ya kila ainati – si asmini, mawaridi
  • Ukumbi ulijaa na kuwatapika adinasi
  • Vipaza sauti vilihinikiza sauti
  • Vyakula vya kila aina/jamii vilitishia kuangusha meza
  • Msichana /kidosho/kipusa alitembea kwa madaha
  • Mkalimani na mfawidhi walishirikiana kama
  • Tulilakiwa kwa kupigwa pambaja
  • Waja walijaa si si si si
  • Waja waliwasili makundimakundi/mmoja mmoja/pacha pacha
  • Nikitembea aste aste hadi jukwaani
  • Kula/kushtaki njaa/fanyia mlo haki
  • Nilikumbuka nilivyojifunga kibwebwe/masombo
  • Kaka angeasi ukapera
  • Waja walisakata ruma/dansi
  • Msafara/mlolongo wa magari
  • Mrembo/spoti/sawa na hurulaini kutoka peponi
  • Wapambe walivalia sare za kupendeza
  • Kusakata rumba/dansi/kunengua viungo
  • Msafara/mlolongo wa magari
  • Mtibwiriko wa kukata na shoka
  • Sheheneza pongezi sufufu
  • Mkono wa tahania
  • Pofushwa na vimulimuli vya wapiga picha
  • Walijaa sisisi/pomoni
  • Hojiwa na sailiwa na wanahabari

Vipokezi vya methali

  • Yakini, ___________
  • Waama, _____________
  • Ama kweli ________________
  • Wahenga hawakukosea walipokili _______________


  • Chanda chema huvishwa pete
  • Baada ya dhiki faraja
  • Hauchi hauchi unakucha
  • Siku njema huonekana asubuhi
  • Mvumilivu hula mbivu
  • Safari ys kesho hupangwa leo
  • Msafiri ni aliye bandarini

Insha za Ndoto/Njozi/Ruya/Ruiya

Ni maono anayoyapata mtu akiwa usingiziniBarua/Waraka

Huketa hisia za furaha au huzuni

Mtu anaweza kupiga mayowe au kuweweseka kulinga na ndoto

Ndoto za huzuni zinaweza kuhusu

  • Kifo
  • Wizi
  • Moto
  • Mafuriko
  • Kutishwa na viumbe hatari

Wakati mwingine mhusika hutokwa na jasho, kutabawali au kujikuta mvunguni mwa kitanda

Ndoto ya furaha humfanya mhusika kujilaumu kuwa ilikuwa ni ndoto tu. Inaweza kuhusu

  • Mahafali
  • Kuwa tajiri
  • Kapasi mtihani
  • Kuzaliwa mahali kama ikulu

Mwandishi asianze kwa kusema kuwa alianza kuota


  • Baada ya kula chajio _____________
  • Nilikuwa nimechoka hoi bin tiki _______________
  • Niliubwaga mgogole wangu kwenye kitanda ____________
  • Nilijifunika gubigubi na kulala fo fo fo
    Hisia za furaha
  • Nilifurahi ghaya ya kufurahi
  • Furaha upeo wa furaha
  • Nilidamka wanguwangu na kushika hamsini zangu
  • Niliamka alfajiri ya Mungu/ya musa
  • Ukumbi ulijaa shangwe, nderemo na hoi hoi
  • Nilipaa na kuelea angani
  • Vicheko vilishika hatamu jari moja
    Hisia za huzunu – jinamizi
  • Maji yalikuwa yamenifika shingoni
  • Ulimi uliniganda kinywani
  • Moyo ulinipapa kama kwamba ulitaka ufunguliwe utoke
  • Nilishindwa kuongea ni kawa kama mja aluyepokonywa ulimi
  • Malaika alinisimamia tisti/wima/kititi
  • Mambo yaliniendea mpera mpera
  • Nilipiga usiahi/mayowe ambayo yangewafufua wafu
  • Zogo na zahama lilizuga
  • Nililia kwa kite na imani lakini hakuna aliyenihurumia
  • Niliduwaa na kubung’aa kama mzungu wa reli
  • Kilio cha kikweukweu kilihitimu kikawa cha mayowe


Kuna aina mbili

  1. Barua ya kirafiki
  2. Barua rasmi

Barua ya Kirafiki/Kidugu

Huandikwa ili kupeana mwaliko, kujuliana hali, kufahamisha au kuarifu kuhusu jambo

S.L.P 93,

Kwa sahibu yangu, fundi msanifu ,
Utangulizi _______________

Ni mimi wako,
Jina lamwandishi

Sehemu muhimu za barua hii ni anwani ya mwandishi

  • Huandikwa pembeni kabisa wa kulia sehemu ya juu
  • Hujumuisha jina la mwandishi au anakosomea au kufanya kazi
  • Huwa pia na mahali anakoishi na sanduku la posta


  • Hudhihirisha anayeandikiwa
  • Hubainisha uhusiano wake na mwandishi
  • Kwa mpendwa
  • Kwa laazizi
  • Rafiki yangu
  • Kwa mwanangu mpendwa


Haya ni maamkizi na kujuliana hali

  • Pokea salamu sufufu/furifuri
  • Mimi ni buheri w afya/mzima kama


  • Hubeba ujumbe au kusudio la barua
  • Lengo/nia/azma ya kukuandikia barua hii ni __________
  • Jina la
  • Ninaomba unitendee hisani/fadhila
  • Kwa kuwa wema hauozi
  • Ninakuhakikishia kuwa nitatia bidii
  • Ningependa kukujuvya kuwa
  • Tumia viunganishi ili kuunganisha mawazo
    • Isitoshe, zaidi ya hayo, aidha


  • Ningependa kutia nanga kwa kukueleza
  • Ningependa kukunja jamvi
  • Kwa kuwa muda umenip kisogo
  • Ni mimi wako mpenzi,
  • Ni wako mpendwa,
  • Jina la mwandishi

Barua Rasmi

  • Huandikwa ili kuwasilisha ujumbe maalum
  • Huandikwa ili kuomba msamaha
  • Kuomba nafasi kwa kazi
  • Kuwasilisha malalamishi
  • Kuagizia/kuthibitisha mapokezi ya kampuni, shirika , idara


Anwani ya mwandishi

  • Huandikwa pembeni kabisa upande wa kulia sehemu ya juu ya karatasi
  • Hujumuisha jina la mwandishi, sanduku la posta, mahali anakoishi na tarehe baada ya anwani vuka mstari mmoja

Anwani ya mwandikiwa

  • Hutaja cheo cha anayeandikiwa
  • Taja jina la kampuni/shirika/dara
  • Taja S.L.P


  • Huanzia chini ya anwani ya mwandikiwa
    • Bwana/BW
    • Bibi/BI
    • Mabibi
    • Mabwana


  • Huelezea lengo la barua
  • Hutangulizwa kwa MINT: (mintirafu), KUH: (kuhusu), OMBI: , kumb: (kumbuka)
  • Pigia mstari ujumbe wenyewe


Hubeba ujumbe wa barua

Maudhui hutegemea nia au lengo la barua

Lugha iwe rasmi


  • Nina furaha riboribo/kuu/firifuri
  • Nina bashasha belele
  • Ninasikitika ninapokuandika waraka huu ____________________
  • Ningependa kuchukua fursa/wasaa/nafasi
  • Kurejelea habari Fulani
  • Kwa mujibu w habari niliyoisoma/kutokana na taarifa/ kulingana na ______________
  • Shule.kampuni/shirika _____________ imesifika
  • Imetajwa na kutajika
  • Sifa zake zimeenea kote _______________ kamamoto nyikani kama wakati wa hari/kiangazi
  • Katika Nyanja za michezo ____________________ idara/shirika/shule yako
  • Wasifu/tawasifu _____________ mimi ni mwananchi kindakindaki/halisi
  • Nina nidhamu na taadhima ya hali ya ___________________
  • Nina talanta katika fani ya riadha uimbaji
  • Nina sauti ya ninga
  • Nitakuwa kielelzo dhabiti kwa
  • Nitatia bidii za mchwa ajengaye kichunguu
  • Nitavumilia/nitajikaza kisabuni ili kuafikia ndoto yangu
  • Vyeti vyangu vimeambatanishwa pamoja na waraka huu


Ni mwisho wa barua
Huandikwa pembeni upande wa kulia sehemu ya chini
Herufi ya kwanza iwe kubwa

Insha ya Methali

Methali ni usemi wa kisanii wa kimapokeo unaofikiliwa na jamii na hutumiwa kufumbia jambo fulani

Methali hutahiniwa kwa namna tatu

Ikiwa kama mada

Mwanafunzi anafaa aeleze maana ya juu na ya ndani yake na matumizi yake iwapo anaifahamu vyema

Methali za Majuto, Maonyo na Tahadhari

  • Hutumiwa kuonyesha athari au madhara yanayotokea baada ya mtu kugaidi maagizo, nasaha au maonyo
  • Methali hutahiniwa kwa njia tatu
    Ikiwa mada
    Mwanzo – mwanafunzi huhitajika kuendeleza bila kufafanua maana ya methali
    Kimalizio – lazima kisa kishahibiane na methali ile.

    Ikiwa methali itakuwa mada, mtahiniwa atahitajika kueleza maana ya nje, ya ndani na matumizi endapo anafahamu

  • Hutumiwa kutoa funzo kwa wenginekutokana na dhiki na majuto yaliyomfika mhusika
    • Asiyefunzwa na mamaya hufunzwa na ulimwengu
    • Asiyeskia la mkuu huvunjika guu
    • Mchelea mwana kulia hulia mwenyewe
    • Mbio za sakafuni huishia ukingoni
    • Mchuma janga hula na wa kwao
    • Ujanja wa nyani huishia jangwani
    • Majuto ni mjukuu huja kinyume
    • Mchimba kisima huingia mwenyewe
    • Msiba wa kujitakia hauna kilio
    • Kilio si dawa
    • Asiyeangalia huishi laiti ningalijua
    • Mkata pema pabaya panamwita
    • Sikio la kufa halisikii dawa
    • Haraka haraka haina baraka
  • Vipokezi vya methali
    Yawe yasiwe ____________
    Aisee! __________
    Labeka! _________________
    Lahaula! Lakwata ____________
    Chambilecho wenye ndimi walihenga ______________
    Hapo ndipo nilipoamini na kusadiki kuwa ______________
    Waledi wa lugha waligonga ndipo walipoganga kuwa _______________
    Wakale hawakupanda upepo wakavuna tufani _____________
  • Visa husika
    • Wizi
    • Utumizi wa dawa za kulevya
    • Kujiingiza katika anasa

Mapambo na msamiati

  • Kutofuata ushauri
    • Alikuwa hakanywi hakanyiki
    • Hasikii la mwadhini wala la mteka maji msikitini
    • Alikuwa haliki hatafunuki
    • Haambiliki hasenezeki
    • Alikuwa hajijui hajitambui
  • Kujuta
    • Aliishia na laiti kinywani
    • Alijiuma kidole/alilia chanda kili kinywani
    • Nilikabiliana ana kwa ana na ulimwengu usiokuwa na huruma
    • Niliyaona ya firauni
    • Nilikiona kilichomtoa kanga manyoya
  • Kupuuza
    • Alivalia miwani mashauri
    • Niliyatemea mate mawaidha
    • Alijitia hamnazo
    • Aliyatia kapuni yota aliyoambiwa
  • Mambo kuharibika
    • Mambo yalimwendea pete/tenge/mrisi/shoto/shambiro
    • Kutowezekana kwa
    • Ilikuwa sawa na kukama tetere
    • Kufunuka jua kwa ungo au chekeche
    • Kuchota maji kwa pakacha
  • Tashbihi
    • Pukutikwa na machozi kama ngamia
    • Tiririkwa na machozi kama maji mlimani
    • Mchafu kama kilihafu/fungo
    • Nuka kama mzoga/beberu/kindonda
  • Unafiki na kujitakia shida
    • Chui aliyevalia ngozi ya kondoo
    • Panya aliyeumia na kuvuvia
    • Kujipali makaa kama chachandu
    • Kuogelea katika bahari ya moto
    • Methali ni usemi wa kisanii wa kimapokeo unaofikiliwa na jamii kuwa wa kweli na unaotumia kufumbia
  • Ragba
    • Aliona cha mtema kuni
    • Kilichompata peku na lungo kilimpata
    • Mambo yalimwendea visivyo
    • Alitamani mauti yaje yamwokoe
    • Maji yalizidi ynga
    • Alitamani dunia ipasuke immeze mzima mzima
    • Kumwashia kipofu taa
    • Alitia masikio pamba
    • Machozi ya majonzi
    • Lia kilio cha kite na shaka
    • Machozi yalimtoka kapakapa
    • Pyorea mdomo
    • Huzunika ghaya ya kuhuzunika
    • Machozi yalinienda mbilimbili
    • Kuwa na kamusi ya matusi
  • Tashbihi
    • Pukutikwa na machozi ka,a ngamia
    • Tiririkwa na machozi kama maji mlimani
    • Bubunjikwa na machozi kama mfereji
    • Nuka kama mzoga
    • Mchafu kama fugo
  • Takriri
    • Hakiri hakubali
    • Hajali jando wala togo
    • Si wa uji si wa maji
    • Kutomjulia heri wala shari
    • Akiulizwa haungani

Methali za Kutohadaika na Uzuri wa Nje wa Kitu na Tamaa

Hutumiwa kuwaonya adinasi dhidi ya kudanganyika au kuhadaika na uzuri wa kitu bila kudadisi matokeo na athari zake.

