Displaying items by tag: exams 2022


Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1-15. For each blank space choose the BEST answer from the choices given.
It was a fine Friday morning when_1_ by our class teacher, we attended_2_ annuala Nairobi Trade Fair. We were all _3_ excited about the tour. Most of us _4_ about Trade Fairs but we had never attended any.
Before we left for the Fair, we_ 5_ to go to a hotel for a quick meal. When we had finished. . eating a waiter brought the _6_ for the meal. However, our teacher, Mr Mweti, _7_ pay for it because he had left the wallet at home. He _8_ some money from the bus driver, saying he would refund it later. After paying we_9_for the Fair.
On arrival, we found our deputy headteacher waiting for us. He gave cach of us _10_. note to pay at the gate. We quickly entered the grounds and started visiting various stands. At the wildlife stand, the warden _11_ to us in detail how various animals have different abilities to defend themselves in the face of danger. He told us that cheetahs can flee from their enemies because they can _12_ very fast. However, since leopards are not _13_ . cheetahs, they are more fierce. He surprised us when he further pointed out that wild animals hardly attack people _14_ they are provoked.
Before we could learn more, a guard asked us to leave the stand _15_ other visitors were waiting for their turn outside.

    1. together
    2. accompanied
    3. going
    4. including
    1. an
    2. the
    3. attitude
    4. one
    1. too     
    2. more
    3. so
    4. very
    1. had heard
    2. has had
    3. have heard
    4. were hearing
    1. thought
    2. wanted
    3. decided
    4. planned
    1. receipt
    2. order
    3. invoice
    4. bill
    1. could 
    2. should
    3. could not
    4. would not 
    1. begged
    2. borrowed
    3. paid
    4. lent
    1. left
    2. went
    3. go
    4. dispersed
    1. a ten shilling
    2. a ten shillings
    3. ten shillings
    4. ten shilling
    1. talked 
    2. told
    3. explained
    4. described
    1. run
    2. ran
    3. rans
    4. running
    1. as fast as 
    2. faster than
    3. better than
    4. as well as
    1. if 
    2. because
    3. until
    4. unless
    1. so
    2. because
    3. if
    4. while

In questions 16 and 17. choose the odd one out

    1. cassava
    2. maize
    3. bean
    4. wheat
    1. bedding 
    2. ship
    3. luggage
    4. stationery

In question 18. select the correct order of adjective.

  1. She bought two wrist watches.
    1. expensive, golden, beautiful
    2. golden, beautiful, expensive 
    3. beautiful, golden, expensive
    4. beautiful, expensive, golden

For questions 19 and 20. choose the best word that has the same meaning as the underlined.

  1. Children should not wander in the streets. 
    1. walk
    2. stroll 
    3. loiter
    4. roam
  2. She deserved that reward. 
    1. got
    2. won
    3. earned
    4. gained

In questions 21 and 22. choose the correctly punctuated sentence 

    1. "As I was saying, "he resumed, that man is mad."
    2. "As I was saying, "he resurned, "That man is mad.” 
    3. "As I was saying," he resumed, that man is mad." 
    4. "As I was saying, he resumed. That man is mad."
    1. He said, “Come here." 
    2. He said: "Come here." 
    3. He said. "Come here,** 
    4. He said, “Come here".

For question 23 choose the correct alternative to replace the underlined.

  1. Since his boy who was learning a trade was absent, he became mad. 
    1. novice
    2. learner 
    3. apprentice. 
    4. student

In questions 24 and 25, choose the correct answer to fill the blank space.

  1. Mwangi is the____among his brothers
    1. oldest
    2. old
    3. elder
    4. eldest
  2. His performance was liked by everyone.
    1. very
    2. so
    3. too
    4. not

Read the passage below then answer questions 26 - 38.
The dry season was the season when all insects worked hard on their farms, preparing for the rainy season. During the rainy season they all remained indoor eating what they had stored during the dry season. It was now the dry season and the insects were toiling hard on their farms replenishing their barns.'
The locusts and the praying mantis were friends. The praying mantis was happy-go-lucky insect and always sang while his friends worked. The locust advised him to go and gather grains in his own barn in readiness for the rainy season. .
"It's no matter, there is still plenty of time," the lazy mantis replied. At times he related stories to the locust who was not interested. Several times he warned him to go and prepare himself for the change of weather. The mantis was no longer happy staying with his friend. He went to the bee. As usual he sang and danced as the busy bee overworked himself. The bee occasionally brought food and wine which they shared together.
The mantis became ill and could no longer sing and dance. For eight market days he could not leave his house. As soon as he became well again, he started his merry-making.
. "Why not go and do a little work on your farm now that you are well again?" the bee suggested. "Next week, I shall start next week," the mantis replied dismissively. The rainy season came earlier than expected. Everyone was surprised but the insects were not worried since they had been storing grain for use when the rainy season began. But the praying mantis was worried. He had already used up the grain he had when he was ill. He went to the locust to borrow some. "Go to your friend the bee," was the locust's sharp answer. He went to the bee but the latter was not prepared to help. The third week of the rainy season saw the praying mantis kick the bucket.

