Displaying items by tag: English Language Activities


Read the passage below and then answer questions 1 to 7.

Hare and Elephant met in the forest one day. Hane said to Elephant, "Come on, let me pull you into the river!" Elephant said, "Are you mad?" "No, I can do it. I am telling you!" the Hare replied. "You? Look at you, you are small and weak. Look at my strength!" Said the Elephant. "Just wait," said Hare, "I will show you tomorrow."

Hare went to the river and told Hippo the same thing. Of course, Hippo laughed at Hare and told him he was crazy. Then Hare went into the forest and found a long strong rope. Off he went to Elephant. "Ok, let's try now. I am going to pull you all the way into the river."

Elephant laughed. Hare tied the rope around Elephant's leg and around his own ankle. "When you feel the rope tighten around your leg, you must pull!" Hare told the Elephant. Hare ran down to the river and told Hippo the same story. "Remember to pull when you feel the rope tighten, Hippo," called Hare as he ran back into the forest. Here he pulled and untied his end of the rope from his own ankle.

Both Hippo and Elephant felt the rope tighten and they both started pulling. They were both strong and pulled each other along. After some heavy pulling, the two of them looked up and saw each other right in front of their noses! Of course, Hare laughed until his stomach ached and ran off into the forest.


  1. Why did Hippo and Elephant laugh? Because
    1. hare said something funny 
    2. they were both mad
    3. they thought hare was joking when he said he could pull them 
    4. they loved hearing each other laugh.
  2. Why was hare laughing so hard? Because he
    1. was going to trick them into pulling each other
    2. saw something funny in the forest 
    3. had managed to trick both big animals 
    4. had gotten a present.
  3. When did Elephant and Hippo start pulling each other? When
    1. they felt the rope tighten
    2. hare started laughing
    3. elephant called out and said start
    4. hare whistled.
  4. What happened when they had pulled the rope for a while?
    1. They each looked up and saw each other right in front of their noses.
    2. They each fell down from exhaustion.
    3. Elephant eventually won.
    4. Hippo decided to stop pulling.
  5. Just wait, I will show you tomorrow." Who sad these words?
    1. Hippo 
    2. Hare
    3. Elephant
    4. Tortoise

Read the passage and answer questions that follow.

Henry was so eager for the holidays. His mother, father and his little sister Regina would be eagerly waiting for him. She was now a big girl in boarding school. He couldn't wait to tell Regina about all the exciting things he experienced in his new school. He enjoyed talking to his sister.

When Henry got home, he ran into Regina who was at the door watching out for his arrival. He embraced her and lifted her high into the air and she giggled. His parents were also happy to see him. His mother had prepared his favorite food, chicken and chapatti.

While they ate, he told them about life in his new school. He said he enjoyed participating in the numerous activities especially debate and football. Henry said he loved everything about his new school except the food. His mother laughed and said, "you have to get used to it."

After they had finished eating, Regina asked Henry to show him his school books and she would show him hers. So, they went to his room where they compared their schools and school work. Then they played a card game together. The rest of the holiday was full of fun and laughter for the siblings.


  1. Why was Henry eager to go home? He
    1. wanted to see his parents and sister
    2. wanted to watch a lot of movies 
    3. wanted to eat home food
    4. was tired of school.
  2. Where was Regina when Henry arrived? She was
    1. in the kitchen cooking
    2. outside waiting for him 
    3. in her room
    4. at the garden weeding.
  3. What is Henry's favourite food? A. Ugali and beef stew. 
    1. Chapatti and potatoes.
    2. Chicken and chapatti.
    3. Rice and beans.
  4. Which activities does Henry engage in at school?
    1. Basketball and debate. 
    2. Football and journalism. 
    3. Scouts and volleyball.
    4. Debate and football.
  5. What did Regina want to do after they finished eating? She wanted to
    1. go shopping
    2. play
    3. see Henry's books 
    4. watch a movie.

Read the story and answer the questions below.

Fish live in lakes, rivers, seas, and oceans around the world. They live in all kinds of water, from warm springs to cold Arctic seas. Fish can even be found in the dark pools of underground caves. But fish cannot live in water that is extremely salty.

