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Some Christians Communities in Kenya

What are Christian Communities?

  • A christian community is a group of people who belive that Jesus Christ is their Lord and savior
  • The first believers were called Christians at a place called Antioch
  • Christians worship in church

Examples of Christian communities in Kenya.

  1. The Roman Catholics
  2. Pentecostal Assemblies of God(PAG)
  3. The Seventh Day Adventist (SDDA)
  4. The Methodist church
  5. African inland church {AIC}
  6. Presbyterian church of east Africa{PCEA}
  7. The Pentecostal evangelistic fellowship of Africa {PEFA}
  8. Full gospels churches of Kenya {FGCK}
  9. The Lutheran church
  10. The Salvation Army.
  • Some of the Christian communities were started by the missionaries.
  • The church at Antioch had some leaders who were prophets and teachers.
  • Some of them were
    1. Barabbas
    2. Simon {called black}
    3. Lucias from Cyrene.
    4. Manach who was brought up with Herod Antipas.
    5. Saul
  • Paul guided by the holy spirit strengthened the Christian believers in
    1. Antioch
    2. Caesarea
    3. Galatia
    4. Phrygia.


      1. Name five Christian communities in Kenya
      2. He preached the gospel to Antioch and Galatia churches and converted many to Jesus. Who was he?
      3. The first Christian community was found at a place called?
      4. Who among the following was not a teacher or a prophet in the first Christian community?
        1. Manaen
        2. Lucias
        3. Barnabas
        4. Zaccheus

The Work Of The Christian Communities

  • Christian communities in Kenya are involved in many activities
  • They share the love of Jesus Christ by
    1. They build schools, churches, hospitals, homes for the aged and orphans and disabled.
    2. They visit and comfort the sick and those with HIV AIDS
    3. They preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.
    4. They visit prisoners.
  • Jesus taught his disciples that they should:-
    1. Feed the hungry
    2. Give a drink to the thirsty
    3. Clothe the naked.
    4. Welcome strangers.
    5. Visit the sick
  • Jesus taught that those who do good work will inherit the kingdom of God.


    1. Name for activities carried out by the Christian community
    2.  Jesus said “ I was _________ and you did not give me food”
    3. “ I was thirsty and you did not give me _________ ”

The Early Church

  • Jesus was taken up to heaven Mt. Olives IN Bethany.
  • He promised his disciples a helper who was the Holy Spirit.
  • The disciple received the holy spirit on the day of Pentecost.
  • Peter preached and 3000 people became Christians.
  • The early church began in Jerusalem after the disciple received the holy spirit.
  • The believers lived together as a family. They also :-
    1. Prayed and worshiped together.
    2. Read the word of God together.
    3. Shared meals together.
    4. Sold what they had and shared the money according to their needs.
  • The number of Christians increased every day
  • Prophet Agabus predicted about a serious famine that would affect the whole world
  • We should follow the example of Jesus Christ by sharing what we have.


    1.  Jesus was taken up to heaven on Mt. _________
    2. Name for activities that the early church did together.
    3. The disciple received the holy spirirt on the day of _________
    4.  Prophet _________ predicted about a serious famine that would affect the whole word.

The Christian Sacred Places.

  • A sacred place is a holy place
  • A church is a community of believers
  • There are different sacred places for different religious traditions for example :-
    • Christian – church
    • Muslim- mosque
    • Hindu – temple
    • Jews – synagogue /temple
  • Jesus was angry with the people who were selling and buying in the temple.
  • He was angry that the people did not respect the house of God.
  • He taught the people that the temple is a place of prayer for all nations.

The Church

  • A church is a community of believers.
  • Christians meet and worship in a church.
  • Worship can be led by a pastor or a priest
  • Christian use different names to describe a church
    • A chapel
    • Cathedral
    • School halls, cinema halls, open air and stadiums.
  • Christians sacred places should be approached I honor and respect.
  • In Traditional African Communities prayers were held at:-
    • Under trees
    •  In caves
    • Facing the son
    •  Facing the mountain.
  • We should respect the house of God.