  1. According to the first paragraph, the insects worked hard; 
    1. when the rains started 
    2. towards the end of the dry season 
    3. during the dry season 
    4. all the time
  2. The animals remained indoors during the rainy season; 
    1. so as to eat what they had stored during the dry season 
    2. to escape the effects of the weather change 
    3. to rest after the hard work 
    4. to continue working from there
  3. "replenishing'as used in the passage means; 
    1. to refill
    2. to rebuild 
    3. to repair
    4. to repaint
  4. Which word is used in the passage to show that the animals worked very hard? 
    1. Preparing 
    2. Toiling 
    3. Period
    4. Worked
  5. The mantis is described as a happy-go-lucky insect. What does this mean? 
    1. Luck followed him everywhere 
    2. He was a jovial insect 
    3. He was an excellent and lucky singer 
    4. He never planned or worried about his future
  6. Which of the following cannot be used to describe the mantis? 
    1. Fun-loving 
    2. Lax
    3. Short-sighted
    4. Industrious
  7. Why wasn't the locust interested in the stories mantis told?
    1. He did not like stories 
    2. He was too busy to be bothered
    3. The stories were not interesting at all
    4. He hated the mantis
  8. Which change of weather is referred to in th third paragraph? 
    1. The impending drought 
    2. The coming cold season
    3. The impending dry season 
    4. The coming rainy season
  9. Why was the mantis no longer happy with his friend the locust? 
    1. The locust refused to listen his stories 
    2. The locust was cruel to him 
    3. The locust urged him to work like everyone else 
    4. The locust was mean and selfish
  10. Which word means the same as 'occasionally as used in the passage without changing the meaning of the sentence? 
    1. Sometimes 
    2. Hardly 
    3. Rarely
    4. Regularly
  11. Why weren't the insects worried when the rains came earlier than usual? 
    1. They would not get wet 
    2. They were hardworking 
    3. They had already prepared their farms 
    4. They had enough food in their barns
  12. Which of the following sayings summarises the moral of the story? 
    1. Every cloud has a silver lining
    2. Hurry hurry has no blessings 
    3. As you make the bed, so you must lie on i 
    4. Once bitten twice shy
  13. The story of praying mantis ends; 
    1. surprisingly 
    2. happily 
    3. tragically 
    4. shockingly

Read the passage below then answer the questions that follow
Driving at a steady speed 30 km per hour with your family comfortably seated in your vehicle, you slow down for the closet inspection of a tawny shape ahead on the road. "What's that daddy?" one of your children asks. It can't be - it is...."Simba!" Everyone says at once.
A male lion is sitting right there, unperturbed, on the dusty murram road. Cameras click and videos whir while you wait patiently in case the sleepy predators yawns revealing fangs three inches long.
A little while later, the children spot giraffe and eland, a serval cat pouncing around in the long grass. Zebras with their art deco markings swish their tails at bothersome flies and stare nonchalantly back at you.
A stunning sunset over the distance hills heralds the end of a perfect afternoon. Think you are on safari, the Maasai Mara or Samburu; perhaps you are. But right here you are not a stone's throw away from the bustling hub of one of Africa's busiest cities - in Nairobi National Park.
Nairobi is the only capital city on the planet with a natural wilderness in its town backyard. A former Kenya Wildlife Service Director , interviewed by Komba magazine in 2003 said, "San Diego spends $120 million a year to recreate something like what Nairobi has naturally. Many other capital cities around the world have wildlife but most of it is caged into the confined and unnatural spaces of a zoo. Nairobi is the envy of the world's capitals from Sydney to Stockholm, Chicago to Santiago. Big cities are very short of recreational areas and green spaces.
Nairobi National Park is a haven for diverse range of wildlife and birdlife inhabiting the gently rolling, acacia dotted savannah plains and African olive forests, rivers, gorges and glades.
Disturbingly, this sanctuary and the pyramid of life it supports is under increasing threat. As the city area expands, there is more and more pressure for land and the needs of people. Wildlife is falling prey to the Acti relentless bush-meat trade and even the park territory itself has not been spared. Plains have been drawn up Goto that cut off a section of the Northern perimeter to make way for the Nairobi Southern bypass.