The many different kinds of fish have some things in common. They are all vertebrates, which means that they have a backbone. They are cold-blooded, which means that their body temperature changes along with the temperature of their surroundings. Fish generally breathe through organs called gills. They usually have pairs of fins in place of arms and legs. Most fish are covered with scales.

Fish also show great variety. Gobies, the smallest fish, can be less than half an inch (13 millimeters) long. The whale shark, the largest fish, can be 15 meters long. A typical fish is wider in the middle than at the ends. But a flounder is as flat as a dinner plate. A sea horse looks something like a horse standing on its tail. Eels look like snakes.


  1. According to the passage, the term cold-blooded means
    1. they have cold blood 
    2. they drink cold blood
    3. their body temperature changes according to surroundings
    4. their body temperature remains the same despite their surroundings.
  2. What do many different kinds of fish have in common? They
    1. are all big
    2. are all vertebrates
    3. all feed on water plants
    4. breathe through the nose.
  3. In which type of water do fish not live in?
    1. Cold arctic seas.
    2. Warm springs.
    3. Salt water lakes.
    4. Caves.
  4. According to the passage, a typical fish is
    1. less than half an inch long
    2. wider in the middle than its ends
    3. 15 metres long
    4. like a snake.
  5. Which fish is the largest?
    1. Gobies
    2. Whale shark
    3. Sea horse
    4. Eel

For questions 16-25, choose the correct word from the choices given to fill in the blanks.

Larry .............16.............. so excited because  .............17.............. is going to see his parents for the first time in a year. He has   .............18.............. studying abroad and he is   .............19.............. home for a short holiday.

Being .............20..............  from his .............21.............. has been hard. It took him a  .............22.............. time to   .............23.............. used  .............24.............. being away  .............25.............. home.

    1. be
    2. has
    3. is
    4. was
    1. him.
    2. he
    3. she
    4. you
    1. been
    2. be
    3. is
    4. being
    1. never
    2. now
    3. then
    4. not
    1. away
    2. aware
    3. out
    4. far
    1. family
    2. friends
    3. colleagues
    4. mates
    1. many
    2. long
    3. short
    4. brief
    1. get
    2. being
    3. getting
    4. was
    1. in
    2. to
    3. from
    4. for
    1. along
    2. for
    3. by
    4. from

For questions 26-35 choose the correct answers from the choices given.

  1. I arrived early but I did not find ............................
    1. everybody
    2. anybody
    3. nobody
    4. somebody
  2. The children are .....................................
    1. playing
    2. played
    3. play
    4. being played
  3. Jane ................................. walked out of the house.
    1. quickly
    2. fast
    3. hurried
    4. nice
  4. Melisa was excited to see............................Indian Ocean.
    1. an
    2. a
    3. the
    4. that
  5. She...............................arrived by the time he got there.
    1. has
    2. had
    3. have
    4. does


Write a short story about:


















































































































eng ms


Read the following dialogue and answer questions 1-5.

Jane : How are you mother?

Mother: I am fine, thank you. How was your day?

Jane : Fine. Today we had a very interesting Home Science lesson.

Mother :  What did you learn?

Jane :  Mr. Suntai, our Science teacher came to stand in for Tr. Janet. He taught us how to wash a white cotton blouse.

Mother: Did you do it practically?

Jane :   No mother, he said that we should take a white cotton blouse to school tomorrow. We shall practise tomorrow.

Mother:  What about soap? Will you carry that too?

Jane :   Yes, we are to carry some washing powder and some bleach.

Mother:  In that case you will have to rush to the shop and buy some bleach. We have run out of bleach. You will pack the school blouse you wore today for tomorrow's practice. Is that okay?

Jane :   Yes mother.

  1. What is the meaning of the phrase stand in for as used in the dialogue above?
    1. substitute
    2. assist
    3. teach
    4. wash
  2. Mention one of the lessons that Jane learnts
    1. washing a white cotton short
    2. washing white clothes
    3. washing a white cotton blouse
    4. washing a white nylon shirt
  3. What is the name of the teacher who
    1. Tr. Suntai
    2. Teacher Jane
    3. Tr. Janet
    4. Mr.Suntai
  4. What are the two words used to describe the blouse?
    1. White and wash
    2. Practise and wash
    3. White and blouse
    4. White and cotton.
  5. The words run out of means to
    1. move by running
    2. get something
    3. be used up
    4. fall down

Read the following passage and answer questions 6-8.