Methali ikiwa kama kichwa huhitajika kuelezea maana ya nje, ya ndani na matumizi
Mfano wa visa

  • Kumkaribisha mtu nyumbani
  • Kupatiwa lifti
  • Biashara gushi
  • Urembo
  • Fisadi


  • Uzuri wa mkakasi ndani kipande cha mti
  • Hakuna kizuri kisichokuwa na dosari
  • Penye urembo ndipo penye ulimbo
  • Uzuri wa mkakasi, ukipata maji basi
  • Vyote ving’aavyo sio dhahabu
  • Tama ilimwua fisi
  • Uzuri si hoja hoja ni tabia
  • Mpanda farasi wawili hupasuka msamba
  • Mtaka yote hukosa yote
  • Mbio za sakafuni huishia ukingoni
  • Mla kwa wawili hana mwisho mwema
  • Penye uhondo pana uvundo
  • Uzuri wa biyu ndani mabuu
  • Usiache mbachao kwa msala upitao

Vipokezi vya methali

  • Kwa yakini ______________
  • Taib ___________
  • Ama kweli ______________
  • Kuntu _____________
  • Ni jahara kama pengo kuwa _____________
  • Ni wazi kama ju ala mtikati kuwa _____________
  • Chambilecho wahenga au wazee wenye tabasuri tepetepe _______________


  • Maji kuzidi unga
  • Kitumbua kiliingia mchanga
  • Valia miwani
  • Meza mrututu
  • Meza mate machungu
  • Tulia huku ukitolea kule
  • Vimba kichwa
  • Kuwa na mkono mrefu
  • Bwaga zani


  • Dhahiri shahiri
  • Haambiliki hasemezeki
  • Hakanywi hakanyiki
  • Kuwa kiguu na njia
  • Hana harusi hana matanga


  • Walimdekeza mwana wao
  • Alikuwa ndumakuwili aliyeuma ndani yakini kikulacho ki nguoni
  • Alijaribu bahati kwani asiyekuwa na bahati habahatishi
  • Pigwa kipopo
  • Temea mate
  • Kumwonea gere
  • Mambo yalimwendea sambejambe
  • Alilia kilio cha kite


  • Huzunika kama mfiwa
  • Kuwa na wasiwasi kama mwasi
  • Aminika kama njiwa
  • Jambo wazi kama mchana
  • Kuwa mzembe kama kupe

Insha ya Maelezo

Huitwa wasifu

Hutoa ufafanuzi kuhusu jambo, mtu, mahali au kitu fulani

Maelezo haya huwa ni sifa au hoja maalum

Insha hizi hutahadharisha, huelezea, huarifu na huburudisha

Mtahiniwa atangulize kwa ufafanuzi wa mada yake

Ahitimishe kwa kutoa changamotokwa waliohusika

Mtahiniwa asijadili chini ya hoja sita. Atoe hoja za ukweli


  • Athari za ukimwi
  • Athari za dawa za kulevya
  • Faida na Athari za teknolojia
  • Mchezo niupendao
  • Haki za watoto
  • Faida ya elimu, miti na wanyamapori
  • Ukosefu wa usalama
  • Dawa za Kulevya

Haki na Ajira za Watoto

  • Haki ni mstahiki au ni jambo ambalo ni halali ya mtu
  • Mstahiki pia ni mtu mwenye haki ya kupata kitu
  • Ajira ni kazi zinazofanywa katika mashamba, viwanda, nyumbani na migodini
  • Watoto wanapopewa ajira ni kinyume cha sheria
  • Baadhi ya haki hizi ni
    • Lishe bora
      • Watoto wanafaa wapewe mlo ulio na viinilishe muhimu kwa protini, kabohaidrati, madini na maji safi.
      • Wasipolishwa huenda wakaathiriwa na magonjwa kama kwashakoo, utapiamlo.
    • Mavazi
      • Humkinga dhidi ya mabadiliko ya hali ya anga
      • Huzuia maradhi kama mafua, nimonia na pumu
        Kinga ni bora kuliko tiba
    • Makao salama
      • Humsitiri dhidi ya wanyama hatari, maadui na mabadiliko katika hali ya anga
    • Kupata elimu
      • Asibaguliwe kwa misingi ya jinsia, kidini, kikabila au rangi ya ngozi
      • Wasichana wasiozwe mapema
      • Wasijiingize katika vitendo vya ukosefu na maadili kama ukahaba
      • Wafundishwe maadili na nidhamu
        Elimu haitekeki
        Elimu ni bahari
        Elimu haina mwisho
    • Afya njema
      • Watoto wanafaa kukulia katika mazingira safi
      • Wapewe matibabu wanapougua
      • Wapewe lishe bora
        Afya ni bora kuliko mali
        Kinga ni bora kuliko tiba
    • Wakingwe dhidi ya dhuluma
      • Hii ni kama kuchomwa na kukatakatwa mwilini
      • Waadhibiwe kwa kadiri na wastani
      • Wakuzwe vyema kwa maadili na mapenzi
        Mtoto umleavyo ndivyo akuavyo
        Masukuzi ya leo ndio msitu wa kesho
    • Wasiajiriwe
      • Hii ni kinyume na sheria katika katiba ya nchi
      • Waajiri huwatesa na kuwanyanyasa watoto
      • Wengine huwarapua kwa mijeledi
      • Wengine huajiri kama vijakazi, watwana


Ni jambo lifanywalo kwa ajili ya kujifurahisha kujichangamsha au kupoteza wakati

Baadhi ya michezo

  • Jugwe
  • Gugwi
  • Bembea
  • Kibe
  • Msabaka
  • Kandanda
  • Riadha
  • Sarakasi
  • Netiboli
  • Naga
  • Voliboli
  • Gololi
  • Hoki
  • Langalanga
  • Kriketi
  • Mpira wa wavu


Pia huitwa kambumbu, soka , gozi au mpira wa miguu

Hushirikisha timu mbili pinzani
Wachezaji huvalia

  • jezi
  • Daluga
  • Soksi
  • Bukta

Katikati  ya uwanja huitwa kitovu/senta
Otea – kujificha kwa makusudi ya kushambulia kwa ghafla
Penalty – adhabu kwa mlindalango
Mlindalango, mdakaji, golikipa
Mshika bendera/kibendera
Ngware – cheza visivyo
Kipindi cha lala salama ni kipindi cha nwishi
Kadi nyekundu huonyesha kutimuliwa kwa mchezaji
Kadi ya jano – onyo

Huwa na wachezaji kumi na mmoja katika kila upande

  • Walinzi au difensi
  • Wachezaji wa kati
  • Safu ya mashambulizi
  • Wachezaji wa akiba
  • Piga mkwanju
  • Kocha/mkufunzi


  • Uwanja ulijaa hadi pomoni
  • Wachezaji walishonona
  • Mdakaji aliudaka mpira ungedhani ni tumbili aliyedadia tawi la mti
  • Pasi fupifupi na za uhakika ungedhani walikuwa na mashine miguuni
  • Mpira haukulenga goli _______ kweli kulenga si kufuma
  • Kuutia mpira vifuani kana kwamba una spaki za kuunasa
  • Walinda ngome walikuwa imara kama chuma cha pua
  • Kwenda kubwaga moyo baada ya kipindi cha kwanza
  • Safu ya ilinzi ulikuwa imara kama ukuta uliotengenezwa kwa zege
  • Enda nyatunyatu na kufyatua zinga la kombora
  • Visha kanzu
  • Nyota ya jaha
  • Bao la kuta machozi
  • Piga kombora kimo cha mbuzi , kuku au ngamia
  • Mashabikiwalijawa na bashasha
  • Kipindi cha pili tukihisi kuwa na nishati mpya
  • Bao la bua liliweza kuzitubua nyoyo za wapinzani wetu
  • Mrisi bin kappa

Dawa za Kulevya


Kufafanua maana

Ni kitu chochote kinachoathiri fahamu au mwili wa binadamu
Dawa hizi ni kama vile

  • Bangi
  • Sigara
  • Heroini
  • Miraa/mirungi
  • Pombe haramu

Anayeuza dawa hizi huitwa mlaguzi
Njia ya kutumia dawa hizi ni

  • Hunuswa
  • Hunywewa
  • Hudungwa
  • Hulambwa
  • Hutafunwa

Madhara ya dawa za kulevya

  • Kuvurugika kwa akili
  • Mja hugeuka kuwa zuzu, mkia wa mbuzi
  • Hupata ujasiri bandia
  • Hujiingiza katika visanga
  • Hudhuru afya
  • Hukonda na kukondeana kama ng’onda
  • Sura huambuliwa na kusawijika kama sokwe
  • Utovu wa nidhamu
  • Husheheni cheche za matusi
  • Kutabawali kadamnasi
  • Vaa mavazi vichungi na vioo
  • Kuzorota kwa uchumi
  • Kukosa elimu
  • Jamaa hukosa mavazi, makao na mlo
  • Humtilisha mtumiaja
  • Husababisha uraibu
  • Hushinda kutwa kucha wakitumia dawa hizo
  • Huwa kupe
  • Huwa maajenti wa mawakala
  • Chanzo cha maafa
  • Madereva hukosa kuwa waangalifu
  • Huleta shinikizo la damu mwilini
  • Ajali barasteni
  • Wizi wa mabavu
  • Kufanya mapenzi bila kinga


  • Changamoto/nasaha
  • Wasiwe pweza kujipalia makaa
  • Kizazi cha baadaye kitaangamia
  • Kushirikiana kama kiko na digali kuangamiza janga hili
  • Wito kwa serikali – kuwasaka
  • Kufungua mashtaka




  • Kujipalia makaa
  • Bwaga zani
  • Meza mrututu
  • Tumbulia macho
  • Gofu la mtu


  • Kufa kupona
  • Kwa hali na mali
  • Liwalo liwe
  • Balaa belua
  • Methali
  • Tahadhari kabla ya hatari
  • Mwiba wa kujidunga hauambiwi pole
  • Ajali haina kinga
  • Mchezea mavi humnukia
  • Nzi kufia juu ya kindonda si haramu
  • Masukuzi ya leo ndiyo msitu wa kesho
  • Wazee hukumbuka vijana hukumbushwa


  • Konda kama ng’onda
  • Nyong’onyea kama muwele wa malaria
  • Dhaifu kama mkufu
  • Epuka ambao kama mgonjwa wa ukoma/ebola

Umuhimu wa Maji

Mwongozo ambao ni mwanzo wa insha kisha aendeleze
“maji yana manufaa anuwai ___________ ”

  • Atoe hoja zisizopungua sita
  • Iwe na mtiririko mmoja
  • Sehemu ya hitimisho;atoe change moto kwa jamii au serikali




Maana ya maji
Maji ni kiowevu kisicho na rangi kinapatikana mtoni, ziwani, baharini na hata kutokana
na mvua
Maji ni uhai

Umuhimu wa maji

  • Kukonga roho au kukata kiu
    Adinasi hukonga roho
    Huweza kuishi bila shabuka au shida yoyote
    Husaidia usagaji wa chakula
    Mapishi ya vyakula
    Chakula hulainika na kuwa na ladha
    Huimarisha siha/udole wa binadamu
    Humweupusha mlimwengu na magonjwa
  • Usafi na unadhifu
    Kutakata mili ili kuepukana na magonjwa
    Kupiga deki
    Kusafisha mashine viwandani
    Kuwa mchafu kama fungo
    Kusafiri jongomeo baada ya kugua maradhi
  • Usafiri baharini, maziwani na mitoni
    Kusafirisha shehena za mizigo
    Mizigo mizito kama nanga
    Vyombo hivi vya usafiri ni meli, motaboti, ngalawa, merikebu, mashua, manahodha na maserahangi
  • Kuzungusha mitambo au mashine
    Hupata nguvu za umeme au nishati
    Nishati hizi huweza kutengeneza bidhaa za madini, vyakula na mavazi
  • Makao ya wanyama
    Kama samaki, kiboko, mamba, kamba na kasa
    Samaki ni chakula murua kwa mja na humzuia mja kuoata ndwele
  • Burudani na michezo
    Hamamu na mandibwi ya maji hutumika na wanamichezo kwa mashindano ya kuogelea
  • Huwa sehemu ya ajira
  • Huletea nchi pesa za kigeni
  • Kuondoa uchafu baada ya kazi
  • Maji ni asili ya uhai
  • Kuuzima moto
  • Kivutio cha watalii
  • Kunyunyizia mimea maji


  • Mbali na _____________
  • Fauka ya ______________
  • Isitoshe _______________
  • Zaidi ya ______________
  • Hali kadhalika _______________


  • Nikilikunja jamvi ninawashauri ________________
  • Hatuna la msalie mtume wala nabii ili kuyatumia maji ipasavyo __________________
  • Ama kweli maji ni kito cha dhamani ambacho kinafaa kulindwa kwa hali na mali


  • Maji yakimwagika hayazoleki
  • Maji ya kifuu ni bahari ya uchungu
  • Maji mapwa hayaogwi
  • Maji ni uhai
  • Maji hufuata mkondo
  • Maji ukiyavulie nguo yaoge


Hotuba ni maneno au malezo maalum yanayotokana na mtu mmoja mbele ya hadhira

Anayetoa hotuba huitwa hatibu

Hadhira ni watu wanaohutubiwa

Hotuba inaweza kuwa ya

  • Mwalimu mkuu juu ya wazazi
  • Mwanasiasa nyakati za kampeni
  • Maafisa wa serikali katika sherehe tofauti
  • Rais akihutubia taifa

Mambo ya kuzingatia

  • Kufuata itifaki
  • Kutambua waliohidhuria kufuata cheo/mamlaka na umri
    Mfano “mwalimu mkuu, naibu wa mwalimu mkuu, viranja na wanafunzi wenzangu hamjambo? ______
  • Wakati uliopo hutumika yaani usemi halisi
  • Nafsi ya kwanza na ya pili hutumika
    Nimesimama kadamnasi nikiwa mzima kama kigongo ________
  • Hutumia alama za kunukuuu ikiwa unahutubia kwa niaba ya mtu mwengine
    rais, naibu wa rais ______
  • Kila hoja husimuliwa katika aya yake
  • Hitimisho huhusu kuwashukuru wasikilizaji na pia kuwapa funzo au changa moto au nasaha