    1. A _________ is a community of believers.
    2. Name three places that Christians worship God.
    3. In African traditional society, prayers were done in places like?
    4. A _________ is found in school and colleges
      a. Cave
      b. Church
      c. Chapel
      d. SDA
Published in CBC Grade 4 CRE Notes

Social Problems And Christian Value

Christian Values

  1. Justice

    • Justice is the quality of being fair and acting according to what is right. 
    • It involves condemning what is wrong and uphold what is right.
    • Justice brings peace and harmony among people.
    • Prophet Jeremiah condemns the injustice of :-
      1. Killing innocent people
      2. Mistreating foreigners
      3. Mistreating windows and orphans.
    • Amos challenged the injustice in courts.
    • He spoke against oppressing the poor
    • Amos also condemned selling people in slavery.
    • He also condemned false scales and overcharging customers.
    • Apostle James condemned the rich who deny their laborers their wages. 10. He also condemned those who murder innocent people.

      1. Corruption in courts was condemned by________________
      2. Prophet Micah condemned the injustice of______________
  2. Fairness

    • fairness is the value of being just and impartial
    • it involves doing things according to laid down rules and regulations
    • Fair people treat others as they would like to be treated.
    • Joseph’s brothers treated him unfairly because his father loved him.
    • They sold him to the Ishmaelite and he ended up in prison.
    • Jesus refused to condemn a woman who had been caught in adultery,
    • He treated her fairly and advised her to stop her immoral life.
    • God expects us to treat all people with justice and fairness

      1. State two reasons why Joseph was Jacob’s favorite son
        1. ____________________
        2. ____________________
      2. _________________suggested that they should throw Joseph into a well
      3. _____________convinced his brothers to sell Joseph to the Ishmaelite.

  3. Honesty And Integrity

    • Honesty and integrity are important Christian values
    • Honest people tell the truth and do not steal.
    • Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong morals
    • People of integrity are upright, honest and sincere.
    • They are just and honest in their behaviour.
    • Prophet Elisha had a dishonest servant called Gehazi.
    • Gehazi wanted to benefit financially from Elisha’s miracle
    • He ended up getting leprosy together with his descendants
    • God wants us to uphold justice and integrity
    • We should tell the truth to all people at all times.

      1. Namaan got healed of his leprosy by __________________
      2. ___________ and __________ lied to the holy spirit
      3. _______________is the father of lies.

Social Problems

  1. Nepotism

    1. Nepotism is the vice of showing favoritism to one’s relatives.
    2. It makes family members receive privileges they do not deserve.
    3. Nepotism at the workplace may result in the following :-
      1. Bitterness and rivalry
      2. Lack of love and concern
      3. Frustration and hopelessness
      4. Lack of teamwork
      5. Disrespect\poor work output.
    4. Jesus refused to show nepotism in his ministry
    5. He refused his mother and his brothers undue recognition.
    6. Jesus refused to grant James and John the right to sit beside Him in his kingdom
    7. To Jesus, leadership meant service to others not gaining special favour.

      1. The earthly brothers of Jesus were _____________
      2. James and John the sons of _________________ were also known as _________________

  2. Tribalism{Ethnicism}

    • Tribalism is the unfair treatment of people from other tribes.
    •  It involves granting unwarranted favours to members of one’s tribe.
    • Tribalism comes from mistrust among members of different ethnic communitie
    • It causes bitterness, pain and suffering to its victims.
    • esus was denied water by a Samaritan woman because he ws a Jew
    • He however gave the Samaritan woman life- giving water.
    • Jesus taught his disciples not to discriminate against anyone.
    • He was a universal savior as shown by the miracles of
      1. Healing the ten lepers
      2. Healing the centurion servant
      3. Healing a Canaanite woman’s daughter.