  1. The family in the first paragraph was;
    1. on an inspection mission 
    2. looking for lions 
    3. on a wildlife tour 
    4. on a joyride
  2. The tawny shape ahead; 
    1. was probably a lioness 
    2. was not easy to distinguish 
    3. could have been a male lion 
    4. was actually a lion
  3. The sight on the murram road; 
    1. excited those in the vehicle 
    2. infuriated the children
    3. disturbed the children's father 
    4. perturbed all those in the vehicle
  4. Why did cameras click? 
    1. Because the lion was unperturbed 
    2. Photos were being taken 
    3. So that the predator could yawn 
    4. To make the predator move off the road
  5. From the second paragraph, we can conclude that; 
    1. the predator yawned 'sleepily 
    2. the predator yawned because it was disturbed 
    3. the predator yawned probably to reveal its fangs 
    4. probably the predator did not yawn
  6. Which animal or animals did the writer find beautiful? 
    1. The serval cat and the eland 
    2. The giraffe and the eland 
    3. The zebras 
    4. The serval cat
  7. Which of the following words can replace nonchalantly without changing its meaning? 
    1. Angrily
    2. Blankly 
    3. Calmly
    4. Carefully
  8. According to the writer, the afternon and sunset were; 
    1. busy
    2. enchanting 
    3. full
    4. rare
  9. Nairobi is described as; 
    1. the busiest city in Africa
    2. among the busiest cities in Africa 
    3. a busy city in Africa 
    4. the busiest city near Nairobi National Park
  10. Why is Nairobi the envy of the world's capitals? 
    1. It is the busiest city in the world 
    2. It is the only city with a natural wilderness in its backyard 
    3. It has a natural haven for wildlife 
    4. Other cities spend a lot of money on their natural parks
  11. Which of the following is not a threat to Nairobi National Park? 
    1. It is teeming with wildlife and birdlife 
    2. People are killing its animals for meat
    3. Its land is being put under human use 
    4. A road has cut across it
  12. Which would be the best title for this passage? 
    1. Nairobi - the busy city 
    2. How Nairobi National Park can be protected ctiv 
    3. Nairobi National Park - its highs and lows 
    4. A drive through Nairobi National Park

Below is the ending of a composition. Complete it and make it as interesting as possible
.......since that day i came to realize that every cloud has a silver lining


  1. B
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. C
  8. B
  9. A
  1. C
  2. A
  3. A
  4. D
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. D
  9. D
  1. C
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. B
  9. B
  1. D
  2. B
  3. D
  4. C
  5. A
  6. D
  7. C
  8. C
  9. C
  10. D
  1. A
  2. B
  3. D
  4. C
  5. C
  6. B
  7. B
  8. B
  9. A
  10. C