Umuhimu wa Elimu

Elimu ni mafunzo yanayopatikana shuleni na maishani
Hupevusha fikira
Mja hujielewa, huelewa wengine na ulimwengu
Huweza kutumia raslimali vilivyo
Elimu huondoa ujinga/ujuha
Mwanafunzi humakinika katika maisha ya baadaye

  • Leo si jana, jana si leo
  • Enda na ucheo, siende na uchwao

Elimu ya vitabu humsaidia mtu kuhifadhi siri ujumbe na kumbukumbu za kutumia na kizazi cha baadaye


  • Elimu huboresha maisha
  • Kujenga makao mazuri
  • Kuwasaidia jamaa na jamii
  • Elimu ni daraja la kuvusha mtu kwenye gange/kazi yenyefulusi nono
  • Mtu hupata hela za kujimudu pasi kuwategemea wengine
  • Mtegemea cha nduguye hufa maskini
  • Mtegemea nundu haachi kunona
  • Mja hupewa heshima
  • Nimesimama imara kama chuma cha pua
  • Tisti kama ngarange za mvule
  • Kidete kama kitawi cha mkarakala
    Pongezi za dhati
  • Ninawapa mkono wa tahania kwa kufanya bidii za mchwa na duduvule
  • Nawamiminia shukrani sufufu
  • Ninawashukuru kwa kujitolea mhanga na kujifunga kibwebwe/masombo/kujikaza kisabuni


  • Elimu ni bahari
  • Elimu maisha si vitabu
  • Elimu ni taa gizani hung’aa
  • Elimu ni mali ambayo adui hawezi kuteka
  • Elimu bila mali ni kama nta bila asali


  • Bidii za mchwa /duduvule
  • Ng’aa kama mbalamwezi
  • Pesa kama njugu
  • Julikana kama pesa


  • Kujitolea mhanga
  • Shika usukani
  • Kuna kichwa
  • Ambua kitu
  • Tia pamba/nta


Insha sampuli hii huwa na sehemu mbili: Kuunga na kupinga
Mwanafunzi ana uhuru wa kuunga ama kupinga

Katika sehemu ya hitimisho mtahiniwa anatarajiwa kutoa mawazo yake

Ningependa kuwajuza kuwa ______________
Ningeomba sote tupinge kwa jino na ukucha _____________
tusiwe kama chachandu wa kujipalia makaa kwa ______________


Ni maarifa ya sayansi na matumizi yake katika mitambo, vyombo na zana katika viwanda, kilimo, ufundi na njia za mawasiliano

  • Kilimo 
  • Zana za vita   
  • Mawasiliano
    Simu – tamba/rununu/mkono
    Barua meme
  • Mitambo

Faida za Teknolojia

  • Mawasiliano – kupasha habari
  • Elimisha na kutumbuiza
    Kipya kinyemi ngawa kindonda
  • Utafiti
    Kuvumbua dawa za ndwele/mitambo kurahihisha kazi
    Mitambo ya kuchunguza hali ya anga
  • Elimu
    Matumizi ya mitambo
    Kanda za video
    Elimu ni bahari
    Elimu haitekeki
    Mali bila daftari hupotea bila habari
    Elimu bila mali ni kama sega bila asali
  • Usalama
    Zana za vita
    Donge nono hupatikana baada yakuuza vifaa
    Tahadhari kabla ya hatari
    Kilimo na ufugaji
    Pembenjeo – mbegu, mbolea, dawa
    Ghala la kuhifadhi mazao
    Mashine za kukama ng’ombe
    Tembe na tembe huwa mkate
  • Usafiri
    Vyombo vya majini, nchi kavu au barabara
    Kuokoa wakati na maisha
    Ngoja ngoja huumiza matumbo
  • Mavazi
    Rahisisha kazi
    Kuimarisha uchumi wa nchi


  • Mmomonyoko wa maadili
  • Huleta maradhi kama saratani
  • Huleta maafa
  • Punguza nafasi za kazi
  • Kuiga tabia za kigeni
  • Vita
  • Kuwafanya waja kulaza damu
  • Mambo mengine muhimu

Viunganishi vya insha ya maelezo

  • Licha ya
  • Fauka ya
  • Aidha
  • Zaidi ya
  • Pia isitishe
  • Mbali na
  • Hali kadhalika

Insha ya Mazungumzo

Mazungumzo ni maongezi, mahojiano ama malimbano baina ya mtu na mwengine au kundi moja na jengine
Yanaweza kuwa Porojo/soga/domo
Ni mazungumzo ya kupitisha wakati
Kutafuta ujumbe maalum
Hufanywa kwa njia ya mahojiano
Kudadisi au kumwelekeza mtu
Baina ya mtu na tajriba na Yule anayetakamsaada

  • Mhusika mmoja asichukue nafasi kubwa
  • Tumia alama za uakifishaji kama vile koloni, kitone na kipumuo
  • Sharti pawe na mahali pa kumchachawiza
  • Vitendo viweze kuandikwa katika alama za mabano
  • Fani za lugha zitumike ili kuleta uhondo
  • Pawe na maagano


  • Mada/kichwa
    Huandikwa kwa herufi kubwa kupigiwa mstari
  • Maudhui
    Ni lengo au kusudi la mazungumzo
    Msamiati kutegemea lengo la mazungumzo
  • Vitendo na ishara
    Haya yataandikwa katika mabano (akitari, akilia, akicheka)
  • Alama za uakifishaji
    • Koloni( : ) Huandikwa baada ya jina au cheo cha watu
    • Alama za dukuduku ( _ _ _ ) Mazungumzo yanaendelea
    • Parandesi au mabano ( ) Kubana maneno ambayo hayatasemwa
    • Alama ya hisi ( ! ) Hutumiwa pamoja na viigizi kuonyesha hisia

Insha za Hadithi

Hadithi hutambiwa kwa njia ya kusimuliwa
Hurejelea matukio au visa vyenye nasaha kwa jamii
Visa hivi hutumiwa

  • Kuelimisha
  • Kushauri
  • Kuonya
  • Bidii
  • Kuonyesha umoja

Enzi za kale watoto walisimuliwa visa hivi na babu au nyanya wakati wa jiono

  • Abunuwasi
  • Shamba la wanyama
  • Sungura mwenye pembe
  • Shujaa fumo liyongo

Ikiwa kisa kilisimuliwa na mwingine mwanafunzi atahitajika kunukuu kazi yake
“ babu alizoea kutuambia ngano.alianza hivi ____________”

Baada ya kuhitimisha kisa mtahiniwa anahitajika kufunga
Ahitimishe kwa ushauri au nasaha

Insha hii yaweza kuchukua mikondo tofauti

  • Furaha
  • Majuto
  • Huzuni
  • Bidii

Sanasana wahusika huwa wanyama ambao huwa na hisia za binadamu

Jinsi ya kuanzisha

  • Paukwa?pakawa!
  • Aliondokea chanjagaa kujenga nyumba kaka mwanangu mwana siti kijino kama chikichi cha kujengea vikuta na vilango vya kupitia
  • Hapo zama za zama _____________
  • Hapo kale ___________
  • Hapo jado aliondokea _____________
  • Enzi za konga mawe ______________
  • Miaka na dahari iliyopita ___________________
  • Katika karne za mababu na bibi zetu _____________________
  • Miaka na mikaka iliyopita _____________
  • Hadithi!hadithi! hapo zama za kale katika kaya/kijiji ______________

Fani za lugha


  • Miaka na mikaka
  • Dhahiri shahiri
  • Hana hanani
  • Maskini hohehahe
  • Daima dawamu
  • Afriti kijiti


  • Salimu amri
  • Shika sikio
  • Temea nasaha mate
  • Valia miwani
  • Tia kapuni
  • Mambo kuenda shoro
  • Kutojulia heri wala shari
  • Kuwa fremu ya mtu


  • Roho ngumu kama paka
  • Zurura kama mbwa msokwao/mbwakoko
  • Tabia kunuka kama kindonda/beberu
  • Macho mekundu kama ngeu/damu
  • Kuchukua wekundu wa moto


  • Bendera hufuata upepo
  • Sikio la kufa halisikii dawa
  • Kutosikia la mwadhini wala la mteka maji msikitini
  • Nzi kufia juu ya kindonda si haramu
  • Maji hufuata mkondo
  • Aambiwaye akakataa hujionea


  • Kabla ya mwadhini kuadhana adhna zake
  • Maji kwa pakacha
  • Julikana kwa ufedhuli
  • Kuwa sawa na kutumbutia maji
  • Andamana na makundi yenye mienendo benibeni
  • Heshima likawa neno geni kwake
  • Lala kitandani hoi akiwangoja pumzi yake ya mwisho
  • Lia kilio cha mbwa


  • Nyanya/babu alitueleza bayana umuhumu wa
  • Hapo ndipo niliposandiki kuwa
  • Ulumbi wa ulidhihirika waziwazi kuwa
Thursday, 09 September 2021 09:25

Science - Class 6 End Term 1 Exam 2021 Set 2


  1. The diagram below is a weather instrument.
    It is used to measure
    1. the direction of wind
    2. the speed of wind
    3. the direction of speed of wind
    4. the strength and direction of wind.
  2. The other name for asymptomatic stage of HIV/AIDS is
    1. full blown stage
    2. incubation stage
    3. window stage 
    4. symptomatic stage
  3. Which one of the following is NOT a physical change in girls during adolescence?
    1. Onset of menstruation
    2. Broadening of shoulders
    3. Enlargement of breasts
    4. Growth of pubic hair
  4. Which statement is NOT TRUE about the tooth drawn below?
    1. They are part of the milk teeth
    2. They are eight in each jaw
    3. They are used for grinding food
    4. It is called premolars
  5. Which one of the following is a common characteristic to both a chameleon and a salamander?
    1. Their bodies are covered with scales
    2. They lay unfertilised eggs
    3. They give birth to live young ones
    4. They have varied body temperatures
  6. The following are characteristics of a certain matter
    It has a definite mass
    It changes state when cooled
    It does not have a definite shape
    It does not have a definite volume.
    The substance described above is likely to be
    1. water
    2. sand 
    3. flour
    4. oxygen
  7. Three of the following plants have the same characteristics except
    1. fern
    2. lichen
    3. liverwort
    4. mould
  8. Which bottle will produce the highest sound when hit with a nail?
  9. The tooth problem that is associated with a hole in the tooth is known as
    1. tooth cavity
    2. tooth decay
    3. bad breath 
    4. bleeding gum
  10. Which one of the following animals are vertebrates?
    1. Rabbits and earthworm
    2. Snakes and frogs
    3. Spiders and fish
    4. Snails and ducks
  11. The diagram below shows a child suffering from a certain decrease.
    The child is likely to suffer from
    1. Kwashiorkor
    2. rickets
    3. anaemia
    4. marasmus
  12. Green plants make their own food in the presence of all the following except
    1. water
    2. sunlight
    3. chlorophyll
    4. oxygen
  13. Which one of the following is NOT a form of medicine? 
    1. Powder
    2. Tablets
    3. Syrup
    4. Liquids
  14. The diagram below shows a germinating bean seed.
    The part marked N helps in the absorption of
    1. oxygen and carbondioxide
    2. water and oxygen
    3. chlorophyll and air
    4. sunlight and water
  15. HIV/AIDS is spread through all the following ways except
    1. sexual intercourse
    2. blood transfusion
    3. shaking hands
    4. sharing piercing objects
  16. The chart below shows classification of plants.
    Which of the following plants cannot fit at the part marked Q?
    1. Mould
    2. Mushroom
    3. Toadstool
    4. Lichen
  17. The part of the breathing system that makes the lungs to expand and contract when breathing is the
    1. bronchus
    2. ribs
    3. diaphragm
    4. trachea
  18. The following are parts of the male reproductive system except
    1. testis
    2. urethra
    3. penis
    4. uterus
  19. The rising of water in soil is known as
    1. capillarity
    2. drainage
    3. soil profile
    4. leaching
  20. The diagram below shows a root system.
    The following plants have the same root system as the one shown above except
    1. groundnut
    2. rice
    3. green gram
    4. blackjack
  21. Medicines used to treat known diseases are called
    1. antibiotics
    2. vaccines
    3. painkillers
    4. sedatives
  22. The set up below was carried out by std. 5 pupils of Ojwando primary school.
    Which component of soil were they investigating?
    1. Organic matter
    2. Water 
    3. Air
    4. Mineral particles
  23. Which one of the following factors does not affect sinking and floating?
    1. Shape
    2. Size
    3. Material
    4. Weight
  24. Which one is NOT a source of light?
    1. Moon
    2. Stars
    3. Candle
    4. Sun
  25. Which one of the followng materials has a definite mass, shape and volume?
    1. Wood
    2. Milk
    3. Water vapour
    4. Paraffin
  26. Which phase of the moon cannot be seen at all?
  27. The following are characteristics of certain clouds:
    Found high in the sky
    Cover the whole sky
    A flat base Which one shows a characteristic of nimbus clouds?
    1. (iv)
    2. (ii)
    3. (ii)
    4. (i)
  28. Std. 5 pupils at Rapogi Primary School carried out an experiment as shown below.
    Heat travelled from point Q to R through
    1. conduction
    2. convection
    3. radiation
    4. melting
  29. Lack of vitamin D in the diet causes a deficiency disease known as
    1. marasmus 
    2. kwashiorkor
    3. anaemia
    4. rickets 
  30. A material that does not allow heat to pass through it is known as
    1. a conductor
    2. a metal
    3. opaque
    4. an insulator
  31. Three of the following are uses of light except
    1. warming the house
    2. reading comfortably
    3. discouraging pests
    4. avoiding accidents
  32. Std. 6 pupils did the experiment below ta investigate a certain property of soil.
    The type of soil marked N is likely to have:
    1. air spaces
    2. large air spaces
    3. big particles
    4. the best capillarity
  33. Which process in the change of state in matter takes place when temperature is decreased?
    1. Freezing
    2. Evaporation
    3. Melting
    4. Expansion
  34. The following are characteristics of a certain vertebrate
    Warm blooded
    Can fly
    Has fur and hair on the body
    Gives birth to live young ones
    The above animal is likely to be
    1. kangaroo
    2. bat
    3. ostrich
    4. seal
  35. Which one of the following animals moves by galloping?
    1. Snake
    2. Tortoise
    3. Horse
    4. Elephant
  36. The following are all tuber crops. Which one is NOT?
    1. Yams
    2. Cassava
    3. Wheat
    4. Arrowroots
  37. The removal of undigested food from the body is called
    1. egestion
    2. ingestion
    3. digestion
    4. excretion 
  38. The following are functions of plant leaves. Which one is NOT?
    1. Transpiration
    2. Photosynthesis
    3. Absorption
    4. Food storage
  39. The experts who study the stars and other heavenly bodies are called 
    1. forecasters
    2. meteorologists
    3. astronomy
    4. astronomers 
  40. The transfer of heat without a medium takes place through
    1. conduction
    2. convection
    3. radiation
    4. contraction 
  41. Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of animals?
    1. They die
    2. They feed
    3. They reproduce
    4. They make their own food
  42. Which one of the following group of food constitute a balanced diet?
    1. Cabbage ugali salad
    2. Beans, rice, kales
    3. Meat, chapati beans
    4. Water meion spinach ripe bananas
  43. The weather instrument works under one of the following principles. Which one?
    1. liquids expand on heating and contraction on cooling
    2. air expands on heating and contracts on cooling 
    3. Air in motion
    4. Matter occupies space
  44. Clothes dry fastest when the weather is
    1. rainy and cloudy
    2. windy and sunny
    3. sunny and calm
    4. sunny and cloudy
  45. Which one of the following is measured using a beam balance?
    1. Weight
    2. Volume
    3. Mass
    4. Friction
  46. Which one of the following is NOT a recreational use of water?
    1. Surfing
    2. Making fountains
    3. Boat racing
    4. Swimming
  47. Which one of the following is NOT a poultry?
    1. Goose
    2. Turkey
    3. Duck
    4. Ostrich