        1. To whom did Jesus say, “it is not good for me to take children’s food and give it to dogs”
        2. The fear and hatred for people from other countries is called_____________________

  3. Corruption

    • Corruption is practiced by those who lack honesty and intergrity.
    • It involves giving and receiving bribes.
    • Bribes are given as money or service offered in return of a favour.
      1. Greed
      2. Selfishness
      3. Desire to quick riches
      4. Indiscipline.
    • Corruption is prevalent when:-
      1.  People win elections unfairly
      2. Police take handouts to flout traffic rules
      3. Justice is denied to court of laws
      4. Students are to schools they don’t deserve.
    • Corruption can be overcome through
      1. Refusing to give or receive bribes.
      2. Reporting corruption to relevant authorities
      3. Creating awareness\supporting anti-corruption efforts.
    • The ethics and Anti-Corruption commission is charged with fighting corruption.
    • Jesus accepted Zacheus who denounced his former corrupt way of life.

      1. State two reasons why tax collectors were hated
      2. Define corruption

  4. Mismanagement of Resources

    • Resources are assets that are used to generate wealth
    • here are three types of assets namely :-
      1. Natural resources
      2. Man-made resources
      3. Human resources.
    • Natural resources are mismanaged through:-
      1. Pollution
      2. Over-mining
      3. Poaching.
    • Man-made resources are mismanaged by:-
      1. VandalismFraud and embezzlement
      2. Neglect
      3. Arson
    • Human resources are people who can be mismanaged through:-
      1. Being overworked and underworked
      2. Being denied promotion
      3. Being underpaid
      4. Being deployed outside their profession
    • The bible teaches us to value all resources
    • We should take care of all resources.

      1. List four natural resources
        1. ______________________
        2. ______________________
        3. ______________________
        4. ______________________
      2. NEMA stands for ____________________

Upholding Christian Values in Our Lives

  • Christian values are virtues and principals that are worthy of upholding
  • They include
    1. Justice
    2. Honesty
    3. Fairness
    4. Integrity
    5. Responsibility
    6. Humility
    7. Generosity
  • Most Christian values are universal
  • They are derived from the teachings of Jesus.
  • They lead to forms of conduct that are universally considered worthwhile.
  • Apostle Paul taught the Ephesians to be patient, humble and loving
  • Christian values show that one has matured in faith.


  1. List three social evils that affect our society today
    1. __________________
    2. __________________
    3. __________________
  2. Which vice was EACC established to curb?
Published in CRE Class 8 Notes

Living The Christian Faith

The Meaning of Prayer

  • Prayer is communicating withy God
  • There are two types of prayers namely:
    1. Private prayer
    2. Public prayer
  • During prayer Christians hold a conversation with God. 4. In prayer, one talks to god and also listens to Him.
  • There are four elements of prayers
    1.  Adoration
    2. Confession
    3. Thanksgiving
    4. Supplication
  • Adoration involves praise and worship
  • Supplication involves petition and intercession
  • Petition is a prayer on behalf of oneself.
  • Intercession is a prayer on behalf of others.
  • Prayers should be made in faith and humility.


  1. Confession should be accompanied by
  2. The parable of teaches about humility in prayer.

Private and Public Prayers

  • Prayer is a conversation with God.
  • There are public and private prayers
  • Private prayer is when one converses with God
  • It is called individual or solo prayer
  • Public prayer is made in a group
  • It is also called communal or corporate prayer
  • Public prayer is made aloud
  • Such prayers are made in schools, homes or churches
  • Public prayers are also made during occasions such as
    1. Church services
    2.  Weddings
    3. National holidays
    4. Christian holidays
  • God answers public and private prayers


  1. State the meaning of the following Christian groups abbreviations
    1. C U
    2.  YMCA
    3. YWCA
    4. CA
  2.  Acts 2:42 says________________

Answers to Prayers

  • God listens to and answers prayers
  • We know God has answered our prayers when what we pray for happens
  • Christians expect answers to both public and private prayers
  • God can answer prayers in three ways namely:-
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Wait
  • God answers prayers according to his will
  • When God answers “no” it might be that we prayed for something that can harm you
  • God answers “wait” when the time is not appropriate for our requests.
  • Saul consulted a medium at Endor when God failed to answer his prayers.
  • God was angry with Saul because of his disobedience.
  •  We should obey God so that our prayers get answered.