One day, a lucky dog found a piece of meat and was carrying it home in its mouth to eat it in peace. Now on its way home, the dog had to cross a plank of wood lying across a running river. As it crossed, it looked down and saw its own shadow reflected in the water beneath. Thinking it was another dog with another piece of meat, it made up its mind to have that also. So it made a snap at the shadow in the water, but as it opened its mouth, the piece of meat fell out, dropped into the water below and was quickly carried away by the fast flowing water. The dog was so sad because it had lost what it already had. That day it learnt not to envy what others have but value what one has

  1. Why was the dog lucky that day?
    1. It ate the meat
    2. It found a piece of meat
    3. It crossed the river
    4. It lost the piece of meat
  2. The best title for the passage above is ....................................
    1. The greedy dog.
    2. The lucky dog.
    3. The lost meat
    4. The piece of meat
  3. Which of the following proverbs would best fit in the story?
    1. One man's meat is another man's poison.
    2. Rivers never flow back
    3. Better late than never.
    4. Grasp all lose all.

Read the passage below and use it to answer questions 9 to 11.

One hot afternoon a wolf was feasting on an animal he had killed, when suddenly a small bone in the meat got stuck in his throat and he could not remove it. He soon felt terrible pain in his throat, and ran up and down groaning and looking for something to relieve the pain. He tried to plead with everyone he met to remove the bone. "I would give anything," he said, "if you would take it out." At last the Crane agreed to try, and told the Wolf to lie on his side and open his jaws as wide as he could. Then the Crane put its long neck down the Wolf's throat. and with its beak loosened the bone, until at last it got it out. "Will you kindly give me the reward you promised?" said the Crane. The Wolf grinned, showed his teeth, and said, "Be satisfied. You have put your head inside a Wolf's mouth and taken it out again safely, that ought to be reward enough for you. Gratitude and greed do not go together."

  1. The word relieve as used in the story means all the following except
    1. finish. 
    2. reduce.
    3. end.
    4. remove.
  2. How could you describe the animal that agreed to help the wolf?
    1.  A bird with a short neck
    2. A bird with a long neck
    3. A bird with wide jaws
    4. A greedy bird
  3. "Gratitude and greed do not go together". These words as used by the wolf meant that 
    1. The crane was a greedy animal
    2. The wolf was a grateful animal
    3. The wolf was not grateful
    4. Animals that are greedy are never grateful

Read the passage below and use it to answer questions 12 to 15.

In the olden days, when men were allowed to marry many wives, a middle-aged Man had two wives, one wife that was old and one that was young. The two wives loved him very much though differently, each desired to see him like herself. Now the Man's hair was turning grey, which the young wife did not like, as it made him look too old for her husband. So every night she used to comb his hair and pick out the white ones. On the other hand the elder wife loved her husband's grey hair with great pleasure. She did not like to be mistaken for his mother. So every morning she used to arrange his hair and pick out as many of the black ones as she could. The result was the man soon found himself entirely bald. He regretfully learnt that if you yield to all, you will soon have nothing to yield.

  1. What is the sign of old age according to the story?
    1. Many wives
    2. Bald head
    3. Grey hair
    4. Black hair
  2. Between the young and old wife who wanted the man to have only black hair?
    1. The younger wife
    2. Both
    3. None
    4. The older wife
  3. What lesson do we learn from the story?
    1. We can't please everybody.
    2. Bald head is a bad.
    3. It is good to have many wives
    4. It is not advisable to marry two wives.
  4. In the end the man was left as bald as
    1. an egg
    2. a stone
    3. a head
    4. a pot

Read the passage below keenly. It contains blank spaces numbered 16 to 20.
Fill the spaces using the best alternative from the choices given.

An eagle was soaring ..............16..................  the air when suddenly it heard the  ..............17..................  of an arrow, and felt the arrow hit it from below. Slowly it fluttered  ..............18..................  to the earth, with its blood pouring out. Looking down at the arrow which had  ..............19..................  it found that the shaft of the arrow had been feathered with one of its own plumes. "Alas!" it cried, as it died, "We often give our enemies the means for our own  ..............20.................. 