Use the diagram below to answer questions 48-49

  1. The absorption of digested food takes place in the part marked:
    1. N
    2. Z
    3. Y
    4. Q
  2. What are the names of the parts X, Y, Z and Q respectively?
    1. Rectum, stomach, illeum, colon
    2. Gullet, stomach, illeum rectum
    3. Trachea, stomach, coion, rectum
    4. Oesophagus stomach, colon rectum
  3. The ability of the body to defend itself
    against diseases is called
    1. immunity
    2. immunisation 
    3. syndrome
    4. immunodeficiency


  1. D
  2. B
  3. B
  4. B
  5. D
  6. D
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B
  11. A
  12. D
  13. A
  14. B
  15. C
  16. D
  17. C
  18. D
  19. A
  20. B
  21. A
  22. A
  23. B
  24. A
  25. A
  26. A
  27. B
  28. A
  29. D
  30. D
  31. A
  32. A
  33. A
  34. B
  35. C
  36. C
  37. A
  38. C
  39. D
  40. C
  41. D
  42. B
  43. B
  44. B
  45. C
  46. B
  47. D
  48. A
  49. D
  50. A



Thursday, 09 September 2021 08:39

Kiswahili - Class 6 End Term 1 Exam 2021 Set 2


Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Kina nafasi 1 hadi 15. Kwa kila nafasi, umepewa maneno manne hapo. Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa

Mtoto    1    aliacha mchezo    2    aliokuwa nao na akafuata maneno    3    akiambiwa afuate na baba yake. Alitokea     4     mtoto    5        6    wote    7    darasani    8    , kwa hivyo mtihani    9     yeye ndiye    10     wa kwanza.

  1. A. ule                           B. yule                         C. wale                  D. vile
  2. A. yake                        B. zake                        C. wake                 D. lake
  3. A. aliyokuwa                B. aliokuwa                 C. alizokuwa          D. alilokuwa
  4. A. kua                          B. kuka                        C. kuwa                 D. kukuwa
  5. A. mhodari                   B. hodari                     C. mbora                D. mshujaa
  6. A. kumliko                    B. kuwaliko                 C. kuliko                 D. kukiliko
  7. A. huo                          B. hilo                          C. hiyo                   D. humo
  8. A. mwao                       B. lao                          C. yao                   D. nao
  9. A. ulikuja                      B. ulipokuja                 C. uliyekuja           D. ilipokuja
  10. A. atakayekuwa           B. aliyekuwa                C. angekuwa        D. angalikuwa

Ama kweli, elimu ni bahari     11    haina mwisho. Kila siku, mja    12     jambo     13      ambalo hakulijua. Nayo elimu humfaa mmiliko wake kwa     14     na marefu. Mtu aliyesoma, kwa mfano, hupata kazi nzuri na hujua     15     na watu.

  1. A. ambalo                     B. ambao                     C. ambaye              D. ambayo
  2. A. amejifunza                B. anajifunza               C. hujifunza            D. atajifunza
  3. A. mpya                        B. jipya                         C. mapya                D. lipya
  4. A. mapana                    B. mengi                      C. machache         D. mageni
  5. A. Kutengana                B. kutengemana          C. kutangamana    D. kutegana

Kutoka swali la 16 mpaka 30, chagua jibu lililo sahihi

  1. Kitenzi 'choka katika kauli ya kutendesha ni
    1. chokesha
    2. choza
    3. chosha
    4. chokea
  2. Tumia kiunganishi mufti kujaza pengo
    Niliweza kumwua ndovu ______ swara
    1. laiti
    2. ilhali
    3. sembuse
    4. lakini
  3. Udogo wa neno 'mwana' ni
    1. jijana
    2. jana
    3. Kimwana
    4. kijana
  4. Chagua kinyume cha neno lililopigiwa mstari katika sentensi ifuatayo
    Baada ya kutabasamu, alianza kuhutubia hadhira
    1. kucheka
    2. kununa
    3. kughafilika
    4. kulia
  5. Kamilisha methali ifuatayo
    Dua la kuku halimpati
    1. mjinga
    2. ndege
    3. mbwa
    4. mwewe
  6. Sehemu ya chini ya sikio huitwa
    1. ndewe
    2. masharubu
    3. paji
    4. mashavu
  7. Andika wingi wa sentensi ifuatayo.
    Mti uzaao embe unaitwa mwembe.
    1. Miti zizaazo miembe zinaitwa maembe.
    2. Miti izaayo miembe inaitwa maembe.
    3. Miti izaayo maembe huitwa myembe.
    4. Miti izaayo maembe inaitwa miembe.
  8. Jaza pengo kwa kivurishi kilaache
    Mtoto _____ alianguka vibaya sana
    1. mwenye
    2. wenyewe 
    3. mwenyewe
    4. enyewe
  9. Mtu anayefanya kazi ya kujenga kwa mawe huitwa
    1. sonara
    2. mwashi
    3. hamali
    4. nokoa
  10. Tegua kitendawili hiki
    Njoo umwone umpendaye.
    1. Kioo
    2. Picha
    3. Runinga
    4. Filamu
  11. Malipo ya kuolewa huitwa
    1. nauli
    2. koto
    3. mahali
    4. mahari
  12. Kanchiri, shimizi, kaptura na kocho kwa jina moja ni
    1. nguo
    2. mavazi
    3. mapambo
    4. maumbo
  13. Bainisha akisami inayoonyesha subui
    1. 1/7
    2. 1/3
    3. 1/8
    4. 1/9
  14. . Tumia '-ingine kwa usahihi:
    Mama amenunua nguo _______ nyingi
    1. zingine
    2. ingine
    3. nyingine
    4. mengine
  15. Tumia 'amba' kwa usahihi
    Mwalimu aliyeingia na vitabu ni Bwana Mirobi.
    1. Mwalimu ambaye anayeingia na vitabu ni Bwana Mirobi
    2. Mwalimu ambaye aliyeingia na vitabu ni Bwana Mirobi
    3. Mwalimu ambaye aingiaye na vitabu ni Bwana Mirobi
    4. Mwalimu ambaye aliingia na vitabu ni Bwana Mirobi.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 31-40

Adili alijiandaa kwa safari ya kuitikia wito wa mfalme.

Farasi watatu walitandikwa matandiko mazuri. Yeye alipanda farasi mmoja, na mmoja kwa kila nyani. Ikibali alipanda farasi wake mwenyewe. Farasi wa Adili na yule wa Ikibali walikwenda sambamba njiani. Nyuma yao waliandamana nyani juu ya farasi. Kila mtu aliyeona nyani wamepanda farasi alistaajabu. Mnyama kupandwa na mnyama! Ulikuwa mpeo wa miujiza kwa watu.

Vinywa vya umati wa watu vilikuwa wazi kwa kivumo cha lo salala! Wakati umefika wa mawe kusema, miti kujibu na wanyama kuwa watu! Ikibali aligeuza uso wake kwa Adili akasema kwa ucheshi, "Mbwa wanatubwekea kama walionusa kundi la wanyama wanaowindwa." Adili alikubali kwa kuinamisha kichwa akitabasamu. Walisafiri hivi mpaka nchiya mfalme. Baada ya kutua, Adili alipelekwa mbele ya mfalme na manyani wake.

  1. Adili alijizatiti kwenda
    1. kumsalimia mfalme
    2. kuonana na mfalme
    3. kumwua falme
    4. kuwatandika farasi
  2. Farasi watatu waliandikwa matandiko walikuwa ni wa kuwabeba
    1. Mfalme, Adili na Ikibali
    2. Adili, Ikibali na mfalme
    3. Ikibali, Adili na nduguze
    4. Adili na nyani wawili
  3. Farasi wa Ikibali na wa Adili walikwenda sambamba. Maana yake ni kuwa walikwenda
    1. mmoja mblele mwingine nyuma
    2. karibu karibu
    3. unyounyo mwendo wa asteaste
    4. sawasawa ubavu kwa ubavu 
  4. Manyani waliandamana nyuma ya Ikibali na Adili. Ndiko kusema Adili na Ikibali waliandamana na nyani
    1. sambamba
    2. unyounyo
    3. mkabala
    4. chapuchapu
  5. Kilichowashangaza watu zaidi katika habari hii ni
    1. Adili kuongozana na ikibali
    2. Adili kupanda farasi.
    3. Nyani kupanda farasi
    4. Mawe kusema, miti kujibu na wanyama kuwa watu
  6. kibali aliposema kwa ucheshi, bila shaka
    1. alinuna
    2. alighadhabika
    3. alinong'ona
    4. alitabasamu
  7. Mbwa alibweka. Je, wangekuwa fahali wangefanyaje?
    1. Wengeroroma
    2. Wangenguruma
    3. Wangekoroma
    4. Wangetetea
  8. Ikibali alipogeuza uso wake kwa Adili, bila shaka
    1. alimtazama Adili
    2. alimpa Adili kisogo
    3. alimkabidhi Adili
    4. hakumwangalia ana kwa ana
  9. Walipofika na kuwasili ughaibuni
    1. mfalme waliwalaki
    2. nyani walichoka
    3. Adili na Ikibali waliagana
    4. Adili alifikishwa maskanini pa mfalme
  10. Kauli ipi si sahihi kulingana na makara haya?
    1. Watu walishangazwa na nyani waliopanda farasi
    2. Watu walishangilia ili nyani wapande farasi
    3. Mbwa nao waliobweka walipowaona Ikibali na Adili
    4. Adili na nyani waliitwa na mfalme

Soma barua ifuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 41 hadi 50

Zera Ahmed.
S.L.P 27001,

Meneja wa Benki Kuu,
S.L.P 20101


Mimi nina umri wa miaka thelathini, nimesomea kazi hii ya kufanya kazi kwenye benki kama mhasibu. Niliupata waraka mliokuwa mmetuma mkitafuta mhasibu. Mimi ni  mmoja wa wahasibu wale bora na maarufu zaidi nchini.

Nimeisomea kazi hii katika mojawapo wa vyuo vikuu nchini. Nilikuwa katika chuo kikuu kisha nikajaribu kufanya kazi kwa miaka miwili kwani nilikuwa nikijua kuwa, haba na haba hujaza kibaba.

Mimi ni stadi katika hisabati na lugha nyingine nyingi kama vile Kiswahili, King'eng'e, Kifaransa, Kijerumani pamoja na lugha nyingine nyingi.

Sipendi mapendeleo labda katika kabila, aila au hata rangi ya sura.

Huu ndio mwanya peke yake ninao wa kupata kazi hii ya uhasibu. Tafadhali ninakusihi unipe kazi hii.

Wako mwaminifu,

Zena Ahmed.