  1. Write a prayer before exams
  2. State four elements of prayers

Difference Between Prayer and Magicians

  1. Magic is manipulating forces in the universe to achieve results.
  2. It can be used for good or evil purposes
  3. Consulting magicians comes from lack of trust in God.
  4. Traditional Africans used magic to produce :-
    1. Wealth
    2. Luck
    3. Success
    4. Good health.
  5. Magic creates dependence on magicians who may control victims to their detriment.
  6. Prayer, unlike magic has positive effects on a Christian.
  7. It is guided by the free will of a Christian
  8. Christian prayers lead to peace and reconciliation with God, oneself and others
  9. Simon of Samaria used magic to do wonders.
  10. He tried to buy the Holy Spirit using money which offended God.


  1. The words magician utter are called_________________
  2. Magicians cast__________________ on their victims.

The Relationship Between Fasting And Prayer

  • Fasting and prayer are Christians practices.
  • Fasting is voluntarily denying oneself food and spend time in prayer.
  • It involves self denial and disciplined commitment
  • Fasting intensifies the effects of prayers
  • Jesus taught his disciples to be humble when praying and fasting.
  • He taught that fasting should not be done for a public show.
  • One can fast to pray for personal or individual needs.
  • Fasting can also be done to intercede for others.
  • Genuine fasting is rewarded by God.
  • Prayer and fasting brings one nearer to God.


  1. State three bible personalities who went without food for forty day
    1. _____________________
    2. _____________________
    3. _____________________
  2. Jesus taught that prayer and fasting should be done in_____________________

Self-Denial in Service to Others

  • Self-denial is depriving oneself of certain things so as to serve others
  • Fasting is an example of self-denial in order to pray.
  • Christians also sacrifices money and other resources to serve God.
  • Christians also sacrifice their time to serve
    1. The aged
    2. Destitute children
    3. Prisoners
    4. People living with HIV/AIDS
  • Jesus taught that following Him is about self denial
  • He taught that Christians must put the interest of others before their own
  • Following Jesus involves carrying the cross daily.
  • The cross is a symbol of suffering.


  1. List five ways through which Christians demonstrates self-denial
    1. _______________
    2. _______________
    3. _______________
    4. _______________
    5. _______________
  2. Celibacy means______________

Faith in Daily Actions

  • Christians face many challenges that require them to demonstrate their faith
  • A committed Christian should trust in God even in difficult circumstances
  • Christians can demonstrate their faith by :-
    1. Obeying God’s commandments
    2. Observing set rules and regulations
    3. Reporting crime to lawful authorities.
    4. Being role models
    5. Helping the needy.
    6. Self-denial
    7. Practicing honesty and integrity.
  • The bible teaches that Christians should offer themselves as a living sacrifice.
  • They should dedicate themselves to God’s service
  • Christians should please God in all they do.
  • They should allow God to transform them inwardly to be like Him
  • We should emulate the example of patriarchs who had total faith in God.


  1. ________________was considered blameless and walked with God
  2. God called a man after my own heart.

The Meaning of Living Faith

  • Living faith involves actions dictated by gospel values.
  • Gospel values include :-
    1. Honesty
    2. Integrity
    3. Love
    4. Mutual caring
    5. Sharing
  • Apostle James teaches that Christian’sfaith should be meaningful
  • Living faith is accompanied by actions
  • It involves practically showing concern for the needy.
  • Faith without action is dead.
  • James also taught that Christiansshould confess their sins to one another
  • A prayer made in faith by a righteous person has power to heal.
  • Jesus taught that it is more blessed to give than to receive.
  • We should demonstrate living faith in all we do.


  1. The crippled beggar at the Beautiful gate was healed by _______________ and ______________
  2. State three reasons for fasting
    1. ______________________
    2. ______________________
    3. ______________________
Published in CRE Class 8 Notes