    1. though
    2. through
    3. past
    4. on
    1. shot
    2. boom
    3. whizzing
    4. blast
    1. down
    2. up
    3. into
    4. for
    1. killed
    2. cut
    3. pierced
    4. shot
    1. destruction
    2. death
    3. success
    4. pain

Select the correct word from the choices to fill in the gaps for questions 21, 22 and 23.

  1. The lady lifted...................................................... bag.
    1. James'
    2. Jame's
    3. James's
    4. James
  2. ...................................... forced ...................................... way through the crowd.
    1. He, him
    2. His, he
    3. He, his
    4. He, he
  3. The boy played with ...................................ball all day.
    1. her
    2. its
    3. his
    4. we

Choose the correct order of adjectives in question 24.

  1. His house has a .............................. , .............................. , .............................. window. 
    1. green, big, circular 
    2. big, green , circular
    3. circular big green
    4. big, circular , green

Choose the odd one out in questions 25 to 27

    1. green
    2. bright
    3. scarlet
    4. big
    1. huge
    2. tiny
    3. oval
    4. small
    1. rectangular
    2. big
    3. shapeless
    4. straight

Choose the correct degree of adjective to fill the gaps for questions 28 to 30

  1. Kenya is the ........................................... country in East Africa.
    1. peaceful
    2. more peaceful
    3. most peaceful
    4. peace
  2. A tiger is  ...........................................  than a lion.
    1. stronger
    2. strong
    3. strongest
    4. more stronger
  3. I didn't know that you are so ........................................... 
    1. creative
    2. more creative
    3. most creative
    4. less creative


Write an interesting composition explaining how you celebrated the new year.


eng ada


The grid below is to be filled by the teacher after marking the learner's work

Task  Learning Areas Score  Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Approaches expectations Below expectations
 1 Listening and speaking           
 2 Reading comprehension          
 3 Grammar          


Read the following conversation and then answer questions 1 to 5.
John: Joan! Joan! Can't you hear me? Where did you take your cars? (Smiling broadly) 
Joan: Oh no! I'm sorry John. The wind is blowing so hard that I cannot hear you. How have you been?
John: I have been doing well, infact, very well, I must say, and I thank God for that. You? 
Joan: (Sadly) Mmh not so much John. Before we crossed into this new year, my guardian had a bad accident and hurt his legs. He is in hospital right now.
John: Oh my! I am really sorry Joan. How did this happen to Mr. Shani?
Joan: The old man was coming from the shop when a motobike rider hit him hard and rode away. I wish he would have stopped and helped him.
John: Don't worry Joan. I shall help you whenever I can because you are my friend. (shortly after words) About school?
Joan: (Happy) Wow! I'm happy now that we are joining Grade four. I had been longing for this grade.
John: Same to me (both are very happy now) Joan, please let us go and see your guardian (they leave)

  1. According to Joan, why couldn't she hear John calling him?
    1. It was very sunny.
    2. John did not shout.
    3. The wind was blowing hard.
    4. Joan was too sorrowful to hear John.
  2. Joan was not all that well at home because
    1. she was involved in an accident.
    2. her guardian was involved in an accident.
    3. her parent was sick.
    4. John was involved in an accident.
  3. According to this conversation, Mr. Shani was
    1. Joan's guardian.
    2. John's parent.
    3. John's guardian.
    4. Joan's parent.
  4. How did Mr. Shani get involved in the accident? When he was
    1. going to school.
    2. coming from the market.
    3. coming from the shop.
    4. at the shop.
  5. What made John and Joan very happy finally?
    1. The accident.
    2. The riding away of the rider.
    3. Joining Grade three.
    4. The two of them joining Grade four.

Read the passage and then answer questions 6 to 9.
In the farthest end on Nyamangumu forest, there lived the hare, the hyena and the dog. The three animals were great friends who loved each other deadily. Other animals wondered how the three were friends yet they were very different from one another. One day, hyena was invited for a party by her in-laws, that is, his wife's parents. Like good friends, hare and dog offered him company to the party. They were warmly received. After that, they ate and drank to their satisfaction.