  1. Barua ya aina hii huitwa
    1. barua ya kindugu
    2. barua ya kirafiki
    3. barua rasmi
    4. barua kuu
  2. Anwani ya pili katika barua hii ni ya
    1. mwandishi
    2. mwandikiwa
    3. Zena
    4. mhasibu
  3. Barua hii iliandikwa mwezi gani?
    1. Februari
    2. Machi
    3. Juni
    4. Januari
  4. Nia ya mwandishi huyu kuandika barua hii ni
    1. Kuwa meneja 
    2. kuenda chuo kikuu
    3. kuwa tarishi wa benki
    4. ombi la kazi katika benki
  5. Mwandishi amesomea kasi ya
    1. utabibu
    2. uhasibu
    3. ualimu
    4. ukadamu
  6. Kazi ya uhasibu ni ipi?
    1. Kazi ya kuhesabu pes
    2. Amali ya kuchunga pesa
    3. Riziki ya upelelezi
    4. Kazi ya ufundi
  7. Baadhi ya mapendeleo ambayo mwandishi hayapendi na yametajwa ni kama vile
    1. ukabila
    2. jinsia
    3. lugha
    4. elimu
  8. Mwandishi wa habari hii amesoma hadi
    1. shule ya msingi
    2. chuo kikuu
    3. shule ya upili
    4. chekechea
  9. Zena Ahmed alisomea kazi hii ya uhasibu wapi?
    1. Chuo kikuu 
    2. Shule ya upili
    3. Shule ya msingi
    4. Chuo cha ufundi
  10. Mwandishi wa habari aliandika barua akiwa wapi?
    1. Makerere
    2. Mombasa
    3. Benki
    4. Nairobi



  1. A
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. C
  7. D
  8. A
  9. B
  10. B
  11. D
  12. C
  13. B
  14. A
  15. C
  16. C
  17. C
  18. D
  19. B
  20. D
  21. A
  22. D
  23. C
  24. B
  25. A
  26. D
  27. B
  28. A
  29. C
  30. D
  31. B
  32. D
  33. D
  34. B
  35. C
  36. D
  37. A
  38. A
  39. D
  40. B
  41. C
  42. B
  43. D
  44. D
  45. B
  46. A
  47. A
  48. B
  49. A
  50. B
Thursday, 09 September 2021 08:04

English - Class 6 End Term 1 Exam 2021 Set 2


Read the following passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 - 15.
Choose the BEST alternative to fill the blank spaces.

Finally.      1      day we had all      2       waiting       3       came. Nora and      4      had       5      up very early that morning      6     father had told us that we would not be leaving early. We prepared       7      and packed our      8       eager        9      the trip. Time seemed to move slowly as we waited for the driver who       10      be taking us to Moyale The driver finally arrived in a     11     car at about noon. He found us all      12     outside the front door of     13     house. Then, we left     14     Moyale. The first section of the road was so bumpy     15    we did not enjoy much.

  1. A. an                    B. the                   C. these                      D. this
  2. A. been                B. be                    C. to be                       D. being
  3. A. at                     B. by                     C. of                           D. for
  4. A. me                   B. myself              C. I                              D. mine
  5. A. woke                B. waked              C. woken                    D. wake
  6. A. although           B. and                  C. because                 D. since
  7. A. Our selfs          B. themselves      C. ourselves              D. myself
  8. A. luggages          B. lugage              C. lugagge                 D. luggage
  9. A. at                      B. for                    C. of                           D. by
  10. A. could                B. would               C. was                        D. will
  11. A. bigger               B. biggest             C big                          D. smaller
  12. A. waiting              B. waited              C wait                        D. to wait
  13. A. my                    B. his                    C. their                      D. our
  14. A. to                      B. at                     C. for                          D. by
  15. A. and                   B. than                  C. but also                 D. that

For questions 16 - 17. complete the sentences with the correct question tag 1

  1. The girl broke the vase,_____________?
    1. did she
    2. was she
    3. didn't she
    4. isn't it
  2. They will come tomorrow,________?
    1. willn't they
    2. won't they
    3. are they
    4. can't they

For questions 18 - 21, choose the correct word to complete the sentences

  1. She cannot seem ____________ she kept her keys.
    1. where
    2. why
    3. how
    4. what 
  2. The thieves broke ______ the house.
    1. into
    2. out
    3. up
    4. in
  3. The man was sufferng _______ malaria
    1. of
    2. by
    3. with
    4. from
  4. David can visit either Mombasa ____ Samburu
    1. and
    2. also
    3. and not
    4. or

For questions 22-24, choose the opposite of the underlined words.

  1. The interior of the tank was painted
    1. exterior
    2. inside
    3. bottom
    4. top
  2. The arrival time of the train was changed
    1. stopping
    2. depart
    3. coming
    4. departure
  3. The lazy pupil will be punished.
    1. idle
    2. industrious
    3. stupid
    4. kind

For question 25. choose the word that least fits in the group .

    1. Kettle
    2. Swarm
    3. Herd
    4. Flock

Read the following passage and then answer questions 26 - 38

Just before dark, we took up our abode for the night at a small village where I bought some food for myself and some corn for my horse at the moderate price of a button and was told that I would see the river Niger early in the next day.

The lions here are numerous. The gates of the compound are shut a little after sunset, and no one is allowed to go out after this curfew. The thoughts of seeing the Niger in the morning, and the buzzing of the mosquitoes, prevented me from sleeping until nearly dawn.

I saddled my horse and was in readiness to start before any of my followers but we were obliged to wait until the villagers were stirring and the gates opened. As this happened to be a market day at Sego, the roads leading to the village were crowded with traders and merchadise. However, we drew along fairly rapidly in spite of a few stops on account of false alarms, and after Passing through some marshy land, we at last saw in the distance the Niger!

  1. At what time did the writer and the rest take up abode at the small vilage?
    1. At dawn
    2. Late at night
    3. At dusk
    4. in the morning
  2. What did the writer buy for the horses?
    1. Corn
    2. Hay
    3. Biscuits
    4. A button
  3. Which word means the same as 'numerous' as used in the passage?
    1. Few
    2. Dangerous
    3. Very many
    4. Very big
  4. How did the writer know that river Niger was quite near?
    1. There were many mosquitoes
    2. He was told that he would be able to reach it early the next day
    3. The village was in a marsh
    4. The village shut its gates at sunset
  5. Why were the gates of the village shut a little after sunset?
    1. To keep off mosquitoes
    2. To discourage visitors
    3. Because of the many lions there
    4. They were expecting an attack
  6. What prevented the writer from sleeping?
    1. The buzzing of the mosquitoes and thoughts of seeing the Niger
    2. The constant roaring of lions
    3. The thoughts of seeing the Niger and mosquito bites
    4. The noise from the villagers
  7. Why didn't the writer leave early as he had planned?
    1. It was a market day
    2. It was very cold
    3. He was late to wake up
    4. The gates had not been opened
  8. We can say that the price of the corn was
    1. cheap
    2. expensive
    3. clear
    4. very high
  9. Why were the roads crowded?
    1. The people travelled away from Sego when the gates were opened
    2. The people of Sego were all merchants
    3. It was a market day in the village
    4. There were so many visitors in the village
  10. What was the purpose of the writer's journey?
    1. To trade in the village
    2. To buy food
    3. To spend the night at Sego
    4. To see the Niger
  11. Which word below is the synonym of obliged' as used in the passage?
    1. allowed
    2. compelled
    3. pleaded
    4. requested
  12. Teh writer made a few stops on the way due to
    1. false alarms
    2. marshy ground
    3. fatigue and hunger
    4. getting lost
  13. Choose the most appropriate title for the passage
    1. An insecure village
    2. A village market day
    3. The dangerous lions
    4. A journey to the Niger

Road the following passage and then answer questions 39 - 50

June 1978 was the 25th anniversary of the climbiig of Mt. Everest. This great mountain in the Himalayan mountains of Northern India, the highest mountain in the world, had always tooked down mockingly on mere man, seeming to say, "I challenged you to climb me, poor, weak morials." And try they did, "but failed to reach the top. There were avalanches, blizzards, extreme cold and hunger to contend with.

Then it happened! The news flashed around the world and Edmud Hillary and John Hunt had led a party of devoted climbers ever upwards until the fateful moment when Hillary himself and a Nepalese. Tensing Norgay set foot upon the roof of the world and looked down from a height of 3,848 metres

Celebrations followed to mark the great exploit Queen Elizabeth Il awarded him, Hillary and Tensing with the Biritish Empire Medal

  1. If June 1978 was the 25th anniversary of climbing the mountain, when was it climbed?
    1. June 1950
    2. June 1920
    3. June 1953
    4. June 1978
  2. In which country is Mt. Everest?
    1. Europe
    2. India
    3. Britain
    4. Nepal
  3. Those who tried to climb the mountain and failed taced the following problems except
    1. money
    2. cold
    3. hunger
    4. blizzards
  4. The word that is similar in meaning to 'climb' as used in the passage is
    1. ascend
    2. descend
    3. lower
    4. catch 
  5. Who led the party of devoted climbers?
    1. Queen Elizabeth II
    2. Tensing and Norgay
    3. Edmund Hillary and Queen Elizabeth II
    4. Edmund Hillary and John Hunt
  6. What is referred to as the roof of the world according to the passage?
    1. The metal they received
    2. The celebrations
    3. The peak of the mountain
    4. The party that climbed the mountain
  7. The following received medals according to the passage except
    1. Hunt
    2. Queen Elizabeth II
    3. Tensing
    4. Hillary 
  8. Which one of the following statements is false according to the passage
    1. The Everest is the nighest mountain in the world
    2. The first people to try climbing the Everest mountain did not reach the top.
    3. No climbers have ever reached the top of the Everest mountain
    4. The first people to reach the top of the Everest mountain were rewarded a medal
  9. Climbing of mountains is called
    1. mountaineering
    2. surfing
    3. skiing
    4. gliding 
  10. The height of the Everest mountain in metres is
    1. 8884
    2. 8848
    3. 8488
    4. 8084
  11. The great exploit was foiled by
    1. hunger
    2. punishment
    3. ridicule
    4. celebrations
  12. The most appropriate title for the passage would be
    1. The cold mountain
    2. The fateful journey 
    3. Climbing Mount Everest
    4. A failed attempt

Your neighbour has been disturbing your family by playing loud music at nigh over the weekends. Write a letter to the chief of your area to complain about it.


  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. C
  6. A
  7. C
  8. D
  9. B
  10. B
  11. C
  12. A
  13. D
  14. C
  15. D
  16. C
  17. B
  18. A
  19. A
  20. D
  21. D
  22. A
  23. D
  24. B
  25. A
  26. C
  27. A
  28. C
  29. B
  30. C
  31. A
  32. D
  33. A
  34. C
  35. D
  36. B
  37. A
  38. D
  39. C
  40. B
  41. A
  42. A
  43. D
  44. C
  45. B
  46. C
  47. A
  48. B
  49. D
  50. C

class 6 ET1 SSt Q1
Study the map of Meta Area above and use it to answer questions 1 1o 7.

  1. Meta area is likely to be a,
    1. Location
    2. District
    3. County
    4. Sub-county
  2. River Meta flows from ____________ to ______________.
    1. West to East
    2. East to West
    3. North to South
    4. West to North
  3. What is the climate of the western side of Meta area?
    1. Hot and dry
    2. Cool and dry
    3. Cool and wet
    4. Hot and wet
  4. A thief was caught breaking into a shop in Kusa market. The best action for the people to take was;
    1. take him to the chief office
    2. take him to the police station
    3. beat him to death
    4. take him to church for the prayers
  5. People near Kusa market belong to _______________ religion;
    1. Christianity
    2. Hindu
    3. Islam
    4. Traditional religion
  6. What is the direction of the tea collection center from the post office?
    1. North cast
    2. South west
    3. South east
    4. North west
  7. The main means of transport in Meta area is;
    1. Railway
    2. Water
    3. Road
    4. Air
  8. Which one of the following plateaus in Kenya is referred to as plateau within the plateau?
    1. Nyika
    2. Merti
    3. Uasin Gishu
    4. Yatta
  9. All the rivers drain in lake victoria  except?
    1. R. Kerio
    2. R. Nzoia
    3. R.Yala
    4. R.Mara
  10. The following communities originated from South Sudan. Which one did not?
    1. Maasai
    2. Rendile
    3. Luo
    4. Karamojong
  11. Members of the County Assembly are elected by Kenyans to represent them in their;
    1. counties
    2. constituençies
    3. wards
    4. senates
  12. The fishing method shown in the diagram below is called;
    1. purse seining
    2. trawling
    3. net drifting
    4. basket fishing
  13. Which one of the following lakes in Kenya is not a fresh water lake?
    1. L. Naivasha
    2. L. Baringo
    3. L.Tukana
    4. L.Magadi
  14. The Bantus who had settled at Shungwaya later migrated into Kenya because ot;
    1. overpopulation
    2. attacks by the Oromo
    3. need for farming land
    4. shortage of water
  15. Below are ways of promoting peace in the country except?
    1. tolerating other peoples opinions
    2. obeying the laws of the land
    3. inciting people to strike from work
    4. respecting human rights
  16. A person born in Kenya by Kenyan parents became a Kenya citizen by;
    1. birth
    2. registration
    3. recommendation
    4. adoption
  17. Disagreements in school can be caused by the following except;
    1. fair distribution of learning materials
    2. favoritism of some pupils by teachers
    3. unfair punishment
    4. unclear school rules
  18. The most popular way of sending messages to very many people at the
    1. mobile phone
    2. radio
    3. newspapers
    4. television
  19. Which one of the following is not an element of a map?
    1. scale
    2. compass
    3. size
    4. title
  20. Which one of the following minerals is not correctly matched with its method of mining
    1. sand-open cast
    2. salt evaporation
    3. soda ash - dredging
    4. limestone open cast
  21. Which one of the following was not a traditional method of teaching children;
    1. story telling
    2. imitation
    3. composition writing
    4. proverbs