  1. What is twenty two million two hundred ar two thousand two hundred and two and two hundredths written in figures?
    1. 20202202.02
    2. 22202202.02
    3. 22202202.2 
    4. 22202022.02
  2. How many groups of tenths in the total valu of digit five in the number 345.69?
    1. 50
    2. 5
    3. 500
    4. 0.5
  3. What is the place value of digit 7 obtained after working out 0.03:40?
    1. Hundredth 
    2. Thousandth 
    3. Tenths
    4. Ten thousandth
  4. Work out;
    3(42 - 32) + 20 ÷ 5 - 2 x 5 + 1 
    1. 16
    2. 27 
    3. 7
    4. 8
  5. During a wedding ceremony children were twice the number of adults. Women were twenty more than men. If the children were 248, how many men attended the wedding? 
    1. 124
    2. 62 
    3. 52
    4. 72
  6. What is the value of; 4/5 + ¼ (½ - 1/5) of 3/÷ ¼ 
    1. 189/400
    2. 73/80
    3. 213/80
    4. 189/40
  7. Round off 5799.9996 to the nearest thousandth 
    1. 5800.000 
    2. 5799.000 
    3. 5799.999
    4. 5800
  8. Eighty one electricity poles were used to supply electricity between two towns at an interval of 50 m. Find the distance from the firs to the last pole in km 
    1. 4.1 km
    2. 4100 km
    3. 40 km
    4. 4 km
  9. Calculate the area of the shaded part.
    1. 56 cm2
    2. 120 cm2
    3. 184 cm2
    4. 64 cm2
  10. What is the sum of the next two numbers in the pattern; 5, 9, 18, 34, 59, 
    1. 176
    2. 239
    3. 144
    4. 154
  11. Sheila spends ¼ of her salary on rent 1/3 on food and 2/3 of the remainder on school. If she saves the rest, what fraction of the salary is her savings?
    1. 5/18
    2. 2/5
    3. 13/18
    4. 5/36
  12. A section of a road 17.5 km is represented by a line 3.5 cm on the map. Find the scale on the map. 
    1. 1:500000
    2. 1:5 
    3. 1:50000
    4. 1:5000
  13. Simplify: ¼ of 2r2 - wp
                      tw - wp
    if r=p+2, t=5, p=4, w-p-2 
    1. 10
    2. 3.6
    3. 5
    4. 28
  14. Find the measure of the obtuse angle QRS in the figure below.
    1. 197º
    2. 163º
    3. 207º
    4. 183º
  15. The fare from Meru to Nairobi was increased from sh 600 to sh 800 during the christmas holiday. What was the ratio increase? 
    1. 3:4
    2. 30:4
    3. 40:3
    4. 4:3
  16. A wheel made 2000 revolutions and covered a distance of 3.52 km. Calculate the radius of the wheel 
    1. 56 cm
    2. 42 cm
    3. 28 cm
    4. 21 cm
  17. Which statement is true? 
    1. 0.8 = 8/9
    2. 8/9>0.8
    3. 0.8>8/9
    4. 8/9<0.8
  18. In Butengi Primary School the ratio of girls to boys is 5:3. There are 180 less boys than girls. How many pupils are in the school? 
    1. 450
    2. 600
    3. 720
    4. 800
  19. A watch gains 12 seconds every hour. It was set right on Monday at 2.00 pm. What time did it show after 10 hours? 
    1. 12.02 am
    2. 11.58 pm 
    3. 12.02 pm
    4. 4.00 pm
  20. The height of the tank below is 1.2 m. It has water upto a depth of 70 cm. How many litres are needed to fill the tank?
    1. 144 L
    2. 6L
    3. 84 L
    4. 60 L
  21. Simplify;
    4(3y + 4x) - 3(2y + 3x)
    1. 6y + 25x
    2. 6y + 7x
    3. 18y + 25x
    4. 6y - 7x
  22. A trader bought 200 cabbages for sh 10 per cabbage. He used sh 240 for lunch and transport. On the way 20 cabbages were spoilt and he sold the rest at sh 18 per cabbage. Calculate his profit. 
    1. sh 1000
    2. sh 5240
    3. sh 2240
    4. sh 1240
  23. David earns sh 25500 after working for 30 days. How much less will he earn if he is absent for 6 days?
    1. sh 30600
    2. sh 20400
    3. sh 5100
    4. sh 6200
  24. The figure below shows a table mat made of cotton material.
    Calculate the area of material used to make it? 
    1. 342 cm2
    2. 1162 cm2
    3. 1540 cm2
    4. 770 cm2
  25. Which of the following measurements will form a right angled triangle?
    1. 5m, 1.2m, 1.3m
    2. 0.3m, 0.4m, 5m
    3. 1.2m, 1.6m, 2.5m
    4. 1m, 2.4m, 2.6m
  26. By selling a jacket for sh , Dan gave the customer a 10% discount. How much more would the customer have paid if the discount was 7%?
    1. sh 45
    2. sh 1500
    3. sh 105
    4. sh 1395
  27. Convert 12 % into a ratio
    1. 1:8
    2. 1:80
    3. 1:4
    4. 1:40
  28. Calculate the volume of the solid below in cubic centimetres. (x = 22/7)
    1. 4620
    2. 1234
    3. 2310
    4. 420
  29. Solve for m in the equation; m/2m+1/4 = 4
    1. 8
    2. 51/3
    3. 5
  30. Oloo deposited sh 30000 in a bank that paid simple interest at the rate of 5% per month. How much interest was in his account at the end of 1 year and 2 months? 
    1. sh 21000 
    2. sh 51000 
    3. sh 1750
    4. sh 31750