  1. How many animals have been mentioned in the story?
    1. Three
    2. Four
    3. Two
    4. Five
  2. Why did other animals wonder about the hare, the hyena and the dog? They were
    1. friends yet very alike.
    2. enemies and hated each other.
    3. very different yet good friends.
    4. enemies who loved one another.
  3. How were the visitors received? They were given
    1. foods and drinks.
    2. a good place to sleep.
    3. cold water to quench their thirst.
    4. warm water to take a comfortable shower.
  4. Where did the party take place? in
    1. hyenas home.
    2. hyena's in-laws home.
    3. dog's in-laws' home.
    4. hare's in-laws' home. 

Read the passage and then answer questions 10 to 12.
There was once a family that lived at the edge of the village. The man was called Timo. He had a beautiful wife called Patricia and two children. Their daughter was called Maria and the son was called Tom. The family was very poor and did not have enough food to eat. They planted maize, beans and potatoes on a small farm.
On market days, they went to sell their farm produce and with the little money they got, they bought few needs which they needed in their house. Timo loved his family very much.

  1. According to this story, where did Timo's family live?
    1. In the middle of the forest.
    2. At the edge of the forest.
    3. At the edge of the village.
    4. In the middle of the village.
  2. How many people were in Timo's family?
    1. 5
    2. 2.
    3. 3
    4. 4
  3. Which one of the following was not planted in Timo's farm?
    1. sugarcane
    2. beans
    3. potatoes
    4. maize

Read the passage and then answer questions 13 to 15.
Long time ago in Pevuka village, there lived a girl called Chausiku. She was a Grade four girl in Ubora primary school and the only child of Mr and Mrs Maunda. They lived near a forest called Pori. Pori forest had dangerous animals like lions. However, the are: residents did not fear because there was an electric fence around the forest. Every Saturday, Mr Maunda would take Chausiku to the safer sides of Pori forest and teach her how to hunt small animals like hares and squirrels. Chausiku enjoyed hunting with her father.

  1. Which one of the following statements is not true according to this passage?
    1. Pevuka villagers did not fear the lions.
    2. Mr. Maunda's family had two children.
    3. Chausiku enjoyed hunting.
    4. The animals hunted were hares and squirrels.
  2. When did Maunda take her daughter hunting? On
    1. Saturdays and Sundays.
    2. weekends.
    3. Sundays
    4. Saturdays.
  3. Pevuka villagers did not fear the lions because
    1. there was an electric fence around the forest.
    2. the lions were not very dangerous.
    3. they were very courageous.
    4. the lions were tamed 

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 16 to 20. For each blank space, select the best alternative from the choices given.
Alex had been ......16......for almost twenty ......17...... He realized he must be lost. None of the buildings looked familiar. There were ......18......all around him. His phone battery had run out of power. He had lost the directions his mother had drawn for him on a piece of ......19...... He wondered whether he should ask for direction from the ......20.......passing by or not.

    1. walking
    2. sleeping
    3. flying
    4. seated
    1. days
    2. minutes
    3. years
    4. weeks
    1. friends
    2. teachers
    3. neighbours
    4. strangers
    1. map
    2. cake
    3. paper
    4. hand
    1. people
    2. animals
    3. vehicles
    4. buildings

For questions 21 to 24 select the best alternative from the given choices

  1. Was there ......................... in the field?
    1. everybody
    2. anybody
    3. somebody
    4. nobody
  2. .........................can touch the sky.
    1. Anybody
    2. Somebody
    3. Nobody
    4. Everybody
  3. The teacher said that ......................... must be present before we start the journey.
    1. everybody
    2. somebody
    3. nobody
    4. anybody
  4. I hear footsteps, ......................... must be coming.
    1. anybody 
    2. somebosy 
    3. no one
    4. nobody

In question 25 -27, choose the plural of the underlined words.

  1. Mrs. Masumbuko had a tooth ache
    1. teeths
    2. tooths
    3. tooth
    4. teeth
  2. Wanjala has the strongest ox in this village.
    1. ox
    2. oxens
    3. oxen
    4. oxes
  3. The mouse hid in a deep pit.
    1. mice
    2. mouse
    3. mouses
    4. mices

For questions 28 to 30. use the correct wh words to complete the statements.