Use the map of Kenya below to answer the questions that follows

                   class 6 Et1 SSt Q22

  1. The following communities followed the route marked Q except;
    1. Somali
    2. Rendile
    3. Oromo
    4. Maasai
  2. The National reserve marked N is known
    1. Amboseli
    2. Boni
    3. Maasai Mara
    4. Shiba hills
  3. The following islands are found in the lake marked M except;
    1. Mfangano
    2. Rusinga
    3. Mageta
    4. Lamu
  4. Name the plain marked Q
    1. Awara
    2. Bilesha
    3. Lotikipi
    4. Woyamdero
  5. The mineral mined at the area marked P is;
    1. diatomite 
    2. flourspar,
    3. soda ash
    4. salt
  6. Which one of the following communities resisted the imposition of colonial rule in Kenya?.
    1. Ababukusu
    2. Abawanga
    3. Maasai.
    4. Agikuyu
  7. Which.box below consist of manufactured industries only?
    class 6 Et1 SSt Q28
  8. The governor and the deputy governor are member of the;
    1. County assembly
    2. National assembly
    3. County of executive communities
    4. National government
  9. The following are methods of conserving wildlife.Which one is not ?
    1. Creating clectronic fences around the parks
    2. Establishing animal orphanages
    3. Banning trade in wild animals products
    4. Encouraging poaching
  10. The following are functions of the IEBC. Which one is not?
    1. To register voters
    2. To nominate candidates
    3. To appoint and train election officers
    4. To conduct civic education
  11. Which one the following is not a method of rearing chicken?
    1. Herding
    2. Free range
    3. Deep litter
    4. Battery system
  12. Which one of the following is not true about traditional agriculture?
    1. Farmers used simple tools
    2. It relied on family labor
    3. Was mainly on large scale
    4. Simple methods of farming were used
  13. The arm of the government responsible for making and amending laws is;
    1. executive
    2. legislature
    3. judiciary
    4. police
  14. Who was the first African to be nominated in the Legco?
    1. Jomo Kenyatta
    2. Harry Thuku
    3. Eliud Mathu
    4. Tom Mboya
  15. The following consist of basic need of a family, Which one is not?
    1. food
    2. money
    3. shelter
    4. clothing
  16. Lawlessness will lead to all the following except;
    1. slow development
    2. fear
    3. loss of life and property
    4. rapid development
  17. The following are facts about a traditional African leader,
    1. led the community in resisting the British rule
    2. administered oath in the shrines
    3. was arrested and deported to Gusii land
      The leader described is
      1. Laibon Lenana
      2. Koitalel Arap Samoei
      3. Mekatilili wa Menza
      4. Nabongo Mumia
  18. The religious leader among the Ameru was called?
    1. Njuri Ncheke
    2. Mugwe
    3. Laibon
    4. Orkoiyot
  19. Use the diagram below to answer questions 40-41.

    class 6 Et1 SST Q40
    The above diagram shows the formation of;
    1. orographic rainfall
    2. convectional rainfall
    3. sea breeze
    4. land breeze
  20. Which oné of the following countries in
    Kenya receive the above type of rainfall?
    1. Kisumu
    2. Mombasa
    3. Homa bay
    4. Meru
  21. Magadi town is densely populated mainly because;
    1. it receives high rainfall
    2. mining activities around L. Magadi
    3. good infrastructure
    4. warm climate
  22. Kenya became a republic on;
    1. 20th October 1952
    2. 1st June 1963
    3. 12th December 1964
    4. 12th December 1963
  23. Which weather instrument below is correctly matched with its aspect of weather it is used to measure;
    1. windsock - speed of wind
    2. rainguage - amount of rainfall
    3. themometer - pressure
    4. wind vane - strength of wind
  24. The type of trade where goods are exchanged for other goods is called;
    1. currency trade
    2. goods trade
    3. international trade
    4. barter trade
  25. The most developed means of transport in Kenya is;
    1. road
    2. air
    3. pipeline
    4. railways
  26. Which one of the following communities in Kenya does not belong to central bantus?
    1. Ameru
    2. Akamba
    3. Mijikenda
    4. Agikuyu
  27. Which one of the following is a way of practicing democracy in schools?
    1. Bullying others
    2. Electing club officials
    3. Forcing children to join clubs
    4. Teachers appointing class prefects
  28. Which one of the following trees is an example of planted forest?
    1. Jilore
    2. Aberdare
    3. Mau
    4. Turbo
  29. The famous Kamba leader who was also a long distance trader was called;
    1. Kimnyole
    2. Masaku
    3. Mekatilili
    4. Lenana
  30. Which one of the following is not an age set among the Kalenjin?
    1. Maina
    2. Kipkoimet
    3. Kipng'etich
    4. Kaplalech
  31. Which one of the following is not a hardwood tree?
    1. Mvule
    2. Camphor
    3. Cedar
    4. Elgon teak
  32. The following are tourist attractions in Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. Beautiful people
    2. Sandy beaches
    3. Wildlife
    4. Culture attraction
  33. The best means of transporting oil from Changamwe in Mombasa to Nairobi and other towns is by
    1.  tankers
    2.  pipeline
    3.  railway
    4. air
  34. Sanye and Dahalo are examples of,
    1. Eastern cushites
    2. Southern cushites
    3. Plain nilotes
    4. Coastal bantus
  35. The main problem facing wildlife in Kenya is;
    1. insecurity
    2. pest and diseases
    3. poaching
    4. drought
  36. The most distractive form of soil erosion is;
    1. sheet erosion
    2. gulley erosion
    3. rill erosion
    4. splash erosion
  37. Which one of the following is not a dairy cattle breed?
    1. Aberdeen Angus
    2. Freshian
    3. Guernsey
    4. Jersey
  38. The type of democracy where people elect leaders to make decisions on their behalf is called;
    1. participatory democracy
    2. direct democracy
    3. indirect democracy
    4. pure democracy
  39. The act of showing love to ones country is known as;
    1. citizeship
    2. loyalty
    3. kindness
    4. patriotism


  1. According to Genesis stories of creation why was man chased in the garden of Eden?
    1. He taked to the serpent
    2. He disobeyed God
    3. He needed a farm to work on
    4. He chose to live outside the garden
  2. The sign of covenant between Noah and God is,
    1. circumcision
    2. lightening
    3. the rainbow
    4. thunder
  3. The eldest son of Jacob was
    1. Benjamin
    2. Reuben
    3. Joseph
    4. Moses
  4. Who was the father of John the Baptist?
    1. Elikana
    2. Zecharia
    3. Joseph
    4. Moses
  5. Abraham was told to go and sacrifice Isaac on Mt;
    1. Ararat
    2. Sinai
    3. Moriah
    4. Carmel
  6. God appeared to Moses,
    1. in a cloud
    2. in lightening
    3. in a burning bush
    4. in a loud voice
  7. Which prophet annointed the first King of Israel?
    1. Elijah
    2. Elisha
    3. Nathan
    4. Samuel
  8. King David annoyed God when he:
    1. committed adultery
    2. built a big temple
    3. killed Goliath
    4. worshiped idols
  9. The new covenant was to be written
    1. in the Bible
    2. in people's hearts
    3. on a scroll
    4. on the walls
  10. The greatest commandment according to Jesus is:
    1. do not steal
    2. love the lord your God
    3. do not commit dultery
    4. worship no other god but me
  11. _______________________ referred to Jesus as the lamb of God
    1. Bartimaeus
    2. John he Baptist
    3. Isaiah
    4. Jeremiah
  12. Who were the two people who were in the temple during the dedication of Jesus;
    1. Prophetess Anna and Simeon
    2. Elijah and Moses
    3. Herod and Pilate
    4. Mary and Martha
  13. Which one of the following miracles was perfomed by Jesus at Bethany?
    1. Raising Lazarus
    2. Raising Tabitha
    3. Raising Jairus' daughter
    4. Raising a widows son
  14. The parable of the good Samaritan teaches us to:
    1. forgive others
    2. help the needy
    3. obey God's word
    4. avoid temptation
  15. Happy are those who mourn for;
    1. they will see God
    2. God will be merciful to them
    3. God will comfort them
    4. God willl satisfy them fully.
  16. Who among the following people was healed from blindness?
    1. Lazarus
    2. Bartimeaus
    3. Centurion's servant
    4. Jairus' daughter
  17. Jesus ascended to heaven at a place called:
    1. Jericho
    2. Bethany
    3. Nazareth
    4. Jerusalem
  18. We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on:
    1. Easter Monday
    2. Easter sunday
    3. Good Friday
    4. Sabbath day
  19. We are not true witnesses of Christ if we:
    1. help the needy
    2. live holy lives
    3. obey God's commandments
    4. accuse others falsely
  20. According to the apostle's creed, Jesus will come again as a:
    1. judge
    2. saviour
    3. king
    4. friend
  21. The Holy Spirit descended on the apostles on the day of:
    1. Pentecost
    2. Passover
    3. Easter
    4. Good Friday
  22. Who raised Tabitha?
    1. Peter
    2. Paul
    3. Jesus
    4. John
  23. Which one of the following is not one of the books on the Bible?
    1. David
    2. Kings
    3. Samuel
    4. Job
  24. In Traditional African Societies, which one of the following roles was carried out by boys?
    1. Cooking
    2. Fetching water
    3. Cleaning
    4. Herding
  25. We should have responsible sexual behaviour because;
    1. we can be punished
    2. our bodies are temples of God
    3. it cannot cause death
    4. we are not ready to become parents
  26. Christians should take care of plants and animals because;
    1. we eat them
    2. it is the law of the land
    3. they attract tourists
    4. they are God's creation
  27. Rich christians should help the community by;
    1. throwing parties to celebrate
    2. buying people new clothes
    3. helping the needy
    4. visiting new places
  28. We should all respect leaders because;
    1. they are rich
    2. they are famous
    3. they can punish us
    4. they are chosen by God
  29. The believers in Christ were first called christians at a place called;
    1. Jerusalem
    2. Rome
    3. Antioch
    4. Canaan
  30. Who among the following made poor choices?
    1. Abraham
    2. Ananias
    3. Ruth
    4. Matthew


  1. A
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. B
  7. C
  8. D
  9. A
  10. B
  11. C
  12. C
  13. D
  14. B
  15. C
  16. A
  17. A
  18. B
  19. C
  20. A
  21. C
  22. D
  23. B
  24. D
  25. C
  26. B
  27. A
  28. B
  29. C
  30. D
  31. B
  32. A
  33. C
  34. B
  35. C
  36. B
  37. D
  38. C
  39. B
  40. A
  41. D
  42. B
  43. C
  44. B
  45. D
  46. A
  47. C
  48. B
  49. D
  50. B
  51. C
  52. C
  53. A
  54. B
  55. B
  56. C
  57. B
  58. A
  59. C
  60. D


  1. B
  2. C
  3. B
  4. B
  5. C
  6. C
  7. D
  8. A
  9. B
  10. B
  11. B
  12. A
  13. A
  14. B
  15. C
  16. B
  17. B
  18. A
  19. D
  20. A
  21. A
  22. A
  23. A
  24. D
  25. B
  26. D
  27. C
  28. D
  29. C
  30. B
Monday, 06 September 2021 09:23

Science - Class 6 End Term 1 Exam 2021 Set 1

  1. The diagram below shows a human tooth. The function of the tooth is;
                 class6 Et1 sci Q1
    1. gripping and tearing.
    2. tearing and grinding.
    3. crushing and grinding
    4. cutting and bitting
  2. Which one of the following is not a reason for lighting a house?
    1. To read comfortably
    2. To feel warm
    3. To avoid accident
    4. To discourage pests
  3. Which one of the following is correctly matched with its meaning in HIV/AIDS?
    1. Immune-lack of
    2. Deficiency-many signs and symptoms
    3. Acquired-get from
    4. Syndrome-to be protected from

Use the diagram below to answer questions 4 and 5. 

           Class 6 ET1 sci Q4

  1. The above experiment was used to investigate
    1. capillarity
    2. water retention
    3. drainage
    4. water holding capacity.
  2. The soil in the tube S is likely to be;
    1. loam
    2. sand
    3. clay
    4. None
  3. The third stage of HIVIAIDS infection is;
    1. symptomatic stage
    2. asymptomatic stage
    3. window stage
    4. full-blown stage
  4. The best method of controlling weeds is by;
    1. use of chemicals 
    2. uprooting
    3. digging them out
    4. slashing
  5. STD five pupils in Shama Academy observed clouds with the following characteristics.
    1. were high in the sky.
    2. looked like bundles of cotton wool.
    3. had a flat base.
      The clouds they where observed were likely to be;
      1. nimbus
      2. cumulus
      3. stratus
      4. cirrus
  6. The loudness or softness of a sound is known as;
    1. pitch
    2. loud sound
    3. echo
    4. volume
  7. Which one of the following list of food crops consists of cereals only?
    1. Maize, millet, sorghum
    2. Peas, beans, groundnuts
    3. Kales, spinach, cabbage.
    4. Irish potatoes, carrots, arrowroots.
  8. The following are uses of water for recreation except;
    1. surfing
    2. swimming
    3. boat racing
    4. making fountains