  31. Monica is twice as old as her daughter. The daughter is 5 years older than the brother. In five years time the sum of their ages will be 90. If the brother is n years old, how old is the mother now?
    1. 25
    2. 65
    3. 45
    4. 40
  32. Work out; 4.5 x 2.4 ÷ 0.8 - 2.7
                           0.35 +0.55 
    1. 1.2
    2. 12
    3. 120
    4. 24
  33. The hire purchase price of a fridge is 20% more than the cash price. The cash price is sh 20000. Henry bought it by paying a deposit of sh 8000 and the rest in instalments of sh 800 per month. For how long did he pay for the fridge?
    1. 15 months . 
    2. 14 years
    3. 1 years
    4. 16 months
  34. Thirty men can clear a piece of land in 20 days. How much longer would it take to clear the land if six men failed to turn up? 
    1. 25
    2. 10
    3. 5
    4. 8
  35. In the figure below PQ and RS are parallel lines.
    Find the measure of angle EFD. 
    1. 72º
    2. 122º
    3. 108º
    4. 100º
  36. A driver was to cover a 350 km journey driving at a speed of 70km/hr. He started at 0830 hours, expecting to arrive on time. However, he had to stop after driving for two hours to refuel and take lunch which took 30 minutes. At what speed must he drive to arrive at the expected time?
    1. 84km/h
    2. 105 km/h
    3. 100 km/h
    4. 70 km/h
  37. A piece of land measures 100 m by 50m. It is fenced using 5 strands of wire leaving a distance 10 metres for the gate. Calculate the length of wire used. 
    1. 300 m
    2. 5000 m
    3. 1500 m
    4. 1450 m
  38. Calculate the area of the rhombus. The diagonal line LM is 60 m.
    1. 2400 m2
    2. 3000 m2
    3. 1200 m2
    4. 6000 m2
  39. A bus arrived in Nairobi at 4.40 am on Monday after travelling for 8h 30 minutes from Mombasa. On which day and time had the bus left Mombasa? 
    1. Sunday, 8.10 am 
    2. Sunday, 8.10 pm 
    3. Monday, 8.10 am 
    4. Monday, 8.30 pm
  40. Kamau bought the following items from a shop;
    3½kg of rice @sh120
    1½kg of meat @sh 240
    2 loaves of bread @sh 50
    2-2kg packets of unga @ sh 110
    What balance did he get if he paid for the items using 3-sh 500 notes? 
    1. sh 1100
    2. sh 1210
    3. sh 290
    4. sh 400
  41. Construct triangle PQR where line PQ = 9cm, QR-12 cm and angle PQR is a right angle. Draw a circle touching the sides of the triangle. Measure hthe radius.
    1. 3 cm
    2. 3.5 cm
    3. 6 cm
    4. 7 cm
  42. The diagonal of a rectangular piece of land is 50m. On of its shorter sides is 14m. Calculate its perimeter.
    1. 48 m
    2. 124 m
    3. 62 m
    4. 672 m
  43. Calculate the surface area of the closed cylindrical tank below.
    1. 11.88 m2
    2. 10.34 m2
    3. 3.08 m2
    4. 1188 m2
  44. A salesman is paid a basic salary of 5% on value of goods sold up to sh 120000. He is also paid a commission of 2% on goods sold above 120000. Calculate his total salary during a month in which he sold goods worth sh 300000? 
    1. sh 6000
    2. sh 7500
    3. sh 10500
    4. sh 13500
  45. The following are characteristics of a quadrilateral;
    1. Diagonals are not equal
    2. Some angles are equal
    3. Interiror angles add up to four right angles
    4. All sides are equal.
      The quadrilaterial described above is a;
      1. Rhombus
      2. Rectangle
      3. Parallelogram
      4. Square
  46. The mean of 6 numbers is 7.5. Five of the numbers are 10, 7, 8, 9 and 3. Find the sum of median and mode. 
    1. 8
    2. 17
    3. 15.5
    4. 16
  47. A tank has water to a level of 2000 cm. A family uses 20% of the water daily. Find the level of water at the end of the second day?
    1. 1200
    2. 1600
    3. 1280
    4. 1400
  48. The table below show the marks scored by a pupil during a test.
    SCORE 88 84 68 90 70
    If a pic chart was to be drawn, what angle would represent Kiswahili? 
    1. 79,2
    2. 63
    3. 81
    4. 61.2
  49. What is the difference of the LCM of 12 and 8 and the GCD of 22 and 66? 
    1. 46
    2. 13
    3. 528
      The graph below shows the number of trays of eggs sold by a farmer during the week.
  50. If a tray holds 30 eggs, on which day did the farmer collect 1050 eggs?
    1. Monday
    2. Wednesday
    3. Friday
    4. Thursday


  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. C
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. B
  10. B
  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. C
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. D
  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. D
  1. D
  2. B
  3. C
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. D
  8. A
  9. B
  10. D
  1. A
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. D
  7. C
  8. D
  9. B
  10. D


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