  1.  ......................... is your classteacher's name?
    1. When
    2. Who
    3. Why
    4. What
  2.  ......................... did she buy her lunchbox?
    1. Who
    2. Where
    3. Whose
    4. What
  3.  ......................... bicycle was lost?
    1. Whose
    2. Where
    3. Who
    4. What

Marking Scheme

 eng marking scheme 1



Read the following conversation and then answer questions 1 to 3.
Teacher: Excuse me class, what is the weather today?
All: The weather today is sunny.
Teacher: You are right. Who knows the activities expected during such weather? (Some learners raise their hands while calling the teacher to select them.) Yes Omari.
Omari: I think during such weather, we can comfortably fly our kites.
Teacher: A good trial Omari. Any other...yes Mwende.
Mwende: (She stands) During such weather, we can dry our clothes and grains.
Teacher: Very good Mwende, one clap for her please. (They clap.)Please sit down. Now, I want us to discuss what happens when the weather is rainy.
Ian: When the weather is rainy, we can do some planting and weeding. Our animals also get enough pasture.
Mary: Yes teacher. We also harvest rain water.
Teacher: Wonderful children. And I think...
Kasuku: Excuse me teacher, when do we need to put on heavy clothes?
Teacher: Who can answer Kasuku? (Silence) Well, Kasuku, we need them when the weather is cold. When you go home today, go and find out what happens when the weather is windy. Put your points down in your note books. I shall check them tomorrow. Goodbye everyone.
All: Goodbye teacher!

  1. Omari said that sunny weather is good for
    1. drying grains. 
    2. flying kites. 
    3. wearing heavy clothes. 
    4. drying clothes.
  2. According to this conversation, during rainy weather, we cannot 
    1. harvest rain water. 
    2. carry out weeding. 
    3. do some planting. 
    4. fly our kites.
  3. Probably, the learners did not answer Kasuku's question because
    1. they did not want her to know the answer.
    2. they wanted the teacher to answer it. 
    3. none of them knew the answer. 
    4. they preferred to be silent.
  4. Where would the learners write their points? In their 
    1. diaries. 
    2. Bibles.
    3. dictionaries.
    4. notebooks.
  5. The teacher told Kasuku that we wear heavy clothes during
    1. cold weather.
    2. rainy seasons.
    3. windy seasons.
    4. wet seasons. 

Read the passage and then answer questions 6 to 2
Jabali had two daughters, Becky and Joan. The girls were twins whose mother died when they were still very young. Their father took care of them very well, teaching them what to do and what to avoid. Becky followed what the father said but Joan did not. Every time, Joan was in a mistake. Becky always reminded her sister of their father's advice but she could not take any word from her. One day, they visited their aunt who received them warmly. She prepared some yams for them. They enjoyed the traditional food. Later, they all went to bed. When the aunt woke up, her smart phone was nowhere to be seen. She asked them who may have seen it. They both denied. Shortly afterwards, a phone was heard ringing in Joans's pocket. She had nowhere to hide her head.

  1. Where was Becky and Joan's mother? She 
    1. had moved to another part of the village. 
    2. had died. 
    3. was in another room. 
    4. had travelled abroad.
  2. We can say that the father in the story was 
    1. caring.
    2. careless. 
    3. strong.
    4. married.
  3. Who was rude according to this story?
    1. Joan 
    2. Becky 
    3. Becky and Joan 
    4. The twins' aunt.
  4. Joan bad nowhere to hide her head because of
    1. theft.
    2. the phone. 
    3. punishment. 
    4. embarrassment. 

Read the passage and then answer questions 10 to 12.
Otoyo was the strongest bull in the whole of Kopokopo village. Other bulls like Yona, Yuda and Nono could not beat him. One evening, Kopokopo elders planned for a bullfight. Mapambano field was full of villagers. They gathered in small groups of upto ten people, each group trying to guess the final result of the bullfight. Most of the people knew about Otoyo's strength, so, they all placed their bets on him. Suddenly, Alfayo, Otoyo's master stood in the middle of Mapambano field together with his champion, Otoyo. Kaparo, Yuda's master moved to the centre with his Yuda. Some elders stood supported by their walking sticks yet some were seated on the grass. Before the challenge started, a heavy rain started falling with big and heavy drops. No one waited. Even the elderly members found their legs out of the field with speed!