Use the diagram below to answer questions 12-14

                    Class 6 ET1 sci Q12

  1. What is the function of part P in the digestive system above?
    1. Digestion of food
    2. Absorption of digested food
    3. Storage of waste products
    4. Absorption of water and mineral salts
  2. Undigested food material is released from the body through part R this process is called:
    1. egestion
    2. excretion
    3. digestion
    4. absorption
  3. The digestive juice produced at part N is used for digesting;
    1. fats and oils.
    2. starchy carbohydrates
    3. proteins
    4. vitamins
  4. Which one of the following small animals is not likely to be found in the soil?
    1. Earthworms
    2. Butterfly
    3. Termites
    4. Cockroaches
  5. Below is a classification table for animals
    class 6 ET1 sci Q16
    Which two animals are wrongly grouped?
    1. Whale and millipede
    2. Millipede and dolphin
    3. Dolphin and spider
    4. Whale and spider
  6. Which one of the following crops does not store food in the roots?
    1. Onion
    2. Cassava
    3. Sweet potato
    4. Carrot
  7. Sound does not travel through;
    1. gases
    2. liquids
    3. vacuum
    4. solids
  8. A boat made of metal floats on water because of
    1. material
    2. size 
    3. shape
    4. weight
  9. STD 5 pupils in Njure Academy carried out the experiment below.
    class 6 Et1 sci q20
    What were they investigating?
    1. Convection in liquids
    2. Conduction in liquids
    3. Conduction and radiation
    4. Convection in gases
  10. Which one of the following plants are greens but does not produce flowers?
    1. Maize
    2. Grass
    3. Moss
    4. Cactus
  11. Which deficiency disease below is caused by lack of iron?
    1. Kashiakor
    2. Anaemia
    3. Rickets
    4. Marasmus
  12. Which one of the following cannot be seen at all during the night?
    1. Stars
    2. Sun
    3. Cloud
    4. Moon
  13. Which one of the following is not a proper use of medicine?
    1. Taking medicine whenever we feel unwell
    2. Completing the dose
    3. Taking the medicine only when prescribed by a doctor
    4. Not taking medicine meant for another person
  14. Which one of the following materials is a poor conductor of heat?
    1. Metallic spoon
    2. Sufuria 
    3. Iron nail
    4. Wooden spoon
  15. The diagram below shows a summary of changes in states.
    class 6 ET1 sci Q26
    Which letters represents the processes that occur when objects are heated?
    1. Q R
    2. Q T
    3. S T
    4. R S
  16. The best soil for modeling also;
    1. is the best for farming.
    2. contains a lot of humus
    3. retains the highest amount of water
    4. is known as the light soil.
  17. The following are the descriptions of a certain components of a balanced diet
    1. It is not digested in the body.
    2. It has no nutritive valtue
    3. Helps to prevent constipation.
      The component described above is;
      1. minerals
      2. vitamins
      3. protein
      4. roughage
  18. Which one of the following statement is not true about gases?
    1. They expand most when heated
    2. They have definite volume
    3. They have definite mass
    4. They occupy space
  19. During breathing in, the lungs;
    1. collapse
    2. inflate
    3. contract
    4. deflate 
  20. HIVIAIDS can be transmitted through the following body fluid except;
    1. urine
    2. blood
    3. breast milk
    4. vaginal fluids
  21. STD 5 pupils set an experiment below during theri science lesson.
    class 6 ET1sci Q32
    What where they investigating?
    1. Solids expand on heating
    2. Liquids expand on heating
    3. Air exerts pressure
    4. Gases expand when heated
  22. The following non-green plants are classified as harmful fungi except;
    1. dandruffs
    2. athletes foot
    3. toadstool
    4. ringworms
  23. The windsock is usually painted with large black and white stripes mainly to;
    1. make it last longer
    2. make it visible
    3. make it beautiful
    4. make it durable
  24. The following are characters of amphibians except;
    1. they have scales
    2. they have a moist skin
    3. they have external fertilization.
    4. they are cold blooded.
  25. Heat transfer through solid is called;
    1. conduction.
    2. radiation.
    3. convection.
    4. condensation.
  26. Two std 7 boys Keter and Kibet were balancing on a see-saw. Keter is heavier than Kibet. For them to balance;
    1. Kibet should move closer to the pivot.
    2. They should sit equal distance from the pivot.
    3. Kibet should sit further from the pivot.
    4. Keter should should move further from the pivot.
  27. Small quantities of mass are measured in unites called
    1. tonnes.
    2. newtons
    3. kilograms
    4. grams
  28. Which one of the following is not an example of oil crops?
    1. Coconut
    2. Cassava
    3. Sunflower
    4. Groundnuts
  29. People working in noisy factories are provided with the following to protect themselves from noise except;
    1. ear muffs 
    2. ar defenders
    3. ear buds.
    4. ear plugs
  30. The animal drawn below moves by;
    class 6 ET1 sci Q41
    1. crawling
    2. slithering
    3. walking
    4. gliding
  31. Which one of the following is not a component of soil?
    1. Living organisms.
    2. Air
    3. Water
    4. Inorganic matter
  32. The following are parts of the breathing system except;
    1. gullet
    2. nose
    3. lungs
    4. bronchioles
  33. The diagram below shows a cooking 
    class 6 Et1 sci Q44
    The best material for making part N is
    1. aluminum
    2. iron
    3. hardened plastic
    4. any metal
  34. The following are requirements during photosynthesis. Which one is not?
    1. Oxygen
    2. Water
    3. Mineral salt
    4. Sunlight
  35. Which animal below provide us with mohair?
    1. Sheep
    2. Goat
    3. Donkey
    4. Rabbit
  36. Which one of the following does not belong to the same state of matter as the other?
    1. Maize flour
    2. Oxygen
    3. Ice cubes
    4. Sand particles.
  37. Which one of the following weeds has a strong unpleasant smell?
    1. Mexican marigold
    2. Black jack
    3. Wandering jew
    4. Thorn apple
  38. The experiment below was carried out by pupils to investigate a method of heat transfer.
    class 6 ET1 sci Q49
    They were investigating;
    1. convection currents in air
    2. heat transfer in radiation
    3. convection in liquids
    4. sinking and floating
  39. A deaf or a dump person has ___________ senses
    1. 3
    2. 5
    3. 4
    4. 2


  1. D
  2. B
  3. C
  4. A
  5. C
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. D
  10. A
  11. D
  12. D
  13. A
  14. C
  15. B
  16. D
  17. A
  18. C
  19. C
  20. A
  21. C
  22. B
  23. B
  24. A
  25. D
  26. A
  27. C
  28. D
  29. B
  30. B
  31. A
  32. D
  33. C
  34. B
  35. A
  36. A
  37. C
  38. D
  39. B
  40. C
  41. B
  42. D
  43. A
  44. C
  45. A
  46. B
  47. A
  48. A
  49. A
  50. C
Monday, 06 September 2021 08:14

Kiswahili - Class 6 End Term 1 Exam 2021 Set 1

Soma kifungu kifuatacho. Kina nafasi 1 hadi 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne. Chagua lifaalo zaidi.

Ni _____1_____kadhaa _____2______ na mwalimu huyo. Alikuwa mwalimu _____3______ sana katika lugha ya Kiswahili. _____4______mwalimu huyo alikuwa na _____5_____moja. Alikuwa na hasira za _____6______. Jambo ______7______ tu ______8______ akasirike vilivyo. Sisi ______9______ tulimpenda na kumtamania lakini ______10______ alipopandwa na ______11______ tulikuwa ______12______ kwa woga. Katika hali kama hiyo, macho yake ya ______13______  yangebadilika rangi na kuwa ______14______. Daima dawamu sitamsahau mwalimu huyo aushini _______15______.

    1. vitu
    2. mambo
    3. masaibu
    4. malalamiko
    1. tulichofunzwa
    2. tulizofunzwa
    3. tuliofunzwa
    4. tuliyofunzwa
    1. mstadi
    2. hatari
    3. mhodari
    4. stadi
    1. Hata hivyo
    2. Na
    3. Kwa
    4. Ndiposa
    1. jambo
    2. ila
    3. tatizo
    4. wahaka
    1. fisi
    2. simba
    3. kihongwe
    4. mkizi
    1. ndogo
    2. dogo
    3. lidogo
    4. mdogo
    1. lingetume
    2. ingesababisha
    3. lingesababisha
    4. zingesababisha
    1. sote
    2. zote
    3. wote
    4. nyote
    1. nyakati
    2. wakati
    3. pindi
    4. saa
    1. damu
    2. nyusi
    3. mori
    4. raha
    1. tukifyata ulimi
    2. tukilia
    3. tukicheka
    4. tukicheza 
    1. paa
    2. kikombe
    3. mamba
    4. ustadi
    1. mekundu
    2. miekundu
    3. nyekundu
    4. kwekundu
    1. kwangu
    2. zangu
    3. mwangu
    4. pangu

Kutoka swali la 16 hadi 30, jibu kulingana na maagizo

  1. Jibu maamkizi haya:
    Salaam aleikum ___________________________
    1. salaam aleikum
    2. binuru
    3. marahaba
    4. aleikum salaam
  2. Shairi lenye mishororo minne katika kila ubeti huitwa:
    1. Tarbia
    2. Tathlitha
    3. Uwili
    4. Takhmisa
  3. Mtoto mdogo ameanguka vibaya. Kielezi katika sentensi hii ni:
    1. mtoto
    2. mdogo
    3. vibaya
    4. anguka
  4. Silabi za kati na za mwisho katika mishororo ya shairi huitwa,
    1. ubeti
    2. kibwagizo
    3. vina
    4. mizani
  5. Neno lipi haliko katika ngeli moja na mengine?
    1. Mwalimu
    2. Mlima
    3. Ndovu
    4. Daktari
  6. Mkoba wa kisu huitwa;
    1. podo
    2. upote
    3. ala
    4. ngao
  7. Kanusha sentensi ifuatayo:
    Muthungu amekuja shule leo.
    1. Muthungu hajaja shule leo
    2. Muthungu hajakuja shule leo
    3. Muthungu haji shule leo
    4. Muthungu hakuja shule leo
  8. Andika sudusi mbili kwa tarakimu:
    1. 3/5
    2. 3/6
    3. 2/5
    4. 2/6
  9. Malipo ya mtu aliyeshinda ni;
    1. faini
    2. karo
    3. mahari
    4. zawadi
  10. Tumia 'o-ote' katika sentensi hii;
    Maskani haya hayana manufaa ________________________
    1. zozote
    2. yoyote
    3. yeyote
    4. wowote
  11. Watu walipiga _____________ kumchagua mbunge wao.
    1. kura
    2. kula
    3. kalamu
    4. karo
  12. Anayetibu wagonjwa hospitalini huitwa:
    1. bawabu
    2. mhunzi
    3. tabibu 
    4. mwalimu
  13. Dada ya baba yako huitwa:
    1. shangazi
    2. halati
    3. mjomba
    4. shemeji
  14. Jaza jina la makundi.
    ________________ cha barua.
    1. Kikoa
    2. Doti
    3. Kipeto
    4. Kitosi
  15. Tegua Kitendawili
    "Nikitolewa majini hufa." Jibu ni:
    1. moyo
    2. yai 
    3. chura
    4. samaki

Soma ufahamu huu kisha ujibu maswali 31-40

Dawa ya kulevya ni chochote kinachoathiri hali ya kawaida ya mwili wa binadamu. Kuna aina mbalimbali za dawa za kulevya kama vile bangi, kokeini, heroini, madraksi na za nusu kaputi. Aidha, sigara pombe na gundi ni dawa za kulevya zinazouzwa na watu pasipo kufikiria madhara yake.

Pia kuna dawa zinazopendekezwa na daktari ili kupunguza maumivu au uchungu mwilini. Zinapotumiwa vibaya huleta uraibu unaoweza kuadhiri afya ya mtumiaji.

Watu tofauti hutumia dawa za kulevya kwa sababu zinazohitilafiana. Kuna wale wanaotaka kudadisi dawa hizi kwa kuiga mienendo ya marafiki zao na kukinaishwa na maisha. Wengine huzitumia kwa kuwa hawana shughuli za kufanya. Wameadhiriwa na vyombo vya mawasiliano hasa runinga na uozo wajamii.

Matumizi ya dawa hizi kwa muda mrefu husababisha uzoefu ambao ni vigumu kuukatiza. Hivyo basi huleta madhara mengi yasiyo na kifani. Miongoni mwa hayo ni kukosa makini kazini na masomoni. Aidha kichaa, saratani ya mapafu hasa kwa wavutao sigara, uhalifu ili kugharamia dawa hizi ghali na kudhoofisha uamuzi wa kiakili unaosababisha hasara kubwa.

Wakiwa katika hali hii ya kutojijua wala kujitambua, wengi huweza kujidunga kwa sindano chafu zinazoweza kusababisha maradhi mengi yakiwemo ukimwi. Hatima yao huwa ni kifo kwa wote wanaofuata njia hiyo.

Madhara haya yaweza kuepukika endapo sote tutawajibika kwa kukataa kuandamana na marafiki wabaya, wapotovu, kukataa kutumiwa na walanguzi wa dawa hizi na kutafuta uraibu unaofaa na kuheshimu miili yetu.

Mwito basi ni kushirikiana bega kwa bega ili kujaribu kuangamiza dawa za kulevya na biashara yake.

  1. Dawa za kulevya ni nini?
    1. Chochote kinachopendekezwa na daktari
    2. Chochote kinachoathiri hali ya binadamu
    3. Chochote kinachoathiri mwili wa binadamu
    4. Chochote kinachoathiri kawaida ya mwili.
  2. Mifano ya dawa za kulevya zinazouzwa na watu wengi ni:
    1. bangi, madraksi na chai
    2. kokeini, madraksi, na kahawa
    3. madraksi, chai ya mkandaa na bangi
    4. sigara, heroini, pombe na kokeini
  3. Ni kweli kusema, uzoefu wa mihadarati ni:
    1. vigumu kuukatiza
    2. vibaya kuukatiza
    3. rahisi kuukatiza
    4. vigumu kuupunguza
  4. Hatima ya wanaotumia dawa za kulevya ni ipi?
    1. Madhara
    2. Mauti
    3. Unusu kaputi
    4. Uhalisi
  5. Kisawe cha zinazohitilafiana ni:
    1. Zinazosikilizana
    2. Zinazolingana
    3. Zinazotofautiana
    4. Zinazoshahibiana
  6. Neno kukinaisha lina maana sawa na:
    1. kuwa na matumaini ya maisha
    2. kutosheka na maisha
    3. kufurahishwa na maisha
    4. kuchoshwa na maisha
  7. Matumizi ya mihadarati huleta uraibu unaoweza:
    1. kupunguza afya ya binadamu
    2. kudumisha afya ya binadamu
    3. kuboresha afya ya bianadamu
    4. kudunisha afya ya binadamu
  8. Ni maradhi yapi ambayo huwezi kupata kutokana na utumiaji wa mihadarati?
    1. Pumu
    2. Kichaa
    3. Saratani ya mapafiu
    4. Uraibu
  9. Ipi kati ya hizi si jinsi ya kuepukana na athari hizi?
    1. Kukataa kuandamana na marafiki wabaya
    2. Kukataa kutumwa na walanguzi wa dawa hizi
    3. Kutafuta uraibu unaofaa na kuheshimu miili yetu
    4. Kutumia na kulangua mihadarati
  10. Neno dawa liko katika ngeli gani?
    1. LI-YA
    2. U-ZI
    3. I-ZI
    4. KU-KU

Soma ufahamu huu kisha ujibu maswali 41-50.