  1. Which one of the following statements is true according to the passage? 
    1. Out of the five bulls mentioned, one was the strongest.
    2. Most villagers knew of Otoyo's strength.
    3. Otoyo won the bullfight.
    4. No one was scared by the heavy rain.
  2. Why do you think some elders were supported by their walking sticks? 
    1. They could not stand for long.
    2. Most of them were strong. 
    3. The weather was rainy. 
    4. There was nowhere to sit.
  3. After the rain had started, who was left in Mapambano field? 
    1. Kaparo and his bull. 
    2. Otoyo and his master. 
    3. The elderly members. 
    4. No one was left. 

Read the passage and then answer questions 13 to 15.
Taking care of the environment is very important so as to maintain high standards of hygiene or cleanliness. All the litter around should be picked and thrown in pits. Those that can completely burn should be burnt. Those that can rot should be used to prepare compost manure. Banana peels, leaves and kitchen refuse can easily rot. Some wastes like plastic, glass and metals can be recycled and made into new items. Some that can neither rot, burn out nor be recycled to be buried in deep pits to minimise the chances of accidents. When empty tins are left lying anyhow in the compound, they become mosquito breeding areas when it rains because they collect and keep rain water. These tins should either be buried, recycled or reused.

  1. Why is it important to take care of the environment?
    1. Because it is a national rule.
    2. So that the rate of hygiene is reduced.
    3. To maintain high standards of cleanliness.
    4. So as to breathe contaminated air.
  2. Which of the following materials can all easily rot?
    1. Kitchen refuse, banana peels, leaves.
    2. Glass, leaves, plastic.
    3. Banana peels, kitchen refuse, glass.
    4. Plastic, glass, metals.
  3. For a healthy environment, all the following should be done to empty tins except 
    1. burying.
    2. recycling. 
    3. reusing. 
    4. burning. 

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 16 to 20. For each blank space, select the best alternative from the choices given.
From the city to my grandmother's village is a long _____16_____I had planned to visit her during the long holiday. When my father gave me the _____17_____, I was very happy. The journey would _____18_____ any day. The following Saturday, I woke up very early in the _____19_____, headed to the stage and boarded a _____20_____

    1. place
    2. distant
    3. distance
    4. road
    1. payment
    2. fare
    3. bill
    4. coins
    1. stop
    2. end
    3. starts
    4. begin
    1. morning
    2. evening
    3. midday
    4. afternoon
    1. bus
    2. train
    3. ship
    4. jet

For questions 21 to 23, select the best conjunction to fill in the blanks.

  1. The patient wanted neither tablet medicines __________injection.
    1. or
    2. and
    3. but
    4. nor
  2. The compound was full of litter we had swept it the previous day. 
    1. because
    2. yet
    3. or
    4. for
  3. She suffered from cholera she did not boil her drinking water.
    1. because
    2. so
    3. but
    4. yet

In questions 24 to 26. change the given positive statements to negative statements.

  1. Farm produce gives the family enough income. Farm produce 
    1. gives the family less income.
    2. does not give the family enough income.
    3. gives the family no income.
    4. does not give the family any income.
  2. I like working in the farm. I
    1. like idling in the farm. .
    2. hate working at home.
    3. don't like working in the farm.
    4. don't like working in school.
  3. We can carry out our activities. We
    1. can carry out their activities. 
    2. cannot carry in our activities.
    3. can carry in their activities.
    4. cannot carry out our activities.

For questions 27 to 30, use the correct word to fill in the blanks.

  1. How__________ sugar did she buy? 
    1. much
    2. any.
    3. many
    4. some
  2. Is there __________pupil in the field?
    1. some
    2. any
    3. much
    4. any
  3. How __________computers are in the lab?
    1. much 
    2. many
    3. any
    4. may
  4. There is __________food in the cupboard.
    1. some
    2. many 
    3. any
    4. most


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