Sote tulikuwa tumeketi chumbani ndugu alipojitoma ndani ghafla bin vuu, huku akihema kama aliyenusurika kumezwa na chatu. "Kulikoni? Mbona unahema kama mgonjwa wa pumu?" Nilisaili.

Alitueleza kuwa alipigwa kabari na wanyang'anyi wakamwibia kila kitu. Aliwaendea polisi kuwaambia yaliyojiri lakini badala ya kumsaidia walipora kichache kilichobaki. Tukashindwa kutofautisha wezi na polisi.

Yale maneno ya ndugu yangu yalinichochea kuwaza wajibu wa walinda usalama ni upi? Askari ndio wanaofaa kulinda raia na kuhifadhi haki za wananchi. Hata hivyo wao wamebadilika na kukiuka sheria zenyewe. Wanahujumu raia. Endapo yule aliyetunukiwa jukumu la kukulinda ndiye anayekuhasiri. je usalama wetu uko wapi?

Sio askari wote wanaodhulumu raia. Kuna kikosi cha askari kanzu au wapelelezi ambao wamejaribu kwa mapana na marefu kulinda jina la idara yao. Kuna visa vichache sana vya makachero wanaofanya uhalifu dhidi ya umma. Wapokee pongezi zetu kama wananchi.

Na wale askani wanaovaa mavazi rasmi tunawarai kuwa wasipokee rushwa barabarani, wasiwaibie raia, wasiwasaidie wezi wala wasitumie bunduki zao vibaya.

  1. Nani aliyeingia chumbani kwa kasi?
    1. Askari polisi
    2. Rafikiye mwandishi
    3. Kakake mwandishi
    4. Nduguye askari
  2. Alipigwa kabari na wezi ina maana:
    1. walimkimbiza mbio mbio
    2. walimsindikiza hadi nyumbani 
    3. walimkaba koo wakamwibia 
    4. waliomzomea mhusika
  3. Polisi walipopata habari za wizi huo:
    1. walimwibia mhusika 
    2. walianza kusaka wezi
    3. walimfukuza aliyeiba
    4. walifungua kesi kituoni
  4. Askari hawana jukumu la kulinda:
    1. wananchi
    2. waporaji
    3. umma
    4. raia
  5. Ina maana gani kuwa askari wamebadilika?
    1. wanachunga sheria
    2. hawakiuki sheria
    3. wanalinda sheria
    4. wanavunja sheria
  6. Ukihasiriwa na anayefaa kukulinda:
    1. huna matatizo
    2. huna usalama
    3. huna la kuogopa
    4. huna wasiwasi
  7. Kikosi gani kimetajwa kufanya kazi vizuri?
    1. Askari kanzu
    2. Askari polisi
    3. Askari jela
    4. Askari jeshi
  8. Hii ni fani gani ya lugha?
    Hema kama mgonjwa wa pumu?
    1. Takriri
    2. Methali
    3. Nahau
    4. Tashbihi
  9. Askari wanashauriwa:
    1. wapokee hongo barabarani
    2. wadhulumu raia
    3. wasitumie silaha zao ovyo ovyo
    4. wawasaidie wahalifu katika njama
  10. Kichwa kifaacho habari hii ni?
    1. Kudumisha usalama nchini
    2. Uhalifu wa askari wote
    3. Ndugu aliyevamiwa na kukabwa
    4. Usalama wa askari


  • Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika Insha yako.
  • Andika insha ya kusisimua kuhusu;

                                                  ASIYESIKIA LA MKUU HUVUNJIKA GUU









































































Marking Scheme

  1. B
  2. D
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C
  11. C
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  14. A
  15. C
  16. D
  17. A
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  19. C
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  24. D
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  33. A
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  37. D
  38. D
  39. D
  40. C
  41. C
  42. C
  43. A
  44. B
  45. D
  46. B
  47. A
  48. D
  49. C
  50. A


Monday, 06 September 2021 08:07

English - Class 6 End Term 1 Exam 2021

Read the broken passage below and use the choices given to fill in correctly.

______1.______ upon a time, there ______2. ______ a zebra and a hyena. The two animals were ______3._______ friends. One day they ______4. ______ for a walk. On the way other animals would stare at them. The zebra ______5.______ hyena what could be the ______6.______. The hyena laughed and said that they ______7. ______ the zebra was a ______8. ______. The zebra ______9.______ annoyed and said that they were ______10.______ her _______11._______ colours. On ______12._______ this the hyena became _______13. _______ and started a fight. Since the zebra was ______14._______ than the hyena, he ______15. _______ his hind legs and from then the hyena limps. 

    1. Ones
    2. Once
    3. Onse
    4. One
    1. lived
    2. leaved
    3. leated
    4. lifed
    1. grate
    2. worst
    3. great
    4. greet
    1. go
    2. went
    3. going
    4. goes
    1. asks
    2. asked
    3. asking
    4. told
    1. leasone
    2. reason
    3. leason
    4. lesson
    1. knew
    2. new
    3. know
    4. knowed
    1. caward
    2. coward
    3. cowad
    4. corwad
    1. got
    2. get
    3. getting
    4. gotten
    1. admiring
    2. adimining
    3. admired
    4. admiling
    1. beautiful
    2. butiful
    3. beutiful
    4. bueatiful
    1. heard
    2. hiring
    3. hearing
    4. hear
    1. ugly
    2. angry
    3. angered
    4. angly
    1. strongest
    2. stronger
    3. strong
    4. stronger
    1. breaking
    2. breaked
    3. broke
    4. broken

Fill in the blank spaces using the correct verb.

  1. The patient has just ______________ his medicine.
    1. took
    2. takes
    3. taken
    4. taking
  2. Who _____________ the whistle?
    1.  blowed
    2. blew
    3. blowing
    4. blow

Choose the correct preposition.

  1. We were afraid _________________ the lions at the park.
    1. at
    2. in
    3. of
    4. over
  2. The man is travelling ________________ bus.
    1. with
    2. by
    3. on
    4. in
  3. Girls are good ________________ doing household chores.
    1. for
    2. of
    3. with
    4. at

What is the opposite of the underlined word

  1. Teachers don't like dishonest pupils.
    1. polite
    2. humble
    3. respectful
    4. honest
  2. We should respect senior people.
    1. small
    2. big
    3. junior
    4. old
  3. We swam in the shallow part.
    1. narrow
    2. broad
    3. wide
    4. deep

Fill in using the correct answer

  1. Mangoes, apples and pineapples are ____________________.
    1. fruits
    2. seeds
    3. flowers
    4. trees
  2. A person who looks after sick people in hospital is a;
    1. doctor
    2. nurse
    3. caretaker
    4. teacher

Read the passage below carefully and use it to answer questions 26 to 38.

Climate is the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period of time. It is typically averaged over a period of thirty years. Weather is the state of atmosphere at a place during a short period of time. It is described by how cold or hot, wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy it is. The elements of weather include; temperature, humidity, wind, rainfall and many more. The study of weather is known as meteorology and the people who study it are called meteorologists.

In most cases, weather affects our human behaviour and we carry out our day to day lives. Pleasing weather tends to improve people's mood. However when it is very hot or too cold, weather is linked to a lower mood. Weather influences what we wear everyday. People wear warm clothing when it is too cold. At other times; it also affects what we eat. People take hot drinks on a cold day and cold beverages on a hot day.

Weather also influences the sale of goods in markets. Depending on the temperature, people buy scarves, jackets and other warm outfits during the cold season. This changes when the weather turns hot.

Weather is determined by the current state of the atmosphere in a particular area. It is also affected by personal changes due to the Earth's rotation around the sun. Atmospheric pressure is also one of the most important factors in weather change.

A season is a part of a year that is marked by specific weather conditions. These are summer, autumn, spring and winter. On the other hand, there are three types of climate, wam, temperate and polar. The climate of a place depends on latitude, topography, distance from the sea and also human influence. Warm climates are characterised by high temperatures. They are found in low latitudes. Temperate climates are located at mid-latitudes. Temperatures are usually mild to moderate. Polar climates occur at high latitudes. They have temperatures below 10°C during the
warmer months.

  1. The atmospheric conditions prevailing in an area over a long period of time is known as
    1.  climate
    2.  seasons
    3.  weather
    4. weather changes
  2. The average period of time in which we can tell climate of an area is;
    1. thirty days
    2. thirty years
    3. thirty weeks
    4. thirty months
  3. The hotness or dryness of a place is the ___________________ of that place.
    1. rainfall
    2. temperature
    3. humidity
    4. air pressure
  4. Which one of the following ís not an element of weather
    1. Raingauge
    2. Humidity
    3. Temperature
    4. Wind
  5. People who study the atmospheric conditions of a place are known as;
    1. physicians
    2. scientists
    3. psychologists
    4. meteorologists
  6. Weather affects human daily lives in the following areas except;
    1. people's mood
    2. what we eat
    3. what we wear
    4. where we live
  7. Which one of the following is true?
    1. Jackets and scarves are worn during the hot seasons
    2. Wam outfits are highly on sale during the cold season
    3. Cold weather improves people's moods
    4. Weather doesn't change at any one time.
  8. The following factors affect weather except;
    1. latitudes
    2. atmospheric pressure
    3. current state of the atmosphere
    4. seasonal changes
  9. What is a season?
    1. A part of a year that is marked by specific weather conditions
    2. A long period of good weather
    3. A type of climate
    4. A time when weather changes
  10. Which one of the following is not a name of a season?
    1. Wind
    2. Autumn
    3. Spring
    4. Summer
  11. The climate of a place depends on;
    1. temperature
    2. distance from the sea
    3. rainfall
    4. seasons
  12. Warm climates are found in;
    1. low latitudes
    2. high latitudes
    3. mid-latitudes
    4. polar latitudes
  13. The best title of the passage is
    1. Seasonal changes
    2. Climatic condition
    3. Factors affecting weather
    4. Weather and climate

Read the passage below then answer questions 39 to 50.

A long time ago, a large number of lizards lived in a hole on the bank ofa river. The lizards had a good wise king to rule over them but the king had a son who was not good and far from wise. The lizard prince was foolish and stubborn. He refused to take the good advice which his father often gave him.

Not far from where lizards stayed, lived a young chameleon. One day the lizard prince met the chameleon. They took a great fancy to each other and soon they became the best of friends. The lizard king did not approve of their friendship, and he felt that the chameleon was not to be trusted. He feared that some day the chameleon might harm both his son and all his lizard subjects. The lizard therefore warned his son about this. He told him to break off with the chameleon but the lizard prince would not listen. In spite of many wamings, he continued to meet chameleon and be friendly with him.

As time passed, the lizard prince grew larger and larger. The chameleon continued to be the
same size. Noticing the difference, the chameleon said to himself, "This lizard is growing by the day. A time will come when he is likely to crush me to death. Before that happens, I must find a way to get rid of both him and all the other lizards.

The chameleon waited for a chance to carry out his plan. One day, there came to a river bank, a hunter and his dogs. At once the chameleon went up to the man and said,"good sir, are you a hunter of lizards? " "I am," replied the hunter. "Then come with me. I will show you a place where there are plenty of lizards for you to catch."Offered the chameleon.

"That is very kind of you," said the hunter and he went at once with the chameleon. That chameleon showed him the lizard's home. The hunter promptly lit a fire. He then smoked all the lizards out of their hole. As lizards tried to escape, the hunter's dogs fell on them and soon killed them all.

Only the lizard king was lucky to get away. He was very sad to see his son and all his subjects die. But he realized it was due to his son's foolishness. As for the chameleon, he was of course glad that he had succeeded in what he had planned.

  1. Where were the lizards living?
    1. At the river bank
    2. In a hole
    3. In the forest
    4. In a cave
  2. Prince is to king as ______________ is to queen.
    1. girl
    2. lady
    3. woman
    4. princess
  3. Which one of the following describes the characters of the lizard prince?
    1. Stubborn and unwise
    2. Trustworthy
    3. Clever and stubborm
    4. Lazy and wise
  4. Which one of the following is true about the lizard king?
    1. Lizard king was wise and caring
    2. He was foolish and stubborn
    3. He was not good at advising
    4. He was foolish and unfriendly
  5. Why did the lizard king warn the lizard prince?
    1. He feared that the chameleon would harm him
    2. Lizard prince was stubborn
    3. Chameleon was to be trusted
    4. The king liked giving warnings
  6. The term break off means;
    1. to stop trusting someone
    2. to cut into pieces
    3. to take sometime and go out
    4. to end a relationship
  7. Why did the chameleon plan to get rid of lizard prince?
    1. Because he was a prince
    2. Lizard was not trustworthy
    3. He feared lizard would crush him one day
    4. Lizard prince had received him
  8. When the hunter came to the river bank;
    1. chameleon offered to help him
    2. he asked for the lizard's home
    3. he wanted to kill the chameleon
    4. chameleon showed him his home
  9. Who killed the lizards?
    1. Chameleon
    2. The dogs
    3. The hunter
    4. Lizard king
  10. According to the lizard, king, his son and the lizard subjects died because of,
    1. the chameleon
    2. the dangerous hunter
    3. a serious attack
    4. his son's lack of wisdom
  11. Which is the right word to describe the chameleon:?
    1. Deceptive and unreliable
    2. Wise and cunning
    3. Kind and reliable
    4. Wise and trustworthy
  12. The best title for the story is;
    1. The prince's foolishness
    2. Poor chameleon
    3. A good hunting day
    4. Good friends


Write a composition about

                                                  MY COUSIN'S BIRTHDAY PARTY











































































Marking scheme

  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
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  7. A
  8. B
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  11. A
  12. C
  13. B
  14. B
  15. C
  16. C
  17. B
  18. C
  19. B
  20. D
  21. D
  22. C
  23. D
  24. A
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  26. A
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  29. A
  30. D
  31. D
  32. B
  33. A
  34. A
  35. A
  36. B
  37. S
  38. D
  39. B
  40. D
  41. A
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  50. A
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